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Water and Sanitation in Regard to the Millennium Development Goals


M1: Water and Sanitation in Regard to the

Millennium Development Goals K. Conradin (1&3)M. Kropac (2&4)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f56525780.html,/ 天津塔吊租赁,河北塔吊租赁,西安塔吊租赁,塔吊租赁https://www.doczj.com/doc/f56525780.html,/

Credits Materials included in this CD-ROM comprise materials from various organisations.The

materials complied on this CD are freely available at the internet,following the

open-source concept for capacity building and non-profit use,provided proper

acknowledgement of the source is made.The publication of these materials on this

CD-ROM does not alter any existing copyrights.Material published on this CD for the

first time follows the same open-source concept for capacity building and non-profit

use,with all rights remaining with the original authors/producing organisations.

Therefore the user should please always give credit in citations to the original

author,source and copyright holder.

We thank all individuals and institutions that have provided information for this CD,

especially the German Agency for Technical Cooperation GTZ,Ecosanres,Ecosan

Norway,the International Water and Sanitation Centre IRC,the Stockholm

Environment Institute SEI,the World Health Organisation WHO,the Hesperian

Foundation,the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA,the

Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries SANDEC of the Swiss

Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology,Sanitation by Communities

SANIMAS,the Stockholm International Water Institute SIWI,the Water Supply&

Sanitation Collaborative Council WSSCC,the World Water Assessment Programme of

the UNESCO,the Tear Fund,Wateraid,and all others that have contributed in some

way to this curriculum.

We apologize in advance if references are missing or incorrect,and welcome feedback

if errors are detected.

We encourage all feedback on the composition and content of this curriculum.

Credits?ecosan Curriculum -Credits

?Concept and ecosan expertise:Johannes Heeb, Petter D. Jenssen, Ken


?Compiling of Information: Katharina Conradin

?Layout:Katharina Conradin

?Photo Credits:Mostly Johannes Heeb & Katharina Conradin,

otherwise as per credit.

?Text Credits:As per source indication.

?Financial support:Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)

?How to obtain the curriculum material

?Release: 1.0, March 2006, 1000 copies

?Feedback:Feedback regarding improvements, errors, experience

of use etc. is welcome. Please notify the above


?Sources Copyright:Copyright of the individual sources lies with the authors

or producing organizations. Copying is allowed as long

as references are properly acknowledged.


1.The Water Circle

2.The global water resources situation

3.Freshwater use

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f56525780.html,peting uses for Freshwater

5.Increase freshwater demand

6.Water Scarcity

?Global Situation






8.Water Pollution

9.Basic Water Needs

Water Resources –The global situation

10,000,000 km3 stored in underground aquifers.

119,000 km3net of rainfall falling on land after accounting for evaporation.

91,000 km3in natural lakes.

Over 5,000 km3in man made storage facilities reservoirs.

2,120 km3in rivers –constantly replaced from rainfall and melting snow, ice.

Water Circle -General

The water cycle

The global water cycle is comprised of many small, local or regional water cycles, depending on the precipitation, the topography, soil characteristics and many other factors, which is illustrated by the figure below.

? P. Jenssen

Rise in sea level:

Water bound in snow and ice(glaciers,poles)is melting due to global change and climate warming.This results in a rise in the sea level between15and90 cm by the IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).This threatens millions of people living on small islands or close to the seashore. The rise in sea level is increased as a result of thermal expansion of the oceans–warmer water has a larger volume than colder water.

The effects include among others

?Increased coastal erosion,

?higher storm-surge flooding

?more extensive coastal inundation

?salt water intrusion

?increased flood risk

?impacts on agriculture and aquaculture through decline in soil and water quality.

Adopted from: (11, 5)

Different distribution patterns:

Different distribution patterns likely due to global climate change.

Regions now under water stress can get more rainfall–but also that water scarcity can even be increased.Vice versa,regions with sufficient rainfall can get drier as well.

It is likely that single occurrences are more intensive(droughts&floods). Increase in storage capacity:

There has been a7fold increase in global storage capacity since1950.

(artificial lakes,large dam projects etc.)(12).This has severe consequences on downstream ecosystems.

Freshwater –Use

-Drinking water :By taking an average of 3l drinking water per day,the total volume used per capita/year is only roughly 1m 3Irrigation:In many countries,agricultural use (food production)makes up for most of the total human water usage.The production of animal calories needs 8times more water than that of vegetable calories.Energy Production:The largest single use of water by industry is for cooling in thermal power generation.Process water:P aper mills,textile firms https://www.doczj.com/doc/f56525780.html,rge water volumes to be treated.Medium for waste disposal :Figures vary,but according to the WHO only between 0%and 35%of the wastewaters created get some kind of treatment.Most wastewaters are just induced into nearby waterbodies.

Water for products:as an ingredient Source: (1)




Human activity Potential Impact Function at risk Population and



Increased requirement Increases water abstraction & acquisition of cultivated land through wetland drainage.Virtually all ecosystem functions including habitat, production and regulation functions Infrastructure


(dams, dikes,


diversions etc.)Loss of integrity alters timing and quantity of river flows, water temperature, nutrient and sediment transport and thus delta replenishment; blocks fish


Water quantity and quality, habitats, floodplain fertility, fisheries, delta economies Land conversion Eliminates key components of aquatic environment; loss of functions; integrity; habitat and biodiversity; alters runoff patterns; inhibits natural recharge, fills water bodies with silt;

Natural flood control, habitats

for fisheries and waterfowl,

recreation, water supply, water

quantity and quality

Source: (12)

Freshwater Human activity Potential Impact Function at risk Overharvesting and exploitation Depletes living resources, ecosystem functions and biodiversity (groundwater depletion, collapse of fisheries)

Food production, water supply, water quality and water quantity Introduction

of exotic

species Competition from introduced species; alters production and nutrient cycling; and causes loss of

biodiversity among native


Food production, wildlife habitat, recreation Release of pollutants to land, air or water Pollution of water bodies alters

chemistry and

ecology of rivers, lakes and

wetlands; greenhouse gas

emissions produce dramatic

changes in runoff and rainfall

patterns Water supply, habitat, water quality, food production; climate change may also impact hydropower, dilution capacity, transport, flood control

S o u r c e : (12)

Source: (1)

Domestic use Agricultural use

Industrial use

Near congruence between there regions where the majority of the hunger-prone countries are located and the arid zone with savannah type climate.

?Seasonal rainfall with intermittent dry spells making the rainfall unreliable ?recurrent drought years

?high evaporative demand

?often vulnerable soils with low permeability and low water holding capacity ?Additionally,the area of irrigated land more than doubled in the twentieth century(5).

The freshwater use is going to increase drastically over the next couple of decades in order to produce enough food.

Thus,there is an urgent need for agricultural and water policies ?rainwater management

?rainfall infiltration

?water harvesting systems(2)

Freshwater –Increased Demand

?In basically all developing countries,the freshwater use for food production will increase strongly.This can mainly be attributed to population growth –more people require more food,i.e.agricultural products.Meat production needs significantly more water than the production of vegetables.< 40 %

40 –80 %

80 –120 %

> 120 %

Missing Data

Percentage increase in consumptive water use for food production by 2015 compared to today

Source: (2)

Water Scarcity –Global Situation

In 2000,the majority of the sixteen megacities were found along the coasts,within regions experiencing mild to severe water stress (particularly in Asia).The map uses a conventional measure of water stress,the ratio of total annual water withdrawals (1995)divided by the estimated total water availability (average 1961-1990).0 –0.2: Low water stress 0.2 –0.4: Medium water stress > 0.4 Severe water stress S o u r c e : (29)

Water Scarcity –General

Water scarcity is a relative concept(social construct,product of affluence, expectations and customary behaviour,or a result of climate change)(3).

Scarcity often has its roots in water shortage.Drought-affected regions with large climatic variability suffer most(6).

Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of the population increase during the last century.(6).

By2025,1.8billion people will live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and2/3of the world population could be under stress conditions(UN)


In most countries,agriculture dominates the demand for water(irrigation).


Poor communities tend to suffer the greatest health burden from inadequate water supplies and as result of ill-health are unable to move out of a cycle of poverty and disease.(6).

Water scarcity -Reasons

There are several reasons for water scarcity

1.Excessive withdrawal from surface waters:

2.The Aral Sea in the former Soviet Union,who has shrunk to less than

half of ifs original size,due to the diversion of the main contributing rivers.

19571984199320002001 Source: (4).

Water Scarcity -Salinisation ?Salinisation is a general

term for all processes

which accumulate salts in

soil.It takes place mainly

in arid climates.

?→high evaporation

?→insufficient rainfall,

water(from rainfall or


?Water ascents,dissolved

salts are precipitated and accumulate at the soil surface.

Source: (34)

Salt accumulation M. Kropac

Water scarcity -Reasons

?There are several reasons for water scarcity

2.Excessive withdrawal of water from underground aquifers:Along many

coasts of the world,excessive fresh water abstraction has allowed sea water to enter aquifers thereby making the water so saline that it is unfit for human use(see following slides on groundwater depletion)(5).

3. interface between freshwater and brackish water will move inland.



公司节约成本的具体方 案 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

关于公司节约成本的具体方案 作为一个自主经营,自负盈亏的企业来讲,不光要潜心研究怎么挣钱如何创造效益,更要考虑如何节约成本,降低损耗。俗话说:“不省不成家”,企业就是一个大家庭,只有这个“大家”发展了,们各自的“小家”才会殷实,也就是印证了“大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”的这句话。 最初我理解的公司节约,只考虑到了节约水电等能源方面的节约,缺忽视了还有其他很多方面。针对集团公司目前的状况,从三个方面着手精简公司成本。一.集团公司的能源节约。主要为节电 电的使用主要集中在照明设备电灯、电脑饮水机、和空调三个方面 水的成本主要在饮用水上面。公司的饮用水分为两种,分别是饮水机上大桶升的桶装水和农夫4升桶装水。其中大桶装水升,每桶10元,农夫桶装水每桶4升,每桶7元。 尽量做到以下几方面: 1.白天上班时间除非室内采光不足,否则不开启室内照明灯。 2.人走关灯,人来开灯,外出办公超过半小时离开时需关闭电灯,电脑。否则 一经发现罚款10元 3.空调恒定开在26度,关机后须断电。对于下班没关电脑(包括显示器)的员 工,罚款10元,以示批评。

水的成本主要在饮用水上面。公司的饮用水分为两种,分别是饮水机上大桶18升的桶装水和农夫4升桶装水。其中大桶装水升,每桶10元,农夫桶装水每桶4升,每桶7元。 目前情况下,每周平均使用7桶大桶装水和40桶农夫纯净水。如果提高大桶纯净水的使用量而降低农夫桶装水,则是一笔可观的费用。 二.集团公司的办公费节约。 由财务部财务总监计算出当月办公费使用的大体金额,主要包括纸张、墨盒、一次性口杯、易损耗的其他办公用品。立足当月,参照前几月,做出下月的办公费预算,月底检查完成情况,如果超支了,则要找出超支的重点,从源头上控制浪费。 纸张双面打印提倡了很多年,但我发现很少时候能做到。我觉得问题的关键不是大家不知道双面打印节省纸张,而在于很少人能在打印的时候把用过的纸放进打印机里。没有人做这个动作,那打出来的东西就只能是单面的、一次性的。解决这个问题,可以出台规定,除了公司重要文件不允许直接使用白纸打印。另外将打印过的纸张放到打印机放的显眼地方,方便看到使用。(这个动作我已经做了) 即使双面打印的纸张在不是完全看不清的情况下仍旧可以留下来当草稿纸。 在采购的时候同时采购相应的内件产品,中性笔、圆珠笔的笔芯,活页本的内页。都可以增加办公用品的使用寿命。


八年级(下)复习之语法归纳与练习 Unit 1 语法一:动词不定式作宾语语法二:动词不定式作宾语补足语 语法三:动词不定式作目的状语 【练一练】.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Our teacher gave us 10 minutes __________ about the question. A. thinks B. to think C. thinking D. thought ( ) 2. My father decided ________smoking. A. giving up B. to give up C. give up D. to giving up ( ) 3. You may take a horse to the river, but you can't make it________. A. to drink B. drank C. drink D. drinking ( ) 4. I didn't ask him ______to my party, but he came. A. to come B. come C. came D. coming ( ) 5. You can use a tool ________ a fire. A. make B. making C. to make D. to making Unit 2 语法一:动名词作主语语法二:动名词作宾语 【练一练】I.单项选择。 ( ) 1. __________ the train means waiting for another hour. A. Miss B. Missed C. Missing D. To missing ( ) 2. After _______his homework he went on to write a letter to his parents. A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ( ) 3. _________ may cause cancer. A. Smoking B. Smoked C. Smoke D. To smoking ( ) 4. As she is looking forward to __________ from me, please remember to send this letter to her as soon as possible. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. be heard ( ) 5. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble __________ your handwriting. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 6. Writing stories and articles __________ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 7. He came to the party without ________ (invite). 8. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ (repair) my car. 9. ________ (keep) your room clean is a way to stay away from disease. 10. He is very busy _______ (do) his homework. 11. Please stop _______ (talk), boys. I have something important to tell you. 12. Before ______ (buy) the house, you should get somebody to look it over. 13. ________ (sh ake) hands is a way of greeting. 14. My brother keeps ______ (help) me with my work. 15. We should often practise _______ (speak) English with each other. Unit 3 语法一:一般现在时的被动语态语法二:一般过去时的被动语态 语法三:一般将来时的被动语态 【练一练】I.用被动语态改写下列句子。


七年级上册知识梳理 这本牛津版的书比以前用的广州版要容易些,在词汇量上,课文难易程度 上都有所不同,整本书分为四个module,每个module有两个单元,共有八个单元大概有220 个单词,短语,相对于小学五六年级每册130、140单词量,它增加了一些。第一模块讲的是 自己的生活,第二模块讲的是自然界,第三模块讲的是旅行,第四模块讲的是娱乐时间。 第一个模块讲的都是与自己日常生活息息相关的内容,学会向他人介绍自己,怎样给朋友写 电子邮件,学会描绘自己的学校生活或业余生活,养成写英语日记的好习惯。 Unit 1 Making friends 重点单词、短语:Germa n, blog, grammar, sound, complete, hobby, country, age, dream, every one, Germa ny, mountain, elder, frie ndly, engin eer, world, Japa n, flat, yourself, us, close to, go to school, (be)good at, make fiends with, all over, =would like ‘lik to. 要掌握的句型:1. What does ? mean? 2. Welcome to ? 3. I like ? because ? 4. My dream is to be ? 5. How old is/are ? ? 6. What does ? do? 重难点知识:1.特殊疑问句,掌握what, which, how 等疑问词引导的句子,注意 区分how many 和how much, which 和what.


怎样使员工培养成本降低 当前职场较为复杂,企业发展需求也较为广泛,而主要需求依旧是人才方面,企业对于人力资源开发的重视已经有了很不错的成就,很多企业开始关注成本降低问题,下面就做一下简单介绍: 前阵子在武汉,一位颇具营销才干的女老板说,她最大的愿望是团队建设,找一批像我这样的人。言下之意,是想寻找一批和她一样优秀的老板级员工。听后,我大觉诧异,马上泼了一瓢冷水:恐怕你三年也找不到。 原因有二,一是这样的人不属于你,既然他是一个做老板的料,一定会去当老板;二是像她这样优秀的,条件一定非常高,找到了也养不起。 如此说来,真的没有办法了吗? 那倒不是。真要找到像这位女老板一样优秀但用人成本却较低的人,办法还是有的。 比如,知识管理(KM)就可以。知识管理,就是运用集体的智慧提高应变和创新能力,是为企业实现显性知识和隐性知识共享提供的新途径。通过知识管理,把她的优秀技能和特质进行分解,并让其标准化、流程化和规范化,然后分别找到具有某类相同潜质的员工一一培养,一定可以组建一个像她那样优秀,且成本低的强有力的团队。 知识管理,是企业对其所拥有的知识资源进行管理的过程。以这位女老板为例,她就是一种知识资源,通过识别、获取、开发、分解、储存、传递知识,从而使每个员工在最大限度上贡献出其积累的知识的同时,还能享用他人的知识。而实现知识共享,则是知识管理的目标,对知识资源进行管理的过程为知识向效益的转化提供条件,并且要对知识管理中员工的贡献进行评价和实施激励,以保证知识管理能得到足够的支持并发挥其作用。 知识管理是要找到一种方法或模式,把综合的、抽象的和复杂的知识分解为小的知识点,把抽象内容具体化、形象化。这样,员工可以比较快地了解知识点的具体内容,更快地掌握低一级的知识,减少员工学习新知识的时间和困难。有一种工作分解结构法,值得效法。通过对女老板的知识进行分解和评价分析,找到一种能很好地帮助知识管理者进行知识分解和评价的方法。尽管组织吸收和集聚全面的、抽象的和复杂的知识有很大难度,但解决


八年级(下)复习之语法归纳与练习 【练一练】.单项选择。 ( ) 1. Our teacher gave us 10 minutes __________ about the question. A. thinks B. to think C. thinking D. thought ( ) 2. My father decided ________smoking. A. giving up B. to give up C. give up D. to giving up ( ) 3. You may take a horse to the river, but you can't make it________. A. to drink B. drank C. drink D. drinking ( ) 4. I didn't ask him ______to my party, but he came. A. to come B. come C. came D. coming ( ) 5. You can use a tool ________ a fire. A. make B. making C. to make D. to making 【练一练】I.单项选择。 ( ) 1. __________ the train means waiting for another hour. A. Miss B. Missed C. Missing D. To missing ( ) 2. After _______his homework he went on to write a letter to his parents. A. finishes B. finishing C. finished D. to finish ( ) 3. _________ may cause cancer. A. Smoking B. Smoked C. Smoke D. To smoking ( ) 4. As she is looking forward to __________ from me, please remember to send this letter to her as soon as possible. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. be heard ( ) 5. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble __________ your handwriting. A. to read B. read C. reading D. to reading ( ) 6. Writing stories and articles __________ what I enjoy most. A. is B. are C. was D. were II.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 7. He came to the party without ________ (invite). 8. It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ (repair) my car. 9. ________ (keep) your room clean is a way to stay away from disease. 10. He is very busy _______ (do) his homework. 11. Please stop _______ (talk), boys. I have something important to tell you. 12. Before ______ (buy) the house, you should get somebody to look it over. 13. ________ (sh ake) hands is a way of greeting. 14. My brother keeps ______ (help) me with my work. 15. We should often practise _______ (speak) English with each other. 【练一练】I.用被动语态改写下列句子。 1. The mother looked after the baby in the room. _____________________________________________________________ 2. My sister cleans the bedroom every day.


1、 Blindness is a very serious disability. 失明是非常严重的残疾。 2、 Though he is disabled, he is a gifted artist. 尽管身残疾 (的 ),他是一个有天赋的艺术家。 3、 person with a hearing and eyesight disability misses many things. 一位听力和视力残疾的人会错过很多东西。 4、 Beware of the love syndrome.当心恋爱综合症。 5、 Rosalyn had been there frequently in past years for treatment for infantile paralysis. 罗莎琳在过去的几年中频频来这里治疗小儿麻痹。 6、 Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。 7、 He had a high ambition to be a headmaster. 他的抱负是想成为一名校长。 8、 I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me!我爱雄心壮志的人,因为他们能激励我! 9、 We will have dictation today.我们今天要听写了。 10、 I wrote the letter at Sally's dictation . 我照萨利的口述写信。 11、 The campus is noisy today.今天校园里很吵。 12、 Do believe there is no best man, only much suitable one. 要相信没有最好男人,只有更适合的。 13、 Trees hid the entry of the cave. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。 14、 Fresh air is beneficial to people's health. 新鲜空气对人的健康有好处。 15、 In other words, a classic fudge. 总之一句话,一派胡言。 16、 Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。 17、 He used to be quiet, but now he is very outgoing. 他以前性格沉默少言,但现在很外向。 18、 How do you adapt to this new environment? 你要怎样适应这种新环境呢?。 19、 The bench often does duty for a table. 这条长凳经常当桌子用。 20、 The doctor told me to cut out meat for my fat. 由于肥胖,大夫叫我停止吃肉 21、 He applied his eye to the microscope. 他把眼睛贴近显微镜。 22、 She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的。 23、 A servant is known by his master's absence.主人不在就可以看出仆人的品行来。 24、 You are a milk-livered fellow!你真是一个胆小的家伙! 25、 Thank you, my fellow colleagues. 谢谢,同事们。 26、 No joy without annoy. 没有无烦恼之快乐。 27、 I am really very annoyed about it. 我对此事真是很生气。 28、 I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨“别人”取笑我。 29、 I let go of all annoyance. 我放下所有烦恼。 30、 He has his faults, but all in all , he is a good guy. 他有缺点,但总的来说,他是不错的人。 单词拼读举例:Di sa bi li ty di sa bled syn drome in fan tile pa ra ly sis am bi tion am bi tious


Unit1 单词: German 德国的 blog 博客 grammar 语法 sound 声音 complete 完成 hobby 爱好 country 国家 age 年龄 dream 梦想 everyone 人人;所有人 Germany 德国 mountain 山;山脉 elder 年长的 friendly 有好的 engineer 工程师 world世界 Japan 日本 flat 公寓 yourself 你自己 US 美国 短语: ask somebody about 就……询问某人live……with 与……一起生活 close to (在空间上、时间上)接近 go to school 去上学 (be) good at 擅长 make friends with 与……交朋友 all over 遍及 ’d like to=would like to 愿意 (be) far from 远离 best wishes 最美好的祝愿 on the Internet 在互联网上 in my free time 在我的业余时间hear from somebody 收到某人的来信

Unit2 单词: daily 日常的 article 文章 never 从不 table tennis乒乓球 ride 骑;驾驶 usually 通常的 so 因此;所以 seldom 不常;很少 Geography 地理 break 休息 bell 钟;铃 ring (使)发出钟声;响起铃声 end 结束;终止 band 乐队 practice 练习 together 在一起 market 集市;市场 guitar 吉他 grade 年级 短语: once or twice a week 一周一两次 brush one’s teeth 刷牙 junior high school 初级中学 love/enjoy doing…喜欢做…… on foot 步行 morning break 早间休息 take part in 参加 have a good time=enjoy oneself 过得愉快 in the evening 在晚上 later in the afternoon 下午晚些时候 play the guitar 弹吉他 do morning exercises 做早操 go to bed 去睡觉 have breakfast/lunch 吃早餐/午餐 get up 起床 wash one’s face 洗脸 a piece of bread 一块面包 have dinner 吃晚饭 arrive at 到达 help somebody with something 帮助某人做某事


如何降低人力成本 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 一、理清人力成本观念 1.等级制“害人” 人与人之间是平等的,工作上的“总经理”、“总监”等称呼是由分工不同决定的,如果公司的等级制度很严重,人力成本就会很高,而且不利于鼓励员工积极性。例如,有些公司出差时,级别高的人员可以住五星级酒店,级别低的人员只能住招待所,这样做是不正确的。 2.不要得“帕金森病” 企业如果得了“帕金森病”,就会出现以下现象:人浮于事、机构臃肿;人际关系紧张,勾心斗角,尔虞我诈;员工盛行加班,但不是真的有工作,而是做给老板看;汇报工作的员工少,打小报告的员工多,员工工作效率低下。老板要认真观察企业是否存在这些现象,如果存在,则说明企业得了“帕金森病”,要认真对待。 3.鼓励专业的人做专业的事或爱好的事 企业应该鼓励专业的人做专业的事和爱好的事,专业的事和爱好的事重合是最好的现象,如果二者发生冲突,最好以爱好为导向。 4.鼓励“好马吃回头草” 有些员工离职一段时间后又回到了公司,公司应该鼓励这种现象。需要注意的是,“吃回头草”的一定要是“好马”,如果一个

员工是由于道德品质的原因离开,这样的员工就不是“好马”,企业不应该再次接收。 人力部门要对离职的员工进行科学管理,尤其是高管人员和中层以上的领导,要定期跟踪他们,一旦企业某个岗位有空缺,而曾经离职的管理者在其他企业又不如意,邀请他再次回到公司,也是一件很好的事情。从成本的角度来说,“好马吃回头草”是很划算的。 5.专业分工不要过细 企业分工不应过细,尤其是小企业,分工如果太细,一是不利于培养合格的员工,二是浪费成本。市场是无情的,自己企业成本高,竞争对手成本低,企业就走上了被淘汰的路。 6.节省人工成本不等于低工资 有些老板认为裁员和降薪是节省人力成本的主要方法,其实,这是节省人力成本最忌讳的两个方法。节省人工成本要实现双赢,就要注意以下几点: 缩短工作时间,提高工作效率 有些民营企业每星期工作六天,这样非常不利于降低成本。因为工作时间长不代表工作效率高,而且员工加班不代表敬业,企业反而要为员工的加班支付加班费。 计划管理 企业应该使所有事情都按计划进行,谨记“没有计划不做事,没有预算不花钱,没有目标不经营”。管理的第一职能就是计划,按照计划做事,才能实现双赢。 提高熟练程度,积累专业经验


Unit 1 Helping those in need 一、要点概括 1.短语 in need, voluntary work, ask peimission, suffer from, raise one’s spirits, in order to, continue to do, pay for, work as 2.句型 (1)There are many children without parents. (2)They have difficulty walking or moving. (3)I am thingking about doing some voluntary work. (4)I am going to do some voluntary work. (5)Since then, this project has helped millions of girls return to school. (6)I wish to help other girls the way the Spring Bud Project helped me. 二、疑难宝典 1. courage 勇气,勇敢 amazing courage 惊人的胆量cool courage 镇定勇气 He hurt his leg in an accident, but he has lots of courage. They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions. 2. illness (某种)病 bear illness 忍受疼痛cure illness 治愈疾病combat illness 与疾病斗争 He died at the age of 83 after a long illness. 3. in order to 目的在于,为了 In order to raise money for children in need, we are going to sell old books. She worked all summer in order to save enough money for a holiday. 4. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 She is unhappy and very lonely. 【区别】lonely&alone alone单独的(意为没有其他人陪伴);lonely孤独的(因为没有他人的陪伴而难受) 5. offer 主动提出[ + to do sth. ]表示愿意(做......) Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. He offered to get me a cab. 6. peace 宁静,平静(n.)peaceful adj. 宁静的 I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. After a busy day, all I want is peace and quiet. 7. raise 筹募,增加,提高 We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. They are raising money for charity. Please raise standards. 【区别】raise&rise raise意思是将某物抬举或举到较高的位置,或者增加数量、提高水平,后面必须跟宾语。 rise意思是增加或上升,后面不接宾语。 8. There be句型表示存在,意为“某地有某物”。Be动词应与紧跟其后的主语的单复数形式 保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is或was,主语是复数可数名词时用are 或were。 There is some bread on the plate. There are seven days in a week.


新版广州七年级(初一)英语上册单词表-2014年1月13日更新Module 1My LifeUnit1&Unit2 Unit1Making Friends German?德国的 Blog???博客 Grammar??语法 Sound??听起来、声音 Complete 完成 Hobby 爱好 Country国家、向下 Age???年龄 Dream??梦想,做梦 Everyone每个人 Germany 德国 Mountain 山脉 Elder ?年龄较大的,年长的 Friendly?友好的 Engineer 工程师 World?世界 Japan?日本 Flat??平房,平坦的 Yourself 你自己 US 美国 close to??靠近 goto school??去上学 be good at擅长 make friends with?和。。。交朋友 all over??遍及 ’d like to =would like to 想要 Unit2Daily Life Daily??每天的,日常的 Article文章 Never?从不 table tennis?乒乓球 Ride?骑 Usually?通常 So??所以 Seldom很少 Geography地理 Break??打破 Bell??铃 Ring??铃响

End???结束 Band ?乐队 Practice??练习 Together 一起 Market?市场 Guitar?吉它 Grade??年级 junior high school?初中 on foot??步行 takepart in??参加 have a good time 玩得开心 go to bed??上床睡觉 get up???起床 Module 2 The Natural WorldUnit3& Unit4Unit3The Earth Earth???地球 Quiz????测试 Pattern??模式 Protect ?保护 Report??报告 Part?部分 Land???陆地 Field?田野、田地 Large??大的 Provide 提供 Pollution污染 Burn???燃烧 Energy ?能量 Pollute??污染 Into ??进入 Ground ?地面 Kill ?杀死 Must?必须 Important ??重要的 Fact???事实 Kilometer??千米 Own?自己的 Catch???抓住 Few????很少 Away ?离开 Problem 问题 provide with ?提供。。。


关于公司节约成本的具 体方案 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

关于公司节约成本的具体方案 作为一个自主经营,自负盈亏的企业来讲,不光要潜心研究怎么挣钱如何创造效益,更要考虑如何节约成本,降低损耗。俗话说:“不省不成家”,企业就是一个大家庭,只有这个“大家”发展了,们各自的“小家”才会殷实,也就是印证了“大河有水小河满,大河无水小河干”的这句话。 最初我理解的公司节约,只考虑到了节约水电等能源方面的节约,缺忽视了还有其他很多方面。针对集团公司目前的状况,从三个方面着手精简公司成本。 一.集团公司的能源节约。主要为节电 电的使用主要集中在照明设备电灯、电脑饮水机、和空调三个方面 水的成本主要在饮用水上面。公司的饮用水分为两种,分别是饮水机上大桶升的桶装水和农夫4升桶装水。其中大桶装水升,每桶10元,农夫桶装水每桶4升,每桶7元。 尽量做到以下几方面: 1.白天上班时间除非室内采光不足,否则不开启室内照明灯。 2.人走关灯,人来开灯,外出办公超过半小时离开时需关闭电灯,电脑。否则一经 发现罚款10元 3.空调恒定开在26度,关机后须断电。对于下班没关电脑(包括显示器)的员工, 罚款10元,以示批评。 水的成本主要在饮用水上面。公司的饮用水分为两种,分别是饮水机上大桶18升的桶装水和农夫4升桶装水。其中大桶装水升,每桶10元,农夫桶装水每桶4升,每桶7元。

目前情况下,每周平均使用7桶大桶装水和40桶农夫纯净水。如果提高大桶纯净水的使用量而降低农夫桶装水,则是一笔可观的费用。 二.集团公司的办公费节约。 由财务部财务总监计算出当月办公费使用的大体金额,主要包括纸张、墨盒、一次性口杯、易损耗的其他办公用品。立足当月,参照前几月,做出下月的办公费预算,月底检查完成情况,如果超支了,则要找出超支的重点,从源头上控制浪费。 纸张双面打印提倡了很多年,但我发现很少时候能做到。我觉得问题的关键不是大家不知道双面打印节省纸张,而在于很少人能在打印的时候把用过的纸放进打印机里。没有人做这个动作,那打出来的东西就只能是单面的、一次性的。解决这个问题,可以出台规定,除了公司重要文件不允许直接使用白纸打印。另外将打印过的纸张放到打印机放的显眼地方,方便看到使用。(这个动作我已经做了)即使双面打印的纸张在不是完全看不清的情况下仍旧可以留下来当草稿纸。 在采购的时候同时采购相应的内件产品,中性笔、圆珠笔的笔芯,活页本的内页。都可以增加办公用品的使用寿命。 对于每月的办公成本实际支出低于预算的这部分钱可以拿出来发给员工作为奖金,谁节约谁受益,以便更好的调动员工积极性参与公司降低成本的活动,又可以培养员工好的工作习惯。或是将这部分钱定向用于公司年会奖品的购置。 三.损耗管理--降低损耗,修旧利废。库存是成本,减少不必要的库存对于有破损的大件办公用品,如桌椅,电脑、空调,在无法修理或修理成本太高的情况下,建议一次性处理,直接卖掉。毕竟库存也是成本,减少不必要的库存,其实就是节省了仓库空间,减少库管的工作量。


2018 年广州版英语八年级下册 Unit 2 期末复习资料 Unit 2 Body language 跟踪练习 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Y ou had better practise (exercise) every day. 2. J im does his homework as (care) as his brother. He never makes mistakes. 3. W hat about 4. T hey answered the questions (have) a picnic? (different). 5. T hey learn English by (sing) English songs. 单项选择 1. You don’t give people a good , so people choose Debbie instead of you. A. impression B. instruction C. impressive D. instruct 2. Disney is famous for its cartoon characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White. A. for example B. such as C. as D. likes 3. The film me of my father. I miss him very much. A. promises B. reminds C. makes D. returns 4. Yesterday I an invitation from Tom but I didn’t it. A. received; receive B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; accept 5. I’m with the homework, Mom. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. to bore 6. --- In this example, is not important. --- Yes. We shouldn’t judge a person his or her look. A. appearance; by B. appearance; for C. expresion; by D. expresion; for 7 W hat time will you arrive China? ---- I don’t know. Maybe five hours . A. at; later B. in; later C. at; late D. in; late 8 W hat’s the with you? --- I didn’t know the of this sentence. A. wrong; communication B. matter; communication C. wrong; meaning D. matter; meaning III .Grammar (动名词的用法) 基本用法: 1.作主语 (谓语用三单) Swimming in the sea is her favourite sport. 2.作宾语(动词及介词的宾语) I practise speaking English every day. Debbie is good at communicating with people. 3.作表语(表示主语是什么,可主表互换) My biggest hobby is collecting stamps. 4.作定语(说明所修饰事物的用途) There is a swimming pool nearby.


腾飞教育 初一英语上讲义 第一讲Unit1 Making friends Name: Mark: 一、课文单词与短语 German adj. 德国的 blog n. 博客 grammar n. 语法 sound n. 声音 complete v. 完成 hobby n. 爱好 country n. 国家 age n. 年龄 dream n. 梦想 everyone pron. 人人,所有人 Germany adj. 德国 mountain n. 山;山脉 elder adj. 年长的 friendly adj. 友好的 engineer n. 工程师 world n. 世界 Japan n. 日本 flat n. 公寓 yourself pron. 你自己. US 美国 close to (在空间,时间上)接近 go to school 去上学 (be) good at 擅长 make friends with 与…….交朋友 all over 遍及‘d like to =would like to 愿意 二、课文内容精析 1. Welcome to my blog. welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地 2. I’m from Germany. 我来自德国。be from= come from 来自 Germany 德国 German adj. 德国的 n.德语;德国人(two Germans) German cars are very good. She was born in Germany. The Germans speak English very well. 3. I’m 11 years old. 我十一岁。 问句:What is his age = How old is he 他多大了 1) at the age of= when sb. was … years old 在……岁的时候 He could swim at the age of six. = He could swim when he was six years old 2)the same age of = as old as 和……一样大 She is the same age of Kate. = She is as old as Kate. (注意:the same height as = as tall as 和……一样高; the same length as = as long as 和……


广州版初中英语八年级下册期末复习 Unit 1 Helping those in need I. Key words 1. 区分raise / rise 2. 区分offer/provide 3. 区分lonely/ alone II. Key phrases 1.give sb a hand = help sb 2.offer to do 主动提供做某事 3.suffer from sth. 受…之苦,受….折磨 4. a girl called Cindy = a girl named Cindy 5.help sb do sth/ help sb with sth 6.have difficulty in doing sth 7.raise one’s spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气= cheer sb up 8.something dangerous 危险的事 9.would like to do 10.because of/ because 跟踪练习: 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. In order ________________(learn) Japanese, he went to Japan. 2. Daming has great difficulty ________________(speak) English. 3. Do you know the girl _______________(call) Alice? 4. Shenzhen has a population of over ten ________________( million ) 5. ______________(help) others makes me happy. 单项选择 1. May I have a rest ? I have already finished ________the report. A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 2. --I feel a bit hungry now. -- Why not ________for dinner with us? A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go 3. He asked her ________the bag because it was too expensive . A. not to buy B. to buy not C. not buying D. not buy 4. Although you may meet with some difficulties, you should never ________. A. turn up B. get up C. give up D. grow up 5.--- Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday? --- ________. I’ll be free then. A. Sorry, I can’t B. Not at all C. Thank you D. Sure, I’d love to 6. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

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