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Name(姓名):____________ Score(分数):___________ 新概念英语青少版入门A (Unit1-Unit3)


(1)D E___G (2)A___ C D (3)H I___ K (4)M N____P

(5) C D____F (6) F G____I (7) J K ___ M (8) ___B C

(9) F G I (10) K L M


(1)C g fish

(2)F l apple

(3)G b jelly

(4)A i girl

(5)J h leg

(6)K c insect

(7)L f ball

(8)B j cat

(9)I k hat

(10)H a kite

(11)D m orange

(12)O d leg

(13) P l mouth

(14)M p pig

(15)L o dog


(1)__ _egg (2)_ __jelly (3)__ _girl (4) ___apple (5) ___cat

(6)_ __hat (7)_ __insect (8)_ __kite (9)_ ___dog (10)_ __ball

(11)_ __orange (12)_ __pig (13)___ _mouth (14)_ __leg (15) fish


(1) a red apple

(2) a blue ball

(3) a yellow hat

(4) a green jelly

(5) a blue fish



a girl?

an insect?

a cat?

a mouth?

a hat?

a leg?

an orange?


朗文英语——新概念英语入门级单词 Unit1 |hel?u| 你好 |fl?:r? |弗洛拉 |r?b?t| 罗伯特 4. Kim|kim| 金姆 |d?n| 丹 |p?p| 保伯 |m?ks| 马克斯 |an| 一冠词 |?: | 一冠词 |gud| 好的,形容词 |d?g| 小狗 |b?l| 球 |k?t| 小猫 |fi?| 鱼 |? pl| 苹果 |eg| 鸡蛋 |jes| 是的 |n?u | 不是 Unit2 19. yummy |j?mi|好吃的,形容词 20. jelly|d?eli|果冻 |'?ns?kt|昆虫 22. help|help| 救命,动词 |st?p| 停止,动词 |luk| 看,动词 25. look at看一看 |mai| 我的,代词 |red| 红色的,形容词 |gri:n| 绿色的,形容词 |h?t| 帽子 |kait| 风筝 |g?:l| 女孩 Unit3 31. yellow |yel?u|黄色的,形容词 |blu:| 蓝色的,形容词 33. leg|leg| 腿 33. yuk[j?k]捧腹大笑 34. Oops|?ups| 哎呀 35. bad|b?d| 坏的, 形容词 36. your|j?:| 你的, 代词 |n?uz| 鼻子 38. mouth|mauθ| 嘴 39. orange|?rind?| 桔子 40. to|tu:| 向,介词 41. pig|pig| 小 猪 |peg| 派格,人名 Unit4

|?mbrel?| 伞 |?nd| 和,连词 45. table|teib?l| 桌子 46. sun|s?n| 太阳 47. thank|θ??k |谢谢 48. mum|m?m| 妈 妈 |b?i| 男孩 |ki?| 国王 51. queen|kwi:n| 王后 |h?pi| 快乐的,形容词 53. birthday|b?:θdei| 生日 |wau| 哇 55. hurray|h?rei | 欢呼 56. the|e?:| 一,冠词 Unit5 |zu:| 动物园 58. panda|p?nd?| 熊猫 59. zebra|zi:br?| 斑马|m??ki| 猴子 61. xylophone|zail?uf?un| 木琴 62. violin|vai?lin|钢琴 |wind?u| 窗户 |pli:z| 请 Unit6 65. this|eis| 这个,代词66. is|iz| 是,动词67. family|f?mili| 家人 68. dad|d?d| 爸爸69. brother|br?e?| 弟兄70. sister|sist?| 姐妹 71. friend|frend| 朋友 |luk| out|aut| 小心72. name|neim| 名字 73. what |w?t| is|iz| your|j?:| name|neim| 你的名字是什么 74. Sue|sju:|苏 |ted| 泰德 |v?n| 万 Unit7 77. it|it| 它,代词’t|iznt|=is|iz| not|n?t|不是 |ka:| 小汽车 80. bike|baik| 自行车 |θ??ks| 谢谢 |d?l|玩具娃娃 |r?ub?t| 机器人 |trein| 火车 |?meizi?| 惊奇的


新概念英语青少版入门级B课本整理 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新概念英语青少版入门级B 四年级上学期学习 Unit 1 That’s my father! 那是我的爸爸! Lesson 1 单词:grandfather祖父 grandmother祖母 father父亲 mother母亲 uncle 叔叔 aunt婶婶 cousin堂兄弟 句型:1.That’s my aunt.那是我的婶婶。 2.-Is that your grandfather那是你的祖父吗 -Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. 是的,那是。/不,那不是。 语法:be动词is的缩写 that’s=that is it isn’t=it is not Lesson 2 单词:man男人 woman女人 句型:1. -Who’s that那是谁 -It’s Max.那是Max。 2. –Who’s that man那个男人是谁-He’s the king.他是国王。 语法:特殊疑问词who的用法 Lesson 3 音标:er / / 单词:tall高的 short矮的 fat胖的 thin瘦的 behind在...后面 in front of在...前面 句型:1.The boy is short.这个男孩很矮。/ He is fat.他很胖。 2.His cap is blue.他的帽子是蓝色的。/ His name is Fred.他的名字是Fred。

语法:形容词的用法(修饰名词);形容词性物主代词his、her的用法(后跟名词)。 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ Unit 2 This is our house.这是我们的房子。 Lesson 1 单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sitting room客厅 句型:1.This is our sitting room.这是我们的客厅。 2.-Is this your kitchen这是你的厨房么-Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.是的,这是。/不,这不是 语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson 2 单词:bathroom浴室between在…中间dining room餐厅next to在…旁边 句型:1. –Where’s Pop Pop在哪里-He’s in the dinning room.他在餐厅。 2. –Who’s that man那个男人是谁-He’s the king.他是国王。 语法:特殊疑问词where的用法 where’s=where is Lesson 3 音标:th /θ/ 单词:colour颜色think认为teeth牙齿bath洗澡 句型:-What colour is the big bedroom大卧室是什么颜色的-It’s blue.它是蓝色的。 语法:特殊疑问词what / what color的用法


新概念英语青少版1A课文全集 Lesson 1 Meet the family J:J Hello, my name’s William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife. K: How do you do? J; This is Lucy. Lucy’s my daughter. L: Hello! J:This is my son, Robert. R; Hi! J:And this is Paul. P aul’s my nephew. P:Hello! Nice to meet you!

Hey! this is good. Look, Lucy! What is this? It’s a wheel. No, it isn’t. Look, it’s green!It’s a hat! OK, it’s a green hat. Now look. What’s this? It’s a f lower. It’s a red f lower. No, it isn’t. it’s a red umbrella. OK, what’s that? It’s gr ey. Is it a bird? Yes! it’s a grey bird. No, it’s a key! Right! I t’s a silver key.

Who is that boy, Polly? Which boy, Annie? The boy on the silver bicycle. That’s Robert Jenkins. Who’s that man? Which man? The man with the black umbrella. That’s Mr. Jenkins.He’s Robert’s father. Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? That’s Mrs. Jenkins. She’s Robert’s mother. And who’s that girl on the red bicycle? That’s Lu cy Jenkins. She’s Robert’s sister. Look at that young man. Who is he? Which young man? The young man in that old car. Oh, that’s Paul. Paul is Lucy’s cousin. So, Paul is Robert’s cousin, too. That’s right.


新概念英语同步测试卷 Book 1 Test 1 (Lesson1-6) Name:_________Score:___________ I.填入下列单词所缺的字母(20%) 1.h_ ndb_ g手提包 2._ mbre_ la雨伞 3.h_ _ se 房子 4.t_ ck_ t票 5.w_ tch手表 6._xc_se原谅 7.penc_ l铅笔8.s_ ho_ l学校 9._ augh_ er女儿10.t_ a_ her老师 11._ uit一套衣服12.mo_ ning早晨 II.英汉互译(10%) 1.My coat and my shirt please. _______________________________________________________ 2.What make is the car? _______________________________________________________ 3.这是你的儿子吗?是的,是我的儿子。 _______________________________________________________ 4.Sophie,这位是Hans,他是德国人。 ______________________________________________________ 5. Sophie是个新学生,她是韩国人。 _______________________________________________________

III.单项选择题(20%) ()1.Here_____your coat and your shirt. A.are B.am C.is D.it ( ) 2.Is this your pen? Yes,____is. A.it B.this C.that D.they ( )3.Is Miss Ying Chinese? No,_____isn’t. A.he B.they C.she D.it ( )4.Is Mary American teacher _____English teacher? A.and B.or C.too D.either ( )5._____nationality are you? I am Korean. A.How B.Where C.What D.Who ( )6._____you French? Yes,I am. A.Are B.Am C.Is D.Here ( )7._____is Mary speaking.(讲话) A.This B.She C.He D.That ( )8.Is this your pen? ______? Is this your pen? No,it isn’t. A.Yes B.Pardon C.What D.Why ( )9.Is it_____English car? No,it isn’t. A.a B.an C.the D.or


新概念英语青少版培训班第一期课程大纲 课程类型:基础型课程 适用年级:一、二年级 教学材料:《新概念英语青少版(入门级)》A、B两册 一、课程目标: 1、学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。 2、学生能根据所学内容表演小对话和歌谣。 3、学生能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。 4、学生能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。 5、学习中学生乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。 6、学生乐于了解异国文化和习俗。 二、课程内容: (一)教材概况及学情分析 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。 《新概念英语青少年版》入门级则专为6-7岁初学英语的儿童编写,根据这个年龄段的儿童认知特点设计语言大纲和活动形式,帮助孩子打好听说读写各项技能的基础。《新概念英语青少年版》入门级在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,强调语言大纲的渐进性,在讲授新的语言点的同时,不断地循环复习前面学过的知识。本册亦分为A、B两个分册。本教材的特点是:

所有课文都基于日常生活故事,切合学生生活实际,能够激发初学者英语学习的热情和兴趣。语言材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们的跨文化交际意识;大量生动、幽默的彩色插图,时尚、清新的版式设计,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力;所有音像产品均由BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正,生动传情。 (二)、学习目标 1.能熟练掌握和辨别26个英文字母的发音、书写规则和字母组合的发音规律;对 国际音标有初步的认知和了解。 2.能听、说、认读单词(包括家庭、玩具、动物、食物、位置、数字等话题),并 能简单地运用。 3.能听、做教师指令,进行TPR活动。 4.能唱3首英文儿歌和听、说、唱5首歌谣。 5.能完成自我评价活动和了解至少5项简单的中西方文化知识。 6.能听懂5个幽默小故事。 7.能听、做、演8个游戏。 (三) 教学进度


睿源教育小升初龙班六年级英语秋季课程随堂测试 Name__________Score___________ 考试范围:新概念英语49-54课 一.根据汉语写出下列单词。(每词1分,共15分) 1.丈夫 2.季节 3.春季 4.学科 5.秋季 6.中国 7.二月 8.有趣的,有意思 9.七月10.羊肉 11.一起12.停留13.冬季14.十一月15.谈话 二.从A,B,C,D中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。(每题1分,共10分) ()1.A.butcherB.husbandC.butterD.summer ()2.A.meatB.peaC.steakD.bean ()3.A.climateB.windyC.winterD.Brazil ()4.A.thinB.eitherC.southD.north ()5.A.cabbageB.AugustC.grapeD.Greece ()6.A.countryB.houseC.blouseD.hour ()7.A.snowB.brownC.flowerD.how ()8.A.warmB.MarchC.hardD.are ()9.A.minuteB.busyC.lettuceD.Autumn ()10.A.weatherB.pleasantC.eastD.heavy 三.单项选择。(每题1.5分,共15分) ()1.What___theclimate____inwinterhere? A.does;like B.is;likes C.is;like D.do;likes ()2.ThisisBen.He’sfrom____.He’s____. A.German;German B.German;Germany C.Germany;German D.Germany;Germany ()3.ItisoftenwetintheWestand____warmintheSouth. A.sometimes B.sometime C.sometimes D.sometime ()4.___yourbrother____toschoolbybus? A.Do;goes B.Does;go C.Do;go D.Does;goes ()5.Whichseason___Dan___best? A.does;like B.does;likes C.is;like D.is;likes ()6.Where___youfrom? A.do B.does C.are https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,e ()7.Isitcold____warminsummer? A.and B.---- C.or D.of ()8.Bob_____fromFrance. A.don’tcomes B.doesn’tcomes C.isnot https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,esnot ()9.Thesun____earlyand___lateinsummer. A.rise;sets B.rises;sets C.rise;set D.sets;rise ()10.It’salwayscoldinwinter,butSusan_____toschoolearlyinthemorning. 仅供个人学习参考


新概念英语青少版入门级B 四年级上半学期学习 Unit1That’smyfather!那是我的爸爸! Lesson1 单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle 叔叔aunt婶婶cousin堂兄弟 句型:1.That’smyaunt.那是我的婶婶。 2.-Isthatyourgrandfather那是你的祖父吗? -Yes,itis./No,itisn’t.是的,那是。/不,那不是。 语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=thatisitisn’t=itisnot Lesson2 单词:man男人woman女人 句型:1.-Who’sthat那是谁?-It’sMax.那是Max。 2.–Who’sthatman?那个男人是谁?-He’stheking.他是国王。 语法:特殊疑问词who的用法 Lesson3 音标:er// 单词:tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的behind在...后面infrontof在...前面 句型:1.Theboyisshort.这个男孩很矮。/Heisfat.他很胖。 2.Hiscapisblue.他的帽子是蓝色的。/HisnameisFred.他的名字是Fred。语法:形容词的用法(修饰名词);形容词性物主代词his、her的用法(后跟名词)。

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ Unit2Thisisourhouse.这是我们的房子。 Lesson1 单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sittingroom客厅 句型:1.Thisisoursittingroom.这是我们的客厅。 2.-Isthisyourkitchen这是你的厨房么?-Yes,itis/No,itisn’t.是的,这是。/不,这不是 语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson2 单词:bathroom浴室between在…中间diningroom餐厅nextto在…旁边 句型:1.–Where’sPopPop在哪里?-He’sinthedinningroom.他在餐厅。 2.–Who’sthatman?那个男人是谁?-He’stheking.他是国王。 语法:特殊疑问词where的用法where’s=whereis Lesson3 音标:th/θ/单词:colour颜色think认为teeth牙齿bath洗澡 句型:-Whatcolouristhebigbedroom大卧室是什么颜色的?-It’sblue.它是蓝色的。 语法:特殊疑问词what/whatcolor的用法 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ Unit3Getoffthebed.从床上下来。 Lesson1


新概念英语同步测试卷?(Lesson5~8) NAME MARK Ⅰ把左右划线部分发音相同的单词连在一起(5%) 1.message A.book 2.cover B.lock 3.pocket C.duck 4.diamond D.murder 5.wooden E.kit Ⅱ用下列单词的适当形式天空,每个词只用一次(20%) cover request call expect steal guard neat valuable distance service 1. Her grandmother left her a ring. 2. We the distance in half an hour . 3. I came to the office at the of Mr.Smith. 4. My parents are too much of me. 5. Tom has a long history of cars. 6. The solider was ordered to keep . 7. Do you think we should at Bob’s home while we’re in London? 8. Can’t you keep your bedroom and tidy. 9. The building looks beautiful from a . 10. My car is at your . Ⅲ用所给词的适当形式组成句子(15%) 1.up have he to save plenty money now of 2.in he for give return my me help gift a 3.surprise his she to the pass exam 4.is there bridge a wooden near woods the 5.I forget take parcel off my plane the


Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family! William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife. Karen: How do you do? William;This is Lucy. Lucy’s my daughter. Lucy: Hello! William: This is my son, Robert. Robert: Hi! William: And this is Paul. Paul’s my nephew. Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you! Rhyme One, two, this is my shoe One, two, this is my shoe Three, four, that is the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, open the gate. Nine, ten, say this again. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,/English/nce/166225/ Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it? Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this? Lucy: It's a wheel. Robert: No, it isn't! Look! It's green! It's a hat!

Lucy: OK. It's a green hat. Robert: Now look! What's this? Lucy: It's a flower. It's a red flower. Robert: No, it isn't. It's a red umbrella. Lucy: OK. What's that? Robert: It's grey. Is it a bird? Yes! It's a grey bird. Lucy: No! It's a key! Robert: Right! It's a silver key. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,/English/nce/166226/ Unit 3 Lesson 5 Who's that? Annie: Who is that boy, Polly? Polly: Which boy, Annie? Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle. Polly: That's Robert Jenkins. Annie: Who's that man? Polly: Which man? Annie: The man with the black umbrella. Polly: That's Mr. Jenkins. He's Robert's father. Annie: Who's that woman with the white umbrella? Polly: That's Mrs. Jenkins. She's Robert's mother. Annie: And who's that girl on the red bicycle?


新概念英语同步测试卷 Book 2 Test 1(Lesson25-30) Name:________Mark:___________ I.填入下列单词所缺的字母(20%) 1.k_tch_n 厨房 2.el_ctri_带电的 3.refrig_r_tor电冰箱 4.sh_rp_n 削尖,使锋利 5.e_pt_倒空 6.tr_use_s 长裤 7.b_dr_om卧室8.u_t_dy不整齐的 9.cl_t_es 衣服10.w_rdr_be衣柜 II.翻译题(15%) 1.Mary 的卧室很小。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.那儿有一只钢笔在课桌上。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.它们在哪里? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.电灶是蓝色的。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.我应该做什么? _______________________________________________________________________________ III.单项选择题( 10%) () 1.There_______a table in the room.


Unit 16 On the London Eye Daisy: Oh, Jack! Isn’t this fun? Can you believe it? We’re all together on the London Eye! Jack: Yes, honey. Isn’t it great? Look, Claire! That’s the River Thames. Claire: Yes, Dad. Isn’t it grey? Daisy: Well, grey and silver! It’s beautiful. Look at all the bridges! Claire: Hey, Mom, I can see T ower Bridge.It’s open! Jack: Is it really? Pass me the binoculars! Jack: Can you see any ships there? Claire: I can see one. There are some boats, too. Daisy: Look, Jack! That’s Westminster Bridge down there. There are some people on the bridge Jack: There are some cars and buses, too. Claire: Hey, Dad! That’s Big Ben! It’s twelve o’clock! Daisy: Ding-dong, ding-dong; Ding-dong, ding-dong! Oh, Jack! Isn’t London just great?London Eye proper n. 伦敦眼 fun n. 乐趣 believe v. 相信 together adv. (manner)一起 River Thames proper n. 泰晤士河 bridge n.桥梁 Tower Bridge proper n.塔桥 really adv. (manner)真正地 pass v. (ditransitive)递给 binoculars pl. n.望远镜 any quantifier任何一个 ship n. 轮船 some quantifier一些WestminsterBridge proper n. 威斯敏斯特桥down there adv. (place)下面那里 Big Ben proper n. 大本钟 its possessive adj. 它的


Unit 1 Hello! 课题:Hello! 教学目标: 1.学会元音字母a和e的短音自然发音[?]、[e]. 2.能听懂、会说、会认读以下单词:hi,hello,fish,cat,dog,ball,apple,egg. 3.能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes,no简单地回答问题 教具准备:1教师准备自然发音的舌头体操在黑板上。 2教师准备DVD及教案。 教学过程: 1.讲授元音字母a、e的短音发音规则,并操练[?]和[e]的相关单词及舌头体操: a.Sad dad and mad Dan ran on the sand. b.My hen lay an egg everyday. 2.视听DVD,学习打招呼,用yes,no简单地回答问题。 3.做游戏。 教师戴上“elephant”头饰做裁判,让全体幼儿也戴好头饰。大家手拉手成一圆圈,边走边念儿歌:“森林里,真热闹,小动物来赛跑,大象伯伯当裁判,点到谁,谁就跑!”念完时教师出示动物字卡,如:“dog”,戴着“dog”头饰的幼儿就绕圈跑一周,跑回自己的位置。游戏反复进行。 4.完成同步练习。 5.将学生分组进行分角色对话,练习口语交流。 作业: 1.大声朗读自然发音、生词并记忆。 2.练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角色相互问答。 教学反思: 一二年级的孩子已经具有了一定的词汇量和口语表达量,但是要开始注重规范书写了。 Unit 2 Yummy! 课题:Yummy! 教学目标: 1.学会元音字母i、o、u的短音自然发音[i]、[?]、[u]. 2.了解一些口语俚语yummy,yuk,help,stop. 3.掌握重点词汇:girl,hat,insect,jelly,kite,green,red. 教具准备:1教师准备自然发音的舌头体操在黑板上。 2教师准备教学果冻、卡片、DVD及教案。 教学过程: 1.讲授元音字母i、o、u的短音发音规则,并操练[i]、[?]、[u]的相关单词及舌头体操: a.A big ship is sailing on the sea. b.Clock on the top of the box. c.The bug jumped up onto the bus. 2.发给每位小朋友一个果冻,教其说"Yummy!"。 视听DVD,学习一些口语俚语:Yummy!Yuk!Stop!Help!以及一些重点词汇,完成趣味同步练习。 3.根据课文内容分角色表演小对话。


新概念Book 1 Test 3(Lesson 13-18) 一.填入下列单词所缺失的字母(10分) 1.c l ur 2.sa t 3.c rpet 4.c st ms 5.fr end 6.br n 7.passp t 8.t rist 9.D tch 10.y ll w 11. ange 12.gr y 13. mploy e 14. ff ce 15.ass stant 16.l vely 17. pst irs 18.Dani 19.g l 20.dr ss 二.写出下列名词的复数形式。(10分) 1.tourist 2.passport 3.officer 4.dress 5.employee 6.operator 7.job 8.engineer 9.hostess 10.postman 三.填入下列单词中所缺的单词。(20分) 1.—This is Nicola and Clare Taylor. —do you ? 2.—My coat is green. What is your coat? —It’s , too. They are the colour. 3.—Is your umbrella? —Yes, it is umbrella. —What is it ? —green. 4.—is Anna and this is Amy. —? 5.—Are your books? —No, They , They . They are Tom’s. 6.—Is Linda English girl? —No,she is French girl. 7.—What are their ? —They’re sales. 8.—you Danish? —No, we . 9.—Your passports, . —are. 10.—upstairs see it. —Thank you.


新概念英语同步测试卷 Name Score (100分) Ⅰ.填写单词,每空一个字母。 1.w fe 2.s im 3.w ter 4.p nk 5.m ke 6.lis en 7.flo er 8.dr p 9.sh w 10.s me 11.bi d 12. ny 13.bre d 14.chee e 15.cof ee 16.te 17.t ke 18.fr nt 19.caref l 20.honewo k Ⅱ.单词辩音。 ( )1. A.make B.fanous C.have D.bag ( )1. A.give B.thin C.pink D.ice ( )1. A.over B.drop C.window D.boat ( )1. A.send B.bed C.he D.heavy ( )1. A.sugar B.duck C.up https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,ual Ⅲ.根据句义填入正确的单词。 1.Pink is my daughter’s f colour。 2.Tina and lucy are going to do their h 。 3.I’m going to put the vase in f of the windon。 4.Be c ! Don’t drop the glass! 5.There’s a loaf of b in penny’s bag。 Ⅳ.选择正确的答案。 1.What are you to do now? A.going B.doing C.being https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,ing 2.Linda is along the river。 A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swim 3.Is there chocolate in the refrigerator? A.some B.any C.a D.an 4.What about the shoes? Are you going to put on? A.it B.then C.they D.their 5.Peter! drop the vase! A.Not B.Don’t C.No D. Do


新概念英语青少版课程大纲 课程类型:基础型课程 适用年级:1.2年级 授课时数:一学期 教学材料(教材及版本):《新概念英语青少版1 A》 一、课程目标:(结合课程标准,进行细化,全面而具体;) 1、学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能用简单的英语互致问候、交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息。 2、学生能根据所学内容表演小对话和歌谣。 3、学生能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。 4、学生能根据图片或提示写简单的句子。 5、学习中学生乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教。 6、学生乐于了解异国文化、习俗。 二、课程内容:(结合教材内容,陈述教学内容,罗列教学计划、教学进度安排) 根据《小学课程标准(实验)》的要求,《新概念英语青少版1 A》的课程内容进行教学。其课程内容包括(结合课程标准填写): (一)教材概况及学情分析《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。本册教材具有以下几个特点: 《新概念英语青少版1A》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法大纲的渐进性,讲授新的语法结构之前,都会不断地循环复习前面学过的语法知识。此外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事为主线,语言精练幽默。精心设计的听力、口语、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运用英语进行交流!完整的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇、语音,全面提升他们的听、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国“英语课程标准”对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要;教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深、注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容的复现率高,帮助学生能力螺旋式上升;所有课文都基于一个英语家庭和他们朋友间发生的日常故事,语言材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们的跨文化交际意识;内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节省备课时间和精力。每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌控教学进度;大量生动、幽默的彩色插图,时尚、清新的版式设计,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力;所有音像产品均由BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正,生动传情。本书相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求,适合小学1.2年级学生。 (二)、学习目标 1.能听懂、会说12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。 2.能听、说、认读73个单词(包括文具、人体部位、颜色、动物、食品、数字等6个话题),并能简单地运用。 3.能听、做12个TPR活动。 4.能唱14首歌曲和听、说、唱10首歌谣。 5.能完成8个自我评价活动和了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 6.能听懂6个幽默小故事。

新概念英语同步测试卷 22

新概念英语同步测试卷(lesson73 ~ 76) I. 把左右化纤部分发音相同的单词连在一起 1.truant A. gap 2.shame B. fool 3.sneer C. gorge 4.stamp D. gear 5.stalk E. lame II. 用下列单词的适当形式填空,每个词只用一次 shame border evade thick fan sneer scene stamp fool gather 1.Do you need a passport to cross the ______ ? 2.She is _____ enough to believe is a Prince Charming waiting for her somewhere. 3.In some places, the walls are over two meters _______ . 4.The tiger _____ the hunters. 5.He is a _____ of the Beatles. 6.I felt that everyone here _____ at me. 7.The farmers are _____ in the corn. 8.The unjust peace agreement set the _____ for another war. 9.We _____ the ground to keep our feet warm. 10.______ on both of you. III. 选词填空 1.Australia is very large, but ___ its land is sand. A. none of B. all of C. many of D. much of 2.Mrs. Green asked Jim ____ climb the ladder. A. doesn't B. don't C. not to D. to not 3.We have never heard _____ wonderful news. A.such B.so C.such a D.so a 4._______ does your mother go shopping? A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How long 5.The doctor asked me ______. A.if I coughed at night B. Did I coughed at night C. I coughed last night D. whether did I cough last night 6.It's raining hard. Y ou'd better ____ out. A.don't go B.not to go C.not go D.to not go 7._______ Mike _______ his sister are interested in Chinese. A. Eight, or B. Neither, nor C. Not, but D. Both, and 8.Mr. Hu said to them, "Congratulations _______ everybody!" A.at B.to C.with D.for 9.Stamps _____ for sending letters. A.are used B.is used C.be used https://www.doczj.com/doc/0e6583138.html,ed 10.He _____ from Beijing for a long time. A.left B.has left C.has been away D.has been far IV. 课内阅读理解 1.Which of the following is true about Lesson 73? A.The boy mentioned in the text was unimaginative. B.The boy was sent to England by a French policeman. C.The boy was sent back to England by a Spanish policeman. D.The boy traveled from Calais to Paris a boat. 2.Which of the following is true about Lesson 74? A.The actors and actresses disguised themselves too perfectly to be recognized by the sheriff. B.The actors and actresses wanted to make a rehearsal on the dry river bed. C.The actors and actresses enjoyed being reported by the newspapers. D.The sheriff thought the group of people were robbers. 3.Which of the following is true about Lesson 75? A.The police on the plane saw the signal and landed to save the woman and the child. B. There were four persons on the crashed plane. C. The woman's child died because it was so cold. D. The woman got into the case to keep herself warm. 4.Which of the following is true about lesson 76? A.The television announcer told lies for it's April Fools' Day. B.The television announcer told truth to the audience. C.The television announcer tried top teach the audience a lesson. D.The television announcer tried to introduce a new movie. V. 课外阅读 Life in the twentieth century demands preparation. Today, all individuals in a country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as for their responsibilities as citizens on the education of the young. In the Untied States, government

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