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000 总论510 数学

100 哲学、心理学520 天文学、地质学

200 宗教、神学530 物理学、力学

300 社会科学540 化学、晶体学、矿物学400 语言、文字学550 地质学、气象学

500 自然科学560 古生物学

600 应用科学570 生物学人类学

700 艺术、文体580 植物学

800 文学590 动物学

900 历史、地理

610 医学

620 工程和技术科学25. 农业

621 机械和电气工程26. 家政

621.1 蒸汽动力工程27. 商业管理、交通

621.22 水力机械28. 化学工业

621.3 电气工程29. 制造业

621.4 内燃机工程30. 特种行业、仪表、手工业621.5 气动机械与制冷工程31. 建筑业、材料科学621.6 泵、管道工程32. 机械零件及材料

621.7 弹、塑性成形及加工33. 机床及加工

622 采矿工程38. 电子学

623 军事工程39. 通信工程

624 土木工程

625 道路工程

626 水力工程

627 河道、港湾、海洋工程

628 卫生工程

629 交通工程



00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics

001 Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work

001.1 Concepts of science and knowledge

001.18 Future of knowledge

001.32 Learned, scientific societies. Academies

001.8 Methodology

001.89 Organization of science and scientific work

001.9 Dissemination of ideas

002 Documentation. Books. Writings. Authorship

003 Writing systems and scripts

003.01/.09 Special auxiliary numbers for writing systems and scripts

003.01 Origins, precursors of scripts. Early forms of scripts

003.02 Emergence of writing

003.03 Graphic expression of language

003.05 Means of producing signs and scripts

003.07 Uses and styles of writing

003.08 Characteristics of writing

003.09 Techniques and methods of deciphering scripts

003.2 Writing systems. Graphic representations of concepts

003.21/.23 Conventional writing systems used for general purposes of literate language communities. Orthographies

003.21 Picture writing

003.22 Syllabic writing systems

003.23 Alphabetic writing systems

003.3 Scripts

003.5 Writing materials and equipment

003.6 Other kinds of graphic representation of thought

004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing

004.01/.08 Special auxiliary numbers for computing

004.01 Documentation

004.02 Problem-solving methods

004.03 System types and characteristics

004.04 Processing orientation

004.05 System and software quality

004.07 Memory characteristics

004.08 Input, output and storage media

004.2 Computer architecture

004.22 Data representation

004.23 Instruction set architecture

004.25 Memory system

004.27 Advanced architectures. Non-Von Neumann architectures

004.3 Computer hardware

004.3`1/`2 Special auxiliary numbers for hardware

004.3`1 Production of computers

004.3`2 Computer installations

004.31 Processing units. Processing circuits

004.32 Computer pathways

004.33 Memory units. Storage units

004.35 Peripherals. Input-output units

004.38 Computers. Kinds of computer

004.4 Software

004.4`2/`6 Special auxiliary numbers for software

004.4`2 Software development tools

004.4`4 Programming language translation

004.4`6 Runtime environment

004.41 Software engineering

004.42 Computer programming. Computer programs

004.43 Computer languages

004.45 System software

004.49 Computer infections

004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. User interface. User environment

004.51 Display interface

004.52 Sound interface

004.55 Hypermedia. Hypertext

004.58 User help

004.6 Data

004.62 Data handling

004.63 Files

004.65 Databases and their structures

004.67 Systems for numeric data

004.7 Computer communication. Computer networks

004.71 Computer communication hardware

004.72 Network architecture

004.73 Networks according to area covered

004.738 Network interconnection. Internetworking

004.75 Distributed processing systems

004.77 General networking applications and services

004.78 Online computing systems for specific use

004.8 Artificial intelligence

004.9 Application-oriented computer-based techniques

004.91 Document processing and production

004.92 Computer graphics

004.93 Pattern information processing

004.94 Simulation

005 Management

005.1 Management theory

005.2 Management agents. Mechanisms. Measures

005.3 Management activities

005.31 Operational research (OR)

005.32 Organizational behaviour. Management psychology

005.33 Management conditions. Factors

005.4 Processes in management

005.5 Management operations. Direction

005.6 Quality management. Total quality management (TQM)

005.7 Organizational management (OM)

005.9 Fields of management

005.91 Administrative management. Secretariat

005.92 Records management

005.93 Plant management. Physical resources management

005.94 Knowledge management

005.95/.96 Personnel management. Human Resources management

006 Standardization of products, operations, weights, measures and time

006.3/.8 Standards

006.91 Metrology. Weights and measures in general

006.92 Horology. Determination and standardization of time

007 Activity and organizing. Communication and control theory generally (cybernetics). 'Human engineering'

007.5 Self-acting systems

008 Civilization. Culture. Progress

01 Bibliography and bibliographies. Catalogues

011 Universal and general bibliographies

012 Author bibliographies. Individual bibliographies

013 Collective bibliographies

014 Bibliographies of works of particular characteristics

015 Bibliographies of place

016 Special subject bibliographies

017/019 Catalogues

017 Catalogues in general. Subject catalogues

018 Name catalogues

019 Dictionary catalogues

02 Librarianship

021 Function, value, utility, creation, development of libraries

022 Library site, building, premises. Equipment

023 Library administration. Staff. Personnel

024 Relations with the public. Regulations for library use

025 Administrative departments of libraries

026 Special libraries

027 General libraries

027.6 Libraries for special classes of user

027.7 Libraries of institutions of higher education

027.8 Libraries of institutions of primary and secondary education

030 General reference works (as subject)

050 Serial publications, periodicals (as subject)

06 Organizations of a general nature

06.01/.05 Special auxiliary numbers for organizations and associations

06.01 Rights and obligations of members

06.05 Awards. Honours. Prizes. Distribution of prizes, awards

061 Organizations and other types of cooperation

061.1 Governmental organizations and cooperation

061.2 Nongovernmental organizations and cooperation

061.23 Organizations with humanitarian, philanthropic aims

061.25 Secret or semi-secret organizations and movements

061.27 Foundations. Endowments. Institutions

069 Museums. Permanent exhibitions

070 Newspapers. The Press

08 Polygraphies. Collective works

082 Collective polygraphy

084 Pictorial material

086 Documents of particular form

087 Documents of particular origin or destination

09 Manuscripts. Rare and remarkable works

091 Manuscripts

092 Xylographic books

093 Incunabula

094 Other precious, remarkable or rare printed works

095 Books remarkable for their binding

096 Books remarkable for their illustrations or for materials used

097 Marks of ownership or origin



101 Nature and role of philosophy

11 Metaphysics

111 General metaphysics. Ontology

113/119 Cosmology. Philosophy of nature

122/129 Special metaphysics

13 Philosophy of mind and spirit. Metaphysics of spiritual life

130.1 General concepts and laws

130.2 Philosophy of culture. Cultural systems. Theory of cultural complexes

130.3 Metaphysics of spiritual life

133 The paranormal. The occult. Psi phenomena

14 Philosophical systems and points of view

140 Possible philosophical attitudes. System typology

141 Kinds of viewpoint

159.9 Psychology

159.91 Psychophysiology (physiological psychology). Mental physiology

159.92 Mental development and capacity. Comparative psychology

159.93 Sensation. Sensory perception

159.94 Executive functions

159.942 Emotions. Affections. Sensibility. Feelings

159.943 Conation and movement

159.944 Work and fatigue. Efficiency

159.946 Special motor functions

159.947 Volition. Will

159.95 Higher mental processes

159.96 Special mental states and processes

159.97 Abnormal psychology

159.98 Applied psychology (psychotechnology) in general

16 Logic. Epistemology. Theory of knowledge. Methodology of logic

161/162 Fundamentals of logic

164 Logistic. Symbolic logic. Mathematical logic. Logical calculus

165 Theory of knowledge. Epistemology

165.6/.8 Epistemological viewpoints and doctrines

167/168 Logical methodology

17 Moral philosophy. Ethics. Practical philosophy

171 Individual ethics. Human duties to oneself

172 Social ethics. Duties to one`s fellow humans

173 Family ethics

176 Sexual ethics. Sexual morality

177 Ethics and society



2-1/-9 Special auxiliary subdivision for religion

2-1 Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of religion

2-13 The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion/worship

2-14 God. Gods (Personalised god(s) as distinct from immanent spirits)

2-15 Nature of god(s)

2-17 The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology

2-18 Man. Mankind. Humanity. Doctrinal anthropology

2-184 Man's relation to god(s)

2-2 Evidences of religion

2-23 Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts

2-25 Secondary literature. Pseudo-canonical works

2-27 Critical works

2-28 Other religious texts

2-3 Persons in religion

2-31 Originator, founder, central figure of the faith

2-32 Messiah(s)

2-34 Martyrs

2-35 Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs

2-36 Saints. Bodhisattvas. Enlightened ones

2-37 Mahatmas. Gurus. Wise men

2-38 Charismatics. Persons with supernatural powers

2-4 Religious activities. Religious practice

2-42 Moral behaviour. Moral theology

2-43 Social customs and practice. Social theology

2-46 Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology in the broad sense

2-47 Education in religion

2-475 Preaching. Homiletics

2-5 Worship broadly. Cult. Rites and ceremonies

2-523 Buildings for religious use. Ecclesiology

2-526 Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations

2-53 Acts of worship (by participants)

2-54 Ceremonies by purpose

2-55 Sacraments. Sacramentals

2-56 Celebration

2-6 Processes in religion

2-65 Comparison

2-67 Relations between faiths or with society in general. Religion and society

2-7 Religious organization and administration

2-72 Nature and structure of the organized religion, church. Ecclesiology

2-73 Government of the religion

2-74 Legal administration. Religious law. Canon law

2-76 Recruitment. Missionary activity. Missions broadly. Missiology

2-77 Organizational structure of the faith, religion

2-78 Religious organizations. Religious societies and associations

2-8 Religions characterised by various properties

2-84 Religions related to the state

2-87 Schismatic groups. Heresies

2-9 History of the faith, religion, denomination or church

21/29 Religious systems. Religions and faiths

21 Prehistoric and primitive religions

212 Prehistoric religions

213 Primitive religions

22 Religions originating in the Far East

221 Religions of China

221.3 Taoism

223 Religions of Korea

225 Religions of Japan

23 Religions originating in Indian sub-continent. Hindu religion in the broad sense

233 Hinduism narrowly

234 Jainism

235 Sikhism

24 Buddhism

241 Hinayana Buddhism. The lesser vehicle. Theravada Buddhism. Pali school

242 Mahayana. The great vehicle

243 Lamaism

244 Japanese Buddhism

25 Religions of antiquity. Minor cults and religions

251 Ancient Egyptian religion

252 Religions of Mesopotamia

254 Religions of Iran

255 Classical antiquity

257 Religions of Europe

258 Religions of South and Central America. Pre-Columbian indigenous religions

26 Judaism

261 Religion of the Biblical period. Ancient Judaism. Old Testament religion

262 Ashkenazi Judaism

264 Sephardi Judaism

265 Orthodox Judaism

266 Progressive Judaism

267 Modern movements arising from Judaism

27 Christianity. Christian churches and denominations

271/279 Christian churches and denominations

271 Eastern church

272/279 Western church

272/273 Catholic church

272 Roman Catholic church

273 Non-Roman Catholic episcopal churches

274 Protestantism generally. Protestants. Dissenters. Puritans

275 Re-formed churches

276 Anabaptists

277 Free churches. Non-conformists

278 Other protestant churches

279 Other Christian movements and churches

28 Islam

281 Sufism

282 Sunni. Sunnite Islam

284 Shi'a. Shi'ite Islam

285 Babi-Baha'i

286 Baha'i

29 Modern spiritual movements



303 Methods of the social sciences

304 Social questions. Social practice. Cultural practice. Way of life (Lebensweise)

305 Gender studies

308 Sociography. Descriptive studies of society (both qualitative and quantitative)

311 Statistics as a science. Statistical theory

311.1 Fundamentals, bases of statistics

311.2 Research technique. Preparation. Tabulation

311.3 General organization of statistics. Official statistics

311.4 Private statistics

314/316 Society

314 Demography. Population studies

314.1 Population

316 Sociology

316.1 Object and scope of sociology

316.2 Sociological points of view and trends

316.3 Social structure. Society as a social system

316.33 Basic elements and subsystems of global societies as sociological categories

316.34 Social stratification. Social differentiation

316.35 Social groups. Social organizations

316.36 Marriage and family

316.4 Social processes. Social dynamics

316.6 Social psychology

316.7 Sociology of culture. Cultural context of social life

32 Politics

321 Forms of political organization. States as political powers

322 Relations between church and state. Policy towards religion. Church policy

323 Home affairs. Internal policy

323.1 Nationalist, popular, ethnic movements and problems. National and ethnic minorities

323.2 Relation between people and state. Internal political activities

323.4 Class war. Forms of class warfare

324 Elections. Plebiscites. Referendums. Election campaigns. Electoral corruption, malpractice. Election results

325 Opening up of territories. Colonization. Colonialism

326 Slavery

327 International relations. World, global politics. International affairs. Foreign policy

327.2 Imperialism. Imperialistic policy. Political expansionism

327.3 Internationalism. International movements, objectives

327.5 International blocs

327.7 Activity of international and intergovernmental organizations

327.8 Political influence, pressure, on other states

328 Parliaments. Congresses. Representation of the people. Governments

329 Political parties and movements

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