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【轻松过四级之考试词汇天天练】 (3)

2004-2-21 (3)

2004-2-23 (4)

2004-2-24 (5)

2004-2-25 (6)

2004-2-26 (6)

2004-2-27 (7)

2004-2-28 (8)

2004-2-29 (9)

2004-3-01 (10)

2004-3-02 (11)

2004-3-03 (11)

2004-3-04 (12)

2004-3-05 (13)

2004-3-06 (14)

2004-3-07 (15)

2004-3-08 (16)

2004-3-09 (17)

2004-3-10 (18)

2004-3-11 (20)

2004-3-12 (21)

2004-3-13 (22)

2004-3-14 (23)

2004-3-15 (24)

2004-3-16 (25)

2004-3-17 (26)

2004-3-18 (27)

2004-3-19 (28)

2004-3-20 (29)

2004-3-21 (30)

2004-3-22 (31)

2004-3-23 (32)

2004-3-24 (33)

2004-3-25 (34)

2004-3-26 (35)

2004-3-27 (36)

2004-3-28 (37)

2004-3-29 (38)

2004-3-30 (39)

2004-3-31 (40)

【四级小店之4级语法】 (41)

<四级小店>之语法小点——分词 (41)

<四级小店>之语法小点——动名词 (43)

<四级小店>之语法小点——虚拟语气(I) (44)

<四级小店>之语法小点——不定式 (48)

<四级小店>之语法小点——助动词、情态动词 (50)

<四级小店>之语法小点——时态、语态要点 (51)




1. Although they had suffered heavy losses, the commanders refused to ______defeat.

A) grant B) consent C) concedeD) acquire

2. Most plastics do not readily ______ heat and electricity.

A) attract B) carry C) conductD) transfer

1. C

[注释]尽管他们损失惨重,司令官还是拒绝承认失败。A)grant给予;B) consent同意,答应;C) concede承认;D) acquire得到,获得。

2. C

[注释]大多数塑料不能传热导电。A)attract吸引;B)carry传送,运输(指把东西携带或运送到另一个地方);C) conduct传(热、电等);D)transfer转移,升迁(常与from和to 连用)。


1. The news you told me the other day has yet to be ______.

2. Margaret made a lot of effort to persuade her father into ______ to her going to the United States to study business administration in Harvard University.

A) contending C) contenting B) contesting D) consenting

1. C



2. D


A)contend竞争,斗争;B)contest竞争,比赛;C)content使满意;D) consent to同意。


1. The soldiers ______ every inch of the ground, and fought with determination not to retreat.

A) matched C) converted B) gambled D) contested

2. I ______ him to think carefully before making a decision.

A) council C) advice B) counsel D) reconcile

3. No matter how little money you have, you should get into the habit of ______

some in the bank regularly.

A) drawing C) disposing B) withdrawing D) depositing

4. On turning the corner, we saw the road ______ steeply.

A) departing C) decreasing B) depressing D) descending

5. Sometimes the tension produced by fears is so great that we cannot suppress it. At such times we need to ______ the tension by laughing or crying.

A) discard C) disguise B) disperse D) discharge

1. D


2. B

[注释]我忠告他作决定前慎重考虑。A)council n.委员会,理事会;B)counsel v. & n. 忠告,劝告。C)advice n.忠告,劝告; D)reconcile v.调和,协调。

3. D


4. D



5. D


A)discard丢弃,抛弃; B)disperse分散,驱散; C)disguise伪装; D)discharge排出,释放。


1. She once again went through her composition carefully to ______ all spelling mistakes from it.

A) withdraw C) abandon

B) eliminate D) diminish

2. In the past two years. millions of Americans have suddenly ______ the bicycle as if it were a startling new invention.

A) resumed C) upheld

B) repelled D) embraced

3. The society needs to adjust to fewer married couples, more unattached individuals and the growing variety of family relationships that Americans ______ through life.

A) encounter C) endure

B) counter D) enroll

4. The new regulation will be ______ from the first of April.

A) forced C) enforced

B) abused D) enfolded

5. It is virtually impossible to ______ the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.

A) appraise C) assess

B) evaluate D) estimate

1. B

[注释]她把作文又仔细地看了一遍,修改了所有拼写错误。eliminate消除,去掉。A)withdraw意为“收回”。C)abandon放弃;D)diminish vt, vi,缩小;变小;减少。

2. D

[注释]在过去的两年里,成百上千万美国人突然对自行车发生浓厚兴趣,就好像自行车是个惊人的新发明似的。embrace“拥抱”,该词为多义词,除本意外,还表示“抓住”,如embrace an opportunity抓住(机会),“(欣然)接受,(乐意)利用”。A)resume恢复;重新开始,(经打断后)再继续;B) repel击退;逐退C) uphold 支持,维护。

3. A

[注释]社会需要调整来适应日益减少的婚姻配偶,日益增多的离异个体以及美国人一生中所面对的各种家庭关系。encounter遇到,面对:the growing variety of family relationships that Americans encounter through life 美国人在一生中所面临的越来越多样的家庭关系。B)counter (against) vi.还击,报复;C)endure vt.忍耐, 忍受;


4. C


5. D

[注释]实际上不可能估计出世界上有多少人除了自己的母语以外掌握了英语并作为工作语言熟练地运用。estimate意为“估计”。assess,appraise,evaluate都意为“估价”、“评价”。A) appraise vt. 评价, 估价;鉴定, 评定;B) evaluate vt. 估价;评价; C)assess vt. 估定(财产, 价值等),确定(税款、罚款、赔款)的数额;


1. Bob used to ______ his teacher’s tone and gesture to make his classmates laugh.

A) imitate C) stimulate

B) resemble D) intimate

2. The team’s efforts to score were ______ by the opposing goalkeeper.

A) fractured C) flushed B) fluctuated D) frustrated

3. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ______ dreams were likely to be highly respected.

A) interpret C) inherit

B) intervene D) impart

4. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been ______ with the theoretical aspects of the subject.

A) embraced C) alternated

B) adjusted D) integrated

5. Without the support of the masses, the leading group is becoming increasingly ______.

A) parted C) isolated

B) separated D) divided

1. A

[注释]鲍勃过去常模仿老师的腔调和动作逗同学发笑。imitate模仿,模拟。B)resemble像,类似;C)stimulate 刺激,激励;D)intimate私下的,亲密的。

2. D

[注释]该队进球的努力被对方守门员挫败了。frustrate挫败;使受挫折破坏;使失败,使泄气; A)fracture“(使)断裂;破裂;折断; B)fluctuate“(使)波动;(使)起伏”; C)flush“冲洗”。

3. A



4. D

[注释]该课程吸引人的特点之一在于该学科理论与实际工作结合起来的方法。integrate(使)成为一体,(使)结合在一起。A)embrace拥抱,包括;B)adjust调整;C)alternate(常与with连用)(使)轮流;(与between 连用)(使)交替.

5. C

[注释]没有了群众的支持,领导集团变得越来越孤立了。isolated孤立的。A)分开的,离开的;B)separated 分离的,分开的;D)divided分开的。


1. The fine quality of the cloth ______ its high price.

A) justifies C) reasons

B) excuses D) explains

A) leased C) released

B) inherited D) borrowed

3. The project should be ______ in accordance with the latest estimate of the cost.

A) modified C) sponsored

B) compiled D) retreated

4. He dressed up and had a false beard on, but soon, we ______ him.

A) saw C) observed

B) penetrated D) concentrated

5. What causes emotional problems for children of divorce is generally the events that ______ the breakup.

A) proceeded C) prevailed

B) presided D) preceded


[注释]这块布料质量好,价钱贵是合理的。justify证明……正当或有理由。B)excuse原谅,辩护;C)reason 推理,理喻;D)explain解释。

2. A

[注释]他把下边那块土地出租给了狩猎俱乐部。lease表示“租进”和“租给”两方面,但所接介词不同。lease…to 租出给…;lease…from从…租得;B) inherited ;C) released 释放,发布;D)borrow sth.from sb.借得某人的某物。

3. A

[注释]工程应该根据最新的预算进行修改。modify修改B)compile编辑;C)sponsor资助,赞助;D)retreat 退却。

4. B

[注释]他化了装,戴了假胡须,但我们不久就识破了他的伪装。penetrate看透,看穿,识破(较正式,原指从一边缓慢、艰难地插人或穿透,用法较广)。A)saw 看见;C)observed 观察;D)concentrated 集中;浓缩。

5. D

[注释]离婚给孩子造成感情方面问题往往是由于离婚以前的一些事情。precede先于(=go before…)。

A)proceed进行,继续下去;B) preside (at/over)主持; C)prevail vi. 胜(过), 压倒, 占优势(over, against); 流行, 盛行, 风行;普及, 传开;说服, 劝说(on, upon, with):prevail against a person 胜过某人;Truth will prevail.真理必胜。The custom prevails over the whole area.这风俗存在于这整个地区。


1. The authorities ______ visitors from smoking in the building.

A) forbade C) banned

B) protected D) refused

2. Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the U. S. to______the centennial of Einstein’s birth.

A) congratulate C) celebrate

B) observe D) participate

3. By week’s end the earthquake had ______more than 700 lives.

A) pronounced C)claimed

B) stated D)declared

4. I should think it over before I ______ on such a hazardous project.

B) start D) embark

5. People, who refuse to ______ with the law, will be punished.

A) agree C) correspond

B) abide D) comply

1. C

[注释]官方禁止游客在楼里抽烟。ban禁止(指以官方,法律的命令禁止,查禁);A)forbid禁止(指普通的阻止、禁止,宾语后应用不定式,为正式用法。如:The government forbade people to smoke in public.政府禁止人们在公共场合吸烟。);B)protect保护;D)refuse拒绝(可说refuse sth.或refuse sb. sth.)。

2. C


A)congratul ate“庆祝,祝贺”,与on连用;B)observe庆祝,纪念(实指“过”某个节日等。可以这样说生日年年observe,但未必年年celebrate。);D)participate分享,参与(与in连用)。3. C

[注释]到周末地震已夺去了700多人的生命。claim“声称”(除表示某人声称某事之外,其主语还可以是某种灾难,表示夺去多少人的生命,意为“以……为其后果”);A)pronounce宣布(一般用于宣布某事为真,如医生pronounce sb. dead,或法官宣布对某事的裁决); B)state陈述,说明(多作比较正式地说或者申明);D)declare 宣布(指很郑重、很正式地宣布,尤指政府作出的)。

4. D

[注释]在着手进行这项冒险计划之前,我得考虑考虑。embark着手,从事,常与on(upon)连用。C)begin,B)start和A)commence都有“开始”之意。begin为一般用语;commence正式用语,指某一正式行动之开始;start 则着重于做某件事的第一步。

5. D

[注释]任何不遵守法律的人都将受到惩罚。comply with遵守。A)agree with同意(表示与某人意见一致);

C)correspond with与……相符(有时也与to连用)。A)和C)均可用来表达和谐一致之意。对某项法律不赞同的人,只要不违法,就不会受惩罚,因此,A、C两项皆不对。B)abide遵守(常接介词by)。


1. Lightning is a sign of thunder and enables us to ______ the rain.

A) precede C) prepare

B) predict D) preserve

2. Some people criticize family doctors for ______ too many medicines for minor illnesses.

A) prescribing C) advising

B) ordering D) delivering

3.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.

A).canal B).tunnel

C).channel D).cable

4.Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed.

A).spare B).fast

C).moderate D).moral

5.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.

A).faded B).illustrated

C).confined D).concerned

[注释]闪电是雷声的前兆并使我们能预测到下雨的可能。predict预测;A)precede vt. (时间, 位置, 次序)在……之前, 领先于;比……重要;在……前加上; 为……加上引言(by, with):C)prepare准备;D)preserve 保护,防护,维护,保持;维持,支持;

2. A

[注释]有些人批评家庭医生为一点小病就开很多药。prescribe medicines开处方。B) ordering 订购,命令;

C)advising 建议;D)delivering投递,送交。


[注释]这条河是如此巨大,以至于在没有现代技术的条件下在河底建造隧道是不可能的。A)canal n. 运河,小道,沟渠;vt.开运河;B)tunnel 隧道,地道;C)channel n.海峡,水道;vt.引导,开导;D)cable n.电缆,索;v.打(海底)电报。


[注释]虽然交通并不繁忙,他还是喜欢中速驾驶。A)spare adj. 多余的,备用的;v.节省,让给,抽出(时间);B)fast adj.紧的,快速的adv.牢固的,很快的;C)moderate adj.中等的,适当的;温和的,有节制的;D)moral adj.道德的,道义的;n.道义,寓意


[注释]在他65岁左右,所有在他头脑中的童年的记忆都变得淡薄了。A)fade v.退色,凋谢;逐渐消逝,淡薄;B)illustrated v.图解,阐明;举例说明;C)confine vt. 把……限制在,局限于;管制,禁闭;D)concern vt. 关于,涉及;关心,挂念;n.关心,关怀;厉害关系。


1.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.

A). bean B).beam

C).bake D).battery

2.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal.

A).surround B).substance

C).stretch D).substitute

3.With the help of the government , a large number of people _______ after the flood in 1991.

A). survived B).suspended

C).suffered D).submit

4.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.

A). novel B).spoil

C).acceptable D).additional

5.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully

A). sorting B).joking

C).counting D).comparing


[注释]电池快没电了,所以我无法再次发动汽车。A)bean n.豆,豆形果实;B)beam n.梁,(光线的)束,电波;v.播送;C)bake v.烘焙, 烤, 烧硬;D)battery n.电池。


[注释]在制造现代照相机时,人们开始用塑料代替金属。A)surround v. 围绕,包围;B)substance n. 物质;

C)stretch v.&n. 拉长,拉伸,加宽;D)substitute v.代替;n. 代用品。

[注释]在政府的帮助下,许多人从1991年的洪水中幸存下来。A)幸免于,幸存;B)suspend vt. 悬,吊,暂停;C)suffer vt. 遭受,经历;D)submit v.屈服,服从。


[注释]他头脑中总是有许多新奇的想法,有时我们甚至不知道他在思考什么。A)novel n.长篇小说;adj,新奇的,异常的;B)spoil v. 搞糟,损坏,宠坏;C)acceptable adj.可接受的;D) additional adj. 另外的,附加的,额外的。


[注释]请严肃一些。我不是在开玩笑。你必须认真考虑。A)sort n.种类,类别v.分类,整理;B)joke n.笑话;v.开玩笑。C)count n.计数,计算。D)compare vt. 比较,比照。


11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.

A). federal B).figure

C).scientific D).service

12.He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.

A). traditional B).scholar

C).nurse D).pilot

13.When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later.

A). policy B).plain

C).permanent D).principal

14.John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.

A). pretends B).assures

C).affords D).melts

15.We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.

A). owes B).spoils

C).deserts D).neglects


[注释]在美国,外交政策由联邦政府决定,而不是由各个州决定。A)federal adj.联邦的,联合的;B)figure n.外形,数字;vt.描绘,塑造;C)scientific adj.科学的;D)service n.服务;vt.保养,维修。


[注释]他以访问学者的身份在我们大学工作,而不是正式的教学人员。A)traditional adj.传统的, 惯例的;

B)scholar n.学者;C)nurse n. 护士;D)pilot n.飞行员;v.驾驶。


[注释]在你填申请书时,请使用你的永久住址这样我们以后可以容易的联系到你。A)policy n.政策,方针;

B)plain n.平原,草原;adj.简单的,明白的,普通的。C)permanent adj.永久的,持久的;D)principal n.负责人,校长;adj.主要的,首要的。


[注释]约翰假装成一个有礼貌的人,但是实际上他很粗鲁。A)pretend vt.假装,装扮;B)assure vt.断然的说,保证C)afford vt.提供,给予;D)melt v.(使)融化,使软化。


[注释]我们不能在相信他了因为他总是疏忽值守。A)owe v.亏欠,负债;B)spoil v.损坏,宠坏,扰乱;C)desert n.沙漠;v.放弃,逃亡;D)neglect v.忽视,疏忽;n.忽视,漏做。


16.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.

A). facilities B).hens

C).votes D).artists

17.When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______.

A).surface B).atmosphere

C).attitude D).bent

18.This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.

A). boundary B).string

C).spot D).zone

19.She is already 16years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.

A). believes B).absorbs

C). access D).behaves

20.We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.

A). distinguished B).annoyed

C).astonished D).scored


[注释]为了提高产量,我们需要进口更多的生产设备。A)facility n.容易, 简易, 灵巧, 熟练, 便利, 敏捷, 设备, 工具;B)hen n.母鸡C)vote n.投票,选票;vi.&vt.投票;D)artist n.艺术家,画家。


[注释]在宇宙飞船的飞行中,其中的一个重要难题是重返地球大气层。A)surface n.表面,水面;adj.表面的;

B)atmosphere n.大气,空气;C)attitude n.姿态,态度;D)bent n.倾向,爱好。


[注视]这条河在中国和韩国之间形成了一条天然边界。A)boundary n.边界,分界线;B)string n. 线,细绳;C)spot n. 斑点,地点;vt.认出,发现;D)zone n.地域,地区;vt.环绕。


[注视]她已经16岁了,但是她的行为还像一个小女孩。A)believe v.相信,信任;B)absorb vt.吸引,吸收;C)access n.通路, 访问, 入门vt.存取, 接近;D)behave vi.举动,举止;v.行为表现。


[注视]我们对马克在这学期取得的快速进步感到惊讶。A)distinguish v.区别, 辨别;B)annoy vt.使苦恼,骚扰;

C)astonish vt.使惊讶D)score n.得分,;vt.把...记下, 获得, 评价vi.记分, 刻痕, 得分。


21.The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.

A). distributed B).packed

C).prayed D).undertook

22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _______, not foreign.

A).domestic B).strain

C).purchase D).murder

23.He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.

A). measure B).maintain

C).shelter D).reply

24.He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.

C).requested D).reserved

25.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.

A).research B).rescue

C).vessel D).vast


[注释]医生给洪涝取得人民分发药品。A)distribute vt.分发, 分配, 散布;v.分发;B)pack v.包装,打包;n.(一)包;包裹;C)pray v.祈祷,祈求;请求;D)undertake vt.承担,担任,许诺。


[注释]这份报纸提供的新闻大部分是国内新闻,而不是国际新闻。A) domestic adj.国内的;B)strain n.紧张,张力;vt.扭伤;v.拉紧,扯紧。C)purchase vt.买,购买;D)murder n.&v.谋杀,凶杀。


[注释]他试图与他的前妻维持联系,但是他失败了。A)measure n.尺寸,方法;vt.测量,估量,分派;B)maintain vt.维持,维修,继续;C)shelter n. 掩蔽处,庇护所;v.掩蔽,躲避;D)reply n.答复;v.答复,回击,回答。


[注释]他下决心以后努力学习,以便有更多的机会找到更好的工作。A)resolve n.决心

v.决心, 决定, 决心要, 解决;vt.解决B)resort vi.求助,采取;n.凭借,手段,常去之地,C)request vt.请求,要求;n.请求,邀请;D)reserved


[注释]救援工作持续了一个多星期,但是仍然没有那个失踪男孩的消息。A)research n.&vi. 研究,调查;

B)rescue vt.&n. 援救,营救;C)vessel n.船,容器,器皿;D)vast adj.巨大的,辽阔的,大量的。


26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________ from the earth

A).withdrawn B).vanished

C).found D).hung

27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.

A).counting B).stripping

C).elaborating D).casting

28.Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.

A).guard B).accomplish

C).roar D).endure

29.Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.

A).favorite B).available

C).convenient D).average

30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.

C).wrapped D).restored


[注释]据说许多种动物已经从地球上消失了。A).withdraw vt.收回,撤销;v.撤退。B).vanish vi. 消失,突然不见;C).find vt.找到, 发现, 查明vi.裁决n.发现D).hang n.悬挂的方式,(动作的)暂停;vt.悬挂, 附着;vi.悬着, 垂下。


[注释]工程师在这个实验室里花费了数周时间来详细制作他们关于新型自行车的计划。A).count v.数, 计算, 认为, 有价值n.计数, 计算;B).strip vt.剥, 剥去;n.条, 带C).elaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的;vt.精心制作, 详细阐述;v.详细描述D).cast n.投掷, 铸件, 脱落物, 演员表;v.投, 抛, 派(角色)。


[注释]松树通常被认为能忍耐严寒。A).guard n.守卫, 警戒, 防护装置;vt.保卫, 看守, 当心;

vi.防止, 警惕, 警卫;B).accomplish vt.完成, 达到, 实现;C).roar n.&vi.吼叫, 怒号;v.滚动, 咆哮D).endure v.耐久, 忍耐


[注释]在中国,绝大部分大学生都可以享受免费的医疗服务。A).favorite n.特别喜欢的人(或物);adj.喜爱的, 宠爱的, 中意的;B).available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的;C).convenient adj.便利的, 方便的;D).average n.平均, 平均水平, 平均数;adj.一般的, 通常的, 平均的;vt.平均为, 均分, 使平衡。30.A

[注释]不间断的工作了20个小时后,医生精疲力尽了。A).exhausted adj.耗尽的, 疲惫的;B).mounted adj.安在马上的, 裱好的;C).wrapped adj.有包装的,预先包装的;D).restore vt.恢复, 使回复, 归还, 交还, 修复, 重建。


31.The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.

A)discouraged B)observed

C)obeyed D)obtained

32.Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.

A)detective B)president

C)manager D)director

33.We won’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.

A)devote B)district

C)interfere D)wander

34.We can not _______ all the magazines together.

A)route B)draw

C)thread D)bind

36.Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.

A)indicate B)declare


[注释]在中国不赞成大学生吸烟因为这对他们没有好处。A)discourage vt.使气馁, 阻碍;B)observe vt.观察, 观测, 遵守, 评述;C)obey v.服从, 顺从;D)obtain vt.获得, 得到。


[注释]史密斯教授还是国际事务办公室的主管。如果你在这里学习遇到困难,你可以向他求助。A)detective n.侦探;adj.侦探的;B)president n.总统, 会长, 校长;C)manager n.经理, 管理人员;D)director n.主任, 主管, 导演, (机关)首长, (团体)理事, (公司)董事。


[注释]我们不允许外国干涉我们的内政。A)devote vt.投入于, 献身;B)district n.区域, 地方, 管区, 行政区;

C)interfere vi.干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰;D)wander vi.漫步, 徘徊, 迷路。


[注释]我们不能把所有杂志捆在一起。A)route n.路线, 路程, 通道;v.发送;B)draw v.拉, 曳, 牵, 画;vt.汲取, 领取, 引起, 吸引;C)thread n.线, 细丝, 线索;D)bind v.绑, 镶边, 装订。


[注释]有些懒人宁可挨饿也不愿意工作。A)indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示, 需要, 简要地说明;B)declare vt.断言, 宣称, 宣布, 宣告;C)solve vt.解决, 解答;D)starve vt.使饿死;vi.饿得要死。


37)This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.

A) scolded B)overcome C)inclined D)displayed

38)Some states in the United States _______ people to carry guns.

A) apply B)charm C)ignore D)forbid

39)Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.

A)interview B)intention C)stomach D)stocking

40)Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.

A) decrease B)create C)define D)delight

41)Students with _______ problems may apply for student loans.

A) economic B)financial C)male D)economical


[注释]这个男孩因为他在班上所作的事而受到责骂。A)scold v.责骂, 申斥, 斥责;B)overcome vt.战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服C)incline n.倾斜, 斜坡;vt.使倾向于, 使倾斜;vi.倾向, 倾斜;D)display vt.&n.陈列, 展览, 显示。38)D

[注释]美国的有些州禁止人们携带枪支。A) apply vt.申请, 应用;vi.申请, 适用;B)charm n.吸引力, 魅力, 符咒;vt.迷人, 使陶醉, 行魔法;vi.用符咒, 有魔力;C)ignore vt.不理睬, 忽视;D)forbid vt.禁止, 不许;v.禁止。


[注释]由于疏忽他失去了工作面试。A)interview vt.&n.接见, 会见;n. 面试;B)intention n.意图, 目的;

C)stomach n.胃, 胃口;D)stocking n.长袜。


[注释]有时候很难详细解释某些英语词汇,就算母语是英语的人也无能为力。A)decrease n.减少, 减少之量;v.减少;B)create vt.创造, 创作, 引起, 造成;C)define vt.定义, 详细说明;D)delight n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦;v.(使)高兴, (使)欣喜。


[注释]经济上有困难的学生可以申请助学贷款。A) economic adj.产供销的, 经济学的;B)financial adj.财政的, 金融的;C)male adj.男的, 男性;D)economical adj.节约的, 经济的。


42)Both sugar and salt can ______in water.

A) desert B)absorb C)dissolve D)involve

43)I have not heard anything from him since his _______.

A) departure B)fault C)foundation D)acceptance

44)Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.

A) conduct B)stoop C)commit D)sweat

45)Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.

A) connected B)sustained C)associated D)suspended

46)These excursions will give you an even deeper ______ into our language and culture.

A)inquiry B)investigation C)input D)insight


[注释]糖和盐都能溶于水。A) desert n.沙漠;adj.沙漠的, 不毛的;vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑

vi.逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差;B)absorb vt.吸收, 吸引;C)dissolve v.溶解, 解散;D)involve vt.包括, 笼罩, 潜心于, 使陷于。


[注释]自从他出发后,我没有从他那里听到任何信息。A) departure n.启程, 出发, 离开;B)fault n.过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病;vt.挑剔;vi.弄错;C)foundation n.基础, 根本, 建立, 创立, 地基, 基金;D)acceptance n.接受, 承诺, 容忍, 赞同, 相信。


[注释]没有适当的教育,人们可能会犯各种各样的罪行。A) conduct n.行为, 操行;v.引导, 管理, 为人, 传导;

B)stoop n.弯腰, 屈背, 屈服;vi.弯下, 弯下上身, 屈服, 弯腰, 堕落;vt.俯曲, 辱没;C)commit vt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把...交托给, 提交, 答应负责;D)sweat n.汗



[注释]天花板上悬挂着数个喇叭,所以我们能够很清楚地听清演讲人的演讲。A) connect v.连接, 联合, 关连;

B)sustain vt.支撑, 撑住, 维持, 持续;C)associate vt.使发生联系, 使联合;vi.交往, 结交;n.合作人, 同事;adj.副的;D)suspend vt.吊, 悬挂。


词,长指对事物的了解,强调对事物内部实质的了解或智力在认识中的运用,后长接介词into,例如:He has a great insight into modern science.他对现代科学有很强的洞察。A)inquiry 询问,调查;B)investigation 调查;

C)input 投入,输入;D)insight洞察,了解。


动词短语 专练(1)

1.When she heard the bad news, she ______ completely.

A)broke away B)broke out

C)broke down D)broke through

2.When John was nineteen he ______ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.

A)took to B)took up

C)took for D)took on

3.After Marry and Jane covered 25 kilometers that day, their legs under them ______.

A)gave in B)gave off

C)gave out D)gave away

4.To my surprise, at yesterday's meeting he again ______ the plan that had been disapproved a month before.

A)brought up B)brought on

C)brought in D)brought about

5.Truth is something proven by experiment, so nothing should be ______.

A)born in mind B)taken into consideration

C)put up with D)taken for granted


1. C


C)break down意为"体力和心力的衰弱或丧失"。A)break away(from)意为逃离。The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him.这个罪犯从关押他的警察那儿逃走了。B)break out意为突然发生,爆发。

D)break through意为"突破(围墙,障碍物等),出现"。如:It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through. 乌云密布,但太阳最终还是钻出云层。

2. A


take to 沉湎于:John's taken to drinking too much lately. 最近约翰过于沉溺于饮酒。B) take up从事于;(活动,事件)占去(时间);C) take for 把……当作:I'm not going to help you to steal a car; what do you take me for? 你把我当成什么样的人?把(某人)错看成(别人):I took you for Mrs. Brown when I saw you this morning. 今天早上看到你时我把你错当成布朗太太了。D) take on 承担;聘用。

3 C


give out ①(人)体力不支:Tom's legs gave out and he couldn't run any further. 汤姆的腿没劲了,他再也跑不动了。②=run out被用完,耗尽,没有了:We must go home, our money has given out. 我们必须回家了,我们

give in to his opinions. 别对他的意见让步。B)give off发散,放出(光、热、汽):The roses gave off a nice smell. 那玫瑰发散着芬芳。D)give away赠送;泄露:He has given away all his money to the beggar. 他把所有的钱都给了乞丐。

4. A


A)bring up 除了"抚养,教育"之意外,如:to bring up children;还有"提出,引起注意"之意。同"to raise or introduce (a subject)","call attention to", 如:bring up the question of unemployment 提出失业问题;B)bring on,意为"lead to, (help to)produce", 产生,引起,导致Going out in the rain brought on a fever. 冒雨外出因而发烧。bring on还可作"帮助,进展"讲。More study should bring on your English.多下功夫,你的英语会进步。C) bring in意为"introduce",介绍,提出。往往强调是第一次。To bring in a bill in Parliament在国会提出议案。D)bring about =cause to happen, 引起,导致,致使。如:The developments in science and technology have brought about many changes in our lives。科技的发展给我们的生活带来了许多变化。

5. D

[注释]真理是经实验证明的东西,所以什么都不能想当然。take something/someone for granted 认为……理所当然:I took it for granted that new roads should be built. 我认为我们建新的公路是理所当然的。A)bear/keep sth in mind 牢记在心:I'll always bear what he has done for me in mind. 我永远也不会忘记他为我所做的一切。

B)take sth into consideration=take sth into account=consider 考虑:The teacher promised to take the students' needs into full consideration in his teaching. 老师保证说在他的教学中会充分考虑学生的需求。C)put up with=bear=stand 容忍,忍受:That's the kind of rude behavior that I just will not put up with! 我就是无法忍受那种粗鲁的行为。



6.I want to buy a new tie to ______ this brown suit.

A) go with B) go after

C) go into D) go by

7.It is much earlier to talk about social change than to ______.

A) bring it to B) bring it up

C) bring it about D) bring it out

8.When the whole area was ______ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.

A) cut in B) cut back

C) cut down D) cut off

9.He agreed to help us but ______ when he found how difficult it was.

A) backed up B) backed behind

C) backed out D) backed away

10.You should ______ that she had been sick recently. She could do better she were well.

A) account for B) count on

C) take into account D) take for granted


6. A

我想买条和这套褐色西服相配的新领带。go with 配合,相配。

Mary's blue dress goes with her eyes. 玛丽的蓝色裙子和她眼睛的颜色很相配。B)go after (不正式)追求(某人或事):go after a girl/job/prize 追求女孩/求职/争取奖品C)go into 从事;进入(行业,生活状况):to go into politics/business/films 从政/从商/从影D)go by (时光)逝去,过去:Two months went by before he finally settled down in his new school. 两个月过去了他才适应了新的学校。

7. C

谈论尚未产生的社会变革有些为时过早。bring about 产生,引起。

A)bring to=bring round 使苏醒:Peter has fainted。Try to bring him to.彼得昏过去了。设法把他救醒过来。B) bring up=raise 抚养,教育;D)bring out ①生产,制造:to bring out a new kind of soap生产一种新肥皂;②使发挥,使显露:Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities. 困境能使一个人发挥出最大的优点。

8. D

当整个地区被洪水包围时,政府用直升飞机运送粮食到那里。cut off 隔绝。When the city was cut off, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.城市被包围时,大家都知道失败已成定局。A) cut in (不正式)插嘴说:Don't cut in while I'm talking. You can say what you want later.我在讲话时你别插话。等会儿你再说你想说的话。B) cut back=to reduce in size or amount减少,减小:The unions strongly opposed any plans to cut back (on) industrial production.

工会坚决反对任何削减工业生产的计划。C) cut down=to reduce in quantity or amount 削减,减少:The doctors have told me to cut down (on) smoking and drinking.医生叫我少抽烟,少喝酒。

9. C

他同意帮助我们,但当他发现困难很大时他又退缩了。back out (不正式)未能履行(允诺、契约等)。I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment. 我希望能信得过你不至于最后关头打退堂鼓。

A)back sb. up=support 支持:Most members were against Tom, who would have lost his position if you hadn't backed him up. 大部分会员都反对汤姆,如果当初没有你对他的支持的话,他可能已失去职位了。

B) back behind 不是固定搭配。D) back away 向后退(以腾出空间或因害怕等):The taxi driver backed away to let the bus go through the narrow road. 出租车司机把车向后退了退让公共汽车通过狭窄的道路。

10. C

你应该想到她最近一直病着。如果她病好了,她会做得更好一些。take into account 考虑。I'll take your suggestions into account. 我会考虑你的建议的。A)account for 说明,说明……的原因:He could not account for his absence. 他无法说明他缺席的原因。B)count on=depend on=rely on指望,依靠:We can always count on him for help in any emergency. 我们总能指望他在紧急的情况下帮助我们。D)take for granted 认为……理所当然。



1. Mike is working in a company that ______ clothes.

A)copes with B)deals with

C)deals in D)touches with

A)run down B)run over

C)run off D)run out

13. The board ______ the suggestions the experts made.

A)acted as B)acted on

C)acted for D)acted up

14. The teacher was using many new words and the students could not ______ what she was saying.

A)take in B)take away

C)take to D)take over

15. You may go on with your experiment, but I don't think anything will ______ it.

A)come to B)come of

C)come across D)come from


11. C


deal in 买卖,交易。

又如:This shop deals in woolen goods.

A) cope with和B)deal with 的意思都为"处理、对付",但cope with较deal with更为正式,而且隐含着事情不容易对付之意。

D)touch作动词时,无此搭配;作名词时常见的表达法为keep in touch with sb.(与……保持联络),lose touch with sb.(与……失去联络),in/out of touch with sb.(与……有/没有联络)。

12. A

我的表走了三天就没电了。run down(尤指钟或电池)失去动力而需旋紧发条或充电。

run down, run over 和run into虽有相似之处,但也不尽相同:run down侧重于(以车辆)撞倒或撞伤(人或动物);run over 侧重于(车辆)碾过或压过:

He was run over by a bus. 他被一辆公共汽车从身上压过。

而run into 侧重于(使)(车辆)猛力撞到:

The drunken driver ran his car into a tree. 酒醉的司机开车撞到了树。

B)run over 又作"(液体或容器)溢出"讲。The water/The cup ran over. 水从杯子溢出来了。

C)run off 让(液体)流出:to run off a bucket of water from the barrel 从木桶中放出一桶水;

D)run out 用光,耗尽:Our food soon ran out.我们的食物不久就耗尽了。

13. B

董事会按照专家们的建议去做。act on 按照……行事。

No matter how difficult the situation was,he always acted on his principles. 不管情况有多糟,他总按照自己的原则做事。

A) act as=serve as=work as 充当Mary acted as a secretary to the manager. 玛丽做了经理的秘书。

B) act for 为……做事In this case I'm acting for my friend. 我代表我的朋友处理此事。

D)act up=play up 表现不良,出毛病The car's engine is beginning to act up. 汽车的发动机开始出毛病了。


take in 理解,领会。It took me a long time to take in how to do it. 我想了很久才明白怎样去做。

B)take away 带走,消除,减去What do you get if you take 5 from 12? 12减5剩多少?

C) take to:①爱,喜欢(某人或某事)He took to her at first sight. 他第一眼见到她就喜欢上她了。②养成……习惯,嗜好,见题解2。

D)take over 接管,接任,接收:Our firm took over two fruit packing companies last year. 我们公司去年接收了两家水果包装公司。

15. B

你可以继续你的实验,但我不认为会有什么结果。come of 从……产生。

A)come to总计,达到:The members of the club has come to 120 up to now. 俱乐部的成员人数已达120。C)come across=run into 偶然遇到:The other day I came across my former colleague in the department store. 那天我在百货商场偶遇我以前的同事。D) come from 出生于;以……为出生地:Most of the students come from the countryside.大多数学生来自乡下。


1) This kind of medicine has the power to _______poison.

A)splash B)resist C)adopt D)occupy

2) He is easily _______ so I do not like to talk with him.

A)defended B)afforded C)created D)offended

3)I am _______ to believe that he won’t come back to see his wife again.

A)inclined B)puzzled C)accompanied D)performed

4)Before you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have _______ it or not.

A)sunk B)sighed C)sought D)sealed

5)After talking for nearly ten hours, he _______ to the government’s pressure at last.

A)expressed B)yielded C)decreased D)approved


[注释]这种药物有抗毒的作用。A)splash n.溅, 飞溅, 斑点;v.溅, 泼, 溅湿B)resist vt.抵抗, 反抗, 抗, 忍得住;C)adopt vt.采用, 收养;D)occupy vt.占, 占用, 占领, 占据。


[注释]他很容易被冒犯,所以我不喜欢与他交谈。A)defend vt.防护, 辩护, 防卫, [律]作...的辩护律师;B)afford vt.提供, 给予, 供应得起;C)create vt.创造, 创作, 引起, 造成;D)offend v.犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 得罪, 使...不愉快。


[注释]我倾向于相信他不会再回来看他的妻子了。A)inclined adj.倾向于……..;B)puzzle n.难题, 谜;v.(使)迷惑, (使)为难, 迷惑不解;C)accompany vt.陪伴, 伴奏;D)perform vt.履行, 执行, 表演, 演出;v.完成任务。


[注释]在你寄出这封信前,你应该再检查一下你是否把它封好了。A)sunk(sink的过去式)vi.沉下, (使)下沉;n.水槽, 水池;B)sigh n.叹息, 叹息声;vi.叹息, 叹气;C)sought (seek的过去式)v.寻找, 探索, 寻求;

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