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第二节听对话听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B C三个选项中选出正确答案。



6. When was the TV set in ve nted?

A. In 1825.

B. In 1952.

C. In 1925.


7. What can we know from the dialogue?

A. The man ' s bike is broken

B. The woman can ' t lend her bike to the man.

C. The woma n' s bike is nice.


8. What does the boy advise the girl to do?

A. Join an En glish club.

B. Have con versati ons with frien ds.

C. Ask the teacher for help.


9. What does Betty mea n?

A. She only watches TV at ni ght.

B. There was a TV on the spaceship.

C. She has see n a spaceship on TV.


10. What is the woma n doi ng?

A. She is readi ng a n ewspaper.

B. She is readi ng a book.

C. She is liste ning to the radio.

11. What are they talki ng about?

A. The ani mals.

B. The water.

C. The environment.


12. Where did Kan gka ng go duri ng the holiday?

A. To Yunnan.

B. To Gua ngxi.

C. To Tibet.

13. How many times has Kan gka ng bee n there before?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.


14. How ofte n does Ala n surf the Intern et?

A. Seldom.

B. Never.

C. very ofte n

15. What ki nd of in formatio n does Ala n get from the In ternet?

A. About the astr on auts .

B. The in terest n ews.

C. Scie nee

tech no logy .


School life



21. This is ______ old mobile phon e. I want a new one.

A. the

B. an

C. a

22. Jane has made ______ in En glish because she studies harder tha n before.

A. progress

B. mistakes

C. discussi on

23. —Shall we meet aga in?

—Sure. Make it ________ day you like. It ' s all the same to me.

A. either

B. any

C. ano ther

24. —Have you ev er been to Fudao? I think it is a good place for you to travel.

—Yes. Many visitors are surprised at the rapid ________ o f Fuzhou.

A. developme nt

B. agreeme nt

C. en viro nment

25. The book is worth readi ng because it is ________ .

A.n ecessary

B. valuable

C. comfortable

26. —Where is your father going?

—He is going to France ________ . He will stay there for two weeks.

A. on sale

B. on bus in ess

C. on show

27. —I think our headmaster may be at school.

—No, she ______ be there. She left for Xiame n just now.

A. mustn ' t

B. may not



28. —Who will ______ you _______ a t the train statio n?

—My pare nts and frien ds.

A. take; off

B. turn; off

C. see; off

29. —Peter, ______ you _______ y our homework?

—Not yet, I ' ll do it at once.

A. have; fini shed

B. Did; fin ish

C. Will; fin ish

30. —How was your history exam yesterday?

—Oh, I felt _______ 」could hardly an swer all the questi ons on time.