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课时安排:共5周 40课时每周一三或二四 4课时/天





4,Identify colors

5, 学习字母组合ea ar ir sh ch ck的发音,并帮助学生发现发音规律。

教学内容:1) A [ei] Aa Hh Jj Kk

E [i:] Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz

I [ai] Ii Yy

O [əu] Oo

U [ju:] Uu Qq Ww

[e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx

[a:] Rr

2). 1>Good morning!Good afternoon!


3>How are you? I’m fine,thanks. I’m OK.

4>What’s this in English? …

Spell it,please. …

5> What’s this?It’s a… What color is it? It’s …

3) [i:] t ea r ea d pl ea se

[a: r] c ar c ar d p ar k

[з:r] b ir d g ir l sh ir t

[t∫] Ch ina ch ild lun ch

[∫]sh op fi sh Engli sh

[k] bla ck clo ck ja ck et


教学目标:1,Introduce himself and persons;greet others;ask for and give phone numbers

2,Identify people



1)Role-play the conversation.(让学生自己扮演角色,并且分角色演绎) Linda:Good afternoon! My name’s Linda.

Are you Helen?

Helen: Yes,I am. Nice to meet you,Linda.

Linda:Nice to meet you,too. What’s her name?

Helen:She’s Jane.

Linda:Is he Jack?

Helen:No,he isn’ name’s Mike.

2)My name’s… His name’s… Her name’s…

3)What’s your telephone number? It’s …

4)Role-play the conversation. (让学生自己扮演角色,并且分角色演绎)


Sally:Good mornong,Jane.

Jane:Good morning,Sally.

Sally:Oh,Jane,this is my sister ,this is my friend Jane.

Jane:Nice to meet you,too. Are those your parents?

Kate:Yes,they are.

Jane:And who’s he?

Sally:He’s my brother,Paul.

Jane:Oh,I see. Well,have a good day.

Sally/Kate:Thanks! You, too. Bye!


This is my friend,… That’s my grandfather.

These are my brothers. Those are my parents.

Who’s she? She’s my …

Who’s he? He’s my…

Who’re they? They’re my grandparents.

that’s= that is who’re= who are who’s= who is they’re=they are

6) [i:] sh e w e e v e ning [e] e gg sp e ll s e ven

[i] s i x h i s m i ddle [æ] bl a ck j a cket A lice

[з:(r)] h er f ir st g ir l [u:] t oo sch oo l r u ler [ə(r)] rul er numb er col or [u] g oo d l oo k b oo k

[כ:(r)] f our sh or t sp or t [a:(r)] ar t c ar d p ar ty

[כ] n o t B o b cl o ck [۸] s o n m o ther n u mber




3,一般疑问句do does 在物品所属关系中的用法



2)Is this your pencil? Yes,it is. It’s mine./No,it isn’t. It’s hers.

Is this his green pen? Yes,it is./No,it isn’ blue pen is his.

Is that your schoolbag? Yes,it is./No,it isn’’s his.

Are these your books? Yes,they are./No,they aren’’re hers.

Are those her keys? Yes,they are./No,they aren’’re mine.

3)Where’s=Where is

Where’s the map? It’s in your grandparents’room.

Where are my books? They ’re on the sofa.

Where’s his pencil box? It’s in his schoolbag.

Where’s your ruler? It’s under the chair.

Where are their keys? They’re on the table.

4)Do you have a ping-pong bat? Yes, I do.

Do you have a ping-pong ball? No,I don’t.

Does she have a tennis ball? Yes, she does.

Does he have a soccer ball? No,he doesn’t.

5)Do you have a soccer ball? (2b)

6) [əu] th o s e ph o to s o fa [ei] n a m e s a m e er a ser

[au] n ow h ow f ou nd [ai] m i ne Ch i na l i brary

[iə(r)] d ear n ear h ere [p] p encil p icture ta p e

[eə] ch air p ear b ear[b] b ook b lue B o b

[t] t idy t able las t [k] k ey c olor as k

[d] d og d esk be d [g] g irl g randpa ba g

[s] s pell s ome ni c e [θ]th ing th ank th ree

[z] z ero your s plea s e [δ]th is th ey mo th er

[m] m ine m odel roo m [w] watch what white

[n] n i n e kn ow pe n [j] y es y our y ellow

[ŋ] ring thank morning

[f] f ind f un a f ter [∫]sh e sh ort Engli sh

[v] v ery e v ening lo v e

[t∫]ch air tea ch er wat ch [tr] tr ee tr ousers tr ip

[dз]J ane j acket oran ge [dr] dr aw dr ess chil dr en

[ts] ca ts ha ts spor ts [l] l et l ook p l ay

[dz] be ds car ds soun ds [r] r ing g r eat f r iend

[h] h at h ers h ere