当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语词汇练习第三套附答案资料




1. The headmaster was strict. He requested that we ______{s/1} television on week nights.

[A]. not watch

[B]. must not watch

[C]. not be watching

[D]. haven’t watched

2. [D]o you remember ______{s/1} to Professor Smith during your last visit?

[A]. to be introduced

[B]. being introduced

[C]. having introduced

[D]. to have introduced

3. He can't afford the ordinary comforts of life, ______{s/1}luxuries.

[A]. not to speak of

[B]. let alone

[C]. to say nothing

[D]. let it alone

4. The dog was nowhere ______{s/1}.

[A]. to find

[B]. to be found

[C]. to finding

[D]. found

5. He has to decide within a ______{s/1} while he is still young and can make choices.

[A]. given period

[B]. giving period

[C]. period giving

[D]. period gives

6. Having been on the ______{s/1} for the whole month, the criminal decided to turn himself in to the police.

[A]. escaped

[B]. caught

[C]. way

[D]. run

7. Seeing that the last bus was leaving, he made a ______{s/1} for it while shouting "Wait! Wait!"

[A]. drive

[B]. dash

[C]. race

[D]. relay

8. If we carry out our plan with ______{s/1}, we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later.

[A]. conditions

[B]. determination

[C]. competition

[D]. frowns

9. Jessica ______{s/1} her father on the knee and asked him not to worry about his health.

[A]. patted

[B]. struck

[C]. stroked

[D]. paced

10. I was surprised to see the little girl play the piano so skillfully; she must have a(n) ______{s/1} future in music.

[A]. promised

[B]. processed

[C]. promising

[D]. processing

11. Sherry is a member of a(n) ______{s/1} dramatic club. She goes there after work for practice twice a week.

[A]. grateful

[B]. amusing

[C]. assertive

[D]. amateur

12. Our university celebrated its 100th ______{s/1} the year before last.

[A]. anniversary

[B]. birthday

[C]. year

[D]. birth

13. Jane sometimes complains that her husband is not ______{s/1} enough. He never thinks of buying her any gift on special days.

[A]. acceptable

[B]. romantic

[C]. assertive

[D]. restless

14. If you are always ______{s/1} to others' troubles, you won't get any help whenever you are in trouble yourself.

[A]. indifferent

[B]. regretful

[C]. romantic

[D]. phenomenal

15. They took a taxi to meet you at the hotel just now, so they will arrive ______{s/1} half an hour later if there is no traffic on the way.

[A]. hardly

[B]. approximately

[C]. instantly

[D]. lately

16. First of all, I would like to express my ______{s/1} to my parents, who have cared about me all the time.

[A]. satisfaction

[B]. regret

[C]. attitude

[D]. gratitude

[C]orrect answer: D

17. The stepmother was kind to her own daughters but cruel to Cinderella. But the poor

girl could do nothing about the ______{s/1} treatment.

[A]. fair

[B]. difficult

[C]. unfair

[D]. indifferent

18. [A]dmired by people in many nations, Mr. Zhou Enlai is ______{s/1} among the world's greatest leaders.

[A]. regarded

[B]. considered

[C]. believed

[D]. ranked

19. The young man gave a speech with great ______{s/1} and moved all those who were present.

[A]. direction

[B]. passion

[C]. indifference

[D]. regret

20. A(n)______{s/1}of anger drove him almost mad and then he really did something stupid.

[A]. burst

[B]. outburst

[C]. occasion

[D]. output

21. To secure our future, we need a(n) ______{s/1}economic strategy.

[A]. consistent

[B]. obvious

[C]. interested

[D]. huge

22. Just imagine Mary ______{s/1} in her favorite chair back home.

[A]. to sit

[B]. sit

[C]. sitting

[D]. has been sat

23. Mr. Thomas found the coins while ______{s/1}in his back garden.

[A]. digging

[B]. was digging

[C]. dug

[D]. being digging

24. Snap judgments, if ______{s/1}, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense.

[A]. taking seriously

[B]. taken seriously

[C]. take seriously

[D]. to be taken seriously

25. Being with his family for a few days, I gained one or two insights ______{s/1} the reason he behaves the way he does.

[A]. into

[C]. of

[D]. off

26. I intended ______{s/1} you last Sunday, but I had no time

[A]. to have called on

[B]. calling on

[C]. to be calling on

[D]. to be called on

27. When you're in Paris you can't help being ______{s/1}of the way the streets are kept clean.

[A]. effective

[B]. relaxed

[C]. conscious

[D]. obvious

28. The book offers some advice about how to make a good ______{s/1} at job interviews.

[A]. attitude

[B]. effect

[C]. reaction

[D]. impression

29. It is very difficult, for the time being, to______{s/1} how much money is needed.

[A]. account

[B]. sign

[C]. range

[D]. estimate

30. The teacher praised and rewarded the good ______{s/1}of his students in class.

[A]. status

[B]. behavior

[C]. function

[D]. sign

31. We must ______{s/1}our attention on the question of reducing our cost.

[A]. pay

[B]. focus

[C]. absorb

[D]. promote

32. My bag looks ______{s/1}to Mary's, so I often take hers by mistake.

[A]. the same

[B]. identical

[C]. different

[D]. like

33. She bought a blue and yellow hat to ______{s/1}her new blue dress.

[A]. match

[B]. shade

[C]. combine

[D]. marry

34. When workers are organized and united, managers find it hard to lay them ______{s/1}.

[A]. off

[C]. out

[D]. down

35. In case of emergency, please ______{s/1} the orders of the ship staff.

[A]. post

[B]. transfer

[C]. confirm

[D]. obey

36. People at the store will ______{s/1}your TV set without charge because it is so new.

[A]. bring

[B]. buy

[C]. repair

[D]. return

37. A completely new situation is likely to ______{s/1}when the age for leaving school is raised to 16.

[A]. affect

[B]. rise

[C]. arise

[D]. happen

38. This ticket ______{s/1} you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

[A]. gives

[B]. grants

[C]. entitles

[D]. credits

39. It might be asked what the author's basic______{s/1}were; then we could understand his works better.

[A]. meaning

[B]. intentions

[C]. educations

[D]. interests

40. ______{s/1}he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.

[A]. As soon as

[B]. As long as

[C]. As well as

[D]. So far as

41. She was so (bewildered) ______{s/1} that she didn’t know what to do.

[A] angry

[B] confused

[C] pleased

[D] sorrowful

42. He (condensed) ______{s/1} all the useful information in this book into a few pages.

[A] compressed

[B] collected

[C] gathered

[D] converted

43. The museum has recently purchased an early (draft) ______{s/1} of the author’s


[A] edition

[B] collection

[C] chapter

[D] version

44. The space shuttle program (entails) ______{s/1} the use of sophisticated technology.

[A] creates

[B] develops

[C] involves

[D] enhances

45. Jack tackled the job with much (expertise). ______{s/1}

[A] special skill

[B] reluctance

[C] enthusiasm

[D] diligence

46. Out of sheer curiosity I enquired whether the person he (lamented for) ______{s/1}was a relative of his.

[A] mourned for

[B] spoke for

[C] pleaded for

[D] ran risk for

47. We tried hard to (console) ______{s/1} her when her husband died.

[A] soothe

[B] convince

[C] dissuade

[D] defend

48. He vowed to (reciprocate) ______{s/1} for the good thing which had been done for him.

[A] make a return

[B] do better

[C] forget the matter

[D] cause bodily harm

49. You should keep your (rage) ______{s/1}under control at this critical moment.

[A] anguish

[B] fury

[C] anxiety

[D] annoyance

50. From the (rubble) ______{s/1}came the glitter of gold.

[A] debris

[B] hole

[C] vault

[D] chest

51 A repeated ______{S/1}

[B] stated

[C] described

[D] reported

52. The presidency of the United States is often (depicted) ______{s/1}as the world’s most strenuous job.

[A] imagined

[B] described

[C] explained

[D] expected

53. The pilot made one last (frantic) ______{s/1} distress call before he jumped with

a parachute from the damaged aircraft.

[A] little

[B] desperate

[C] hopeful

[D] futile

54. The negotiation between the two countries seemed to have come to a total (impasse) ______{s/1}.

[A] clash

[B] collision

[C] end

[D] deadlock

55. The results of the test were quite (ambiguous). ______{s/1}

[A] unclear

[B] surprising

[C] reliable

[D] illegal

56. He went to a lawyer to see if the contract had been (breached) ______{s/1}.

[A] observed

[B] altered

[C] broken

[D] renewed

57. Most of the Americans are (middle –of-the-roaders) ______{s/1}, according to the survey.

[A] extremists

[B] moderates

[C] radicals

D] right-handed people

58. To our disappointment, George became rather (haughty) ______{s/1} after he won the election.

[A] arrogant

[B] pompous

[C] furious

[D] hideous

59. subterranean ______{s/1}

[A] backward

[B] underground

[C] surface

[D] celestial

60. treacherous______{s/1}

[A] loyal

[B] disloyal

[C] reliable

[D] true

61. Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless ______{s/1} that they hurry past it.

[A] haste

[B] mist

[C] harass

[D] taste

62. am hoping, one day, to ______{s/1}kids from all over the world, so they can be brothers and grow up together.

[A] adapt

[B] adopt

[C] adept

[D] apart

63. ______{s/1}to 1950 whenChinese regained Tibet, Tibet was still in a slavery society under Dalai Lama's puppet regime.

[A] before

[B] after

[C] prior

[C] senior

64. ______{s/1}, some television programs have been extremely harmful to the young.

[A] fortunately

[B] frankly

[C] unfortunately

[D] luckily

65. Then you can not be a qualified ______{s/1}, Your work can be replaced by anybody.

[A] persistent

[B] resistant

[C] assistant

[D] consistent

66. To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel ______{s/1}.

[A] confusing

[B] confused

[C] refused

[D] refusing

67. Freud said that the war was caused because men ______{s/1}for women.

[A] repeat

[B] companion

[C] company

[D] compete

68. English language learners at this stage will need much ______{s/1}of English.

[A] competition

[B] companion

[C] repetition

[D] recurrence

69. They hid themselves behind some bushed ______{s/1} that the enemy should find


[A] with fear

[B] to fear

[C] at fear

[D] for fear

70. Whenever the wind blows, they ______{s/1}, and branches straight fight.

[A] shake

[B] quake

[C] tremble

[D] shutter

71. Some sports are usually done ______{s/1}, while others are done outdoors.

[A] indoor

[B] indoors

[C] outdoor

[D] outdoors

72. Almost all human beings – from the most primitive to the most ______{s/1}– are affected by these three events.

[A] civilized

[B] disciplined

[C] trained

[D] developed

73. Assist Executive Assistant in new employee recruitment, ______{s/1}, and labor contract and welfare issues.

[A] employ

[B] employment

[C] employed

[D] employing

74. Being too anxious to help an event develop often results in the ______{s/1} to our intention.

[A] country

[B] contrary

[C] convey

[D] convoy

75.An ______{s/1}is someone who didn't have enough personality to become an accountant.

[A] socialist

[B] historian

[C] economist

[D] artist

76. She thinks her neighbors look down ______{s/1}her a bit because she's never been abroad.

[A] at

[B] on

[C] with

[D] for

77. Its unhurried but sophisticated citizens ______{s/1}not only high incomes but also high levels of education.

[B] pride

[C] boast

[D] wrist

78. The police found a bloody handkerchief on the ______{s/1}

[A] area

[B] spot

[C] field

[D] range

79. We must limit the expense to what we can really ______{s/1}

[A] take

[B] cost

[C] afford

[D] commit

80. After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to ______{s/1}in advance .

[A] fire

[B] retire

[C] employ

[D] hire

81. ______{s/1} to the proposal so far have been mixed.

[A]. Instincts

[B]. Imaginations

[C]. Reactions

[D]. Realities

82. I thought I would remain calm, but when I was ______{s/1} by the TV camera, I became very nervous.

[A]. confronted

[B]. affected

[C]. Attached

[D]. dominated

83. The product is aimed at young people in the 18 - 25 age ______{s/1}

[A]. range

[B]. span

[C]. reach

[D]. spread

84. They have ______{s/1} as the leading scientists in their field.

[A]. emerged

[B]. known

[C]. broken

[D]. recognized

85. Our local hospital has become the latest ______{s/1} of the cuts in government spending.

[A]. guilt

[B]. intention

[C]. violence

[D]. victim

86. We hope to become more ______{s/1} in knowing when earthquakes happen.

[B]. reasonable

[C]. apparent

[D]. aware

87. As a teacher you have to ______{s/1} your methods to suit the needs of slower children.

[A]. enlarge

[B]. adjust

[C]. affect

[D]. afford

88. Don't offer him a cigarette; he's trying to give it ______{s/1}.

[A]. in

[B]. for

[C]. off

[D]. up

89. The Broadcasting Museum also offers Saturday workshops to ______{s/1} children with the world of radio.

[A]. contrive

[B]. Acquaint

[C]. acquire

[D]. admit

90.The old man left home with his ______{s/1}-looking hat that seemed as old as its owner.

[A]. funny

[B]. new

[C]. modern

[D]. ancient

91. His ______{s/1} deeds were almost unbelievable! I have never heard of someone as brave.

[A]. fearful

[B]. loving

[C]. heroic

[D]. shy

92.Students ______{s/1} to the hall for a lecture given by a famous professor.

[A]. blocked

[B]. flocked

[C]. staggered

[D]. drifted

93.Thousands of people, dead or seriously injured, were buried underneath the ______{s/1}of the city after the bombing.

[A]. wreckage

[B]. foundation

[C]. base

[D]. destruction

94.The queen's daughter felt a little unhappy about the rules that a(n) ______{s/1}member must obey.

[A]. loyal

[B]. royal

[C]. ordinary

[D]. luxury

95.Why are you getting so angry with her? She is a ______{s/1} child.

[A]. merely

[B]. more

[C]. just

[D]. mere

96.I only caught a ______{s/1} of the woman, so I couldn't remember what she looked like.

[A]. sight

[B]. glimpse

[C]. stare

[D]. look

97.The branches ______{s/1}when the wind gently blew.

[A]. swayed

[B]. shook

[C]. staggered

[D]. trembled

98.Looking down from the top of the hill, she felt slightly ______{s/1} and closed her eyes.

[A]. confused

[B]. dizzy

[C]. firm

99.The train was just leaving as they ______{s/1}to catch it.

[A]. flamed

[B]. walked

[C]. dashed

[D]. blew

100.The people in this country have ______{s/1}almost a decade of economic hardship.


[B]. got

[C]. gone

[D]. wailed


1-5 A B B B A

6-10 D B B A C

11-15 D A B A B

16-20 A C D B B

21-25 A C A B A

26-30 A C D D B

31-35 B B A A D

36-40 C C C B B

41-45 B A D C A

46-50 A A A B A

51-55 A B B D A

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