当前位置:文档之家› 山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学2017届高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题 Word版含答案

山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学2017届高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题 Word版含答案









1. What was the weather like yesterday?

A. Hot.

B. Rainy.

C. Cold.

2. What does Heather do?

A. She is a teacher.

B. She is a writer.

C. She is a doctor.

3. At What time was the fire put out?

A. Two o’clock.

B. Four o’clock.

C. Five o’clock.

4. How will the woman go to the store?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By taxi.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn’t care how the movie ended.

B. She’d rather see a horror film next time.

C. She generally dislikes that type of movie.




6. Where is the man’s mother now?

A. In the hospital.

B. At home.

C. In the office.

7. Why will the man ask for a week off?

A. He has to see a doctor.

B. He needs to look after his mother.

C. He hasn’t hired anyone to help him yet.

8. What does the woman think of the man?

A. He is thoughtful.

B. He is helpful to her.

C. He is a successful man.


9. Where is the bank?

A. Near a bus stop.

B. Across from a supermarket.

C. Next to a bookstore.

10. How far away is the bank?

A. Two blocks away.

B. Three blocks away.

C. Fourteen blocks away.

11. Which of the following does the man choose to take?

A. Bus No.104.

B. Streetcar B-201

C. Streetcar B-102.


12. What do we know about the man?

A. He got a raise.

B. He just got a new job.

C. He moved into a new house.

13. What kind of TV set does the woman suggest?

A. A small one.

B. A big one

C. A cheap one.

14. Why does the woman give the man such a suggestion?

A. Prices will go up soon.

B. New products come out every year.

C. His living room isn’t very big.


15. What was in the woman’s dream?

A. Her physics teacher.

B. An apple tree.

C. A new house.

16. Why did the woman have the dream, according to the man?

A. She was hungry.

B. She studied too hard.

C. She exercised too much.

17. What can we lean from the man?

A. He never remembers his dream.

B. He knows French better than English.

C. He once had the same experience as the woman.


18. What does the phrase “a stone’s throw away” probably mean?

A. Far away.

B. Close by

C. Hard to find.

19. Why did Mr. Brown decide to have a look at the house?

A. The house was very cheap.

B. The house was very big.

C. The house was in a good location.

20. What can we learn from this talk?

A. Mr. Brown bought the house in the country.

B. Mr. Brown thought the housing agent had lied.

C. Mr. Brown thought the house was closer to the city.





My parents were in a huge argument, and I was really upset about it. I didn't know who I should talk with about how I was feeling. So I asked Mom to allow me to stay the night at my best friend's house. Though I knew I wouldn't tell her about my parents’ situation, I was looking forward to ge tting out of the house. I was in the middle of packing up my things when suddenly the power went out in the neighborhood. Mom came to tell me that I should stay with my grandpa until the power came back on.

I was really disappointed because I felt that we did not have much to talk about. But I knew he would be frightened alone in the dark. I went to his room and told him that I'd stay with him until the power was restored. He was quite happy and said, "Great opportunity.”

"What is?" I asked.

"To talk, you and I” he said. "To hold a private little meeting about what we’re going to do with your mom and dad, and what we're going to do with ourselves now that we're in the situation we a re in.”

"But we can't do anything about it. Grandpa," I said, surprised that here was someone with whom I could share my feelings and someone who was in the same “boat" as I was.

And that's how the most unbelievable friendship between my grandfather and me started. Sitting in the dark, we talked about our feelings and fears of life — from how fast things change, to how they sometimes don't change fast enough. That night, because the power went out, I found a new friend, with whom I could safely talk about all my fears and pains, whatever they may be. Suddenly, the lights all came b ack on. "Well," he said, “I guess that means you'll want to go now. I really like our talk. I hope the power will go out every few nights!"

21.I wished to get out of the house because ____

A. I was angry about my parents' quarrel

B. I found nobody to share my feelings with

C. I wanted to escape from the dark house

D. I planned to tell my friend about my trouble

22. Grandpa was happy to see me because _____.

A. he could discuss the problem with me

B. he had not seen me for a long lime

C. he was afraid of darkness

D. he felt quite lonely

23. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The grandchild was eager to leave.

B. They would have more chats.

C. The lights would go out again.

D. It would no longer be dark.


Reading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as much as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability.

There are four parts in the book:

Part1 is Messages: In this part, somebody wants to send information in writing to somebody else. There is a test on timetables and a test on text messages.

Part 2 is People: In this part, all the tests are about people. For example, there is an informal letter between friends. There is formal English in biography ( 传记). There is a job application as a model to help with your writing, as well as testing your reading.

Part 3 is Places: In this part, too many different kinds of English are shown, some informal and some formal. There is the informal English of a holiday postcard. There is also the formal English in a letter of complaint.

Part 4 is Things: You will find some descriptive writing in this part. There are descriptions of clothes and of a computer.

You can do these tests in any order you like, or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text. I enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoy using it.

24. We can find the introduction to a product in ______,

A. Part 1

B. Part 2

C. Part 3

D. Part 4

25. Which of the following is most probably written in informal English?

A. A letter of complaint.

B. A computer handbook.

C. A letter to a friend.

D. A story of a president.

26. The passage is most probably written for _____.

A. test designers

B. students

C. test-takers

D. teachers

27. What is the best title of the book?

A. Test Your Reading

B. Help with Your Writing

C. Learn Different Kinds of English

D. Practise English in Different Ways


"My kids really understand solar and earth-heat energy," says a second-grade teacher in Saugus, California. "Some of them are building solar collectors for their energy course.” These young scientists are part of City Building Educational Program (CBEP), a particular program for kindergarten through twelfth grade that uses the stages of city planning to teach basic reading, writing and math skills, and more.

The children don't just plan an city. They map and analyze (分析) the housing, energy, and transportation requirements of their own district and foretell its needs in 100 years. With the aid of an architect ( 建筑师) who visits the classroom once a week, they invent new ways to meet these needs and build models of their creations. “Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of freedom," says the teacher who developed this program. "They are able to use their own rich imagination and inventions without fear of blame, because there are no wrong answers in a future context. In fact, as the class enters the final model-building stage of the program, an elected ‘official’ and ‘planning group’ make all the design decisions for the model city, and the teacher steps back and becomes an adviser. "

CBEP is a set of activities, games and imitations that teach the basic steps necessary for problem-solving: observing, analyzing, working out possible answers, and judging them based on the children's own standards.

28. The Program is designed _____.

A. to direct kids to build solar collectors

B. to train young scientists for city planning

C. to develop children's problem-solving abilities

D. to help young architects know more about designing

29. An architect pays a weekly visit to the classroom ______.

A. to find out kids' creative ideas

B. to discuss with the teacher

C. to give children lectures

D. to help kids with their program

30. Who is the designer of the program?

A. An official.

B. An architect.

C. A teacher.

D. A scientist.

31. The children feel free in the program because______.

A. they can design future buildings themselves

B. they have new ideas and rich imagination

C. they are given enough time to design models

D. they need not worry about making mistakes


Everyone should visit a lighthouse at least once.

The most important reason for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors (祖先) battled nature with the basic tools they had. "They had only basic ways of creating light, and yet they found a way of using this simple technology in isolated(孤零零的) places to save ships from hitting rocks.

Secondly, visiting lighthouses will help us to understand the lives of lighthouse keepers. By their very nature, lighthouses were built on some rocks or cliffs. Thus, the lighthouse keepers often lived lonely lives. To walk around their small home and imagine the angry storm outside beating against the walls is to take a step towards understanding the lives they had.

The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time. It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day, this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience. Therefore, with the gentle waves touching all round the lighthouse, the visitor is likely to think it is a world preferable to the busy and noisy modern life. Another reason for considering a visit is that the lighthouses themselves can be very attractive buildings. Humankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure, but felt the need, even in such an isolated place, to build with an artistic touch(风格). The result is a view for tired eyes to enjoy.

Finally, lighthouses have a romantic attraction, summed up by the image of the oil-skin coated keeper climbing his winding stairs to take care of the light to warn ships and save lives.

32. What is the reason to look back into the past of a lighthouse?

A. To escape from the busy and noisy city.

B. To look for the tools used by our ancestors.

C. To experience the natural beauty of a lighthouse.

D. To learn about the living condition of lighthouse keepers.

33. The underlined phrase "out-of-the-way" in Paragraph 4 means

A. far-away

B. dangerous

C. ancient

D. secret

34. Lighthouses were often built with an artistic touch _________

A. to attract visitors

B. to guide passing ships

C. to give a pleasant sight

D. to remember lighthouse keepers

35. How many reasons are mentioned for a visit to a lighthouse?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six,



Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. 36 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old.

The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a bit of international sight-seeing, served with a huge piece of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie(坏人). 37

Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 38 To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.

39 Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still treasures traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents.

Bollywood is a proper replacement for those over-stimulating (估计过高的)Hollywood films. 40 They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song. A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film. D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music(配乐).

E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values.

F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

G. So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films.




Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. When I was three years old, my father passed away, __41__my mother alone to teach four boys how to grow and live

and love. It wasn't easy for her at all; she worked twelve hour shifts as a teacher who taught night school. But somehow she __42__to pull it off. She _43___come home late, listen to our stories, __44__us dinner, and put us all to bed _45__she had any time to herself. We never thought _46__of it at the time, but it's obvious now that we were her_47___. I remember _48___her about it, why she made so many sacrifices for us, and her answer was_49___. "Your success will be my greatest__50_."

From that day on, my __51__ and actions changed. I had the strength and the courage to deal with problems __52___ turning away. I wanted to push myself to new __53__ and racing towards this __54__was the answer. She came to every competition and was always the first person __55__the finish line and the last person to leave. I can still hear those words __56___she would support me forever. Her goal was to give us a leg _57___and the opportunity to do great things; my ambition is to take that__58__and run with it. __59___, I know that mother loves her child most truly, and she resolutely(坚决地) holds him to the highest standards and is __60__ with nothing less than his best.

41. A. making B. leaving C. giving D. becoming

42. A. tried B. succeeded C. managed D. devoted

43. A. would B. should C. had D. could

44. A. cook B. make C. fix D. let

45. A. before B. after C. when D. while

46. A. highly B. badly C. little D. much

47. A. task B. life C. hope D. score

48. A. telling B. asking C. informing D. passing

49. A. amazing B. exciting C. surprising D. interesting

50. A. effort B. happy C. abundance D. achievement

51. A. behavior B. blessing C. attitude D. awareness

52. A. out B. out of C. instead D. instead of

53. A. heights B. helps C. hands D. habits

54. A. change B. challenge C. channel D. charge

55. A. at B. in C. on D. above

56. A. when B. what C. that D. which

57. A. on B. in C. out D. up

58. A. chance B. occasion C. option D. opportunity

59. A. But B. Instead C. However D. Meanwhile

60. A. content B. angry C. mixed D. covered


第二节语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1,5分,满分1 5分)


I'd like to talk about the school system in Australia today.The school system in Australia does depend on 6 1 you go to a private school or a public school.In the state I’m from, there are a lot of private schools, and generally th ey are single-sex

high schools.The public high schools are generally 62 (mix).All of the private high schools insist that you should wear their school uniforms, 63 that might mean 64 (wear)a school tie and a school jacket.However, the public high schools often give you a 65 (choose)of whether you want to wear a uniform or not.The school classes generally start

Anywhere 66 8:30 and 9 o’clock in the morning and run 67 3:30 in the afternoon, and they’re followed by after –school 68 (active) like sports and music are theater. The school year generally starts in the 69 (begin) on February, after our summer vacation, which lasts about six weeks around the Christmas period.The only thing I don't like about our school system is the idea of the difference in quality of education between the private and the public schools.It remains 70 (see)whether you can get a better education、even if you are in a private laugh school.Most of our public high schools are quite good.


第一节短文改错(共10 小题:每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

I’d like to give you some adv ices on how to learn Chinese well.

First, it was important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practicing with your fellow students. Then, it also help to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in the Chinese whenever possible. It will make you familiar to Chinese characters and enlarge your vocabulary even before you notice it!

Besides, it is a good idea learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more easy. You can also make more Chinese friends, they will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try to speak Chinese as many as possible.



请你根据以上提示,以Is a Tutor Necessary?为题,写一篇110词左右的短文。



1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ABABC 11-15 BCACB 16-20 BCBCB


21-25 BABDC 26-30 BACDC 31-35 DDACC 36-40 CFBEG


40-45 BCACA 45-50 DBBAD 51-55 CDABA 56-60 CDDDA


61. mixed 62. whether 63. and 64. wearing 65. choice 66. between 67. until/ till 68. activities 69. beginning 70. to be seen 短文改错



第三行:practice改为practicing; help改为helps






Is a Tutor Necessary?

More and more middle school students are having tutors at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.

Some think it necessary. First of all, it‘s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, it can learn a lot more. Others think it unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need time to relax from time to time. What’s more, the purpose of some family teachers is to make money. In my opinion, whether a tutor is needed just depends.

If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it’s OK for you to have one. But be sure to choose a good and suitable teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.

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