当前位置:文档之家› 有关对地震后心理危机干预策略与方法的研究浅析中英文对照




The study on the psychological crisis intervention strategies and methods after the earthquake in Chinese and English.


This paper focuses on the psychological crisis intervention of the connotation and development history, after the earthquake victims of psychological problems, the main manifestations of psychological crisis intervention strategies and basic methods are discussed in the paper, for the future of post-disaster psychological aid provides a feasible method to support.


[ keyword ] earthquake psychological crisis intervention strategies


Overview of the connotation, psychological crisis intervention and development


1 psychological crisis intervention connotation

心理危机干预也被称为危机干预(crisis intervention),它是对处于危机之中、心理出现问题的个人及其家庭采取明确有效的心理干预措施,使其恢复信心,最终战胜危机的手段和过程。事实上心理危机干预是一种短程心理辅导(疏导)与心理治疗。心理危机干预适用于自然灾害、反恐行动、人质救援、暴力犯罪、战争等突发事件对人心理产生的强烈心理损害中,它可以起到缓解受害者心理压力、提供社会支持、重塑信心、帮助他们尽快适应环境的重要作用,它与物质支持同等重要,它彰显了政府和援助者以人为本的先进理念,这是社会进步的具体体现。

Psychological crisis intervention is also known as the crisis intervention ( crisis intervention ), it is in crisis, psychological personal and family problems to take clear the effective psychological intervention measures, make its restore confidence, means and process finally overcome the crisis. In fact, psychological crisis intervention is a short-range psychological counseling and psychotherapy ( counseling ). Psychological crisis intervention for strong psychological damage to natural disasters, terrorism, hostage rescue, violent crime, war and other emergencies of psychology, it can rise to alleviate psychological pressure, the victims provide important role of social support, confidence, as soon as possible to help them adapt to the environment, it is equally important with the material support, it reflects the advanced idea of government and donors to people-oriented, it is a concrete manifestation of social progress.


Development of 2 psychological crisis intervention



Psychological crisis intervention practice first appeared in the United States, at the time just after the war, a large number of physical and mental destroyed military psychological need professional guidance, in 1946, the United States government sent 200 student psychological doctor, provide emotional therapy services for veterans in the veterans administration agencies, they very fruitful work obtained the military admitted: 1947, participation psychology crisis intervention in psychological doctor to obtain long-term active status, and was established as a formal system in the army. In 1978, Department of psychiatry, U. S. naval hospital Portsmouth set up a special mental illness by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses and health minister, members of the rapid intervention team, a number of major crisis events, such as training accidents, Dutch act, natural disaster, explosion and other emergency incidents disposal, from the rapid intervention team it has become an important part of the military crisis response mechanism, plays an important, irreplaceable role in carrying out various missions in the u.s..


The important influence of psychological crisis intervention mechanism of the United States of America on the world's crisis management concept. Our country began to pay attention to the psychological crisis intervention in the 90's of the last century, since the ruling idea of the party and the government vigorously promote people-oriented, building a harmonious society, has become an important part of all kinds of post-disaster reconstruction of psychological crisis intervention, the party and the government's strong support provides top-down guidance for psychological crisis intervention, provides policy guidance as the psychological crisis intervention in Wenchuan earthquake, China's psychological crisis intervention is facing rare opportunities for development.


The main findings of two, post-disaster psychological problems


Psychological crisis intervention must be clear after the general psychological problems after the disaster victims.


1 post-disaster psychological problems


From a psychological point of view, face come unexpectedly natural disasters, people will have a variety of stress response in Psychology: mood swings, tension, fear, easy impulse, remorse,

sadness, anxiety; sleep disorders, such as nightmares or difficulty falling asleep; panic reaction, to external stimuli ( relevant seismic information ). The reaction is too sensitive, reactive psychophysiological muscle tension, trembling, sweating, nausea, urgency-frequency, palpitation and chest tightness, which is the general psychological problems, these adverse reactions can be with the passage of time to return to normal, as by psychological crisis intervention on the psychological rehabilitation, can accelerate the speed, improve the psychological quality of rehabilitation.


2 after the disaster of serious psychological problems

灾后严重心理问题是指因受到强烈刺激而导致的各种身心症状,如持续时间较长,则属于较严重的心理疾病,需要专业的心理治疗。这些症状包括目光呆滞、情感淡漠,有幻觉产生,思维与动作迟缓,有抑郁、孤独、狂躁、焦虑、易激动、产生语言障碍、甚至出现濒死感等,极端者可出现失聪、失明、失语、失忆、精神分裂等精神疾病。在灾后严重心理问题中比较典型和常见的心理疾病是创伤后应激障碍(Post—traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)。创伤后应激障碍是人在遭受强烈的、灾难性事件后,在其后数月至半年出现心理障碍,主要的心理反应是在受害人心理上反复出现创伤性情景、过度警觉、噩梦、出现惊跳反应,并感到强烈恐惧、抑郁、焦虑、有强烈的无助与厌恶感,严重者甚至会轻生、犯罪等,这种心理障碍总是与人遭受的灾难相生相伴。现代心理学研究发现:50%的人一生中有可能暴露于创伤事件中,但只有7.8%的人会产生这种疾病,且女性患病率高于男性。我国学者从1995—1999年对地震诱发的创伤后应激障碍进行研究后发现:唐山大地震孤儿的发病率为23%;灾后急性应激障碍的发病率为6%,灾后三个月的创伤后应激障碍的发病率快速上升到19%,三个月后则下降到7%,由此看来,对灾后应激障碍干预的关键期是灾后的三个月。三、灾后心理危机干预的策略与方法

After the disaster of serious psychological problem refers to various psychosomatic symptoms caused by strong stimulation, such as longer duration, is a serious mental illness, need of professional psychological treatment. These symptoms include glassy-eyed, apathy, are hallucinations, thinking and slow, depression, mania, anxiety, loneliness, easy excited, language barriers, even feeling of impending death, extreme person can appear deaf, blind, aphasia, amnesia, schizophrenia and mental illness. In the aftermath of serious psychological problems of relatively typical and common mental illness is post-traumatic stress disorder ( Post - traumatic stress disorder, PTSD ). Post-traumatic stress disorder is a catastrophic event in strong, after, after six months appear mental disorders, psychological reaction is mainly in the psychological traumatic situations, and hypervigilance, nightmare, startle response, and feel a strong fear, depression, anxiety, helplessness and have strong disgust feeling, and even suicide, crime, this kind of psychological obstacle is always accompanied with people suffering from. Modern psychology study found that: 50% the lifetime risk of exposure to traumatic events, but only 7.8% people will have the disease, and the prevalence of female is higher than male. Chinese scholars found that from 1995 to 1999 on the earthquake induced post-traumatic stress disorder research: Tangshan earthquake orphan disease rate was 23%; the incidence after acute stress disorder rate was 6%, after three months of onset PTSD rate rises to 19%, three months after the down to 7%, from this point of view, the key period of stress disorder intervention is three months after the disaster after disaster. The strategies and methods in three, post-disaster psychological crisis intervention 创伤后应激障碍的早期心理干预对缓解病情十分重要,他们如能得到良好的社会支持,尤其是家庭的支持,可以大大减少发病率。目前国内外较好的干预方案是心理治疗合并药物


Early psychological intervention on post-traumatic stress disorder are very important to alleviate the condition, if they could get good social support, especially family support, can greatly reduce the incidence of. The intervention scheme better home and abroad is the psychological treatment combined with drug treatment, mainly psychological treatment. The main methods include hypnosis, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive therapy, systematic desensitization.


Psychological intervention on post-traumatic stress disorder, there are three main principles: first, as soon as possible the implementation of psychological crisis intervention; two is the psychological treatment in combination with medication, but mainly psychological treatment; three is to give full play to their potential victims of psychological rehabilitation, through psychological counseling, let them have the self psychological adjustment ability and skills. At present, there are three kinds of psychological treatment method of foreign successful:


1 early psychological crisis intervention

早期心理危机干预的目标是帮助处在危机中的人摆脱因地震灾害引发的暂时的认知、情绪和行为的扭曲,主要方法是在创伤初期(1个月内)为灾民提供最大的社会与心理支持,如全社会的广泛理解与援助、提供有效的应对策略和迅速适应环境的方法、帮助他们提高心理危机应对技能,使其能及时宣泄和表达不良情绪,尽快摆脱悲伤,使心理恢复平衡。Early psychological crisis intervention aims to help people in crisis caused by the earthquake from the temporary cognitive, emotional and behavioral distortions, the main method is in the initial trauma ( 1 months ) to provide social and psychological support to the victims as the largest, extensive understanding and assistance, the whole society should provide effective strategy and rapid methods to adapt to the environment, to help them to improve their psychological crisis coping skills, so that it can timely release and expression of negative emotions, get rid of sadness as soon as possible, so that the psychological balance.


2 cognitive behavioral counseling


This is the current treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder is the most effective psychological techniques, psychological crisis intervention through the behavior correction technology change the cognitive concept with distorted. This kind of psychological techniques including exposure therapy, anxiety management training and cognitive therapy.


Exposure therapy in patients with face fear in the scene, then the crisis intervention by relaxation method to make patients gradually adapt to this situation, effective way to relax is progressive

muscle relaxation, the imagination of relaxation and deep breathing relaxation method. Scenarios can be imagined, simulated or real. The method includes five steps : the collection of personal data, adjust the breath of patients with training, imagine exposure, visual exposure and psychological education.


Anxiety management training is to provide technique for patients with anxiety, such as relaxation training, positive self statements, biofeedback and social skills training methods, to help patients to improve the ability to deal with, cope with the increase of resources, enhance the confidence to overcome the crisis, they transformed from helplessness passive to active coping state.


Cognitive therapy is a crisis intervention let patients know their distorted cognition, the cognitive debate and unreasonable to reconstruct a new correct cognition, the cognitive style on victims of change to improve bad mood, reduce symptoms, recovery of social function objective.


3 psychological counseling


For the psychological trauma to a lesser extent, through psychological counseling and psychological education, let people gradually mastered the basic methods and Strategies of psychological counseling, timely release of self and family emotion; governments at all levels should mobilize the relevant personnel to carry out meaningful social activities, transfer of victims attention, to help them tide over the crisis period.


In this work the psychological crisis intervention should note the following points: first, to provide sufficient time and the right place to encourage them to express their grief and depression; let them rest, to maintain adequate physical strength; second, crisis intervention, patience to listen to them, with the support and understanding attitude to encourage them; third, help them to use social resources, comfort and support from friends, surviving relatives, loved ones; fourth, to help them develop practical reconstruction, so that the victims have psychological causes of disaster, so as not to fall into pessimism negative situations; fifth, the organization has the common psychological problems of people communicate with each other psychological experience, discuss coping strategies; sixth, side effects that use of tranquilizers, sleeping pills, alcohol, tobacco and other goods and the negative effect, encourage them to interact with people, and actively

participate in meaningful.

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