当前位置:文档之家› 口译lesson1(最新整理)





I. Theory and Technique: Receiving Information

II. Technique Training

1.1 三种错误的饭后习惯

1.2 Why do we have eyebrows?

III. Interpreting Exercise

1.3 US Vice President’s speech at Fudan University

1.4 王光亚在普林斯顿大学演讲的开场白

1.5 Speech at inauguration of new facility

IV. Interpretation-related culture: etiquette

V. Everyday Accumulation: Cliché

Part one. Receiving Information

A. Difference between normal listening comprehension practice and the listening comprehension in interpretation

The most basic difference is that in the normal listening comprehension practice, a listener is only asked to understand what he hears and make judgment, while in the interpreting environment, an interpreter is asked not only to understand but also to make logical analysis of what he hears and reorganize the information with his own words and express it through interpretation.


B. Technique Training

a. Summarizing practice: After listening to a text (either in SL or TL), students are asked to summarize what he or she hears in the same language of the source text, which means if a student listens to a Chinese text, he is asked to do the summary in Chinese, and if it is in English, do it in English, so there is no listening barriers for Ss.

Tips for SP:

1) catch the logical structure of the source text: title of the text; topic sentence; narrating structure: time, direction, logical reasoning, etc; style of the text: narrative, illustrative, explanation, argument, story, etc.

2)get the trunk message (major idea)

3) be coherent (前后保持连贯一致)

Sample practice one:

三种错误的饭后习惯(Three mistaken after-meal habits )

Practice pattern:

1) Ask Ss to just listen to the audio material without referring to the written text and summarize. Purpose: to help them form the awareness of being an interpreter, to establish the direct transition from oral to oral, however, note-taking is encouraged in this technique training. After listening to the audio material for one time, get volunteers to do the summarization.

2)Ask Ss to listen for the second time with their books open and give their written summarization. Assign them homework: Translate the teacher’s summarization into English and upload their translation to the teacher’s blog, later on, compare their translation with the teacher’s in the blog.

Blog Address: http://blog. https://www.doczj.com/doc/231733407.html,/cableinterpret

First question: What are they? (one, two, three)

Second question: Why are they wrong? What is the right thing to do?( respective reasons and advice)


S: 许多人多喜欢饭后吃点水果爽口,但医生提醒说,这其实是一种错误的习惯,因为饭后马上吃水果会影响消化。如果人们长期坚持这种生活习惯,将会导致



S: 医生还提醒说,人们还要注意改正饭后饮茶和饭后散步的错误习惯。饭后立即饮茶,茶水会冲淡胃液(gastric juice, stomach juice, digestive juice),影响胃内食物的正常消化。医生建议,最好在进食一小时之后再饮用茶水,这样有助于消化。




Three mistaken after-meal habits

Many people like to eat some fruits right after a meal, however, doctors remind that it is actually a mistaken habit, for it (eating fruits right after a meal) will affect digestion. If one sticks to such a habit, it will bring about disorder of his digesting system. Thus, it is suggested that one eats fruits one or two hours after a meal.

Doctors also remind that the habits of having tea and going for a

walk right after a meal are wrong and should be corrected.

If one drinks tea right after a meal, the tea water will dilute the gastric juice and affect the normal digestion of the food in stomach. Doctors suggest that one takes tea one hour after a meal.

The common saying that “If one takes a walk (of 100 steps) after a meal, he is most likely to enjoy a long life (of 99 years)” is unscientific. One’s stomach is fully-loaded with food after a meal, thus even the slightest physical movements will shake the stomach and increase its burden, affecting its digesting function. Doctors

suggest that one go for a walk half an hour after a meal.

Sample Practice two:

Why do we have eyebrows?

Question 1: What roles do our eyebrows play?

Question 2: How eyebrows help protect our eyes?

Our eye brows play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes. By diverting the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes, they keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat. Our eye brows are arch-shaped, which helps angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but also keep the salt in the sweat from burning or irritating our eyes.

Eyebrows have other roles also. For example, eyebrows help us determine (tell) how people are feeling without having to ask them, for eyebrows are one of the most expressive facial features. If somebody’s eyebrows are drawn in a frown, he is most likely angry or upset.

Besides, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concept of beauty or fashion. Big, thick and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more beautiful.






Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we are delighted to be here today. My wife and I

are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in

China.// We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the People of the United States.//

I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university.

I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline.//

I congratulate each of you on your achievement, and I commend your teacher for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.




















Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening.

It is an honor for me to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As the former President Bill Clinton said in 1996 in the 250 anniversary celebration of Princeton,"At every critical moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, its students have played a crucial role."

I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have lots in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald's fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and

daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today's seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus further deepening our friendship and cooperation.


1.第二轮中美战略与经济对话今天在北京开幕。首先,我谨对远道而来的美国 朋友,表示热烈的欢迎! The second round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED) opens in Beijing today. Let me first of all extend a warm welcome to our American friends coming from afar. 2.很高兴应奥巴马总统邀请,在一元复始的时节来到华盛顿,对美国进行国事 访问。此时此刻,我谨代表13亿中国人民,向美国人民致以诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿! It gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visit to the United States at the beginning of a new year at the invitation of President Obama. Let me extend, on behalf of the 1.3 billion Chinese people, sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of the United States. 3.很高兴来到多伦多参加二十国集团领导人第四次峰会,同各位同事共同讨论 推动世界经济全面复苏这个重大议题。首先,我谨对哈珀总理和加拿大政府为本次峰会所作的积极努力和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!我还要感谢大家对上海世博会给予的宝贵支持和帮助。 It gives me great pleasure to attend the fourth G20 Summit in Toronto and discuss with you the important subject of promoting full recovery of the world economy. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Harper and the Canadian government for their active efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting. I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai. 4.很高兴来到首尔参加二十国集团领导人第五次峰会,同各位同事共商促进经 济复苏、推动世界发展大计。首先,我谨对李明博总统和韩国政府为本次峰会所作的积极努力和周到安排表示衷心的感谢!对各国在上海世博会的精彩展示表示诚挚的祝贺! It gives me great pleasure to attend the fifth G20 summit in Seoul and discuss with


外事接待 第一篇 制药 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理 deputy managing director 研究生 graduate student 论文 paper 研究成果 research findings 实验助手 lab assistant 市中心 downtown area 假日酒店 Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee 招待所 guesthouse 舒适如归 make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难 help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育 online education 科举制 imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度 educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍


尽管每个人的对记录符号的使用可能是多样的,同一事物不同的人可能会使用不同的符号,同一符号在不同的人意识中肯能代表不同的意思,但是通行的原则还是存在的,活用这些原则,那会让你在口译的过程中如虎添翼…… 在听力活动中,笔记是一个辅助我们记忆的非常有效的工具。 对于专业的口译译员来说,口译笔记的作用是帮助他们还原刚刚听到的内容。而对于同学们来说其最大的作用则是在我们做题的时候帮助我们记录并最终理清语言材料之间的逻辑关系,还原具体信息细节。 在听力练习当中,题目经常是在一大段语言材料播放完毕之后才出现,由于人记忆能力的局限这个时候很多本来已经听懂的内容已经无法被我们回忆起来,造成了信息模糊、信息丢失,以至于无法完成题目。而笔记可以有效地弥补人短时记忆的缺陷,掌握一点英语口译者们常用的笔记法,你会发现这些“专业人士”所谓的“高端技能”,对于普通的学习者来说同样有很大意义,可以帮助我们在一般的听力考试中游刃有余。 英语笔记法的适用前提——听力过关(五大支柱),听懂是做笔记的前提条件,如果听都没有听懂,又怎么可能去记?再好地记录能力都不可能创造信息本身。 下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧: 1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词) ——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形) Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”, “我同意”记作“I√ ”; “观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”, “economic development”记作“经↑” ↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等” ↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”; ↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”; ←表示“返回,倒退等”; →表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”; +表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”; —表示“减少,减”; >表示“多于,大于,强于”; <表示“少于,小于,不如”; ∵表示“因为,由于”; ∴表示“所以,因此”; =表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。 t表示thousand; m表示million; b表示 billion; 1st表示first。 2、不要横着写:


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


Unit six Lesson one 1.Over the next day and a half we will have the opportunity to get to know one another and discuss relevant issues affecting the diamond industry. 在随后的一天半的时间里,我们将有机会互相了解,并就影响钻石业的相关问题进行讨论。 2.We will also present updated research results on the world DJ (diamond and jewelry) market and more importantly just recently released research findings on the state of the Chinese DJ industry. 我们还将向你们介绍有关世界钻石珠宝市场的最新调查结果。更为重要的是介绍最近发布的有关中国钻石珠宝业状况的最新调查结果。 3.The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging. 在过去几年,中国的形势令人鼓舞,经济发展显著,管理良好。 Lesson two https://www.doczj.com/doc/231733407.html,merce between our two countries is growing rapidly, although it is unbalanced. 两国间的商务虽然发展还不大平衡,但增长迅速。 Lesson four 1.当然,我们还不应当忘记为会议提供了各方面周到服务的各界朋友,他们的辛勤工作确保 了会议的顺利进行。 Of course, we should not forget our friends from all walks of life who have provided the smooth running of the conference. 2.我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上,我们的友谊地久天长。我们热切期待着当新的千年到来 的时候,我们在墨尔本港再次相聚。 I sincerely wish our career would bloom and our friendship would last forever. We’re eagerly waiting to see each other in Melbourne when the new millennium comes. Unit seven Lesson one 1.This city and his country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy that are required to meet the challenges facing our rapidly changing and urbanizing world. 这个城市和这个国家体现的进取精神,奉献精神和一种活力,来应对不断变化,不断城市化的世界所面临的挑战。 2.This Urban Revolution promises to be one of the greatest opportunities of our time. 这次城市革命注定为我们这个时代提供了最大的机遇。 3.The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion. 城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。 Lesson 4 1.请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian, to extend our warmest


On China’s Entry into the WTO 论中国入世 艰苦努力painstaking efforts 世贸组织新成员new member of the WTO 具有历史意义的一件大事a major event of historic significance 现代化建设modernization drive 产生重要而深远的影响exert important and far-reaching influence on 经济发展economic development 社会进步social progress. 加入世贸组织joining the WTO // accession to the WTO // entry into the WTO // WTO entry 重大战略决策a major strategic decision 改革开放reform, opening up 中国深入参与China's in-depth participation in 经济全球化economic globalization. 最大的发展中国家the largest developing country 不完整的incomplete 普遍性和公正性universality and fairness 多边贸易体制multilateral trading system. 利弊advantages and disadvantages 许多方面many aspects 发展机遇opportunities for development 扩大就业总量expand total employment volume 提高人民生活水平raise people's living standards 更好地利用外资make better use of foreign capital 有利于conducive to 实施“走出去”战略implementing the strategy of "going globe-wide" 参加国际竞争与合作participating in international competition and cooperation 在更广阔的天地in a broader world 利于我国分享……好处advantageous to China's share of the benefits 严峻的挑战grim challenges 从观念上、体制上做必要的调整make necessary conceptual and structural adjustments 经济的管理economic management, 相应的转变corresponding changes 企业的管理方法enterprises' management method 经营机制operational mechanisms 随着……的进入along with the inflow 服务业service trades 中国产业Chinese industries 成本高、技术水平低和管理落后的企业enterprises with high cost, low technical level and backward management 遭受一定的冲击和压力be subjected to certain impact and pressure 迎接这些挑战meet these grim challenges 不失时机lose no time


Unit 1 1.Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率 2.Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this year the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。 3.As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, You’ll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更便宜的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会认可我们的价格是最优惠的。 4.In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we expect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50% 5.In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For example, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel locomotives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比如,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机 6.Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in prices of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/231733407.html,rge wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries. 大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。 1.将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退The near-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 2.中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家安 全政策。Sino-American ties have become very extensive, affecting all aspects of our people’s lives: commerce, culture, education and our national security policies. 3.人们往往希望雇主支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全, 还有学习的机会。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek flexible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn. 4.对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及 过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running was working out whether it would be feasible at all. That’s really hard to do as I haven’t been involved in the industry before. 5.创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字表明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后 的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is


中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大。两国已缔结了23对友好省州和123对姊妹城市。去年,到中国旅游的美国人多达131万人次。中国赴美探亲、求学、经商的有44万人次。中国有超过18万人曾在美国留学,目前在读的留学生有六万余人。而在中国学习的美国留学生只有约3000人,位居外国在华留学人数第三位。中美在教育领域的交流与合作还有很大发展空间。中国绝大多数大中小学都学习英语,总人数超过1.2亿。美国已有近1000所高校和200多所中小学开设了中文课程,华人华侨开办了近600所中文学校,包括在马里兰大学创建的孔子学院。但与中美交往的需要将比,美国的汉语教学任重道远。 下面是presentation内容: Remarks at Jinan University, Guangzhou by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Tuesday, October 27, 2009 美国商务部长骆家辉在广州暨南大学的演讲 2009年10月27日 Good afternoon everyone. It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University. I have been looking forward to this visit to southern China for some time. My roots are here. The ancestral home of my family, a village called Jilong, where my mother and father were married, is located here in Guangdong Province. My brother and sisters and I, and our spouses, were delighted to join my parents when they returned for a visit a few years ago. It was the trip of a lifetime for all of us. Let me begin this afternoon by congratulating each of you for your acceptance at one of China’s premie r universities. Jinan has produced countless government, business, and academic leaders throughout its history –and is recognized as one of the leading research universities in China. You are here at Jinan at a time in Chinese and world history that is at the same time frightening and exciting. On top of a struggling global economy, our world has more serious issues to deal with than we'd all care to count. Climate change, poverty, disease, terrorism -- each issue on its own is enough to consume all of our time. But we've got to deal with them all at once. It's enough to make anyone despair for the future. But not me. I'm optimistic and confident the world is equipped to deal with the challenges we face -- and a big part of the reason is seeing young people like you. Because although these problems are daunting, they do have solutions. Many of them can be solved with


值得一看的口译资料 口译资料 高级口译笔记——文化交流(Cultural Exchange) 一、词汇 汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声)the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone 笔画stroke 部首radical 偏旁basic character component 象形文字pictograph 独角戏monodrama/one-man play 皮影戏shadow play 折子戏opera highlights 单口相声monologue comic talk 对口相声comic cross talk 说书monologue story-telling 传说legend 神话mythology 寓言fable 武术martial art 气功controlled breathing exercise 气功疗法breathing technique therapy 春联spring couplet 剪纸paper-cut 戏剧脸谱theatrical mask 草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool 草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty 二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms 天干地支the heavenly stems and earthly branches 清明节the Pure Brightness Day 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 文化事业cultural undertaking 民族文化national culture 民间文化folk culture 乡土文化native/country culture


外事接待 第一篇 制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理deputy managing director 研究生graduate student 论文paper 研究成果research findings 实验助手lab assistant 市中心downtown area 假日酒店Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee 招待所guesthouse 舒适如归make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难help sb. out 第二篇 Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 参观访问 第一篇 学位点degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科national key disciplines 两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering 网络教育online education 科举制imperial examination 日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment 博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination 治学态度educational philosophy 取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest 怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship 高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning 承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission 精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith 文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine 全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions 社会转型时期 a period of social transition 百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem 第二篇 Vancouver 温哥华 Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户 The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸 Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造 Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产 Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍 High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店 Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆 Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场 Botanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液


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Unit 1 meeting and seeing-off 迎来送往 1、Our general manager asked me to come and meet you because he is chairing a meeting at this moment. He sends his warmest regards. 我们总经理此时在主持一个会议,所以要我来接你们。他要我带他先向你们致意。 2、For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate y ou in one of the company’s villas for overseas visitors. It is located by the beach, overlooking the sea. It is only 20 minutes’ drive from our company .I am sure you will like it. 考虑到你们的方便和舒适,我们把你们安顿在公司的外宾别墅。别墅在海边,俯瞰着大海。离公司只有20分钟。你们一定会喜欢的。 3、好极了,我喜欢视野开阔的房子。 That’s wonderful. I love living in a house with an open view. 4、Just to confirm—you know that tomorrow’s meeting is set for 9:30 a.m. at our office. 确定一下,你们知道明天的会议是早上9:30,地点在我们办公室。 5、Tomorrow evening at 7:oo we will host a reception dinner in your honor. By the way, are there any sights you’d like to see while you are here? 明天晚上7点还将设宴为你洗尘呢!对了,在此期间,你们是否想去参观一些地方? 6、看情况吧。如果一切顺利如愿的话,我很想留出一天时间观光。 Well, it depends! If anything comes out good and satisfactory, I’d leave a day for sightseeing. 7、I’ll make some arrangements for this tour around. 观光的事由我来安排。 8、我的行李都进去了,看来该说再见了。 All my bags are checked in, I guess I’m all set to go. 9、我们能在一个月内收到你们的第一批货,对吧? So, we’ll be expecting the first shipment within a month? 10、我真的很感激你们的热情款待,也感谢你陪我观光这座城市。这次旅游非常有意义,也非常有收获。 I really appreciate all of your hospitality and you accompanying me on the tour around the city. It’s been a most interesting and rewarding trip. 11、这是最后一次登机广播了。我们得说再见了。 There’s the last call for boarding. We must say goodbye now

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