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sold out 售罄bookstore 书店

how much ……多少钱?in total 总共membership card 会员卡discount 折扣order 预定,订货

wait in line 排队等候(结账等)Be patient. 耐心点。

pay for 为……支付

save enough for 存够了买……的钱cost 花费


store 商店

grocery store 杂货店department store 百货商店shopping center/mall 购物中心counter 柜台

shop assistant 商店营业员brand 品牌

fit you 适合你

try on 试穿

match 搭配

out of stock 卖完了

in stock 有货selling season 销售旺季

on sale 减价出售

50% off 半价

a 20% discount 20%的折扣,打八折pay (in cash/ in check/ by installment) 用现金支付/用支票


receipt 收据

deliver 配送

change/replace 换货

refund 退款

return 退货



apartment 公寓for rent 供出租lounge 起居室corner 角落bedroom 卧室carpet 毯子bathroom 浴室furniture 家具kitchen 厨房cooker 炊具,灶具fridge 冰箱dishwasher 洗碗机

cupboard 壁橱

in good condition 状况良好

a good size 大小合适

newly painted 新粉刷的adequately equipped 配置齐全的block 街区

downtown 市中心expensive 昂贵的

make payment 支付

be in touch 保持联系


landlord 房东

landlady 女房东

rent 租/租金

deposit 押金,订金contract 合同

living room 起居室=lounge guest room 客房

blanket 毯子dining room 餐厅check in 登记入住check out 退房single room 单间double room 双人间reception 接待处accommodation 住宿room service 客房服务


ticket 车票,门票

a ticket office 售票处

go to a concert 去听音乐会

do some exercise 锻炼

go boating 去划船

go on the Internet 上网

make a phone call 打电话

take a train trip 乘火车旅行

host 做东,招待

explore 探索,探险

visit a museum 参观博物馆

go for a nice walk into the country 去乡村散步

walk by the lake/ take a walk by the lake 湖边散步

the next train to+地名


leave in twenty minutes


sound like fun 听起来很有趣

be going to +place 将要去某地suggest doing sth. 建议做某事

I'm planning a trip to+地名



airline 航空公司flight 航班

book/reserve 预定behind schedule 晚点delayed 延误的cancelled 取消了的security check 安检passport 护照

visa 签证

departure gate 登机口check in 办理登机手续boarding pass/card 登机牌luggage/baggage 行李departure time 起飞时间


guide 向导

trip 旅行

seaside 海边

travel 旅行scenery 风景

has the best views of…有……的最佳视野

a tour guide 导游local foods 当地食物

show sb. around the seaside


offer information about sth.


mountain climbing 爬山forest park 森林公园

cool and fresh air 凉爽清新的空气


vacation/holiday 假日travel/trip/tour/voyage 旅行historical spots/relics 古迹mountain 山脉

waterfall 瀑布

beach 沙滩

island 岛屿

lawn 草地

temple 寺庙

travel agency 旅行社a guided tour 有导游的旅行

go sightseeing 观光

souvenir 纪念品


fascinating/breathtaking 激动人心的thrilling 刺激的

refreshing 清爽的

unforgettable 难忘的

terrific/ fantastic 极好的