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1、And medical researchers…. 几个世纪以来,妇女们始终相信一条朴实的真理:腰越细,生活就越好—医学研究者们如今正开始了解这一简单真理背后的复杂的生理机能。

2、Contrary to the notion…. 与腹部脂肪是位于腰部无所事事的惰性软组织这一观念相反,腹部脂肪实际上是一些小的内分泌工厂,会制造一些把信息传送给许多器官的激素。

3、It will be decades…. 医学解开代谢之谜是脂肪的难题尚需数十年。医生们说,在此期间采取的主要行动是制止腰部变粗。萨瓦德说:“我们每个人都需要放慢让自己体形变得更像苹果的过程。体形实在不容忽视。”

4、The globe’s… 这个全球最大的在线社交网站拥有逾3.5亿用户,如果把它看成一个国家的话,Facebook…. 的人口仅次于中国和印度。这不是唯一与此行业相关的令人震惊的数据。

5、To skeptics…. 对怀疑论者们而言,所有这些关于社交网站的讨论都预示着另一个互联网泡沫的形成。他们争论到,即使如Facebook这么大的社交网站也将为赚钱而挣扎,因为变幻无常的网民们不会在一个地方呆很长时间,例子就是MySpace。MySpace曾经风行一时,而现在只能算是以前的影子。

6、This special…..这份特别报告将细致地检验这些事情。报告表示,尽管不会每个网站都繁荣,社交网站要比其批评者们认为得要更具生机。而社交网络技术让欢迎它们的公司受益匪浅,不管这些企业大还是小。

7、As a child….. 他回忆起自己孩提时,非常专注地看爷爷做柜子,柜子之精致与简洁,让他惊叹不已。二战之后,怀着完善自我的新德国精神,他去艺术学校学习建筑,但同时他仍传承了家族传统,学了一年木匠。

8、For the first time….. 在电子产品领域,既有精湛技术又有卓越设计的公司,这还是头一家。设计成了品牌。它唯一的竞争对手是意大利的奥利韦蒂公司。埃托雷·索姆斯设计的甜美绚丽的拉丁风情与拉姆斯那种精密周到的日耳曼风格形成鲜明的对比.

9、But ram’s…..然而,由于技术的更新换代,拉姆斯设计的电子产品如今早已过时,只能在博物馆里见到。当今社会一次性消费品的泛滥让他心痛,虽然我个人认为他对这种泛滥曾不经意地起过推动作用。他不愿看到“设计”变成纯粹的外表的时尚而已

10、Bad enough that….网络的糟糕程度使越来越多的工程师和安全专家认为网路安全和隐私已经变得令人如此难以捉摸,那么唯一解决问题的办法就是从头开始

11、The internet’s…..当前因特网的设计几乎默默无闻地保护它的使用者。(正如多年前《纽约客》中的一则卡通指出的:“在互联网上,没人知道你是一条狗。”但这种匿名现在成为法律防护最苦恼的挑战。因特网攻击者能够通过连接许多国家的地址来隐藏自己的位置,这用偷来的信用卡在网吧购买一个账户也许就能做到

12、Proving identity…..证明身份仍有可能十分困难。从半个地球之远的地方接管某人的电脑,像操作自己的电脑一样操作它——在这样一个世界是微不足道的。只要事实仍然存在,建立一个完全信得过系统仍将是不大可能的

1、我们要大胆吸收…We should boldly absorb and draw upon all the achievements of the human society, including those of the capitalist countries, and make innovations with new experience for our benefit.

2、有些已经超出.. In one's mind, he needs the power of fortitude to strengthen himself as he is confronted with something beyond his ability and suffering from sins and pains.

3、体育运动学校.. The sports schools’ target and task is to select, bring up, and inf use some reserve sports players to excellent sports teams.

4、我们每个人都…It is not difficult for us to find ourselves in Clyde, including aspiration of success, fame, money and even beauty.

5、在日常生活的纷扰…In the tumult of everyday life, it's very easy to focus on the negative and to lose sight of what really matters.

6、现在他的教师工作团Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition,500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of2,500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students

7、人们在家里而不There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.

8、尽管这位教授Though the professor explained the point in detail, many students still couldn't understand it.

9、我们有好几个不同Various projects are in progress, but we do always need your help. If you have good designs, ideas or would kindly give a hand, please contact related project co-ordinators.

10、在她被接受为固定He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as

a permanent member of staff.

11、华盛顿邮报Washington Post has been in slow decline for the past 50 years, which was deteriorated by the Great Depression.

12、男人们喜欢追逐Men like to pursue an elusive woman, like a cake of wet soap in a bathtub.

13、孩子们没有花很多It didn't take the children long to figure out the correct answer,which surprised the teacher very much.

14、我们不应该因为穷We shouldn't complain about being poor—many families are much worse off.

15、他们与雇主达成的协议The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week

16、仅仅凭一小条轶事It would be wrong to judge any country, let alone one as fractured and complicated as Afghanistan, on an anecdote.

17、他希望把一个童话He hoped to animate a fairy story giving it a kind of magic which live act films could not have.

18、征服畏惧The best and the quickest method to conquer fear and establish confidence is to embark on the most dreadful quest till you obtain the experience for success.

19、著名运动员在Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment.

20、1971年美国The experiment conducted by the US astronauts in 1971 brought conviction to the world that Galileo’s theory of falling objects is true.

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