人教版七年级上册英语教学课件-Unit 1 Section A (1a-2d)

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Alice: Nice to meet you. Grace: Her name’s Alice.
Conversation 3 Bob: Excuse me, are you Eric? Eric: Yes, I am. Are you Mike? Bob: No, I’m not. I’m Bob. Nice to meet you. Eric: Nice to meet you, too.
考向二 Are you...?同义句为Is your name...? 但Is your name...?答语与其不同,见下表:
肯定答语 否定答语
Are you Tim? Is your name Tim?
Yes, I am. Yes, it is.
No, I'm not. No, it isn't.
Language Goals:Introduce yourself;Greet people;Ask for and give telephone numbers
Write English words for the things in the picture. __m__a_p________b_o_o_k______
10.—Nice to meet you, Gina! —___C_____!
A.Hi, John
B.Good morning, John
C.Nice to meet you, too, John D.See you later, John
典例 — ______C____?
—I’m Kate.
What’s this
B. Are you Kate
C. What’s your name D. Where are you
知识点 3 Ms./mɪz/(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明 婚否)女士
eg: Ms. White is our English teacher. 怀特女士是我们的英语老师。
Conversation 3 Gina: Hi. My name’s Gina. Jenny: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! Gina: Nice to meet you, too.
Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then greet your classmates
拓展 其他问候语 初次见面时,也可用Nice to see you./Glad to see you. /Glad to meet you./How do you do?等问候语。
典例 —Hi, my name is Tina. It’s my first time to be here.
— _____D___.(武汉)
8.—Is he Alan?
—_______B_.He's David.
A.Yes,he is
B.No,he isn't
C.Yes,she is
D.No,she isn't
【点拨】用语境分析法。根据问句“他是艾伦吗?”和答句中 “他是戴维。”可知空处答语应为否定,且前后人称一致。故选 B。
9.This is my friend ____C____his name is Stan.
A:Nice to meet
A:Nice to meet you! you,too.
Conversation 1 Cindy: Good morning! I’m Cindy. Dale: Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale. Cindy: Nice to meet you! Conversation 2 Ms. Brown: What’s your name? Alan: Alan. Ms. Brown: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms.
A:What's your name? A:Good morning! A:Hi. My name's Gina.
I'm Cindy.
B:I'm Jenny.
Nice to meet you!
I'm Ms. Brown.
I'm Dale.
知识点 1 Nice to meet you!是打招呼用语。 考向 这是两个人初次见面经介绍相识后相互打招呼的用语
,意为“见到你很高兴!”。回答时可说“Nice to meet you.”或“Nice to meet you, too.”。 eg:—Mary, this is Wang Junkai. 玛丽,这是王俊凯。 —Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴! —Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
Eric: Hello. What’s your namToem? : What’s his name?
Alice: My name’s Alice. Grace: His name’s Eric.
Eric: I’m Eric.
Tom: And what’s her name?
考向二 her还可作代词宾格。 eg:Do you like her?你喜欢她吗?
Roleplay the conversation.
Linda:Good afternoon!My name's Linda. Are you Helen? ❺ Helen:Yes,I am. Nice to meet you,Linda. Linda:Nice to meet you,too. What's her name? Helen:She's Jane. Linda: Is he Jack? Helen:No,he isn't. His name's Mike.
知识点 5 Are you Helen?问句是以be动词are开头的 一般疑问句。are与第二人称代词及复数名词和代词连用。
考向一 1Are you ...?(you指“你”)的答语 肯定回答:Yes, I am.是的,我是。 否定回答: No, I’m not.不,我不是。
拓展 you可以指复数“你们”,此时其答语为: 肯定回答: Yes,we are.是的,我们是。 否定回答:No,we aren’t.不,我们不是。 eg:—Are you Lucy and Lily? 你们是露西和莉莉吗? —Yes, we are./No, we aren’t. 是的,我们是。/ 不,我们不是。
Practice the conversations in pairs.
A:Hello!What's your name? A:What's his name?
B:My name's...
B:His name's...
A:And what's her name?
B:Nice to meet you!
二、单项选择 6.The book must be Lily's.LooAk! _____ name is on the cover.
D 7. —What's your name? —________name is Li Ping.
Very well, thank you
B. It’s all right
C. That would be very nice D. Nice to meet you
【点拨】由前面两句可知两人初次相见,故要用Nice to meet you.打招呼。
知识点 2 —What's your name? —Alan.
B:Her name's... ❹
知识点 4 —What's his/her name? —His/Her name’s...本对话适用于向对方询问作为第三方 的男性/女性的姓名及回答。
考向一 his /hIz/ pron. 他的。后常接名词。 her /hɜː(r)/ pron. 她的,后常接名词。
考向 该句用于询问对方的名字,简单询问可用“Your name, please?”答语使用“My name’s...”、 “I’m...” 或“... is my name.”也可直接说出名字。 eg:—What’s your name, please?请问你叫什么名字? —My name’s Tom./I’m Tom./Tom is my name./Tom.我 的名字叫汤姆。/我叫汤姆。/汤姆是我的名字。/汤姆 。
一、根据句意及所给提示完成单词 1.—Is his____ name Tony?源自文库No. He is Tom. 2.Let'sm_e_et____(见面) at 7:00 in the morning. 3.—Your jacket is veircey n________. —Thank you! 4.Her ruler is browhne. S_____ likes it very much. 5. —__A_r_e____(是) you Lucy and Lily? —Yes, we are.
_b_a_s_e_b_a_l_l ______k_e_y______ _b_a_s_k_e_t_b_a_ll___s_c_h_o_o_lb__a_g_…_
—Hi. My name's Gina. —I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you!❶ —Nice to meet you,too. —What's your name? —Alan. ❷ ——Hello,Alan. I'm Ms. ❸ Brown. —Good morning!I'm Cindy. —Hello,Cindy!I'm Dale. —Nice to meet you!
本 节 课 主 要 练 习 了 听 力 , 掌 握 了 单 词 Ms. 和 句 式Nice to meet you! What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name’s..., Are you Helen?的用法,学会 了如何询问他人的姓名。
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Unit 1 My name’s Gina.
第一课时: Section A (1a-2d)
Do you know how to introduce yourself and greet others?
Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1-4].
Listen again. Circle the names you hear.
Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller
拓展 辨析Ms., Miss, Mrs. 与Mr.
Ms. “女士”,用于婚姻状况不明的女士的姓氏或姓 名前。
Miss “小姐”,用于未婚女士的姓氏或姓名前。
Mrs. “夫人”,用于已婚女士的姓氏或姓名前。 Mr. “先生”,用于男士的姓氏或姓名前。
Listen and number the conversations [1-3]
Conversation 4 Ms. Miller: Good morning, boys and girls. My name’s
Ms. Miller. What’s your name?
Jack: My name’s Jack. Ms. Miller: And what’s your name? Mary: My name’s Mary.