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a-1 in the stated condition or way 处于…状态; 以…方式:alive (=living) 活(着)的 ; aloud 大声地
a-2 ( showing an opposite or the absence of something) not; without 非;没有;缺少 e.g. amoral = not moral 非道德的;没有是非观念的 atypically = not typically 不(非)典型的
ambi- both ;double 二(者)ambidextrous = using both hands equally well 两手利用的;左右开弓的 ambiguous = having two meanings 多义的;模棱两可的
1 of or by oneself 自己做的 an autobiography = book about one’s own life, written by oneself
2. working by itself without human operation 自动的

ante- before to antedate = be earlier than ?This old carriage antedates the invention of the car.
anti- (also ant-)
1. opposed to or against 反对: ? antinuclear ; anti-American
2. opposite to 反、与…对立 ? antimatter = made of material completely opposite in kind to the ordinary materials in the universe 反物质
3. acting to prevent the stated thing 防(止)antifreeze 防冻剂
post- later than; after 在…之后 ? postwar = after war 战后 to postpone = make later 延迟
1. before ? prewar = before a war
2. in advance 预先,先于 ? prearrange
bi- : twice or double ? bilingual = speaking two language
tri- : three; three times ? trilingual = speaking three language
by-, bye- : less important ? a by-product = something made in addition to main product ; ? a by-election = one held between two regular election 补(缺)选(举)
1. together; with ? to co-exist = to exist together or at the same time ; co-education = of boys and girls together
2. doing something with someone else A ) as an equal 以…相同程度做…, 和…一起做 ? my coauthor = someone who wrote the book with me B ) with less responsibility; assistant 辅助…做,副 ? the copilot = someone who helps the pilot
be- (in verb) to treat as the stated thing 视为 ? Don’t belittle him. 别小看他 She befriend me = became my friend
1 the opposite of 与…相反 ? a counter-productive thing to = producing results opposite to those intended 事与愿违;
2 matching 对应、对等、相当: ? my counterpart in American system = someone in the American who has the same job as mine;
3 done or given in return, esp. so as to oppose the original one 反、逆 : ? proposal and counterproposal;
4 acting to prevent the stated thing 反、防止、对抗: ? a counterinsurgency strategy 反暴乱政策
1 ( in verb and nouns) showing an opposite: a depopulated area 人口减少地区;
2 (esp. in verb) to remove or to remove from the stated thing 去除、使脱离: ? to de-bone a fish = remove its bones; to dethrone a king 废黩国王;
3 (esp. in verb) to make less; reduce 降低、贬低 ? to devalue the currency
en- ( esp. in verb)
1 to cause to become ;make 使成为 ? to enla

rge; to enrich;
2 to put into stated condition 使处于…状态 ? the endangering of life 使生命处于危险
1 showing an opposite or negative 表示(与)…相反、否定: ? I disapprove./ with a discontented look 投以不满的一瞥
2 shows the stopping or the removing of the stated condition 表示“使中断”、 “取消”之义: ? disinfect the wound 给伤口消毒
3 (esp. in verb) to take away, to remove: a dismasted ship 桅杆折断的船
ex- former (and still living) : ? the ex-minister
extra- outside ; beyond 在…之外的、越出…的 ? extraterritorial 在本土以外的、治外法权的
foster- :giving or receiving parental care although not of the same family (被)收养的: ? a foster-mother/ a foster-son
1 in advance , before 预先 : ? to forewarn
2 placed at the front 在…前面: ? a horse’s foreleg
3 the front part of a stated thing (…的)前部: ? his strong forearms
1 concerning or using water : ? hydro-electricity
2 (含)氢的 hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物
hyper- more than usual, esp. too much 过度(的) ? hypersensitive = too sensitive ;
multi- more than one; many 许多 ? multicolored
macro- esp. tech large esp. concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of it 大的、宏观的: ? macroeconomics 宏观经济学
micro- esp. tech extremely small 微小的 Microsoft
mini- infml. very small compared with others of its kind 同类型中极小的、微型的 : ? a mini-break = a short holiday / a miniskirt = very short one
1 bad or badly 坏、不当: ? misfortune = bad luck / to misbehave 行为不端
2 wrong or wrongly 错、误 : ? a miscalculation / to misunderstand
3 showing an opposite or the lack to something 表示”相反” 或 “缺乏” 之义 : ? I mistrust him = I don’t trust him
neo- (esp. in n. and adj.) a recent or later kind of the stated former system ,style etc.;new 新、新型的 ? neoclassical architecture = copying that of ancient Greece and Rome 新古典主义建筑 / neocolonialism 新殖民主义
1 of China; Chinese 中国(人)的 ? Sinology 汉学
2 Chinese and 中国和…的 ? Sino-Japanese trade 中日贸易
1 under; below 在…下面的: ? subzero temperature
2 less important or powerful or of lower rank than 次(低)于…的: ? a sub-committee (委员会下属的)专门小组
3 part of the stated bigger whole 分支 a subsection 分部
4 almost 近于、亚:subtropical heat 亚热带高温
1 at or over a long distance 远(距离) ? a telescope = for seeing long distance
2 by or for television 由(为)电视:a teleplay
1 on or to the far side of; across 横越: ? transatlantic flights / the trans-Siberian railway 横跨西伯利亚的铁路
2 between; INTER … 间(的): ? trans-racial fostering 异族收养
3 showing a change

表示”变化”之义: ? to transform (使)改观
1 above in a range; beyond 超(过): ? ultrasound (=too high to hear) 超声
2 infml very; extremely [非正式] 极(度) ? an ultramodern building 超现代化的建筑
uni- one; single 单(一): ? unidirectional 单向(性)的
1 ( esp. in adj. or adv.) showing a negative, a lack or an opposite 表示否定、缺乏、相反之义;not 不: ? unfair = not fair / unbelief = lack of belief 无信仰

2 (esp. in verb) showing an opposite 表示“相反”之义: ? the pipe is blocked, we must unblock it .( removing what is blocking it ) / to undress = take one’s clothes off
1 too little 过少、不足: ? underdevelopment 欠发达
2 going underneath 在…下面、经…下面 : ? an underpass 地下通道
3 inner, beneath others (在…)内 : ? under-garments 内衣、衬衣
4 less important than or lower in rank (重要性或级别)次于: ? a head gardener and three under-gardeners 一个主管园丁和三个辅助园丁
Compare un-, in-, and non- which all mean “not”. The difference between them is the degree to which they suggest the idea of something opposite rather than something negative. 区别在于所指事物的相反性而非否定性的程度不同。
Non- is usually just negative [non- 表否定]
e.g. nonalcoholic drinks contains no alcohol
un- is often used to suggest an opposite quality [un- 表“相反”之义]
e.g. 1) He has applied for a nonscientific (= not connected with science 不涉及科学) job.
It was very unscientific (= showing too little attention to scientific principle 不科学的) to do that kind if thing.
in- tends most often to suggest opposite qualities of the three prefixes. [三个当中 in- 最常用以表达相反的性质]
1) their inhuman(= very cruel 不人道) treatment to prisons
2) They discovered both human and non-human( 不属于人类) bones.


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