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●游客或者移民都具备经济利益和价值(commercial interest and economical value)

很多当地人因此表现得非常好客和友好,有助于文化的交流(many local people are very friendly and hospitable, which promote the cultural communications.)

●对其他的文化和人民更为了解(a better understanding of other cultures and other people)

改变人们对其他民族和文化的态度(alter one’s attitude towards another people or culture)人们因此可以接受不同的文化和价值观(embrace different values and cultures)并促进对多元文化的理解(promote multi-cultural understanding)

●促进文化的融合(promote integration), 消除文化障碍(remove cultural barriers)


●违反当地的习俗会激怒当地人(breach of local customs can irritate the locals)

●不同文化的人看待同一事物总有不同的角度(harbor different perceptions)并给予不同

的解释(different interpretation)比如对手势,衣服,言行举止有不同的理解:举止不当会引起当地人意想不到的反应(provoke unanticipated responses)


少,致使竞争更加激烈,这些都有可能引起当地人的反感(cause resentment in local communities)



(tourism site)观光的最主要原因(motivator ):旅游业和文化遗产相结合(integrate tourism and cultural heritage)为文化保护提供了经济支持(economical incentives)

●在文化领域提供了一些旅游选择(introduce the tourism options available with the cultural

sectors)如博物馆,历史景点,活动和美食等(museums, historical sites, events and cuisine),游客会深入了解当地传统和习俗(get an insight into local customs and traditions )感受当地传统和艺术(experience local traditions, arts and heritages)从而更加尊重当地社区和周围环境(respect the local community and its environment),促进不同国家之间关于自然和文化资源保护的交流和对话(the dialogue over conservation of natural and cultural resources.)

旅游业导致文化破坏的观点(cultural destruction)

●保护的一般是食物,时尚,节日等一些文化的表面特征(superficial elements of culture),

将文化定格成表演者(freeze culture as performers)导致了文化,宗教,传统仪式,物质文化和语言的损失(the loss of culture, religion, rituals, material culture and language): 将文化商业化(commercialize the culture ), 破坏了文化神圣和独特的本质(erode the sacred and unique nature);

●垃圾,涂鸦,破坏和噪音不断增加(increasing litter, graffiti, vandalism and noise), 游客

在没有被允许的情况下进入建筑物,神殿,神圣的土地(enter building, shrines, or sacred lands without permission), 这都与当地文化相冲突,是一种文化侮辱(an insult to the local culture)


●国际媒体(global media)一般掌握在少数几个有实力的机构手中(in the hand of a few,

large, powerful organizations);有了媒体的宣传(propaganda)后西方文化成了主流(domineering force),大规模的,有吸引力的广告(mass seductive advertising )唤起了落后地区人们对物质新的向往(create fresh desires),经济联系增强(strong economic ties),西方产品取代了本地产品,使人们更加向往西方的文化;

●文化开始融合在一起(mingle),人们被新的价值观所围绕(bombarded with new values),

对自己的文化失去信心和自豪感(confidence and pride ),拒绝接受自己的文化传统(rejection of their cultural heritage)转而接受西方的文化习惯(adoption of western cultural practices );西方媒体削弱了民族特征(ethnic identity)和社会凝聚力(social cohesion);因为担心失去观众(a loss of viewers ),当地的电视台也开始播放西方的电视节目(television shows)

●国际媒体的普遍会降低世界文化的品质和多样性(degrade the quality and diversity of

world culture);文化被商业化(commercialized),一些文化产品(cultural goods),如音乐,服装,都变成了商品(commodities in the marketplace)。因此即便一些文化在世界其他地方传播,它原来的性质(authenticity)已经丧失。



(likelihood of mutual understanding and mutual acceptance)就会增加,这是顺应全球化的趋势;

●主流媒体一般都会反应文化多元性(the dominant media reflect cultural diversity);一些外

国节目其实促进了文化多元性(most foreign programming is promoting cultural diversity),适应了当地的条件(adapt to local conditions),注意到了当地文化的敏感性(aware of cultural sensitivity),自我调节来适应市场(exercise self-censorship to suit the market)。



●符合公众的利益(general interest), 给人们带来方便


术作为人们的爱好和文化传统,会代代相传(passed on from one generation to another), 因此不需要政府投资。


●艺术对现代生活是至关重要的(essential to modern life), 对于一个文明社会有着非常

重要的作用(central to a civilized society), 艺术品传播的是语言所不能传播的东西(works of art convey the ineffable),是人们文化生活的主要部分(an integral part of cultural life)

●艺术是一种民族文化,保护艺术有助于保护文化(preserve a culture); 艺术可以吸引

外国游客观光(sightseeing),产生旅游收入(produce tourism revenue)

●一些艺术品(art objects),譬如说雕塑和建筑(sculpture and architecture), 使人们

享受城市或者郊区风景的美丽(enjoy the beauty of urban or rural landscape)为生活增添情趣


●教育可以帮助人们摆脱贫困(break the cycle of poverty); 如果没有政府的资助,穷人

的孩子上不起大学,那么他们可能代代贫穷(remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across generations )

●教育可以提高一个人的工作能力(improve productivity)从而提高一个国家的生产能

力,对国家的繁荣(prosperity)有着深远的影响(have far-reaching effects)

●完善的医疗健康服务(high quality and availability of health care)可以赢得人们对国

家的忠诚度(win the loyalty),使人们愿意在一个国家生活和工作,以此留住有生产能力和技术的工作者(productive and skilled workers); 为残疾人,退休者及贫困的人提供帮助(render assistance to the disabled, retired and disadvantaged)提高国民健康政府投资体育设施或者歌剧院的好处

●满足人们的精神需求(spiritual needs)丰富人们的文化生活,是一个城市文明的标志

(a sign of a civilized city)


●可以减轻支付学费的负担(ease the burden of tuition fees),提高文化普及率(raise

literacy rate or standards of literacy)




and experienced workers);政府应当充分利用税收(levy income tax)改善医疗条件,并保障人们的医疗(provide care for sick, the elderly , the retired, the disable, the children of the working parents, and so forth)

●社会和政府有责任为人们的医疗服务提供保障(universal access to healthcare services),

确保人人平等(ensure social equality);大力发展公共医疗(publicly-funded health care),提高服务质量(improve the quality of service),有助于疾病预防和基础医疗服务的改善(increased emphasis on preventative and primary health care )


●如果政府控制所有的医疗行业,那么服务业就很可能缺少市场观念(not market driven),

也不会强调节省费用(cost efficiency)医疗服务和教育设施质量不高(a greater likelihood of lower-quality health care and educational services),造成等待医疗的人数激增(long waiting lists for access to some medical treatment, especially those of a specialized or advanced nature)


motivation for innovation and invention )

●都是公费的话,教师和医生的收入会过低,不能够吸引有才华的人从业(provide no

incentive to enter the profession and fail to attract more qualified individuals who would otherwise choose a different profession)


driving, overeating, excessive drinking),此时政府不应该负责;而高等教育也是个人的选择,应该由个人主动承担高等教育的费用,政府的职责在于提供义务教育(compulsory education)


●地球上的资源是有限的,迟早会被消耗完(finite and exhaustible),因此需要开拓太空

上的能源(open energy and material resources of space for human benefit);促进经济的增长(support economic growth),使商业更加繁荣(an increase in business activity)●人后增长导致地球承载压力加大(cause the usable space to shrink),因此太空探索有利

于为人类找到一个新的居住地(find a sanctuary)

●有利于环境考察(environment monitoring), 有利于收集人类生存环境(living

environment)的数据,比如说天气预报(weather forecasting),环境保护和(sustainable development)等相关数据

●提高一些产业的科学竞争力(technological competitiveness ),特别在国际商业领域(in

international business),创造人力资源和高级别的专业技术(human capital and high-level expertise);可以增加年轻人对自然科学的兴趣(the interest of young people in natural sciences)


●需要长期的努力和大量的资金(long-term commitments and funding),大部分国家支付

不起(unaffordable to most countries),这些资金应该用于解决一些更实际的问题,比如说饥荒(famine)等

●很多项目收效甚微(make little progress),甚至被证明是徒劳无益的(taxing and

unrewarding )



●汽车,飞机和铁路的普及(the popularity of automobiles, air travel and rail)减少了人

们在路途上奔波的时间(spend less time commuting);电脑和自动化等设备(computerization and automation)让人们可以更快更有效地完成工作,休闲时间更多。


质量的要求更高(higher demand on standards of living),可以支付得起更多的娱乐活动(able to afford recreational activities)在休闲的时间里放松自己


●新科技的产生加快了工作节奏,人们需要不断地接受培训和教育(continue education

and receive on-the-job training)以适应新科技带来的变化(keep pace with the fast development of technology)因此更加繁忙



●电脑和因特网的产生让人们在正常的工作时间之外也可工作(work beyond normal

working hours ),科技的发展促进全球化,人们需要加班以消除时间差的影响(have to work overtime due to time difference)


●增加工作的灵活性(introduce flexibility ),方便雇佣临时工(occasional workers)和兼职

●减少上下班时间(reduce interruptions and commuting time),从而减少给社会交通带来


●增加员工工作的动力(increase staff motivation),减少在办公室需要面对的各种压力

(reduce stress)

●节省办公室空间和设备(save office space and other facilities),从而减少费用支出

(reduce costs)



●很难集中培训(maintain staff development),有可能导致员工技术和工作质量下降(lead

to possible deteriorating of employee’s skills and work quality)

●很难保持团队精神(maintain team spirit),缺乏交流,同事之间有疏远感(a sense of

isolation among home workers)




主要原因是人们共享着地球资源(share the earth’s supply),譬如,空气污染或水污染会从一个地方扩展到另外一个地方(transport pollution from one location to another)

●单方面的努力是不够的(unilateral moves are not enough),需要国际合作采取多边行动

(take strong multilateral actions),制定出具体可行的解决措施,共同对破坏环境的行为予以制止



●如果所有的环境问题都由国际合作解决,比较耗时(time-consuming and inefficient),而

且由于很多问题是独立的(isolated problems ),完全可以由当地政府解决(tackled by the local or national government)

●造成环境问题的原因因地而异(causes and solutions differ from one region to another),

国际经验未必适用于某个特定的地区(international practices might not apply locally)



统(public transportation ),从而减少私人汽车尾气的排放,减少空气污染

●使汽车制造商致力于发明使用可再生和清洁能源的汽车(driven to develop the vehicles

that are powered by other forms of energy ),从而减少空气污染


●提高油价未必能阻止人们使用汽油(discourage people from using petrol),因为汽车在很

多国家是必要的交通工具(irreplaceable means of transport ),同时,提高油价有可能会导致原油市场一片混乱(chaos in fuel market)

●提高油价不能从根本上解决问题,只会转移人们的注意力(distract attention from the

root cause of the problem);真正的解决方法是提高技术,发展环保汽油(create cleaner fuels )以及其他可更新能源(generation of renewable energy)





●目前的工作不能够充分发挥自己的能力(make the best use of one’s ability),也不能够

提高技能和增加经验(improve skills and gain new experience );换工作(switching jobs)可以发展多种技能(acquire a wide array of technical skills),丰富个人简历(enhance the resume ),提高个人的市场价值和工作稳定性(improve marketability and job security ),有助于收入增加


employment will be meager),很容易在竞争中失利(vulnerable to the competition);就职业生存而言(in terms of career survival),就没有高枕无忧的空间(there is no room for complacency);人应该懂得接受挑战,把握机会(take on new challenges and seize opportunities),这才是理智的职业选择(a sound career move)

●离开目前的雇主(leave the current employer )会给自己一种新的期待(a sense of

anticipation),一种新的学习热情(generate an enthusiasm to learn )


●对自己的职业发展弊大于利(do more harm than good to one’s career );需要付出努力去

适应新的环境(adjust to the new environment ),不能够与新同事和上司处好关系(get along well with new colleagues and supervisors),有可能被他们视为威胁(seen as a threat ),工作表现不能被轻易认同(readily being recognized )

●频繁转换工作反映一个人的低承受能力和对雇主的低忠诚度(reflect badly on the job

candidate’s resilience and loyalty ),缺乏工作动力(lack of self-motivation),没有目标(aimless),没有足够时间获得经验和技能,因此雇主不愿意聘用经常换工作的人,担心很快又要重新招聘(restart a new recruiting process )


一.Space Research


1. The oldest and purest of the arguments for space exploration is the advancement of science and technology.

2. We will go into space, not to bring back things which make us richer or more comfortable here on Earth. We will go there to live and make it our home.

3. The exploration to the universe is a high ideal –space truly is the final frontier.

4. The instinct to explore is fundamentally human; already some of our most amazing achievements have taken place in space.

5. No one can deny the sense of wonder.

6. The exploitation of space has directly changed our world. Satellites orbiting the Earth allow us to communicate instantaneously with people on different continents, and to broadcast to people all over the world. For instance, Weather satellites save lives by giving advance warning of adverse(不利的)conditions, and together with other scientific instruments in orbit they have helped us understand our own world better.

8. Space exploration is an investment in the future. Our world is rapidly running out of resources. Overpopulation could become a serious worldwide threat. Space exploration may find new living places for human being to solve the problem of overpopulation. There is possibility that one day mankind may emigrate to other planets.

9. Space exploration helps to acquire new resources to mitigate the energy crisis (shortage). There may be some new kinds of natural resource in other planets.

10. Space exploration open us new world and adds to our knowledge, enabling human being to know more about the universe as well as about the earth.

11. Space exploration is necessary for future. If we want to progress in the world then we should continue space exploration.

二.Pros and Cons of Tourism


1. It is regarded as a pillar of key local economic development.

2. The booming tourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have said good-bye to poverty through involvement in tourist businesses.

3. The tourist industry has played a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of the public, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainable development of resources. Tourism helps to better introduce the country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history and culture to the outside world.

5. Tourism helps to improve the investment environment so as to attract more foreign investors.

6. Tourists can take pleasure in the magnificent natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists and enjoy a variety of local delicacies (specialties). Many tourist attractions offer a wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local culture.

7. Tourism helps to promote the catering trade, transportation service and commerce .

8. Tourism is the world’s largest and faster growing industry. According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 perce nt of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world’s workforce. By the year 2010, these numbers will double. All considered, tourism’s actual and potential economic impact is astounding.

9. Tourism encourages the preservation of identify, pride and value in our living conditions and the cultural legacy of generations in danger of extinction.

10. Tourism contributes to the revival of customs and traditions.

11. Tourism brings new money into an area and generates jobs, income and tax revenues.


1. Contact with and assimilation of other cultures will reduce the uniqueness of one’s own culture and make the world less colorful than before.

2. Undermine local traditions and ways of life.

3. Tourism may cause serious environmental pollution.

三.Museums and Galleries


1. Museum and related heritage institutions provide people with an enhanced awareness of our diverse heritage and our place in the world. They promote understanding and appreciation of our diverse cultures, landscapes, stories and experiences.

2. Museums contribute to the enrichment of the lives of people.

3. Guarantee the availability and use of the collections in research and teaching.

4. Collections and exhibitions reflect the cultural and social diversity.

5. Museums and galleries make an important contribution to education, scholarship, citizenship, social inclusion and tourism.

6. Generally promote the public’s enjoyment and understanding of painting and other fine art both by means of the collection and by such other means as they consider appropriate. How to Support and Develop the Museum and Gallery:

1. The government sets up more state funded museums and art school.

2. Increase education personnel and facilities in museums and galleries, as well as support schools with the cost of visits.

3. We should actively seek to attract additional sources of funding in order to increase the total pool of money available.

4. Museums should be taken to raise standards of collection care or management.

5. The government should refund those museum and galleries which offer free admissions to the public.

6. Seek the financial support of corporations , non-profit foundations and individuals who share its goal of preserving the cultural legacy of the museums.

四.TV and Films

Positive Side:

1. Television is one of the most important forms of entertainment.

2. Television has the power to educate and to entertain.

3. There is probably no greater influence on society than the television, which has saturated our lives.

4. Children watch TV to receive the daily news.

5. TV plays a big role in a child’s life. It teaches them new words and shows them things they have never seen before.

6. The TV was brought in to our world to give us a new sense of entertainment, world news and endless amounts of information.

7. Television can also promote pro-social behavior.

8. Television can exert its strongest pro-social influence in the area of learning and cognitive development.

Negative Side:

1. A child who often indulges in TV do esn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy.

2. Children have undeveloped minds, which can not conceive the information the same way that adults do.

3. Given our national television habit, it is no surprise that we are raising the most sedentary and most overweight generation of youngsters in history.

4. The health consequences of this overabundance of TV viewing include an increase in obesity among kids due to a sedentary lifestyle, and the flip side,(次要矛盾)an increase in dieting disorders due to the unrealistic expectations set up by thin actors on television shows and commercials.



1. Advertising promotes and popularizes new products and give people everywhere the maximum choice of products.

2. Some advertisements are of high artistic value, original and well-designed with vivid pictures and witty language, artistic photography and witty slogan; therefore they add to the beauty of our lives. They are a part indispensable to modern society.

3. Advertising brings convenience to people’s lives.

4. Advertising plays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to the consumer society.

5. It is a kind of visual enjoyment to look at some witty works of advertising which add beauty to the cityscape .


1. Some leaflets and handouts are scattered here and there, polluting the environment. They are regarded as rubbish and a blemish on the landscape of the city. They disfigure our cities,

2. Advertisements are not always truthful, and a product is often misrepresented, false and deceptive. Many advertisements are fictitious, exaggerating, misleading and flying in the face of truth.

3. Advertisements are an insidious form of brainwashing. Some are mislead and tend to induce people to spend more and create demand for things we do not need.

六.Will Computers Replace Human Teachers?

1. Computers are cold impersonal devices and they relate to children as though they are machines—without love, care, or feeling.

2. Children who use computers will learn to communicate with machines instead of people. There is a risk we will create a generation of social illiterates. There is some truth to the stereotypical ―computer nerd‖.

3. Teacher-directed learning is underpinned by personal awareness and a focus on students. IT-directed focus is impersonal.

4. Within a class of 25 children, there may be 25 variables. These variables are understood by teachers but not by computer-generated and controlled programs.

5. Classroom teachers become aware of student learning difficulties and foibles .

6. Computers present programs that can not be accommodated. Personalized shifts do not happen.

7. Computer-generated learning places are all students in the group onto the same program, at the same point, progressing them as a collective. Individual differences are not recognized.

8. Having a teacher in the classroom poses many opportunities for the students to learn life’s basics.

9. Having physical teachers in the classrooms is advantageous because they can teach personal interaction, reading, and teamwork. And computer cannot teach these things.

10. There can be confusion between reality and fantasy, between fact and myth

七.Problems Probably Confronting a freshman

Possible Problems:

be confronted with面临

1. Psychological problems such as loneliness, homesickness and inadaptability.


2. Language problems such as inability to understand the local dialect.

3. Local foods disagreeable to one’s taste.

4. Can not adapt to the climate very well.

Suggested Solutions:

1. A college orientation session should be held to familiarize the freshmen with the exciting school life.

2. Some special advisory and consultative committees should be established to meet the psychological needs of the new students.

3. Seniors students should be called on to offer help to their new younger schoolfellows.

4. Different kinds of foods and accommodation should be available to students from different places and backgrounds.

5. Some campus activities involving new and old students’ parti cipation should be organized to familiarize the new with the campus life, such as a welcome party to be held by the school authorities.

6. Fresh should try to be independent and self-reliant.

7. Keep regular emotional contacts with one’s family members and former classmates.

8. Active participation in the campus life is essential to removing loneliness and disorientation.

八.Pocket Money

1. Help the children understand the value of money and how to use the money responsibly.

2. The money parents give help the children learn to manage money, and they can understand how budgeting and saving. In this way, they can develop wise spending habits.

3. It helps raise a money-savvy child.

4. Cultivate a spirit of independence and learning to make decision on one’s ow n.

5. Such goal-setting helps children learn to become responsible for themselves.

6. Children are willing learners, and you will find by giving pocket money, you can get them very interested in whole process of building a healthy saving for the future.

7. Young children especially enjoy watching the money build up in their piggy banks, and they love to take it out and count it. This is a great opportunity to teach your child the different denominations in our currency , and what each coin and bill is worth.

8. It is the beast way to introduce your child to the concept of saving.

9. Money management is seldom taught in schools; it is up to the parents to educate their children in this very important life skill.

10. It is a way to help educate children about personal finance and managing money.

11. Parents don’t have to worry about being constantly asked to buy things for the kids.

12. Children can learn how and why to save money.

九.To Play, or to Compete?

1. Organized sports activities bring damage rather than benefits to children both physically and psychologically.

2. Physically, as they are still at the stage of developing bodies, hard exercises and tough playing will be inappropriate for them.

3. Psychologically, winning and losing—the keynote(基调) of adult life --- may mean too heavy a burden for children who should have fun and enjoy the game at that age.

4. The primary goal of a professional athlete –winning –is not appropriate for children. Their goal should be having fun, learning, and being with friends.

5. Children will benefit more from those programs emphasizing fitness, self-esteem, cooperation, sportsmanship, and individual performance.

6. Besides physical hazards and anxieties, competitive sports pose psychological dangers for children.

十.How to Manage Stress

The Present Situation and Its Effects:

1. Stress is your reaction to something you consider a challenge or a threat. Stress is a natural part of life. Modern people are stressed out or under too much stress.

2. Stress is a natural part of life.

3. Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, it is clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling.

4. Despite the highly developed material life, modern people are leading an unprecedented stressful life.

5. Some stressors are so powerful that they would evoke significant emotional distress in most mentally healthy people, and trigger mental disorders.


1. You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness.

2. Nowadays the social competition is becoming fiercer and everyone wants to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships. Solutions:

1. If your stress is chronic,(漫长的)it may require more attention and lifestyle changes.

2. Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. Twenty to thirty minutes of physical activity benefits both the body and the mind.

3. Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it is gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest.

4. Healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition makes a difference. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol, get adequate rest, exercise, and balance work and play.

5. Share your feelings. A conversation with a friend lets you know that you are not the only one having a bad day, caring for a sick child or working in a busy office. Stay in touch with friends and family. Let them provide love, support and guidance. Don’t t ry to cope alone.

6. Lower demands you put on yourself. Live for today. Don’t dwell in the past of worry about the future.

7. Develop other interests that will help you forget about your problems for a while. Sports work for some people, reading, exercising or socializing for others.

十一.Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet

Carnivorous Diet:

1. Human beings are a part of the food chain, and eating meat is natural. So then, how can eating meat be wrong?

2. Humans are type of animal and eating meat is normal and simply a part of life.

3. Animals provide essential protein for the human body. Protein is biologically essential, for every living creature needs a certain amount to survive.

4. Vegetarians do not get enough minerals and vitamins as a result of their limited diet. It is hard enough for vegetarians to stay healthy in our technologically advanced society.

6. Eating plats is also causing pain or discomfort to the plants. You only have to check out laboratory experiments that plants feel pain.

十二.Should Smoking Be Banned in All Public Places?

1. Second-hand tobacco smoke can be deadly as well.

2. Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, about 50 of which are known cancer-causing agents .

3. Only one smoker makes a majority, as the smoker spreads and fills all space available.

4. Governments should pass law to protect people and place controls on actions that harm others.

5. Damaging one’s health is viewed as a personal liberty; damaging some one else’s health may not.

6. Smoking in public places constitutes a real hazard to non-smokers.

7. Smoking endangers people’s health. Smokers are more likely to suffer from bronchitis and lung cancer and have a higher risk of developing other kinds of cancer.

8. Smoking may pose a potential fire hazard for smokers are careless about the cigarette butts.

9. Smoking may cause diseases such as cancers and bronchitis.

10. For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema , and other horrible illnesses.

11. Smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers but also affects the health of non-smokers around them because non-smokers are forced to take in some poisonous substances which smokers blow into the air.

12. Families could save money by not purchasing cigarettes; and accidental fires costing millions of dollars caused by cigarettes would cease.

13. With every cigarette you smoke, you are causing damage to your health.

14. Every cigarette you smoke reduces your lifespan by 11 minutes.

十三.Littering/ Rubbish Problem

Present Situation:

1. The roads scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway line are littered with decaying rubbish.

2. One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.

3. Litter attracts vermin , causes a fire hazard, pollutes waterways and detracts from the amenity of public parks and gardens.

4. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.

5. People show an appalling disregard for the environment. They have no respect for the environment.

6. We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds. For instance, not many dustbins are seen along streets.

7. The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problem, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposable items for the convenience’s sake.

8. Disposable packaging and items become fashionable these days, from baby nappies to milk cartons to burger wrappers .

9. We are now living in a consumer-oriented society.


1. Public activities should be sponsored by government to promote the public awareness of environmental protection. Make sure that everyone is a conscious preserver.

2. Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior.

3. Use environmentally-friendly materials.

4. Minimally packaged goods should be encouraged.

5. The rubbish should be classified scientifically so that the procedure(过程)can achieve high efficiency.

6. People should learn to recycle. For instance, we should set up bins around town to collect

glass, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, and then made them into new products.

十四.How to Solve the Traffic Problem

Present Situation and Cause:

1. Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere, causing great inconveniences to people’s daily lives.

2. Too many cars running on the streets lead to air pollution and noise pollution.

3. There are more vehicles than the streets can accommodate.

4. The construction of new roads is very slow.

5. Many drivers do not obey regulation. People lack adequate awareness of the seriousness of traffic problem.


1. More and Wider roads should be laid down to relieve the traffic congestion.

2. Build more underground railway and tunnels and underpass .

3. Issue stricter traffic laws and regulations, impose more severe and harsher penalty on the violator.

4. Raise the public awareness of the traffic regulations. Popularize the education of traffic regulations; improve the quality of the citizens.

5. Build up better public transportation systems, including buses, trains and subway, will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars.

Animal 类范文

Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.

Animals were friend of foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal right activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because putting animals through experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit.

Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any attention to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane. It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. They may, in some case, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.

However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence bounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effective than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on Homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only practical alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.

To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance, I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time we use techniques such as anesthetic to minimize the pain of the test animal.

Animals 类词汇

22) 动物权益保护主义者animal rights activists

医学研究medical research

残忍的cruel/merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal


减轻动物的痛苦alleviate/ ease animals’ pain

宠物是主人的伙伴pets are companions of their master

给主人心理安慰afford their masters consolation and comfort


某一种事物是没有替代物的there are no replacement/substitutes/alternatives(单数则去掉s) for something.

Development & Globalization 类范文

发展类(建筑物)Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation ’s histo ry. However, some people think they should be destroyed to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age, historic buildings still abound in many metropolises where new office complexes and residential developments proliferate. Whereas nearly everyone agrees in principle that historic buildings carry cultural, educational or artistic value, when it comes

to the competing interests of preserving historic buildings and constructing new ones, people hold divergent views. Some assert that old buildings should be torn down to create ample room for new constructions. Personally, I think their view has both merit and demerit.

Granted, the development of modern cities, both in population size and in functionality, necessitates the removal of certain existing structures whose history can often be traced back to centuries ago. In the first place, new constructions must be proposed and carried out to accommodate the markedly-increasing urban population. Given that almost all the

present-day cities are already packed with places of residence, commerce and recreation and the land available for new housing developments is increasingly scarce, some historic buildings must be demolished to make room for more compact, high-rise constructions. Secondly, the fast-paced automated and digitized modern city life has rendered some unremarkable old buildings redundant. Even if we renovated or remodeled these old structures to meet the requirements of contemporary urban life that is best characterized by its dynamism and convenience, the utility of retrofitted old building s would still pale compared to that of the modern buildings tailored-made for modern functions. Nevertheless, there are other considerations that should be given precedence over the utilitarian value of historic buildings. First and foremost, some historic buildings uniquely represent specific historical events or figure. If such structures were all razed, accurate representation of the corresponding events and figures would be out of the question. Further, some historic buildings possess exceptional esthetic value and mere replication or documentation can by no means demonstrate the superior craftsmanship in them as vividly. Additionally, many historic vernacular dwellings embody the distinctive lifestyle of

ethnic minority groups. It would be an ethnological catastrophe if all these dwellings were knocked down for the sake of current urban needs.

In the final analysis, I concede that the demolition of some historic buildings is inevitable in the process of urban development. However, it would be erroneous and imprudent if we fail to acknowledge that some old buildings are too significant historically, esthetically or ethnologically to dismantle. On balance, I am convinced that urban advancement and the preservation of significant historic buildings are not necessarily mutually exclusive and urban developers must not indiscriminately meet modern needs at the expense of the historic

buildings that have notable historical, esthetic or ethnological value.


发展类(城乡差距)In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. But some others think everyone should be free to choose where they work. Discuss and give your own opinion.


In this day and age, it can be generally observed that the disparity between cities and the country has been aggravated by relentless urbanization. With respect to educational and medical facilities, a yawning gap has emerged between those in cities and rural ones. This manifest chasm has prompted some to suggest that teachers and doctors fresh out of university work in the country for a few years. Yet many are opposed to this view on the grounds that it infringes upon individual freedom to choose where they work. Personally, I think both these two views have merit and demerit.


Granted, assigning new teachers and doctors to the countryside may create certain benefits. To begin with, this practice can help foster a strong sense of obligation in many teachers and doctors. They can experience first-hand how the rural residents are held back by the

out-molded teaching and medical facilities and this, in turn, can inspire a host

of professionals to commit themselves to the alleviation of this disturbing situation. Moreover, the inferior living and working conditions in the country can temper many of these young professionals’ soul. They are very likely to be more tenacious and determined and hence more successful than their urban counterparts in later careers.


However, there are even more drawbacks that this practice can engender. In the first place, many young teachers and doctors will fell unmotivated or frustrated if they are sent to rural areas against their own will. They may have a hard time getting accustomed to the shabby housing and primitive facilities and slack off at work. In the second place, if new teachers and doctors are coerced to work in the countryside, a considerable proportion of them may find it daunting when it comes time for them to relocate to cities after a few years in the country. They will feel intense occupational stress when they cannot operate efficiently equipment much more advanced than the devices they are used to back in the country school or hospital. Last but not least, given the inferiority of new teachers and doctors will lead to unsatisfactory job performance in rural school and clinics. We really cannot expect fresh recruits to work wonders with outdated tools.


In the final analysis, I concede that sending teachers and doctors fresh out of college to the countryside may produce specific advantages. However, if we enforce this indiscriminately, that will surely generate even more banes. On balance, I am convinced that we should optimize our workforce and honor the individual freedom in determining where they work.

发展类(交通问题)Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to improve safety on the roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

转述题目,至少写3 句

With the car ownership soaring in China, the issue of traffic accidents has been thrown into sharp relief. According to recent research conducted by China’s ministry of transportation, the annual incidence of traffic accidents is nearly three times as high as the corresponding figure a decade ago. Many people have been alarmed by this trend and assert that imposing stiffer punishment on the perpetrators is the only way to curb this disturbing phenomenon. Personally, I believe their view has both merit and demerit.

主体段第一段,1+4 句,主题句+2 个二级论点+2 句论证

(主题句)Granted, more severe penalty does carry certain advantages. First and foremost, it would be the most cost-effective way to deter those would be driving offenders.(论证分论点1)Heavy fines, long community service or even jail terms would render most of the aggressive drivers apprehensive about the violating the traffic law, even without extra government funding to upgrade traffic surveillance cameras or augment traffic police force. (二级分论点2)Further, the effective of this hard line approach would be immediate.(论证二级分论点)Once the related regulatory decrees are released, we would be sure to witness a substantial decline of driving offenses overnight.

主体段第二段,1+6 句,主题句+3 个二级分论点+3 句论证

(主题句)However, there are also traffic hazards that we cannot address by merely stiffening the punishment of aggressive or destructive driving conduct. To begin with, pedestrians who habitually jaywalk will not be discouraged by this move. Pedestrians account for a considerable proportion of traffic-accident culprits.; thus, pedestrian offenses such as jaywalking must be effectively checked as will. Secondly, if people who are regularly behind the wheel are not awakened to the horrific consequences traffic offenses may breed, they will take advantage of every loophole in sight. If people who are regularly abide by the traffic law solely out of fear for punishment, when a surveillance camera is out order or the traffic police fail to keep tabs on a specific section of a freeway, all hell will break loose. Lastly, strict punishment of disorderly conduct does not guarantee infallible detection of driving offenses. Without sophisticated traffic-offense detectors and a capable traffic police force, traffic laws, no matter how draconian, would be lax enough for hardened reckless drivers to disregard.

结尾段,3 句

In the final analysis, I concede that harsh penalty on driving offenders constitutes an effective way to deter irresponsible driving behavior. However, the rampant driving offense cannot be curbed by stiffer punishment of driving offenders along. On balance, I am convinced that we must take a more integrated approach to this modern-day scourge.



26) 生活节奏加速the tempo/pace of life has accelerated


导致人与人的疏远create alienation between people

过于功利的materialistic/ mercenary/money-worshipping

追求最大限度利润pursue maximum profit

交通堵塞traffic jams/traffic congestions/grid block(最后一个是不可数名词)

阻碍impede/ hinder/hamper/obstruct/inhibit(vts)

扶贫poverty alleviation

就业机会job opportunity/employment opportunity

贫穷的needy/ poverty-stricken/ impoverished/ deprived/destitute/ indigent

富裕的affluent/ wealthy/ well-off

27) 撞车car wrecks/ car accidents


交通肇事者traffic accident perpetrators


监控摄像头surveillance cameras

28) 有特殊审美价值的老房子old buildings of special aesthetic value (注意审美观的英文说法是aesthetic values 复数)

有历史特殊意义的老房子buildings of historic significance

民居vernacular dwellings

让城市更美观beautify the cities/ better the cityscape


拆除tear down a building/demolish a building/raze a building/ knock down a building

高楼high-rise building



城乡差距the disparity between the city and countryside




29) 在家上班(动词)telecommute


精神上的享受amusement and enjoyment


宽松的管理laissez-faire management

运营成本operating costs/overhead costs



劳动力资源labor pool



人口爆炸population explosion/population boom

控制人口birth control/family planning

爱慕虚荣的pretentious/ ostentatious

缺少运动的生活方式sedentary lifestyle

营养过剩over nourishment

Environmental Problems 类范文

环境类what are the cause of water scarcity? Present your own solutions to it.

开头段3+1(不少于4 句)

In present-day society, the human race is advancing at a staggering rate in a host of arena.

Along with all the boons brought about by high-tech wonders have come some sufferings; and the lack of fresh water is manifest among them. Over two thirds of the nations worldwide are afflicted with severe water shortage. (主旨句)Hence, it is crucial that we ascertain the cause of water scarcity and identify the effective remedies of this phenomenon. As I see it, the cause of the current water crisis are


First and foremost, the population explosion is the root cause of the crisis. Over the past half century, the world population explosion has more than doubled and this growth rate is showing no sign of slowing down; therefore, household and industrial consumption has been shooting up

Secondly, the deterioration of the Earth’s ecosystem also contributes to this disturbing situation. The rampant practice of deforestation has engendered massive soil erosion and multitude of chemical works, sewage disposal and textile factories discharge their toxic waste into streams, rivers or lakes.

Thirdly, the overexploitation water resource also plays a pivotal role in water scarcity. Awareness of the significance of water conservation is weak or non-existent on household, community and national levels.

主体段2(不少于7 句)Given the severity of the water crisis, we have no alternative but to take vigorous measures to address the situation. To begin with, controlling the drastic increase of world population is paramount importance. It is imperative that other populous nations learned from China’s success in curbing its population surge over the past two decades and introduce more effective birth control methods. Further, the concept of sustainable development ought to be spread in the international community. Any form of over tapping natural resources must be strictly prohibited. Lastly, mankind must strive to find alternative source of fresh water. For instance, both glacial melt water and desalinated salt water hold huge potential as vast sources of water.

结尾段(不少于2 句)To summarize, causes of the shortage of fresh water are multiple. Birth-control measures, promotion of sustainable development and research about alternative water resources are all effective ways to alleviate this modern-day scourge.

环境类8 分范文

Today we have entered a ―throw-away society‖ and are filling up our environment with plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What are the causes of this phenomenon and what measures do you recommend to solve this problem?

题目要求分析现象的两个方面,写成4 段式

开头段3+1:paraphrase the topic + thesis statement (转述题目+主旨句)

转述题目(不少于3 句)

In present-day society, plastic containers and utensils are pervasive in the city and the country alike. These plastics shopping bags, chopsticks, to-go boxes and mineral-water bottles, to name but a few, when not properly disposed of , engender a colossal amount of non-biodegradable refuse. It is manifest that we have embarked upon a ―throw-away‖ era

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