十二主神介绍 PPT课件

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❖ She is in charge of the goddess of agriculture, vitality to the earth, professor of human cultivation, she is the goddess of justice.
❖ (罗马又称普路同 Pluto),他是地狱和死 人的统治者,审判死人给 予惩罚。 He is the ruler of hell and the dead, the trial to punish the dead.
❖ 阿波罗是光明之神,他擅长弹奏 七弦琴,而且又精通箭术,也是 医药之神。他掌管音乐、医药, 是希腊神话中最多才多艺,也是 最美最英俊的神只,同时是男性 美的典型。
❖ Apollo is the god of light, He is good at playing the lyre, but also proficient in archery as well as medicine. He was in charge of music, medicine, and is the most versatile of Greek mythology, also is the god of the most beautiful and handsome, while the typical male beauty.
❖ (罗马又称墨丘利Mercury) 是商业和市场之神,传令神。 他行走敏捷、精力充沛并且多 才多艺。
❖ He is the god of business and market, heralds of God. He walked agile, energetic and versatile.
goddess Aphrodite. He is the blacksmith(铁匠) in
the gods, with a high degree of skill 。
❖ (罗马名字刻瑞斯Ceres)。 她是掌管农业的女神,给 予大地生机,教授人类耕 种,她也是正义女神。
❖ (罗马又称朱诺Juno) 宙斯的姐姐和妻子,代 表女性的美德和尊严, 掌管婚姻和生育,性格 特征是嫉妒心强。
❖ Zeus’s sister and wife, she represented the women’s virtue and dignity.
(罗马又称涅普 Neptune)宙斯的哥哥, 其象征物是三叉戟,坐 骑是一头巨大如山的鲸 鱼。
Zeus‘s brother, whose symbol is the trident, the horse is like a huge mountain of whale 。
❖ (罗马又称维纳斯Venus), 阿芙洛狄忒的美貌不仅征服了 奥林匹斯山上的诸神,也完全 征服了人们的心。她以甜蜜的 愿望给人们点燃激情,使他们 产生爱情,让他们感到幸福或 痛苦。
❖ Aphrodite's beauty not only conquered the mountain gods of Olympus, but also completely conquered the hearts of men. She is sweet desire to ignite passion for the people so that they fall in love, make them feel happy or painful.
❖ (罗马名字伏尔坎Vulcan) 他是长得最丑陋的天神,而 且是个瘸腿,但却娶了最最 美丽的女神阿芙洛狄忒。他 是火神,亦是诸神的铁匠, 具有高度的技巧。
❖ He looks the most ugly
god, and he is lame, but
married a most beautiful

❖ 宙斯Zeus
❖ 波塞冬Poseidon
❖ 雅典娜Athena
Baidu Nhomakorabea
❖ 阿芙洛狄忒Aphrodite 赫尔墨斯Hermes
❖ 阿瑞斯Ares
❖ 赫菲斯托斯Hephaestus 哈德斯Hades
❖ (罗马又称朱庇特Jupiter)古 希腊神话中最高的神,掌管天界, 他以雷电为武器,维持着天地 间的秩序,公牛和鹰是他的标 志。
❖ Ancient Greek mythology, the highest god in charge of heaven, his thunderbolt as a weapon to maintain order between heaven and earth, bull and eagle is his symbol.
❖ (罗马又称密涅瓦Minerva) 雅典娜是宙斯的女儿,三处 女神之一,起初被视为战神, 后逐渐变成智慧女神.
❖ She is Zeus’s daughter. One of three goddesses, initially regarded as god of war, gradually became the goddess of wisdom.
❖ (罗马名字玛尔斯Mars)他司 职战争,形象英俊,性格强暴 好斗,十分喜欢打仗,而且勇 猛顽强,是力量与权力的象徵, 好斗与屠杀的战神。 He division level of war, the image of the handsome, aggressive character of rape is very like the fighting, but fierce tenacity, a symbol of strength and power, aggressive and killing Ares.
❖ (罗马又称狄安娜Diana) 三处女神之一,是女性纯 洁的化身,她喜欢狩猎.
❖ One of three goddesses was the embodiment of female purity. She likes hunting.