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Internet Slangs
AAK: Alive And Kicking
AAR: At Any Rate
AAS: Alive And Smiling
AFAIC: as far as I'm concerned, or as far as I care, or as far as I can...
AFAICS: as far as I can see
AFAIK: as far as I know
AFAIR: as far as I recall, or as far as I remember
AFK: away from keyboard
AFN: that's All For Now
AOTA: All Of The Above
ASAP: as soon as possible
a/s/l or asl: Age/Sex/Location - (used to ask a chatter their personal information)
A V Avatar; Graphical representation (a picture) often used in chat rooms to depict a person that is in the room and chatting.
BAK: Back At Keyboard (I'm back)
BAS: Big Ass Smile
BBIAB: be back in a bit (usually longer that brb, maybe you're going to eat lunch)
BBL: be back later
BBN: Bye Bye Now
BBQ: be back quick. (This can easily be mistaken for "barbecue" if used in a vague context.)
BBS: be back soon
BCNU: I'll Be Seeing You.
BEG: Big Evil Grin
BF: Boyfriend (also shown as bf, B/F, or b/f)
BFD: big fucking deal
BFN: Bye For Now
b4: Before
BIBO:Beer In, Beer Out
BMA: Bite My Ass (became popular with the Simpson's cartoon show)
Boot: To get kicked out of a chat room, or have to restart the computer because you couldn't talk in the chat room anymore.
BR: Best Regards
BRB: be right back
BRH: Be Right Here
BSEG Big Shit Eatin Grin
BTA: But Then Again....
BTW: by the way
btw: BeTWeen you and me ...
B2B: Business to Business
BWL: Bursting With Laughter
C&G: Chuckle and Grin
C&V: Chapter & Verse. Used in newsgroups.
C|N>K: a Unixism meaning coffee through nose into keyboard
CICO: Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID: Crying In Disgrace
CNP: Continued (in my) Next Post
CP: Chat Post(a chat message)
CRBT: Crying Real Big Tears
CRS: Can't Remember Shit
CSG: Chuckle Snicker Grin
CU: see you, used as a goodbye.
CUL8R: See You Later
CUOL: See You On Line
CUS Can't Understand Shit (stuff)
Cya: see you, used as a goodbye.
CYAL8R: See You Later (Seeyalata)
CYS: Check your settings. A phrase often said by technical support staff of a certain Australian ISP.
dd, ds, dh Darling or Dear: Dear Son, Dear Daughter, or Dear Husband. Usually exchanged in family chats. DDSOS: Different Day, Same Old Shit
DEGT: Don't Even Go There (I don't want to talk about it)
DIKU: Do I Know You?
DIS: Did I Say
D/L, DL, d/l, dl : Downloading, or Download it.
DLTBBB: Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG: Evil Grin
EM: E-Mail
EMA: E-mail Address (example: ?ema or ema? = what is your email address)
EMSG: Email Message
EOT: End Of Thread (meaning end of discussion)
ez or EZ: easy (one of the really old ones)
FAQ: Frequently Asked Question
FC: Fingers Crossed
FFS: for fuck's sake!
FISH: First In Still Here (someone who is on line TOO much)
FITB: Fill In The Blanks
FOAF: friend of a friend, i.e. the dubious attribution given to urban legends
FOCL: Falling Off Chair - Laughing
4: for
FTBOMH: From The Bottom Of My Heart
F2F: Face To Face
FTS: Fuck This Shit
FTW: for the win (Used to express enthusaism or approval)
fu: fuck you (If you can't figure this one out, you shouldn't be on line)
FUBAR: Fouled Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition
FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW: for what it's worth
FYI: for your information
G2G or GTG: got to go/good to go
GA: Go Ahead
GAGF: go and get fucked
GAL: Get A Life
gest: Gesture ... a small multimedia file played over the internet, usually expressing an emotion or comment. GF: Girlfriend (also shown as gf, G/F, or g/f)
GFN: Gone For Now
GFY: good for you or go fuck yourself. The use of this acronym is ambigious and not recommended.
GG: good going or good game. Used sincerely in online games such as trivia, but more often used sarcastically when someone has done something foolish. Also, it is now becoming customary for all players to say gg when the game is over in such games as Counter-Strike , unless a player is profoundly displeased with the outcome. GGOH: Gotta Get Outta Here
GJ: Good Job
GMBA: Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA: Great Minds Think Alike
GR: Gotta Run
GR&D: Grinning, Running, and Ducking.
GTFO: get the fuck out
GTR: Got To Run
GTRM: Going To Read Mail (leaving chat room to check email)
GTSY: Glad To See You
H&K: Hug and Kiss
HABU: Have A Better 'Un
HAND: have a nice day
HAGD: Have A Good Day
HAGN: Have A Good Night
HAGO: Have A Good One
HAGU: Have A Good 'Un
HB: hurry back
HHIS: Hanging Head in Shame
HTH: hope this/that helps
HUB: Head Up Butt
IAC: In Any Case
IAE: In Any Event
IANAL: I am not a lawyer. Usually used before a non-lawyer gives legal advice, as a humorous disclaimer. IANARS: I am not a rocket scientist
IB: I'm Back
IC: I see, also, in character in MUDs and role-playing games
ICQ: I Seek You. A computer program used to communicate instantly over the Internet.
ICYDK / ICYDN / ICUDK: In case you didn't know.
IDK: I don't know
IDN: I Don't know
IDTS: I Don't Think So
IGP: I Gotta Pee
IIRC: if I recall correctly c.f. ISTR
ILU or IL Y: I Love You
IM: Instant Message
IMCO: In My Considered Opinion
IMHO: in my humble opinion / in my honest opinion (Derived from IMO or vice-versa)
IMNSHO: In my not-so-humble opinion. (Used when one is very certain of something)
IMO: in my opinion
IRC: Internet Relay Chat
IRL : in real life. Used in MUD settings.
ISTR: I seem to recall (i.e. I'm not really sure) c.f. IIRC
IOH: I'm Out of Here
IOW: In Other Words
IWALU: I Will Always Love You
IWS: I'm With Stupid (I agree)
IYDMMA: if you don't mind me asking, for sex., IYDMMA, are you a virgin?
IYO: In Your Opinion
JAS: Just A Second
JIC: Just In Case
JJ or JK (j/k): just joking, just kidding
JMO: Just My Opinion
JTL YK: Just To Let You Know
Joo: synonym of you. Also spelled j00 with a lower case j and two zeroes rather than two O's.
JOOC: just out of curiosity
JW: Just Wondering
k: short for OK (also K, or kk O. K.)
KIT: Keep In Touch
KOC: Kiss On Cheek
KOL: Kiss On Lips
l8: a shorthand spelling of late.
l8r: a shorthand spelling of later, meaning see you later (see leet )
LFFAO: Laughing My Fuck (freaking) Ass Off
LHM: Lord Help Me
LHO: Laughing Head Off
LHU: Lord Help Us
LIEK: synonym of like, as in I like that website.
LMAO: laughing my ass off (can also be combined with a W which creates Laughing My Ass Off While...)
LMFAO: laughing my fucking ass off
LMSO: Laughing My Socks Off
LOL: laugh out loud or lots of laughs (a reply to something amusing)
LOLZONE Layer: laugh out loud layer (refers to the ozone layer and is used when something is very unfunny.
I.E.: You made a hole in the LOLZONE layer)
LSHMBB: Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH: Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML: Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
<3: love (made from the ASCII-art heart between the less than symbol and the three). Ex: I <3 you.
LTNS: Long Time No See
L2P: learn to play
LTS: Laughing To Self
LUWAMH: Love You With All My Heart
L Y: Love Ya
L YL: Love You Lots
MIRCH: associated with a large penis (this term is mostly found only on IGN's Vestibule)
MTF: More To Follow
MYOB: mind your own business
NADT: Not A Darn Thing
NFW: No Feasible (or Fucking) Way
NIMBY: Not In My Back Yard
NM (n/m): never mind or not much
NOLM: not of legitimate meaning (and is often used as a replacement for many other terms)
NOYB: none of your business
NP: No Problem
NRN: No Reply Necessary
NSFW: Not safe for work. Material (pictures, webpages) not suitable for the office, but for the home instead. Used by Fark . See SFW.
NT: No Text, used on Internet forums or Usenet to indicate that a post has no content
NT: No Thanks
N2B: not too bad * NP: no problem
O: oh
OBTW: Oh, By The Way.
OF: Old Fart, someone who has been around for a while.
OIC: oh, I see
OJ or OK: Only Joking or Only Kidding
OJG: oh jesus god
OL: Old Lady (significant other)
OM: Old Man (significant other)
OMFG: Oh my fucking God!!
OMFL: Oh my fucking lag!
OMG: oh my god (OMFG derived from this.)
OMGWTFBBQ: combines the terms OMG, WTF, and BBQ. (Can also be used as a mockery of newbies who express surprise at commonly known facts, or in self deprecation.)
OH NOES: oh no
OOC: out-of-character. Used on MUDs and other role-playing games . Also, out of curiosity.
OP: Original Post/Original Poster (referring to the first post in a thread)
OT: off topic
OTE: Over The Edge (beyond common sense or beyond good taste)
oth or OTH: Off The Hook: Something is really popular, or hot. Very exciting.
OTOH: on the other hand
otr or OTR: Off The Rack: Saying that something is outside the ordinary.
own: to defeat someone (used commonly when playing Counter-Strike ) or to humiliate someone tactically in a debate; something that is extremely cool (ex. BMWs totally own).
OTTOMH: Off The Top of My Head
OTW: On The Way ... I've sent a file to you, it's "On the way"
P911: My parents are in the room. P=Parents, and 911=emergency, in other words either drop the subject, or watch the language.
PANS: Pretty Awesome New Stuff (often referring to computer technology)
PDS: Please Don't Shoot
PEBCAK: Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PFO: please fuck off
PITA: pain in the ass
plz: shorthand spelling of please
PM: Private Message
PMFJI: Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP: Peed My Pants
PO (PO'd): piss off (pissed off)
POAHF: Put On A Happy Face
POS: Parents are looking Over my Shoulder.
POTS: Parents Over The Shoulder - (My parents are watching, I can't really talk)
PPL: People
prog: computer program (progz in plural)
prolly: contracted form of probably
Pwn: step up of the word own. To Pwn something means to have complete control over it, and to be Pwned by something means to be dominated by it. (see leet )
P2P: Person to Person
QFT: Quoted For Truth
QSL: Reply
QSO: Conversation
qoolz: something that is cool in the American sense.
QT: Cutie
R: shorthand spelling of are
RFC: Request For Comments (used more in newsgroups, a page or pages that supply technical information) RL: real life. Used in MUD settings. (as opposed to being online)
r m or RM: Ready Made: pre-existing
ROFL (or ROTFL): rolling on the floor laughing (a reply to something extremely amusing).
ROFLAPMP: ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLMAO (or ROTFLMAO): rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
r0x0rz : leet speaks for rocks
ROFLUTS ROFL: Unable to Speak
ROTFLMAO: Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLMFAO: Rolling On The Floor Laughing Fucking My Ass Off
RSN: Real Soon Now
r/t: Real Time (also: RT, or rt)
RTFA: read the fucking article applies mostly to Slashdot threads, for users who make comments on a story without having read it first.
RTFM: read the fucking manual (often sanitized to read the fine manual). The frequent reply to a request for basic help from newbies who have not attempted to find the answer for themselves.
RU: Are You
R8: right
SEG: Shit Eating Grin
SETE: Smiling Ear To Ear
SFB: Shit For Brains
SFW: Safe for work. Material (pictures, webpages) that is safe for the office. Used by Fark . See NSFW.
SH: Same Here
SHID: Slaps Head In Disgust
SNERT: Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SMS: Short Message Service (more cell phones and pagers than chat rooms and the Internet)
SN: Screen Name. The name or moniker selected by person in an IM or chat program.
SNAFU: Situation Normal, All "Fouled" Up
SO: Significant Other
SOL: Shit Out Of Luck
SOS: Same Old Shit (stuff)
SOT: Short Of Time
SOTA: State Of The Art (latest technology)
SOTMG: Short Of Time Must Go
SPST: Same Place, Same Time
SSDD: Same Shit, Different Day
STFU: Shut The Fuck Up
STR8: Straight (can refer to sex, or DSTR8 as in Damn Straight)
STW: Search The Web
sux0rs: leet speak for sucks
SWAK: Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS: Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWL: Screaming with Laughter
SY: Sincerely Yours
SYL: see you later
SYS: See You Soon
TA: Thanks Again
TAFN: That's All For Now
TBA: To Be Added
TBH: To Be Honest
TBQFH: To Be Quite Fucking Honest
TC: Take Care
TCOY: Take Care Of Yourself
TFA: the fucking article (often used in a discussion related to a linked article, i.e. "if you'd bothered to read TFA") TFH: Thread From Hell (a topic or discussion that won't stop - esp. newsgroups)
TGIF: Thank God It's Friday
TIA: thanks in advance
TILII: Tell It Like It Is
TM: Text Message (often refers to communications with text over cell phones)
TMI: Too Much Info. (information)
TNT: Till Next Time
TOY: Thinking Of You
2B: To be
TPS: That's Pretty Stupid
TPTB: The Powers That Be (can sometimes refer to the people that are running the chat room or server) TRDMF: tear rolling down my face
TS Tough Shit
TSFY: Tough Shit For You
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
TTTT: These Things Take Time
TTYL: talk to you later
TY: thank you
TYT: Take Your Time
TYVM: thank you very much
THX: thanks, this can be combined into kthx (OK, thanks), plzkthx (Please, OK, thanks), and kthxbye (OK, thanks, goodbye)
U: a shorthand spelling of you
ur: a shorthand spelling of you're
US: You Suck
usa or USA: Until Sides Ache: Usually used with one of the laughter acronyms such as "lolusa" Laughing Out Loud Until my Sides Ache. Some folks substitute ush for "Until Sides Hurt". rotflolush = rolling on the floor, laughing out loud, until my sides hurt.
UV: Unpleasant Visual
UW: yoU're Welcome
UY: Up Yours
WAS; Wild Ass Guess
w8: shorthand spelling of wait
WB: Welcome Back
WC: WelCome
WDUWTA: what do u wanna talk about?
WEG: Wicked Evil Grin
WEU: What's Eating You?
WFM: Works For Me
WIIFM :What's In It For Me?
WT? :What The ...? or Who the ...?
WTF: what the fuck?
WTG: Way To Go
WTGP?: Want To Go Private? (move to a private chat room) WTH: What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H') what the hell WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?
W/E(W\E): whatever
w/o: without
YAA: Yet Another Acronym
YBS: You'll Be Sorry
YG: Young Gentleman
YL: Young Lady
YM: Young Man
YMMV: Your mileage may vary (you may see different results) YR: Yea, Right. (sarcastic)
ys: You Stinker
YVW: You're Very Welcome
YW: you're welcome
ZOMG: variant of OMG
Emoticons: (symbols used to display feeling)
:-| -- Ambivalent
o:-) -- Angelic
>:-( -- Angry
|-I -- Asleep
(::()::) -- Bandaid
:-{} -- Blowing a Kiss
\-o -- Bored
:-c -- Bummed Out
|C| -- Can of Coke
|P| -- Can of Pepsi
:( ) -- Can't Stop Talking
:*) -- Clowning
:' -- Crying
:'-) -- Crying with Joy
:'-( -- Crying Sadly
:-9 -- Delicious, Yummy
:-> -- Devilish
;-> -- Devilish Wink
:P -- Disgusted (sticking out tongue)
:*) -- Drunk
:-6 -- Exhausted, Wiped Out
:( -- Frown
\~/ -- Full Glass
\_/ -- Glass (drink)
^5 -- High Five
(((((name)))) -- Hug (cyber hug)
(( )):** -- Hugs and Kisses
:-I -- Indifferent
:-# -- Lips are Sealed
:~/ -- Mixed Up
:-O -- Mouth Open (Surprised)
(_) -- Mug (coffee, beer)
@[_]~~ -- Mug of HOT Coffee or Tea
**** -- Popcorn
<<{:}} -- Ice cream
&&&& -- Pretzels
@}--{--{-- -- Rose
:-@ -- Screaming
:-O -- Shocked
:-) -- Smile
^ -- Thumbs Up
:-& -- Tongue Tied
:-\ -- Undecided
;-) -- Wink
|-O -- Yawning
c[T] -- cup of tea
c[C] -- cup of coffee
(%> -- pizza
,,l, -- the finger
>^-^< -- cats
(_\_)(_|_)(_/_) -- dancing ass off
:-Þ~ -- drooling
<o> <o> -- staring
?€?€ -- hiding, staring in the dark.
{\o/} -- angel
<o>¿~~ -- wink
:-------) -- Viagra smile
*s*, *S*, <s>, = smile
*g*, <g> = grin xoxo = hugs and kisses huggggggsssss = hugs *w*, <w> = wink
*g*, = giggles
*k*, *K* = kiss
;-)~~~~~~~~ = giving someone the raspberries. (((((person))))) = giving them a virtual hug.
\~/ = glass with a drink. (usually booze)
^5 = high five ?^ = What's Up?
\_/? = a cup of tea
[_]> + Cup of coffee
@@@ = Cookies
@--/-- = a rose
:-) .. smile
;-) ... wink
<:-| ... curious
:~) ... cute
:-( ... sad
8-) ... wears glasses
:-} ... embarrassed
:-/ ... perplexed, confused
:,-( ..or ;`-( .... to cry
:-< ... pouting
>:-( ... angry
0:-) ... angel
:-| ... bored or no opinion
:-> ... grin/mischievous
| -) ... dreaming
:-O ... shouting, or shocked
:-o ... talking, or surprised
>:-|| ... mad / angry
:-D ... big grin or laugh
=:-O ... scared
:-x ... keeping mouth shut
:o) ... smiles (w/nose)
:-))))))) ... lots of smiles
;-P ... sticking tongue out
:P ... sticking tongue out
# 8 - ) ... nerd, or or person with glasses and crew cut.
&-( ... crying
!:-) .. I have an idea
;-{ } ... person with a mustache
;-)~ ... sexy tongue - or drunk
;~) ... being cute c
["] ... coffee mug
[_]> ... another cup or mug
:-> ... grin/mischievous
<:-| ... curious
|-| ... sound asleep
:-x .. I'm keeping my mouth shut
Numbers and Letters
0 can be O or vice versa, (the letter and the number are often interchangeable)
1 = won or one, (1dr = wonder)
2 = too, to, or two,
3 = the letter E, (so 's33 U' means See you)
4 = for, four, or a prefix of suffix of 'fore. (b4 = before, 4warned = forewarned),
8 is usually either a pair of eyes, glasses, or ate, although it gets used a lot for making pictures,
9 is a good thing (he was dressed to the 9s means he was all dressed up),
B = be,
C = see, (IC means I see)
G = gee,
K = OK, (so k, or kk means I'm OK)
M = am,
N = in,
O = oh,
R = Are,
U = You,
g = grin,
s = smile, Computer Acronyms
"h3 l3Ft" substitute the 3 with an E, forget about the caps, and you have "he left".
people tend to extend letters in chat rooms to convey emotion, so HEYYYYYYYY BILLLLLLLL, simply means someone is expressing a lot of emotion in saying hello to Bill.
V owels get left out a lot in chat, and that's wrd. (in this case, weird, although I've seen it mean word)
And lastly, you will see the letter z everywhere. Usually it replaces s or es (the plural of something)
i.e.: 2 many billz = I have too many bills. Although that z gets tossed around a lot, as in hugzzzz, thankz, huggelzzzz, kkz, for OK, etc. Stick with it a while, and you'll be able to catch most of it.
1040 means you owe me big time (tax form?... get it?)
86 means you're done, or we are outta here.
747 means let's fly, or we're leaving.
360 means I love you back, or right back at you.
143 means I love you (don't ask me why) [1=I, 4=Love, and 3=You]
% is usually to replace the double o 'oo' , as in T%K means took,
& replaces 'and' so b& would be band,
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