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California Proposition 65

California Proposition 65
California Proposition 65

California Proposition 65 (1986)

Proposition 65 (formally titled "The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986") is a California law passed by direct voter initiative in 1986 by a 63%-37% margin. Its goals are to protect drinking water sources from toxic substances that cause cancer and birth defects and to reduce or eliminate exposures to those chemicals generally, for example in consumer products, by requiring warnings in advance of those exposures. It is administered by Cal/EPA's California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment(OEHHA), which maintains a helpful website[1] on the law. Proposition 65 regulates substances officially listed by California as causing cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm in two ways. The first regulatory arm of Proposition 65 prohibits businesses from knowingly discharging listed substances into drinking water sources, or onto land where the substances can pass into drinking water sources. The second regulatory arm of Proposition 65 prohibits businesses from knowingly exposing individuals to listed substances without providing a clear and reasonable warning.

Since enactment, Proposition 65 has been the reason for reformulation of numerous consumer products to eliminate toxic chemicals covered by Proposition 65, as well as other significant changes to reduce exposures such as toxic air emissions[2]. In some cases consumer products have been relabeled to show specific toxic ingredients, but reformulation has been far more common. An official list of covered substances is maintained and made publicly available. Entries are added or removed based on current scientific information. All substances listed show their known risk factors, a unique CAS chemical classification number, the date they were listed, and, if so, whether they have been delisted.

Proposition 65 remained politically controversial [3] for well over a decade after it passed, in large part because, in effect, it put the burden of proof on business instead of government to make a key scientific determination about safety levels for specific chemicals. [4]This unique shift gave businesses an incentive to cooperate with government in setting exposure limits to specific chemicals. When the California Environmental Protection Agency conducted a five-year review of the law in 1992, it found that "By federal standards, Proposition 65 has resulted in 100 years of progress in the areas of hazard identification, risk assessment, and exposure assessment." [5]

[edit] Rationale and enumerated rights

In addition to amending the California Health and Safety Code, Proposition 65 contained the following language in the 1986 ballot initiative:

"SECTION 1. The people of California find that hazardous chemicals pose a serious potential threat to their health and well-being, that state government agencies have failed to provide them with adequate protection, and that these failures have been serious enough to lead to investigations by federal agencies of the administration of California's toxic protection programs. The people therefore declare their rights:

(a) To protect themselves and the water they drink against chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

(b) To be informed about exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

(c) To secure strict enforcement of the laws controlling hazardous chemicals and deter actions that threaten public health and safety.

(d) To shift the cost of hazardous waste cleanups more onto offenders and less onto law-abiding citizens.

The people hereby enact the provisions of this initiative in furtherance of their rights."[6]

The Legislature's 2003 amendments to Proposition 65 contained the statement that the changes "further the purposes of the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986."[7]

[edit] Enforcement

Enforcement is carried out through civil lawsuits against Proposition 65 violators. These lawsuits may be brought by the California Attorney General, any district attorney, or certain city attorneys(those in cities with a population exceeding 750,000). Lawsuits may also be brought by private parties "acting in the public interest", but only after providing notice of the alleged violation to the Attorney General, the appropriate district attorney and city attorney, and the business accused of the violation.

A Proposition 65 Notice of Violation must provide adequate information to allow the recipient to assess the nature of the alleged violation. A notice must comply with the information and procedural requirements specified in regulations. A private party may not pursue an enforcement action directly under Proposition 65 if one of the government officials noted above initiates an action within sixty days of the notice. After 2003, private enforcers must also serve a certificate of merit (statement of expert consultation(s) supporting belief of reasonable and meritorious private action) as a means of preventing frivolous enforcement actions.

A business found to be in violation of Proposition 65 is subject to civil penalties of up to $2,500 per day for each violation. In addition, the business may be ordered by a court of law to stop committing the violation.

[8] Other penalties may apply, including unfair business practices violations as limited under California Proposition 64 (2004).

[edit] Warning label

The following warning language is standard on products sold in California if they contain chemicals on the Proposition 65 list and the amount of exposure caused by the product is not within defined safety limits.

WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

The wording can be changed as necessary, so long as it communicates that the chemical in question is known to the state to cause cancer, or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For exposures from other sources, such as car exhaust in a parking garage, a standard sign might read: "This area contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, or birth defects or other reproductive harm" .[9]

Some businesses in the state post similar notices on their premises, even when they have not evaluated the actual level of risk from a listed chemical they know is present. [10] Warning signs are often posted at gas

stations,[11] hardware suppliers,[12] grocery stores, drug stores, medical facilities, and many other businesses.[13][14] Government agencies,[15] parking garages, hotels,[14]apartment complexes,[16]retail stores,[17]banks, and restaurants[18] also post warning signs because of the possibility of hazardous chemicals being present in everyday items or the nearby environment. Some large businesses, such as utility companies, mail a Prop 65 notice to all customers each year to warn them of dangerous substances like natural gas[19] or the sand used in sandblasting.[20]

There is no penalty for posting an unnecessary warning sign.[21] Because of the overuse of the vague warning, the ubiquitous signs ultimately communicate very little information to the end user.[11][22]This problem has been recognized by California courts,[23][24] advocates,[11][25] and businesses.[14]

[edit] Abuse

Political controversy over the law, including industry attempts to have it preempted by federal law, have died down. However, enforcement actions remain controversial. Most of the Proposition 65 complaints are filed on behalf of straw man plaintiffs by private attorneys, some of whose businesses are built entirely on filing Proposition 65 lawsuits.[23][26][27]

Labeling requirements conceded the reality that listing and classifying substances did not help the consumer if the contents of a purchase were unknown. At the same time, there were no other labeling requirements to support the proposition. Industry critics and corporate defense lawyers charge that Proposition 65 is "a clever and irritating mechanism used by litigious NGOs and others to publicly spank politically incorrect opponents ranging from the American gun industry to seafood retailers, etc."[28]

In addition, because the law allows private citizens to sue and collect damages from any business violating the law, there have been cases of lawyers and law firms using Proposition 65 to force monetary settlements out of California businesses.[29]The Attorney General's office has cited several instances of settlements where plaintiff attorneys received significant awards without providing for environmental benefit to the people of California, resulting in the requirement of the Attorney General's approval of pre-trial Proposition 65 settlements.[30] The Attorney General also objected to efforts in settlements between private parties to pre-empt the Attorney General's right and duty to protect the public interest against future violations.[23]

[edit] See also

?California ballot proposition




[edit] References


2.^The "Prop. 65 Kit" [2]by the Environmental Defense Fund includes

a short summary of the law's effects (see "Track Record") as well

as its history, controversies, and industry attempts to eliminate


3.^ See Prop. 65 Kit, above.

4.^ If a "no significant effect" level has been established for a

cancer-causing chemical listed under Prop. 65, then no warning is

required as long as the actual exposure is below that level. But

it is up to the business causing the exposure to know what that level

is, and to do the scientific analysis if government has not already

done so.

5.^ Unpublished report, reproduced in original form as

"Accomplishments Summary" in the Prop. 65 Kit [3]

6.^ Prop. 65 ballot pamphlet full text available at Hastings'

California Ballot Measures Databases

7.^AB 1756 of 2003

8.^California Cleaners breaking news

9.^ https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,. "CA Proposition 65 Signs". InfoTag, Inc..

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/ChemBioCAPROP65.shtml. Retrieved


10.^"Prop 65 Made Simple". Prop 65 News. 2005.


Retrieved 2008-07-22. "When a warning is given by a business, it

means one of two things: (1) the business has evaluated the exposure

and has concluded that it exceeds the no significant risk level;

or (2) the business has chosen to provide a warning simply based

on its knowledge about the presence of a listed chemical, without

attempting to evaluate the exposure. In these cases, exposure could

be below the Proposition 65 level of concern, or could even be zero."

11.^ a b c Written Testimony of Jeffrey B. Margulies. Proposition 65’s

Effect on Small Businesses. In the United States House of

Representatives, Committee on Small Business. October 28, 1999.

"Implications for consumers. While the intent of Prop 65 was to

“inform” consumers, the impact of warnings under the Act has been

a proliferation of meaningless warnings. Virtually every business

has some sort of Prop 65 warning sign posted, and innumerable products are labeled with the warning. From gas stations to hotels, from grocery stores to hardware stores, consumers are deluged with warnings that they are being exposed to unnamed carcinogens and reproductive toxins. They are not told either the degree of exposure or the likelihood that they may actually be impacted by it. Moreover, because the risks to business of not providing a warning, many provide a warning even though they don’t actually know whether an exposure is occurring, or even if the exposure is trivial, further diluting the meaning of warnings to consumers.

12.^ Watts Water Technologies, Inc.. "California Proposition 65".


13.^ Kaweah Delta Health Care District. "Electronic Devices".


14.^ a b c California Hotel & Lodging Association (2004-07-07).

"California Hotel & Lodging Association Helps Lodging Guests

Understand Proposition 65; Court Approval Obtained for

Comprehensive Compliance Procedure". Press release.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/2004/july/0707-04t.htm. Retrieved

2008-07-22. ""Unfortunately, the 'safe harbor' warning-sign

language specified under Proposition 65 is designed to be so

all-encompassing that it is vague and typically doesn't provide much useful information," said Jim Abrams, president and CEO of CH&LA. "People see Prop. 65 warning signs nearly every place they go -- grocery and hardware stores, restaurants, commercial

buildings, car show rooms, hotels and inns, pretty much


15.^Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessmen. "Comparison of

the Warning Requirement and the Government Employee Disclosure Requirement". California Environmental Protection Agency.


16.^Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessmen. "Proposition 65

Fact Sheet for Tenants". California Environmental Protection

Agency. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/prop65/background/P65ten.html.

17.^ https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,. "California Proposition 65".

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/California-Proposition-65/b?ie=UTF8&node= 1041180.

18.^Lucas, Greg (2005-05-25). "Cancer label for foods is considered".

San Francisco Chronicle.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/05/25/ MNGD2CU9RA1.DTL&type=printable.

19.^"July 2008 bill inserts". Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/customer_service/bill_inserts/#proposition--publicwarning. Retrieved 2008-07-22. "Pacific Gas and Electric Company uses chemicals in its operations that are “known to the State of California” to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. For example, Pacific Gas and Electric Company uses natural gas and petroleum products in its operations. Pacific Gas and Electric Company also delivers natural gas to its customers.

Petroleum products, natural gas, and their combustion by-products contain chemicals “known to the State of California” to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm."

20.^April 2004 bill insert from PG&E[dead link]

21.^"Proposition 65 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of

1986". State of California. 1986.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/prop65/law/P65law72003.html. Retrieved 2008-07-22.

22.^Consumer Defense Group v. Rental Housing Industry Members, 40 Cal

Rptr 3d 832 (Cal. Ct. App. 4th Dist. Div. 3 2006-03-24). “Given the ease with which it was brought, and the absolute lack of any real public benefit from telling people that things like dried paint may be slowly emitting lead molecules or that parking lots are places where there might be auto exhaust, instead of $540,000, this legal work merited an award closer to a dollar ninety-eight.”

23.^ a b c Consumer Defense Group v. Rental Housing Industry Members,

40 Cal Rptr 3d 832(Cal. Ct. App. 4th Dist. Div. 3 2006-03-24). “As

the Attorney General pointed out in oral argument, it does not serve the public interest to have the almost the entirety of the state of California “swamped in a sea [of] generic warning signs.””

24.^ Pamela A. MacLean (2006-04-13). "Calif. Judge Blasts Firm in

Toxic-Warnings Case". The National Law Journal.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/jsp/article.jsp?id=1144672792347. Retrieved 2008-07-22.

25.^"Equity and Environmental Justice Considerations in

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Policy".

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/emf/pdf/AppendixD-EJ.PDF. Retrieved

2008-07-22. "This is to be contrasted with Prop. 65 warning

experience where the public received meaningless warnings filled with disclaimers, information that trivializes risk, and fails to put it into context."

26.^Defending the Proposition 65 Bounty Hunter Case

27.^ Dorothy Pomerantz (2001-10-15). "Toxic Avengers - https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,".

Forbes. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/forbes/2001/1015/080.html.

Retrieved 2008-07-22.

28.^NGO Strategies for 2004 and Beyond

29.^Cal. Attorney General news alert, paragraph 10

30.^ Chapter 3 - Settlement Guidelines, Cal. Attorney General's

Proposition 65 regulations

[edit] External links

?Official Proposition 65 website

?Official Proposition 65 list of substances

?Proposition 65 updates

?California Attorney General - Proposition 65 regulations

?https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html, -Toxic Avengers, Morse Mehrban gets rich from Proposition 65

?California Proposition 65

?Environmental Law Foundation of California

?Prop. 65 Clearinghouse Research Center

"https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,/wiki/California_Proposition_65_(1986)" Categories: California ballot propositions, 1986 | Environment of California | United States state environmental legislation

Hidden categories: All articles with dead external links| Articles with dead external links from August 2009

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1、新建一个windows form 窗体应用程序。 2、在该窗体加载时,输入如下代码 [csharp] view plaincopy Thread P_thread = new Thread( () => //lambda表达式(参数列表)=>{执行语句} lambda表达式是比匿名方法更加简洁的一种匿名函数语法 { while (true) {//public Object Invoke (Delegate method)在(拥有此控件的基础窗口句柄的)线程上执行指定的委托。 //关于为何使用invoke方法,参见C#中跨线程调用控件的线程安全性方法一文 this.Invoke( (MethodInvoker)delegate()//methodinvoke 表示一个委托,该委托可执行托管代码中声明为void 且不接受任何参数的任何方法。 //在对控件的Invoke 方法进行调用时或需要一个简单委托又不想自己定义时可以使用该委托。 { this.Refresh(); Graphics P_Graphics = CreateGraphics(); // Control.CreateGraphics方法,为控件创建Graphics。 //public Graphics CreateGraphics () 返回值为控件的Graphics。Graphics 类提供将对象绘制到显示设备的方法 //public void DrawString( // string s, // Font font, // Brush brush, // PointF point //)在指定位置point并且用指定的Brush 和Font 对象绘制指定的文本字符串s。 P_Graphics.DrawString("系统时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日HH时mm分ss秒"), new Font("宋体", 15), Brushes.Blue, new Point(10, 10)); });//this.invoke Thread.Sleep(1000); }//while


wincc系统日期时间获取 系统时间的获得,有两种办法,一是建立TAG,二是使用函数获取系统时间 方法一: 在[Tag Management]添加新的驱动"System Info.chn",然后在新添加的[SYSTEM INFO]新建连接,这样就可以创建实际TAG了; 下面新建几个TAG: 名字:date, 数据类型:text tag 8-bit character set,地址设定为Function:date,format:"MM-DD-YYYY" 名字:time, 数据类型:text tag 8-bit character set,地址设定为Function:Time,format:"HH:MM:SS" 根据上面的方法依次建立year,mon,day,week等TAG,请分别设置对应的format内容 TAG建立完成了,就可以读到系统时间了。新建一个图形文件,分别放置几个静态文本框[static text],把TEXT属性连接到上面新建的TAG,就可以显示系统日期时间,利用WEEK还能显示今天是星期几了. 方法二: 使用 C脚本获得系统时间 #include "apdefap.h" char* _main(char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName) { time_t timer;

struct tm *ptm; char *p; time(&timer); ptm=localtime(&timer); p=SysMalloc(9); sprintf(p,"%04d:%02d:%02d",ptm->tm_year+1900,ptm->tm_mon+1,p tm->tm_mday); return(p); } 其中 //系统时间已经获得 //年: ptm -> tm_year+1900 //月: ptm-> tm_mon+1 //日: ptm -> tm_mday //星期: ptm -> tm_wday *注意这个,tm_wday返回的是整数,必须经过转换才能用来表示星期几


labView中如何获取windows当前系统时间 《labview8.2入门到精通》的PPT,第4章里面有个练习是“写一个VI获取当前系统时间,并将其转换为字符串和浮点数”。完成效果如图。我要怎么来获取当前系统的时间呢? 程序如下,还是比较简单的,用到的函数都在编程---定时和编程---数值---转换里 问题: 我从一个仪器当中读取到了GPS时间,并想在LabVIEW中以较高的分辨率设定Windows系统时间。我注意到LabVIEW的时间函数选版中有获取时间/日期的VI,但没有设定时间的VI。如何才能在LabVIEW中实现时间设定?

解答: LabVIEW中没有现成的VI用于系统时间设定,但可以通过Windows SDK来实现。参考以下的步骤,通过调用库函数节点的方式,调用kernel32.dll中SetSystemTime函数,可以设定系统时间: 1. 在程序框图中放置一个调用库函数节点。双击此节点打开调用 库函数对话框。 2. 点击浏览按钮并选择kernel32.dll (一般放置于 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll")。 3. 在函数名下拉列表中选择"SetSystemTime" 。 4. 在调用规范下拉列表中选择"stdcall (WINAPI)" 。 5. 在返回类型中选择“数值”以及“有符号8位整数”。 6. 点击添加参数并在类型中选择“匹配至类型”,接着在数据格式 中选择“句柄指针”。 7. 点击确定按钮,完成对调用库函数节点的配置。 8. 这个函数以一个包含八个双字节(16位整数)的结构体作为参 数。在LabVIEW中,需要创建一个包含八个双字节的簇来传 递这个参数。八个双字节分别为年、月、星期、日、小时、分 钟、秒以及毫秒。将此簇连接至调用库函数节点的参数1。 9. 输入相应的值,并运行程序以设定系统时间。


C#获取当前系统时间 2010-01-02 16:24 --DateTime 数字型 System.DateTimecurrentTime=new System.DateTime(); 取当前年月日时分秒 currentTime=System.DateTime.Now; 取当前年 int 年=currentTime.Year; 取当前月 int 月=currentTime.Month; 取当前日 int 日=currentTime.Day; 取当前时 int 时=currentTime.Hour; 取当前分 int 分=currentTime.Minute; 取当前秒 int 秒=currentTime.Second; 取当前毫秒 int毫秒=https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d15413219.html,lisecond; (变量可用中文) 取中文日期显示——年月日时分 string strY=currentTime.ToString("f"); //不显示秒 取中文日期显示_年月 string strYM=currentTime.ToString("y"); 取中文日期显示_月日 string strMD=currentTime.ToString("m"); 取当前年月日,格式为:2003-9-23 string strYMD=currentTime.ToString("d"); 取当前时分,格式为:14:24 string strT=currentTime.ToString("t"); DateTime.Now.ToString();//获取当前系统时间完整的日期和时间DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();//只显示日期 xxxx年xx月xx日,一个是长日期 DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();//只显示日期 xxxx-xx-xx 一个是短日期 //今天 DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString(); //昨天的 DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString(); //明天的 DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString(); //本周(注意这里的每一周是从周日始至周六止) DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble((0 - Convert.ToInt16(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek)))).ToShortDateString(); DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble((6 - Convert.ToInt16(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek)))).ToShortDateString(); //上周,上周就是本周再减去7天 DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble((0 - Convert.ToInt16(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek))) - 7).ToShortDateString();

VC 获取当前时间

VC++中其实还是通过调用它自带的CTime类来完成的获取当前系统时间的,我们做一个小程序来了解这个过程吧!对话框里只有两个显示框和两个按钮,点下按钮显示当前时间。就这么一个小程序。 (1)建立应用程序外壳 创建一个新的AppWizard项目,命名为shiyan,选择Dialog based;其他都选用默认属性,单击Finish完成生成应用程序的步骤。进入对话框界面以后,按下图所示布置显示框和功能按钮。 (2)设置参数 其中上面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show,ID号为IDC_show。下面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show1,ID号为IDC_show1。 (3)编译程序 start键程序: void CDate1Dlg::Onstart() { //count=0; SetTimer(1,1000,NULL); // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

} stop键程序: void CDate1Dlg::Onstop() { KillTimer(1); // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here } (4)增加计时器控件 View -> ClassWizard -> MessageMaps -> CUse progressDlg,加入WM_TIMER函数,编辑程序: void CDate1Dlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if(nIDEvent==1) { // count++; UpdateData(1); CTime mtime=CTime::GetCurrentTime();//获取当前时间 char i; CString w; i=char (mtime.GetDayOfWeek()); //获取当前时间的天数是这个星期的第几天,这里要注意了,系统上默认的一个星期的第一天是星期日,最后一天是周六,大家千万不要搞错了。我也是试了才知道的。 switch(i)//将数字状换成字符就不会出现星期7这种情况了 { case 2:

c++ 简单获取系统时间

C++获取时间方法有多种,其中比较实用的是localtime函数 我们来看下下面这个范例 struct tm t; //tm结构指针 time_t nowT; //声明time_t类型变量 time(&nowT); //获取系统日期和时间 t = localtime( &nowT); //获取当地日期和时间 printf("%4d年%02d月%02d日%02d:%02d:%02d\n", t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec); //格式化输出本地时间 该方法是调用了localtime函数进行时间获取,使用时得包含time.h头文件 #include 但是在vs上不少人会遇到编译器的报错提示,要求把localtime换成localtime_s 解释是为了安全性 如果出现这种情况我们只要改一行代码即可 t = localtime( &nowT); 改为localtime_s( &t,&nowT); 如果想要一次性输出日期与时间,那我们就要用到asctime函数 struct tm t; //tm结构指针 time_t nowT; //声明time_t类型变量 time(&nowT); //获取系统日期和时间 t = localtime( &nowT); //获取当地日期和时间 char TIMET[32]; TIMET = asctime(,&t); printf("now is: %s\n",TIMET ); 如诺出现vs的编译器报错,那只需要改成这样既可 struct tm t; //tm结构指针 time_t nowT; //声明time_t类型变量 time(&nowT); //获取系统日期和时间 localtime_s(&t, &nowT); //获取当地日期和时间 char TIMET[32]; asctime_s(TIMET, &t); printf("now is: %s\n",TIMET);


PHP获取系统当前时间date函数.txt偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。男人掏钱是恋人关系,女人掏钱是夫妻关系,男女抢着掏钱是朋友关系。男人爱用眼睛看女人,最易受美貌迷惑;女人爱用心看男人,最易受伤心折磨。使用函式 date() 实现 显示的格式: 年-月-日小时:分钟:秒 相关时间参数: a - "am" 或是 "pm" A - "AM" 或是 "PM" d - 几日,二位数字,若不足二位则前面补零; 如: "01" 至 "31" D - 星期几,三个英文字母; 如: "Fri" F - 月份,英文全名; 如: "January" h - 12 小时制的小时; 如: "01" 至 "12" H - 24 小时制的小时; 如: "00" 至 "23" g - 12 小时制的小时,不足二位不补零; 如: "1" 至 12" G - 24 小时制的小时,不足二位不补零; 如: "0" 至 "23" i - 分钟; 如: "00" 至 "59" j - 几日,二位数字,若不足二位不补零; 如: "1" 至 "31" l - 星期几,英文全名; 如: "Friday" m - 月份,二位数字,若不足二位则在前面补零; 如: "01" 至 "12" n - 月份,二位数字,若不足二位则不补零; 如: "1" 至 "12" M - 月份,三个英文字母; 如: "Jan" s - 秒; 如: "00" 至 "59" S - 字尾加英文序数,二个英文字母; 如: "th","nd" t - 指定月份的天数; 如: "28" 至 "31" U - 总秒数 w - 数字型的星期几,如: "0" (星期日) 至 "6" (星期六) Y - 年,四位数字; 如: "1999" y - 年,二位数字; 如: "99" z - 一年中的第几天; 如: "0" 至 "365" 可以自由设定显示的内容,连接符号或是显示位置,例如date("m-d H") 或者date("dmY");?>等php中的日期处理 加入时间:2004-12-18 17:35:22 大小:12 KB 阅读次数:1405PHP中的日期处理 转贴:xiaxia 日期:2004-05-26 人气:9 我正打算用PHP编写一种帮助处理系统。我发现我必须知道处理完最后一位客户的问题后已经过去了多长时间?当我过去用ASP时解决这个问题相当简单,ASP有相应的函数 DateDiff 可以给出两个日期间间隔多少月、多少天和多少秒。当我搜寻完PHP手册后我发现PHP并没


C语言中如何获取时间?精度如何? 1 使用time_t time( time_t * timer ) 精确到秒 2 使用clock_t clock() 得到的是CPU时间精确到1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC秒 3 计算时间差使用double difftime( time_t timer1, time_t timer0 ) 4 使用DWORD GetTickCount() 精确到毫秒 5 如果使用MFC的CTime类,可以用CTime::GetCurrentTime() 精确到秒 6 要获取高精度时间,可以使用 BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency) 获取系统的计数器的频率 BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount) 获取计数器的值 然后用两次计数器的差除以Frequency就得到时间。 7 Multimedia Timer Functions The following functions are used with multimedia timers. timeBeginPeriod/timeEndPeriod/timeGetDevCaps/timeGetSystemTime //********************************************************************* //用标准C实现获取当前系统时间的函数 一.time()函数 time(&rawtime)函数获取当前时间距1970年1月1日的秒数,以秒计数单位,存于rawtime 中。#include "time.h" void main () { time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; time ( &rawtime );


内容: Q:如何获取时间?精度如何? A: 1 使用time_t time( time_t * timer ) 精确到秒 计算时间差使用double difftime( time_t timer1, time_t timer0 ) 2 使用clock_t clock() 得到的是CPU时间精确到1/CLOCKS_PER_SEC秒 3 使用DWORD GetTickCount() 得到的是系统运行的时间精确到毫秒 4 如果使用MFC的CTime类,可以用CTime::GetCurrentTime() 精确到秒 5 要获取高精度时间,可以使用 BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency)获取系统的计数器的频率 BOOL QueryPerformanceCounter(LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount)获取计数器的值 然后用两次计数器的差除以Frequency就得到时间。 6 还有David的文章中提到的方法: Multimedia Timer Functions The following functions are used with multimedia timers. timeBeginPeriod/timeEndPeriod/timeGetDevCaps/timeGetSystemTime timeGetTime/timeKillEvent/TimeProc/timeSetEvent 精度很高 Q:GetTickCount()函数,说是毫秒记数,是真的吗,还是精确到55毫秒? A: GetTickCount()和GetCurrentTime()都只精确到55ms(1个tick就是55ms)。如果要精确到毫秒,应该使用timeGetTime函数或QueryPerformanceCounter函数。具体例子可以参考QA001022 "VC++中使用高精度定时器"、QA001813 "如何在Windows实现准确的定时"和QA004842 "timeGetTime函数延时不准"。 Q:vc++怎样获取系统时间,返回值是什么类型的变量呢? GetSystemTime返回的是格林威志标准时间 GetLocalTime,和上面用法一样,返回的是你所在地区的时间,中国返回的是北京时间VOID GetSystemTime( LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime // address of system time structure ); 函数就可以获得了,其中LPSYSTEMTIME 是个结构体 含:年,月,日,周几,小时,分,秒,毫秒。 以下是Time的MSDN文档: Compatibility in the Introduction. Libraries LIBC.LIBSingle thread static library, retail versionLIBCMT.LIBMultithread static library, retail versionMSVCRT.LIBImport library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version Return Value time returns the time in elapsed seconds. There is no error return. Parameter timer Storage location for time Remarks

VS2010 MFC 获取当前系统时间

1.使用CTime类 CString str; //获取系统时间 CTime tm; tm=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); str=tm.Format("现在时间是%Y年%m月%d日%X"); MessageBox(str,NULL,MB_OK); 2: 得到系统时间日期(使用GetLocalTime) SYSTEMTIME st; CString strDate,strTime; GetLocalTime(&st); strDate.Format("%4d-%2d-%2d",st.wYear,st.wMonth,st.wDay); strTime.Format("%2d:%2d:%2d",st.wHour,st.wMinute,st.wSecond); 3.使用GetTickCount//获取程序运行时间 long t1=GetTickCount();//程序段开始前取得系统运行时间(ms) Sleep(500); long t2=GetTickCount();//程序段结束后取得系统运行时间(ms) str.Format("time:%dms",t2-t1);//前后之差即程序运行时间AfxMessageBox(str);//获取系统运行时间 long t=GetTickCount(); CString str,str1; str1.Format("系统已运行%d时",t/3600000); str=str1; t%=3600000; str1.Format("%d分",t/60000); str+=str1; t%=60000; str1.Format("%d秒",t/1000); str+=str1; AfxMessageBox(str);


VC++获得当前系统时间的几种方案 //方案—优点:仅使用C标准库;缺点:只能精确到秒级 #include #include int main( void ) { time_t t = time( 0 ); char tmp[64]; strftime( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%Y/%m/%d %X %A 本年第%j天%z", localtime(&t) ); puts( tmp ); return 0; } //方案二优点:能精确到毫秒级;缺点:使用了windows API #include #include int main( void ) { SYSTEMTIME sys; GetLocalTime( &sys ); printf( "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d 星期%1d\n" ,sys.wYear,sys.wMonth,sys.wDay ,sys.wHour,sys.wMinute,sys.wSecond,sys.wMilliseconds ,sys.wDayOfWeek); return 0; } //方案三,优点:利用系统函数 #include #include using namespace std; void main(){ system("time"); } 可以改变电脑的时间设定 方案4: #include #include using namespace std; int main() { time_t now_time; now_time = time(NULL);


获取系统时间 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

\\"; (0,PathString); PathString = ".dat"; (0,FileNameString); FileNameString = PathString; VC++中其实还是通过调用它自带的CTime类来完成的获取当前系统时间的,我们做一个小程序来了解这个过程吧!对话框里只有两个显示框和两个按钮,点下按钮显示当前时间。就这么一个小程序。 (1)建立应用程序外壳 创建一个新的AppWizard项目,命名为shiyan,选择Dialog based;其他都选用默认属性,单击Finish完成生成应用程序的步骤。进入对话框界面以后,按下图所示布置显示框和功能按钮。 (2)设置参数 其中上面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show,ID号为IDC_show。 下面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show1,ID号为IDC_show1。 (3)编译程序 start键程序: void CDate1Dlg::Onstart(){ d "),,,,,,,; 用CTime类 CTime tm=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString str=(“现在时间是:%Y年%m月%d日 %X”); MessageBox(str,NULL,MB_OK); 2: 得到系统时间日期(使用GetLocalTime) SYSTEMTIME st; CString strDate,strTime; GetLocalTime(&st); (“%4d-%2d-%2d”,,,); (“%2d:%2d:%2d”,,,); 3.使用GetTickCount//获取程序运行时间 long t1=GetTickCount();//程序段开始前取得系统运行时间(ms)……//程序段 long t2=GetTickCount();//程序段结束后取得系统运行时间(ms) long t = t2-t1; //前后之差即程序运行时间(ms) 2010-05-18/


JAVA中获取当前系统时间 一. 获取当前系统时间和日期并格式化输出: import import class NowString { public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");在数据库里的日期只以年-月-日的方式输出,可以用下面两种方法: 1、用convert()转化函数: String sqlst = "select convert(varchar(10),bookDate,126) as convertBookDate from roomBook where bookDate between '2007-4-10' and '2007-4-25'"; "convertBookDate")); 2、利用SimpleDateFormat类: 先要输入两个java包: import import 然后: 定义日期格式:SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(yy-MM-dd); sql语句为:String sqlStr = "select bookDate from roomBook where bookDate between '2007-4-10' and '2007-4-25'"; 输出: "bookDate")));

************************************************************ java中获取当前日期和时间的方法 import import import public class TestDate{ public static void main(String[] args){ Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");//可以方便地修改日期格式

C++ 获取代码运行时间的各种方法

C++获取代码运行时间 如何获取代码运行时间在调试中,经常需要计算某一段代码的执行时间,下面给出两种常用的方式: 第一种:使用GetTickCount函数 #include #include int main() { DWORD start_time=GetTickCount(); { //此处为被测试代码 } DWORD end_time=GetTickCount(); cout<<"The run time is:"<<(end_time-start_time)<<"ms!"< #include int main() { clock_t start_time=clock(); { //被测试代码 } clock_t end_time=clock(); cout<< "Running time is: "<(end_time-start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000<<"ms"<


sql得到当前系统时间的日期部分.txt爱尔兰﹌一个不离婚的国家,一个一百年的约定。难过了,不要告诉别人,因为别人不在乎。★真话假话都要猜,这就是现在的社会。 sql得到当前系统时间得日期部分 --如果是在表中查詢 --昨天 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1 --明天 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, GetDate(), DateTimCol) = 1 --最近七天 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, DateTimCol, GetDate()) <= 7 --随后七天 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, GetDate(), DateTimCol) <= 7 --上周 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1 --本周 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 0 --下周 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, GetDate(), DateTimCol ) = 1 --上月 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1 --本月 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 0 --下月 Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, GetDate(), DateTimCol ) = 1

C 如何获取系统时间

方案-优点:仅使用C标准库;缺点:只能精确到秒级#include#include int main(void){time_t t=time(0);char tmp[64];strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp),"%Y/%m/%d%X%A本年第%j天%z",localtime(&t));puts(tmp); return0;}size_t strftime(char*strDest,size_t maxsize,const char*format,const struct tm*timeptr);根据格式字符串生成字符串。struct tm*localtime(const time_t *timer);取得当地时间,localtime获取的结果由结构tm返回返回的字符串可以依下列的格式而定:%a星期几的缩写。Eg:Tue%A星期几的全名。Eg:Tuesday%b月份名称的缩写。%B月份名称的全名。%c本地端日期时间较佳表示字符串。%d用数字表示本月的第几天(范围为00至31)。日期%H用24小时制数字表示小时数(范围为00至23)。%I用12小时制数字表示小时数(范围为01至12)。%j以数字表示当年度的第几天(范围为001至366)。%m月份的数字(范围由1至12)。%M分钟。%p以''AM''或''PM''表示本地端时间。%S秒数。%U数字表示为本年度的第几周,第一个星期由第一个周日开始。%W数字表示为本年度的第几周,第一个星期由第一个周一开始。%w用数字表示本周的第几天(0为周日)。%x不含时间的日期表示法。%X不含日期的时间表示法。Eg:15:26:30%y二位数字表示年份(范围由00至99)。%Y完整的年份数字表示,即四位数。Eg:2008%Z(%z)时区或名称缩写。Eg:中国标准时间%%%字符。 方案二优点:能精确到毫秒级;缺点:使用了windows API#include #includeint main(void){SYSTEMTIME sys;GetLocalTime(&sys); printf("%4d/%02d/%02d%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d星


//获取系统日期时间 CTime time=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); FileNameString = time.Format("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); CString PathString = "..\\"; FileNameString.Insert(0,PathString); ??PathString = ".dat"; PathString.Insert(0,FileNameString); ??FileNameString = PathString; VC++中其实还是通过调用它自带的CTime类来完成的获取当前系统时间的,我们做一个小程序来了解这个过程吧!对话框里只有两个显示框和两个按钮,点下按钮显示当前时间。就这么一个小程序。 (1)建立应用程序外壳 ??? 创建一个新的AppWizard项目,命名为shiyan,选择Dialog based;其他都选用默认属性,单击Finish完成生成应用程序的步骤。进入对话框界面以后,按下图所示布置显示框和功能按钮。 (2)设置参数? ????其中上面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show,ID号为IDC_show。 下面的显示文本框设为CString型,命名为m_show1,ID号为IDC_show1。 (3)编译程序 start键程序: void CDate1Dlg::Onstart() {

//count=0; SetTimer(1,1000,NULL); // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here } stop键程序: void CDate1Dlg::Onstop() { KillTimer(1); // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here } (4)增加计时器控件 ?? View -> ClassWizard -> MessageMaps -> CUse progressDlg,加入WM_TIMER函数,编辑程序: void CDate1Dlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { if(nIDEvent==1) { // count++; UpdateData(1); mtime=CTime::GetCurrentTime();//获取当前时间 char i; CString w; i=char (mtime.GetDayOfWeek()); //获取当前时间的天数是这个星期的第几天,这里要注意了,系统上默认的一个星期的 第一天是星期日,最后一天是周六,大家千万不要搞错了。我也是试了才知道的。

MySQL 获得当前日期时间 函数 在SQL语句中获得系统时间

MySQL 获得当前日期时间函数 1.1 获得当前日期+时间(date + time)函数:now() copyright zhizhuweb mysql> select now(); +---------------------+ | now() | +---------------------+ | 2008-08-08 22:20:46 | +---------------------+ 除了now() 函数能获得当前的日期时间外,MySQL 中还有下面的函数: current_timestamp() ,current_timestamp ,localtime() ,localtime ,localtimestamp -- (v4.0.6) ,localtimestamp() -- (v4.0.6) 这些日期时间函数,都等同于now()。鉴于now() 函数简短易记,建议总是使用now() 来替代上面列出的函数。 1.2 获得当前日期+时间(date + time)函数:sysdate() sysdate() 日期时间函数跟now() 类似,不同之处在于:now() 在执行开始时值就得到了,sysdate() 在函数执行时动态得到值。看下面的例子就明白了: mysql> select now(), sleep(3), now(); +---------------------+----------+---------------------+ | now() | sleep(3) | now() | +---------------------+----------+---------------------+ | 2008-08-08 22:28:21 | 0 | 2008-08-08 22:28:21 | +---------------------+----------+---------------------+mysql> select sysdate(), sleep(3), sysdate(); +---------------------+----------+---------------------+ | sysdate() | sleep(3) | sysdate() | +---------------------+----------+---------------------+ | 2008-08-08 22:28:41 | 0 | 2008-08-08 22:28:44 | +---------------------+----------+---------------------+ 可以看到,虽然中途sleep 3 秒,但now() 函数两次的时间值是相同的;sysdate() 函数两次得到的时间值相差 3 秒。MySQL Manual 中是这样描述sysdate() 的:Return the time at which the function executes。 sysdate() 日期时间函数,一般情况下很少用到。 2. 获得当前日期(date)函数:curdate() mysql> select curdate(); 蜘蛛网络,php学习平台 +------------+ | curdate() | +------------+ | 2008-08-08 | +------------+ 其中,下面的两个日期函数等同于curdate(): current_date()


JSP页面获取系统当前时间 1: import java.util.*; int y,m,d,h,mm; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); y = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); //年 m = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; //月 d = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); //日 h = c.get(Calendar.HOUR); //时(HOUR——十二小时制;HOUR_OF_DAY——二十四小时制) mm = c.get(Calendar.MINUTE); //分 2: java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat dformat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String datetime = dformat.format(d); System.out.println(datetime); 3: import java.util.*; import java.text.*; Date now = new Date(); DateFormat defaultFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); DateFormat shortFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); DateFormat mediumFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM); DateFormat longFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG); DateFormat fullFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL); String defaultDate = defaultFormat.format(now); String shortDate = shortFormat.format(now); String mediumDate = mediumFormat.format(now); String longDate = longFormat.format(now); String fullDate = fullFormat.format(now); System.out.println("(Default) Today :" + defaultDate); System.out.println("(SHORT) Today : " + shortDate); System.out.println("(MEDIUM) Today :" + mediumDate); System.out.println("(LONG) Today : " + longDate); System.out.println("(FULL) Today : " + fullDate); 4. <% java.util.Date now=new java.util.Date(); out.println(now); %> 如果只要年月日,可以用subString()截取. 或者用这个 String time=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM- dd").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime);

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