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• 煮boiled
• 焖braised
• 白灼scalding
• 捣烂mashed
• 剁碎minced
• 烘烤toasted, baked
• 红烧braised with soy sauce (in brown sauce) • 麻辣spicy and hot • 磨碎ground
• 切丁(块)diced/cubed
Beijing roast duck
Sauté chicken cubes with peanuts ed Gongbao chicken cubes Diced chicken with chili and peanuts
• 五香spiced, seasoned
after way of cutting and way of cooking:
Formula 1 : 烹法+主料(形状)
软炸里脊 soft-fried pork fillet 烤乳猪:roast suckling pig 炒鳝片 Stir-fried eel slices
蒸Steamed 花生蒸肉 Steamed Pork with Peanut 清蒸甲鱼 粉蒸牛肉 Steamed Turtle in Clear soup Steamed Beef in Rice Flour
炒Stir-fried 炒鸭肝 Stir-fried duck Liver 炒腰花 Fried Pork kidney
• 切柳filleted
• 切片sliced
• 切丝shredded
• 去壳shelled • 去骨boned • 去皮peeled • 烧烤roast(ed), barbecued
• 什锦mixed, assorted • 糖醋sweet and sour
• 铁扒broiled, grilled,
ⅡNaming after principal ingredients, subsidiary or auxiliary ingredients :
Formula 1: 主料(形状)+(WITH)辅料 杏仁鸡丁:chicken cubes with almond 牛肉豆腐:beef with bean curd
Formula 2: 烹法+主料(形状) +(with)辅料
Braised chicken fillet with tender ginger
Formula 3: 烹法+主料(形状) +(with, in )汁
红烧牛肉:braised beef with brown sauce Fried shredded pork with sweet 鱼香肉丝: and sour sauce 清炖猪蹄: Stewed pig hoof in clean soup
菜肴的主要成分 + with + 口味 + flavor
①醋溜土豆:主要成分是土豆,口味偏 酸, 因此译文是 potato with vinegar flavor ②糖醋里脊:主要成分是猪肉,口味偏甜,因 此译文是 pork with sugar vinegar flavor ③盐爆肉丝:主要成分是猪肉,口味偏咸,因 此译文是 pork with salt flavor ④鱼香肉丝:主要成分是猪肉,口味偏辣,因 此译文是 pork with chili flavor
Scrambled egg with tomato
Formula 2: 主料(形状)+(with in )味汁
芥末鸭掌:duck webs with mustard sauce 葱油鸡:chicken in scallion oil 米酒鱼卷 Fish rolls with rice wine
炸deep—fried 炸童子鸡Deep-fried spring Chicken 炸羊肉串 Deep-fried Lamb Shashlik
• 煲stewed
• 煨simmered • 熏smoked • 腌pickled, preserved,
• 爆quick-fried
• 炖stewed • 烩stewed • 煎fried, pan fried • 卤marinated
On Translating Chinese dishes --中式菜名英译赏鉴
Cuisine as a cultural vehicle. Cuisine as a communication
means. Translating dishes as a necessary job for a translator or an interpreter engaged in foreign businesses.
ⅢNaming after tastes
Formula 1: 口感(形状)+主料+(with)辅料
芝麻酥鸡:wk.baidu.comrisp chicken with sesame
Sliced chicken with seasonal 时蔬鸡片: vegetables (greens)
Formula 2: 口感+烹法+主料 香酥排骨:crisp fried spareribs 水煮嫩鱼: Tender stewed fish Formula 3: 口感(形状)+主料+(with) 味汁 茄汁鱼片:sliced fish with tomato sauce 黄酒脆皮虾仁 Crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce
叫花鸡:beggar’s chicken ( roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves and mud, firstly made by a beggar)
Formula 2 : 人名(地名)+烹法+主料
东坡煨肘:DongPo stewed pork joint
Naming after originators’ names, original places Formula 1 : 人名(地名)+主料
麻婆豆腐:Ma Po bean curd (bean curd in hot sauce firstly made by MaPo, a Chinese woman in Sichuan Province