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Review Questions

Section 2.1

1)List five non-proprietary(非专有的)Internet applications and the

application-layer protocols that they use.


2)For a communication session(会议) between two hosts, which host is the

client and which is the server?


The process which initiates(发起)the communication is the client; the process that waits to be contacted is the server.

3) What information is used by a process running on one host to identify a process running on another host?


The IP address of the destination host and the port number of the destination socket.

3)List the various network-application user agents that you use on a daily



Web browser E-mail application user agent

File Transfer user agent

P2p user agent

audio/video user agent

5) Referring to Figure 2.1-2, we see that not none of applications listed in the table require both "no data loss" and "timing". Can you conceive of an

application that requires no data loss and that is also highly time sensitive?



There are no good examples of an application that requires no data loss and timing.

Sections 2.2-2.5

6) What is meant by a handshaking protocol? 握手协议的意义?

A protocol uses handshaking if the two communicating entities

first exchange control packets before sending data to each other. SMTP uses handshaking at the application layer whereas HTTP does not.

7) Why do HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP run on top of TCP rather than UDP?

为什么HTTP,FTP,SMTP,POP3 和IMAP 都运行在TCP 协议而不是UDP协议上?

The applications associated with those protocols require that all application data be received in the correct order and without gaps. TCP provides this service whereas UDP does not.

8) Consider an e-commerce site that wants to keep a purchase record for each

of its customers. Describe how this can be done with HTTP authentication. (认

证)Describe how this can be done with cookies.



When the user first visits the site, the site returns a cookie number.

This cookie number is stored on the user’s host and is managed by the browser. During each subsequent visit (and purchase), the browser sends the cookie number back to the site. Thus the site knows when this user (more precisely, this browser) is visiting the site.

9) What is the difference between persistent HTTP with pipelining(持久HTTP 流

水线)and persistent HTTP without pipelining(没有流水线的持久HTTP连接)? Which

of the two is used by HTTP/1.1?

In persistent HTTP without pipelining, the browser first waits to receive a HTTP response from the server before issuing a new HTTP request. In persistent HTTP with pipelining, the browser issues requests as soon as it has a need to do so, without waiting for response messages from the server.

persistent HTTP with pipelining is used by HTTP/1.1。

10) Telnet into a Web server and send a muli-line request message. Include in

the request message the If-modified-since: header line to force a response message with the 304 Not Modified status code.

用Telnet 向web 服务器发送一条多行的请求报文。在该请求报文中包含If-modified-since:

首部行,迫使响应报文中出现304 Not Modified 状态码。