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全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程Unit 3 课件.doc

Unit 3 Job Interview Global Reading 2. Further Understanding Text Analysis For Part I: Questions and Answers 1. How does the author introduce the topic in Text A? Why? (= It starts with a personal story, which could be very appealing to readers because personal experiences sound real. They can also narrow the distance between the author and the reader.) There are several ways to introduce a theme. (= 1. Stating the topic directly. 2. Posing a question. 3. Quoting a famous saying. 4. Relating an anecdote or an incident. ) 2. What is the writer according to what he says at the beginning of the text? (= He is the owner of Mackay Envelop Corporation, a manufacturing company with 350 employees.) 3. What conclusion did the writer draw from the young applicant ’s answers? (= The young applicant was not well prepared and incompetent for the job since his answers to all the questions were simply no.) For Part 2 Table Filling (Directions:) The writer supports his suggestions about job application with a number of examples. Fill in the following table with the suggestions the writer puts forward and the instances he uses to illustrate them.


教学目标 1.通过对含义深刻的语句的理解,体会文中深刻的人文道理,从而感受育人、做人的真谛。 2.学会本课的9个生字及出现的新词。 教学重点和难点: 理解种树人的话 教学过程 一、启读,激趣质疑引入文 1.教师讲述《夏令营中的较量》。 2.请学生自由发言。听了这个真实的故事,你有些什么想法? 3.小结:同学们,我们这次的较量谁输了,输在哪里?今天我们就一起到《桃花心木》那里去寻找答案。 二、初读,整体感知观其貌 1.用自己喜欢的方式自读课文。 要求:字字入目,做到三不:不加字、不减字、不错字。 2.小组交流自学生字词的情况。 3.教师请举手最快的前十名同学串读课文。 (师生共同正音,并对他们积极读书的态度予以表扬。) 三、精读,潜心会文领其意 1.教师:同学们,读书只做到正确流利是不够的,我们还要把书读出情、读出意、读出味、读出神,同学们经过自己的努力一定能达到这样的要求,那么大家刚才提出的问题一定会迎刃而解。 2.再读课文,画出你认为含义深刻的句子,在不懂的地方做上记号。 3.反馈学生画出的句子及不懂的'地方。

4.抓住重点句段,感悟育人真谛。 学习12、13自然段。 ①指名读。想一想:这两段主要讲什么? ②逐句品读。引导学生读懂每句话的意思,并相机指导朗读。 ③全班交流自己从读中体会到了什么? ④教师小结。 学习14自然段。 ①投影出示此段课文,全班齐读。 ②自由朗读,小组交流读后的感受。 ③小组派代表,全班交流。 教师引导理解:”不只是树,人也是一样,在不确定中生活的人,能经得起生活的考验,会锻炼出一颗独立自主的心。” ④学生自悟,有感情地朗读。 学习第15、16自然段 ①愿意读的同学一起读。 ②小组讨论:桃花心木为什么不会枯萎? ③全班交流。小组派代表发言,师生共同评议。 四、展读,联系实际话育人 1.分角色表演,种树人与“我”之间的交流。 ①同桌组合练习。 要求:注意人物的身份、语气、可以自由发挥。 2.联系你的生活实际,谈谈你的想法。教师与学生互相交流。 3.教师小结:


全新版大学英语 第三册

n 川U 4EE- 4EE- Changes in the Way We Live

Preparations 令 1.what do you think of the title? Wh y people want to change their ways they live? 咱网 各 2.what are your life style?

Text A 令Questions Array 1)why do so many migrant workers move from the country to the city? 2)why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs,even in the cou ntryside? .3l ln your opinion,which is better,living in the country or city?

Words .:.1.frustrate: Array①discourage使灰JL、 eg: 丁he lack of money frustrated him ②to prevent sb.'s plans. efforts or attempts from succeeding f坐败

。 · 区〉 .content ①adj( not before noun): happy and satisfied eg: He is quite content with his life. ※ be content to d ②v:to make sb. fell happy and satisfied ※c onte n t yoursel f with sth (to do or have sth that is not what you really wante d ,bu t i t's still satisfactory )


Unit Eight 1、Background Information 人生追求什么?这是个很大的问题。有人穷其一生,或许也找不到正确的答案! 而如果人生经历的一切,已经在姓名三个字中排定了剧本,我的人生到底在追求什么? 每一位不同的人,都有机会从自己的人生中感受到相同的问题。在社会的金字塔,有人在底层;有人在顶层。底层为根基,顶层是决策,环环相扣,缺一不可,这是角色扮演中一种粗略的区分。自己扮演何种角色,是必须经过“选择”的。当然,我们选择角色;角色也选择我们。 人的一生中,其实是多重角色的扮演,包括为人子、为人父、为人夫、为人妻、为人师、为人友;乃至员工、干部、老板;甚至乡长、市长、部长、院长、元首……等等。 人生的乐趣到底是什么? 2、Analyzation of the Text Paragraphs 1-5 这五段为文章的引论部分。 Paragraphs 6-11 作者在这几段落利用否定的方式来拓展“乐趣”的含义。 Paragraphs 12-15 这四段为文章的结尾部分。 3、Words Study 1.epitome n. representative of an example of a class or

type缩影,集中体现 <释例>In his eye, the cat is the epitome of laziness.她认为猫是懒惰的化身。He is the epitome of goodness.他是善良的典范。 <点拨>词根tom意为cut,例如:atom n.原子;anatomy n.剖板,解剖学;tome n.册,卷,大本书;epitomize v.摘要,集中体现。 2.mirth https://www.doczj.com/doc/e66233480.html,ughter, amusement or happiness 欢乐,欢笑,高兴 <释例>Her funny costume caused much mirth among the guests.她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。When I tell them what have happen to me, they all chortle with mirth.我把我的事告诉他们以后,他们咯咯地笑起来了。 <点拨>mirth, merriment, hilarity, glee都有“欢乐,高兴”之义,但含义有一定差异。Mirth强调“心情轻快并容易发笑”,例如:Again the young friends gave way to their mirth.年轻的朋友们又一次欢笑起来。Merriment是一种情绪很高的快乐和欢愉,例如:Her escapades were a subject of merriment in the sorority house.在女生联谊会上,她的恶作剧总是欢笑的根源。Hilarity指的是强烈的,经常爆发性的快乐、狂喜,例如:Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship.用友谊的翅膀将正在熄灭的欢乐火焰重新扇起。

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