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The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life

The other day an acquaintanceof mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the "empty" time looking at things in solitary bliss. For him it proved to be a shock nearly as great as falling in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone.







A young fellow recently finished the works of Thomas Carlyle, winding up, if we remember aright, with the ten note-books upon Frederick the Great. "What!" cried the young fellow, in consternation, "is there no more Carlyle? Am I left to the daily papers?" A more celebrated instance is that of Alexander, who wept bitterly because he had no more worlds to subdue. And when Gibbon had finished the DECLINE AND FALL, he had only a few moments of joy; and it was with a "sober melancholy" that he parted from his labours.






There is only one wish realisable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death.

And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining.

A strange picture we make on our way to our chimaeras, ceaselessly marching, grudging ourselves the time for rest; indefatigable, adventurous pioneers. It is true that we shall never reach the goal; it is even more than probable that there is no such place; and if we lived for centuries and were endowed with the powers of a god, we should find ourselves not much nearer what we wanted at the end. O toiling hands of mortals! O unwearied feet, travelling ye know not whither! Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado. Little do ye know your own blessednes; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.



我们不停向着梦想前进,不肯稍作休息,这形成了一幅奇异的画面:不知疲倦,勇于冒险的先锋.的确,我们永远不会达到目标,甚至目的地根本就不存在;即使活上几百年,被赋予神的力量,我们最终也不能接近目标多少.啊辛劳的双手! 啊,不知疲倦的双脚,一直不停地奔走,却不知要到何方.不久,你便会发现,你必须登上某些显著的山头,然而在不远处,在夕阳的照耀下,你会看到黄金国的尖顶.身处于幸福之中,你却没有觉察:旅行远比抵达要充满乐趣;真正的成功就在于奋斗。




The old lady had always been proud of the great rose-tree in her garden, and was fond of telling how it had grown from a cutting she had brought years before from Italy, when she was first married. She and her husband had been travelling back in their carriage from Rome ( it was before the time of railways ) and on a bad piece of road south of Siena they had broken down, and had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side. The accommodation was wretched of course; she had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn. She could still, after all these years, remember the blue mountains with the bright moon above them, and how a far-off town on one of the peaks had gradually grown whiter and whiter, till the moon faded, the mountains were touched with the pink of the rising sun, and suddenly the town was lit as by an illumination, one window after another catching and reflecting the sun’s beam, till at last the whole little city twinkled and sparkled up in the sky like a nest of stars.







I am lonely only when I am overtired,when I have worked too long without a break,when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip,when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot,and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.

Then for a little while the house feels huge and empty,and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants,perhaps,and looking again at each one as though it were a person,by feeding the two cats,by cooking a meal.






Two Tigers

There were two tigers; one lived in a cage and the other in the wild. The caged one didn't have to worry about his meal while the one outside was unrestrained.

The caged tiger was always envious of the freedom of the one in the wild, while the other one envied the caged one for his ease. One day, one tiger said to the other: "let's change places". The other one agreeded.

Thereupon the caged one went back to nature while the other came into the cage. But before long both died, one of starvation, and the other, melancholy.

Sometimes one is not conscious of his own happiness and always thinks the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but not think over that one man's meat is anoter man's poison.











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