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篇一:初中八年级上册英语书北师版初中二年级教材 Lesson 1 初中八年级上册英语书北师版初中二年级教材 Lesson 1 1.Vacation 假期9.adopt 收养2.Reviewer 评论者10.deaf 聋的 3.Scored 得分11.moving 令人感动的4.Result 结果 5.Actor 演员 6.Movie 电影 7.Fantastic 及好的 8.Earn 挣钱 12.dinosaur 恐龙 13.die 死亡 14.climate 气候 15.channel 电视频道16.bored 厌倦的篇二:北师大版八年级上学期课本教材单词汇总全 Unit 1 lesson 1 province ::n.省 hobby ::n. 业余爱好 married ::a. 已婚的single ::a. 单一的,单身的 strict ::a. 严格的,严厉的 violin ::n. 小提琴 piano ::n. 钢琴 model ::n. 模型 collect ::vt. 收集 coin ::n. 硬币 stamp ::n. 邮票 chat ::vi. 聊天 download ::vt. 下载 poster ::n. 海报 form ::vt. 形成,(使)组成 Lesson 2 vacation ::n. 假期 farm ::n. 农场 milk ::vt. 挤奶cow ::n. 母牛 country ::n. 国家;乡村deliver ::vt. 递送 newspaper ::n. 报纸 away ::ad. 在远处,到远处 go away 走开,离去 course ::n. 课程 extra ::a. 额外的 fix up 修理,修补unfortunately ::ad. 不幸地 accident ::n. 意外事件,事故 earn ::vt. 赚,挣得 camp ::n. 露营地 tent ::n. 帐篷 later ::a. 更迟的,更后的afraid ::a. 害怕的,担心的 Lesson 3 win ::vt. (获)胜,取得胜利 work out 做大运动量的锻炼 invite ::vt. 邀请 score ::n. 得分vt. 记分篇三:北师版八年级上英语知识点总结 Lesson One Last Week on TV 1. TV / sports/ nature programme 电视/运动/自然节目 2. talk show 谈话节目 3. in the vacation 在假期里 4. interesting/ boring 有趣的/无聊的 5. a great actor 一个伟大的演员6. a man named…一个叫---的人 7. be fantastic ---了不起8. be cute ---是可爱的 9. He did something really difficult. 他真的做了一些困难的事 10. score in the first half 在上半场得分 11. be boring ---是无聊的 12. try hard 努力尝试 13. earn / make money 赚钱 14. adopt deaf children 领养失聪儿童15. be moving ---是感动的16. the world of dinosaurs 恐龙世界 17. Some scientists think they died because they didn’t have any food after the climate changed. 一些科学家认为他们的灭绝是

由于气候变化以后他们没有足够的实物18. be about…关于-- What was it about? 它是关于什么的? 19. bored/ boring; 感到厌烦的/ 令人厌烦的interested/ interesting; 对—有兴趣/ 有意思的 excited/exciting 激动地,兴奋地/令人激动的,兴奋地 20. act/ play well 演得好 21. Can I have the bill, please? 请给我账单好吗? Lesson Two An Interview on TV 1. Language learning characters, conversation, grammar, listening, passage, pronunciation, reading, speaking, vocabulary, writing 2. Chinese characters 汉字 3. learn to do sth. 学习做某事 4. grammar rules 语法规则5. be hard to do 做某事有困难 6. read an interesting passage 读一段有趣的文章7. have a conversation about… 有一个关于---的对话 8. ask sb. about sth. 询问某人某事 9. Did you know any Chinese before you came to China? 在你来中国之前你了解中文吗? No, I didn’t know a word of Chinese. 不,我一个字也不认识 10. watch TV programmes 看电视节目 11. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 12. simple conversations 简单的对话 13. take a lot of practice 做大量练习 14. learn sth. from... 从---学习 ---/ 向某人学习 15. learn Chinese at university 在大学学习汉语 16. enjoy one’s Chinese class 喜欢某人的汉语课 17. listen to the teacher carefully 认真听老师讲课 18. take notes 记笔记Taking notes is also very important 记笔记也非常重要 Lesson Three The Big Game 1. Look at the speed of Hill as he runs down the field with the ball. 看希尔在球场带球奔跑的速度 2. be fit=be healthy 保持健康 3. be hurt 受伤 4. be out for two months 出局两个月5. pass …to… 把---传给-----6. What a great kick! 多棒的进球啊!7. be perfect 是完美的 8. make a basket 投篮得分 9. Are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吗? 10. That was a bad call. 那真是糟糕的判罚 11. What a shame! 多遗憾啊!12. complain about… 抱怨某事 13. hit the ball to the back of the court 将球击倒后场 14. be in top form 状态很好 She is really in top form today. 他今天状态真的很好。 15. How exciting! 太令人激动了16. hurt one’s foot 伤到---的脚 17. score a goal 进球,得分 18. Can you believe that? 你能相信吗?19. break one’s leg 这段的腿 20. do well in