当前位置:文档之家› 英语日常交流的常见问句




语言是文化的载体。一旦会用另一种语言提问了,那就意味着你掌握了打开另一扇文化之门的钥匙。英语中基本的疑问词不外乎what, where, when, who, which, why和how这么几个,下面这七十个句子,足以让你得到你最想要的。


time is it(几点了) 2 . What are you doing(你在干什么)

did you say(你说什么) 5. What do you think(你认为怎样)

do you recommend(你有何推荐的)

are you looking for(你在找什么)

is this for(这是用来做什么的)

would you like to drink(你想喝什么)

do you call this in English(这用英语怎么说)

school do you go to(你在哪所学校就读)


1.Where are you from(你从哪里来)

2. Where is your company(你们公司在哪

3. Where is the restroom(洗手间在哪)

4. Where are you headed(你去哪里)

5. Where should I pay(我该在哪里交钱)

6. Where did you buy it(你在哪买的)

7. Where did you learn English(你在哪学的英语)

8. Where do you work(您在哪里高就)

9. Where would you like to go(你想去哪里)10. Where have you been(你去哪了)


1.When did you come here(你何时到的)

2. When does the meeting start(会议何时开始)

3. When will you finish your work(你何时做完)

4. When is this due(什么时候到期)

5. When will the flight arrive(飞机何时到港)

6. When are you free(你什么时候有空)

7. When is your birthday(你的生日是何时)


8. When is he coming back(他什么时候回来)

9. When does the store open(商店什么时候开门)

10. When can I see you again(我何时可以再见到你)


1. Who did that(那是谁干的)is she(她是谁)

’s calling(您是哪一位)do you think you are(你以为你是谁)

will take over his job(谁来接管他的工作)

does this belong to(这是谁的)

told you that(谁告诉你的)asked you(谁问你了)

are you looking for(你在找谁)

do you think you are talking to(你以为你在跟谁说话)

五:关于Which 口语中最常用的问题:

1.Which is yours(哪一个是你的)

2.Which hotel are you staying in(您在哪个宾馆下榻)

3.Which is better(哪一个更好一点)

4.Which city do you like best(你最喜欢哪个城市)

5.Which one should I buy(我该买哪一个)

6.Which train should I take(我该坐哪趟火车)

7.Which department do you work for(你在哪个部门工作)


9.Which restaurant do you recommend(你推荐哪个饭店)

10.Which number should I call(我该打哪个电话)

11.Which newspaper do you read(你读哪家报纸)

六:关于Why 口语中最常用的问题:

1. Why is that(那是怎么回事)

2. Why not(为什么不呢)

3. Why did you say that(你为什么那么说)

4. Why would you quit your job(你为何要辞职)

5. Why did you come to China(你为要到中国来)

6. Why do you study English(你为何要学英语)

7. Why are you so happy(你怎么这么高兴)8. Why are you late(你为什么晚了)

9. Why do you ask(你问这个干什么)

10. Why can’t you come(你为什么来不了)

七:关于how 口语中最常用的问题:

1. How are you(你好吗)

2. How can I help you(我能帮你什么忙吗)

3. How much is it(这个多少钱)

4. How long have you been in China(你来中国多久了)

5. How about having dinner with me(跟我一起吃晚饭好吗)

6. How do you like it(你喜欢吗)


7. How are you feeling(你感觉怎么样)

8. How many children do you have(你有几个孩子)

9. How was the meeting(会议开得怎么样)

10. How’s business(生意怎么样)



口语最重要的超级句型The most important sentence patterns

第一:表示想要做某事的超级句型:I want…

1. I want to speak English. 我想学说英语。


2. I want to buy something/do some shopping.我想去买点东西。

3. I want something to eat.我想吃点东西。

第二:表示请求的超级句型:Can you…

1. Can you help me你能帮助我吗

2. Can you show me around你能带我走走吗

3. Can you e-mail the report to me你能不能用电子邮件把报告传给我

第三:表示需要的超级句型:I need…

1. I need your help.我需要你的帮助。

2. I need more time.我需要一点时间。

3. I need to see you for a minute.我想见见你。

4. 表示请求允许的超级句型:Let me…

1. Let me help you.让我来帮你。

2. Let me introduce myself.让我来做自己介绍。

3. Let me see it.让我看一下。

第四:表示自己意愿的超级句型:I hope…

1. I hope so.我希望如此。

2. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.我希望你在这里过得愉快。

3. I hope you can forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。

第五:表示不得不做某事的超级句型:Have to…

1. I have to work hard everyday.我不得不每天努力工作。

2. I have to check my schedule.我必须查一下我的行程表。

3. I have to finish my report today.我今天必须写完报告。

第六:表示主观感觉的超级句型:It sounds…

1. It sounds good to me.听起来不错。

2. It sounds like a good idea.像是个好主意。

3. It sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。

第七:表示“征求某人意见、看法”的超级句型:How about…

1. How about you你呢

2. How about your plan你有何计划

3. How about taking a walk出去散散步怎么样

第八:表示询问种类、形式的超级句型:What kind of …

1. What kind of food do you like best你最喜欢吃什么

2. What kind of work do you do你从事什么工作

3. What kind of sports do you play你会什么运动项目

第九:问意见的超级句型:What do you think of…

1. What do you think of Chinese food你喜欢中国菜吗

2. What do you think of his proposal你觉得他的提议怎么样

3. What do you think of my new hairstyle 你觉得我的新发型如何第十:打算做某事的超级句型:I’m thinking about…

1. I’m thinking about going abroad.我打算出国。


2. I’m thinking about changing my job.我打算换个工作。

3. I’m thinking about what you said.我在考虑你说的话。

第十一:表示道歉的超级句型:I’m sorry (that)…对不起……

1. I’m sorry I can’t come. 对不起,我来不了了。

2. I’m sorry I can’t help you. 对不起,我帮不了你。

3. I’m sorry I overslept. 对不起,我睡过头了。

第十二:表示需求对方一致意见的超级句型:Isn’t it…难道不是……吗1.Isn’t it a lovely place 这难道不是一个好地方吗

2.Isn’t it pleasant weather 这难道不是个好天气吗

3.Isn’t it a coincidence 这难道不是一个巧合吗

第十三:表示委婉的拒绝或回答的超级句型:I’m afraid…恐怕……

1 I’m afraid you’re wrong. 恐怕是你错了。

2 I’m afraid I can’t do this for you. 恐怕我帮不了你。

3. I’m afraid there’s no hope. 恐怕没希望了。

4. I’m afraid I can’t do this for you. 恐怕我帮不了你。

第十四:表示建议某人不要做某事的超级句型:Don’t …不要……


1 Don’t mention it. 别客气。/别提了。

2 Don’t trick me. 别骗我。/别捉弄我。

3 Don’t waste my time. 不要浪费我的时间。

4 Don’t get me wrong. 不要误解我。

5 Don’t miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。

6 Don’t take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。/不要冒险。

第十五:我可以做什么的超级句型:May I …我可以……吗

1. May I come in 我可以进来吗

2. May I use your bathroom 我可以用一下你的洗手间吗


3. May I ask you a question 我能问你一个问题吗

4. May I ask you something 我可以问你一件事吗



第十六:建议某人做某事的超级句型:Why don’t you…为何不……呢

1. Why don’t you try 为何不试一试呢

2. Why don’t you do as I do 为何不学着我做呢

3. Why don’t you listen to me 为何不听我说呢

4. Why don’t you learn Chinese 为何不学中文呢


5. Why don’t you cooperate with me 为何不跟我合作呢

6. Why don’t you work with me 为何不跟我一起工作呢

7. Why don’t you join the English club 为何不参加英语俱乐部呢

第十七:向某人需求建议的超级句型:Why don’t you…为何不……呢

超级句型:How can I…我怎么能够……

1. How can I do this 我怎么能做这个呢

2. How can I afford it 我怎么能够负担得起呢

3. How can I forget it 我怎么能够忘记呢

4. How can I accept it 我怎么能够接受呢

5. How can I marry him 我怎么能够嫁给他呢

第十八:提醒某人做某事情的超级句型:Don’t forget to do sth. 不要忘了做某事

1. Don’t forget to tell him. 别忘了告诉他。

2. Don’t forget to take your ID card. 别忘了带身份证。

3. Don’t forget to give me a call when you arrive. 到了时别忘了给我打电话。

第十九:表达两件事物比较更喜欢某物的超级句型::Don’t forget to do sth. 不要忘了做某事

超级句型:I prefer sth. to sth. 比起……,我更喜欢……

1. I prefer tea to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。


2. I prefer swimming to running. 与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。

3. I prefer winter to summer. 比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。

第二十:向某人承诺的超级句型:超级句型:I promise…我保证……

1. I promise I won’t do anything stupid. 我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。

2. I promise I’ll never lie again. 我保证不再说谎。

3. I promise to pay you back. 我保证还你钱。

第二十一:表达不能支付某物的超级句型:I can’t afford to do sth. 我没钱做某事。

1. I can’t afford to live in a big city. 我没钱住大城市。

2. I can’t afford to travel abroad. 我没钱出国旅游。

3. I can’t afford to buy a house. 我买不起房子。

第二十二:表达非常想做某事情的超级句型:I’m dying to do sth. 我非常想……/我渴望……

1. I’m dying to hear your news. 我渴望听到你的消息。

2. I’m dying to speak good English. 我渴望说一口流利的英语。

3. I’m dying to take a vacation. 我渴望去度假。


How long have you been doing sth. 你做某事多久了

1. How long have you been working here 你在这里工作多久了

2. How long have you been staying in China 你在中国呆了多久了

3. How long have you been waiting 你等了多久了

第二十四:表达更确认某事或某人想法的超级句型:Are you sure (that)…你确定……吗

1. Are you sure you know how to get there 你真的知道怎样去那里吗

2. Are you sure you can manage it yourself 你确定你自己能行吗

3. Are you sure you really love her 你确定自己真的爱她吗


第二十五:表达某人对某事或某人是否了解的超级句型:Do you know …你知道……吗

1. Do you know who she is 你知道她是谁吗

2. Do you know what to do 你知道怎么做吗

3. Do you know his background 你知道他的背景吗

4. Do you know anything about America 你了解美国的情况吗

5. Do you know how old he is 你知道他多大了吗

第二十六:表达让对方说某事的超级句型:Tell me about …给我讲讲……

1. Tell me about your country. 跟我谈谈你的国家吧!

2. Tell me about your experience as a CEO. 跟我讲讲你做首席执行官的经历。

3. Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English.


4. Tell me about your trip to China. 给我讲讲你的中国之旅。

5. Tell me about your business. 给我谈谈你的生意。

第二十七:表达让对方帮助的超级句型:Can you help me with sth. 你能帮我做……吗

1. Can you help me with my homework 你能帮我做家庭作业吗

2. Can you help me with my bags, please 你能帮我提袋子吗

3. Can you help me with the directions 你能帮我读一下这些说明书吗

4. Can you help me with sth. 你能帮我一个忙吗


5. Can you help me with a problem 你能帮我解决一个问题吗

第二十八:表达自己对某人某物的超级句型:In my opinion, …在我看来,……

1 In my opinion, she is a very capable woman. 在我看来,她是一个很有能力的女人。

2 In my opinion, we should be more careful.在我看来,我们应该更仔细一些。

3 In my opinion, English is easy. 在我看来,英语很简单。

4 In my opinion, he is an excellent teacher. 在我看来,他是个很棒的老师。

第二十九:寻求对方对某事或某人的超级句型:Are you satisfied with sth. 你对……满意吗

1. Are you satisfied with your new job 你对你的新工作满意吗

2. Are you satisfied with your marriage 你对你的婚姻满意吗

3. Are you satisfied with your progress in English 对你英语的进步满意吗

4. Are you satisfied with the results 你对结果满意吗

5. Are you satisfied with your life 你对你的生活满意吗

第三十:寻求对方是否愿意做某事的超级句型:Would you like to do sth 你愿意做某事吗

1. Would you like to get together this weekend 你愿意这个周末聚一聚吗

2. Would you like to see a movie tonight 你愿意今晚去看电影吗

3. Would you like to try some Beijing duck 你要不要尝尝北京烤鸭

4. Would you like to know how to improve your English 想知道如何改进你的英语吗


5. Would you like to meet my family 你想见见我的家人吗

第三十一:询问对方是否需要某帮助的超级句型:Would you like some…要不要来点……

1. Would you like some water 要不要来点水

2. Would you like some more time 要不要多一点时间

3. Would you like some advice 你需要建议吗

4. Would you like some help 你需要帮助吗

5. Would you like something to drink 要不要来点喝的

第三十二:表达对某事或某人感到厌倦的超级句型:I’m tired of …我讨厌……


1. I’m tired of studying all the time. 我讨厌总是在学习。

2. I’m tired of your excuses. 我讨厌你的借口。

3. I’m tired of doing the same thing all the time. 我讨厌一直在做同样的事情。

4. I’m tired of looking at your face. 我讨厌看到你的脸。

5. I’m tired of her complaining. 我讨厌她总是抱怨。



“Hello, 大家好!我是一般疑问句,我的天性是爱发问。我最爱做的事是询问某种情况是否属实,您不对我做出肯定或否定回答我是不会罢休的。您也可用肢体语言来打发我,比如点头或则摇头。所以我有一对好朋友,猜猜是什么对了,YES 和NO!”




be + 主语+ 其它部分

情态动词+ 主语+ 动词原形+ 其它部分


Eg1. 问句:Is this your English book

肯答:Yes,it is.

否答:No,it isn`t.

Eg2. 问句:Are these your English books

肯答:Yes,they are.


否答:No,they aren’t.

Eg3. 问句:Can you speak English

肯答:Yes,I can.

否答:No,I can’t.



助动词+ 主语+ 动词原形+ 其它

肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+ do\does.”,否定回答用“No, 主语+don\does not.”。助动词也常用缩写形式,主要有don’t,doesn’t,didn’t等。

Eg4. 问句:Do your parents like English

肯答:Yes,they do.

否答:No,they don’t.


正如前面所述,回答一般疑问句时有肯定回答和否定回答两种方式,肯定回答以Yes起句,否定回答用No开头。但对一般疑问句的回答也不是一成不变的。肯定回答还可以用OK./Certainly.等;否定回答可用Sorry./Sorry,I can`t.等。

Eg5. 问句:Can you speak English

肯答:Certainly \ Of course.

否答:Sorry, I can’t.








二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I\my \mines\we\our\ours等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称you\your\ yours等;


Eg6. I am an English teacher. →Are you an English teacher

Eg7. We can speak English fluently. →Can you speak English fluently






Eg8. We read English every morning. →Do you read English every morning

Eg9. Tom’s father listens to English on the radio every evening. →

Does Tom’s father listen to English on the radio every evening



“肯变一,并不难,can 或be提在前;

谓语若为行为动,do 或does句首用。”




Eg10. Is there any tea in the cup

Eg11. Do you have any children

Eg12. May I have some fish

Eg13. Would you like some tea

Eg14. Shall we buy some vegetables

Eg15. Can I borrow some money from you

Eg16. Why not have some bread

Eg17. How about some orange juice


【句型一】Be + 主语+ …

Are these books on the desk 这些书在桌子上吗

Is your mother at home 你妈妈在家吗

Was he here a moment ago 他刚才在这儿吗

【用法说明】在含有连系动词be的将来时(shall / will + be) 或完成时态(have / has + been) 的句子,改为一般疑问句时,只需将shall / will 或have / has提到句首。如:Will they be at home tonight 他们今晚在家吗

Has he been to New York 他去过纽约吗

【句型二】Do / Does / Did + 主语+ 谓语+…

Do you like English 你喜欢英语吗


Did he pass the exam 他通过了这次考试吗

Does she have a computer 她有一台电脑吗

【用法说明】助动词do 要随人称和时态而变化。在一般现在时中,除第三人称单数用does 外,其他人称用do。而在一般过去时中,任何人称都用did。同时,还应注意把原陈述句的行为动词改为动词原形。

【句型三】情态动词+ 主语+ 谓语+…

Must I finish my homework now 我必须现在完成我的家庭作业吗

Dare you swim in the lake 你敢在这个湖里游泳吗

May I come in 我可以进来吗

【用法说明】有的情态动词(如need, dare) 既可作情态动词,也可作行为动词,因此它们的一般疑问句有两种形式。如:

Need you go so soon 你非得这么快就走吗(情态动词)

Do you need to go so soon 你非得这么快就走吗(行为动词)


【句型四】Have / Has + 主语+ 过去分词+…

Have you heard from him 你收到他的来信吗

Has he finished his homework 他完成了家庭作业吗

【用法说明】本句型是现在完成时的一般疑问句句型。have / has 在此作助动词,没有实际意义。另外,在美国英语中,无论have 表示“有”或用作行为动词,其一般疑问句都要借助于助动词do 的适当形式。而在英国英语中,只有当have 作行为动词时,其一般疑问句才要作助动词do 的适当形式。如

Has she got a computer 她有一台电脑吗(英国英语)

Does she have a computer 她有一台电脑吗(美国英语)

Did you have a pleasant time 你过得快乐吗




以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where how why等。可先分为3种: 疑问代词:what,who,which,whose,whom 疑问副词:when,where,why,how 疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词



如:who is singing in the room﹖whose bike is broken﹖

2.如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句语序如:what class are you in﹖What does she look like﹖Where are you from﹖What time does he get up every morning﹖How do you know﹖



1.回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes /no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。如:Who is from Canada﹖Helen (is).Where's the restaurant﹖Near the station.Why do you like koalas﹖Because they are cute.



Who谁——Whose谁的Why为什么When什么时候Where在哪里Which哪一个What什么( What time什么时间What colour什么颜色)How怎么样(How m any 多少{数量} How much多少钱{价格},多少(对不可数名词进行提问)How long 多长How often多少次How big多大How heavy多重{重量}How far多远{路程}选择疑问句




例如:Would you like a gin,or a whisky,or a `beer 你是要喝杜松子酒,还是威士忌酒,还是啤酒这种语调上的特征往往是区别选择疑问句和一般疑问句的重要标志。

试比较:Shall we leave at six or `seven我们是 6 点动身还是7点动身Shall we leave at six or seven我们在6,7点钟动身好吗


We shall leave at six/seven.我们将在6点/7点动身。


Yes,we shall leave at six or seven.是的,我们将在6,7点钟动身。No.We must leave earlier.不。我们必须早点动身。


例如:Which vase shall I use, the short one or the tall one The tall one. 在选择疑问句中的冠词用法。Is she a housewife or a nurse(她是一个家庭主妇还是护士)

其中,or后的不定冠词a/an 不能省略。



反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question) 即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。



2.陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式可记为前否后肯They work hard, don’t they 主语




当陈述部分的主语是( 1 )用one 时,后面的疑问句可用one/he.

(2)everything,anything,nothing,something时,附加疑问句中主语用it 不用they



everyone,everybody,someone,somebody等,附加疑问句中主语一般用he/they. (5)不定式,动名词,其他短语,附加疑问句中主语一般用it。

(6)在there be句型中,附加疑问句中主语一般用be/情态动词/助动词+there。



否定意义的词(1)当陈述部分有never,seldom, hardly,few,little,barely, scarcely, nothing 等否定意义的词时,后面的反意疑问句则为肯定形式:There are few apples in the basket, are there He can hardly swim, can he They seldom come late, do they (2)当陈述部分含有否定意思的词是unhappy,dislike,unfriendly等含有否定词缀的派生词,也就是有un-前缀、-less后缀等含有词缀而意思否定的词,当做肯定句处理,疑问部分要用否定形式。如:He looks unhappy,doesn'the他看上去不高兴,不是吗The girl dislikes history,doesn't she这女孩不喜欢历史,不是吗有less,fewer等词视为肯定词,疑问部分用否定形式。如:There will be less pollution, won't there


含有think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后接宾语从句构成的主从复合句在构成反意疑问句时,视情况不同有两种不同的构成方式。(1.)当主句的主语为第一人称时,其后的简短问句应与从句相一致。例如:I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend, won't she/he We suppose you have finished the project, haven't you 值得注意的是,当这些动词后接的宾语从句的否定转移到主句时,其仍属否定句,故其后的简短问句应用肯定式,而非否定式。例如:I don'tbelieve that he can translate this book, can he Wedon'timagine the twins have arrived, have they 此类句子的回答同"前否后肯"型反意疑问句一样,如上述后一个句子,若双胞胎已经到了,则回答为"Yes, they have.";若尚未到达,使用"No, they haven't."。(2).当主句的主语为第二、三人称时,其后的简短问句则应与主句相一致(此时,否定只看主句,与从句无关...)。例如:Your sister supposes she needs no help, doesn't she You thought they could have completed the project, didn't you They don't believe she's an engineer, do they She doesn't expect that we are coming so soon, does she (3)但如果主句的时态是过去时等等,疑问句应和主句的人称时态保持一致。

had better或have

陈述部分有had better,或其中的have表示完成时态时,疑问句应用hadn’t等开头:You’d better get up early, hadn’t you 其他情况句中有have时疑问句应用don't等开头如have表示“有”的时候,有两种形式:-He has two sisters,doesn't he -He doesn't have any sisters,doeshe


当陈述部分是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达,分三种情况:1)一般情况下用will you 或won't you。. Give me a hand,will you Leave all the things as they are,won't you 2)以Let's开头的祈使句,疑问句用shall we;以Let us或Let me开头的祈使句,问句用will you。. Let's go out for a walk, shall we Let us go out for a walk, will you Let me help you,will you 3)当陈述句是否定的祈使句时,问句可用will you 或can you 。. Don't make much noise,will/can you

There be句型

There be 句型中,反义疑问部分必须为be 动词+ there

There are some apples in the basket, aren't there There isn't any milk left, is there must

.当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况:(1)mustn't表示“禁止,不可,不必”时,附加问句通常要用must. You mustn't stop your car here,must you 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗(2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用needn't. They must finish the work today,needn't they 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗(3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。He must be good at English,isn't he 他英语一定学得很好,是吗(4)当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn't+主语”或“wasn't/weren't+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“haven't/hasn't+主语”。She must have read the novel last week,didn't she 她上星期一定读了这本小说,是吗You must have told her about it,haven't you 你一定把这事告诉她了,是吗


反意疑问句的回答用yes,no,但是,回答翻译相反,回答要按事实。如:They don’t work hard, do they 他们不太努力工作,是吗Yes, they do. 不,他们工作努力。/No, they don't. 对,他们工作不努力



当陈述部分为否定式,反意疑问句为肯定式时,其回答往往与汉语不一致,需特别引起注意:"It isn’t cheap, is it" "Yes, it is." “它不便宜吧”“不,很便宜。”"He doesn’t love her, does he" "No, he doesn’t."“他不爱她,是吗”“是的,他不爱她。”此时,"Yes"即不,对前面"It isn't cheap."的否定。


当陈述部分为肯定式,反义疑问句为否定式时,其回答一般不会造成困难,一般只需照情况回答即可:"It’s new, isn’t it" "Yes, it is." “是新的,对吗”“对,是新的。”"He wants to go, doesn’t he" "No, he doesn’t." “他想去,对吗”“不,他不想去。”此时,"Yes"即是,对前面"It's new."的肯定。


回答反意疑问句通常应根据实际情况来确定,如有人问你You are asleep, aren’t you 你应回答No, I’m not. 因为既然你能回答,肯定你还没有asleep。但如果别人问你You aren’t asleep, are you(你还没有睡着,对吗),你也只能回答No, I’m not.(是的,还没有睡着),而不能回答为Yes, I’m not. 也不能回答成Yes, I am. “It is a beautiful flower,isn't it”“It isn't a beautiful flower,is it”上述两句句子的回答肯定均为“Yes,it is."否定为“No,it isn't." 由上述例子可知,反义疑问句回答与句子本身所包含的中文肯定与否的含义并无太大关联,只需注意事实,肯定即用yes,否定用no,无需考虑句子原本是前否后肯或是前肯后否。




I aren't I/are I


f ew, seldom, hardly, r arely,



ought to(肯定的)shouldn't/ oughtn't +主语

don't +主语(didn't +主语)

have to+v.(had to+v.)

used to didn't +主语或usedn't +主语

had better + v.hadn't you

would rather + v.!

wouldn't +主语

you'd like to + v.wouldn't +主语


感叹句be +主语


e verything,that,

n othing,this





根据主句的谓语而定think,believe,expect, s uppose



,nobody,no one

复数they, 单数he

情态动词dare或need need/needn't (dare/daren't ) +主语

dare, need 为实义动词do/don't +主语省去主语的祈使句will/won't you Let's 开头的祈使句Shall we

Let us 开头的祈使句Will you

there be 相应的谓语动词+there(省略主语代词)



英语日常交际用语大全 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- 很好完成了和对你的祝贺。 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - 非常的。 - Thanks very much. 2.- 我希望你意志成功在每件事物中。 2.- I hope you'll succeed in everything. - 我也是。 - So do I. 3.- 我希望你成功。 3.- I wish you success. - 你。 - Thank you. 4.- 我们向你问好希望。 4.- We send you our best wishes. - 非常你。 - Thank you very much. 5.- 新年快乐! 5.- Happy new year ! - 新年快乐! (对你的一样.) - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- 一圣诞快乐对你。 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - 你。 - Thank you. 7.- 我希望你将会有善行时间。 7.- I hope you'll have a good time. - 你。 - Thank you. 8.- 生日快乐! 8.- Happy birthday! - 你。 - Thank you. 二, 邀請和应答(邀请和反应)(Invitations and responses) 1.- 你会喜欢到达宴会吗? 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - 哦是的,你。 - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- 我希望你能来到那跳舞下一个星期六。2.- I hope you can come to the dance next - 对不起,但是我不能。 - I'm sorry, but I can't. 3.- 你能和我们去舞蹈吗? 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - 当然。我将高兴到。 Of course. I'll be glad to. 4.- 你能到达我们的英国人晚上吗? 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - 是的,你。 - Yes, thank you. 5.- 你会请给予我们一谈话在英国人身上学问? 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - 好。当? OK. When? 6.- 你和你的朋友一定过来我的房子而且见到 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes。 - 好。非常你。 - OK. Thank you very much. 三, 表示同意和不同意(达成共识和不合)(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1. - 我想商店是关闭在这次日子。 1. - I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - 不, 我认为它是公开。 - No, I think it's open. 2. - 我想外国语比科学更有趣。 2. - I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - 我真的不能同意你。我偏爱科学 - I really can't agree with you. I prefer science. 3. - 我认为我将改为看一本书。 3. - I think I shall read a book instead. - 善行主意。那是加比较好的超过看一架坏的电视 - Good idea. That's much better than


Lesson 1 Introduction 第一课介绍 introduction介绍;推荐come来here向这里,到这里yes是,嗳,我在这儿mom妈妈pleased 欣喜的;愉快的see会面,晤见;遇见so如是,如此 Mom: Come here, Bo-Bo.来,波波。 Bo-Bo: Yes, Mom? 什么事,妈妈? Mom: This is Li-Li.这是莉莉。 Bo-Bo:How do you do?你好! Li-Li: How do you do? 你好! Bo-Bo: Pleased to see you.见到你很高兴。 Li-Li: So am I.我也是。 Lesson 2 Greetings and Goodbye 第二课问候与再见 hello喂! fine有精神的,健康的thank感谢,谢谢very很,非常well健康的,安好的 So long! 再见! Li-Li: Hello, Bo-Bo! 你好,波波! Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!你好,莉莉! Li-Li: How are you? 你好吗? Bo-Bo: I'm fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢你。你呢? Li-Li: Very well, thanks.很好,谢谢。 Bo-Bo: Good-bye, Li-Li.再见,莉莉。 Li-Li: So long!再见! Lesson 3 About Bo-Bo's Family 第三课波波的一家 Li-Li: How many people are there in your family, Bo-Bo?波波,你家有几口人? Bo-Bo: There are three: Father, Mother and I.有三口人:爸爸、妈妈和我。 Li-Li: What is your father? 你爸爸是做什么的? Bo-Bo: He is a professor. 他是位教授。 Li-Li: And what is your mother's job? 那你妈妈是干什么工作的呢? Bo-Bo: She is a writer. 她是位作家。 I love my parents very much. 我非常爱我的父母亲。 how many (成语)多少people人,人们professor (大学)教授job工作,职业writer作家;作者 love爱,热爱parents父亲;母亲;双亲very much非常,很 Lesson 4 Getting up 第四课起床


课题一·商务英语交谈常见的几种情况 1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A. 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We'd like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. same time. 十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project. 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。 3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。 Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Please contact me if you have any questions. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。 Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior. 您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。


几乎所有事物的英文翻译 水果类(fruits): 火龙果pitaya 西红柿tomato 菠萝pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子shaddock (pomelo) 橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃cherry 桃子peach 梨pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣pitted date ) 椰子coconut 草莓strawberry 树莓raspberry 蓝莓blueberry 黑莓blackberry 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 木瓜pawpaw或者papaya 杏子apricot 油桃nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲jackfruit 槟榔果areca nut 西班牙产苦橙bitter orange 猕猴桃kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃flat peach

青梅greengage 山楂果haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜musk melon 李子plum 杨梅waxberry red bayberry 桂圆longan 沙果crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷loquat 柑橘tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴guava 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜): 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜莴苣lettuce 白菜Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage) (甘蓝)卷心菜cabbage 萝卜radish 胡萝卜carrot 韭菜leek 木耳agarics 豌豆pea 马铃薯(土豆)potato 黄瓜cucumber 苦瓜balsam pear 秋葵okra 洋葱onion 芹菜celery 芹菜杆celery sticks 地瓜sweet potato 蘑菇mushroom


初中英语常用交际用语归纳 交际用语 ※打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye) 1.-How are you ? -I’m fine, thanks. 2. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. ※谈论颜色(Talking about colour) 1. -What colour is it? -It’s red. 2. -What’s you favourite colour, Jenny? -My favourite colour is blue. 3. -How many colours do you like? -Three. ※谈论高度(Talking about height) 1. -Are you short or tall? -I’m short/tall. 2. -How tall am I, Mr Wood? -You’re 1.6 metres tall. ※看病用语(Seeing a doctor) 1. -What’s the matter? -I cut my knee. It hurts. ※就餐用语(Having meals) 1. -Would you like some dumpling? -No, thanks./Yes please. 2. I’d like porridge for breakfast. 3. It’s /Thery’re delicious. 4. What would you like for supper? 5. -Are you ready to order? -Yes, please. I’d like……. ※谈论天气(Talking about weather) 1 -How is the weather today?/What’s the weather like today? -It’sunny rainy snowy windy. 2. -Is it snowy? -No , it’s hot today. 3. -what’s the temperature? -It’s 0 degrees. 4. -Is it rainy? -Yes, it’s rainy. 5 It’s warm and windy in spring. 6. -How’s the weather today, Steven? -It’s cold and snowy. 7.-What’s the temperature outside, Kim? -It’s minus fifteen degrees. 8.What’s the temperature today? Is it warm or hot? 9.It’s very cold\ hot today, isn’t it? 10. It ‘s a cold day! 11. what a cold day! 12. It’s getting warmer. ※谈论时间和日期(Talking about time and date) 1. -What time is it?/What’s the time? -It’s 7:00 a quarter to seven ten past seven. 2. -What day is it? -It’s Tuesday. 3. -What’s the date? -It’s October 30. ※谈论年龄(Talking about age) 1. -How old are you? What’s your age? -I’m fourteen years old. 2. She is very young. ※谈论购物(Talking about shopping ) 1.-May I help you ?/What can I do for you? -I would like/want to buy a pencil,


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


学习日常英语口语的方法 学习日常英语口语的方法第一,如何用英文简单界定一个东西的技巧。 美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方what is a book 。我们中国人从小学到大学的课本尽管词汇难度不断加深,但思维逻辑结构却只停留在一个水平上。中国人常说where is the book?很少有人说what is a book?而美国的小学生就开始问:what is the book?这种where is the book?只是描述阶段,连哑巴也能做到。但是我想连大学生也很难回答what is a book?因为中国传统英语教学模式没有教会学生表达思想的技巧。 第二,如果已经学会界定,但理解还有偏差,那就要训练how to explain things in different ways. 一种表达方式对方不懂,美国人会寻找另一种表达方式最终让对方明白。因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。比如水,世界上就这一个事物,但却有多种符号来表达它。如果一个人懂8种语言,那他在世界上被别人理解的机会就会大得多。用汉语说"水"别人不懂,用德语说别人也不懂,但用英语说water,别人可能就懂了。这就要多做替换练习。传统的教学方法也做替换练习,但这种替换不是真替换,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如,i love you,按中国的替换方法就把you 换成her,my mother,them等,这种替换和小学生练描红没有什么

区别。这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维。换到最后也不知道到底在love 谁,现实生活中也不能这么随便love(笑声)。这种替换句子的基本结构没变,我听不懂i love you,肯定也听不懂i love her。如果替换为i want to kiss you.i want to hug you.i've a crush on you.i will show my heart to you等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》,告诉对方that is love,这样一来对方可能就明白了。这才叫真正的替换。 也就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一个意思,或者对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。 对,比如爱因斯坦讲相对论,他用科学术语讲,除了科学家之外是没人听得懂的,所以爱因斯坦就用一个通俗的例子把相对论讲了出来。他说,什么叫相对论呢?两个lovers在一起,一小时相当于一分钟,而两个仇人呆在一起,一分钟相当于一小时,就这是相对论。他这样一讲,我想没有人不会明白相对论的。 第三,我们必须学会美国人怎样描述东西。 从描述上来讲,由于中美的文化不同会产生很大的差异。我们描述东西无外乎把它放在时间和空间两个坐标上去描述。但美国人对空间的描述总是由我及外,由里及表。而中国人正好相反。美国人说"我向雪山走去",中国人就会说"我从雪山走来"。时间上来说,中国人是按自然的时间顺序来描述。我们描述一个东西突然停住时,住往最后说的那个地方是最重要的。我们听评书常说,欲知后事好何,请听下回分解,中国人很认可这种压轴戏、抖包袱式的方式,而美国人听到这里可能会把收音机砸了:我听的就是what happened,但发生了什么我不知道,还要让我下回再


常用英语交际:问路指路常用语 Can I help you? Could I help you? 我能帮你吗? Do you need any help? 需要协助吗? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?我能够为你做点什么? What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? How can I go to Wal Mart. 怎么才能到沃尔玛? Where is the nearest Wal Mart? 距这里最近的沃尔玛在什么地方? You can take No.10 bus. 你能够坐10路公交车. Turn left/right. 左/右转. Go straight. 直走. You can get on here and change [ ] at International [ ]Trade Center. 从这儿上车,在国贸转车. It’s on your left/right. 在你的左/右边. It’s up the road. 顺着这条路走. Please follow me. 请跟我走. Go down this street for a while until you hit the first traffic light. 沿着这条路一直走,直到你看到第一个红绿灯. It’s on the second floor. 在二楼. This way, please. 请这边走. Show the Way 指路

Dialogue 1 A: Excuse me, could you tell where the post office is? B: Sure, if you go down this road and turn left at the second intersection [ ], you’ll see it on your right-hand side. A: Thank you so much for your assistance [ ]. B:You’re welcome. A:打扰,你能告诉我邮局在哪吗? B:好的,你沿着这条路走,在第二个十字路口左转,你能够看到它在你的右手边. A:非常感谢你的协助. B:不客气. Dialogue 2 A:Excuse me. I’m looking for the Railway Station. B:Railway Station… let me see. It’s on the corner of Bridge Street. A: Shall I take a bus? B: Sure. Walk to the corner and take No.11. Get off at the fifth stop. The Railway Station is on a short walk from there. A: Thanks a lot. B: Welcome. A:打扰,我要去火车站.


日常英语口语对话 日常英语口语汇总- 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话汇总,最好的、最权威的、最新的日常英语口语对话汇总! 日常英语口语对话_英语日常对话、习惯语500句(高级)(之一) 1. Hold on 等一下(口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there. 2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。ut feeling 直觉 3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题 4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此 5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。 6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。 7. A dap and dip 打个照面,露下脸就走。 Matt: Are we going to Jon’s party?我们去琼的聚会吗? Darryl: Yeah, but I don’t want to stay long, so let’s make it a dap and dip.那就去吧,不过我可不想多呆,顶多就打个照面就走人。 8. I would like to get a job within couching distance. 我想找个不用走路就可以上班的工作。Couching distance,沙发距离,就是坐在沙发上不起身也能够得着。这是那种couch potato喜欢做的美梦。 9. Yukky 难吃,说这个词时还要做一个难吃的表情。Where did you get this food? It was yukky. 你从哪里弄了这吃的?那么难吃。


一、房屋外部 doghouse 犬屋 lawn mower 割草机 satellite dish 碟形卫星信号接受器 basketball hoop 篮筐 curtain 窗帘 garage 车房,车库 porch 入口处 driveway 车库通向马路的空地mailbox 信箱 dormer 屋顶窗 skylight 天窗 chimney 烟囱 French window 落地窗balcony 阳台 venetian blind 百叶窗帘shutter 百叶窗 bay window 凸窗;窗台 lawn 草坪,草地 shrubs 灌木 sprinkler 自动撒水器二房屋内部 window 窗户 television 电视机 console 主控台控制台 chair 椅子 floor 地板,地面 carpet 地毯 coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几clock 钟 calendar 日历 door 门 light switch 灯开关 bookcase 书柜,书橱 throw pillow 靠枕 couch 沙发 lamp 灯 lamp shade 灯罩 wall 墙

三、生活用品 lighter 打火机matches 火柴 ashtray 烟灰缸cigarette 香烟armchair 扶手椅 end table 茶几 vase 花瓶 telephone 电话机waste basket 垃圾桶recliner 卧椅 rocking chair 摇椅 air conditioner 空调vacuum cleaner 吸尘器四、厨房 refrigerator 冰箱 dish rack 碗架 counter 柜台 sink 洗涤槽,水槽 wok 铁锅(带把的中国炒菜锅) pan 平底锅 ladle 勺子;长柄勺 gas stove 煤气炉 ventilator 通风机;换气扇 apron 围裙;工作裙 cupboard 食橱;碗柜 oven 炉,灶 cabinets 橱柜 dustpan 簸箕 broom 扫帚 mop 拖把 rice cooker 电饭锅 blender 搅拌机,捣碎机 hot water thermos 热水瓶,保温瓶toaster 烤面包器;烤炉,烤箱cutting board 砧板 knife 刀,小刀;菜刀; microwave 微波炉


日常交际用语基础单词 一、颜色(colours) 二、red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 二、交通工具 (vehicles) bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船subway 地铁 ship轮船 van小货车; 三、气象(weather) cold寒冷的 warm温暖的 cool凉爽的 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 hot炎热的 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 weather report天气预报 rain雨 cloud云sun太阳 mountain山 sky天空 rainbow彩虹 wind风 air空气 moon月亮 四、星期(week) Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期天 weekend周末 五、月份(months) Jan. (January)一月 Feb.(February)二月 Mar.(March)三月 April四月 11

May五月 June六月 July七月 Aug.(August)八月 Sept.(September)九月 Oct.(October)十月 Nov.(November)十一月 Dec.(December)十二月 六、季节(seasons) spring春 summer夏 fall/autumn秋 winter冬 七、方位(directions) south南 north北 east东 west西 left 左边 right右边 八、患病(illness) have a fever发烧 hurt疼痛 have a cold感冒 have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼 have a sore throat喉咙疼 九、数词(numbers) ten十 twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十eighty八十 ninety九十 hundred百 forty-two四十二 one/a hundred and thirty-six一百三十六 22


英语口语常用日常交际用语 Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? Are you married? 你结婚了吗? Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? Be careful. 小心、注意。 Be my guest. 请便、别客气。 Better late than never. 迟到总比不做好。 Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。 Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。 Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗? Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Can I take a message? 要我传话吗? Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗? Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗? Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗?Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?Can you make it? 你能来吗? Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗? Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。 Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来! Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客户。 Could I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗? Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗?Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点 Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗? Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗? Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗? Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗? Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。 Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗? Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗? Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗? Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗? Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Dont be so modest. 别这么谦虚。 Dont bother. 不用麻烦了。 Dont get me wrong. 别误会我。 Dont give up. 别放弃。 Dont jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。


---------有关服装Clothing常用电器---------- flashlight 手电筒 fluorescent lamp 日光灯 electric calculator 计算器 electric fan 电风扇 dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机 television 电视机 electric iron 电熨斗 electric cooker 电饭锅 electric heater 电暖气 electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 bulb 电灯泡 electronic oven 电烤箱 radio 收音机 microphone 麦克风 loud-speaker 扩音机 refrigerator 冰箱 air conditioning 空调 microwave oven 微波炉 ---------有关服装Clothing---------- clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妆 layette 婴儿的全套服装 uniform 制服 overalls 工装裤

rompers 连背心的背带裤 formal dress 礼服 tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服 evening dress 夜礼服 dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服 nightshirt 男式晚礼服 dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo) full dress uniform 礼服制服 frock coat 双排扣长礼服 gown, robe 礼袍 tunic 长袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夹大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中长大衣 dust coat 风衣 mantle, cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夹克 anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood 风帽 scarf, muffler 围巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾 fur stole 毛皮长围巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作ajamas) pocket 衣袋 lapel (上衣)翻领 detachable collar 假领,活领 wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领


英语口语50句 1. According to…依照/根据……. According to the newspaper, it's a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,……. As matter of fact,I don't agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,……. As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,……. As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,……. As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,……. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ... 众所周知,…… As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要…. As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有……. But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon. 如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)... 你相信……吗 Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high school student 你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine... 你能想像……吗 Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties 你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain... 你能解释一下……吗 Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday 你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗 14.Can't we... 难道我们不能……吗

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