当前位置:文档之家› Chapter1词汇的基本概念




㈠实词content words denote clear notions.包括N, V, Adv, Adj, Numerals

㈡功能词funtional words don't have notions of their own,also called Empty words

㈢本族词native words are words brought to UK in5th century by German tribes(AngloSaxon words㈣当时的Anglo-saxon words只有5万至6万左右)

㈤基本词汇the basic wordstock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language(basic wordstock is true of native words)

㈥词汇(V ocabulary)V ocabulary is the most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language,it can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period


A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.


1.根据use frequency:Basic word stock和nonbasic vocabulary

根据notion:content words和functional words(does more work of expression在英语on average than实词)根据origin:

㈠native words(特征neutral in style and frequent in use)

㈡borrowed words(loan words/borrowings)


Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the english language


Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling


Translation-loan are words and expressions formed from the exsiting material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language


English has borrowed a new meaning for an existing word in the language.


a全民性All national character(鉴别基本词汇的标准)b稳定性Stability

c多产性Productivity d多义性Ploysemy e搭配性Collocability



dialectal words方言archaisms古语词neologisms新词语


㈠the internal reason of difference between sound and form

⑴the internal reason for this’s that the English alphabet was adopted from Romans,which doesnot have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language,so that some letters mus do double duty or work together in combination

⑵another reason is that the pronuncation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years

⑶some of the differences were created by the early scribs(in the late1500,printing became well established)

⑷lots of borrowings is an important channel of enriching English vocabulary.

㈡how do you account for the role of Native W ords in English in relation to Loan-words

⑴Native words are those of Anglo-saxon origin,which are small in number,Loan-words are borrowed from other language.

⑵it’s estimated loan -words constitue about80%of the modern English vocabulary,native words canot compare with loan-words in number,but have a more important role in the language

⑶native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock whereas only a limited number of borrowed words belong to the common core.

㈢illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning

⑴sound is the physical aspect of a word and meaning is what the sound refers to

⑵sound and meaning are not intrinsically related and their connection is arbitary and conventional



1创新Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots,affixes and other element

2语义变化semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need(在number and form 上无变化)

3词素morpheme is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words

4词素变体allomorphs is one of the variants that realize a morpheme

举例:如复数词素-s 在不同语境中有不同的形式:cats/s/,bags/z/和matches/iz/就是词素变体

5复合词根bound root is a bound form and has to combiene with other morphemes to make words

6词缀Affixes are forms that attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function

7曲折词缀Inflectional affixes(特点是small 和stable)it attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationship

8派生词缀Derivational affixes added to other morphemes to creat new words


1.印欧语系indo-european language family(Europe,the Near East,India)



Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Russian

latin,Greek,French,San skrit 给英语的影响最大 Armen




Hindi, Persian Albani



Irish, Scottish, Breton Helleni


Greek Germa


Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish, Swedish, English, German Italic(


Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Roumanian, French 2.英语发展的三个阶段

⑴old English (450-1150)当时大约有5---6万单词

①the frist people known to inhahit the land 英国是celts,后来410年被Roman 征服

② the 2nd major language known in England was the Latin of the Roman legions.

③Now the people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as Old English.

④the end of6th century,the introduction of Christianity had a great impact on the English V ocabulary

⑵Middle English(1150-1500)

①Old English began to undergo a great change when Norman invaded England from France in1066,till then,although there were borrowings from Latin,the influence on english was mainly Germanic.当时大批法语被用于english,至今70%仍留用.


另外old English was a language of full endings,middle English was one of leveled endings,in modern English,word endings were mostly lost with just a few exception,it can be concluded that english has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language

例如: old English Middle English Modern English

Leorn-ian Lern-en Learn

⑶modern English(1500till now)

①modern english共分2个阶段1500-1700和1700至今

②modern English began with the establishement of Priting in England

③More than25%modern enlish words come almost from classical languages

④although borrowing remained an important channel of vocabulary expression,yet more words are created by means of word-formation

3.Three reasons for the growth of modern English vocabulary

①rapid development of modern science and technology

②Political,social and economic changes

③Contact with other languages and cultures

4.Modes of the development of modern English vocabulary

①creation ②Semantic change ③borrowing(在英语的发展中起vital role)

另外.Reviving archaic or obsolete words also contributes to the growth of English



Free morpheme

(free root)

Bound morpheme(cant occur as separate words are bound)

Those morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free

grammatical units in setence有完整的形式和意义,可起一个词的作用

Bound root affix

It is that part

of the word that

carries the


meaning ,it has to

combine with other

morphemes to make



nal affix

Derivational affix





区别Root and Stem

1.a root is the basic form of a word which canot be further analysed without total loss of identity,whether free or bound root,generally carries the main component of meaning in a word

2.a stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added

3.a stem can replace root and also refer to any form which is larger than root.

Chapter4 词汇的构成Ⅱ


1.Afffixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems.

2.Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.it doesn’t change the word-class of the stem,but modify its meaning.

3.Suffixation is the fo rmation of new words by adding suffixes to stems, it’s to change the grammatical functions of stems.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e914636537.html,pound is the formation of new words by joining tow or more stems words formed.

5.Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.词性变,拼写不变

6.Zero-Derivation:Conversion is generally considered to be a derivational process whereby an item is adopted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix.


7.Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of 2 words or a word plus a part of another word. Word formed in this way are called blends or pormanteau.

8.clipping is the way of making a word to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead.

9.Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.

Depending on the pronunciation of words,it’s divided to Initialisms and Acronyms

Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter. Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronuced as a normal word.

10.Backformation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation,it’s the formation of creating wo rds by removing the supposed suffixes.


1.the Expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation.

2.the most productive are affixation(30-40%),compounding(28-30%) and conversion(26%).others are shortening,clipping,acronymy,blending.


⑴Negative prefixes:

a-(apolitical), dis-(disobey) in-(injustice)

⑵Reversative prefixes:

de-(decompose) dis-(disunite) un-(unhorse下台)

⑶Pejorative prefixes:

mal-(malpractice) mis-(misconduct胡作非为) pseudo-(pseudo-science)

⑷Prefixes of degree:

arch-(archbishop) extra-(extra-strong), hyper-(hyperactive) ultra-(ultra-conservative)

⑸prefixes of orientation and attitude:

anti-(anti-nuclear) contra-(contra-flow) pro-(pro-student)

⑹Locative prefixes:

extra-(extraordinary超常的) intra-(intra-party党内的)

⑺Prefixes of time and order

ex-(ex-professor) for-(for-tell)

⑻Number prefixes:

Bi-(bilingual) , semi-(semi-naked) uni-(uni-form)

⑼Miscellaneous prefixes:

auto-(auto-biography自传) neo-(neo-Nazi新纳粹), Pan-(pan-European泛欧)


⑴N. suffixes:

①Denominal Nouns

如-eer,profiteer和concrete nouns如-age,wastage

②Deverbal Nouns

如-ant,assitant, -ence, persistence

③De-adjective Nouns

如-ity, popularity

④Noun and adjective suffixes


⑵Adjective suffixes

①Denominal suffixes:


②Deverbal suffixes:


⑶Adverb suffixes:


⑷V erb suffixes:



https://www.doczj.com/doc/e914636537.html,pound Characteristics


⑴Phonetic features

the word stress usually occurs on the 1st element whereas in noun phrase,the2nd element is stressed if there is only one stress,in case of 2stresses,the compound has the primary stress on the 1st element and the secondary stress.


⑵Semantic Features

Compounds are different from free phrase in semantic unity,every compound should express a single idea just as one word.


⑶Grammatic features

A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence


In adjective-noun compounds,the adjective element canot take inflectional suffixes.


6.Formation of Compounds:


the productive ones are nouns and adjectives followed by verbs to a much lesser extent.

*V erb Compound


the limited number of verbs are created through Conversion and Backformation



nickname---to nickname honeymoon-to honeymoon


lip-reading(n)---to lip-read chain-smoker(n)—to chain-smoke

Back-formed verb compounds are formed by dropping the suffixes.

7.Conversion又称Function shift=Zero-derivation


⑴Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns,adjectives and verbs.the most productive is the conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs.it deserves that conversion is not only a change of grmmatical function of the lexical item involved but with it the different range of meaning that it originally carried.


⑵Conversion to Noun

①V erb-- Noun

分为State(doubt,want,desire); Result of the action(cactch,find,bet)

Event(search,attempt,relese); Doer of the action(help,bore,coach)

Tool(cover,wrap) Place(pass关口,divide分界线)


It’s not unusual to have nouns converted from adjectives.

分为Full conversion和Partial conversion

Full conversion is a noun fully converted from an adjective has all the characteristics of nouns.it can take an indefinite article or –es to indicate singular or plural number

转化后的词具有名词的全部特征,可带不定冠词或-es表复数如a white,a liberal

Partial conversion,it doesnot posses all the qualities a noun does,they must be used together with definite articles

前面必须带冠词,如the poor,the more affluent

⑶Conversion to V erbs

①Noun--V erb

V erbs converted from nouns are semantically related to the original nouns in a variety of ways

如to put in or on N把….放入

To pocket the money=to put money into the pocket

②Adj—V erb可转及物动词或不及物动词

The V erbs ca b be used either transitively to mean”to make…..adjective” or intransitively to become object”




Autocide automobile+suicide撞车自杀slurb slum+suburb

Motel motor+hotel cremains cremate+remains骨灰

Chunnel channel+tunnel海峡隧道


Comsat communications+satellite通讯卫星Amerind American+Indian

Telex teleprinter+exchange Sitcom Situation+comedy

FORTRAN formula+translator公式翻译程序

③Head+W ord

Medicare medical+care Eurasia Europe+Asia

Telequiz Telephone+quiz电话测试Autocamp automobile+camp

④W ord+tail

Lunarnaut lunar+astronaut Bookmobile Book+automobile

Workfare work+welfare Tourmobile Tour+automobile游览车

*the overwhelming majority of blends are Nouns,very few are verbs and adjectives.


Telecast Television+broadcast Guestimate guess+estimate瞎猜



①Front Clipping截前

Quake(earthquake) Copter(helicopter) Scope(telescope) Phone(Telephone)

②Back Clipping截后留前

Dorm(domitory) Memo(memorandum) Stereo(stereophonic) Gent(gentleman)

Fan(fanatic) Disco(discotheque)

③Front+back clipping截除首尾

Flu(influenza) Fridge(refrigerator)

④Phrase clipping词组截短

Pub(public house) Zoo(zoological garden) Pop(popular music) Perm(permanent waves)




Letters represent full words字母代表整个词

VOA V oice of America c/o care of BBC British Broadcasting Corporation Letters represent constituents in a compound or just parts of a word


如TB Tuberculosis结核病GHQ general headquarters司令部



Radar radio detecting and ranging NATO the North Atlantic T reaty Organization AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome CORE Congress of Racial Equality

* some acronyms are formed with the initial letter of the 1st word plus the whole of the 2nd.有些首字母拼音词是由第一个单词的首字母加上第二个单词构成

N-bomb nuclear bomb D Notice Defence Notice D day decimalization



①Abstract nouns

Diagnose—diagnosis Enthuse--enthusiasm

②Human nouns

Loaf混日子—loafer Sculpt--sculptor

③Compound nouns and others

Eavesdrop—eavesdropping Merrymake—merry-making



*W ords created thruogh back-formation are mostly verbs.


1. what’s the best way to classify prefixes?why

答:It’s an accordance with meaning,because prefixes donot generally change the word-class of stem but it’s meaning.根据词意,因为前缀不改变词根的性质,而是词义。

2.what’s the difference between partial and full conversion?explain them with examples.

答:Compounds verbs are formed through either conversion or back-formation.

back-formed verb compounds are made mainly by dropping the suffix:-er,-ion,-ing,ex.

Through conversion: Through back-formation:

Machine-gun(N)—to machine-gun sight-seeing---to sight-see

3.both Initialisms and acronyms are formed to a certain extent from initial letters,is there any difference between them?illustrate your point with examples.

答:Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter,acronyms are pronounced as common words.


p.c----postcard TV-----television


TEFL---teaching english as a foreign language

G-man---Government man联邦调查局侦探

4.both back-formation and back-clipping are ways of making words by removing the endings of words,how do you account for the coexistence of the two?can you explain the difference?

答back-formation is a method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.

back clipping is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead,and what is cut off is not suffix in any way.

Back-formation Back clipping

Advertisement---ad Television---televise


Chapter 5 词的意义


1.所指Reference is the relationship between langauge and the world.

2.概念Concept wich is beyong language,is the result of human cognition,refleciting the objective world is the human mind.

3.语义Sense denotes the relationshop inside the language,every word that has meaning has sense,sense is simply the meaning of a word in a language.

4.理据Motivation accounts for the relationship between linguistic symbol and its meaning

5.语法意义Grammatical meaning refers to that part of the meaning of the word which indicates grammatical concept or relationships

6.词汇意义Lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as its related to the notion that the word conveys

7.概念意义Conceptual meaning(Denotative meaning) is the meaing given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.

8.联想意义Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.

9.内涵意义Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associatons suggested by the conceptual meaning.由概念意义产生的言外之意或联想。

10.文体意义Stylistic meaning make words appropriate for different contexts.

11.情感意义Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in question.

12.搭配意义Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its collcation.

或者说It’s that part the word-meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion

搭配意义即与之一起使用的词语所赋予的那部分意义.如pretty girl or woman.handsome man or boy


1.Reference is although abstract,yet with help of context,it can refer to something specific.

2.Types of Motivation分类

⑴Onomatopoeic motivation拟声理据(大自然万物拟声词)

⑵Mophological motivation形态理据(复合词、派生词)

⑶Semantic motivation语义理据(文体色彩,如比喻)

⑷Etymological motivation词源理据(历史来源)

*Compounds and derived words are muti-morphemic words and the meaing of many are the sum total of the morphemes combined.


*It should be pointed out that there are a lot of words whose structure are opaque.


3.Types of Meaning意义的种类

⑴Grammatical Meaning语法意义

⑵Lexical Meaning词汇意义

词汇意义又包括Conceptual meaning和Associative meaning

*Associative meaning包括

①Connotative meaing②stylistic meaning③affective meaing④collocative meaning

*words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or pejorative


1.What’s motiv ation?

does this theory contradic the theory of ‘arbitrariness’and’conventionality’concering the relationship between linguistic symbols and their senses?

答: Motivation accounts for the connection between linguistic symbols and their meaning

But since the relationship between the word-form and meaning it conventional and arbitrary,

words shoud be non-motivated.

Nevertheless.many words are motivated to a certain in terms of sound,morphology,semantcis,and etymology.



1.一词多义Polysemy is a sense relation that deals with words of more than more meaning.

2.词义的辐射Radiatoin is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes.

3.词义的连锁Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.

4.同音同形异义词Homonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.

5.同义词Synonyms can be defined as words different in sound and spelling but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.

6.反义词Antonymy is concerned with semantic opposition,Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.

7.相对反义词Contrary terms are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes.

8.上下义词Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion.the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word.


1.Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages.

2.Two approaches to Polysemy


⑴Diachronic approach

⑵Synchronic approach

⑴Diachronic approach

From the diachronic point of view,polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word。


⑵Synchronic approach

Synchronically,polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of variouis meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time.


The basic meaning of a word is the core of word-meaning called the Central meaning.

3.Two Processes of Development(问答题两者的区别)









②office seeker in white gowns

③a person who seeks an office

④a person prososed for a place每一个新义只与前一个词义有关

Radiation and concatenation are closely related,being different stages of the development leading to polysemy.

Generally,radiation precedes concatenation,in many cases,they both work together,complementing each other.


4.Types of Homonymy


⑴Perfect homonyms



①perfect homonyms are words identical both in sound and spelling,but different in meaning.

如bank .N岸/银行



②homographs are words identical only in spelling,but different in sound and meanings.

如: bow/bo/鞠躬




③Homophones are words indentical in sound but different in spelling and meanings.

如: dear可爱的人deer鹿

5.Origins of homonyms同形同音异义词的来源

⑴change in sound and spelling

如ear from eare(OE), long from langian(OE)


如fair borrowed from feria(L),ball from beallu(OE)


如ad shortened from advertisement,rock shortened from rock’n ‘roll

6.Differentiation of Homonyms from polysemants同形同音异义词与一词多义的区别

⑴the basic difference between hononyms and polysemants lies in the fact the former refers to different words which happened to share the same form and the latter hononyms is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings;


⑵the various meanings of a polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning to a greater or lesser degree.


⑶in dictionaries,a polysemant has its meanings all listed under one headword,homonyms are listed as separate entries.


7.Rhetoric features of Homonyms同形同音异义词的修辞特色

Homonyms are often employed to create puns for desired effect:

Humour,sarcasm or riducule


8.Types of synonyms同义词的类型


⑴Absolute synonyms

⑵relative synonyms

⑴Absolute synonyms又称Complete synonyms



⑵Relative synonyms又称near-synonyms.

they are similar or nearly the same in denotation,but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality.





9.Sources of Synonyms同义词的来源(问答题)


如Native French Latin

ask question interrogate

fire flame conflagration

holy sacred consecrated

⑵Dialects and regional English地域性语言方言

如railway(BrE) railroad(AmE)

Job(StandE) gig(BlackE)

Jim(BlackE) male person(StandE)

⑶Figurative and euphemistic use of words词的比喻委婉用法

如Occupation(profession) walk of life(figurative)

Drunk elevated(euph)

Lie distort the fact(euph)

⑷Coincidence with idiomatic expressions单词与习惯表达在意义上的偶合

如win gain the upper hand

hesitate be in two minds

decide make up one’s mind

finish get through

10.Discrimination of Synonyms同义词的差别

There is no difference between absolute synonyms,but relative synonyms always differ in one way or another.there are Denotation,Connotation,Application


⑴difference in denotation



⑵difference in connotation

*Connotation means the stylistic and emotive colouring of words

*the words borrowed from French and Latin are generally more formal than native words


Pliceman和constable都是stylistically neutral,bobby是colloquial,cop是slangy,constable和bobby只用于英式英语。

*Apart from these,mention should be made of archaic and poetic terms.which ar self-suggestive.

还要注意古旧词语和诗题词语.如ire—anger, bliss—happiness

*Many synonyms have clear affective values

⑶Difference in application.

Many words are synonymous in meaning but different in usage in simple terms.they form different collocations and fit into different sentence patterns.

如:allow和let是同义词,但allow sb to do sth,let sb do sth

11.Types of Antonyms


⑴Contradictory terms/

⑵Contrary terms

⑶Relative terms

⑴Contradicatory terms are mutually exclusive and admit no possibility between them,the assertion of one

is the denial of the other.如present/absent.

Another feature is that such antonyms are non-gradable,donot allow adverbs of intensity.


⑵Contrary terms are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes.

The two opposites are gradabl e and one exists in comparison with the other.


⑶Relative terms.this type includes reverse terms,which comprise adjectives and adverbs signifying a quality,or verbs and nouns signifying an act or state that reverse the quality,action or state of the other.

如: sell/buy, husband/wife.

12.some of the characteristics of Antonyms

⑴Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic oppositin.

The large number of antonyms among adjectives.


⑵A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym.


⑶Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.



⑷Contrary terms are gradable antonyms,differing in degree of intensity.so each has its own corresponding oppsite.



13.The use of Antonyms

⑴Antonyms are useful in enabling us to express economically the opposite of a particular thought,often for the sake of contrast.

如:俚语rain or shine,friend or foe

⑵antonyms are often used to form antithesis to achieve emphasis by putting contrasting ideas together.


如:more haste,less speed(欲速则不达)





如Flower(superordinate): tulip,rose(subordinates)

*the sense relation of hyponymy is very helpful in both receptive and productive processing of language,in production,knowing the semantic features of the hyponyms and their superordinats can help us achieve vividness,exactness and concreteness.

15.W ords of the semantic field are related by the same concept and so are groups of synonyms.


1.how do you underst and the statement that’true synonymy is non-exsitent’?

答:⑴Synonyms can be classified into absolute synonyms and relative synonyms.

⑵absolute synonyms are considered to be identical in every aspect, and are interchangeable in all situations.they are confined to technical terms like word formation---word-building

⑶but even technical terms like these might still have some slight difference,for instance,one term may be

more used than the other or one term is preferable in some situation.that’s why we say’true….non-existent’.

2.what’s the difference between superordinates and subordinates?

⑴superordinates are words denoting genus,thus being general,and subordinates are words denoting species,thus being specific.

⑵superordinates are cover terms which include the concept of subordinates whereas subordinates are specific and their meanings are included in the sense of superordinates.

⑶take Flower—rose; furniture—cupboard.in each pair,the former is the supreordinates,the latter is subordinates.

3.study two groups below, tell the differentiate a semantic field from a synonymously semantic field.

①horse: steed,charger,palfrey,plug,nag


答:首先,Group①is synonymously semantic field and Group②is semantic field.

所以,The difference lies,

In①the words are synonyms,none of them covers the meaning of another,and they differ only in style and emotive values.

In②the words are not synonyms,but each refers to a specific type of horse.Horse is a cover term or superordinate,and others are subordinates,they have no difference in style or affective meaning.






1.扩大Extension(Generalization) is the process by which a word which orginally had a specilized meaning has now become generalized.

2.缩小Narrowing(Specialization)is the process of by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrowed or specialized sense.

3.升华Elevation(Amelioration)refers to the process of by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance.

4.降格Degradation(Pejoration)is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.

5.转移Tranfer are words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer.


1. V ocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in Form and Content. Comparatively,the content is even more unstable than the form.

2.Shakespeare is perhaps more difficult to understand that more recent writings cos many of his words wer used in different sense from what they have now in contemporaray dictionaries.



Word old meaning extended meaning

Manuscript handwriting any author’s writing by hand or typed by type-writer Fabluous resembling a fable marvelous

Mill place of grinding place where things are

Journal daily paper periodical

Butcher one who kills goats one who kills animals

4.a large proportion of polysemic words of modern English have their meanings extended sometime in the course of development.


5.extension of meaning is also found in many technical terms.which as the term suggests are confined to sepecialized use.


6.words commonized from proper nouns have experienced the same semantic change.




Word old meaning specialized meaning

Disease discomfort illnes

Accident event unfortunate event

Deer animal(总称) a kind of animal

When a comon word is turned into a proper noun,the meaning is also narrowed.For economy,some phrase are shortened and only one element of the original,usually an adj left to retain hethe meaning of the whole.


如a private=a private soldier(下士)

an editorial= an editorial article(社论)


Word old meaning degraded meaning

Boor peasant rude,ill-mannered person

Churl free man uncultivted or mean person

Silly happy foolish

Lewd ignorant无知的lecherous淫荡的

Lust pleasure sexual desire

9.转移分为Semantic transfer和associated transfer



联想的转移:the lip of a wound伤口缘,the tongue of a bell(铃舌)。都是比较两者的相似之处,通过联想达到词义的转移。

*Transfer that occurs between subjective and objective meanings is noteworthy.

*Transfer may also occur between abstract and concrete meanings.





10.Causes of Changes变化的原因:

Extra-linguistic factors和Linguistic factors

⑴Extra-linguistic factors

包括Historical reason 历史原因

class reason 阶级原因

psychological reason.心理原因

*Increased scientific knowledge and discovery are important factors that account for the change of word meaning.


*The associated transfer of meaning andeuphemistic use o words are often due to psychological factors.


⑵Linguistic factors

①The change of meaning may b caused by internal factors within the language system.one type of such change occurs when a phrase is shortened to one word which remains the meaning of the whole.


②The influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaing.


③Finally,the change of meaning is brought about by analogy.



how do you account for the semantic change in living languages?

答:⑴Changes in meaning make up the main character of any living language;

⑵As language is the tool of human verbal communication,changes are natural in language cos people need these to express the changes in our daily life and in society as new concepts, new ideas and new things emerge continuously.



1.语境Context is refers to the words,clauses,sentences in which a word appears.

2.非语言环境extra-linguistic context may extend to embrace the entire cultural background.

3.词汇语境Lexical context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question.

4.语法语境Grammatical context,in some cases,the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs.


1.Linguistic context


⑴Lexical context

⑵Grammatical context.

the meaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words.

2.The role of Context语境的作用

⑴Elimination of ambiguity


①Amibiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy.


②homonymy is anotehr cause of ambiguity as two separate words share the same form(此话有待确认)

③Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity.


⑵Indication of referents


⑶Provisoin of clues for inferring word-meaning







⑥Relevant details


⑧Word structure

⑶Idioms V erbal in nature(This is the largest group of all)



Phrasal verbs和V erb phrases.

①Phrasal verbs are idioms which are composed of a verb plus a prep and/or a particle.

如:look into(vi+prep) 调查put down on(vt+adv+prep)把…归咎于

②Other verb phrases

如:follow one’s nose(v+poss+n)径直走fall flat(v+a) 一败涂地

Give sb the bag(v+prop+n)解雇某人sing a different tune(v+a+n)改变态度

Keep the pot boiling(v+n+v-ing)维持生活let the dog see the rabbit(v+n+inf)不碍他人的事

⑷Idioms Adverbial in nature

This class contains numerous prepositional phrases,which in nature are either adjectival or adverbial and in many cases have both functions at the same time.


如:in clover,in the clover。

在句子when we finish the hard part we will be in the clover’把难的部分完成后,我们的日子就好过了’中作表语;

在句子they live in clover cos their fater is rich作状语。

其他例子tooth and nail(n+n)竭尽全力in nothing flat(prep+n+a)不久

⑸Sentence Idioms

*All idioms of this category are complete sentences,they are mainly proverbs and sayings,including colloquialisms and catchphrases.





Simple Compound Complex

*it should be pointed out that forms and functions of idioms are not necessarily identical.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/e914636537.html,e of Idioms


Stylistic features Rhetorical features V ariations

⑴Despite the fact,Stylistic idioms are generally felt to be informal and some are colloquialisms and slang,therefore inappropriate for formal style.


如:hang in(there)坚持big wheel要人can of worms错综复杂的问题


如:In the soup在困境中dish the dirt散布谣言feel no pain醉酒

③literary expressions带书面色彩的习语

如:be it that纵然give the lie to指责某人说谎

of note著名的cross swords交锋


如screw up既表达”是某人紧张”,Going to the dentist never seems to bother my wife,but I get terribly screwed up at the mere thought一想起

同时也表达”弄糟”,we should never have left the arrangement to Smithers,he screwed the whoe thing up from start to finish.

⑵Rhetorical features修辞色彩

包括Phonetic Manipulation/ Lexical Manipulation/ Figures of speech

①Phonetic Manipulation语音的调节


例子Alliteration Rhyme

Chop and change Kith and kin

Might and main Wear and tear

Rough and ready Toil and moil

Toss and turn by hook and by crook

Part and parcel fair and square

Neither fish,flesh,nor fowl a little pot is soon hot.

Sum and substance a frind is in need is a friend indeed

②Lexical Manipulation词语搭配


Reiteration同义词叠用(duplication of synonyms)

如: scream and shout cut and carve pick and choose rough and tough


如: by and by such and such from time to time hand in hand


如: here and there high and low play fast and loose move heaven and earth

③Figures of speech修辞格


Simile比喻,如as mute as a fish,sleep like a log, spend money like water;

Metaphor暗喻,如black sheep, a dark horse, bed of dust(grave), sit on the fence(持中立态度)

Metonymy转喻,如in the cradle(in one’s childhood), live by one’s pen(live by writing)

Synecdoche借代,如earn one’s bread(make a living),fall into good hands(good people)

Both metonymy and synecdoche involve substitution of names,yet they differ in that the former is a case of using the name of one thing for another closely associated with it and the latter is that of substituting part for the whole and vice versa.



Personification拟人,如The pot calls the cattle black

Euphemism委婉,如sleep around,powder one’s nose.

⑶V ariations of idioms习语的异体变化

Characterized by semantic unity and structural stability,idioms donot allow changes as a rule,but structural stability is not absolute.when idioms are used in actual context,they do experience grammatical changes such as differen forms of verbs.

We may find changes in constituents of idioms:


In some idioms,a constituent may be replaced by a word of the same part of speech,resulting in synonymous or antonymous idioms.

如V erb: make(cut)a figure露头角, make(pull of f)a great coup一鸣惊人

Noun: down in the bushes(mouth)垂头丧气,take(lose)heart(鼓起/丧失勇气)

Adjective:by all(no)means一定(决不),in good(high,fine,full)feather兴高采烈/身强力壮

Adverb or prepostion.: drop in(over,by), go with (against)the stream. By(in)the lamp总共地

Aritcle,pronoun,numeral:flea in one’s(the)ear(刺耳的话),talk thirteen(nineteen) to dozen喋喋不休

②Addition or deletion

如behind(the)bars在狱中,for good(and all)一劳永逸,as broad as(it is)long反正一样


如:young and old=old and young,do sb a favour=do a favour for sb.play sb a trick=play a trick with sb


This occasionally occurs in proverbs and sayings,where only a part of them is used instead of the whole.

如:velvet paws=V elvet paws hide sharp claws口蜜腹剑



1.what is the advantage of classifying idioms according to their grammatical functions?

答:in many cases,the forms of idioms are not identical with their functions.


Even though we know the meaning of idioms,we may not use them in their right way if we donot know their grammatical functions.


For example,heart and soul is a noun phrase,but functional as adverbial:’’we must serve the people heart and soul.’’if we used it as subject or object,it would be wrong.classifying idioms according to their functions solves their problem.

2.what are phrasal verbs?what are the similarity and the difference between a verb phrase and a phrasal verb?

答: A phrasal verb is a verb phrase consisting of a verb plus a particle(adv or preposition or both)such as bring up,get down.


A verb phrase functioning as a verb,for example,call it a day,make both ends meet.


V erb phrases include phrasal verbs.



以下是我整理的一些《英语词汇学》Unit 9 中的一些出现的习语,给大家参考:

1) heart and soul: adv. 全心全意地

2) white elephant: n. [a. + n.] something useless and unwanted but big and costly. 大而无用的东西, 白

3) high tea: n. A fairly substantial meal that includes tea and is served in the late afternoon or early evening. 下午茶下午或傍晚前进食的非常丰富的餐食包括茶水

4) cold shoulder: n. Informal Deliberate coldness or disregard; a slight or a snub 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视;怠慢或轻慢

5) red herring: n. Something that draws attention away from the central issue. 转移注意力者把注意力从中心论题转移开的东西

6) narrow escape: n. 九死一生, 幸免于难

7) brain trust: n. [n. +n.] a group of people with special knowledge who answer questions or give advice. 智囊团,专家顾问团一个通常非正式地担任顾问和政策制定者的专家小组,尤指政府部门中的

8) flesh and blood: n. [n. + conj. + n.] relatives or family一个人的血亲;亲属

(2) Human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses. 人的本性包括各种弱点的人的本性或物质存在

9) an apple of discord: n. [n. + prep. + n.] cause of disagreement or argument, etc. 争端, 祸根

10) Jack of all trades (Jack of all trades and master of none 三脚猫): n. 万事通;博而不精的人

11) fly in the ointment: n. [n. + prep. +n.] something that spoils the perfection of something. 小挫折

12) brain drain: n. 智囊流失

13) the ins and the outs: n. 执政党和在野党, 复杂情况

14) son and heir: n. 子嗣

15) part and parcel: n. 重要的部分

16) a friend in court: n. 有势力的朋友

17) wet blanket: n. 弄湿的毯子, 扫兴的事One that discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm.

18) cat's paw: n. 受人利用者;傀儡

19) king's weather n. 好天气

20) Achilles' heel: n. A seemingly small but actually mortal weakness. 阿喀琉斯的脚踝一看来很小但致命的弱点

21) cut and dried: adj. [a. + a.] already settled and unlikely to be changed. /diard固定的;已成定局的;已决定的; 不大会改变的/

22) as poor as a church mouse: adj. [as + a.+ as+ n.] having, or earning, barely enough money for one’s needs. 一贫如洗, 赤贫的/Ft:EFt/

23) wide of the mark: adj. [a. + prep.+ n.] not at all suitable, correct etc. 毫不相关

24) beyond the pale: adj. [prep.+ n.] beyond the limit of proper behaviour. 在...范围之外

25) up in the air: adj. [adv. +prep. +n.] uncertain. 悬而未决

26) high and dry: adj. (船)在岸上;孤立无援,被遗弃【a. + a.】

He left me high and dry. 他使我陷于困境

27) up to the hammer: adv. 第一流, 极好

28) null and void: adj. 无效的

29) high and mighty: <口> 趾高气扬地; 骄傲自大的;位高权大的

30) on the go: (1) [口]在进行活动, 忙碌;(2) 刚要动身

31) on call: adj. 随叫随到的, 待命的

32) wet behind the ears: adj. 少不更事的, 初出茅庐的, 乳臭未干的

33) look into: 调查,研究

34) go on: continue

35) put off: 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻

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