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高二英语选修7教案Unit 5 Traveling abroad(罗文君) 一、语言要点




III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元以travelling abroad为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生。学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活的情况,在国外旅游时能根据所给的信息选择恰当的旅游线路,能推测什么事情可能会发生,哪种情况不会发生,会正确使用非限制性定于从句。

WARMING UP 提供了四个有关旅行的问题,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论在国外居住或旅行会遇到什么问题,并且该如何来解决这些问题。

1.2 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。提供了两个问题,它要求采用与同学讨论交流的方式谈论在国外学习的利与弊,激发同学们的学习兴趣。

1.3 READING是一篇介绍中国女孩谢蕾在伦敦学习的情况。使学生对比在国内学习与在国外学习的不同。Try to understand some of the benefits and difficulties she has in London.






1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Discovering useful words and expressions是训练学生在语境中掌握词汇的能力,帮助学生加强动词变化形式的意识。Revising useful structures 是关于非限制性定于从句,旨在训练学生对定语从句的理解、掌握和运用,并通过语法练习加以巩固。

1.8 USING LANGUAGE中的第一部分Listening要求学生先根据秘鲁的地图谈论有关秘鲁这个国家的一些情况, 然后完成三个相应的任务型练习。首先是要求学生在听第一遍时能完成听力练习1的任务,即:选择那些是Lia喜欢做的事;听第二遍是要求学生回答五个问题;练习3是填空题。通过这些题,培养学生学会获取听力材料中的具体用词和细节要点,同时让学生了解有关Peru这个国家的一些情况,为下面的reading and speaking 作铺垫。第二部分Reading and speaking 作为一个整体教学材料。阅读部分主要依据地图对秘鲁这个国家进行介绍,要求学生skim(to get the main idea),再scan( to get the details), 然后回答3个Wh-问题。然后为大家提供了一个旅游小册子,其内容包括在秘鲁旅游的四条路线。要求学生在读后根据文章细节回答四个问题。Speaking部分主要是设置了一个情景your group plans to spend eight days in and around Cuzco。要求学生依据所提供的旅游手册来选择适合自己团队的旅游路线。进一步了解有关旅游的一些注意事项,并学会表达计划和任务。这是一个任务型训练题,旨在培养学生的口语表达能力和实践能力。

1.9 WRITING 要求学生给一位即将到中国来学习的美国笔友写一封信,在信中向他介绍中国的一些情况,在中国的学习、生活中可能会遇到的问题及解决问题的办法,告诉他怎样更好的学习中国的文化以及你将提供给他的帮助。

2. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)

1st period Speaking

2nd period Reading

3rd period Listening and Speaking

4th period Grammar

5th period Integrating skills

6th period Writing

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言:

a. 重点词汇和短语adjust to,advantage,find out ,youth hostels,community

b. 交际用语expressing and supporting an opinion

You might …

It’s a possibility...

Probabl y…

It’s (very) possible that...

It could happen.

Most probably...

It’s not very likely… I doubt it.

He/She/They will probably...

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to discuss what they would learn when traveling or living in another country. And how to deal with the problems and dangers that could happen while traveling in a foreign country.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to deal with the problem that they could meet while traveling.. Teaching important points教学重点

Let students learn to use the structures of expressing and solve the problems.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to deal with the problems that are likely to happen when traveling and how to prevent them.

Teaching methods教学方法

1. Looking at the questions. (individuals).

2. Pairs work to discuss and work in groups of four.

(task-based , cooperative learning).

Teaching aids教具准备

1. A computer

2. A projector

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方法

Step I Greeting and Revision

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! First, let’s check the homework.

1.Check whether they have remembered the ten important sentences.

2.Check whether they have previewed the new words and expressions in this unit.

Step II Warming up

*Talk about the problems with the teacher’s help.

T: If you had chance to go abroad in the world, which country would you like to visit and why ?

and what kind of things would you meet or learn best? Look at the problems on Page 37. You can discuss the following questions with your partner.

Qs: 1.If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why?

2. What kind of things would you learn best by being a tourist in a country and what would

you learn best by working or studying there?

3. How differences or easy do you think it is to adjust to living or traveling in another country?

What kind of differences might you experience?

4. Have you talked to anyone who has spent some time in another country? What did they find

unusual or difficult about it?


1). board/aboard/abroad/broad


board n.(木, 纸)板;滑水板vt.用板铺;用板盖; 上(船、车、飞机)船舷; 甲板;

aboard adv. &prep. 在船(飞机、车)上, 上船(飞机、车)

abroad adv.往国外, 海外,

broad adj.宽的, 阔的, 广泛的adv.宽阔地


1) Sometimes when decorating, we need to saw a ______ in half.

2) She said good-bye to her friends and _______ a plane for New York.

3) She went _______ the plane.

4) During the Spring Festival, many people choose to travel _______

5) Liu xiang is famous for his speed in hurdle at home and _______.

6) The gymnastic coach has _______ shoulders.

7) The robber who robbed the bank of cash ________ daylight was sentenced to death at last. Keys: 1) board 2) boarded 3) aboard 4) abroad 5) abroad 6) broad 7) broad

2). get used to/be used to/used to


get used to +sth./doing sth. 习惯于……(侧重于动作)

be used to+sth./doing sht. 习惯于……(侧重于状态)

be used to do 被用做……(被动语态)

used to过去常常(强调现在不再存在)

【练习】选择get used to/be used to或used to,并用其适当的形式填空

1) We ________ send cards to each other by post. Now we send electronic cards in stead.

2) I’m sure that he will soon __________ country life.

3) Now people in city _________ shopping on the internet.

4) Most of the wood there ________make furniture.

Keys: 1) used to 2) get used to 3) are used to 4) is used to


1.qualification n. 资格, 条件qualify v. (使)具有资格,

2. preparation n. 准备, 预备 prepare v. 准备, 预备,

3. comfortable adj. 舒适的comfort n. 安慰v. 安慰, 使(痛苦等)缓和

4. require v.需要, 要求, 命令requirement n. 需求, 要求, 必要条件

https://www.doczj.com/doc/d817339976.html,ern v. 统治, 支配管理government n. 政府,


1) ---Are you sure he is ________ to drive a car?---Yes. He got his driving _______ before he ______ as a teacher.(qualification)

2) Every family is busy ______ for the Spring Festival for there are lots of _______ to do. (preparation)

3) Anyone who launches a war is ______ and is _______ by people who love peace all around the world. (awe)

4) The _______ of energy will help us research the way to save and _______ the energy. (conserve)

5) Though the soup is _______, I’ve lost my sense of ______ and it ____just like ______water.(taste)

keys:1) qualified; qualification; qualified 2) preparing; preparation 3) awesome; awed 4) conservation; conserve 5) tasty; taste; tastes; tasteless

VII 重点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

1. qualification n.资格;证明


qualify v. (使)具有资格,证明合格

qualification as当任(职务等)的资格

qualification for在(某方面)具有资格取得资格,合格

qualify as取得……资格

qualify for有……资格,有……权;应得;使合格,使能担任,使适合于

qualify sb.to do sth.使某人有资格做某事


1) What’s the qualification as a doctor?取得当一名医生的资格是什么?

2) What qualifications have you got to have for this job? 申请这个工作你得要具有的条件是什么?

3) Do you qualify for the vote? 你有投票资格吗?

4) I hope to qualify as a teacher. 我希望取得教师资格。

5) A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English. 你的英语程度教书不够资格。[练习] 汉译英

1) 经过大学四年的学习,他终于取得了当律师的资格。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) 一纸大学文凭并不意味着能让你有获得这份工作的资格。

______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) After four years’ studying in college, he managed to get the qualification as a lawyer. 2) A

college diploma doesn’t mean that it can qualify you to take up the job.

2. preparation n.准备;预备


prepare vt. & vi.预[准,筹]备,布置,为…铺路;配制;调制;使作准备;温习

be in preparation (for) 在……准备中;作为……的准备

make preparations against为对付……做准备

make preparations for为……做准备

be(well)prepared for[to do]…对…有所准备(处于对…有所准备的意识)

prepare sth.against准备(…)应付…

prepare sb.for让……为了…作准备

prepare the ground for为…铺平路;为…打下基础


1) Mother is now preparing food for dinner.妈妈正在为晚餐准备食物。

2) The students are now preparing for the exams.学生们正为考试做准备。

3) The teachers are now preparing their lessons.老师们在备课。


1) The chemist ______________ the disease case.(这药剂师正为这病例配制药。)

2) What we are engaged in_________________________________________.


Keys: 1)is preparing medicine for 2)is to prepare the ground for this aim

3. recommend vt.推荐;建议


recommendation n.推荐,介绍(信),劝告,建议

on one's recommendation经某人介绍

follow sb.’s recommendations听从某人的劝告


write/give sb.a recommendation为某人写推荐信/介绍信



(1) recommend+(sb's)doing;

(2) recommend +that(从句) (从句用虚拟,由should+动词原形构成);

(3) recommend +sb. to do


(1) recommend sb.sth.

(2) recommend sth.for(doing) sth.


1) Can you recommend me a good novel? 能给我推荐一本好小说吗?

2) What would you recommend for the ink stains?有什么办法能除掉墨水汁吗?

3) It is recommended in the regulations that you(should)not tell others the password of your e-mail account. 条款有提示,不要将邮箱密码透露给别人。


1)The teacher recommended that________________.

The teacher recommended us__________________. (老师曾建议我们读这本小说。)

2) I went to the new hotel_______________________.(经你的介绍我去了这家新旅馆。)

3) _________so that I can cover the company? (你能给我写一封介绍信以便采访那家公司吗?) Keys: 1)we(should)read the novel; to read the novel(reading the novel.

2)on your recommendation

3)Would you write me a recommendation

4. comfort n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰


comfortable adj.安乐的,舒适的;令人感到安慰的;充裕的;惬意的


comfort sb.for因某事安慰某人

be comfortable about/with对某事感到轻松/惬意

give comfort to安慰(某人)

take/have/find comfort(in…)感到安慰,安心,宽心;(从……中)得到安慰(in)


1)You are a great comfort to your parents.你是你父母最大的安慰。

2)She always finds comfort in her children when thinking of the loss of her husband.



1)Anyone can enjoy______________ my favorite chair.


2)The folks came to_______________ the loss of his parents.


Keys: 1)comforting their backs with 2)comfort the child for/give a comfort to the child for 5. substitute n.代替者;代用品vt.用……代替……


substitute A for B用A代B

substitute sb. by [with] another用别人接替某人


1) In modern society, people accept to use plastics as a substitute for steel

2) In modern society, people substitute plastic for steel.


3) He substituted as the typist in the office. 他代替做这个办公室的打字员。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 你不在时,新来的大学生会代替你的位置。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) 助手代替班长去参加了校会.。

_______________________________________________________________________________ keys: 1) The newly coming college student will be your substitute in your absence.

2) The monitor wassubstituted by his assistant to attend the school meeting.

6. acknowledge vt. 承认;确认;答谢


It's(universally)acknowledged that………是大家所公认的

acknowledge(doing)sth/ that(从句).承认(做了)某事/承认……


acknowledge sb.(sth.)+n./ as +n./ +to be +n.

acknowledge sb.with…以……对某人表示感谢‘

acknowledge the applause谢幕

acknowledge a favor/help答谢所受到的关照/帮助


1) When asked about the receipt of Tom’s letter,he acknowledged it .


2)He was acknowledged with a present for his long service with the company.


3)It is acknowledged that he is the finest poet in the flesh.大家公认他是目前最棒的诗人。[练习]根据括号里的汉语补全句子。

1) The candidate________________ was cast down very much.


2)With the depressed economy,________________________.


3)With the evidence offered_____________________________.

( 由于所呈贡的证据,我承认他的陈述是真实的。)

4)With the monitor video shown,he had to________________ from his classmate’s desk inside.(由于监


Keys: 1). acknowledging (who acknowledged) defeat/his defeat in the election 2)me government acknowledged the need for reform/it is necessary to reform 3)I acknowledged the truth of his statement/his statement (to be/as) the truth 4)acknowledge stealing the mobile phone

7. occupy vt.占有;占领;占据


occupation n. 职业

keep sb.occupied使某人忙碌;

occupy oneself with/in(doing) sth.忙于(做)某事;

be occupied in(doing)/with sth.忙于(做)某事,正在做某事;‘


1) The workers are occupied in building new houses.建筑工正忙于建造新房子。

2) Please fill in the form stating your occupation.请在表格中填入你的职业。


1) Is__________________?(这个座位有人占吗?)

2)This game will _______________________.(这种游戏会让孩子们玩上一阵子的。)

3)He_____________ in the Ministry of Education.(他在教育部担任要职。)

4)A teacher should_________________ teaching.( 教师不仅要专心于教书还要育人。) Keys:(1)anyone occupying the seat?/this seat occupied (2)keep the children occupied (3)occupies all

important position (4)be occupied(occupy himself/herself)with education as well as with

8. govern vi.&vt.统治;支配;管理


government n.统治;管辖;政府;

governor n.统治者;管理者;地方长官;主管人员;总督;县[市,省]长,[美]州长;

a system of government政体

government documents/employee公文,官方文件/公务人员


1) You should govern your temper. 你应该控制你的情绪。

2) Who are the men who really govern in this country? 谁是这个国家的真正统治者?


1)The government is/are planning new tax increases.


2)Who are the men that really govern this country?


3)You should govern your temper.


4)The rights of our citizens are governed by charter(宪章).


5) Chance(运气)usually governs the outcome of the game.


6)The child can not be governed.


7)Govern yourselves like a civilized human being.


Keys: 1)政府正打算提高征税额。2)谁是这个国家的真正统治者? 3)你应该控制你的情绪。



9. contradict vt. 反驳;反对;否认; 与...矛盾


contradiction n.矛盾,反驳

contradictory adj.相矛盾的

contradict oneself自相矛盾


1)Your actions contradict your declared moral principles.你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。

2) The boy was very angry and contradicted his teacher in public.男孩非常生气,当众反驳了他的老师。

3) The reports contradict each other. 这些报告相互矛盾。

[练习] 汉译英


_______________________________________________________________________________ 2)那些事实与他的理论相悖。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) His statement contradicts with the facts. 2) The facts contradict his theory.

10. abundant adj.丰富的, 充裕的,


be abundant in=be rich in 富有……

abundance n.大量,丰富,充裕

in abundance大量,丰足

an abundance of大量的


1) an abundant year丰年

2) a life of abundance富裕的生活

3) an abundance of sunshine充足的阳光

4) The region is abundant in wildlife. 这个地区野生动物极多.

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) The country is abundant in natural resources. 2) The evidence is in abundance.

V 重点词组(旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

1.keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去


Well done,and keep it up,Tom! 干得好,汤姆,再接再厉!


keep one's head/temper保持冷静/强压怒火

keep a school/a family/a diary开办学校/养家活口/写日记

keep one's word;keeps to one's promise履行诺言

keep the law守法

keep in touch with与……保持联系

keep an eye on…照看,密切注视;提示

keep up with跟上;保持同步水平不落后;

keep away from(常与from连用)远离;不接触;

keep to sth.信守;坚持;坚守;不违背(诺言、计划等);



1) We appeal to the government to______ prices.

2) The police asked the people to ________the scene of the accident.

3)Though things changed,they__________ the original purpose.

4)We asked her to stop talking,but she____________.

5)He stopped at a shop for something,so he failed ________ his associates and was left behind.B.根据括号里的汉语补全句子

1)Keep ____________________________________.(把你的狗从我这儿拿开!)

2) He always keeps__________________________.(他总是说话算数的。)

3) He kept______________.(他对他的结论守口如瓶。)

Keys: A 1)to keep down 2)keep away from/keep off 3)kept to 4)kept up

5)to keep up with

B 1) your dog off me 2) his word/to his promise 3) his conclusion to himself

2. as far as one is concerned 就……而言


As far as I am concerned,I can't object to your marriage.


As far as English is concerned,he is the best in our class.



as/so long as只要; 像……一样长;

as soon as…就…;

as much as尽量多地;

as far as远到;就…

[练习] 汉译英

1)就我而言, 我完全支持你的想法。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2)就这项规则来说,没人能找到它出自何方。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) As far I am concerned, I completely support your idea. 2) As far as the rule is concerned, no one can find out where it comes.

3settle in(迁入新居;更换工作后)安顿下来


1) The Dutch settled in South Africa.荷兰人在南非殖民。

2) She didn't settle in London until graduation from Cambridge University.



settle(oneself)down to sth.安下心来做某事

settle down(活动一段时间后)平静下来;舒舒服服地坐下;躺下;定居;成家


1)It was two o’clock before I could finally _______writing the next chapter.

2) When things____________ abroad,I’ll give you a call.

Keys: (1)settle down to (2)settle down

4.out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的


1) It is out of the question for us to buy a new flat now since stock market is still in low.股市依然低靡,我们不可能买得起新房子。

2) Without your help, finishing the task ahead of time would be out of the question.没你的帮助提前完成任务是不可能的.


out of question毫无疑问

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他无疑是班上的优秀生。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) 现在买汽车是不可能的,我们把钱花光了。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) He is out of question the top student in his class. 2) It’s out of the question to buy a new car now. We’ve run out of all the money.


1. “It’s not just study that’s difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in th e beginning,” explained Xie Lei, who had lived all her life in the same city in China.“困难不仅仅在学习方面,你还必须习惯一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占去你全部注意力。”谢蕾解释说。她一直住在中国的同一座城市。[解释]It’s not just study that’s difficult。是一个强调句型。


1) It was in the playground that our school meet was held.学校运动会是在操场举行的。

2) It was not just the place of party that was hard to find. We also had to find a professional DJ.


[练习] 汉译英

1) 不仅他说的话深深地伤害了,他所做的一切也给我留下了很坏的印象。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) 正是昨天他给我带来了消息。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) It’s not just what he said that hurt me so much. What he did also gave me bad impression on

me. 2) It’s yesterday that he sent me the message.

2. I have been so occupied with work that I haven’t had time for social activities.




1) The load is so heavy that the workers cannot move it.负荷太重了,以致于工人无法搬动它。

2) She was so exhausted that she couldn’t eat anything.她累得吃不下饭。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他太感动了以致于说不出话来。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2) 这条线太细了不能负担起这么重的东西。

_______________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) He was so moved that he could not say any words. 2) The thread is so thin that it can not burden

such a heavy thing.




Six years ago, Xie Lei boarded a plane for London 1 (complete) a business 2 (资格). When she came to England, she lived with a host family, 3 members always helped her. At the beginning she had to face 4 difficulties of daily life as how to use the phone, how to pay on the bus. 5 (study) there was quite different from studying in China and she needed some 6 (准备) first. She had to get used to a new way of life, 7 took up all her concentration. It was 8 (benefit) to fulfill Western academic requirements.

答案: 1. to complete 2. qualification 3. whose 4. such 5. Studying 6. preparation 7. which 8. beneficial



课文讲述了Xie Lei到国外留学的故事,包括了她在生活中遇到的差异和困难。

The passage tells about__________________ _________________ __________________ 答案:The passage tells about XieLei’s story of studying abroad, including the differences in everyday things and the difficulties she faced.


1.【原句】He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought the author of the article knew far more than I did. 他想袄知道的是我所想的是什么。这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。

[模仿要点] 句子结构: 多种句式混合


_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:I want to know what you have done, which interests me because I think you are a very special person.



答案:He wants to know when we will start, which is very important because the meeting can’t be put off.

2.【原句】In the high plains area is Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel. 在高原地区有的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。

[模仿要点] 句子结构: 倒装句+定语从句



答案:Around the lake lie sixteen mountains, which are covered with snow all the year round. 【模仿2】市中心有一座最大的购物中心,里面商品琳琅满目。


答案:In the center of the city is a shopping mall, the biggest one in the city, in which there are a great diversity of goods.




The door is the one to life-long learning. As new ideas appear all the time, we always need to 21 new knowledge, regardless of our age. Naturally, my aunt herself is the best 22 . Many of my aunt' s actions say that she is amazingly up-to-date. She always says, "Age doesn't matter. What 23 is your attitude. You may think it's strange that I am still going to 24 , but I don't think I'm too old to learn." Yes, she is right. Since the government removed the age limit for college 25 in2001, already some untraditional students are 26 with us in the same classrooms. Like these people, my aunt is old but very 27 in spirit.

We have met with many 28 . For instance, we are faced with the challenge of a balanced learning, the challenge of 29 our fine tradition while learning from the West, and the challenge of learning continuously while carrying 30 responsibilities to our work and family. So, each door is a test of our courage, ability and judgment. Possibly I will go back to college, too.

21. A. acquire B. study C. learn D. face

22. A. pattern B. example C. type D. kind

23. A. matters B. relates C. connects D. unites

24. A. department store B. company C. concert D. college

25. A. permissions B. hesitations C. admissions D. achievements

26. A. seating B. sitting C. sharing D. attending

27. A. young B. brave C. curious D. amazing

28. A. difficulties B. hardships C. challenges D. independences

29. A. preserving B. serving C. reserving D. preventing

30. A. heavy B. light C. wonderful D. inspiring


这篇文章通过介绍婶婶上大学的事情,说明无论哪个年龄层次的每个人都面临挑战。21.选A. 我们面对新的东西,我们要以获得知识为目标.acquire获得。


23.选A. 因为前面有Age doesn't matter.故用A.意思为“要紧的是我们的态度。”24.选D.下文的“college”表明。

25.选C.这里是说,2001年国家对大学入学年龄的限制的取消.College admissions 大学入学。


27.选A.根据前文“she“very old.”可知答案A。

28.选C.下文有“we are faced with the challenge of……”。

29.选A. preserve vt.保护,preserve the fine tradition保护优良传统,reserve vt.保留。30.选A 在不断学习的同时,要努力承担重大的工作和家庭的责任.heavy responsibilities 重大的责任。



Nueng Garcia noticed the name of a man who paid him 31 check.

"Did you ever have a son?" he asked the man.

With that question, the two stared at each other and suddenly realized they were the father and son who 32 (separate) for 27 years. 33 today's meeting, John Garcia had not seen his son since July 1969, 34 the elder Garcia was a young American soldier. Nueng was just 3 months old then. John continued to write and send checks to his son's mother 35 he left Thailand. Nueng said his mother later remarried and stopped 36 (write) to her former husband. After that, John lost touch with his son. In later years, he sent letters to the government in Bangkok 37 (seek) an address; however, all of his letters went unanswered. Nueng and his mother had moved toColorado Springs in 1971. By chance, John Garcia moved to Pueblo nine years ago to take up work. 38 their paths met this week was even more unlikely. "I don't even know 39 I stopped for gas," he said. His newfound 27-year-old son put his arm around the man who was once 40 stranger and said, "Dad... I 'm glad you did."


Neuang Garcia在偶然的机遇中竟然碰到了自己分别长达27年的父亲。命运的巧合终于使这对父子在异乡相聚。

31. by。pay by check用支票付款。

32. had been separated。整篇文章用的是一般过去时,他们27年前分离是过去的过去,故用过去完成时,the father 与son的分离是被迫的,故用被动形式。

33. Until。直到今日的相聚,John Garcia自从1969年的6月开始就再也没有见过自己的儿子。

34. when。先行词是July 1969,它在后面的从句中作时间状语,故定语从句由when引导。

35. after。从后文的John Garcia写信给Bangkok(曼谷,泰国首都)政府寻找他妻子儿子的地址可知这里是指John Garcia在离开泰国后一直都给他的妻子写信并且寄去支票。

36. writing。前面提到他的母亲改嫁,那么自然不给她以前的丈夫写信了。stop doing “停止正在做的事情”。

37. to seek。动词不定式表示目的。John给曼谷政府写信来寻找他妻子儿子的地址。

38. That。分析句子结构,主句谓语是was,其前是一个主语从句,从句里不缺成分,只缺连接词,故用that。

39. why。“我不知道我为什么要停车加油。”why引导宾语从句。

40. a。a表不定指。




A. Grand Canyon Country Park

Arizona' s northwest region is home to awe-inspiring beauty, including the Grand Canyon. Explore further and you will find the beautiful Oak Creek Canyon and the high-peaked San Francisco Mountains. Activities change along with the seasons, from hiking and rafting to skiing and sledding.

B. Chief Sleep Easy RV Park

Located in a small town but close to larger towns in Nevada and Utah. Club House and Internet. Enjoy Wi-Fi and modem service for your computing needs. The full gym and heated pool are open all the year round, the mini market is fully stocked and catering service is available.

C. Flagstaff- Grand Canyon KOA Park

Open all the year round. Set at 7,000 feet under the cool shade of ponderosa pines near theCoconino National Forest and near historic Route 66. Northern Arizona Museum features local geology and native cultures. Shop and dine in downtown Flagstaff. KOA staff can help arrange tours to northern Arizona sites.

D. Canyon Mote!& RV Park

Its location is a perfect escape from the ordinary. With mountain views.

E. Red Lodge KOA Open: May 15 -- September 30.

Our Activities: Coif, Fishing, Hiking, Horseback Riding, River Rafting and Shopping.

Our Events: Heated Swimming Pool and Fun Cycles.

F. Flintstones Bedrock City Theme Park

Located in beautiful Northern Arizona. It is a theme park of wildlife, with a natural zoo, a gift shop, a diner, a convenience store, galleries and restaurants. The legendary Beartooth Highwaybegins near this place, which winds for 69 miles to the Yellowstone National Park.


41. Daniel, a professor, poet and historian, from Newcastle, along with his students, wants to spend their five-day holiday in exploring the local history and native cultures next October.

42. Orwell, a great quiet writer, will spend his holiday from 1 to 15 May. He is used to doing exercises in the gym in the morning, and swimming in a heated pool at noon.

43. Nick ,who likes hiking and rafting, wants to ride the nearby Skyride up to 11,500 feet for a view of the Grand Canyon and the city of Flagstaff next summer.

44. Bergius, active and challenging, competed in the local 12th Horseback Riding. He will marry his girl-friend by traveling next August. His girlfriend is interested in riding a cycle and shopping.

45. Cuvier, biologist of wild animals and plants, will attend the Animal Festival. He is also about to visit the Yellowstone National Park bv the way.

答案41.C.信息项C项中的"near historic Route 66... features local geology, and native cultures"符合Daniel的“... in exploring the local history, and native cultures”要求。42.B.Orwell的基本要求是”doing exercises in the gym in the morning,and swimming in a heated pool at noon信息项B项正好适合他——The full gym and heated pool are open all the year round..

43,A.Nick喜欢hiking and rafting.希望观赏风景点the Grand Canyon and the city of Flagstaff,信息项A项与之相匹配。

44.E.活跃而且喜欢挑战的Bergius,刚刚参加当地的第12届马术比赛,将与喜欢骑车和购物的女友结婚,所以信息项E 项中的Golf,Fishing,Hiking,Horseback Riding,River Raf ting and Shopping以及Fun Cycles可以满足他们。

45.F 生物学家Cuvier将出席动物节并且将参观the Yellowstone National Park,广告中的Flintstones Bedrock City Theme Park是一个野生动物主题公园.而且有公路通往就近的黄石国家公园;

4. 基础写作

假定你是Mary,有一位英国朋友Smith托你在当地帮他找工作。你看到汕头日报(Shantou Daily)上登载了一则招聘启事,认为对他很合适。请你用英文写一封短信,用E—mail发给Smith,告知此事。广告原文如下:










Dear Smith,

I know you want to find a job in Shantou.



_______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

Dear Smith,

I know you want to find a job in Shantou. I've read the Shantou Daily, and I found that ShanotuUniversity is running an Summer English course for children and adults. They need a foreign teacher, and their requirements are as follows.

The teacher should be a native English speaker, which I think fits you so much. University degrees in education are required or related field is preferred. If you are interested, you should bring your foreign expert certification along to Shantou University, or you may contact them by calling 0754-212445 or sending them an email with the address: shantou university @21cn. com.

Best wishes.



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