当前位置:文档之家› 2016年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研管理类英语词汇,考研参重点



Accounting Assistant会计助理

Accounting Clerk记帐员

Accounting Manager会计部经理

Accounting Stall会计部职员

Accounting Supervisor会计主管Administration Manager行政经理Administration Staff行政人员

Administrative Assistant行政助理Administrative Clerk行政办事员

Advertising Staff广告工作人员

Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员

Application Engineer应用工程师

Assistant Manager副经理

Bond Analyst证券分析员

Bond Trader证券交易员

Business Controller业务主任

Business Manager业务经理



Chemical Engineer化学工程师

Civil Engineer土木工程师


Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师

Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人

Deputy General Manager副总经理

Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理Electrical Engineer电气工程师

Engineering Technician工程技术员

English Instructor/Teacher英语教师

Export Sales Manager外销部经理

Export Sales Staff外销部职员

Financial Controller财务主任

Financial Reporter财务报告人

F.X.(Foreign ExchangeClerk外汇部职员F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员Fund Manager财务经理

General Auditor审计长

General Manager/President总经理General Manager Assistant总经理助理General Manager's Secretary总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer计算机硬件工程师Import Liaison Staff进口联络员Import Manager进口部经理Insurance Actuary保险公司理赔员International Sales Staff国际销售员Interpreter口语翻译

Legal Adviser法律顾问

Line Supervisor生产线主管Maintenance Engineer维修工程师

Management Consultant管理顾问


Manager for Public Relations公关部经理Manufacturing Engineer制造工程师Manufacturing Worker生产员工

Market Analyst市场分析员

Market Development Manager市场开发部经理Marketing Manager市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff市场销售员

Marketing Assistant销售助理

Marketing Executive销售主管

Marketing Representative销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager市场调研部经理Mechanical Engineer机械工程师

Mining Engineer采矿工程师

Music Teacher音乐教师

Naval Architect造船工程师

Office Assistant办公室助理

Office Clerk职员

Operational Manager业务经理

Package Designer包装设计师

Passenger Reservation Staff乘客票位预订员Personnel Clerk人事部职员Personnel Manager人事部经理

Plant/Factory Manager厂长

Postal Clerk邮政人员

Private Secretary私人秘书

Product Manager生产部经理

Production Engineer产品工程师Professional Staff专业人员Programmer电脑程序设计师

Project Staff项目策划人员

Promotional Manager推售部经理


Purchasing Agent采购进货员

Quality Control Engineer质量管理工程师Real Estate Staff房地产职员

Recruitment Co-ordinator招聘协调人

Regional Manger地区经理

Research&.Development Engineer研究开发工程师Restaurant Manager饭店经理Sales and Planning Staff销售计划员

Sales Assistant销售助理

Sales Clerk店员、售货员

Sales Coordinator销售协调人

Sales Engineer销售工程师

Sales Executive销售主管

Sales Manager销售部经理


Seller Representative销售代表

Sales Supervisor销售监管

School Registrar学校注册主任

Secretarial Assistant秘书助理


Securities Custody Clerk保安人员

Security Officer安全人员

Senior Accountant高级会计

Senior Consultant/Adviser高级顾问Senior Employee高级雇员

Senior Secretary高级秘书

Service Manager服务部经理Simultaneous Interpreter同声传译员Software Engineer计算机软件工程师Supervisor监管员

Systems Adviser系统顾问

Systems Engineer系统工程师

Systems Operator系统操作员

Technical Editor技术编辑

Technical Translator技术翻译

Technical Worker技术工人Telecommunication Executive电讯(电信员Telephonist/Operator电话接线员、话务员Tourist Guide导游

Trade Finance Executive贸易财务主管

Trainee Manager培训部经理

Translation Checker翻译核对员


Trust Banking Executive银行高级职员


Wordprocessor Operator文字处理操作员



英译汉:从10个terms里面挑5个translate and define them briefly in Chinese(共15分,一个3分

1added value tax


增值税是以商品(含应税劳务在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。从计税原理上说,增值税是对商品生产、流通、劳务服务中多个环节的新增价值或商品的附加值征收的一种流转税。实行价外税,也就是由消费者负担,有增值才征税没增值不征税。2annual financial report


年度财务报告是指年度终了对外提供的财务报告。通常将半年度,季度和月度财务报告统称为中期财务会计报告。年度财务报告作为综合反映企业单位年末财务状况、全年经营成果和现金流量的报告,在沟通企业单位管理层与财务会计报告使用者之间起着十分重要的桥梁作用。3bull market




4law of diminishing marginal returns



5angel investment





6capital turnover



7butterfly effect



8calling center




9SWOT analysis






10business model




汉译英:从10个terms里面挑5个translate and define them briefly in English(共15分,一个3分


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

(UNCTADEstablished in1964,the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADpromotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy.UNCTAD has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on development,with a particular focus on ensuring that domestic policies and international action are mutually supportive in bringing about sustainable development.


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTADwas established in 1964as a permanent intergovernmental body.UNCTAD is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade,investment,and development issues.The

organization's goals are to:"maximize the trade,investment and development opportunities of developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis."The primary objective of UNCTAD is to formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade,aid, transport,finance and technology.The conference ordinarily meets once in four years; the permanent secretariat is in Geneva.


Generalised System of Preferences

(GSPThe Generalized System of Preferences,or GSP,is a preferential tariff system which provides for a formal system of exemption from the more general rules of the World Trade Organization(WTO,(formerly,the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT.Specifically,it's a system of exemption from the most favored nation

principle(MFNthat obliges WTO member countries to treat the imports of all other WTO member countries no worse than they treat the imports of their"most favored" trading partner.In essence,MFN requires WTO member countries to treat imports coming from all other WTO member countries equally,that is,by imposing equal tariffs on

them,etc.GSP exempts WTO member countries from MFN for the purpose of lowering tariffs for the least developed countries,without also lowering tariffs for rich countries 3


North American Free Trade Agreement

(NAFTAThe North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTAis an agreement signed by Canada,Mexico,and the United States,creating a trilateral rules-based trade

bloc in North America.The agreement came into force on January1,1994.It superseded the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement between the U.S.and Canada.NAFTA has two supplements:the North American Agreement on Environmental

Cooperation(NAAECand the North American Agreement on Labor

Cooperation(NAALC.In terms of combined purchasing power parity GDP of its members,as of2013the trade bloc is the largest in the world as well as by nominal GDP comparison.


word of mouth,

public praise Word of mouth is the passing of information from person to person by oral communication,which could be as simple as telling someone the time of day. Storytelling is a common form of word-of-mouth communication where one person tells others a story about a real event or something made up.Oral tradition is cultural material and traditions transmitted by word of mouth through successive generations. Storytelling and oral tradition are forms of word of mouth that play important roles in folklore and mythology.Another example of oral communication is oral history —the

recording,preservation and interpretation of historical information,based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker.Oral history preservation is the field that deals with the care and upkeep of oral history materials collected by word of mouth,whatever format they may be in.


bill of exchange A bill of exchange or"draft"is a written order by the drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee.A common type of bill of exchange is the cheque (check in American English,defined as a bill of exchange drawn on a banker and payable on demand.Bills of exchange are used primarily in international trade,and are written orders by one person to his bank to pay the bearer a specific sum on a specific date. Prior to the advent of paper currency,bills of exchange were a common means of exchange. They are not used as often today.6


dumping In economics,"dumping"is a kind of predatory pricing,especially in the context of international trade.It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market or below its cost of production.7


niche marketing Niche marketing is marketing a product or service in a small portion

of a market that is not being readily served by the main stream product or service providers.Nearly everything we take for granted–from the fast food chains, convenience stores,even Wal-Mart

–began as a business to fill perceived voids in the market place.These“niches”can be geographic areas,a specialty industry,a demographic or ethnic group,a specific gender group,or other special group of people.


Franchising Franchising is the practice of the right to use a firm's successful business model and brand for a prescribed period of time.The word"franchise"is of Anglo-French derivation—from franc,meaning free—and is used both as a noun and as a(transitiveverb.For the franchiser,the franchise is an alternative to building "chain stores"to distribute goods that avoids the investments and liability of a chain. The franchisor's success depends on the success of the franchisees.The franchisee is said to have a greater incentive than a direct employee because he or she has a direct stake in the business.Essentially,and in terms of distribution,the franchisor is a supplier who allows an operator,or a franchisee,to use the supplier's trademark and distribute the supplier's goods.In return,the operator pays the supplier a fee. Thirty three countries—including the United States and Australia—have laws that explicitly regulate franchising,with the majority of all other countries having laws which have a direct or indirect

impact on franchising.


market segmentation Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers,businesses,or countries who have common needs and priorities,and then designing and implementing strategies to target them.Market segmentation strategies may be used to identify the target customers,and provide supporting data for positioning to achieve a marketing plan objective.Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies,or an

undifferentiated approach,involving specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes of the target segment.


counter trade Counter trade means exchanging goods or services which are paid for, in whole or part,with other goods or services,rather than with money.A monetary valuation can however be used in counter trade for accounting purposes.In dealings between sovereign states,the term bilateral trade is used.OR"Any transaction involving exchange of goods or service for something of equal value."




When You Move,I Move:Increasing Synchronization Among Asia’

s Economies In recent decades,trade integration within Asia has increased more than in other regions.In valued-added terms,intraregional trade grew on average by

over10percent a year from1990to2012,twice the pace seen outside of Asia.Likewise, financial integration within the region has started to catch up,although it still lags behind trade integration.Concomitantly,business cycles in Asia have become steadily more synchronized over the past two decades,with the correlation between ASEAN economies’growth rates almost reaching the very high levels seen within the Euro Area.As outlined in the IMF Asia and Pacific Department

’s latest Regional Economic Outlook,these facts are https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea16443170.html,ly,increases in trade and financial integration have strengthened the propagation of growth shocks between regional partners,leading Asian economies to move more in lockstep.One driver of this synchronization of business cycles has been the increase in size and connectedness

of China’s economy.Looking ahead,we expect regional integration agenda and a bigger China to further increase spillovers and growth co-movement across the region.

Greater international cooperation,particularly regional and global financial safety

nets,can help countries respond to the associated risk of more synchronized,sharper downturns,and thereby help Asia make the most of greater regional integration. Trade integration has been an important synchronizing force for Asian business cycles On the trade side,our study brings a novel finding:what makes two economies co-move —by propagating shocks across borders

—is the intensity of their bilateral trade in value-added terms,not in gross terms. The iPhone supply chain example illustrates why this makes sense:although China exports the product to the US,its domestic firms add only a small fraction of the overall value added,so that gross exports vastly over-estimate the dependence of the Chinese economy on final demand from American consumers.The reverse holds for Korea or Taiwan POC,which reap sizeable value added through exports of components to China even though they don’t export any iPhones to the US.Overall,the trend increase in the value-added traded between Asian economies over the past two decades has accounted for around one-quarter of the concomitant increase in business cycle synchronization across the region.Financial integration has been a more ambivalent force.Across the world,it has magnified the impact on business cycle synchronization of large global shocks like the global financial crisis,as global banks pulled

funds back across the board.But in normal times,it has lowered synchronization somewhat,possibly by facilitating international reallocation of capital when a shock hits

one country.However,this has been less of a factor in Asia,where cross-border financial claims and flows have so far been comparatively small.














润间接影响企业储蓄行为。储蓄下降将减少投资资金来源, 并影响资金价格。三是加重财政支出负担。与发达国家相比, 我国社会保障水平较低, 养老保险和医疗保险面临资金紧张、覆盖面窄等问题, 许多地方存在养老金缺口。随着我国社会保障体系逐渐完善, 养老金水平不断提高, 医疗保障覆盖面扩大, 未来老龄化所带来的财政支出将大幅增长, 财政压力随之增大。人口老龄化将是我国需要面对的一个长期问题, 应加快采取相关应对措施, 继续推进新型城镇化建设和区域经济协调发

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