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带输入滞后/时滞的多智能体一致性控制 Consensus control of multi-agent systems with input delay

Consensus Control of a Class of Lipschitz Nonlinear

Systems With Input Delay

Chunyan Wang,Zongyu Zuo,Member,IEEE,Zongli Lin,Fellow,IEEE,and Zhengtao Ding,Senior Member,IEEE

Abstract—This paper deals with the consensus control design for Lipschitz nonlinear multi-agent systems with input delay.The Art-stein-Kwon-Pearson reduction method is employed to deal with the input delay and the integral term that remains in the trans-formed system is analyzed by using Krasovskii functional.Upon exploring certain features of the Laplacian matrix,suf?cient con-ditions for global stability of the consensus control are identi?ed using Lyapunov method in the time domain.The proposed control only uses relative state information of the agents.The effectiveness of the proposed control design is demonstrated through a simula-tion study.

Index Terms—Chua circuit,consensus control,input delay,Lip-schitz nonlinearity,multi-agent systems.


W ITH THE recent advances in measurements and com-munication,dynamic systems,or agents,are often con-nected together to achieve speci?ed control tasks.In many ap-plications,the cooperative control of such multi-agent systems is to design a distributed control strategy based on local infor-mation that enables all agents to achieve an agreement,or con-sensus.One signi?cant advance in consensus control is to use tools in graph theory,in particular,Laplacian matrices,to char-acterize the network connection[1].

Consensus control has attracted a signi?cant attention in recent years.Many theoretic and practical issues have been analyzed and reported in the literature,[1]–[5],to cite a few. Many of the results are based on linear system dynamics. Consensus control design for nonlinear systems is more in-volved than for the linear systems counterpart.The results on consensus control of nonlinear systems are often restricted to local stability[6],or to certain network connection[7], to certain types of nonlinearities[8].The obstacle to solving consensus control problem for nonlinear systems stems mainly

Manuscript received February27,2015;revised June23,2015;accepted Au-gust26,2015.Date of current version October26,2015.This work was sup-ported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61273105 and61203022),111Project(B08015),the U.S.National Science Foundation (CMMI-1462171),and the China Scholarship Council(CSC).This paper was recommended by Associate Editor I.Belykh.(Corresponding author:Z.Ding.)

C.Wang and Z.Ding are with Control Systems Centre,School of Elec-trical and Electronic Engineering,University of Manchester,Manchester M139PL,UK(e-mail:chunyan.wang-2@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,; zhengtao.ding@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,).

Z.Zuo is with the Seventh Research Division,and Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory,Beihang University,Beijing100191,China (e-mail:zzybobby@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,).

Z.Lin is with the Charles L.Brown Department of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering,University of Virginia,Charlottesville,V A22904-4743USA (e-mail:zl5y@https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,).

Color versions of one or more of the?gures in this paper are available online at https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,.

Digital Object Identi?er10.1109/TCSI.2015.2479046from certain restrictions the nonlinearity imposes on using the information of the individual systems.This problem has attracted signi?cant attention in the control community,as evidenced by recent publications[9]–[16].Consensus problems of high-order multi-agent systems with Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics under directed or switching graph are studied in [9]–[12].Synchronization via pinning control,a related but different problem,on general complex dynamical networks are addressed in[13].The works[14]–[16]address the consensus output regulation problem of nonlinear multi-agent systems. Delays are inevitable in physical systems due to the time taken for transportation of materials,transmission of signals, etc.The importance of addressing delay has been well recog-nized for a long time(see[17]and the references therein).A wide variety of predictor-based methods such as Smith pre-dictor[18],modi?ed Smith predictor[19],?nite spectrum as-signment[20],Artstein-Kwon-Pearson reduction method[21], [22]and the truncated predictor feedback approach[23]are ef-fective for systems with input delays.Among these tools,the Artstein-Kwon-Pearson reduction method is well-known and relatively straightforward for linear systems with any constant input delay.The stabilization problems are reduced to similar problems for ordinary differential equations.

With the internet and other communication tools used in the consensus control of multi-agent systems,time delay often arises.The network communication delay usually occurs in the consensus control input when the inputs depend on the relative state information transmitted via the network.The existing studies[24]–[28]of consensus with time delay mainly focus on linear systems.However,for nonlinear systems,the state trans-formation can only apply to the linear parts,and the nonlinear functions remain functions of the original state,which leads to extra complexity in the stability analysis.The consensus anal-ysis for nonlinear systems with delay is even more complicated. The dif?culty lies in dealing with the nonlinear term in each agent,which remains a function of the original state after the state transformation.Judicious analysis is needed to tackle the in?uence of the nonlinear terms under the state transformation. In this paper,we systematically investigate the consensus control problem for multi-agent systems with nonlinearity and input delay.A reduction method is adopted to deal with the input delay in the presence of nonlinearity in the agent dynamics.Further rigorous analysis is carried out to ensure that the extra integral terms of the system state associated with nonlinear functions are properly considered by means of Krasovskii functionals.By transforming the Laplacian matrix into the real Jordan form,global stability analysis is put in the framework of Lyapunov functions in real domain.For the control design,only the relative information obtained via the network connection is used,without local feedback control of

the agents.A simulation study is carried out to demonstrate the results obtained in the paper.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Some no-tations and the problem formulation are given in Section II.Sec-tion III presents a few preliminary results for the consensus anal-ysis.Section IV presents the main results on the consensus con-trol design and stability analysis.Simulation results are given in Section V.Section VI concludes the paper.


In this paper,we consider control design for a group of agents,each represented by a nonlinear subsystem that is subject to input delay and Lipschitz nonlinearity,

(1) where for agent,,is the state vector, is the control input vector,and

are constant matrices with being controllable,is input delay,and the initial,,are given and bounded,and,,is a Lipschitz nonlinear function with a Lipschitz constant,i.e.,for any two constant vectors,,

The connections among the agents are speci?ed by a directed graph,which consists of a set of vertices denoted by and a set of edges denoted by.A vertex represents an agent,and each edge represents a connection.Associated with the graph is its adjacency matrix,where element denotes the connection between two agents.More speci?cally,if there is a connection from agent to agent,and otherwise.The Laplacian matrix is commonly by



From the de?nition of the Laplacian matrix,it is clear that where

which implies that the Laplacian matrix has0as an eigenvalue associated with the right eigenvector.

Assumption1:The eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix at0 is a single eigenvalue.

This assumption is necessary for solving the consensus problem.In terms of the network collections,this condition implies that the network has a spanning tree that connects any two agents in the system.

The consensus control problem considered in this paper is to design a control strategy,using the relative state information, to ensure that all agents asymptotically converge to an identical trajectory.


In this section,we present a few preliminary results which are useful for the consensus analysis later in the paper.We?rst present an overview of the Artstein-Kwon-Pearson reduction with,,being a Lipschitz nonlinear function,and the initial conditions,,being bounded.Let

(3) Differentiating against time yields

(4) where.When is absent,system(4)is delay free.

Remark1:It is straightforward to verify that the controlla-bility of and are equivalent.We need ad-ditional conditions in the sequel due to the nonlinearity and the consensus requirement.

We consider a controller

(5) From(3)and(5),we have


as.In other words,if the controller(5)stabilizes the system(4),then the original system(2)is also stable with the same controller[21].

Remark2:With any given bounded initial condition, ,a stable feedback controller(5)implies that in (3)is integrable,which allows for the model


We next recall a lemma from[10].

Lemma1:For a Laplacian matrix that satis?es Assumption1, there exists a similarity transformation,with its?rst column being,such that

(6) with being a block diagonal matrix in the real Jordan form






where,,are the Jordan blocks for real eigenvalues with the multiplicity in the form





and,,are the Jordan blocks for conjugate eigenvalues,and,with the multiplicity in the form

.. ... .

with being the identity matrix in and

We also need the following lemmas from[29].

Lemma2:For a positive de?nite matrix,and a function

,with and,the following inequality holds:

(8) Lemma3:For a positive de?nite matrix,the following identity holds

(9) where

Furthermore,if is positive de?nite,for,



For the multi-agent system(1),we use(3)to transform the agent dynamics to

(11) where.

We propose a control design using the relative state informa-tion.The control input takes the structure,

(12) where is a constant control gain matrix to be de-signed later.

The closed-loop system is then described by

(13) where

.. ...


Let us de?ne as the left eigenvector of corre-

sponding to the eigenvalue at0,that is,.Furthermore,

let be scaled such that and let the?rst row of


Based on the vector,we introduce a state transformation



We have

where.Since,it can be shown that

.Therefore the consensus of system(13)is achieved

when,as implies

,due to the fact that the null space of is.The

dynamics of can then be obtained as


To explore the structure of,let us introduce another state



Then we have







with and for.Then

from(14)and(16),we have:

The nonlinear term in the transformed system dynamic

model(17)is expressed a function of the state.For the sta-

bility analysis,?rst we need to establish a bound of this non-

linear function in terms of the transformed state.The fol-

lowing lemma gives a bound of.

Lemma4:For the nonlinear term in the transformed

system dynamics(17),a bound can be established in terms of

the state as




where and denote the maximum singular value and Frobenius norm of a matrix,respectively.

Proof:Based on the state transformations(14)and(16), we have

where.Then,we have

(21) where.

Recalling that,we have

It then follows that

(22) From the state transformation(3),we have


Then,we have

(23) From,we obtain,and from the state transformations(14),we have

where denotes the th row of.Then,we obtain

(24) We next deal with the derived terms and.We have

(25) where,and we used the inequality

Then,from(23),(24)and(25),we can obtain that

(26) It then follows that

(27) where we have used

and the inequality

Next we need to deal with.From(12),we can get From the relationship between and,we have

(28) Here we de?ne

(29) Then we can obtain that

It then follows that

where.With(30),the sum of the

can be

(31) with.Therefore we have

(32) Hence,together with(27)and(32),we get

(33) Finally,we obtain the bound for as

(34) with

This completes the proof.

With the control law shown in(12),the control gain matrix is chosen as

(35) where is a positive de?nite matrix.In the remaining part of the paper,we will use Lyapunov-function-based analysis to identify a condition for to ensure that consensus is achieved by using the control algorithm(12)with the control gain in(35). The stability analysis will be carried out in terms of.As discussed earlier,the consensus control can be by showing that converges to zero,which is suf?ced by showing that to zero for,since we have shown that.

From the of the Laplacian matrix shown in(7),we can see that

for.Note that.

The from to are the state variables which are associated with the Jordan of real eigenvalues,and for to are with Jordan blocks of complex eigenvalues.

For the state variables associated with the Jordan blocks

of real eigenvalues,i.e.,for,we have the dynamics given for,and


For the state variables associated with the Jordan blocks, i.e.,for,corresponding to complex eigenvalues,we con-sider the dynamics of the state variables in pairs.For notational convenience,let

for.The dynamics of and for

are expressed by

For,we have


(36) for.Let

(37) For the convenience of presentation,we borrow the following results for from[10].

Lemma5:For a network-connected dynamic system(1)with the transformed state,has following bounds speci?ed in one of the following two cases:

1)If the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix are distinct,



with being any positive real number and

2)If the Laplacian matrix has multiple eigenvalues,i.e.,

for any,satis?es


with being any positive real number.

Using Lemmas4and5,we easily obtain

for Case1)with,and

(41) for Case2).Here we have used.

The remaining analysis is to explore the bound of.With in(29)and Lemma2,we have

In view of Lemma3with,provided that

(42) we have


where is a positive real number satisfying

(43) Then the summation of can be obtained as

(44) For the integral term shown in(44),we consider the following Krasovskii functional A direct evaluation gives that

With,we have

(45) Let

(46) From(40),(41),(44),and(45),we obtain that

(47) where

(48) for Case1),and

(49) for Case2).

The above expressions can be used for consensus analysis of network-connected systems with Lipschitz nonlinearity and input delay.The following theorem summarizes the results. Theorem1:For an input-delayed multi-agent system(1)with the associated Laplacian matrix that satis?es Assumption1,the consensus control problem can be solved by the control algo-rithm(12)with the control gain speci?ed in one of the following two cases:

1)If the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix are distinct,

the consensus is achieved if the following conditions are satis?ed for and,,




where is any positive real number and


following condition are satis?ed for and, ,


where is any positive real number and


When the eigenvalues are distinct,from the anal-ysis in this section,we know that the feedback law(12)will stabilize if the conditions(42),(43)and in(48)are satis?ed.Indeed,it is easy to see the conditions(42)and(43) are equivalent to the conditions speci?ed in(50)and(51).From (48),it can be obtained that is equivalent to

(54) which is further equivalent to(52).Hence we conclude that converges to zero asymptotically.

When the Laplacian matrix has multiple eigenvalues,the feedback law(12)will stabilize if the conditions(42),(43) and in(49)are satis?ed.Following the similar proce-dure as Case1),we can show that,under the conditions(50), (51),and(53),converges to zero asymptotically.The proof is completed.

Remark3:The conditions shown in(50)to(53)can be checked by standard LMI routines for a set of?xed values and.The iterative methods developed in[31]for single linear system may also be applied here.


In this section,we will illustrate in some details the proposed consensus control design through a circuit example.The system under consideration is a connection of four agents(i.e.) as shown in Fig.1,each of which is described by a second-order dynamic model as


where denotes the position vector of agent,the velocity vector, the intrinsic of agent,governed by the chaotic Chua circuit[30]

Let.The dynamic(52)of each agent can be rearranged as the state space model(2)with

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f79891525.html,munication topology.

The adjacency matrix is given by

and the resultant Laplacian matrix is obtained as

The eigenvalues of are,and therefore Assumption1is satis?ed.Furthermore,the eigenvalues are dis-tinct.We obtain that

with the matrices


The nonlinear function in each agent dynamics is glob-ally Lipschitz with a constant,which gives by(19).Based on the Laplacian matrix,we have .In simulation,the input delay is set as.A pos-itive de?nite matrix can be obtained with,


to satisfy the conditions of Theorem1.Consequently,the con-trol gain is obtained as

Simulation study has been carried out with the results shown

Fig.2.The positions disagreement of4agents:.

the control gain to achieve consensus control for the multi-agent systems.The same control gain has also been used for different values of input delay.The results shown in Fig.3indicate that the conditions could be conservative in the control gain design for a given input delay and Lipschitz nonlinear function.In-deed,extensive simulation shows that the same control gain can possibly achieve consensus control for the system with a much larger delay and Lipschitz constant.


This paper has investigated the impacts of nonlinearity and input delay in consensus control.This input delay may rep-resent some delays in the network communication.Suf?cient conditions are derived for the multi-agent systems to guarantee the global consensus using Lyapunov-Krasovskii method in the time domain.The signi?cance of this research is to provide a feasible method to deal with consensus control of a class of Lip-

Fig.3.The positions disagreement of4agents:.


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Chunyan Wang received his B.Eng.degree in au-

tomatic control from Dezhou University,Shandong,

China,in2006,his M.Eng.degree in control theory

and control engineering from Soochow University,

Jiangsu,China,in2009,and his M.Sc degree in elec-

trical and electronic engineering from the University

of Greenwich,U.K.,in2012.He is now a Ph.D.can-

didate in control engineering with the School of Elec-

trical and Electronic Engineering at the University of

Manchester,U.K.His research interests include con-

sensus control,robot control,and time-delay system.

Zongyu Zuo received his B.Eng.degree in au-

tomatic control from Central South University,

Hunan,China,in2005,and the Ph.D.degree in

control theory and applications from Beihang


was an academic visitor at the School of Elec-

trical and Electronic Engineering,University of

Manchester,from September2014to September

2015and held an Invited Associate Professorship

at Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science,

UMR CNRS8201,Universitéde Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis,in October2015.He is currently an assistant professor at the School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,Beihang University.His research interests are in the

?elds of nonlinear system control, control of UA Vs,and coordination of multi-agent systems.

Zongli Lin(F’07)received his B.S.degree in

mathematics and computer science from Xiamen

University,Xiamen,China,in1983,his M.Eng.

degree in automatic control from Chinese Academy

of Space Technology,Beijing,China,in1989,and

his Ph.D.degree in electrical and computer engi-

neering from Washington State University,Pullman,

WA,USA,in1994.He is the Ferman W.Perry

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at

the University of Virginia,Charlottesville,VA,USA.

His current research interests include nonlinear control,robust control,and control applications.He was an Associate Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A UTOMATIC C ONTROL(2001–2003),IEEE/ASME T RANSACTIONS ON M ECHATRONICS(2006–2009),and IEEE Control Systems Magazine(2005–2012).He was an elected member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society(2008–2010).He has served on the operating committees several conferences and will be the program chair of the2018American Control Conference.He currently chairs the IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems and Control and serves on the editorial boards of several journals and book series,including Automatica,Systems&Control Letters,Science China Information Sciences, and the

Springer/Birkhauser book series Control Engineering.He is a Fellow of IFAC and AAAS.

Zhengtao Ding received the B.Eng.degree from

Tsinghua University,Beijing,China,and the M.Sc.

degree in systems and control,and the Ph.D.de-

gree in control systems from the University of

Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,

Manchester,U.K.After working as a Lecturer with

Ngee Ann Polytechnic,Singapore,for ten years,

in2003,he joined the University of Manchester,

Manchester,where he is currently a Senior Lecturer

of control engineering with the School of Electrical

and Electronic Engineering.He is the author of the book Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Systems(IET,2013)and a number of journal papers.His research interests include nonlinear and adaptive control theory and their applications.Dr.Ding serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A UTOMATIC C ONTROL,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,Control Theory and Technology,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Unmanned Systems,and the International Journal of Automation and Computing.

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