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English Schedule Book

——Class presentation Introdution

English Class---34

School Class---Acounting Q

Team--- name:Big Bang News

Team---slogan:Big Bang news,Big Bang students!


Topic---Big Bang News


Two hosts:G

Country leaders—F

Merry Christina--W

Amily, a journalist of Big Bong news--D

Special journalist of Big Bang News--Y

A host for weather forest—T


We discuss the team name together,then divide into five groups,every group look for related information ,some of which by surfing the internet or some are written by ourself. Last we make a camera plan inMay14th.


Big Bang News


G:Good morning ,’m G.

Z:I’m Z

G&Z:Welcome to our programme-- BigBang News!

G:Have you ever heard of it?

Z:If your answer is no, then that means you are out of fashion.

G:You know ,the America presidential campaign is coming ,the only common thing between Obama and Romney is that they both like our programme BigBang News.

Z:Now,you know how famous our programme is!So,Next,we will show you the first Big Bang News program .Let’s go to the part1!

Part1 International Meeting

G:First let us watch some tntertional Yahoo has confirmed that its CEO Scott Thompson has left,and A new sculpture set in the heart of the Olympic park has opened to the details as follows.

Q:Yahoo has confirmed that its CEO Scott Thompson has left. The company has named Ross Levinsohn as interim was former president of eBay’s subsidiary PayPal, and became Yahoo’s CEO

this January. He has been under fire after the allegement from Yahoo shareholder Daniel Loeb that he does not have a computer science degree from Stonehill has claimed that degree from his job at eBay to the position of Yahoo CEO, and in regulatory filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Interim CEO Ross Levinsohn was a previous executive vice president and head of global media for Yahoo. Yahoo says he will manage the company’s day-to-day operations in the new position.

X:A new sculpture set in the heart of the Olympic park has opened to the public. The tower, designed by British artist Anish Kapoor, sits next to the Olympic Stadium and is the tallest sculpture in the twenty two meters higher than the Statue of Liberty, the tower offers views across the Olympic Park and docklands financial ,000 litres of red paint were used to cover the steel structure, which is able to accommodate five thousand visitors a day. The opening was attended by London Mayor Boris Johnson and steel magnate Lakshami Mittal, whose company was responsible for the project.

Part2 Interview

Z:As we all know ,china is a diverse and tolerant country. Many foreigners choose to live in we have an

interview with a overseas student about what she think about China.

Interviewer:Merry Christina(a overseas student in China) Interviewee:Emily (a Big Bang news’journalist)

Emily:Hello everyone, I’m a journalist of Big Bang name is Emily. Today we are going to have a interview about what a American student was impressed with name is Merry,from Washington, she is studying in Wuhan university,Hubei let’s begin.

E:Hello Merrry,welcome to think you have experienced many things in China and have a good knowledge of Chinese you like China?

M:Oh,of course.

E:About what and why?

M:The first one is easy .The food is are also kinds of noodles and meats and seasonings(调料)and vegetables and dumplings. Just deliciousness that my taste buds have never experienced before. Even though,often I have no idea what it is that I’m eating.

E:Do you have tasted a special food in Wuhan?

M:What is it?

E:it is hot dry noodles,I often eat it and I like it very


M:Oh,I have never tasted it .OK,I will have a try.

E:I believe you will appreciate it What attract you most about China?

M:In my opinion,the Chinese have an incredible culture and incredible history. I want you to think of the history of United States .Everything that has ever happened in the history of United States,George Washington,Slavery,The Civil rights movement,put a man on the moon,Barack Obama, multip ly that ’s how long Chinese history is . And out of such an incredible history,you truly get an incredible country.

E:The Chinase civilization has a long history in the broad and profound,you will experience the endless charm of how do you think Chinese people?

M: The Chinese people for goodness and friendness is well known in the world,and what impressed me most is their continuous motivion. It is the next thing that I like about China,which is how they do business in the markets .Yes we do have markets in the United States ,but the markets in the US are nothing like the markets is everything ,yeah ,you can bargain in the United States,but here ,bargaining is not just a part of is a sport and not only is it a sport ,it is a

full-contact sport .Finally you spend 20 yuan purchase price for the 80’s should really do more of that in the States because it’s mean in the sense of bargaining ,China really is more capitalist than the United States.

E: China and the United States differ in many aspects,so do you often feel unadapted?

M:Oh ,too many!There is mang things the opposite of America .I say to myself:You just gotta get over my heart was saying:Ahhh! I know ,I understand it is totally a cultural thing.

E:Could you descript them in detail?

M:I do not like how indirect the Chinese people are!In America,when we say same thing,that is what we China,however,when people say something,sometimes what they say is in fact the opposite of what they in China ,people are very very careful,not to say something that you might not like,for example,when Chinese government was worried that one of my friends and classmates has swine flu and wanted to take him to the hospital rather than telling him why they were taking him away in a just kept saying:“oh ,we just wanna tak e your tempurature.”Which leads me to my second thing I do not like ,there is just absolutely no flu is a very potentially

scary thing and for a country as tensely populated as China,there is some reason to be worried about it,but the Chinese gonverment there is no need to tell us that just because we are Americans and swine flu came from America that we can not leave our droms for entire first week we are in we did leave our dorms frequently the first week we were were just breaking the rules every time we did.

E:What you just said is a common problem among Chinese people. They usually behave very subtle,which root in their the traditional idea of think refusing to others directly is they have doubts in some things,they will become changeable.

M:That’s it!The second thing I do not like China is atually the gerenal sense of will change suddenly ,thing will change will have absolutelly no idea that things are about to change whey they example for this would be internet connectivity,sometimes they say they let us get the internet,sometimes they say not,sometimes the site will be open sometimes it won’ theywill just rondomly unplug the router when you are checking your is frustrating and you dot know what is gonna happen.

E:So how do you get along with people around you,such as your classmates ?

M: Everyhing is OK except that they desire to keep us pleased,they are aslo keeping us way too are doing lots and lots of cool stuff and Iam learning a I think 7museums in a week is……more than have not had ti me to just sit and observe the be fair,I believe that things are slowing down now just a little bit.

E:Thank you for accepting my interview,I hope you have a wonderful college life in again!

Part3 Report

G:Then we come to the news from our school, ** University .Due to the death of Jack,we only invite Rose to our programme as a freelance let’s get touch with Rose.

Y:Hello,Ladies and gentlemen,I am we have watched the international news, now turn your attention to the campues news .A young,vigorous school,Hubei University is meeting with its tenth birthday. In May, there are so many great celebration activites .Now, Student Unions,School Clubs and every institude are pareparing for kinds of activites. If you are interested in them ,coming here!You can join in the school

celebrations’ volunteers.,it will be colourful and believe you will never miss it!

Go along the school road ,you can feel a strong festival atmosphere,everyone seems to be girls are wearing colourful dresses ,what a beautiful scenery!Dormitorys ,mess halls,classroom buildings and library are being repaired,painting the walls,replaced the broken desks and bulbs.

Of course,the school have arranged a lot of academic lectures,which involves literature economic,ect. Then ,you can choose what you are fond of to listen academic letcture has its own features and example, the school of Accounting is running a accountancy competion,inviting other universities to participate May 18th,there is a wonderful party in the west playground,we are looking forward to having a sight sharing. Tenth anniversary celebration is so exciting for teachers and students ,but with the summer coming,six girls who live in Ju1-114 bring us“a War between Human and M osquitoes” every live on the first floor and the ground is often damp ,so the amount of mosquitoes are much more than others in high floors. They feel very upset and I ask a girl (Z):“in the Evening ,mosquitoes are flying around us and make the sound ‘weng,weng,weng’ .At the monment, my arms and legs are bitten

by mosquitoes. Wow!I think it is too itch to stand……”They immediately take out toilet water to spray,it makes the bedroom send out all sorts of toilet water flavor. They said ,before going to bed,they must wipe out the mosquitoes in the mosquito nelting .If they don’t do that ,they can not sleep restly.

Now let me to teach you same tips to avoid , our slobber(口水)can relieve itching,you may think it is dirty ,but it is a better way. There are many other ways to protect ourselves from bitting ,such as wearing long pants,keeping the bedroom tidy,dry and don’t put the garbage in the bedroom.

That’s all!Thank you .I am the special journalist of Big Bang News ,Rose.

Part4 Weather Forecast

Z:All above is today’s content,the last part is the weather forecast.

Y:Hello,everyone,I am is May 15th, will be occasional showers in Eastern China, some of them perhaps heavy. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northeastern China towards evening. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods. Thicker cloud with occasional

rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night. Saturday will be a cloudier day with outbreaks of mainly light rain in western areas, spreading slowly eastwards, though many central and eastern areas should remain dry. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central of China on ’s all!Thank you.


G:Today’s new report is coming to the end .Thanks for watching.

Z:All of you here are lucky,because today’s BigBang News is the first time being reported on the global ,and we are not sure if we will have the next meeting ,but we still thanks for your you!

By:Big Bang News Team


13物电一班212宿舍英语短剧 演员:盛鹏扬,林仕杰,林雄斌,林衍平,洪艺伟,兴爷(家兴)编剧兼导演兼制作人兼出品人兼监制兼很多很多:伟大的兴爷 翻译:林仕杰 人物 旁白/低头族A/低头族B/医生哥哥/A家长/B家长 事件:两个低头族(A/B)在街上相撞,其中一个(A)的手机被摔坏,两人在大街上争吵起来,A打伤了B的眼睛。两人被带到了医院,但是仍然在争吵,医生过来询问两人的情况,了解到事件的起因经过,此时,双方家长都赶到了,医生教育了家长与孩子,孩子意识到了错误,家长也认识自己教育孩子的不足,最终向大家阐述了低头族的害处。并且表明自己不做低头族的决心。 场景1(街道) A:Bye bye, mom.(挥手) A家长:Bye bye, pay attention to safety on the road, don't play mobile phone! B:Bye bye, dad.(挥手) B家长:Well, pay attention to safety.。 旁白:(AB respectively with parents farewell after set out toward the school, A bow is playing with A popular summer cool running(天天酷跑) every day, at this time and he walks across the B bow is playing with A

mobile phone, two people have not looked up and saw each other, so, two people together. A: oh! My local tyrants gold! B: oh! Is who ah! Walk without eyes? A: look at what you have done! You lost my mobile phone, it is I who give me birthday gift, this is a local tyrants gold! How do you compensate me!!! B:: it's none of my business, is that you yourself walk don't hit me A:I can't stand it! How can you be so unreasonable! You have to accompany my mobile phone. B:Don't tease? What were you thinking? It is not entirely my responsibility. A:It seems I have to give you some lessons(对着B挥拳相向) B:Ouch! My eyes! 场景2(医院) 旁白:B eyes after being injured, was rushed to hospital. B:You wounded me, you have to compensate me. A:What did you say? You should pay for my cell phone!(两人相互推搡) Balabalbal。。。 医生:Please keep quiet in the hospital, ok, tell me about why do you quarrel with me.


英文短剧剧本 Sleeping beauty Scene one 旁白:Long long ago, there was a king and a beautiful queen. They hoped to have a child and finally their dream came true. A daughter was born and they called her Aurora. The people in this country were very happy, they held a party for there lovely princess. (Music, people are dancing.) 旁白:the king and the queen are coming. (All the people stop and salute行礼) King: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the party. We are gathering here for the born of the princess Aurora. Aurora is my princess, also yours. All: yehh! Queen: Oh, look! Who are coming? (Three fairies appear and salute) Fay: Each of us is coming to give the little child a single gift. Flora: I’m Flora, my gift is beauty. Fauna: I give you sweet voice. Fay: lovely princess, my gift is … (There comes the scream, Carlin appear) Fauna: Wo, it’s Carlin. Why does she come here? Carlin:(screams) Oh, so many people, and…(looks at the three fairies) there is no invitation for me. I am very angry! Queen: I am so sorry for our mistake. I hope you won’t mind. Flora: You won't want it! Carlin(screams): Won't? Hahaha… Never mind, just a big surprise for your lovely princess. When she is 16, she will be stung by a rose and die, hahaha… Queen: Oh, no. King: Seize her. Carlin: stand still, (all the people stand still) you fools (screams and disappears.) (All the people are very worry, they talk to each other to find a way. The queen is crying.) King: Cut down all the roses! All: Cut down! Cut down! Fay: Don’t despair. Here is my gift. Although Carlin’s power is very strong. I will try my best. Aurora won’t die, she will just sleep while stinging by a rose. And when she gets a kiss from her lover, she will wake up.


英语口语小短剧剧本: Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒J:沙僧 B:白骨精B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头N:哪吒 唐僧: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, not to bring these girls’s beatiful picture with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,,lust is nothing! nothing is lust! Map? E: (递)Here.Em……we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)I am straving···· S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软下来示好)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!(点头摸摸猪八戒的头) T:(轻咳)Wukong, actually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see ,master is hungry,too!


** Learn to love, not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. --someone ** They have been married for two years. He loves literature, and often posts his work on the net, but nobody ever reads them. He is also into photography, and he handle their wedding photos. He loves her very much. Likewise with her. She has a quick temper, and always bullies him. He is a gentleman, and always gives in to her. Today, she’s being "wilful" again. Her : "Why can’t you be the photographer for my friend’s wedding? She promised she’d pay." Him : "I don’t have time that day." Her :"Humph!" Him : "Huh?" Her : "Don’t have time? Write less of those novels,and you will have all the time you need." Him : "I...someone will definitely recognize my work some day." Her : "Humph! I don’t care, you’ll have to do it for her.! " Him : "No." Her : "Just this once?" Him : "No." Negotiation’s broken. So, she gave the final warning: "Give me a Yes within three days, or else..." First day. She "withheld" the kitchen, bathroom, computer, refrigerator, television, hi-fi...Except the double-bed, to show her "benevolence". Of course, she has to sleep on it too. He didn’t mind, as he still has some cash in his pockets. Second day. She conducted a raid and removed everything from his pockets and warned, "Seek any external help, and you bear the consequences." He’s nervous now. Night. On the bed. He begs for mercy, hoping that she’ll end this state. She doesn’t give a damn. No way am I giving in, whateve r he says. Until he agrees. Third day. Night. On the Bed. He’s lying on the bed, looking to one side. She’s lying on the bed, looking to the other side. Him : "We need to talk." Her : "Unless it’s about ! the wedding, forget it." Him : "It’s something ve ry important." She remains silent. Him :"Let’s get a divorce." She did not believe her ears. Him : "I got to know a girl." She’s totally angry, and wanted to hit him. But she held it down, wanting to let him finish. But her eyes already felt wet. He took a photo out from his chest. Probably from his undershirt pocket,


大学生英语话剧剧本Michael: 泽泓Scolfield: 仲铨Lincoln: 桂帆T-bag: 捷驰宿舍3人:M:(reading book) rules for students the book is so hard to understand,it's a little boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ? S: (刚开始没应答,忙于dota) - 大学生英语话剧剧本 Michael: 泽泓 Scolfield: 仲铨 Lincoln: 桂帆 T-bag: 捷驰 宿舍 3人: M:(reading book) "rules for students" the book is so hard to understand,it's a little boring..Scolfield,what are you doing ? S: (刚开始没应答,忙于dota) i'm dota ing...Oh,no..I lost again(中文说:队友不给力啊). what a day! I lost five times today.I couldn't dota any more..And Lincoln ,what are you busy with ?大学生英语话剧剧本 L: nothing,just watching video. M: which kind of video are you watching ?I guess it's American,right? L: Yeah,American .. of course.clever boy,you know I like American movies very much. but this movie I'm watching is not that funny.Hey..guys,it's holiday ,is there any fun we can have? S: Say..I remember there's a party tonight at E502. M: Oh,yes,I almost gorget it.there's a fellowship gathering tonight,which can be a good chance to make some friends..you know.. L: with some beautiful girls,right? S: Yeah,that's really wonderful,you know ,I like this kind of gathering party..pretty girls are everywhere.. M & L :haha..we know what you mean. L : all right.it's a deal.four of us should go to the party together. M: OK..but where is T-bag ? S: T-bag.. T-bag 进来 L: T-bag,where have you been? M: we have a good news . S: Yeah,there's a party tonight,and we can have fun ,would you come with us? T-bag: (装悲剧ing..)sorry ,I don't want to,I'm not in a good mood.


Real Friends (角色:Hare,Monkey,Tree,Bear) Tree(出场,站在场地中间):I’m Tree.I like sun and moon.I have a lot of brothers and sisters.We are the forest. Hare(跳着出场,做兔子状):I’m Hare.I like carrots.(从口袋中拿出胡萝卜,然后放回去)I have a good friend.He is monkey.(喊叫)Monkey! Monkey! Monkey(跑出来,做猴子状):I’m here.I’m monkey.I like bananas.(从口袋中拿出香蕉,然后放回去)Hare is my good friend.Hello,Hare. Hare:Hello,Monkey.Nice to meet you.How are you? Monkey:I’m fine.Thank you.How are you? Hare:I’m fine,too.Thank you. Here you are.(拿出胡萝卜给猴子). Monkey:Thank you.(接过胡萝卜,拿出香蕉给兔子)Here you are. Hare:Thank you.(接过香蕉,做吃香蕉状)En. Banana is nice. Monkey(做吃胡萝卜状)En. Carrot is nice,too. Hare:Monkey,let’s dance and sing.(兔子和猴子挽起胳膊跳圆圈舞,唱英语歌ABC或者其他的歌) Tree:Look out! Look out!There comes a bear! Bear(笨拙的走过来):I’m bear. I’m eight years old.I like honey.Now I’m hungery.I have to look for something to eat. Hare and Monkey(非常焦急,急得原地打转转):How can I do? How can I do? Monkey(突然一拍脑袋):I can climb the tree.(用手指树。然后向书跑来,趴在树的背


The Merchant of Venice(II) PART 1第一部分 D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter. 公爵:宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克,别这样怀恨在心。 S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him. 夏洛克:我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现,人们将不再信你们的法律了。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。 B: Do all men kill the things they do not love? 巴萨尼奥:难道所有的人都要铲除他们所不爱的东西吗? A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants. 安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。 B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed. 巴萨尼奥:我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。 S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh! 夏洛克:即使你愿意我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我! D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 公爵:先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh. 夏洛克:我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。 As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio. 正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位著名的律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。 Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head." 这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。"我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有学问的年轻博士在一起。我把夏洛克与安东尼奥之间的争执对他讲了。我们研究了很多法典,因此他知道我想要说的话。我请您让他替我作出判决。他很年轻,但是,我还从来不知道有这么年轻又这么聪明的人。"


搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous sword 搞笑英语话剧剧本《荆珂刺秦王》 旁白(Aside )/介绍(Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman 剑客and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Yingzheng”. But finally he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show will tell you the truth. Action I 太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (画外音:It’s you, Prince Dan! 太子丹高兴状) Thank u mirror! (面对观众)I’m Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous guy, I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? (向幕里大叫) Where is my minister? 阿三(毕恭毕敬) : Honey, I am coming. 太子丹:I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~(作杀状) 太子:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状) Good idea! But who is the right candidate?

英语表演剧本 (完整版)

English Schedule Book ——Class presentation Introdution English Class---34 School Class---Acounting Q Team--- name:Big Bang News Team---slogan:Big Bang news,Big Bang students! Team---members:G、F、W、D、Y、T Topic---Big Bang News Character Two hosts:G Country leaders—F Merry Christina--W Amily, a journalist of Big Bong news--D Special journalist of Big Bang News--Y A host for weather forest—T Prepartion We discuss the team name together,then divide into five groups,every group look for related information ,some of which by surfing the internet or some are written by ourself. Last we make a camera plan inMay14th. Script Big Bang News

Leading G:Good morning ,everyone.I’m G. Z:I’m Z G&Z:Welcome to our programme-- BigBang News! G:Have you ever heard of it? Z:If your answer is no, then that means you are out of fashion. G:You know ,the America presidential campaign is coming ,the only common thing between Obama and Romney is that they both like our programme BigBang News. Z:Now,you know how famous our programme is!So,Next,we will show you the first Big Bang News program .Let’s go to the part1! Part1 International Meeting G:First let us watch some tntertional mews.Today Yahoo has confirmed that its CEO Scott Thompson has left,and A new sculpture set in the heart of the Olympic park has opened to the public.The details as follows. Q:Yahoo has confirmed that its CEO Scott Thompson has left. The company has named Ross Levinsohn as interim CEO.Thompson was former president of eBay’s subsidiary PayPal,and became Yahoo’s CEO this January. He has been under fire after the allegement from Yahoo shareholder Daniel Loeb that he does not have a computer science degree from Stonehill College.He has claimed that degree from his job at eBay


情景剧剧本:College Life 08会计1班第三小组全体成员 人物:Cast George Mancy Ken Tida Annie Character descriptions: (G)George -He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Ti da. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His gir lfriend is Mancy. (K)Ken -He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed. (T)Tida -He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his life. (M)Mancy-She is George’s girlfriend. She doesn’t have her own ideas. She wan ts to be with George all the time. Because of the reason, she ignores Annie’s fe elings. (A)Annie -She is Mancy’s good fr iend. She likes Mancy. She is very weird so she hates Mancy’s friends. She wishes Mancy and George to break up. But she doesn’t like her evil thinking. Plot: There are three roommates who have a bad relationship, but a motorcycle accide nt changes their l ives…..


英语短剧剧本 三只小猪修房子 人物:主持人、老狼、三只小猪 地点:野外 主持 人:Long long ago, there lived three little pigs and a wolf in the forest.(很久很久以前,森林里住着三只小猪和一只狼。) Look! The three little pigs are coming. (瞧,三只小猪来啦!) 小猪一:What are you doing .brothers?(你们在干嘛呢,哥哥们?) 小猪二:I’m building a house with leaves.(我在用叶子做房子呢) 小猪三:I’m building a house with sticks.(我在用木棍做房子呢) 小猪一:But leaves and sticks are not strong.(但是,叶子和木 棍一点也不坚固呀。) 小猪二:What are you doing ,little brother?(那你在做什么呢, 小弟弟?) 小猪一:I’m building a house with sticks。(我用砖头做房子呢。)小猪二:Bricks?That’s very difficult!(砖头?那很困难啊!)小猪一:I know, but sticks are very strong and safe! (我知道,但是砖头很结实!) 主持 人:Oh…wolf is coming. Be careful, three little pigs(喔 …狼来了,小心点儿,三只小猪。) 狼:Little pigs ,little pigs open your door!(小猪小猪快 开门。) 小猪二和三一起说:NO NO NO go away!(不不不,你走开!) 狼:吹 主持人:But leaves and sticks are not strong.(但是树叶和木棍 一点也不结实。) The wolf blows down the house.(狼把房子吹倒了) He eats the pigs(他把2只小猪吃了) 狼:Little pigs ,little pigs open your door!(小猪小猪快 开门。) 小猪一:NO NO NO go away!(不不不,你走开!) 狼:吹 主持人:The wolf blows and blows.(狼吹了又吹) But bricks are very strong (但是砖头做的房子非常坚 固。) The wolf go away.(所以老狼灰溜溜的走了。) 所以人:Thank you!


《面试》:准备道具,注意动作,查好音标! Ladies and gentlemen, this is an original drama, and here is a personnel department, the manager 包拯is going to interview some wierd applicants. Round one First one I:升堂~~~其他人:威~~~武~~~(四个人齐声喊威武) I:Oops, sorry, today we don’t hold judgement, I’m going to have a interview.(knock the door)I:Come in! I:Hope this doesn’t embarrass you,but I found the best way to do with the interviewee is to size them up with a long hard stare.(long hard读音拖长) I: So! A: So?! I: First time! A: Yes!(激动) I: Scary? I: Yes...(害怕状) I:Don’t be scared! (训斥状) A:Oh I’m not really scared. (大方地笑) I: Well you should be. (教育状) A: Well I’m a little bit scared.(装害怕,声音压低) I:What? don’t be! A:Make up your mind!你决定吧!(很无奈,语气稍轻) I:So ,here you are.(好吧,你说吧) A:Well, my name is Snow White, I own a big castle as you can see(手伸向PPT), and I have seven dwarfs as butlers. Besides, I’ve won champianships in the “avenue of stars”、“let’s shake it”(星光大道、舞林大会),so I’m looking forward to....(手交叉转圈比划) I:Well y ou said on your CV(简历)you had lots of experience with dancing! A:I did say that yes... I have lots of experience with the whole...dancing..thing, JAZZ、latin、belly dance、hip-hop...I could show you I:Do! A:跳了一段舞 I:(大笑)Ah ha!well you certainly seem to be professional, but seemingly we don’t a dancer here. A:默默上去按摩。satisfied? I:Ah ha, not bad.I’m gonna give you the chance to round two. A:What?Oh~三克油~~(调戏下巴) I:Don’t flirt me!Just get out! A:OK, bye~ Second one(略带口吃) I: Ok next !


搞笑英语话剧剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 搞笑5人剧本《西门吹雪与叶孤城》 演员表: 西门吹雪 叶孤城 花满楼 打更的太监 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战乡村陌路 旁白:A quiet village is covered with white snow. Birds are dancing in the cold. A man is walking along the street, step by step. Wind is coming in silence. Another mysterious man approaches. 打更的太监:The weather is dry and things are flammable, take care not catch the fire! I’m 打酱油的! Y与X相遇. X:Ohm, I’m sorry to knock you! Y: Ha-ha, Never mind baby. X: Excuse me, Could you tell me your name? Y: ha ha, I won’t change my name! No matter what happens. I’m the most famous——-YeGucheng(登登登登!!!). Who are you? X: I’m ximenchuixue. Y(惊讶): Ar, ximenchuixue? X: Yes, what is wrong? Y: I heard that you are the best Martial Arts? X: Great, you know me! Y: By the way,who is her? W: Hi,i am 西门吹雪wife. Y: What your name? W: My name is 李莫愁! Y: You mean you are the killer who murder people in cold blood! W:Ha! Ha! Do you think I make false? Well,let you see what is the really killer!!(准备拔剑) Y(抱腿):Please, please……Don’t kill me! Let me go! X&W: No, I must kill you! W: Do you remember you killed my 小强2years ago ? Now, i will revenge to you!! Y: I don’t want to be killed. Let me go! Mr 西门吹雪! X: No way! You know? Y(突然站起冷冷的说):Don’t force me! X: Pardon! (Y拿出一袋牛奶) X(抢过牛奶):Milk, very good! I like drinking it.

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