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snow white剧本

Snow White


Queen 右上(唱抒情歌曲上场)

Queen: Mirror, Mirror, who’s the best singer?


Mirror: That’s Snow White, my Queen. 王后,白雪公主是这个世界上最棒的歌手。Queen: You stupid mirror! (roaring) 你这个蠢镜子。(皇后咆哮,用纸杯砸向镜子) Storyteller: The queen is very angry. (旁白)王后非常生气(转过身)

Queen: Ted, Ted, come here! 泰德,泰德,过来!

Ted 右上,

Ted: Yes, my Queen. 是的,我的王后。

Queen: Ted, kill Snow white and bring me her heart. 泰德,去杀了白雪公主,还要把她的心给我带来!

Ted: Yes, my queen.


Ted 右下

Storyteller: Ted doesn’t want to kill snow white, so he decides to send snow white away. 旁白:泰德不想白雪公主死,他决定把白雪公主送走。

(汽车发动声),Ted拿起汽车,Snow white坐上汽车,

Ted: let’s go, Snow white. 白雪公主,我们走吧!


Snow White: Where are we going, Ted? 泰德,我们这是去哪儿啊?

Ted: To the airport, Snow white. You must go away. 去机场,白雪公主,你必须得离开这里。

汽车开到舞台左侧,换飞机缓慢飞到舞台右侧。(屠夫帮忙换飞机,飞机起飞声)Storyteller: Ted is sad. (旁白)泰德很伤心。(飞机飞走时说旁白)

Ted: Bye-bye, Snow white. 再见,白雪公主。



Storyteller: Ted comes to the market to buy a shee p’s heart (旁白) 为了给皇后一个交代,泰德来到市场买羊心。


Ted: A sheep’s heart, please.您好,我要买给一颗羊心。

Butcher: Here you are. Two pounds, please. 给你,两磅,谢谢。

Ted: thank you. 谢谢

Butcher: You are welcome. 不客气。




Ted: Here’s Snow white’s heart.王后,这就是白雪公主的心。

Queen: Thank you, Ted. 泰德,谢谢你。(laughing)(开心的大笑) Storyteller: (旁白)The queen is very happy. 王后很开心。

Storyteller: (旁白)Snow white is in New York. She’s sad.白雪公主此时正在纽约,她非常伤心。

Snow White(singing):(叹气后唱歌走到舞台中间坐下)I’m alone, I’m alone in the city. I have no friends. I’m very sad. (坐下)I have no f riends. I’m very sad. (唱歌)我好孤单,我在这个城市好孤单。我在这儿没有朋友,好伤心。我在这儿没有朋友,好伤心。First young man: What’s your name?

Snow white: My name is Snow White.

Four young men: We love your song. Let’s be good friends! 我们喜欢你的歌,让我们做好朋友吧!

Snow White: Ok, Thank you. 好,谢谢你们。

Snow white 在前面唱,大家拿着乐器在后面伴奏

Snow White: (singing): (唱歌)I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends. (唱歌)谢谢你,在这个城市我不再感觉孤单了。我感觉很幸福,很开心。我有朋友啦!


third young man: Snow white, you’re the best singer in the world.白雪公主,你是这个世界上最棒的歌手。



(TV Host)电视主持人:She is snow white, she is the best singer in the world她就是白雪公主,是这个世界上最棒的歌手。

Storyteller: Soon Snow white is a big star. Millions see her on TV. The queen sees her too (旁白): 不久,白雪公主红了,成了一个大明星。成百上千万人在电视上都能看到她的身影。皇后在电视上也看到了她。

Queen: It’s Snow White! She’s in New York!那不是白雪公主吗!原来她在纽约! Storyteller: The queen is very, very angry. (旁白)王后非常非常生气。Queen: Ted, ted, come here!

Ted: Yes, my queen

Queen: get me the chocolate and poison!


Ted: Here you are, my queen

Queen: Thank you, Ted

Ted 右下

Queen: (make poison chocolate, laughing) (把巧克力里注射毒药后大笑)


Storyteller: The next day, the queen flies to New York. (旁白)王后非常非常的生气。第二天王后就飞往了纽约。


Ted右上,Second young man 左上,上桌子和电话

(telephone rings)(电话铃声)

Second young man: Hello, who is speaking?

Ted: it’s Ted speaking. I’m scared. The queen is in New York. You must help Snow white.


Second young man: Ok. 好的!

Ted 右下,Second young man 左下


Queen左上,snow white 和狗右上

Queen: Hello, Snow white. I’m so happy to see you again.你好啊,白雪公主,真高兴又见到你了。

Snow white: Hello, stepmother. 你好,继母

Queen: Here you are your favorite chocolates, Snow white. 白雪公主,我给你带了你最喜欢的巧克力。

Snow white: Thank you, Stepmother. 继母,谢谢你。

Queen: Have one. 来,吃一颗吧!

Snow white: Thank you. 谢谢

(dog’s roaring)(狗叫)

Storyteller: The queen is scared. (旁白)王后很害怕。

Queen: Stupid dog! Go away! 你这只蠢狗!走开!


Four young men: Stop, Snow White! Don’t eat the chocolate! 白雪公主,不要吃那个巧克力!


Policeman: Come with us. 跟我们走吧,你被捕了!。



(白雪公主):I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.

I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.



(年轻人和公主):We laugh and shout, we run around and hop 我们大笑大叫,我们跑啊跳啊。

We sing and dance, we never never stop 我们唱歌跳舞,永远永远不停歇。所有演员从两边上,一起唱歌

(大家):I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.

I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.所有人一起拉圈边唱边跳

(大家):We laugh and shout, we run around and hop

We sing and dance, we never never stop

I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.

I’m not alone, not alone in the city. I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.

I’m so happy, so happy I’ve got friends.

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