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新世纪大学英语综合教程2 Unit 1 Text B单词详解2013.3

1. prince n. (often cap.) a son or other near male relation of a king or queen [C](常用大写) 王子;王孙;亲王;国王或王后的男性近亲;诸侯

--- princess n. [C]公主

拓展:[C]小国的君主a ruler of a small country

[S]巨头,巨子a very great, successful, or powerful man of the stated kind

① The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince.魔术师把青蛙变成了王子。

② For all I do know he may be a prince in disguise.从我所知道的一切来看,他可能是一个隐姓埋名的亲王。

2. fantastic adj. extremely good; wonderful [非正式] 顶呱呱的,非常出色的,了不起的

拓展:荒诞的,奇异的,古怪的wild and strange

极大的;异乎寻常的very large; extraordinary

极好的,极出色的,了不起的excellent; marvellous


(1)用作定语:~+ n.

It is a fantastic story.这是一个荒诞的故事。

It is a really fantastic idea.这确实是个异想天开的想法。

What a fantastic goal!这球进得多漂亮!


Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.你听过他的新歌剧吗?那好极了。

I passed my test! Fantastic! 我测试及格了!太棒了!

① We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.昨天晚上我们看了一场非常精彩的演出。

② She has got a lot of fantastic ideas which are impossible to be put into practice.她有一大堆不切实际的想法,这些想法不可能付诸实践。


3. aware adj.[(of)] having knowledge or understanding [与of连用]知道的,明白的,意识到的

拓展:知道; 意识到; 明白aware(that...)knowing or realizing sth.

察觉到; 发觉; 发现noticing that sth. is present, or that sth. is happening

对…有兴趣的; 有…意识的interested in and knowing about sth., and thinking it is important

(1)aware后可接of或that从句。词组:be aware of 意识到,察觉到,知道

He is aware of her presence.他知道她会出席。

He is aware that we are here.他意识到我们在这。


I am not aware how long he has lived here.我不知道他在这住了多久了。


I am well aware of that.我知道这事。

① If you were aware of all that, you would change your mind.如果你知道了那一切,你会改变主意的。

② Then he became aware that they were regarding him with interest.这时,他意识到他们都在饶有兴趣地看着他。


Ⅰ. aware主要指根据感觉器官听、视或根据敏锐的智力推断而得知自身或外界的实际情况。aware还可作“懂事的,明智的,敏锐的”解。

Ⅱ. aware是表语形容词,常接of短语或名词从句。aware of后接除what以外的wh-从句时of可省略。aware 后接that从句可看作是aware of the fact that...省略了the fact。

Ⅲ. aware不用于比较等级。

Ⅳ. aware可用very much, fully, quite, well等词修饰,但不用very修饰。

CF: aware, conscious, sensible这三个词都是形容词,表示觉察到某物的存在,后面都常接介词of。

1)conscious表示“知道的,意识到的”,不用于可看到的事物, 用在与精神方面有关的场合; 作表语时,指某人自己清楚地知道或懂得某物,语气比aware强些; 用作定语, 指某人自觉自愿的行动,后还可接从句。

2)aware表示“认识的, 觉察到的”,可用于所有的场合,通常只能作表语,以人作主语; 也可指通过所见所闻对某人或某物有所觉察,但不一定了解很清楚; 后面还可接从句。

3)sensible意为“知道的, (可以)觉察的”,指感官对客观事物的反映或内心对外界不明显或过去不注意的事物开始有所认识或感知。作表语时,通常指人,偶尔指物; 作定语时,主要指物。

4. novel n. a long written story not in poetry, dealing with invented people and events [C](长篇)小说

拓展:新奇的,新颖的,新的new and strange; of a kind not known before


adapt/publish/write a novel 改编/出版/写小说

make a novel into a film 把小说拍成电影


novel about 关于…的小说

novel by(of)…写的小说

(3)用作形容词(adj. ): ~+名词

novel idea/design 新的观念/设计

novel experience/fashion 新的经验/风尚

①The novel is considered a brilliant performance.这部小说被认为是出色的佳作。

②I like reading novels in my spare time.我喜欢闲暇时读小说。

③It's a novel experience.那是一段新奇的经历

CF1: novel,romance,fiction,story,fable,tale这些名词均含“小说、故事”之意。






CF2: new,fresh,novel,original,innovative这些形容词均含“新的”之意。






5. action


[U]行动; 行为过程the process of doing sth in order to make sth happen or to deal with a situation

[C]所做之事; 行为a thing that sb does; sth done

[U](故事,戏剧等中的)情节the events in a story, play, etc.

[U][C]战斗; 作战fighting in a battle a war

[U](一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用the effect that one substance or chemical has on another

vt. 采取行动; 采取措施take appropriate steps to make sure that sth. is done or dealt with

(1)a piece/slice of the action (为获得利益)参与某事involvement in some enterprise, especially in order to get a share of the profits

Do you what a piece of the action?你想分一份吗?

She's only putting money into this scheme if she get a slice of the action.她若能分得一杯羹,才肯出钱参与这一计划。

(2)bring an action (against sb.) 起诉(某人) start a legal process against sb.

He brought an action against her.他起诉她了。

He brought legal action against his neighbour.他起诉他的邻居。

(3)in action

a)在运转,在操作in operation or engaging in a typical activity

Is your machine still in action?你的机器还在运转吗?

How long before we can see that new ski lifts in action?我们多久才能看见新的滑雪索道开始运行?

b)战斗fighting in a battle or war

Many were killed in action.许多人在战斗中阵亡。

Her younger son was killed in action.她的小儿子死于战斗中。

c)正在做擅长的事; 正在做训练的事doing what you are good at or what you are trained to do

It's interesting to watch a good salesman in action.看一个出色的推销员卖东西是很有趣的。

He is a very good tennis player; you ought to see him in action.他是个出色的网球手,你该看看他打球。

(4)into action 付诸实施into operation or a typical activity

Mum quickly went into action in the kitchen.妈妈立刻在厨房里忙开了。

The rules will be brought into action tomorrow.章程从明天开始生效。

(5)out of action 不再运转,失去效用no longer able to operate or function; not working

I'm out of action with a sore back.我因背痛而不能工作。

I was out of action with a sprained ankle.我的脚踝扭伤了,不能行动。

(6)put sth. into action 把某事物付诸实施start using sth. such as a plan or idea

It's time to put our plan into action.是将我们的计划付诸行动的时候了。

He was capable not only of putting ideas forward, but also of putting them into action.他不但能提出许多主意,而且能付诸实施。

(7)see action 参加战斗take part in military fighting

He'd seen a lot of action.他曾身经百战。

He saw action in Africa.他在非洲打过仗。

(8)take action (to do sth.) 采取行动(做某事),行动起来(做某事)do sth. in response to what has happened The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.警方不得不采取果断行动来对付骚乱。

We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.我们必须采取行动,在问题扩展到其他地区之前将其解决。

(9)where the action is 〈美·非正〉热闹/享乐/有利可图等/的地方any place where life is thought to be busy, enjoyable, profitable, etc.

He wants to live in London because he thinks that's where the action is.他想住在伦敦,因为他认为那里是个热闹的地方。

I want to be where the action is!我好想去一个有意思的地方!


Ⅰ. action与act区别: action常指持续,复杂的动作,而act则是短暂,简单的动作。如有人倒在地上,扶他起来,是act,若不但扶他起来,还帮他叫车,送他到家,那是action;

Ⅱ. act of cruelty,act of folly,act of kindness等后面都是接of和抽象名词,只可用act,不可用action;

Ⅲ. cruel act(ion),foolish act(ion),kind act(ion)等前面用形容词修饰时,同act相比较,更习惯于用action;Ⅳ. action和act都表示“行为”,但是前者比后者抽象,而后者比前者具体。在in word and act中,word与act都是具体的,而在in speech and action中,speech和action都是抽象的。

CF1: act,action,deed,operation,performance 这些名词均含“行为、行动”之意。





CF2: action, agency, function这组词均可表示“作用”,其区别是:

action和agency指一物〔事〕对另一物〔事〕的作用; 而function指物体自身的作用。


action和function是可数名词; 而agency是不可数名词,常用于短语by〔through〕the agency of。

action是一般用词; agency和function是正式用词。

6. civil adj. connected with the people who live in a country [无比较级] 国内的;公民的

拓展:公民的,平民的; 文职的; 尘俗的,凡俗的; 国内〔家〕的,民间的of, belonging to, or consisting of the ordinary population of citizens; not military or religious

民事的,民法的belonging to, or judged under, civil law

文明的,有教养的; 客气的,有礼貌的polite enough to be acceptable

(1) civil war 内战

(2) It is/was civil of sb. to do sth.

It was civil of them to do so.他们这样做是通情达理的。

① The law shall strictly protect civil rights.法律应严格保护公民的权利。

② The presence of the army should act as a check on civil unrest.军队的存在应能制止民间的动乱。


Ⅰ. civil的基本含意是“公民的,平民的”,也可作“非军职的,非宗教的; 国民间的,民用的; 民事的,民法的”解,常用作定语,无比较级和最高级形式。

Ⅱ. civil还可作“文明的,有教养的”解,常与介词of或to连用,可用于比较等级。

CF: civil, courteous, polite这组词的共同意思是“有礼貌的”。其区别在于:



Be civil in your speech.讲话要客气。

He was very civil to us when we went to see him.我们去见他的时候,他待我们非常客气。


She was pleased at the courteous way in which he addressed her.他跟她讲话时的那种谦恭的样子令她十分愉快。

It was courteous of him to give his seat to my mother.他把座位让给我母亲真有礼貌。

7. fascinating adj. extremely interesting and charming 有极大吸引力,迷人的

(1)用作定语: ~+ n.

Westminster Abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view.矗立在远处的西敏寺构成了一处迷人的景色。



The changing vivid colors of the sunset are really fascinating.日落时变化多端的色彩确实使人心醉神迷。

S+be+~+ prep .-phrase: 词组:be fascinating to sb 对某人来说很迷人

Your ideas are fascinating to me.你的这些主意对我来说很有吸引力。

① The book is fascinating, despite its uninspiring title.这本书很有意思,虽然书名并不吸引人。

② The gloss and glitter of Hollywood seemed fascinating to the girl.好莱坞的虚荣与繁华似乎强烈吸引着这个女孩。

8. entitle vt. give (a title) to (a book, play, etc.) [常用被动语态] 给(书、剧本等)题名,定名

(1) entitle someone to使某人有…的资格

(2) entitle to有资格(有权)

①She read a poem entitled The Apple Tree.她读了一首题为《苹果树》的诗。

②He entitled the book Savage Love.他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。

9. fiction n. [U] stories or novels about imaginary people and events, as compared to other sorts of literature like history or poetry 小说

拓展:[U][C]小说type of literature (e.g. novels, stories) describing imaginary events and people

[C]虚构; 想象; 杜撰thing that is invented or imagined and not strictly true


read a fiction 读小说

complete fiction 彻头彻尾的虚构

detective fiction 侦探小说

downright〔pure〕fiction 纯属虚构

legal fiction 法律上的假定

modern〔popular〕fiction 现代〔通俗〕小说

realistic〔romantic〕fiction 现实〔浪漫〕主义小说

science fiction 科学幻想小说

①Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction.现实生活有时比小说还离奇。

②I like to read science fiction.我喜欢读科幻小说。

注意:fiction的基本意思是“小说(总称)”,是区别于诗歌、散文、戏剧、传记等的一种体裁; 可指长篇、中篇、短篇等各种小说;fiction当作一种体裁解时不可数,当表示具体作品时可数。

CF: novel,romance,fiction,story,fable,tale这些名词均含“小说、故事”之意。






10. capture vt. take (a person or animal) prisoners 捕获(人或动物),俘虏;逮捕

拓展:俘虏, 捕获take prisoner

夺取, 占领hold interest; take control of sth by force from an enemy; win; gain


capture the criminal 捕获罪犯

capture the enemy 俘虏敌人

capture gold medals 夺得金牌

capture one's heart 博得某人的欢心

capture this place 占领这个地方

capture the stronghold 攻占堡垒

capture the thief 抓获小偷

①The animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos.那些动物用网捕获后被卖到当地的动物园。

②Rebel forces finally captured the village.叛军最终占领了这个村庄。


Ⅰ.capture的基本意思是“捕获”,指凭武力、谋略或计划而在经过较量取得胜利或克服较大的障碍、困难或反抗之后而“捕获”“捉住”或“夺得”“获得”。用于比喻, capture可表示“迷住”“使感兴趣”,指到了爱不释手、近于发狂的程度。


Ⅲ. capture偶尔可接“宾语+形容词”结构。

CF: arrest,capture,catch,seize,trap这四个词都有“抓住”“抓获”的含义。它们之间的差别在于:

1) arrest指官方依法对罪犯或犯罪嫌疑人予以拘捕、收审;




The bandit was caught red-handed. 这个歹徒当场被捉。

They seized him by force. 他们用武力逮住了他。

The police arrested the killer and put him in prison. 警察逮住了杀手,并把他关进监狱。

Our army captured 500 of the enemy. 我军俘虏了五百个敌人。

2) arrest和catch这两个词具有“吸引”的意思,其他两个词不具有此义。例如:

The bright lights arrested the baby's attention. 明亮的灯光吸引了婴儿的注意力。

The unusual panelling on the walls caught my attention. 墙上不同寻常的镶板引起了我的注意。

3) trap多指诱捕。

11. jail n. [C; U] a place where criminals are kept as part of their punishment; prison 监狱,看守所拓展:vt. 监禁;下狱lock up or confine, in or as in a jail;


break jail越狱

deliver a jail把监狱中的犯人全部提出来审讯

jail delivery劫狱

voice jail电话监禁


①Two prisoners broke loose from jail.两名犯人从监牢脱逃。

②The prisoner is left to rot in the jail.这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。


①He was put in jail for grand larceny.他因重大盗窃案而被监禁。

②He can be punished by long jail sentences.他可能受到长期监禁的处罚。

12. cell n. a small room in a prison for one person or a small number of people

拓展:[C]细胞microscopic unit of living matter, containing a nucleus

[C]小牢房,单人小室very small room for one or more prisoners in prison

[C]电池device for producing electric current by chemical action


diseased cell 发生病变的细胞

dry cell 干电池

electric cell 电池

prison cell 牢房

cell division 细胞分裂

①The prisoner was locked in a cell.那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。

②She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell.有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上。

CF: jail,prison,cell这些名词均有“牢房、监狱”之意。

jail (英国英语拼写为gaol)指收犯轻罪的人或未经判决的人的处所。

prison 指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。

cell 指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。

13. rough adj. ○a(esp. of a person or their behaviour) showing a lack of gentleness, good manners, or consideration and perhaps a readiness to use force or violence [一般贬] (尤指人或其举止)粗野的,粗暴的,粗俗的○b having an uneven surface; not smooth (表面)粗糙的,不平的拓展:


粗糙的having an uneven surface; not smooth

粗野的,粗暴的showing a lack of gentleness, good manners, or consideration etc.

混乱的,暴乱的,喧闹的not gentle or tuneful

艰难的,不愉快的unfortunate and unfair; unwell

粗略的,大致的done or made without attention to detail or exactness; approximate

未加工的,粗制的not delicate or comfortable; simple

狂暴的,汹涌的stormy and violent; not calm


简陋地in uncomfortable condition

粗暴地using force

大致地not in a gentle way


使粗糙make untidy or uneven

过简陋的生活live without the usual comforts and conveniences of life

n. 粗制品;暴徒;高低不平的路面the part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short (1) give the rough side of one's tongue 对某人说出不客气的话show a lack of gentleness, good manners to sb.

I had to give him the rough side of my tongue to show my indignation.我不得不狠狠地骂他一顿来出这口气。

(2) play rough 粗暴地做do sth in the way that is not in a gentle way; do sth. in the way that used force Should they decide to play rough, we could take a savage turn.万一他们进行粗暴干预的话,那么我们可能会采取不客气的行动。


(3) rough in (v.+adv.) 画…的轮廓put in a few practice lines in a drawing

rough sth ? in

I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it.我先把头像的轮廓画出来,你再给周围的天空涂色。

(4) rough out (v.+adv.) 作出,写出make a first plan of a drawing or piece of writing

rough sth ? out

I'll just rough out the whole picture and you can do the details.这幅画让我先大致画出整个布局,你再加上细节。

①The rough road made the car vibrate.崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。(adj.)

②You'd better give us a rough idea of your price.您最好给我们一个粗略的价格。(adj.)

③He is now able to play rough and tumble with the other kids.现在他可以粗暴地摔倒其他孩子了。(adv.)

④I think that new singer is a diamond in the rough.我觉得那个新歌手是块未经雕琢的玉。(n.)

⑤Micro-exfoliators help slough away rough, dull, uneven skin for a more radiant complexion.细腻的磨砂颗粒帮助去除被溶解的角质,使粗糙晦暗不均匀的皮肤重现柔嫩和光泽。(vt.)

⑥The gang decided to rough him up, as a warning to others.暴徒们决定揍他一顿,作为对别人的警告。(v t.) 注意1:

rough与roughen的比较:两者分别都可作及物动词与不及物动词。在表示“变得粗暴”时,一般习惯上多用roughen来表示,不用rough。或者是可以用短语rough up来表示。表示“粗暴地对待”时,一般多用rough,且多与副词in/off/out连用,如rough a horse(殴打马)。名词rough表示“杂草丛生的地区”,take things in the rough与rough it有相同的意思,表示“艰难地生活”。






Ⅰ. rough用作副词时意思是“简陋地”,引申可指“粗暴地”“大致地”。




Ⅱ. rough通常只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。

CF: rough,coarse,harsh,rude,crude这些形容词均有“粗糙”之意。






14. treatment n. the act or manner of treating sb. or sth. 对待(方式),待遇;处理(方式)

拓展:[U][C]治疗; 疗法the treating of illness by medical means

(1) suffer from bad treatment 受到虐待

(2) courteous treatment 礼遇

①I tried every treatment the doctor suggested.我试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。

②The treatment arrested the growth of the disease.治疗抑制了病情的发展。

15. execute vt. kill (sb.) as a lawful punishment 将(某人)依法处死

拓展:执行,实现; 使生效carry out; put into effect

表演perform on the stage, at a concert, etc.

处决carry out punishment by death on sb


execute a command〔an order〕执行命令

execute one's duty 行使职责

execute a plan 执行计划

execute as (将某人)以…的罪名处决

execute by hanging 绞死

execute by shooting 枪决

execute for 因…而处决

execute for murder 因谋杀罪而处死

execute with 以…方式处死

①Congress makes the laws; the President executes them.国会制定法律,总统执行法律。

②We then execute the code that we want to test.接下来,我们执行我们要测试的代码。


Ⅰ. execute的基本意思是“执行,实现”,指某人使计划好的事得以实现或执行,也指完成某个需要高度技巧的过程,在法律术语中可作“处决”解。作“执行”解时,通常指执行计划、法规、规章制度等抽象的东西,作“处决”解时,通常是处决某人,而作“表演”解时,常指表演节目。

Ⅱ. execute多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。

CF1: execute, achieve, discharge, effect, fulfil, perform 这组词都可作“执行”解。其区别是:







He will never achieve any objectives if he doesn't work harder.如果他不加紧努力工作,他会一事无成。

She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.她承担了做部长的所有责任。

I shall effect my purpose; no one shall stop me!我决心实现我的目的,谁也阻挡不住我。

The nurse executed the doctor's orders.护士执行医生的吩咐。

We must fulfill our parents' expectations.我们必须实现父母的期望。

CF2: kill,murder,slaughter,massacre,assassinate,execute这些动词均有“杀、杀死”之意。







CF3: execute, assassinate, die, kill这组词的共同意思是“死”。其区别是:



He died three years ago.他三年前去世了。


The attempt of assassinating the prime minister failed.刺杀首相的企图未能得逞。


The man was executed for treason of his own country.那人因叛国罪而被处死。

kill的宾语可以是人或物,施动者也可以是人或物; die常用作不及物动词,不用于被动结构,可跟同源宾语。例如:

She died a heroic death.她英勇就义了。


The invaders murdered thousands and thousands of the natives.侵略者屠杀了成千上万的当地居民。

CF4: perform,conduct,do,execute,fulfill这些动词均含“做、执行、实施、完成”之意。






16. cigarette n. a thin paper tube of finely cut tobacco for smoking 纸烟,香烟

①He asked me if I had a cigarette lighter with me.他问我身上是否带着打火机。

②A cigarette set the dry grass alight.香烟把乾草点著了。


Ⅰ. cigarette指用切碎的烟丝卷成的“香烟”,形状较雪茄烟细短且纸薄。


CF: cigar,cigarette,tobacco这些名词均有“烟”之意。




17. contact n. 接触,联系

vt. reach (sb.) by message, telephone, etc. (通过捎信或打电话等)跟(某人)联络上;同(某人)(建立)联系



[U]接触the act or state of touching or coming together

[U]联系,联络,交往the state of having a connection or exchanging information or ideas with sb else

[C]接头人,联络人a social, professional, or business connection; a person one knows who can help

[C]触点,接头an electrical part that can be moved to touch another part in order to complete an electrical circuit vt. & vi.联系communicate with

adj. 接触的(很少用)

(1) contact with (v.+prep.) 与…有交往have a touch with (sb)contact with sb

He contacted with me.他曾和我有过交往。

Have you contacted with your solicitor recently?你最近同你的律师有联系吗?

We contacted with the ship by radio.我们通过无线电与那只船取得了联系。

Until recently, this remote tribe had contacted little with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几乎没什么联系。

(2) break contact 断电

(3) establish contact 建立联系

(4)make contact (with) 和…取得联系

(5)in contact with 与…接触

(6)contact between teacher and student 老师和学生之间的接触

(7)contact one's lawyer 联系某人的律师

(8)contact sb about sth 与某人联系某事

(9)contact sb by telephone 用电话联系某人

①The rich secluded themselves from contact with the poor.富人不肯同穷人接触。

②I finally made contact with her in Paris.我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。


Ⅰ. contact作名词时,既可作单数,也可作复数。英国人习惯用其单数形式,而美国人则习惯用其复数形式,表示“联系”的意思。


Ⅲ. 表示“开始与某人接触”时,可以用以下来两种表达方式:come into contact with和come in contact with。前者比后者使用更频繁;

Ⅳ. make contact with 表示“与某人进行接触”;




Ⅱ.contact可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。CF1: contact, touch这两个词都可表示“接触”“联系”。其区别在于:

touch指具体的、感觉器官的接触,并暗示这类接触所带来的优美或亲密的感觉; 而contact指抽象的接触,


I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定以前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。

Until recently, this remote tribe had contacted little with the outside world.这个边远的部落直到最近和外界几


CF2: meet,encounter,confront,face,contact这些动词均有“遇见、会见、碰见”之意。



confront 不可避免地,面对面地相遇,也指敢于正视困难或问题。



18. shrug v.

拓展:vt. & vi. 耸肩(以表示冷淡,怀疑等) lift (the shoulders) slightly (to show indifference,doubt,etc.) n. 耸肩a gesture involving the shoulders

词组:shrug off (v.+adv.) 对…满不在乎;对…不屑一顾treat sth as if it is not important

shrug sth ? off

She shrugged off my suggestion.她对我的建议不屑一顾。

①She gave a shrug of her shoulders.她耸了耸肩膀。

②She gave a shrug and walked away.她耸了耸肩就离开了。

③They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child.他们一定会耸耸肩膀,把你当作孩子看待!

④I asked where Sam was, but she just shrugged.我问她萨姆在哪儿,她只耸了耸肩。

19. lock v.


vt. & vi.

锁住,锁上fasten a door with a lock;become fixed

(使)固定(cause to) become fixed, unable to move


[C]锁an apparatus for closing and fastening sth, usually, by means of a key

[C]水闸,船闸a stretch of water closed off by gates, especially on a canal, so that the water level can be raised or lowered to move boats up or down a slope

[C][U](头发的)一缕a small piece of hair


lock from 从…锁…

lock into 把…锁在

lock onto 接牢,紧连

lock with 用…锁

break a lock 开锁

change a lock 换锁头

in the lock 在锁中

on the lock 锁着的

under lock and key 监禁

ock on the door 门锁

lock to a door 门锁

(1) lock away (v.+adv.)把(某物)锁起来keep sth safe under lock and key

lock sth ? away

She locked her memories of him away in her heart.她把对他的怀念埋藏在心里。

This is too valuable to be left lying about, lock it away somewhere.这东西太贵重了,不能随处放置,找个地方锁起来。

(2) lock in1 (v.+adv.) 将(某人或某物)锁〔包围〕在里面keep (sth, sb, or oneself) inside a building or container, with or as with a lock and key;surround sth

I locked him in by mistake.我没留心,把他锁在屋里了。

The guard locked the prisoners in for the night.看守把犯人监禁起来过夜。

用于be locked 结构: 使固定become fixed, unable to move

On the newer television sets, the colour is locked in so that you don't need to keep changing the control.这些较新式的电视机的色彩已经调定,你不必老去动控制钮。

Money paid into this insurance contract is locked in until you die or stop working.按这份保险合同的规定,交付的钱一直要冻结到你去世或不工作的时候。

(3) lock in2 (v.+prep.)把…锁在…内keep sb/sth safe under lock and key

(4) lock sb/oneself/sth in sth

Tom has locked himself in his room and refuses to speak to any member of the family.汤姆把自己锁在他的房间内,拒绝和家里任何人讲话。

(5) lock out (v.+adv.) 关在外边,不准(某人)进入… prevent sb, oneself, or sth from entering a room or building, with a lock and key

lock sb/oneself ? out

The management has locked the men out.资方封闭工厂,阻止工人进厂开工。

I locked myself out by mistake.我没留心,把自己锁在外面了。

(6) lock up (v.+adv.) 将(某人或某物)锁住〔关押〕keep sth safe under lock and key;prevent sb from escaping; put sb in prison or a hospital

lock sb/sth ? up

Will you lock up the house, please?请将房门锁起来,好吗?

He locked up the jewels in a box.他把珠宝放在箱子里锁好。

①He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。

②Water went rushing through the lock gates.水流经水闸时十分湍急。









20. instant n.


n. [C]片刻,顷刻,刹那a moment of time


[A]立即的happening or produced at once

[A]即食的,立即可冲食的(of food) which can be very quickly prepared for use


at that instant 在那一瞬间

for an instant 片刻

in an instant 立即

①I shall be back in an instant.我马上就回来。(n.)

②Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。(n.)

③I took an instant dislike to him.我一见他就不喜欢。(adj.)

④The computer can generate instant multimedia messages.电脑亦可产生即时的多媒体讯息。(adj.)

CF: moment,minute,instant这些名词均含“瞬间、片刻”之意。




21. spark n.



[C] 火花; 火星a small bit of burning material thrown out by a fire or by the striking together of two hard objects

[C] 丝毫,略微,一点点a very small but important bit


vi. 发出火光give out sparks

vi. & vt. (使)大感兴趣show great interest in

vt.导致lead to; be the immediate cause of


sparks from the chimney 烟囱里冒出的火星

a spark of life 生命的火花

spark off 点燃,激发,发动,使产生

spark sb to fresh efforts (成就等)鼓舞某人作进一步努力

spark with fury (两眼)冒怒火

(1) spark off (v.+adv.) 导致,为…的直接原因lead to; be the immediate cause of

说明: spark off常不用于进行体。

spark sth ? off

His statement sparked off a quarrel between them.他的话引起了他们之间的一场争斗。

Stories about the fall of the government sparked off much of the selling of shares.有关政府倒台的说法使得股票抛售。

(2) spark to (v.+prep.) 鼓舞,赞成show great interest in sth

a. spark to sth

She sparked to the idea of an early start.她热烈赞成早一点出发。

b. spark sb to sth

Our success sparked us to fresh efforts.我们的成功鼓舞我们做进一步努力。

The discovery sparked us to further study.这个发现鼓舞了我们去做进一步的研究。

(3) spark with (sth.) (v.+prep.) 发出火光give out sparks

His eyes sparked with fury.他两眼直冒怒火。

①A tiny star can spark in the darkness.小星星也会在黑暗中发光。(vi.)

②Druce lit the cigar, which began to spark and crackle.德鲁斯点着一支雪茄,这支雪茄发出火花,噼噼啪啪地响起来。(vi.)

③You can spark the spirit of enterprise.你们可以激发事业上的进取心。(vt.)

④The film you have watched can spark off a new idea.你看过的电影能激发新的想法。(vt.)

⑤A cigarette spark started the fire.香烟的火星引起这场火灾。(n.)

⑥Down came the hammer and out flew the spark.铁锤一落,火星四溅。(n.)



Ⅱ. spark还可表示“大感兴趣”,指对某事表示热烈赞同或欣然同意。

Ⅲ. spark可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。

22. leap v.



vi. 跳,跳跃jump usually so as to land in a different place

vt. 跳过,跃过jump over

vi. 猛然行动,冲act, move, rise etc. quickly


[C]跳跃,飞跃a sudden jump

[C]激增a sudden increase in number, amount , quantity, etc.


leap a stream 跃过小溪

leap about 跳来跳去

leap out 跳出来

leap across 跃过

leap at sb 向某人扑去

leap for 向…跳去

leap from 从…跳下

leap into 跳进

leap on 跳上

leap out of 跃出

leap over 跃过

leap to 跃到

give a leap 跳动

take a leap 跳跃

leap from 从…跳出

leap in 在…激增

leap to fame 一举成名

(1)leap at( v.+prep. ) 朝…跳去try reach sth with a jump

The dog is leaping at him.这只狗朝他跳过去。

He leaped at the chance.他立即抓住机会。

(2)leap forward( v.+adv. ) 向前跳〔冲〕move suddenly ahead

The horse leaped forward.那匹马突然向前冲。

New discoveries have leaped forward.新的发明发展迅速。

(3)leap in( v.+adv. ) 跳进enter sth with a springing movement

We are talking, when he leaped in.我们正在谈话,他跳了进来。

Please don't leap in.请不要急着做这事。

(4)leap into( v.+prep. ) 跳入jump into

He leaped into the river.他跳进河里。

He leaped into the house.他突然进到房子里。

(5)leap out( v.+adv. ) 跳出jump or spring out from somewhere

A frog leaped out.一只青蛙跳了出来。

His name leaped out at me from the book.我一眼就在书上看到他的名字。

(6)leap out of (sth.)( v.+adv.+prep. ) 从(某处)跳出来leave (a place) with a sudden movement

She leaped out of the house.她从房子里跳出来。

leap out of oneself〔one's skin〕

You made me leap out of my skin.你使我大吃一惊。

(7)leap up( v.+adv. ) 跳起spring upwards

He leaped up at me.他扑向我。

He leaped up from his chair.他从座位上跳起来。

Her heart leaps up.她的心跳加快。

(8)a leap in the dark 结果不可预料的行动action of uncertain outcome

Her marriage to John was a leap in the dark.她与约翰结婚是贸然行动。

(9)by leaps and bounds 非常迅速,突飞猛进very quickly and successfully

Her French is improving by leaps and bounds.她的法语进步非常快。

①I leap for joy at the good news.我一听到这个好消息高兴得跳了起来。(v.)

②The thief leaped the wall and ran away.小偷越墙逃跑了。(v.)

③The boy took a leap from the window.那个男孩从窗口跳下去。(n.)

④He got over the stream with a single leap.他一跃就跳过了小溪。(n.)


CF1: jump,leap,spring,hop,bound,skip这些动词均有“跳、跳跃”之意。






CF2: leap, bound, hap, jump, skip, spring这组词都可以表示“跳”。其区别是:


A herd of antelope bound gracefully across the plain.一群羚羊优雅地跳过了平地。


She leaped lightly to the opposite bank of the stream.她轻盈地跳到小溪的对岸去了。


He sprang to his feet.他突然一跃而起。


The children skipped down the street to the sweet shop.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地上街买糖去了。

hop用于人时,指单足跳; 用于动物时,指所有的足一齐跳。例如:

The wounded soldier hopped across the street.受伤的士兵跳过了大街。

23. generate vt.

拓展:生成,产生produce especially heat or electricity

引起,导致cause to exist or occur


generate pressure产生压力

generate electricity发电

carry generate output进位发生输出

fire fails to generate earth火不生土

①75% of France's electricity is generated by nuclear reactors.法国75%25的电能产生于核反应堆。

②We can't generate enough power for the entire city.我们不能为整个城市产生足够的能量。



误lets see how much common ground we can generate.

正lets see how much common ground we can find.


24. dimension n.



[C]尺寸,量度a measurement in any one direction especially as used for establishing the position of sth in space [C]方面,部分a particular side or part of a problem, subject, etc.


vt.标尺寸;形成... 尺寸


a large dimension 大规模

the dimension of the table 桌子的面积

the dimension to a problem 问题的另一方面

①Height is an external dimension.高是外部尺寸。(n.)

②When a dimension's origin is in doubt use the datums specified.当不能确定尺寸原点时,使用规定的基准。(n.)

③We were told to dimension off the plots.吩咐我们在图表上标出尺寸。(vt.)

④Dimension the shelves so that they fit securely into the cabinet.把搁板刨成需要的尺寸以便它们可牢固地镶入贮藏橱中。(vt.)

25. route n.


n. [C]路,路途,路线,路程way taken or planned to get from one place to another

vt.为... 安排路线;(按路线)发送


arrange〔change, choose, map out, point〕the route 安排〔改变,选择,制定,指明〕路线

shorten the route 缩短路程

along a route 沿途

by a different route 从不同的路线

the route for sightseers 游客的路线

the route round 绕…的路线

①The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。

②The bus route goes so far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.汽车路线到此为止了,你得叫辆的士。

CF1: route, course这两个词都有“路线”的意思。其区别是:


The stars move in their courses.星星沿轨道运行。

表示人为设计的路线时, route强调其规律性, course强调其强迫性。route多用于军队或旅游者, course常用于企业等。例如:

This is the shortest route from Paris to Beijing.这是从巴黎到北京的最短的航线。

CF2: path,road,way,street,highway,avenue,motorway,route,lane,pavement,trail这些名词均有“路”之意。











26. layer n.


n. 层


vt. 将某物堆积成层


in layers 按层

dress in layer 一层一层地包起来

a layer of clay 一层粘土

①This layer of rock contains a lot of flint.这一岩层中有大量燧石。(n.)

②There is a fine layer of dust on the desk.桌子上有一层薄薄的尘土。(n.)

③Mists layered thick about him.层层雾霭笼罩着他。(vi.)

④Layer the potatoes and onions in a dish.把土豆和洋葱分层放在盘子里。(vt.)

⑤We layer the crops to make them grow better.我们对农作物进行压条处理,以利于他们生长。(vt.)

27. construct vt.

拓展:vt. 建造;构筑;造(句)



construct from design 根据设计建造

construct on the same principle 根据同样的原理建造

be constructed out of 由…建成

(1)construct from (v.+prep.) 用(某种现成的东西)建造〔制作〕(某物) make (sth) from (sth already existing)

construct sth from sth.

The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood.这个作家将她童年的回忆串连成这篇故事。

(2)construct (out) of (sth.) (v.+prep.) 由…建成make (sth.) from (sth.)〔说明〕construct (out) of多用于被动结构。

①This factory was constructed by our company.这家工厂是由我们公司建设的。(vt.)

②They are planning to construct a new supermarket.他们正在计划建造一个新的超级市(vt.)

③There is a contrast between lived reality and the construct held in the mind.现实生活与头脑所持概念之间有明显差别。(n.)



Ⅱ. construct是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。

CF: construct, build, erect, establish, found, set up这组词的共同意思是“建造”“建立”。其区别是:

build是本组词中最常用者,指一般的“建造,建立”,可以表示具体的、特殊的以及比喻的和抽象的意义; construct强调“复杂性”,不强调花费的劳动(特别是体力劳动),而侧重动脑筋解决建造过程中的问题,即“构思”;




set up着重起点。例如:

The house was built of wood.这栋房子是用木头盖起来的。

They are planning to construct an office building.他们正在计划建一栋办公楼。

A skyscraper has been erected.一栋摩天大楼拔地而起。

My father established this firm forty years ago.我的父亲40年前建立了这家公司。

The house was founded on solid rock.这幢房子建在坚硬的岩石之上。

When was this company set up?这家公司是什么时候成立的?

28. dignity n.


[U]庄严,端庄,尊严calmness, formality, and seriousness of manner or style

[U]高尚,尊贵,高贵goodness and nobleness of character, of a kind that makes people feel respect and admiration [C]高位,显职,封号a high position, rand, or title

词组:beneath one's dignity 有失身份below one's social, moral, etc. standards

He considered the job beneath his dignity.他认为这种工作有失身份。

①He would do nothing beneath his dignity.他决不愿意干任何有损自身尊严的事。

②The real dignity of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.一个人的真正尊严在于他的品格,而非他的财富。

29. title n.

拓展:[C]题目,标题 a name given to a book, painting, play, etc.

[C]称号,头衔word used to show a person's rank, occupation, etc. or used in speaking to or about him

[S]权益,权利the lawful to ownership or possession


①What's the title of her new book?她的新书书名是什么?

②The title just won't come to mind.那个标题就是想不起来。

CF1: title, heading, headline这组词都有“标题”“名称”的意思。




CF2: title, name这两个词均可作“名”解。其区别是:



The title of painting is “A Winter Evening”.这幅画的名称是“一个冬天的傍晚”。

Captain, doctor, professor are titles.船长、医生、教授都是头衔。

30. status n.

拓展:[U] [C] 身份,地位one's legal position or social considered in relation to other people

[C] 情形,状况a state or situation at a particular time


raise sb's status 提高某人的地位

seek status 追求地位

status among…的地位

the status of affairs 时务,形势

①Women's social status has changed much over the years.这些年来妇女的社会地位有了很大改变。

②I'll keep you posted on the status.我会随时告诉你进展的情形。

CF1: status, position, rank, standing这组词的共同意思是“地位”。





CF2: condition,state,status,situation,circumstance这些名词均有“状况、情况”之意。





31. authentic adj.

拓展:真的,真正的known to be true or genuine

可靠的,可信的trustworthy; reliable

①This is an authentic medieval sword.这是一把真正的中世纪剑。

②He found out the most authentic restaurants.他找到了最正宗的餐馆。


Ⅰ.a uthentic的基本意思是“真的,真正的”,侧重指一物体被证实是真的、正宗的,着重表达人对某物体的鉴定、确认,含有一定的主观色彩。尤其强调经过正式鉴定的字画真迹等。


CF: authentic, genuine这两个词都有“真正的”“非伪造的”意思。

genuine指货真价实的、纯粹的、纯种的、正宗的; authentic指来源真实的,非模仿的。


32. envy n.


n. [U]妒忌; 羡慕feeling of discontent caused by sb else's good fortune or success

vt. 羡慕,妒忌feel envy of; admire


arouse〔excite〕envy 引起嫉妒〔羡慕〕

feel envy 感到妒忌

in〔with〕envy 嫉妒

out of envy 出于嫉妒

envy at〔of, towards〕嫉妒…

envy at sb's success 羡慕某人的成功

envy others for their success 羡慕他人的成功

(1)the envy of 令人嫉妒〔羡慕〕的人〔事物〕sb./sth. that causes sb. to feel envy

His many talents were the envy of all his friends.他多才多艺,所有的朋友都羡慕他。

Their beautiful garden is the envy of all the neighbors.所有邻居都羡慕他们的花园。

(2)envy at doing (v.+prep.) 在…方面羡慕feel envy in some field

Someone envied at your learning English so easily.有些人羡慕你学英语这样不费力。

They envied at her breaking the record of 100-metre race.他们羡慕她打破了百米赛跑的记录。

Some countries envied at our relying mainly on our own efforts in building our country.有些国家妒忌我们自力更生地建设我们的国家。

(3)envy sb. for sth./doing sth. (v.+prep.) 羡慕(某人)成功做(某事) envy at sb.'s success in doing sth.

They envied him for learning so easily.他们羡慕他学起来那么轻松。

①They envy him his good fortune.他们羡慕他的好运气。(v.)

②I envy her ability to dance in front of a crowd.她在众人面前所展现的的舞技令我羡慕不已。(v.)

③He was filled with envy at my success.他对我的成功满怀羡慕。(n.)

④His new house was the envy of all his friends.他的新居成了所有朋友羡慕的对象。(n.)

CF: envy, admire这两个词都可译为“羡慕”,但含义并不相同:



[误]How I admire you! I wish I could make my hair curl like that.

[正]How I envy you! I wish I could make my hair curl like that.


33. conclude v.


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