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1. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure aboutradiation damage –--a person may fe el perfectly well, but thecells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will notbe discov ered until the birth of deformed (畸形) children oreven grandchildren.


2. In the end , only 7 out of 19 regular Cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all for trails. The diet-Cola drinkers did a little worse – only 7 of 27 identified all four sample correctly.最后,只有7/19的传统可乐爱好者正确地辨别出了他们的品牌,而低糖可乐爱好者水平更差—只有7/27的人辩出了四种混合的品牌。

3. Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food.


4. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental.


5. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and theenv ironment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the orgainism andvice versa


6. In the case of man, the difficulties with the environmentconcept are even more complicated be cause we have to dealwith man as an animal and with man as a bearer(持有者) ofculture.


7. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces that are acting onth

e organism, we find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants, and such likefactors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmentalinflue nces that we can only class as “cultural”, which modify the physical and biological factors.


8. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessity of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment.


9. Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years, they assume the newgenerati on of young people must be hopeless in this respect.


10 Since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not perceived as agener ation phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar to today's young people, itnatrually follows that today's English teachers cannot be doing their jobs.


1. With socialists demanding an end to‘wage slavery’anarchistssinging the praises of the virtues o

f dynamite, middle-of-the-roaders like Samuel Gompers and McGuire.


2. The quick adoption of the scheme may have indicated less about the state lawmaker’s respectf or working people than about a fear of risking their anger.


3. In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perhaps thefir st generation of American youngsters who have never been close by during the birth of a babyan d have never experienced the death of a family member.


4. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able toco pe with the approach of death and finally to reach a true stage of acceptance prior to death.


5. The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change through life.


6. This means that we fit out actions to those of other peoplebased on a constant mental process of appraisal andinterpretation.


7. I would keep putting my dream to the test-even though itmeant living with uncertainty and fea r of failure.


8. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spokenwords …”


9. This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made to them by other people.”


10. Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash,aff ect motivation and creativity.


1. But it’s easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poorperformance or creating too much antici pation for rewards.


2. The fridge’s effect upon the environment has been evident,while its contribution to human hap piness has beeninsignificant.


3. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right software or byalte ring the architecture but that too will happen.


4. As the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and as their cost declinesthroug

h economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers.


5. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technolog

yit will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands ormill ions of people, will be within our power.


6. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, andinsert rubber and steel between the building and its foundationto reduce the impact of ground vibrations.


7. If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach,their children may grow confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to thinkfor themselves, and realize they ha ve been to some extent fooled.


8. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awarene ssas you modify and apply the techniques of reading.


9. “In Japan, a most competitive society with stronger discipline than ours.” Says Isaac Stern. “children are ready to test their limits every day in many fields, including music.”

“在日本,是一个比我们更有纪律性和竞争性的社会。”Isaac Stern说。“孩子们每天都准备在各个领域内冲刺极限,包括音乐。”

10. What does the phrase ‘learning to use a computer’ mean? It sounds like ‘learning to drive aca r’; that is , it sounds as if there is some set of definite skills that, once acquired, enable one touse a computer.


1. The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched roofcottages around a church; a drive thro ugh a narrow villagestreet lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white; thesight over the r olling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farmbuildings——these are still common sights in par ts of England.


2. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values suc has individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.


3. The function of teaching is to cerate the conations and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read.


4. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.


5. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones.


6. And although some airlines prohibit passengers from usingsuch equipment during take-off and

landing, most are reluctantto enforce a total ban, given that many passengers want towork durin g flights.


7. The rise of multinational corporations, global marketing, new communications technologies,an

d shrinking cultural differences hav

e led to an unparalleled increase in global public relation orPR.跨国公司,全球市场营销,新兴通讯技术和文化融合的发展,使全球公共关系或者说PR得到了不平行的发展。

8. The progress from a rattle used by a baby in 3000 BC to one used by an infant today, however,i s not characterized by inventiveness.


9. Bent stripes, called chevrons painted on the roads make drivers think that they are drivingfaste r than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.


10. Therefore, the task for DDB Needham was to encourage consumers to consider other aspects of train in order to change their attitudes and increase the likelihood that trains would beconside red for travel in the west.

因此, DDB Needham的任务就是鼓励消费者考虑火车的其他好处来改变他们的态度,使西方乘坐火车的可能性提高。

1. These ads were strategically placed among family-oriented TVshows and programs involving na ture and America in order tomost effectively reach target audiences.


2. Why does cream go bad faster than butter? Someresearchers think they have the answer, and i t comes down to the structure of the food, not itschemical composition-a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemicalpreservatives.


3. If FIFA, football’s international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at then ext World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance,rath er than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.


4. While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in manyst ates at least in getting people off welfare.


5. But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well withoutg overnment aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.


6. Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yetthey love and respect few things mor

e than a uniform, whetherit is the uniform o

f an elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star ge neral.


7. Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on ourinterperson al relationships.


8. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support——financial aid, material resources, an dneeded services-that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.


9. I headed off to college sure I was going to have an advantage over those students who went to big engineering “factories” where they didn’t care if you have values or were flexible.


10. Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution controlan

d energy costs of industries that mak

e recycled products by giving them a more refined rawmater ial.


30. The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life. 解析:该句的主干是The goal … will be to try to explain...,explain后接的是双宾语,即explain to sb. sth.,直接宾语是that引导的从句。该从句的主干是there are not two theories for...,其中origin和evolution,universe和life都是and连接的并列名词。 词汇:unenlightened adj. 无知的,不文明的 valid adj.有效的 evolution n. 进化,发展 译文:所有(这些书)的目的是试图告诉那些迷惑不解且常常头脑不开化的普通百姓:就宇宙和生命的起源与发展问题而言,不可能存在两种同样成立的科学理论。 31. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary — the dangers of drug interactions, for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. 【分析】在这个主从复合句中,while引导的从句由两个部分组成,中间用and 连接。破折号之间的部分是举例说明warnings的内容,做为插入语。注意:many are required by state or federal regulations中的many是指many warnings。it isn't clear … is injured是主句,主句用了一个形式主语it,真正的主语是that引导的 从句,they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability是主体,之后是一个if引导的条件从句。 【词汇】interaction 相互作用 federal 联邦 regulation法规 protect…from…保护…以免 liability 责任(be liable for对…负责) 【译文】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提 出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们) 并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。 32. The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC ——including ordinary listeners and viewers to say what was good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worth keeping. 【分析】主句是The debate was launched by the Government,后面是which引导的非限定性 定语从句,谓语部分比较特殊,是invited…sb. to say …破折号后面是anyone with an opinion of the BBC的解释说明。say后面是两个宾语从句,一个是what引导,一个是whether 引导。【词汇】launch 发起 viewer观众

英语长难句翻译技巧及方法 英汉两种语言句子的不同特点是:英语书面语长句较多;汉语一般短句较多。英语句子结构较紧,多用主人结构,英语可有各种后置修饰语(介词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语、分词短语以及从句),这些成分都是造成英语长句的原因;汉语句子结构较松,多用并列结构。有翻译经验的人们对这些特点作过形象的比喻,把英语句子结构比作“葡萄”,把汉语句子结构比作“竹节”。翻译长句时,可将英语的葡萄结构拆成汉语的竹节结构,即把成串的拆成成条的。 英汉两种语言的语序差异是:英语时间顺序灵活(表示时间的从句可以在主句之前或之后);汉语一般是从先到后。英语逻辑顺序也比较灵活(表示原因、条件的从句可以在主句之前或之后);汉语一般是前因后果,先进条年,后谈结果。英语中的句词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句)与汉语句子主谓宾的语序基本一致,因此,一般都可按汉语的表达方式处理。 顺序法 如果英语长句的时间顺序、逻辑顺序以及名词性从句与汉语句子的语序基本相似,一般可按原文顺序译:如: 本句时间状语从句在前,用顺序法译。 (1)As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me. 由于天气晴朗,当时又无急事,我便慢悠悠看看橱窗,逛逛公园。有时干脆停下脚步,四处张望。 逆序法 如果英语长句的时间顺序、逻辑顺序与汉语句子的语序相反,一般可逆原文顺序译。如: (2)“Neither believe nor reject anything,” he wrote to his nephew, “because any other person has rejected or believed it ……”他在给侄子的信中写道:“不要因为别的人相信或拒绝了什么东西,你也就去相信它或拒绝它。……” 分译法 由于的英语可有各种后置修饰语,所以有些英语句子很长。为了符合汉语表达习惯,我们常可将长句中的一连患后置修饰语与其修饰成分分开来译,即把短语或从句拆译为短句,有时还需将后置修饰语另作适当安排并适当增加词语。如: (1)A physically mature female deer in good condition who has conceived in November and given birth to two fawns during the end of May or first part of June, must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her body’s needs but also to pro duce milk for her fawns. 一只成熟健壮的母鹿,在十一月份怀胎,五月底或六月初生下两只幼鹿,这时,他必须寻找食物以获得必要的能量,这不仅是为了满足自身的需要,而且也是为了给幼鹿生产乳汁。

(01) (10-R-1) We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. (49 words) (02) (10-R-1) “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applie d by writers who are not read to writers who are’.” (43 words) (03) (10-R-3) For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. (48 words) (04) (09-R-3) Progress in both areas is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political, and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong. (46 words) (05) (09-R-4) Sexual confusion, economic frustrations, and religious hope —all came together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father that the first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical

2012年考研英语长难句翻译六大技巧 2012年的英语考研大纲与2011年的相比没有大变化。阅读理解部分的翻译仍是一块分量很重的考察内容。其实掌握了翻译的解题技巧,翻译就成了最好拿分的一个题型。因为翻译题型主要考察两点:词汇和长难句。而翻译题型的词汇一般是认识的,最主要的一点就是碰到最难翻译的长句该怎么办? 从近些年的真题中,我们发现命题者有一个非常清楚的或者非常明显的趋势和导向,就是对于比较复杂的句子结构和文章考察的比重加大。这个体现在各个部分的题型当中,尤其以英译汉部分最为明显。所以想要抓住获得高分的“核心竞争力”就要着重提高对文章长难句和段落逻辑结构的把握上,再加上一定的应试技巧和策略,才能在考研英语中取得高分。万学海文提醒大家要特别注意英语和汉语之间的差异,将英语的长句分解翻译成汉语的短句,这样翻译做起来就容易得分多了。 在英语长句的翻译过程中,下面六个技巧可以发挥很大的作用: (1) 逆序法 英语有些长句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不同,甚至完全相反,这时必须从原文后面开始翻译。在汉语中,定语修饰语和状语修饰语往往位于被修饰语之前;在英语中,许多修饰语常常位于被修饰语之后,因此翻译时往往要把原文的语序颠倒过来。倒置法通常用于英译汉,即对英语长句按照汉语的习惯表达法进行前后调换,按意群或进行全部倒置,原则是使汉语译句符合现代汉语论理叙事的一般逻辑顺序。 例如: It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice。

1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. (难度系数5,下同) 译文:那种性别比例能在最大程度上增加一个个体所能拥有的后代数量,并因此能在最大程度上增加所传递到后代身上去的基因复制品的数量。难句类型:倒装、省略 a.本句的正常语序应当是:That sex ratio which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted will be favored.但是因为主语That sex ratio之后的以which引导的修饰它的定语从句,如果按照以上语序,则有头重脚轻之感。所以原文将此长长的从句倒装成谓语will be favored之后。 b.在which引导的从句中,有两处省略:第一处在maximize的第一个宾语the number of descendants that an individual will have中,an individual will have是修饰descendants的定语从句,但是,因为descendants在从句中作have的宾语,所以引导词that可以省略。第二处省略是在第二个the number of 之前,省略了与前面一样的成分that sex ratio which maximizes. And hence在此表示后面的成分作为前面“最大化一个个体的后代的数目的”结果。 2. (This is )A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower .(5++)复杂+倒装+省略; 这是一种照亮现实的欲望,此欲望从来就不会唐突的取代后面的那种欲望,后者是我们可以将其部分的理解为一个兼任小说加和科学家的人想要去准确并具体的记录下一朵花的结构和文理的那种意义上的欲望。 A、句首省略了this is 。这种用一个词代替一个句子的方式如果在书面语中出现,只能出现在高级英语中,因此我们以前的英语学习中从未遇到过。其形式类似于我们中文的“精彩”是“这句话真是精彩”的省略形式。 B、desire后跟着两个大的修饰成分,一个是to throw over reality a light,其中的a light 是被倒装到了over reality之后,正常应是throw a light over reality.不过这个便装部分与throw距离不远,读者看得还算懂。关键是第二个修饰成分。注意:从that开始直到句尾结束的长长的定语从句不是修饰其前的light的,而是修饰一开始的desire的。 C、第二个修饰成分中又来了一个倒装,由于作者为了强调never,所以将其提前,引发了定语从句中的倒装:正常语序应该是that might never be given away,倒装后系动词was被提前,given因为在情态动词might之后所以变成了原型give。A give way to B,是A让位于B,而A be given way to B,则是A取代B。on the part of 之后的部分修饰后面的desire, what引导的从句现场阅读时可以看成一个名词。What从句中的不定式to record exactly and concretely the structure and texture of a flower中又有一个避免头重脚轻的倒装,正常语序应该是to record the structure and texture of a flower

考研英语长难句翻译之四大状语从句 状语从句时考研翻译中很重要的一部分,几乎涉及到每一个长难句,所以我们有必要把状语从句单独拿出来解决。一般来讲状语从句的翻译相对简单,顺着句子的顺序去翻译就好了,但我们有时候还是会发现有些问题不是很好处理。 首先我们先看一下状语从句的特点。1.一般情况下,引导英语状语从句的从属连词,基本可以在汉语中找到相对应关联词,但有时不必翻译,因为引导汉语状语分句的关联词时常省略,有近50%的汉语复句中并不使用关联词语而且省略关联词的汉语句子更为精练。 2.英语状语从句的位置颇为灵活,置于主句之前或主句之后均可。汉语状语分句一般位于主句之前,只有偶尔才位于主句之后。 这是在翻译状语从句时总体来讲应该注意的问题,下面我们从状语从句的几个分支分别来看一下翻译。 (一)时间状语从句的翻译 1、译成与汉语完全对应的表示时间的状语 例:When they approached Trenton, lights were still burning in many of the houses and Christ mas parties were still going on. 当他们逼近屈兰敦时, 许多房子里仍然灯火通明,圣诞晚会还未结束。 由于英汉语言表达的习惯差异,通常汉语的状语从句位于句首,而英语的状语从句可前可后, 以后为多。汉语是一种意合的语言,汉语句子较少使用关联词。 2、翻译成固定(常规)句型 一般像由hardly (scarcely)…. when (before)…no sooner…than…as soon as …the moment(the instant )…just as…等短语连词引导的时间状语从句翻译成汉语时, 主句与从句通常要互换, 常常译成包含"刚(一)……就……"这种结构的句子。同样,包含该结构的汉语句子亦应翻译成英语中相对应的固定句式。 例:计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒。 Hardly had the computer started working when viruses were found. As soon as she heard the news, she fainted. 3、译成并列分句 例:I was going home when I met Mary. 我正要回家, 就在这个时候,我碰到了玛丽。 4、转译为其他状语从句 英语状语从句有时它们的深层意义互相渗透,可以互相替换,需要转译。有些时间状语从句虽然形式上是由表示时间的引导词(如 when, before, until 等)引导,但根据句子逻辑意义来判断,应灵活翻译成表因果关系的从句,或者翻译为表条件的状语从句或表目的的状语从句。

1.And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness as he sees it-of citizens, social workers, doctors law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform. [语法难点]:句子的主语是separation,谓语是is deepened。the detective feels是修饰separation的定语从句,介词短语between himself and…也是修饰separation的定语,这两个定语造成了主谓分隔。as引导的句子是方式状语从句;介词短语 of citizens, social workers…是mindedness的定语;who引导的定语从句修饰前面的五个名词;that引导的定语从句修饰hope。 [句子翻译]:警察认为由于人们(市民、社会工作者、医生、立法人员以及法官)头脑简单——比如,法官不是重罚以消除犯罪而是量刑从轻以期促使罪犯改过自新——使得他们(警察)与社会之间的隔阂更深一层。 2. Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. 3. There was still the faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of man’s hands and will master them all in the end. 4.Captured document which we have obtained from individuals who had been infiltrated through this corridor plus prisoner--of—war reports that we have obtained in recent months led us to believe that the volume of infiltration has expanded substantially. 5.A survey of new stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research。

考研英语长难句翻译技巧总结 词类转译: 在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能逐词对译,只能将词类进行转译之后,方可使译文显得通顺、自然;对词类转译技巧的运用须从四个方面加以注意。 1、转译成动词。英语中的某些名词、介词、副词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的动词。 The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way. 植物没有专门的排泄系统,可用同样的方式加以说明。(名词转译) As he ran out ,he forgot to have his shoes on.他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。 2、转译成名词。英语中的某些动词、形容词,翻译时可转换成汉语中的名词。 The earth on which we live is shaped a ball. 我们居住的地球,形状像一个大球。(动词转译) The doctor did his best to cure the sick and the wounded. 医生尽了最大的努力来治疗病号和伤员。(形容词转换) 3、转译成形容词。英语中有些作表语或宾语的抽象名词,以及某些形容词派生的名词,往往可转译成汉语中的形容词。另外,当英语动词转译成汉语名词时,原来修饰该动词的副词也往往随之转译成汉语中的形容词。 It is no use employing radar to detect objects in water. 使用雷达探测水下目标是没有用的。(作表语的名词转译) The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. 太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。(副词转译) 4、转译成副词。英语中的某些名词、形容词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的副词。 When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor .只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些人争取过来。(名词转译) 词义选择和引申: 英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手: 1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词) He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词) Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals.小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词)

1. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】最近的行动是由白宫召集了一批来自国家科学院的专家团,他们告诉我们,地球气候毫无疑问正在变暖,而这个问题主要是人为造成的。【析句】句子的主干是The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Science s to tell us that...and that...。主系表容易辨认,to tell us作目的状语,两个并列的that引导tell的宾语从句。令整个句子略显复杂的是插入语enlisted by the Whi te House,割裂了这句话的整体性。 2. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. (2005. 阅读. Text 2) 【译文】但是科学确实为我们的未来提供了最好的指导,关键是我们的国家和整个的世界在做重要决策时,应该以科学能够提供的关于人类现在的行为对未来影响最好的判断作为依据。【析句】首先,句子的主干science does provide us...future and it is critica l...。and连接两个并列的句子,前句是个简单句,容易理解;后句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,因为从句很长,若放在句首,句子则显得头重脚轻。t hat主语从句中,our nation and the world 是主语,base是谓语,important policies是宾语,on the best judgments 是宾语补足语,而judgments后有that引导的定语从句。注意,concerning the futrue...actions中的concerning此处是介词,意为“关于,就……而论”。 3. Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. (2005. 阅读. T ext 2) 【译文】就像吸烟问题一样,来自不同领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖的科学资料还不完整。在我们证实这件事之前可以向大气中不断地排放气体。【析句】句子的主干是voices now come from many quarters,insiting that...,that... 中,insisting是现在分词作定语,相当于that insist; 两个that引导的都是宾语从句,作insist的宾语。第二个that从句中,还包含until引导的时间状语从句。 1. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in

高考英语-经典长难句解析及翻译 7. 2018年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D篇 The team' s data only went up to2007,but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing. 生词: function n. 功能 tablet n. 平板电脑 第一步:有并列结构(but) 第二部:分析主干和定状 The team' s data(主语)only(小状)went(谓语)up to 2007(小状), the researchers(主语)also explored(谓语)what would happen(宾语)if consumers replaced old products with new electronics(状语,从句)that serve more than one function (定语), such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing(同位语). 第三步: 根据状语倒序前置,定语倒序前置的翻译方法,我们可也把这句话翻译为: “这个团队的数据截止到2007年”

“如果消费者用不止一个功能的新电器,比如可以处理文字并且看电视的平板,来取代老的产品,研究者们也弄清楚了将会发生什么事情。” 第四步:合并并列结构并翻译: “这个团队的数据截止到2007年。但是,如果消费者用不止一个功能的新电器,比如可以处理文字并且看电视的平板,来取代老的产品,研究者们也弄清楚了将会发生什么事情。” Get busy living or get busy dying 6. 2018年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D篇 According to the analysis of Babbitt's team, old desktop monitors and box TVs with cathode ray tubes are the worst devices with their energy consumption and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions (排放) more than doubling during the 1992 to 2007 window. 生词: analysis n. 分析 cathode ray tubes 阴极射线管 consumption n. 消耗 第一步:没有并列结构 第二部:分析主干和定状 According to the analysis(状1,分词短语)of Babbitt's team(状2,介词短语), old desktop monitors and box TVs(主语)with cathode ray tubes(定语)are(系)the worst devices

阅读长难句语法难点与翻译技巧剖析 对于考生来说,GRE阅读最困难的就是长难句的翻译,下面列举了一些长难句的语法难点和应该注意的翻译技巧。考生可以作为参考来复习。 1.Suchlarge,impersonalmanipulationofcapitalandindus trygreatlyincreasedthenumbersandimportanceofshareho ldersasaclass,anelementinnationalliferepresentingir responsiblewealthdetachedfromthelandandthedutiesoft helandowners;andalmostequallydetachedfromtherespons iblemanagementofbusiness. Suchlarge,impersonalmanipulationofcapitalandindustr ygreatlyincreasedshareholdersasaclass,anelement 本句是典型的非限定性定语从句,难点在其主语和宾语都有较长的短语和of结构限定,并且分句是由两个and相连的3个部分组成的。分句anelementlandowners又带有两个定语从句,一个是representing,另一个是detached。 可见,定语从句的难点在于经常省略引导词+be的结构,从而在理解上容易和分词结构相混淆。 对资本和企业的这种大规模的非个人操纵大大增加了

股东作为一个阶级的数量和重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,代表了非个人责任的财富与土地及土地所有者应尽义务的'分离,而且也几乎与责任管理相分离。 实际上定语从句并不符合汉语的使用习惯。所以翻译时遇上定语从句,一定不要机械地按照原来的顺序生搬硬套。像这样分句较长的情况,把主句和分句拆为两句是比较好的方法。所以这里从这个阶层开始另起一句。

第五讲特殊句式及长难句解析 1.简单句、并列句、复合句 从句: 名词性:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句 形容词性:定语从句 副词性:状语从句--- 时间、地点、原因、结果、目的、条件、让步、比较、方式 2.省略句、比较结构、倒装句、分割结构 英语中还有一些特殊句式,出现在阅读理解中,势必会成为我们理解文章的障碍。但是,特殊句式还是有语法规律的,因此,如果我们能熟练应用特殊句式的语法规律,在阅读中一眼就能识别并领会这些特殊语法现象,障碍就基本克服了。 1.省略句 资料47 To err is human; to forgive, divine. Brevity is the soul of wit. 文体畅晓,其智乃见。(省略是将句子中的赘述部分删去,避免重复,使句子更简洁,加强表达内容的连贯性和逻辑性。被省略的部分大多是主语、谓语或谓语中的助动词等。文章中的省略现象会使句子成分短缺,造成句子不完整,如果看不出句子中省略了什么成分,就容易造成对文章的理解困难。 省略句一般只有当各组成部分有共同的成分才可能出现省略。对于这类句式,其难点在于发现省略成分,一旦找出并补充完整,句意理解就会大大简化。 省略句如果出现在翻译中,在翻译的时候,一定要把省略的部分翻译出来,否则会扣分。A:and 连接的并列句的省略 材料48页:Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.(2002) 分析:很明显,and with it possibly the only way to solve our problem,是一个省略句,with 做状语一般表示伴随,这一个分句只有一个状语加一个名词结构,构不成一个完整的句子。实际上,与前句相同的成分才会被省略,前一句的谓语部分是:will continue to be rejected. 所以,后一分句补充完整就是:with the rejection of the technology of behavior, possibly the only way to solve our problem will continue to be rejected. 练习:1. The reasons for poverty are many, but for the most part center on illiteracy, the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness. (主语the reasons) 2.He majors in English, and I, in French. (谓语major ) 3.Self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismay. (省略主谓) B:状语从句中的省略 规则:当主句的主语与从句主语一致时候,且从句的谓语动词是Be动词时候,从句可省略主谓。See 材料48页1. 让步状语从句2 时间状语从句 3.If handled properly and not misused, the clone technology will only bring more benefit than disaster to mankind. (条件状语从句) 4.Some people look as if afraid of nothing. (方式状语从句) 5.The computer is still not yet able to do the work as well as an intelligent secretary. (比较)真题例句1 Actually we know of no type of astronomical body in which the conditions can be favorable to life except planets like our own revolving round a sun. 这是复合句。in which引导定语从句,修饰astronomical body. 介词except引起的短语作

英语经典长难句翻译 2006-6-14 16:28周固【大中小】 这些句子摘自大学英语课本,都是很好的写作操练材料,对考生的作文词句规范化很有帮助。反复分析句子结构和词汇词语,然后通过汉译英的反复的回译操练,直至以后英语写作中想到相关汉语就能出现对应英语表达的程度。 1.Do you often go online chatting with strangers?Everyday,millions of people,especially the young,are online chatting with friends or with strangers. 你经常上网闲聊吗?每天有数百万人,尤其年轻人,在网上与网友或陌生人聊天。 2.The successful launch and return of the manned spacecraft Shenzhou IV is deemed both a symbol of national prestige and a sign of advanced science and technology,which will definitely contribute to the economic growth of our country. 载人航天飞机神州五号的成功发射及返回既是国家荣誉的一个象征,也是先进的科技能力的标志,这对我国的经济发展无疑会产生促进作用。 3.We all know that China is still a developing country and its education still lags behind that of developed countries.Many young Chinese are denied chances of receiving higher education because of insufficient educational facilities. 我们都知道,中国还是一个发展中的国家,其教育水平仍然落后于发达国家。不少中国年青人由于教育设施的匮乏而得不到接受高等教育的机会。 4.They say that pride comes before a fall.In the case of both Napoleon and Hitler,they won many victories,which led them to believe that anything was possible and that nothing could stand in their way.But Russia's icy defender proved them wrong. 人道是骄兵必败。就拿拿破仑和希特勒(Napoleon and Hitler)来说吧,他们所想披靡,便以为自己战无不胜,不可阻挡。但俄罗斯的冰雪战士证明他们错了。 5.Well begun is half done,as the saying goes.It is extremely important for a job applicant to make sufficient preparations while seeking employment.From my standpoint,whether or not one has prepared adequately clearly makes a difference in (affects)his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning around 100 thousand dollars a year in a computer software company.He told me that,from his own experience,those who can decide whether an applicant could be employed prefer people who are well prepared. 常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。在求职时,求职者事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。我认为,事先做不做准备常常会影响求职者的成功机会。我有一个朋友在一家计算机软件公司供职,年薪十万美元左右。他根据自己的经历告诉我说,那些对未来雇员具有录用决定权的人喜欢有充分准备的人。 6.I consider it worthwhile trying to summarize our experience in learning English. Here I would like to make three relevant points. First,extensive reading should be taken as a priority in the learning process,because it is

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