当前位置:文档之家› 维多利亚时期英国文学中的“家庭女老师”典型形象分析










英文刊名:Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic



1.郑克鲁外国文学史 1992

2.Pau'icla Thomason The Victcerian Heroine 1978

3.肖桂兰两位家庭女教师的不同命运-评利蓓加@夏泼与简@爱 2002(09)

4.罗嫒;殷企平家庭女教师的悲剧性困境—解读‘螺丝钉在拧紧 2005(03)

5.夏洛蒂?勃朗特简爱 1981

6.萨克雷?勃朗特简爱 1978

7.杨静远勃朗特姐妹研究 1983

8.张丽异性作家笔下的家庭女教师形象比较 2003(02)

9.Patricla Thomason The Victorian Heroine 1978


英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


英国文学概述-王守仁 英国文学概述 英国文学源远流长,经历了长期、复杂的发展演变过程。在这个过程中,文学本体以外的各种现实的、历史的、政治的、文化的力量对文学发生着影响,文学内部遵循自身规律,历经盎格鲁—撒克逊、文艺复兴、新古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义等不同历史阶段。下面对英国文学的发展过程作一概述。 一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485) 英国最初的文学同其他国家最初的文学一样,不是书面的,而是口头的。故事与传说口头流传,并在讲述中不断得到加工、扩展,最后才有写本。公元5世纪中叶,盎格鲁、撒克逊、朱特三个日耳曼部落开始从丹麦以及现在的荷兰一带地区迁入不列颠。盎格鲁—撒克逊时代给我们留下的古英语文学作品中,最重要的一部是《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf),它被认为是英国的民族史诗。《贝奥武甫》讲述主人公贝尔武甫斩妖除魔、与火龙搏斗的故事,具有神话传奇色彩。这部作品取材于日耳曼民间传说,随盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵传入今天的英国,现在我们所看到的诗是8世纪初由英格兰诗人写定的,当时,不列颠正处于从中世纪异教社会向以基督教文化为主导的新型社会过渡的时期。因此,《贝奥武甫》也反映了7、8世纪不列颠的生活风貌,呈现出新旧生活方式的混合,兼有氏族时期的英雄主义和封建时期的理想,体现了非基督教日耳曼文化和基督教文化两种不同的传统。 公元1066年,居住在法国北部的诺曼底人在威廉公爵率领下越过英吉利海峡,征服英格兰。诺曼底人占领英格兰后,封建等级制度得以加强和完备,法国文化占据主导地位,法语成为宫廷和上层贵族社会的语言。这一时期风行一时的文学形式是浪漫传奇,流传最广的是关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士的故事。《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 1375-1400)以亚瑟王和他的骑士为题材,歌颂勇敢、忠贞、美德,是中古英语传奇最精美的作品之一。传奇文学专门描写高贵的骑士所经历的冒险生活和浪漫爱情,是英国封建社会发展到成熟阶段一种社会理想的体现。 14世纪以后,英国资本主义工商业发展较快,市民阶级兴起,英语逐渐恢复了它的声誉,社会各阶层普遍使用英语,为优秀英语文学作品的产生提供了条件。杰弗利?乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer, 1343-1400)的出现标志着以本土文学为主流的英国书面文学历史的开始。《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)以一群香客从伦敦出发去坎特伯雷朝圣为线索,通过对香客的生动描绘和他们沿途讲述的故事,勾勒出一幅中世纪英国社会千姿百态生活风貌的图画。乔叟首创英雄诗行,即五步抑扬格双韵体,对英诗韵律作出了很大贡献,被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。乔叟的文笔精练优美,流畅自然,他的创作实践将英语提升到一个较高的文学水平,推动了英语作为英国统一的民族语言的进程。 二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初) 相对于欧洲其他国家来说,英国的文艺复兴起始较晚,通常认为是在15世纪末。文艺复兴时期形成的思想体系被称为人文主义,它主张以人为本,反对中世纪以神为中心的世界观,提倡积极进取、享受现世欢乐的生活理想。托马斯?莫尔(Thomas More, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(Utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、

English Literature of the Victorian Age 维多利亚时期的英国文学

English Literature of the Victorian Age 1. The Victorian Period: Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria who ruled over England from1836 to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. II. Historical Background 1. economy: Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1840) 2. politics: Chartist movement (1838 – 1848) 宪章运动 3. science: Darwin’s theory of evolution(1859) 4. society: the women question Queen Victoria ( 1837 – 1901) The early years of the Victorian England was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problems. III. Critical Realism 1. definition----English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 40s and in the early 50s. It found its expression in the form of novel. The critical realists, most of whom were novelists, described with much vividness and artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. 2. Features: Victorian literature, as a product of its age, naturally took on its quality of magnitude & diversity. It was many-sided & complex, & reflected both romantically & realistically the great changes that were going on in people’s life & thought. Great writers & great works abounded. a. introduction of characters from the working class b. strong hatred for vices in the society c. an illusion of bringing about social justice and harmony by reforms d. an interest in woman emancipation (Charlotte Bronte) 3. Representatives: Charles Dickens; William Thackeray etc. 4. Features of Victorian novels In this period,the novel became the most widely read & the most vital & challenging expression of progressive thought. While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the 18th-century realist novel, novelists in this period carried their duty forward to the criticism of the society & the defense of the mass. Although writing from different points of view & with different techniques, they shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people. They were angry at the inhuman social institutions, the decaying social morality as represented by the money-worship & Utilitarianism & the widespread misery, poverty & injustice. Their truthful depiction of people’s life & bitter & strong criticism of the society had done much in awakening the public consciousness to the social problems & in the actual improvement of the society. Victorian literature, in general, truthfully represents the reality & spirit of the age. The high-spirited vitality, the down-to-earth earnestness, the good-natured humor & unbounded imagination are all unprecedented. In almost every genre it paved the way for the coming century, where its spirits, values & experiments are to witness their bumper harvest.


Chapter 4 The Victorian Period 一。学习目的和要求 通过本章的学习,对19世纪维多利亚时代英国的政治,经济,历史,文化背景,对维多利亚时代的诗歌,散文,小说在创作思想上的进步和创作技巧上的改革,以及对该时代主要作家的生平,观点,创作旨意,艺术品特点及其代表作的主题,结构,语言,人物刻画等都有一个全面的了解。并通过作品选读加深体会感受,增强对作品的理解和鉴赏能力。 二。考核要求 (一) 维多利亚时期概述 1. 识记:(1)维多利亚时期的界定 (2)社会政治,经济,文化背景。 2. 领会:(1)维多利亚时期的文学特点 (2)批判现实主义小说对后世文学的影响。 3. 应用:宪章运动,功利主义,批判现实主义,戏剧独自等名词的解释 (二) 该时期的重要作家 1. 一般识记:重要作家的生平与创作生涯 2. 识记:重要作品及主要内容 3. 领会:重要作家的创作思想,艺术特色及其代表作品的主题思想,人物塑造,语言风格,社会意义等。

4. 应用:(1)狄更斯和萨克雷作品的批判现实主义思想及各自的创作手法,艺术特色。 (2)小说《简.爱》,《呼啸山庄》的主题思想与人物塑造。 (3)“我逝去的公爵夫”;中的戏剧独白。 (4)乔泊.艾略特和哈代小说中环境,氛围描述与人物内世界的展示。 A. Introduction to the Victorian Period 1. 识记 (1) Definition: the Victorian Period Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria who ruled over England from 1836 to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. (2) Political, Economical & Cultural Background The early years of the Victorian England was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problems. After the Reform Bill of 1832 passed the political power from the decaying aristocrats into the hands of the middle-class industrial capitalists, the Industrial Revolution soon geared up. Towards the mid-century,England had reached its highest point of development as a world power. And yet beneath the great prosperity & richness, there existed widespread poverty & wretchedness among the working class. The worsening living & working conditions, the mass unemployment & the new Poor Law of 1834 with its workhouse system finally gave rise to the Chartist Movement (1836-1848)。


Amy Lowell (No great achievements ) 1.Leading advocate for Image 2.Majory works: John Keats约翰济慈传(研究济慈的经典著作之一) A Dome of Many Glass 彩色玻璃大厦Sword Blades and Poppy Seed剑刃与罂粟花籽Men, Women and Ghosts 男人、女人和幽灵Pictures of the Floating World浮世图Legends传奇 Robert Frost 1.4 times (Pulitzer Prize for Poetry) 2. American national poet 3. American unofficial laureate Poet 4.新英格兰诗人 5.首先在英国赢得诗誉 6.旧瓶装新酒 Famous Poems:North of Boston波士顿以北 The Road Not Taken未选择的路 Mending Wall修墙 Fire and Ice火与冰 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜林畔小驻(most famous) The Gift Outright全心全意的奉献(出席肯尼迪就职典礼时)Sherwood Anderson 1.Major works: Winesburg, Ohio小镇畸人(the most famous)(half individual tales, half long novel form)(characterized by a casual development, complexity of motivation, and an interest in psychological process.)(an important work of experimental fiction set in a small-town environment.) Windy McPherson’s Son饶舌的迈克逊的儿子(it is the first work but not successful)(containing the psychological themes of inner lives of Midwestern villages, the pursuit of success and disillusionment.)(characterized by a casual development, complexity of motivation, and an interest in psychological process) The Triumph of egg and Other Stories鸡蛋的胜利及其他 Death in the Woods and Other Stories林中之死及其他 A Story-Teller’s Story讲故事人的故事(autobiographical) Marching Men 2.In 1921 Anderson received the first Dial Award for his contribution to American literature. 3.many subsequent writers, such as Hemingway and Faulkner, were influenced by his style. 4.威廉·福克纳指出,Anderson是他们那一代美国作家之父,体现着美国创作的传统。


1、堂吉诃德人物形象分析: 一、堂吉诃德是一个脱离现实、耽于幻想、行动盲目的这样一个人。他因读骑士小说入了迷而想入非非,丧失了基本的理性。他把骑士小说的描写当成现实生活,无视已经发生了变化的时代。 二、堂吉诃德是一个纯粹的理想主义者。他痛恨专制残暴,同情被压迫的劳苦大众,向往自由,把保护人的正当权利与尊严,锄强扶弱,清除人世间的不平作为自己的人生理想。或许这就是他那理想化的骑士道,但他对此是如此的迷恋和执着,如此的不可思议,已完全变成偏执。 三、堂吉诃德是一个永不妥协的斗士,他为实现理想而奋不顾身的精神令我们折服。堂吉诃德敢于为主持正义、清除罪恶而忘我斗争,不管碰到什么样的敌人,他都毫不怯懦,永不退缩。他把磨坊的风车当作巨人,毫不犹豫地挺枪拍马冲过去。 总结以上几点分析,我们可以看到堂吉诃德是一个性格复杂而矛盾的人物。他身上既有滑稽可笑的特点,又有严肃认真的思考; 既荒谬绝伦,又崇高伟大; 既有喜剧性,又有悲剧性,是一个可笑又可悲、可乐又可敬的具有双重性格组合的人物形象。堂吉诃德敢用自己的行动、甚至生命来捍卫道德、正义和信仰,即使大多数情况下都以失败而告终,但他这种不屈不挠、勇于自我牺牲的精神,实在是足可令人敬佩的。 2、哈姆雷特人物形象分析: 哈姆雷特形象分析:人文主义者。复杂的性格,有崇高的理想,和人类与世界新颖的看法。目光敏锐,思考深刻,又有高度的社会责任感。但过于内向,过于审慎,加上势单力薄的处境,造成行动上的延宕。有行动的决心,而且不断督促自己,但最后只能与敌人同归于尽。 哈姆雷特是个具有先进理想并勤于思索的人文主义者。他的理想和严酷的现实发生尖锐的矛盾。精神的危机,理想的破灭,使他悲郁愤懑,痛苦异常,也促使他不断思索,加深对社会的认识。他从家庭的变故看到宫墙外的社会问题,有强烈的责任感,然而只相信个人的作用,强调思想的力量,因而矛盾重重,思考多于行动,时时感到忧郁、茫然,行动犹豫、延宕。生活在英国新兴势力还处于幼稚阶段的哈姆雷特,找不到也不可能找到正确的途径,最后他虽然奋然一击,与敌人同归于尽,但忧郁始终伴随着他,伟大的理想并未实现,莎士比亚在哈姆雷特身上寄托了人文主义的美好理想,哈姆雷特的性格特征和悲剧结局也反映了人文主义的思想危机和致命弱点。 3、唐璜人物形象分析 《唐璜》中的主人公唐璜源自西班牙传说中的人物,多次成为文学作品的题材。传统的唐璜形象是个玩弄女性,没有道德观念的花花公子。但在拜伦笔下,这个人物在多数情况下却以被勾引的角色出现。他的被迫出走,就是因为他或多或少地是那个有夫之妇的牺牲品。唐璜不同于拜伦其他诗歌中的英雄人物,作者无意将他塑造成“拜伦式的英雄”,其中却不乏诗人自传的成分。唐璜热情、勇敢、拒绝虚伪的道德信条。在面临饿死的危险时,他拒绝吃被打死的人,其中不乏象征的意义。在士兵中间,只有他表现出对一个土耳其小姑娘的命运真正的关心。他没有忧郁绝望的天性,但也没有掌握自己命运的能力。他的爱情故事大多是对上流社会虚伪道德的讽刺,而他和海盗女儿海蒂的经历,更多的是体现一种充满诗意的理想。 4、于连人物形象分析


维多利亚时代是英国发展史上迅猛上升的时期。大英帝国的经济实力空前强大,势力范围迅速扩张。从殖民地掠夺的财富源源不断的流入英国,这似乎是现实世界理所当然的一部分,也许是许多维多利亚文学作品的背景。从《简·爱》(Jane Eyre,1847)中女主人公意外地继承叔叔在马地拉给她流下的两万磅的遗产,到《远大前程》(Great Expectations,1861)中失意后的匹普去埃及经营茶叶,到《名利场》(Vanity Fair,1848)中的利蓓卡第一次施展身手就勾引从印度回国的财主乔瑟夫,人们不难看出,当时去殖民地捞钱是本国人民公认有效的“生财之道”。总之,这是一个充满了机会的时代,是一个能让人梦想“远大前程”的自信的年代。有的评论家,如斯坦纳(Steiner),认为维多利亚的黄金时代像伊甸园,20世纪初的某些评论家则认为它像地狱。一般来说,为研究方便。维多利亚时期被文史家们分为三个阶段:维多利亚早期(1832~1848)、维多利亚中期(1848~1870)和维多利亚晚期(1970~1891)。 维多利亚早期也常被称为“多事之秋”(A Time of Troubles)。经济上的繁荣并不能阻止阶级矛盾的产生。就在新兴资产阶级奇迹般地暴富起来时,劳动者却不得不在残酷的压迫下过着穷困的生活。这一时期反抗压迫、争取民主选举权的运动蓬勃发展,在“宪章派”诗人的作品中得到忠实反映,最有代表性的有欧内斯特·琼斯(Ernest Jones,1819~1869)的《民主之歌》(The Songs of Democracy)。散文家托马斯·卡莱尔( Thomas Carlyle,1795~1881)的《法国大革命》(The French Revolution,1837)和《过去与现在》(Past and Present,1843),小说家伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔(Elizabeth Gaskell,1810~1865)的《南方与北方》(North and South,1855)都在一定程度上揭示了金钱拜物教和市侩主义对人类道德的腐蚀,而狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812~1870)在他早期的小说中更是不遗余力地反映了英国私有制社会的阴暗面。 维多利亚中期正好处于相对稳定的五六十年代,科学技术飞速发展,天文、地理和生物学等学科的新成果大大扩展了人类的眼界。这一时期被称为“经济繁荣和宗教分歧的时期(Economic Prosperity and Religious Controversy)”。达尔文的《物种起源》(The Origin of Species)提出的进化论打破了上帝造物的唯心史观,给传统信仰以猛烈的冲击,人们不得不重新认识自己并再次定位;英国国教的势力衰减,新教派林立,福音派吸引了大批小生产者,知识界的所谓“牛津运动”(The Oxford Movement)或“高教派”(High Church)也激烈展开,引起了强烈的反响甚至天主教势力的抬头。尽管勤奋和富有责任感仍为这一时期的主要价值取向,但全社会都在经历着一场信仰危机。许多文人学者对英国状况深感忧虑。狄更斯等一大批作家继续对维多利亚社会的弊端进行批判。最激烈的一位莫过于约翰·罗斯金(John Ruskin,1819~1900),他的《威尼斯之石》(The Stones of Venice,1851~1853)预言了维多利亚工商业文明的毁灭,在《直到最后》(Unto the Last,1862)中对自由竟争的经济法则进行了无情攻击。较为客观的要数安索内·特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope,1815~1882)的小说。教育家马修·阿诺德(Mathew Arnold,1822~1888)在他的著名论著《文化与无政府》(Culture and Anarchy,1869)中,反对对物质的迷信,提倡文化和精神价值。他对英国社会状况的反思代表了一代有识之士面对新现实的焦虑和危机感。尽管这个时期存在许多问题,但它仍然是一个繁荣时期。因为它不仅创造了惊人的物质财富,同时也是各种文学样式,尤其是长篇小说发展的黄金时代。


我好似一朵流云独自漫游 华兹华斯(英1770——1850) 我独自漫游!像山谷上空 悠悠飘过的一朵云儿, 蓦然举目,我望见一丛 金黄色的水仙,缤纷茂密; 在湖水之滨,树荫之下, 在随风摇弋,舞姿潇洒。 连绵密布似繁星万点 在银河上下闪烁明灭, 这一片水仙,沿着湖湾 排成延续无尽的行列; 一眼便瞥见万朵千株, 摇颤着花冠,轻盈飘舞。 湖面的涟漪也迎风起舞, 水仙的欢悦却胜似涟漪; 有了这样愉快的伴侣, 诗人怎能不心旷神怡! 我凝望多时,却未曾想到 这美景给了我怎样的珍奇。 从此,每当我倚榻而卧, 或情怀抑郁,或心境茫然, 水仙呵,便在心目中闪烁—— 那是我孤寂时分的乐园; 我的心灵便欢情洋溢, 和水仙一道舞蹈不息。 希腊古瓮颂 你委身“寂静”的、完美的处子, 受过了“沉默”和“悠久”的抚育, 呵,田园的史家,你竟能铺叙 一个如花的故事,比诗还瑰丽: 在你的形体上,岂非缭绕着 古老的传说,以绿叶为其边缘; 讲着人,或神,敦陂或阿卡狄? 呵,是怎样的人,或神!在舞乐前 多热烈的追求!少女怎样地逃躲! 怎样的风笛和鼓谣!怎样的狂喜!

听见的乐声虽好,但若听不见 却更美;所以,吹吧,柔情的风笛; 不是奏给耳朵听,而是更甜, 它给灵魂奏出无声的乐曲; 树下的美少年呵,你无法中断 你的歌,那树木也落不了叶子; 卤莽的恋人,你永远、永远吻不上, 虽然够接近了--但不必心酸; 她不会老,虽然你不能如愿以偿, 你将永远爱下去,她也永远秀丽! 呵,幸福的树木!你的枝叶 不会剥落,从不曾离开春天; 幸福的吹笛人也不会停歇, 他的歌曲永远是那么新鲜; 呵,更为幸福的、幸福的爱! 永远热烈,正等待情人宴飨, 永远热情地心跳,永远年轻; 幸福的是这一切超凡的情态: 它不会使心灵餍足和悲伤, 没有炽热的头脑,焦渴的嘴唇。 这些人是谁呵,都去赶祭祀? 这作牺牲的小牛,对天鸣叫, 你要牵它到哪儿,神秘的祭司? 花环缀满着它光滑的身腰。 是从哪个傍河傍海的小镇, 或哪个静静的堡寨山村, 来了这些人,在这敬神的清早? 呵,小镇,你的街道永远恬静; 再也不可能回来一个灵魂 告诉人你何以是这么寂寥。 哦,希腊的形状!唯美的观照! 上面缀有石雕的男人和女人, 还有林木,和践踏过的青草; 沉默的形体呵,你象是“永恒” 使人超越思想:呵,冰冷的牧歌! 等暮年使这一世代都凋落, 只有你如旧;在另外的一些 忧伤中,你会抚慰后人说: “美即是真,真即是美,”这就包括 你们所知道、和该知道的一切。 查良铮译 西风颂


课程名称:英国文学史及选读 教师姓名:谢群李晶 编写时间:2007――2008年度第一学期 使用教材:新编英国文学教程,彭家海主编,华中科技大学出版社,2006年4月第1版 授课对象:英语专业0601、0602、0603、0604班学生

Teaching Plan for Unit 11 The Victorian Age (3) Teaching objectives 1.Students should be clear about the literature in The Victorian Age II.Teaching Strategies 1. Use student-centered teaching method to guide students in their learning; encourage students think themselves and participate in class activities actively. 2.Through group work or discussion in pairs to devel op students’ communicative ability. 3.Encourage students to find related information through Internet or other references to develop their self-study ability. III.T eaching Aims: 1.To provide the learners with a brief outline of the history of British literature up to the end of 19th century; 2.To introduce the learners to imaginative use of English and to help them towards an appreciation of literary language and literature; 3.To consolidate and extend the learners’ knowledge and fluency in English through interaction with literary texts; 4.To further develop the learners’ ability to recognize and express emotional and moral attitudes on a higher level than about daily occurrences so as to facilitate their communication with educated native speakers; 5.To prepare the learners for the study of literature in English at a higher level and to help them to develop interest in and, hopefully, the habit of,reading extensively. IV.Time Allocation Introduction to the Victorian Age…………… 1 period Text Study of Charles Dickens Great Expectations…………………. 1 period V.Teaching Methods ●lectures on the related historical and cultural background ●textual study ●class discussion or presentation ●reading assignment before each class ●group work ●research work for the term paper


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 英文征婚广告和中文征婚广告所体现的文化差异 2 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义 3 精神危机下的自我救赎--对索尔贝娄《赫索格》中社会异化与身份认同的解读 4 从功能对等和文化语境差异角度看商务英语翻译技巧 5 浅析中西价值观差异对跨文化交际的影响及其解决方法 6 自然主义在《海狼》中的表现 7 论性别歧视 8 中美学校教育对比——学生个性发展方面 9 英汉基本颜色词的文化差异及其翻译策略 10 《抽彩》和《蝇王》的艺术魅力比较 11 从女性主义分析《红字》与《傲慢与偏见》 12 从妇女主义视角看《紫色》中西丽的成长 13 《麦克白》的独白 14 中英动物习语使用和翻译的差异研究 15 English to Chinese Translation Methods 16 Influence, Barriers and Soft Cultural Power in Cross-cultural Communication 17 游戏在小学英语教学中的运用 18 从文化角度谈美国俚语的汉译 19 Contradiction of Hawthorne Reflected in the Symbols and Images in Young Goodman Brown 20 福斯特《霍华德庄园》中的三个世界 21 论斯嘉丽的形象特征分析 22 《儿子与情人》恋母情结分析 23 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company 24 探析《愤怒的葡萄》中人性的力量 25 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析 26 从《麦琪的礼物》和《爱的牺牲》分析欧?亨利的写作特色 27 中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响 28 英汉称赞语回应的对比研究 29 《太阳照常升起》中科恩屡遭排斥的根源分析 30 浅析“欧亨利式结尾”在其小说中的主题揭示 31 浅析英语新闻标题特点及其翻译技巧 32 语用移情及其在英语学习中的运用 33 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用 34 论修辞格在英语广告中的运用 35 词汇教学法在中学英语教学实践中的应用 36 目的论视角下《了不起的盖茨比》两个译本对比研究 37 旅游与文化 38 英汉礼貌用语及交际策略的对比分析 39 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较 40 An Analysis of The Woman Warrior from the Perspective of Construction of Discrete Identity in Chinese American Community

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