当前位置:文档之家› 西餐厅常用英语口语



1. Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢?

有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说, 他回答说一般出去吃饭, 他们只说go to eat , go out eating 或是 eat out 而不会说 go to dinner, go for lunch, 也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐. 所以后来老美问我刚去哪了, 我应该要说 I just went out eating, 而不会说 I just went to dinner. 小细节多注意, 你的英文会更棒.

如果要强调是去吃午餐或晚餐的话, 一般就直接说 lunch 或是 dinner. 例如人家问你, "Where did you go?" 你就可以答说 "lunch."

2. There is a Deli over there, do you like it?

那里有一家 Deli (餐厅), 你喜不喜欢呢?

美国的餐厅可分很多种, Restaurant 是一般的通称, 另外常用到的有Deli : 供应三明治, 沙拉这种现成的, 不需再经过烹调的餐厅, 例如SUBWAY 就可以算是 Deli. 另外还有 Grill 也随处可见, 翻译成烤肉餐厅, 多半是提供牛排, 汉堡热食类的食物.

Deli 这个字是 delicatessen 的简写, 可是现今在美国一般只会听到

deli 而很少听到delicatessen 了!

3. What do you like to drink?


美国餐厅的习惯, 吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料, 所以侍者一定会先问你What do you like to drink. 也有人会这么说, Can I get you something to drink?. 一般餐厅都会提供的有Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Iced Tea, 以及 Lemonade 等. 如果什么都不要, 就说 Just water.

值得注意的是, 在一般的速食店提

到 drink 都是指 soft drink 而言. 但是一般人说到 have a drink 时, 他们多半指的是 alcoholic, 也就是含酒精的饮料. 所以如果有人问你, "Come on, have a drink with us." 他绝不是要你跟他们一起喝可乐的意思, 而是要你跟他们一起喝酒啦!

4. Are you ready to order or just

a minute?

你们准备好了吗? 还是要再等一会? 通常饮料上桌之后, 大伙都还要花点时间研究一下菜单, 如果侍者看你们大概都差不多了, 他就会过来

问你们, Are you ready to order or just a minute? 如果是已经准备好要点餐了, 就直接跟她说你想吃什么, 如果大家还要再研究研究, 则可以跟侍者说 Just a minute. 或是Wait a few more minutes. 请他等一下, 他会说 OK. I'll be back. (好, 那我等下再来.)

5. Do you want to separate check? 你们要不要分开付帐?

比如说二对夫妻出去吃饭, 大家想各自付自己的, 则你们可以主动跟侍者说 We want to separate check. 有时他们也会主动问你, Do you want

to separate check? 或是Do you want separate checks? 这样的话帐单就会有二张. 但有些餐厅separate check 会多收服务费, 最好先问清楚. 如果是要一起付, 则简单地说, together 或是one check 就可以了.

6. How do you like your steak cooked?


通常点牛排, 或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡, 服务生都会这样问你, How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式, 全熟是 well done, 七分

熟: medium well, 五分熟: medium, 四分熟: medium rare, 三分熟: rare. 老美有时在开玩笑时也用 bloody 来代替 rare 这个字, 听来是不是更传神? 所以如果各位嗜食生牛肉的话, 下次不妨试试bloody as hell 的点法. 但请注意一下bloody 这个字在英国英语中有点类似 fxxx 的意思, 所以除非有把握不然不要拿出来乱用.

记得有一次我去一家蛮高级的法国餐厅用餐, 结果我跟他要well-done 的牛排, 结果煮出来的东西跟橡皮一样难吃. 后来老美跟我解释, 你摸摸自己头上的各部位

就知道你的牛排等一下煮出来是什么样子, well-done 就是头顶, 硬梆梆的, medium well 就是额头, 稍微有点弹性. medium 是鼻头, 软软的. rare 是下巴最柔软的部份. 我觉得这个分法蛮实用的, 跟各位分享一下.

7. How do you like you egg cooked? 你的蛋要几分熟?

蛋的说法跟肉类又不一样,不要像我刚来时听人家这么问就自作聪明回答 Well done. 把人家给笑掉大牙. 蛋的回答方法是 1. Scramble 炒蛋2. Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包

蛋, (这句话很有意思, 因为荷包蛋像太阳, 所以老美用 sunny side 来形容) 3, Sunny side down 二面都煎或是 ease over.

白煮蛋的话也分二种, 一种叫 soft boil 一种叫hard boil. 所谓的soft boil 是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状, 而 hard boil 则是指整个的蛋黄都煮成固体状的.

有些店例如 Waffle House 连 hash brown 也会问 How do you like it cooked? 这个也有很多选择, 不过一般我只会回答二种, patty (饼状) 跟 scattered (分散状)

8. Did you burn it?


记得刚来美国时烤焦了不知怎么说, 我就说 Why do you have black part on your steak, 结果人家当然也是有听没有懂, 其实烤焦了很简单, 就是 burn. 美国许多建筑物都有浓烟侦测警报, 所以每次要是有人忘了什么东西在炉子里警报大作, 真是乱吓人的. 这时如果你看到你的室友一脸无辜地站在你面前, 你就可以问他, Did you burn something?

9. Can I have some more bread? 能再多给我点面包吗?


拿不用钱, 所以吃不饱时就尽量吃面包吧! 另外提醒一点, 国内说的土司面包在美国就叫 bread, 所谓的土司面包 (toast) 指的是在面包上涂上一层蒜泥或是奶油下去烤的面包才叫 toast, 就像是去 "我家牛排" 他们给的那种面包才叫toast.

当初一直以为我们说的土司面包就叫 toast, 造成不少误会. 故事就是有一次我去美国接待家庭住, 早餐时妈妈问我要吃什么, 因为我不想太麻烦人家, 我又刚好看到桌上有土司面包, 所以我就说 toast, 结果害人家还大费周章跑去帮我烤

面包. 其实我应该说 bread. 就不会造成别人的误会了.

10. Can you give me a doggie bag? 能不能给我一个狗食袋?

东西点太多吃不完怎么办? 这么说就对了. 说 doggie bag 是因为不希望别人觉的你太小气, 吃不完还要带回家吃, 所以说是给狗吃的. 或是用 doggie box 代替 doggie bag 也可以, 因为大部份的餐厅给的都是盒子而不是袋子.最后提醒一点, 请不要在高级的餐厅说 doggie bag , 那是不太礼貌的, 你可以只说 Can you give me a box? 就好了.

另外一种常用的讲法叫 "Wrap it

up." 这就相当于中文里的, 帮我打包起来的意思. 在美国的中餐馆打包也很有意思, 有时候你说要打包他们还会问你要不要饭? 当然要啦! 这样子下一餐的饭跟菜就通通有著落了.

11. Check, please.


吃完饭别忘了给钱喔! check 就是结帐的意思, 另外也可以说 buy the bill, 就跟中文里说的买单是一样的. 当然吃完了饭请别忘了给小费喔!


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好,早上好~ 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好,下午好~ 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了,我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字,我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见,明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗, 我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗,我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下~ 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫 什麽名字, 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮~ 2. You are clever! 你真聪明~ 3. You are good! 你真棒~ 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好~ 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐~ 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐~ 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐~


常用的英语接待口语,不管你进不进外企都一定要看看… 询问访客身份:May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓?What co mpany are you from?您是哪个公司的?Could you tell me what compa ny you are representing?能告诉我您代表什么公司吗? 如果碰到了老朋友可以说:What brings you here?是什么风把你吹来了? 询问是否预约,来访目的?Do you have an appointment?约好了吗?Would you give me your business card?请给我您的名片好吗?And ca n I ask what you wish to see him about?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗? 让客人稍候片刻:I'll see if he is available.请让我看看上司是否方便。Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments.请您坐下 稍等片刻。给客人倒茶,礼貌待客:Would you like coffee or tea? How do you like your coffee?你要咖啡还是茶?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或糖)带 客人去见经理:Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes.请坐,琼斯先生和史密斯先生几分钟后就到。Mr. Chen is ex pecting you. I'll tell him that you're here.陈先生正在等你。我去告诉他你已到。 Would you come this way, please?请随我这边来。 婉言拒绝客人来访: Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your busine ss is urgent.陈先生正忙着,请问您的事情很紧急吗?He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card?他想以后再 和你联系。请留下你的名片好吗? 一定要为自己争取机会:I'll take just a few minutes of his time.我只要占用他几分钟的时间。I'd prefer to explain that to him directly.我想我 最好还是我领你去,以免你迷路。 接待(2) 在上一次,你已经学会为你接待的客人安排好食宿。下来就该邀请他参加公司的活动了:安排各种活动:The tea party begins at 7 o'clock.茶话会在7点开始。 How's the party, Mr. Taylor?晚会如何,TAYLOR先生?The ceremon y will commence as soon as the minister arrives.庆祝会等部长一来就开始。 Our General Manager can't be here today, so I'm speaking on his beha lf.我们的总经理今天不能到会,因此由我代表他讲话。We are going to show you the town while you're here.你在此逗留期间我们将陪你在城里游览一番。 Do you have any place in mind you wanted to go in our town?本城有 什么地方你想去看看?What would you like to do this morning?There is no thing scheduled before lunch.上午你想干什么?中饭前日程表上没有活动安排。 Is there anything planned for tonight?今晚有什么安排?Have you


At Breakfast 吃早餐 Coffee shops are popular and reasonably priced restaurants for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack. 咖啡馆是大众化的,价格公道的餐馆。在这里可以吃早餐,午餐和晚餐,也可以只吃点点心。 1. A: You're having coffee, aren't you? B: Yes, I always have coffee in the morning. A: What are you going to have to eat? B: I'm going to order scrambled eggs and toast. (炒蛋和土司)What about you? A: That sounds good to me. I'll have the same. 2. A: You'd like coffee, wouldn't you? B: I think I'd rather have tea this morning. A: What else are you going to have? B: Just an English muffin.(英式松饼)What are you going to have? A: That sounds good. I'm going to order the same thing. 3. A: You're going to have coffee, aren't you? B: Yes. I could use a cup of coffee. A: Are you going to have anything to eat? B: French toast sounds good. What are you going to order? A: I'll have that too. 4. A: A cup of coffee sounds good, doesn't it? B: Yes, but I think I'll have orange juice first. A: Do you feel like having anything to eat? B: Well, I think I'll try the pancakes.(煎薄饼)How about you? A: Sounds great. That's just what I feel like having. At Lunch 吃午餐 Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00. Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada. 午餐通常从中午供应到下午两点。在美国和加拿大,三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。 1. A: Please have another sandwich. B: Thank you, but I really can't eat any more. A: You're going to have dessert, aren't you? B: Well, I'll join you if you're having something. 2. A: You'll finish the chicken, won't you? B: No, thank you. I'm trying to cut down.(削减) A: Aren't you going to have dessert? B: No, thank you. I just can't eat any more. 3.


日常英语口语900句:我是中国人I'm chinese. 我是中国人。 Dialogue I A: I'm chinese. I come from Shanghai, but I live in Beijing. And you, Paul? A:我是中国人。我是上海人,但我住在北京。保罗,你呢? B: I'm British. I come from London. B:我是英国人。我从伦敦来。 C: And I'm Canadian. I live in Toronto. C:我是加拿大人。我住在多伦多。 Dialogue II A: Hello, Nice to meet you. Where are you from? A:你好。很高兴理解你们。你们从哪里来? B: We' re from Paris. We're French. B:我们从巴黎来。我们是法国人。 C: And we're from Sydney. We're Australians. C:我们从悉尼来。我们是澳大利亚人。 A: Welcome to Beijing! I hope you enjoy your visit. A:欢迎来北京!祝你们旅行愉快! Notes:

1. You can also make a distinction between where you come from and where you now live, e.g. I come from Shanghai, but I live in Beijing. 你还能够说明你是哪里人,但你现在住在别处。如:我是上海人,但是我住在北京。 2. To find out where people are from, you can simply ask:Where are you from? 要想知道某人从哪里来能够简单地问:你从哪 里来?


Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人 151. What do you want, sir? → 先生,您要点什么? 152. I want a cup of tea. → 我要一杯茶。 153. What would you like to eat? → 你想要吃什么? 154. Please give me a hamburger. → 请给我一个汉堡包。 155. What color do you like, blue or white? → 你喜欢哪种颜色,蓝色还是白色?156. I prefer white. → 我偏爱白色。 157. I'd like to talk with Mrs. Smith. → 我想和史密斯太太谈谈。 158. I am sorry, but she is not in right now. → 很抱歉,她现在不在家里。159. Would you like a glass of milk? → 你想要一杯牛奶吗? 160. I'd like to have some coffee, if you don't mind. → 如果你不介意的话,我情愿喝点咖啡。161. Do you know any of those people? → 在那些人当中你有认识的吗? 162. Two or three of them look familiar. → 他们当中有两三个看上去面熟。 163. No, I don't know any of them. → 不,他们当中我一个也不认识。 164. Which one is Mr. Brown? → 哪一位是布朗先生? 165. The tall man in black. → 穿黑衣服的那个高个子。 Talking about languages 谈论语言 166. Do you speak English? → 你会说英语吗?167. Yes, but just a little. → 是的,但只会一点点。174. How well do you know Russia? → 你的俄语程度如何? 175. She speaks Italian with a French accent. → 她讲意大利语带有法国口音。


一.Receiving Guests at the Airport 机场接待客人常用英语口语对话 Guest (G ): Excuse me, are you the Fortune Hotel airport rep. ? Airport Representative (AR ): Yes, Mr... ? G: I’m Robert Hilton from the American Andrew Rice Origin Foundation. AR: My name is Su Hui, I’m here to meet you. Welcome to Shanghai! G: Glad to meet you. AR: The pleasure is mine. Is this your first visit to China, Mr. Hilton? G: Yes. Its my very first. I’m looking forward to seeing your beautiful country. AR: I hope you will have a pleasant stay here. G: Thank you. I’m sure I will. AR: Is this all your baggage? G: Yes, it’s all here. AR: We have a car over there to take you to our hotel. G: That’s fine. AR: Let me help you with that suitcase. Shall we go? G: Yes, thank you for all your trouble. AR: No trouble at all. This way, please. 句型操练 You must be our long-expected guest, Mr.X from the U.S. 您一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的X先生吧! Very nice/glad/pleased to meet you. 幸会 I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高兴终于见到您了。 It was nice meeting you./I'm so pleased to have(finally) met you./ 很高兴见到您。(道别用语) How was your journey? 您旅途如何? I hope you've had a pleasant flight/trip. 旅途愉快吧! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. 希望您在此过得愉快。 Hope you'll have a pleasant/enjoyable stay here.


英语口语常用日常交际用语 Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? Are you married? 你结婚了吗? Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? Be careful. 小心、注意。 Be my guest. 请便、别客气。 Better late than never. 迟到总比不做好。 Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。 Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。 Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗? Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Can I take a message? 要我传话吗? Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗? Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗? Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗?Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?Can you make it? 你能来吗? Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗? Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。 Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来! Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客户。 Could I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗? Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗?Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点 Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗? Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗? Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗? Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗? Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。 Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗? Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗? Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗? Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗? Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Dont be so modest. 别这么谦虚。 Dont bother. 不用麻烦了。 Dont get me wrong. 别误会我。 Dont give up. 别放弃。 Dont jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。


免费外教在线一对一英语口语课程,太平洋英语,三个月与老外畅谈无阻!https://www.doczj.com/doc/2b684821.html, 第1册A版 一、Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。


[外贸英语]展会接待常用英语口语集锦 ____________________________________ 1.What’s the size 多大尺寸? 90X90 (Ninety by ninety) 九十乘九十。 2.What’s the CMB 体积多大? 0.07M3 (zero point zero seven cube meter) 0.07立方米。 3.What’s th e bestlast price 最低价是多少? ¥2.5 (Two point five)] 两块五。 4.How many designs 有几个款式? 3 designs . 三个款式。 5.How many colors 有几种颜色? 3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。 6.How many pcs one CTN 一箱装多少件? 12 dozen, 144pcs. 12打,144件一箱。 7.When shall we deliver 什么时候交货? 8.Where shall we deliver 货送到什么地方? 9.30% deposit. 付30%的订金。 10.Only one sample here. We can’t give you. 只有一个样品,不能给你。 11.Too expensivemuch. 太贵了。 12. Any discount 有折扣吗? 13.Cheaper 可以便宜一点吗? 14.Show me this! 这个拿下来看看。

15.Good quality or ordinary quality 质量好的还是普通的? 16.¥180 for a set . 180元一套。 17.4pcs a set. 一套4个。 18.What’s the minimum quantity 最小起订量是多少? 19.At least 1 CTN.。 至少一箱件 20.There’s minimum quantity. 有最小起订量。 21.Can they be mixed 可以混装吗? 22.Mixed packing. 混装。 23.Just a moment. Let me check. 稍等,让我查一下。 24.Same pricesize. 一样的价格尺寸。 25.I will come again tomorrow. 我明天再来。 26.Where are you from? 你是什么地方人? 27.What’s your name? 你叫什么? 28.May I have your card? 名片给一张,可以吗? 29.Card,please. 名片。 30.Stapler,please. 订书机。 31.Calculator,please. 计算器。 32.Adhesive tape,please. 胶带。 33.Here’s our catalogue. 这是我们的目录。 34.Here’s my card. 这是我的名片。 35.Your card, please.

吃饭常用的英语口语(Eat commonly spoken English)

吃饭常用的英语口语(Eat commonly spoken English)Dinner, commonly used English speaker: Yu Guang 1.What, kind, of, food, do, you, prefer? What kind of food do you prefer? 2.Do, you, like, Chinese, food? Do you like Chinese food? 3.What, kind, of, food, do, you, like, Chinese, or, American? What kind of food do you like, Chinese or American? 4.Would, you, tell, me, where, the, Chinese, restaurant, is? Would you please tell me where the Chinese restaurant is? 5.Do, you, know, where, I, can, get, a, quick, snack? Do you know where I can get fast food? 6.What, would, you, have, for, dinner? What would you like to eat? 7.What, would, you, like, to, order? What would you like to order?

8.Have, you, ordered, yet? Have you ordered yet? 9.No, not, yet, I, am, waiting, for, a,, friend.I, will, order, later. No, not yet, I am waiting for a friend. 10.What, would, you, recommend? Would you recommend some good dishes? 11.Whats, your, today, s, special? Today's special? 12.I, would, like, to, have, something, simple. I would like to have something simple. 13.What, will, you, have, for, dessert? What will you have, some nosh? 14.We, are, in, a, hurry. We are in a hurry. 15.Please rush your orders.


=您的文件来自电信线路https://www.doczj.com/doc/2b684821.html,或者网通线路https://www.doczj.com/doc/2b684821.html,爱书楼中文论坛由<单冥>收集整理 <爱书楼TXT小说论坛>-全力为你提供最新最全的txt文本格式电子书下载.声明:本书仅供读者预览,请在下载后24小时内删除,如果喜欢请购买正版图书! English900英语九百句 第一册 一、Greetings问候语 1.Hello!/Hi!你好! 2.Good morning/afternoon/evening!早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3.I'm Kathy King.我是凯西·金。 4.Are you Peter Smith?你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5.Yes,I am./No,I'm not.是,我是。/不,我不是。 6.How are you?你好吗? 7.Fine,thanks.And you?很好,谢谢,你呢? 8.I'm fine,too.我也很好。 9.How is Amy/your wife/your husband?爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10.She is very well,thank you.她很好,谢谢。 11.Good night,Jane.晚安,简。 12.Good-bye,Mike.再见,迈克。 13.See you tomorrow.明天见。 14.See you later.待会儿见。 15.I have to go now.我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class课堂用语 16.May I come in?我能进来吗? https://www.doczj.com/doc/2b684821.html,e in,please.请进。 18.Sit down,please.请坐。 19.It's time for class.上课时间到了。 20.Open your books and turn to page20.打开书,翻到第20页。 21.I'll call the roll before class.课前我要点名。 22.Here!到! 23.Has everybody got a sheet?每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24.Any different opinion?有不同意见吗? 25.Are you with me?你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26.Have I made myself clear?我讲明白了吗? 27.Could you say it again?你能再说一遍吗? 28.Any questions?有什么问题吗? 29.That's all for today.今天就讲到这里。 30.Please turn in your paper before leaving.请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects辨别物品 31.What's this?这是什么? 32.It's a pen.是支笔。 33.Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗? 34.No,it isn't./Yes,it is.不,它不是。/是的,它是。


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1、Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2、 Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3、How old are you? I am (four)、您几岁了?我(四)岁。 4、What is your name?Myname is(lanlan) 您叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5、 See you tomorrow? Seeyou tomorrow、明天见?明天见。 6、 Are you OK? Yes, I am OK、您还好吗? 我挺好得。 7、Hi, howare you? I am fine, thank you、嘿,您好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8、Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9、 Bye-bye mum / daddy、再见妈妈/爸爸。 10、Good-bye再见。 11、Excuseme, what is your name?打扰一下,您叫什麽名字?12、See you nextweek、下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1、You are beautiful! 您真漂亮! 2、You are clever! 您真聪明! 3、 Youare good! 您真棒! 4、Great! / Good! / OK!好。 5、 Very nice! 非常好! 6、Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7、 Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9、 Thank you very much!非常感谢您! 10、Wonderful! 太棒了! 11、I am the winner!我就是胜利者! 12、I am the first! 我就是第一名! 13、You are beautiful! 您真漂亮! 14、You are wele! 欢迎您! 15、Howbeautiful! 多美呀! 16、How funny! 多有趣呀! 17、Wow! It’sso nice! 哇!它太好了。 18、It’s a nice day! 这就是一个很好得一天! 19、Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我得上帝! 20、 Wow! It’s so nice /lovely!哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了! 21、 Nicegirl / boy、好女孩 / 男孩。 22、 Youare sosweet、您就是非常可爱得。 23、 You look very smart、您瞧起来非常聪明。 24、Iwish you a Merry Christmas! 我祝您圣诞快乐! 25、 I wish you aHappy New Year!我祝您新年快乐! 26、 Miss Li, you are very beautiful!李老师您真漂亮! 27、 I love you! 我爱您! (三)道歉。 1、I am sorry、对不起。 2、 Never mind、没关系。 (四)洗浴进餐。


[表达决定和个人观点的常用英语口语]常用英语口语900句 1. I’m old enough to make up my own mind. 我已经大了,可以自己做决定了。 2. For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money. 我不得不去银行提些钱。 3. It’ll take almost all my savings to buy the ticket. 买这张票,几乎花费了我所有积蓄。 4. I’ve got a lot of things to do before I can leave. 在我走之前,我有很多事情要做。 5. I’ll see you off at the airport. 我会去机场送你。 6. He’ll always be indebted to you for what youve done. 对你所做的事情,他总是感激不尽。 7. In my opinion,the house isn’t worth the price they’re asking. 依我看,这间房子根本不值他们要的价钱。 8. I didn’t realize the time had passed so quickly. 我没有意识到时间过的这样快。 9. I’ve always tried not to interfere in your affairs. 我总是尽力地不干涉你的工作。 10. In general, my reaction is favorable. 总体来说, 我的反映还是很受欢迎的。 感谢您的阅读!


幼儿园常用英语口语100句 (一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈 / 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It’s so nice! 哇!它太好了。 18. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了 / 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩 / 男孩。 22. You are so sweet. 你是非常可爱的。 23. You look very smart. 你看起来非常聪明。 24. I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你圣诞快乐! 25. I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快乐! 26. Miss Li, you are very beautiful!李老师你真漂亮! 27. I love you!我爱你! (三)道歉。 1. I am sorry. 对不起。 2. Never mind. 没关系。 (四)洗浴进餐。


行政日常英语口语900句 1. Hello.你好! 2. Good morning.早晨好! 3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。 4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗? 5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。 6. How are you?你好吗? 7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 8. How is Helen?海伦好吗? 9. She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。 10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。 11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。 12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗? 20. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。 21. Don’t open your book. 别打开书。 22. Do you understand?你明白了吗? 23. Yes,I understand. 是的,我明白了。 24. No,I don’t unde rstand. 不,我不明白。 25. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。 26. Now read,please. 现在请大家读。 27. That’s fine. 好得很。 28. It’s time to begin. 到开始的时候了。 29. Let’s begin now. 现在让我们开始。 30. This is Lesson One. 这是第一课。 31. What’s this? 这是什么? 38. Is that a book? 那是一本书吗? 39. No,it isn’t. 不,不是。 40. It’s a pencil. 那是一枝铅笔。 41. Is it yours? 它是你的吗? 42. Yes,it’s mine. 是,是我的。 43. Where’s the door? 门在哪儿? 53. Are these your pens? 这些是你的钢笔吗? 54. Yes,they are. 是我的。 55. Those are mine. 那些是我的。 56. These are your books,aren’t they? 这些书是你的,对不对? 57. No,they aren’t. 不,不是。 64. He’s a student,too. 他也是学生。 65. Is that lady a student? 那位女士是学生吗? 66. No,she isn’t. 不,她不是。

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