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本设计采用许用应力法以及计算机辅助设计方法对桥式起重机桥架金属结构进行设计。设计过程先用估计的桥式起重机各结构尺寸数据对起重机的强度、疲劳强度、稳定性、刚度进行粗略的校核计算,待以上因素都达到材料的许用要求后,画出桥架结构图。然后计算出主梁和端梁的自重载荷,再用此载荷进行桥架强度和刚度的精确校核计算。若未通过,再重复上述步骤,直到通过。由于桥架的初校是在草稿中列出,在设计说明书中不予记录,仅记载桥架的精校过程。设计中参考了各种资料, 运用各种途径, 努力利用各种条件来完成此次设计. 本设计通过反复斟酌各种设计方案, 认真讨论, 不断反复校核, 力求设计合理;通过采取计算机辅助设计方法以及参考前人的先进经验, 力求有所创新;通过计算机辅助设计方法, 绘图和设计计算都充分发挥计算机的强大辅助功能, 力求设计高效。


The project designs metal framework of bridge crane in use of allowable stress method and CAD. At first , I chose size assumably. Then, proofreaded the size. If the proof was not passed, must choose the size again up to pass the proof. If the proof was passed, it could carry on the specific structural design. At last, it’s plot and clean up the calculation process. Designed to make reference to the various of data in the process, make use of various paths, work hard to make use of the various of condition to complete this design in reason. I considered various design projects, discussed earnestly, calculated time after time, try hard for a reasonable design;via CAD and make reference advanced experiences, try hard for a innovatory design;via CAD, ploting and calculation can make good use of powerfull computer, try hard for a high efficiency design. I knew the various of design methods, newest machine design methods both here and abroad also found various of good data.

Key Words: bridge crane; proofread; allowable stress


第一章桥式起重机金属结构设计参数................................ . (1)

第二章 .总体设计 (2)

2.1 大车轴距 (2)

2.2 主梁尺寸 (2)

第三章主端梁截面积几何性质 (3)

第四章、载荷 (4)

4.1 固定载荷 (4)

4.2 小车轮压 (4)

4.3 动力效应系数 (5)

4.4 惯性载荷 (5)

4.5 偏斜运行侧向力 (6)

第五章主梁计算 (8)

5.1 内力 (8)

5.2 强度 (13)

5.3 主梁疲劳强度 (16)

5.4 主梁稳定性 (19)

第六章、端梁计算 (24)

6.1 载荷与内力 (24)

6.2 水平载荷 (25)

6.3 疲劳强度 (30)

6.4 稳定性 (33)

6.5 端梁拼接 (33)

第七章、主梁和端梁的连接 (40)

第八章、刚度计算 (40)

8.1 桥架的垂直静刚度 (40)

8.2 桥架的水平惯性位移 (40)

8.3 垂直动刚度 (41)

8.4 水平动刚度 (42)

第九章、桥架拱度 (44)

总结 (45)

参考文献 (46)

致谢 (47)

英文资料 (48)

图2-1 双梁桥架结构

图3-1 主梁与端梁截面

图5-5 主梁截面疲劳强度验算点

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