当前位置:文档之家› 【2018-2019】英语论文的几种格式-word范文模板 (11页)

【2018-2019】英语论文的几种格式-word范文模板 (11页)

【2018-2019】英语论文的几种格式-word范文模板 (11页)
【2018-2019】英语论文的几种格式-word范文模板 (11页)


== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==




1. 模板文件Author Instructions.rtf里面描述的内容不需要遵照执行,只需要遵照其格式,论文电子版制作均采用MS-Word软件

2. 页面设置(操作—点击“文件”里的“页面设置”进行)





3. 论文格式

3.1 行距:若无特别说明,均为单倍行距。

3.2 段落间距:若无特别说明,均为段前0磅,段后0磅。

3.3 论文题目:所有实词首字母大写,Arial字体,14磅,加粗,居中;段落间距为段后6磅。

3.4 作者:Arial字体,14磅,居中,名在前,姓在后,用全称(如:玉娇龙为Jiao Long Yu), 段落间距为段前6磅。

3.5 地址:Arial字体,11磅,居中,段落间距为段前6磅(若地址太长要强行换行时,则该地址内部段落间距均为0磅)

3.6 Email 格式与地址相同,相邻email间用逗号隔离开

3.6 关键词:Arial字体,11磅,两端对齐,段落间距为段前18磅,其中Keyword:为加粗。冒号后加空格再接关键词,相邻词间用逗号分隔。每个关键词的首字母大写。

3.7 从“摘要”开始到“参考文献”结束,所有正文的字体均为Times New Roman,12磅;两端对齐。

3.8 摘要:段落间距为段前18磅,其中Abstract. 要加粗,在句点后空1格








4. 图表的格式及其引用

4.1 文中表格尽量采用三线表,且不宜过于复杂。表格整体最大宽度不要大于版心宽度(17cm).

4.2 表题与表格都居中排列,无文字环绕。表题与上正文间隔一行,表格与下正文间隔一行。

4.3 表题与表格的字体与字号均与正文相同。需要时,表中字体可适当变小,但不得小于10.5磅。

4.4 表题在表格的上方,表序用“Table 1, Table 2?”表示,Table和后面的数字间加1空格,数字后面与文字之间加2个空格,其它说明写在表格的下方或旁边;表格中如有单位,应写在方括号内(如:[mm])例:

Table 3 High and low settings of predictor variables

4.5 正文中引用表格时,直接用表序即可。

4.6 文中图要与正文保持一定间隔,图题在图的下方或图的一侧,且与图为一整体。图序用“Fig. 1, Fig. 2,?”表示,Fig.和后面的数字间加1空格,数字后面与文字之间加2个空格。注意图的质量。如要节省版面,可以一行中并排放置多个图片。

5. 公式的格式及其引用

5.1 所有公式及文中的复杂符号,均用公式编辑器输入,不要用文本框或图形


5.2 公式单独成段,左缩进5mm,段前12磅,段后0磅;公式编号用“(数字)”表示,排在右端,两端对齐;正文中引用公式时,用“Eq.1, Eq.2?”表示。例:

c2 = a2 + b2.(1)

6. 参考文献格式及引用格式

6.1 参考文献按引用的先后,在正文的有关处用[1],[2,3]?标明(请勿用上标标注),这些数字与文末的参考文献相对应。

6.2 参考文献的编号与内容用制表符Tab隔开,字体及大小与正文相同,行间


6.3 参考文献中作者,名在前用简写,姓在后用全称,有多个作者时,作者与

作者之间用逗号分开,最后一个作者与前面的作者之间用and相连(如玉娇龙,王处一,李静就写为:J.L. Yu, C.Y. Wang and J. Li)。

6.4参考文献中如果不是英文文献,请在参考文献后用英文注明语种,如:(In Chinese)。

6.5 几种常见参考文献的格式编排规范:

(a) 期刊类:(作者: 刊名, 卷 (年) No.期号, p.起始页码.),刊名的所有



T.D. Zhang, A.J. Shih and E. Levin: Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 43 (1994) No.3, p.305.

(b) 书籍类(作者:: 书名-斜体 (出版社, 国家年), p.起始页码.),书名的所有实词首字母大写。


[2] M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).

(c) 会议论文集类:(作者: 会议名称-斜体 (会议地点,时间), 卷 (年), p.起始页码),会议名称的


[3] G. Br?uninger: Proc. International Workshop on Diamond Tool Production (Turin, Italy,

November 8-10, 1999). Vol. 1, p.154.

(d) 学位论文类:(作者: 论文名称-斜体 (学位类别, 学校, 国家年). p.起始页码.)

[4] C.H. Xu: Design, Simulation and Application of Composite Ceramic Tool Materials (Ph.D.,

Shandong University of Technology, China 1998), p.28.

注:Ph.D. 博士,MS. 硕士

(e) 专利类:(作者: 国家专利号. (年).)

[6] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley: U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (201X).

(f) 网址类 (列出网址)

[7] Information on

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一.关于本专业毕业论文地选题 二.英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大地方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和 翻译学.各个大方向中又可以选择小地方向,具体解释如下:.英语文学:选择英语文学地毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究. 在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中地某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法地运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究.但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典地作家或作品.有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生地兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象.在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在地深刻含义,不能流于肤浅地分析. 文学批评理论地选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识地学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论地知识结构.这个方向地选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语地阐释或某两种或以上地文学批评理论地比较. 比较文学研究就是将两个以上地作家或作品进行比较.这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别地(如“雪莱与拜伦地诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别地(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》).语言学:选择语言学地毕业论文选题可以在两个大地方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学. 普通语言学地研究就是对于英语语言地任何一个方面地研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面地研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”). 应用语言学包括教学法地研究和其它一些新兴地应用语言学分支地研究.师范专业或本身从事教师职业地学生选择教学法方向地较多.在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围地选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要地是要结合教学实践或实验.这个方向地好地选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习地影响” 等. .翻译学:翻译学地选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动. 对翻译理论地研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等.相比之下,对翻译活动地研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象地翻译、或一种修辞格地翻译地研究(如“汉语成语地英译”).应该注意地是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子地罗列. 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分. (一)前置.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成. .目录:由论文地中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页. .中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文地内容不加注释和评论地简短陈述,宜以最简洁地语言介绍论文地概要、作者地突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整地短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在字左右关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息地单词或术语.为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文地中心词,以显著地字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要地左下方.各关键词之间用“分号”隔开.外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应. (二)主体部分主题部分包括引言()、正文()、结论()、参考文献().主体部分必须由另页右页开始. .引言:主要说明研究工作地目地、涉及范围、相关领域地前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面地概述、理论意义和实用价值等. .正文:论文地正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅.一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证.要求论据充分,论点明确.行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读.正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项地序号编码


问题解决型作文模板 /Nowadays,more and more people are concerned about the problem…(问题) /It is important for us to…(问题). For instance_____________________(例一) First,_________________________(原因一). Moreover,_____________________(例二) Second,_______________________(原因二) 第二段:People have figured out many ways to solve the problem. /Confronted with…(问题)we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. Firstly,________________________(解决方法一) Secondly,______________________(解决方法二) 第三段:1)Personally,I believe that_______________(我的方法) /To me,I am taking two ways to solve the problem of…(问题) One of them is ________________________(我的方法) The other way is_______________________(方法二)

By now ways have been working perfectly and efficient1y…(结果) 2) In conclusion/In a word/To sum up/In summary/Obviously/It’s clear that…/It’s no doubt that…. 现象解释型作文模板


一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 Version 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.


Young People Should Have Ideals To different people, the word "ideal" may mean different things. To some, it may mean success and fame in their career; to others, a peaceful life. Very often, we have ideals for the "self" and no ideal for society, let alone the people of the world. Is it a sound attitude toward life? In my opinion, a youth should have ideals. But it is more important that these ideals are not merely centered on the "self". They should be also the ideals of the majority of people. Then you would get strength and confidence toward life for you are striving for the benefits of your fellowmen. The setting up of an idea does not merely mean to go without doing anything. Real and concrete action should be taken. For us students, the most important thing to do is to study diligently. We study hard not to become bookworms, but to make us well-equipped and well-prepared for the pursuit of our ideals. Sometimes, in striving toward our ideas, we may encounter certain difficulties and failures. But we should not give up or lose hope, for as long as we try, there is always a way out.


我觉得写文章之前要先有思路,你怎么去写怎么写的和别人不同,有新意。这里面的文章很大,我也说不透,只是参透了一二,和大家分享,望大家不要耻笑。我毕竟是个硕士研究生。 我觉得论文写很简单,主要是能够发表出去。下面我简单讲下我的思路。有相同或不同见解的留下言,共同交流,一起进步。 文章的第一步要有图,也就是说首先把图做的漂漂亮亮的,不管是SEM,TEM,Uv-vis,FTIR,还是效果图。图片放到你的文章里就是你的思路,图片放好了你的思路就出来了,这是就关键的过程,放图的过程中你要考你怎么写,你的文章新的地方在哪?;图做好了也放好了,就是写文章了,写文章也很快了,因为思路有了你的文章也构思好了。我在这里给出我写文章时的程序。对于文章主体部分,我觉得先写Results and discussion,写完了根据其内容下个Conclusion,然后根据Conclusion写Abstract(因为它们俩有些许的类似),而后补充Experimental。论文发表qq1813831290最后也是最难写的地方Introduction,这个让审稿人一看就能知道你的文章的水平,所以写好Introduction是关乎论文是否收录的关键所在。我和外国审稿人专家关于审稿交流过意见,他们也是这样认为,他们也认为Introduction是整个文章的脸面,这是他们主要审的地方,在这里能看到你的创新点,创新点不够直接refuse;Introduction写的还可以的话,就看Results and discussion,这部分其实主要看的是图,你的图的清晰度质量,以及性能图。我审过一篇Journal of Hazardous Materials上面的文章,我也是这样审的。当然是咱们国内某名牌大学的文章,做的是催化,我也是做这个的不知为什么编辑发来让我审,我也感觉很莫名。后来编辑告诉我和我的文章有些类似还称我是专家,教授…… 下面我引用了一些总结的写作经验,我觉得很有用。大家认真看看,在此先祝福大家论文高中,硕果累累不减当年勇时: 1.前言部分 1.1如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性 通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如 However,little information... little attention has been devoted to… little work... little data/little research or few studies/investigations/few attempts have been don on… or none of these studies


英文科技论文写作是进行国际学术交流必需的技能。一般而言,发表在专业英语期刊上的科技论文在文章结构和文字表达上都有其特定的格式和规定,只有严格遵循国际标准和相应刊物的规定,才能提高所投稿件的录用率。 撰写英文科技论文的第一步就是推敲结构。最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。 IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题: Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题? Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题? Results(结果):发现了什么? Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么? 按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。首先在一张大纸上(A3或A4纸,横放)写下文章题目(事先定好题目很重要),然后根据IMRaD的结构确定基本的段落主题,把他们写在不同的方框内。你可以记录任何你脑海中闪现的可以包括在该部分的内容,诸如段落标题、图表、需要进一步阐述的观点等等,把它们写在方框附近的圈内,并用箭头标示它们的所属方框。画概念图的阶段也是自由思考的阶段,在此过程中不必拘泥于细节。哪些东西需要包括进文章?还需要做哪些工作,是找到某文献的原文,还是补画一张图表,或者需要再查找某个参考文献?当你发现自己需要再加进一个段落时就在概念图中添加一个新框。如果你发现原来的顺序需作调整,那就用箭头标示新的顺序。绘制概念图的过程看似儿童游戏,但其意义重大,它可以给你自由思考的空间,并通过图示的方式记录你思维发展的过程。这便是写论文的第一步:从整体考虑文章结构,思考各种组织文章的方法,准备好所需的资料,随时记录出现的新想法。采用这个方法,不论正式下笔时是从哪一部分写起,都能够能做到大局不乱。 英文科技论文的基本格式包括: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 其中正文为论文的主体部分,分为若干章节。一篇完整的科技论文的正文部分由以下内容构成: Introduction-引言/概述 Materials and Methods-材料和方法 Results-结果 Discussion-讨论 Conclusions-结论/总结 下面对科技论文主要构成部分的写法和注意事项进行详细介绍。


作文类型及例文 一、看现象,讲道理 1.世博期间,上万的志愿者参加志愿工作,请你谈谈此现象的看法。 During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion. As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it. Here are the reasons I want to mention. It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street. First of all, volunteer work should always benefit people who need help. Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help. On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others. Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature. In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams. Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society. In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked. The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country? 2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。(09年高考题) 你的文章必须包括以下内容: 你是否会参加比赛 你做出该决定的具体理由 V ersion 1: A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it. While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision. First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation. Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years. Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class. For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition. 二、标题作文 1.以“诚实是美德”(Honesty Is a Virtue)为题写一篇短文。短文的内容需包括: 1. 列举社会上的某些不诚实行为

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 (2页)

【优质】大学英语作文范文-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 大学英语作文范文 1. 成功的四个步骤 four steps to a successful four steps to a successful the first time in life? then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. dress properly. while everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. if you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. for businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that armani suit. it is no work. a few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. take a bath before dating. and if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. watch your manner. you're no prince of the scotland nor cinderella in the legend. proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. and do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. and your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by st. loy!" after the nun in chaucer. be a little sensitive than merely innocent. do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. for there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy. finally, wish you good luck. may you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“dress properly....if you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.for businessman orgrowmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。


英语作文模板 一、必背句型 1. as is known /as it is known to all …众所周知 2. with the pace of modern life increasing….随着现代生活步伐的加快 3. with the development of modern society…随着现代社会的 4. personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view…我个人偏向于前/后一种观点 5. there is no doubt that…勿容质疑 6. however everything has two sides…任何事物都具有两方面 7. as a Chinese saying goes…正如中国的一句谚语所说 8. the same is the case with sth…也不例外 9. in the appraisal of …在。。。的评价中 11. according to …there are at least three good reasons…firstly secondly…thirdly….列举的用法 12. In my opinion, in the appraisal of …it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them。 我认为,在对….的评价中,完全的肯定任何事情和否认任何事情都是片面的。我们在欣赏到他们做出的巨大的贡献的同时也要更加注意他们带来的问题。 二、学位英语作文速成模板 1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为…… 2.另一些人认为…… 3.我的看法…… The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . 2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③---------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤---------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥-----(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实 The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you'll necessarily benefit a lot from it.


英文SCI论文写作时的语言表达技巧 1. Introduction: A. 如何指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出自己研究的重要性? 在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。如:However, little information(little attention/little work/little data/little research……)(or few studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……)(or no/none of these studies……)has(have)been done on(focused on/attempted to/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglected to/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. Thus, these previous results are inconclusive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist…… 研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)…… 强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍与自己研究问题相反或相关的问题。比如:(1)时间问题;(2)研究手段问题;(3)研究区域问题;(4)不确定性;(5)提出自己的假设来验证。 如果你研究的问题在时间上比较新,你可大量提及时间较老问题的研究及重要性,然后(However)表明“对时间尺度比较新的问题研究不足”; 如果你的是一种新的研究手段或研究方向,你可提出当前流行的方法及其物质性质,然后(However)说对你所研究的方向方法研究甚少; 如果研究涉及区域问题,就先总结相邻区域或其它区域的研究,然后(However)强调这一区域的研究不足; 虽然前人对某一问题研究很多,但目前有两种或更多种观点,这种uncertainties或ambiguities值得进一步澄清; 如果自己的研究是全是新的,没有前人的工作可对比,你就可以自信地说“根据假设提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要证实这种结果”等等。We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away) with our proposed method (approach). B. 提出自己的观点:We aim to//This paper reports on//This paper provides results//This paper extends the method//This paper focus on……The purpose of this paper is to……Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, we will also discuss…… C. 圈定自己的研究范围:introduction的另一个作用就是告诉读者(包括reviewer),你文章的主要研究内容。如果处理不好,reviewer会提出严厉的建议,比如你没有考虑某种可能性,某种研究手段等。为减少这种争论,在前言的结尾就必须明确提出本文研究的范围: (1)时间尺度; (2) 研究区域等。如涉及较长的时序,你可明确提出本文只关心某一特定时间范围的问题,We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)……如有两种时间尺度(long-term and short term),你可说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种。研究区域的问题,和时间问题一样,也需明确提出你只关心某一特定区域! D. 最后的原场:在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出“这一研究对其它研究有什么帮助”;


中考英语作文常见类型解析及范文- 旅游与介绍地方中考高频率话题,出题形式灵活。 典型例句: 1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…),it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) 2. I got up very early (late)。After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus ,… 3. We enjoyed ourselves。 4. We forgot the time. We didn"t come back until 5 o"clock。 5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。 6. I thought I would never forget this trip。 7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。 8. We visited a lot of places of interest。 9. We had a good time there。 10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。 例文:中考学习小组中考必备! 1、(四川自贡)北京将迎来的奥运会,请以主人的身份向外国朋友介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景 点。根据以下提示写一篇短文。 1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.北京有许多名胜古迹; 3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一; 4.故宫非常漂亮和著名; 5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方 6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。 注:⑴字数80左右。⑵请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑。 ⑶参考词汇:紫禁城The Forbidden City 故宫The Summer Palace 天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 参考作文: Beijing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too. The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go. And Tian" anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk. I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing.

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