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1 有些表语形容词前不可用 very,而要用 much,very much 等副词,如用 much afraid,fast asleep.
2.alive 也可用定语形容词,常后置.He is the oldest man alive.
3.名词化的形容词用于指人时,应看作是复数,用于指物时,表示整体抽象概念,应看作是单数,谓语动词用单三:The old like a quiet place.The unusual is not always the best.
4.名词化的形容词连在一起使用时可省略冠词:Old and young should hepl each other.
5.当有两个以上的形容词用来修饰一名词时,其顺序如下: 限定词(冠词,物主代词,指示代词,不定代词)→数词(序数词,基数词)→表性质、状态的描绘形容词(短语在前,长语在后)→表特征的形容词(大小、长短、形状、新旧、年龄、温度)→表颜色的形容词→表属性的形容词(包括国籍等专有名词)→表材料、质地的形容词→名词性定语(包括名词、动名词)+名词:the last four beautiful big new blue Spanish wooden citizen houses
6.good 的反义词是 bad,而well的反义词是ill.
ter 和 latest 指时间的先后,但 latter 和 last 指顺序的先后.
9.farther和farthest主要反映“距离”或“时间”的比较,表示“较远的”“最远的”.而 further和 furthest主要指“程度”,表示“进一步的”和“最大限度的”.
10.A 两者比较,表示一方高于另一方:比较级 +than
B 两者比较,表示同样的程度:as + 原级 +as
C 两者比较,表示一方不如另一方:not so ( as ) + 原级 +as
D 两者比较,表示一方程度浅一些:less + 原级 + than
E 用于三者或三者以上,表示其中一方最…:the + 最高级 + 比较范围
11.某人或某物在与同类相比时,这个“某人或物”应排除在被比者之外,常需用到 other,else.
12.比较级前可用 many,much,far,a bit,a little, a great deal of,a lot 等词表示程度或差别 .
13.同一人或物,比较其两种性质或状态,不管形容词是单音节或多音节,一律用 more … than:He is more wise than diligent.
14.特殊用法 :
比较级 +and+ 比较级
(越来越…)When spring comes,it gets warmer and warmer.
She is making greater and greater progress.
the + 比较级 ,the+ 比较级
(越… , 越…)The richer a country is,the better the people's life will be.
国家越富,人民的生活就越好 .
all the+ 比较级
(格外… , 越发…)The teacher feels all the happier for his diligence.
老师因他的勤奋而感到格外高兴 .
none the+ 比较级
(毫不 , 一点也不)She looks none the better for her holiday.

后看上去身体一点也没有好转 .
no more than=only (仅仅)
not more than=at most
(最多 , 不多于) His grandpa ’ s whole school education added up to no more than two years.
他的祖父所受的全部教育加起来不过才两年 .
There are not more than thirty people in the hall. 大厅里最多 30 人 .
no more … than (和…一样不…)
not more … than (不像…那样) This book is no more attractive than that one. 这本书和那本书一样不吸引人 .
This book is not more attractive than that one. 这本书不像那本书那样吸引人 .
no less than=as much as (多达)
not less than=at least (至少) She has no less than eight
watches. 她有 8 块手表之多 .
She has not less than eight watches. 她至少有 8 块手表 .
no less … than=as … as (和…一样) He is no less clever than you. 他和你一样聪明 .
不用比较级形容的比较:senior 比…大,junior 比…小,superior 比…好,inferior 比…差 She is three years senior to her brother. 她比弟弟大 3 岁.
I an inferior to him in mathematics. 我的数学不如他 .
already 一般用于肯定名,也可用于预料能得到肯定回答的疑问句中,表示某事已发生;yet 一般用于否定句或疑问句中位于句末,意为“还,已经”;still一般用于肯定句,也可用于疑问句,意为“仍然,还”.
I have already read the book./ We haven’t made speeches yet./ Is my skirt dry yet?/ I still hope to get some advice from you on my studies.
16.too,also,as well,either
前三者意思相近,一般不用于否定句中,否定句中用 either.Too 常位于名末,也紧接在主语后面 ;also 一般用于肯定句和疑问句中,位于 be 动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前;as well一般位于句末;either也一般位于句末 .
They grow cotton, too./ He his also interested in computers./ He is a teacher, and a poet as well./ You didn’t go and she didn’t go, either.
A 三者都可以修饰形容词和副词,都有“相当”的意思,但 failry 词义最弱,quite稍强,rather 最强 .Fairly一般表示肯定、褒义,rather 有时表示否定、贬义 .It is fairly cool today. It is rather cold today.
B quite和rather可以修饰动词,而fairly不能 .
I don’t quite understand what you said./ I rather like the song.
so 可用在“ so+ 助动词 + 主语”的倒装结构中,表示“也”,位置在助动词前,so的这种用法只能在肯定句里名胜;在否定句中用neither或nor,结构相同,表示“也不”.
He has seen the film. So have I .
Jim doesn’t like the novel. Neither (Nor) does Linda.
19.ago, before
A “时间段 +ago ”表示从现在往前推算的“一段时间以前”,而“时间段 +before ”表示从过去某时刻再往前推算的“一

He bought a violin a week ago. From his letter I knew that he had bought a violin a week before
B before可表示不确定的过去,而 ago 则不能:Have you been there before?
20.very,much,very much
very 可修饰形容词及副词,不能直接修饰动词,修饰动词时,要用much或very much;much除了修饰动词外,还可修饰形容词或副词的比较级及过去分词;very much 也可修饰过去分词:
The novel is very good./ This novel is much better than that one.Her Japanese is improved very much.
21.像afraid,alive,awake,asleep,alone以“a”开头的形容词,一般不能用very修饰 .
22.deep与deeply都可作副词,但意义不同:deep指的是深浅的“深”,如:dig deep.Deeply 的意思是“涂地、深刻地、深厚地”,有引申含义.如:We are deeply moved by his deeds.
23.high与highly都可作副词,但意义不同 .High指的是高低的“高”,如:jump high;highly的意思是“高度地,高贵地”,有引申含义.如:She is highly praised.
24.not是副词,不能直接修饰名词,no是形容词,能位于名词前作定语,有时no=not any.如:I have no brothers=I have no any brothers.
25.某人或某物在与同类比较时,某人或某物应排除在被比者之外:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Shanghai is larger than any of the other cities in China .
26.用最高级时,主语本身应包括在最高级所指的范围之中.He is the oldest of all the classmates.


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