当前位置:文档之家› 2010年_大连_航海英语_甲类三副_机考回忆题


[2196]______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.

A. To consider

B. To check

C. To examine

D. To agree with


[243]The phrase when built in the certificate of vessel’s nationality definitely means ______.

A. When was your vessel built?

B. At what times is your vessel building?

C. When is your vessel built?

D. At when time you built your vessel.

KEY:A在船舶的国籍证书中短语when built明确的意义是你船于何时建造

【00】Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication?

A. List of Lights

B. Coast Pilot

C. Sailing Directions

D. List of Radiobeacons

KEY: A国外无线电信标的运转时间和特性的信息在哪一个出版物里能够被找到?航标表

[2032]An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n) ______.

A. articulated anchor

B. Flipper Delta anchor

C. Baldt anchor

D. Danforth anchor

KEY:D .现代锚中丹福斯锚是有杆锚。

[1850]A band or collar on the top end of a boom to which the topping lift,midships guy,and outboard guys are secured,is called the ______.

A. collar band

B. guy band

C. pad eye collar

D. spider band

KEY:D .一个结在吊杆顶端的末端,千斤索、中稳索、边稳索系固处,被叫做蜘蛛结

[1231]A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a ______. A.sailing chart B.general chart C.coast chart D.harbor chart


[1345].Charted depth is the ______.

A. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide

B. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom

C. average height of water over a specified period of time

D. average height of all low waters at a place

KEY: B海图标注水深是自海图图深基准面到海底的垂直距离。

[249]The word ―breadth of a vessel‖ in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.

A. The molded breadth.

B. The registered breadth.

C. The breadth amidships.

D. The maximum breadth.


[1112]A stopper used in securing the ground tackle for sea that consists of a grab attached to a turnbuckle is a ______.

A. riding pawl

B. buckler

C. devil’s claw

D. locking ring KEY:C 制动器用牢固的锚泊索具,由抓斗依附到螺丝扣组成叫锚链掣[1285]The safety stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat is the ______.

A. riding pawl

B. devil's claw

C. buckler plate

D. spill pipe

KEY:A安全的阻链器放在锚链滑出链轮,如果锚链滑出了链轮的是制链器。[1298]While you are on watch entering port, the Master gives the helmsman a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot. You should make sure the helmsman ______.

A. obeys the Pilot

B. obeys the Master

C. asks you for instructions

D. brings the rudder to a point midway between the two conflicting positions


[2171]A stage should only be rigged ______.

A. over the bow or stern of a vessel

B. over the flat sides of a vessel

C. over the open water

D. over the dockside


[187]A strong back refers to a _________.

A. Bar securing a cargo port

B. Centerline vertical bulkhead

C. Deep beam

D. Spanner stay


[2072]A tank which is NOT completely full or empty is called ______.

A. pressed

B. slack

C. inertial

D. elemental


[13]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.

A. Biodegradation

B. Dissolution

C. Cleaning up by crew with skimmers

D. Oxidation including photooxidation

KEY: C船员用浮油刮集船清扫不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。[14]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.

A. Emulsification

B. Sedimentation / Sinking

C. Oxidation including photooxidation

D. Burning organized by RCC

KEY: D由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。

[15]______ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.


B. Dispersion

C. Emulsification

D. Drifting

KEY: D漂流不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。

[4464]The best way to lift many small articles aboard your vessel is with a


A. pallet –托垫

B. barrel hook 钩子

C. spreader—扩张器

D. snotter---单套绳

KEY: A 吊载大量小艺术品到船上的最好方法为用托垫

[286]According to the navigation rules, all of the following are engaged in fishing except a vessel ______.

A. Setting nets.

B. Trawling.

C. Using a dredging net.

D. Trolling.

KEY:D 根据航行规则,所有以下除曳钓渔船外都是捕鱼船。

9099.In order to discharge a CO2 portable fire extinguisher, the operator must FIRST ______.

A. invert the CO2 extinguisher

B. squeeze the two trigger handles together

C. remove the locking pin

D. open the discharge valve

Key;C. 为了施放便携式CO2灭火器,操作者必须首先拔除锁定销。



1Vessel’s provisions refer to ______ of the vessel.

A. Fuel oil.

B. Vegetable and food.

C. Spare parts on board.

D. Ballast water.


2.______ will be paid by ship-owners after tallyman doing the tally work.

A. Cargo-handling expenses.

B. Tally money.

C. Cargo-tallying dues.

D. Tally fees. KEY: D

3.The Greek ship drifted and struck the portside of a Chinese ship,which ______ the bulwalk and Stanchions.

A. caused damage to

B. had collision with

C. was damaging

D. was causing damage to

KEY: A希腊船漂流并撞击中国船左舷,导致舷墙和支柱损坏。

4.The word ―breadth of a vessel‖ in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.

A. The molded breadth.

B. The registered breadth.

C. The breadth amidships.

D. The maximum breadth.


5.Which of the following is defined as static information?

A. Navigational status

B. Safety related message


D. Route plan





选择engage pilot duty就可以了

7,when you are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is in line above the lower light ,you should _____

A continue on the present course

B come left

C come right

D wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line


8,A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed. You should


A. lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised

B. administer a liquid stimulant

C. lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet

D. attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness

KEY: A 脸红了,所以头稍微高点

9 The engine in a covered lifeboat is fueled with ______.

A. kerosene

B. unleaded gasoline

C. diesel oil

D. liquefied gas



A. Entrance buoy

B. New buoy

C. Port buoy

D. Cardinal buoy


[11] You are making ship-to-shore telephone calls on VHF. You should use the ______.

A. VHF-FM service

B. coastal harbor service

C. high seas service

D. emergency broadcast service


12 When the transmissions of a radio station or a Decca chain, etc., have broken down, switch off or suspended, it is ______.

A. Unfunctional.

B. Break down.

C. Off power.

D. Off air.

D当无线电台发射或台卡链已经故障,关机或暂停,这叫Off air。

13 You are using VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) or 2182 KHz. You need help but are not in danger. You should use the urgent signal ______.






14 In reference to accidental oil pollution,the most critical time during bunkering is when ______.

A. you first start to receive fuel

B. hoses are being blown down

C. final topping off is occurring

D. hoses are being disconnected

KEY: C关于油污染事故,最危险的时间是在添加燃油进行最后平舱作业时。

15 A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a


A. longitude line

B. latitude line

C. isogonic lines

D. line of position KEY: D在给定时刻你船所有可能船位的连线是位置线。

。16 The region of high pressure extending around the Earth at about 35°N latitude is called the_____

A. prevailing westerlies 盛行西风带(南半球)

B. horse latitudes无风带

C. troposphere对流层

D. doldrums 赤道无风带Key;B.高压地区扩展环绕地球的北纬35度,被叫做无风带

。17 Currents are ______ in rate and direction.

A. vary

B. variable

C. variably

D. variability KEY: B 水流在速度和方向上是一个--变量

。18 Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) ______.

A. high pressure system

B. cold front

C. warm front

D. occluded front


。19 Once you have established the daily ration of drinking water in a survival situation,how should you drink it?

A. Small sips at regular intervals during the day

B. The complete daily ration at one time during the day

C. One-third the daily ration three times daily

D. Small sips only after sunset

KEY: C 一旦你被确定每天限量引用水在一个生存情况,你应该怎么喝?每天三分之一,限制每天三次

20.When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found?

A. Light List

B. Notice to Mariners

C. On the chart

D. Coast Pilot


21 When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _____

A. on the downwind side 在下风侧

B. on the upwind side 在上风侧

C. inside the boat 在小船里面

D. at the stern 在尾侧


23 What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?

A.Sea bottom

B.Ship's speed

C.Speed of current

D.Water temperature and density


24 Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______.

A. very soft mud

B. rocky

C. a mixture of mud and clay

D. loose sand


25 One of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam______.

A. cannot be made with salt water

B. is heavier than oil and sinks below its surface

C. is corrosive and a hazard to fire fighters

D. conducts electricity


26 What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to last?

A .10 minutes B.20 minutes C.30 minutes D.90 minutes

KEY:C 自己式呼吸器的时间是最少30分钟

27 GMDSS saafee 是安全的意思

28 When steering by autopilot, how often should ...... steering be checked?

A.every day

B. when time allows

C. At least once a watch

D. No checking is necessary


29. Who must be familiar with the Masterlist and Emergency Instructions onboard?

A. The captain only

B. The officers only

C. All crew members and other personnel onboard

D. Passengers only


30. To ―EASE‖ A LINE means to ___

A.cast off

B. double up so that one line does not take all the strain

C.pay out line to remove most of the tension

D.slack it off quickly


31. The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a ______.

A. cargo fill

B. line drop

C. transfer

D. branch line


[2235]A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel


A.not under command

B.engaged on pilotage duty

C.restricted in her ability to maneuver

D.engaged in fishing

KEY: B油品货物从总管到甲板下管道的路线的管道系统称为落差管路



Maritime Meteology

Perhaps nowadays ships are not delayed for weeks waiting for a favourable wind to get out of the English Channel, or forced to lie up while the winter gales abate, or are unable to beat off a lee shore, but weather still matters a great deal to the modern mariner.

Certainly, weather is less of a surprise, and the mariner not quite so dependent upon his barometer or those natural signs like a halo(光晕) round the moon, or high cirrus giving those tell-tale signs of the onset of bad weather. But "heavy weather" is still responsible for some 30% of ship losses and its avoidance is still an important part of the seafarer's science.

The precision of modern shipping depends to a large extent on a good understanding of the weather that is to be encountered on a voyage, minimising the time spend ploughing into head winds and seas that slow down even the most powerful ships and increase fuel consumption. The strategic avoidance of bad weather depends on a good understanding of meteorology, and of course, the accuracy of the weather forecasts.

Meteorological services also offer recommended routes to ships, which can be tailored to the circumstances of the voyage, amending these as the voyage and the weather progresses. The modern mariner, unlike his predecessors, will no longer be on his own as regards the weather but he still has to understand it, appreciate what weather can do, and keep a seamanlike and "weather eye" open.

reading comprehension

deck exam reading comprehension deck question

Deck Examination Questions reading comprehension








人们依靠气象学躲过坏天气。rough weather

所以要good understanding气象学才能增加航海技术,同时节约航行时间。



not only……but also……不仅仅前者是,后者也是。


A.neither 要good understanding气象学才能增加航海技术nor同时节约航行时间。

B.not only要good understanding气象学才能增加航海技术but also同时节约航行时间。







[060] A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.配备有双螺旋桨的船比单螺旋桨的船更易于

A. turning maneuver

B. course setting

C. position fixing

D. regulating speed


[092]No assumptions______ on the basis of scanty information,especially scanty radar information.没有假设在以不充分的信息,特别是不充分的


A. should not be made

B. are not to be taken

C. should be taken

D. shall be made.


[187] The word ―breadth of a vessel‖ in International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972 means ______.在1972年国际海上避碰规则中的“船宽”


A. The molded breadth.

B. The registered breadth.

C. The breadth amidships.

D. The maximum breadth.


[814]An overtaken vessel means a vessel________.

A.which has been overtaken by another vessel

B.which is going to overtake another vessel

C.which has overtaken another vessel

D.which is going to be overtaken by another vessel


Overtaking vessel ------ 追越船

Overtaken vessel ------ 已被追越的船

Vessel being overtaken ------ 正在被追越的船

[335] Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______.安全航速定义为能够使你采取适当而有效的避免碰撞行动的速度

A. you can stop within your visibility range

B. the vessel is not subject to vibrations

C. you are traveling slower than surrounding vessels

D. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision


144.If the officer of the watch must leave the voyage plan, he should _____?

A. Make a note in the logbook

B. Inform the mater

C. No special action necessary

D. Check the new plan


114. According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation?

A. 20

B. 30

D. 60


105. What is the purpose of the radar reflector?

A. Making objects less visible

B. Making echoes weaker on the radar

C. Making large echoes smailer

D. Making small objects better visible


89. What is the meaning of the word ―ROGER‖ when use d in radio communication?

A. Please repeat your message

B. Not readable

C. Correct

D. I have received your transmission satisfactorily


73. Who is responsible for the development of the ship security plan?

A. The company security officer

B. The classification society

C. The port facility security officer

D. The ship security officer


[47]Which one of the followings is not a right way to behave during mooring unmooring


A.Stay close to the towline at all time

B.Beware the bights

C.When operating the winch/windlass,ensure that yourself understand the controls

D.When the tug is being secured or let go, monitor the operation closely



[15]Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass?

A.The magentic compass is compulsory on my vessel

B.The magentic compass is prone to error

C.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructions

D.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion


[8]Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility

A.ship shell

B.exterior of winches

C.hydrostatic release unit


[22]______ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000GMT.

A. Developed low

B. Developing low

C. Being developed low

D. Low to be developed

KEY: B发展中低压正在向东快速移动,预计在160000GMT在Cape Farewell


[29] ______ will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work

A. Cargo-handling expenses

B. Tally money

C. Cargo-tallying dues

D. Tally fees

KEY: D理货工人在理货完成后,船东将付给他们费用。

[770] For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be __


B. consulted

C. concluded

D. Commanded

KEY: B对于这些和另外的灯标的详细资料,大比例尺海图和英版灯标表应被参


297] A spring line leads ______.

A. fore and aft from the ship’s side

B. to the dock at a right angle to

the vessel

C. through the bull nose or chock at the bow

D. through the chock at the stern

KEY: A倒缆在船一侧首尾向。

[405] Addition of weight above the center of gravity of a vessel will ALWAYS


A. reduce initial stability

B. increase righting moments

C. increase GM

D. cannot be determined

KEY: A在船舶重心上增加重量将总是减少初稳性高度。

[16]______is not contained in the NM Weekly.

A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions

B. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

C. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

D. Supplement to Guide to Port Entry

KEY: D进港指南的附篇不包括在周版航海通告里。

[650] Compass error is equal to the ______.

A. deviation minus variation

B. variation plus compass course

C. combined variation and deviation

D. difference between true and magnetic heading

KEY: C罗经差等于磁差和自差的结合。

[657]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean______.A.lower low water B.high water

C.low water D.sea level

KEY: D这海图的正面等高线指的是英寸表示的平均海面以上的高度。[697]During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther


A.west in west longitude and east in east longitude

B.east in west longitude and west in east longitude



KEY: D在现实下至时令期间,用于测定时间的子午线位于更东一些。[703] During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel ___ heavy damages to the deck fittings.


B. sustained

C. pertained

D. Contained KEY: B在我船从大连到新加坡航行期间,我船甲板设备遭受严重损坏。[724] Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed

where ______.

A. you can stop within your visibility range

B. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collision

C. you are traveling slower than surrounding vessels

D. no wake comes from your vessel

KEY: B每一艘船在任何时候都必须使用安全航速。安全航速定义为能够让


[893] If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will ______.

A. move to port

B. move to starboard

C. move directly down

D. stay in the same position

KEY: A假如船舶左倾,浮心将移到左边。

[898] If Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies to your vessel, you will not be able to discharge ____


B. metal

C. glass

D. Paper

KEY: A假如MARPOL 73/78公约附录五适用于你船,你将不能够将塑料制品排入大海中的任何地方。

[1117] Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ___

A. ballast

B. reserve buoyancy

C. displacement

D. rolling periods

KEY: B保持吃水在或在载重线以下将确保船舶具有适当的保留浮力。[1136] Lighter longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side plating are called ______.

A.stringers B. side frames C. side stiffeners D. Intercostals

KEY: A驳船在船壳板上的纵向加强肋骨叫做纵梁。

[1169] Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______. Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

A. complete and often very poor surveys

B. correct and often very good surveys

C. inadequate and often very old surveys

D. adequate and present surveys

KEY: C海图上许多测深数据源于不充分并且很早以前的测量,不应过于信任这些数据。

[1231] Of the following, which one is not a term of Marine Weather Bulletin?______.

A. Complex low

B. Depression

C. High pressure

D. Ambient pressure

KEY: D对于下列,哪个不是海上气象公告术语?环境压力

[1391] Stress on the topping lift of a swinging boom can be reduced by ______.

A. rigging a back stay

B. raising the boom

C. increasing the mechanical advantage of the cargo purchase

D. taking all slack out of the preventer

KEY: B回转式吊杆减小千斤索的拉力可通过升起吊臂。

[1402] The ―rudder adjustment‖control on an autopilot steering stand is used to ______.

A. align the rudder angle indicator with the true rudder angle

B. set the number of degrees of rudder per degree of course error

C. set the departure from base course before actuating the rudder

D. set the rate at which the rudder responds

KEY: B自动舵上“舵角调节”控制代表被用作设置每一度航向误差的数字。[1428] The appearance of nimbostratus clouds in the immediate vicinity of a ship at sea would be accompanied by which of the following conditions?______.

A. Rain and poor visibility

B. Dropping barometric pressure and backing wind in the Northern Hemisphere

C. High winds and rising sea

D. Severe thunderstorms

KEY: A在海上雨层云出现在船舶附近可能伴随下列哪种情况?雨和不良的能见度。

[1469] The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ______.

A. keeping a close watch and lookout

B. taking a radar range and bearing

C. observing a radar target and listening to signals

D. keeping a well clear caution

KEY: B获得船位的普通方法是取得(物标的)雷达的距离和方位。

[1472] The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______.

A. deviation

B. annual rate of variation change

C. precession

D. compass error

KEY: B海图上的罗经花显示磁差和每年磁差的该变量。

[1491] The Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon on a cargo vessel must be stowed ______

A. in an inside passageway

B. in an approved bracket

C. so that it is accessible from the bridge of the vessel

D. so that it will float free if the vessel sinks

KEY: D应急示位标在货船上必须放在当船舶下沉时能自由浮起。[1573] The main advantage of a Chinese stopper over the one line stopper is that it ______.

A. will not jam on the mooring line

B. is stronger

C. is easier to use when under heavy tension

D. is safer to use when under heavy tension

KEY: A Chinese stopper的主要优势是不挤压系船缆。

[1577]The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______.

A.local agent B.watchman C.docker D.Foreman

KEY: D指导和监督码头工人工作的人是工头。

[1605] The most effective way to apply a foam stream if the fire is on deck or is a runing fire, is to

direct the stream ______.

A. onto the surface of the burning liquid

B. ahead of the burning liquid and bounce it on the fire

C. at the base of the burning liquid in a sweeping motion

D. just above the surface of the burning liquid

KEY: B最有效的泡沫流应用在甲板上的火或者流动火,是直接放到液体前


[1610] The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be


A. in the pumproom

B. at the vent header

C. at the main deck manifold

D. the midships house

KEY: A油船上的火灾最有可能发生在泵舱

[1618] The navigational term Set of current means ______.

A. velocity of current in knots

B. direction from which the current flows

C. estimated current

D. direction toward which the current flows

KEY: D航海中术语流向的意思是流水流去的方向。

[1674] The radar control that shortens all echoes on the display and reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the ______.

A. sensitivity time control (sea clutter control)

B. receiver gain control

C. brilliance control

D. fast time constant (differentiator)

KEY: D在雷达控制上显示和减少由雨雪引起的杂乱回波的是微分器(雨雪


[2013] What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment ?______

A. ITU Publications

B. The manufacturers instruction manuals

C. Part 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations

D. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 80, Subpart W

KEY: B对于适当的操作和设定船舶的设备GMDSS操作员应该参考什么出



[2064] When discharging an oil cargo, the first consideration is to ______.

A. get the bow up

B. discharge from the wings first

C. discharge from the centerline tanks first

D. discharge from amidships first

KEY: A当卸载在油货时应该考虑什么?抬起船首

[2131]When there is not a chief officer on board,______should keep and write up the ship's logbook.

A.the assistant officer B.the captain

C.the officer on duty D.the third officer

KEY: B当大副不在船上时,谁应该保存并填写航海日志?船长

[2221] Which item must be entered in the official log?______

A. All engine orders

B. Drafts upon leaving port

C. Names of night mates and engineers

D. Number of cargo gangs on board

KEY: B哪项必须记录在船舶志中?离港时的吃水。


[2222] Which knot should be used to send a man over the side when he may have to use both hands?

A. Bowline

B. French bowline

C. Bowline on a bight

D. Running bowline

KEY: B哪个结被用于将人送出舷外当他需要使用双手操作时?法兰西结。[ 2428 ] You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by name and show her ________.

A. home port

B. next port-of-call

C. official number

D. Master

KEY: C你船正向另一艘船排放垃圾,你的记录薄上应该记录船名和什么?官方编号。

[ 2561 ] Your vessel has lifeboats on both sides. Lifeboat No. 2 is located ________.

A. forward of lifeboat No. 4 on the starboard side

B. forward of lifeboat No. 4 on the port side

C. aft of lifeboat No. 1 on the starboard side

D. All of the above

KEY: B你船两舷都有救生艇,2号救生艇放在那里?左舷4号的前面。

2561答案考试时改为forward of lifeboat on the port side,不影响正常选择

10[353]All events relating to the voyage,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.


A. Logbook

B. Bell Book

C. Oil Record Book

D. Compass Error Book


461993 The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the__.(老题库)

A. Local agent.

B. Watchman.

C. Docker.

D. Foreman.



57[5295]The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the


A. shape of the anchor

B. stowage of the anchor on board

C. anchor's ability to dig in

D. size of the vessel and its draft


64. With respect to automatic identification systems(AIS) which of the following information is broadcast every one to ten seconds?

A.Vessel’s draft

B.Air Draft

C.Navigational status

D.Dimensions of vessel


73. [4403]A bollard is found on the ______.

A. beach

B. deck

C. pier 码头

D. towed vessel


41.What is the main purpose of dunnage?

A. To act as ballast for light vessels

B. To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo

C. To secure the tarpaulins in place

D. To support weakened bulkheads


2. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be __

A. considered

B. consulted

C. concluded

D. commanded B

3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______.

A. circle of equal altitude

B. parallel of declination

C. parallel of altitude

D. vertical circle


28.A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.

A. She is at anchor.

B. She is made fast to shore

C. She is aground.

D. Her anchor ceases to hold.




选择:Muster list is posted up in the crew’s quarters and other conspicuous places 2010年8月27日



What type of liquid is used in the liquid P/V breaker?

a. Hydraulic oil

b. Water-antifreeze mixture

c. Distilled water

d. Oil from the cargo




Fog forms when the air __________.

a. is 50% water saturated

b. is 90% water saturated

c. temperature is greater than the dew point temperature

d. temperature is equal to, or below the dew point temperature d



When the bypass valve of a self-contained breathing device is opened, the air flows __________.

a. directly to the facepiece

b. directly to the air supply bottle

c. through the regulator

d. from the bottle into the atmosphere



[2387]If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ______.

A.every week

B.a day

C.every trip

D.a watch or once a trip,whichever is shorter



A long pole with a hook at one end, used to reach for lines, is known as a __________.

a. pike pole

b. jack staff

c. line rod

d. hooker




Which statement about pneumatic chipping tools is TRUE?

a. The operator must wear safety goggles or glasses.

b. The equipment must be grounded to prevent shock hazard.

c. The chipping mechanism is made of a non-sparking material that

is safe to use near explosive atmospheres.

d. The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced

when they have been blunted more than 1/2 of their diameter.




With respect to automatic identification systems (AIS), which information is required to be broadcast every 1 to 10 seconds?

a. Call sign and IMO number

b. Course over ground and MMSI

c. MMSI number and call sign

d. Route Plan and navigational status




A seaman has a small, gaping laceration of the arm that is not bleeding excessively. What can be done as an alternative to suturing to close the wound?

a. Wrap a tight bandage around the wound.

b. Apply a compression bandage.

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