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Just the Basics…

Rock Deformation & Past Plate Tectonics

different plate tectonic boundaries = different stresses

different stresses = different deformation of rocks

so, reverse is also possible:

from present rock deformation, we can interpret past stresses

& past plate tectonic patterns

Stress can be uniform (pressure) or directed

Simple burial results in uniform stress.

But plate tectonics can produce three types of directed stress:

TENSIONAL–plates pull apart, stretches rock

COMPRESSIONAL– plates push together, squeezes rock

SHEAR–plates slip past one another, distorts rock

while stress is the force that acts on a rock, strain or deformation is the response of the rock to that stress

Deformation (strain) has three stages:

Elastic Deformation - reversible;

energy stored & released

as stress decreases, rock reverts to its original size and shape.

(elastic behavior)

If the elastic limit is exceeded, then Ductile Deformation occurs –non-reversible, permanent change in size and/or shape.

('plastic' behavior)

If stress increases beyond the range of ductile deformation,

the rock Fractures (brittle behavior)

Whether a rock behaves in a brittle or ductile manner depends on:


rate of stress

high rate (fast) -> brittle behavior.


high temp (deep) -> ductile behavior

pressure of overlying rocks

high (deep) -> ductile behavior

ductile rock deformation (folding) tend to be slow (years to million's of yrs) while brittle deformation (fracture/faulting) can be abrupt (seconds)

Ductile Deformation varies by type of stress:

Tension – stretching & thinning

Shear – distortion

Compression – folds

so, widespread folding generally linked to convergent plate margins

Brittle Deformation

Fracture can result in joints or faults:

joints– fractures w/ no movement

(often due to release of pressure as rocks are exposed at surface) important in groundwater flow and weathering/erosion

faults - fractures along which movement has occurred

(due to directed stress)

important in earthquakes and interpreting past tectonic events

as with ductile deformation,

different plate tectonic processes = different stresses

different stresses = different fault types

so in present rock record:

different faults = different stresses = different plate tectonic history

generally, only relative motion can be determined,

not worried about absolute motion

Faults with dominantly vertical motion

(Dip-Slip Faults)

1. Normal Faults

form from tensional stresses

dominate at divergent boundaries

(rift zones and spreading centers)

2. Reverse Faults

form from compressional stress

dominate at convergent boundaries

(subduction & continent collision zones)

Faults with dominantly horizontal motion

(Strike-Slip Faults)

Right-Lateral and Left-Lateral relative motions occur

form from shear stress

dominate along transform plate margins


Most earthquakes result from sudden movement along faults,

released energy was stored during elastic deformation.

and shaking (‘quaking’) of earth is itself an example of elastic behavior

but faulting is brittle behavior,

so earthquakes only occur in the lithosphere.

(asthenosphere & lower mantle deform in ductile fashion

due to high pressure and temperature)

rocks strongest under compression

rocks weakest under tension

so strength of earthquakes reflects type of stress

The origin of an earthquake is its focus (hypocenter)

(usually <100 km, but can be up to 700 km deep in subduction zones)

A quake's epicenter is the area on the surface of the earth

directly above its focus.

The locations & depths of most earthquakes

are related to their plate tectonic setting.

shallow depth = <70 km

intermediate depth = 70 - 300 km

deep depth = 300 – 670 km

Divergent Plate Boundaries

1) continental rifts

earthquakes occur along normal faults

are usually weak and shallow

2) spreading centers

most earthquakes occur along normal faults

(or strike slip faults on transform offsets)

are usually weak and always very shallow

(<20 km)

Transform Plate Boundaries

earthquakes tend to occur along strike-slip faults;

most transform faults link segments of ocean ridges, earthquakes along these oceanic transform faults are usually weak, as lithosphere is thin and


( shallow quakes <20 km)

earthquakes along continental transform boundaries are also shallow, but can be much stronger as lithosphere is cool and thick

Convergent Plate Boundaries

1) continent collision boundaries

earthquakes tend to occur on reverse faults,

can be very strong, and extend to 300 km depth.

2) subduction boundaries

Some very shallow, relatively weak earthquakes occur on normal faults

along top surface of bending plate

but most earthquakes occur on reverse faults in both subducting and

overriding plates

quakes can be up to 670 km deep!

because they form from compression,

shallow quakes in subduction zones can be very powerful

Intraplate Earthquakes

are relatively rare and are generally shallow, moderate quakes

however one of the strongest series of quakes recorded at

New Madrid, Missouri - 1811-1812

along an ancient failed continental rift

because lithosphere is cool and unbroken,

damage can extend across a wide area

Seismic Waves

Energy released during an earthquake is transmitted as

seismic waves

Only energy moves through Earth, no material

Seismic waves include both

body and surface waves

Body waves travel through a medium

(ex. - sound waves)

Surface waves travel along the medium's surface

(ex. - water waves)

Compression Waves or P- Waves (Primary) fastest seismic waves, first to arrive at a seismic station alternating stages of compression and expansion,

in the direction of wave travel

These waves change both the volume and density of the material they travel through

(so they can travel through gas, liquid or solid)

Shear Waves or S- Waves (Secondary)

Second waves to arrive at a seismic station

shear forces perpendicular to the direction of wave travel

These waves change only the shape of the material they travel through.

as gases and liquids are not elastic,

shear waves can only travel through solids.

Surface Waves

last to arrive at a seismic station, but have greatest amplitude cause most earthquake dam age, but yield no information on Earth’s interior

at least two types:

snake-like side to side motion

rolling wave - similar to water waves

Because of the differences in their speed, the arrival of seismic waves can

be used to locate earthquakes

Earthquakes also provide most of our knowledge of the Earth's interior. Detailed study of seismic body waves reveal variations in temperature,

composition and physical state.

?denser material = faster

?more rigid material = faster

?cooler material = faster

Seismic waves are refracted and reflected at physical boundaries.

Different types of waves react differently to physical state.

You will be expected to know how P-waves and S-waves react at boundaries between different Earth layers!

crust/mantle (moho)

change: P S

lithosphere/LVZ (asthenosphere)

change: P S

base of LVZ (asthenosphere)

change: P S

transition zone (400 and 670 km)

change: P S

mantle/core = lower mantle/outer core

only boundary where composition and physical state both change change: P S

outer core/inner core

change: P S

Earthquakes and Society

Different scales are used to measure earthquakes:

R ICHTER S CALE is based on the amplitude of P and S waves

100 kilometers from the epicenter

Moment-Magnitude Scale is more accurate, but its calculation involves amplitude of waves, area and amount of slip as well as characteristics of

rock involved

Both scales are logarithmic!

amplitude of waves on seismograms increases by 10 but each division is equivalent to a ~32x increase in energy!

primary damage – due to ground motion, can be severe

but secondary damage – due to fire, landslides, liquefaction (shaking of

water-saturated soil), and tsunamis

often account for the greatest loss of life and property.

Timing can be critical!


Intrinsic difficulty of mixing human and geologic time scales

long term prediction relatively accurate

but short term prediction may be impossible


earthquake resistant building is important,

but there is no earthquake-proof construction

1) construction design and 2) emergency response capabilities

are the main factors in reducing earthquake death tolls


lubricate faults to ‘manage’ motion?

高一英语必修1Unit 4 Earthquakes知识点总结

高一英语必修1Unit 4 Earthquakes知识点总结 高一英语必修1Unit 4 Earthquakes知识点总结 Unit 4 Earthquakes 1. right away毫不迟疑,立刻 2. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。从句表示“(在某人)看来好像;似乎” ① It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起来好像… ② Sb./Sth. looks as if/though… ③ There seems/appears(to be)… There appears to have been a mistake. 2. in ruins. 变为废墟 3. Two-thirds 4. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. 5. under the weight of 在……重压下,迫于 6. in the open air 在户外,在野外,露天7. take turns to do sth依次,轮流做某事in turn 依次地,轮流地8. be shocked at 对……感到震惊9. be proud of 以……为自豪10. express one’s thanks to sb /for sth… 对/因……表示感谢11. without warning 毫无预 兆12. next to紧接着,相邻,次于13. get away from… 避免,摆脱,离开14. disaster-hit areas灾区15. Listening to English is a very important skill because it is only when we understand what is said to us that we can have a conversation with somebody. 听英语是一项很重要的技能,因为只有当我们懂得别人给我们说什么我们才能与他交谈。16. It is believed that 人们认为… 17. hold up 举起;托住;支 撑列举,推举18. make up 弥补, 虚构, 整理, 和解,化妆,拼 凑19. be trapped in 被困于… 20. It is said that… 据说... 21. be fixed to…被固定到…… 22. be tied to … 被绑在…… Unit 5 Nelson Mandela―a modern hero 1. devotes… to doing奉于 2. fight against 对抗,反对,与……作斗争 3. selflessly 无私地 4. be free from 免于,不受 5. be in prison 入狱,在狱中服刑 6. the first man to do 第一个…的人7. The time when I first met him was a very difficult period of my life. 第一次见到他的时候是在


高一英语必修一Unit4 Earthquakes ---- (Reading)教学设计 马秀峰 一.教材分析:本课时是根据人教版高一英语教材必修一第四单元Earthquakes中的Reading “A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep”而设计的一节课,这单元围绕earthquakes这一主题开展听说读写多种教学活动。本课时是本单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生的语言学习和语法学习提供了载体,并且是学生获取信息的主要来源。课文主要讲述了1976年7月28日凌晨发生在河北省东北部唐山市的大地震。全文分震前、震中、震后叙述了整个过程。本文词汇量大,运用了大量的动词以及复杂的数字,出现了许多定语从句,篇幅较长,并且采用了一些修辞手法,对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。但文章的结构比较清晰明朗,比较容易归纳出各个部分的中心词。 二.学情分析:本班学生的英语学习认真热情,经过初中三年的英语学习,他们已经初步了解略读、跳读等一定的阅读技巧以及识别关键词、确定主题句、预测等阅读技能,形成了初步的阅读策略。但我带的这个班的学生们大部分的英语基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差;主动学习的动力不够,少部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意开口讲。他们有着独立、爱表现自我的特点。因此,只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学设计: Teaching goals (教学目标) goals (技能目标) Know basic knowledge about earthquakes(了解地震的基本知识) Know how to protect oneself and help others in disasters(了解如何自救与他救) 2. Sensibility goals(情感目标) Get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters ,meanwhile get them to face it ,treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.(使学生对灾难有正确的认识,要用积极的态度来对待它。) 3.Ability goals(能力目标) a. let the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.(独立搜集信息的能力) b. Let the students pack up the information by themselves.(独立整理信息的能力) c. Let the students design it for the purpose of showing in class.(设计制作课件的能力) d. feed them back to students in class ,using what they have don e.(课堂反馈与学生互动的能力) Teaching important points(教学重点)


高一英语必修一Unit4Earthquakes知识点讲 解和练习 4、 Earthquakes辅导目标重点掌握定语从句关系代词的用法;本次辅导的知识点分析重点 1、只能用that不能用which引导定语从句的情况; 2、只能用which不能用that引导定语从句的情况。难点 1、掌握与end搭配的常用短语; 2、辨析:injury,hurt,harm与wound; 3、辨析:ruin,destroy,damage,break与spoill。注意点as引导的定语从句。课堂讲解及训练课堂讲解 一、知识讲授 1、In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst 、(1)爆裂, 爆发, 突然破裂The red balloon suddenly burst、那个红色的气球突然爆了。(2)猛冲;突然出现 He burst into the room without knocking、【拓展】 burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然大笑burst into tears = burst out crying 突然大哭 2、It seemed as if the world was at an end! 【短语归纳】

与end搭配的常用短语:come to an end vi、结束(用作谓语)bring/put sth、to an end vt、结束;制止at the end of 在…尽头(末)(指时间或空间)by the end of到…末为止(现在完成时连用)by the end of last、、、(与过去完成时连用)by the end of next、、、(用于将来完成时)in the end 最后,终于(作状语)on end连续to the end到底without end 没完没了的 【随堂练习】 用at the end of, by the end of 和 in the end填空。(1)How many English words have you learned ____________ last term?(2)He became an outstanding doctor ___________、(3)My uncle will fly to China _________ this year、4、、In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins、(1)n、残垣断壁;废墟(名词时常用复数)The city lay in ruins after years of bombing、(2)v、毁灭;使破产The hurricane ruined all the houses here、【拓展】 be in ruins 呈一片废墟 fall into ruin 变成废墟 come to ruin 毁灭,落空 ruin oneself 自我毁灭 bring sb、 to ruin 使毁灭 【辨析】


高中一年级英语教案Earthquakes-高中一年级 [标签:来源] 高中一年级英语教案Earthquakes 教学目标 Important vocabularies Shake, while, sound, scientist, point, movement, fall off, for a while, fo Daily expressions: Were you in ……? Sure I was. I ’ll never forget that. Very strange. It sounded like…… What happened next? What was it like? Useful phrases: The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more then it The number of people who lost homes reached as many as 250000. Grammar: The usage of pronouns in the Attributive sentences. Who/ whom/ which/ that…… 教学建议 能力训练: 运用所学的语言,围绕地震这个题材,开展听说写的活动;阅读课文“Earthquake",了解有师生互动活动: Lesson 25: 口头练习,对话交际功能-----日常生活用语的练习。 Lesson 26---27: 听力和阅读相结合,理解全文的意思。 Lesson 28: 口头和笔头练习相结合,写一篇关于地震的文章。 教材分析 本单元对话引出地震这个话题。对话中提到了地震的时候的现象和人的感受。本单元的阅读课的使用:A wide and busy road which was built like a bridge over another 重点知识讲解: 1.What does "quake" means , as in the word "earthquake"?

人教版高一英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes知识点

Unit 4 Earthquakes 重点单词和短语 1. right/ straight away = at once 立刻;马上=right now=in no time=without delay=immediately 2. burst (burst, burst) vi. 爆裂;爆发 burst into 突然……起来 burst into tears/ laughters/ flames 突然大哭/大笑/起火 burst out crying/ laughing/ singing 突然哭起来/笑起来/唱起来 n. 一阵a burst of laughter/ applause 一阵笑声/掌声a burst of anger 怒火的迸发 as if/ though+clause 虚拟情况从句时态与现在事实相反一般过去时与过去事实相反过去完成时 4. at an end 结束;终结 in the end 最后;终于(一般过去时) at the end (of sth.) 在结尾处;在(……)结束的时候(一般过去时) by the end of this month 在本月末(过去完成时) Nation n国家,民族national adj 5. ruin n. 废墟;毁灭;遗迹be in ruins 成为一片废墟 v. 毁灭;使破产/灭ruin one’s health 毁坏某人健康ruin one’s hope 使某人希望破灭extreme adj极度的extremely adv Injure v损害,伤害injury n 受伤injured adj受伤的the injured 伤员 6. destroy (destroyed, destroyed) vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭destruction n. 破坏;毁坏 7. track n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹keep track of 记录;掌握……的线索 Useless adj无用的useful adj It is useless to do =It is useless doing=It is no use doing做。。。没有用 8. shock: n. 休克;打击;震惊;令人震惊的事vt & vi (使)震惊;震动 Shocked adj 吃惊的shocking adj令人震惊的 be shocked by/ at 对……感到震惊 a shocking accident 令人震惊的事故an electric shock 电击9. rescue: n & vt. 援救;营救rescuer n. 营救人员 rescue sb. from … 从危险中救出 a rescue team 救援队come/ go to one’s rescue 营救某人10. trap vt. 使陷入困境n. 陷阱;困境be trapped in the mud被困在泥巴里面 trap sb./ sth. into (doing)… 诱使某人/某物(做)…… set a trap 设圈套 11.dig out (dug dug) 掘出;发现dig sth. out of sth. 把……从……里挖出 12. bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏burial n 葬礼 bury oneself in= be buried in 埋头于;专心于be buried in thought 陷入了沉思 Be lost in=be devoted to doing沉迷于 mine n 矿,矿山miner n 矿工 13. shelter n. 躲避(处);避身处take shelter from the rain 躲雨 v. 保护……;遮蔽;使……住宿shelter me from blame 保护我免受责难 damage v损害do/cause damage to给。。。造成损害 14. judge n. 裁判员;法官;vt. 断定;判断;判决;认为judge sth. from/ by sth. 由……来判断 judging from/ by sth. 由……来看(作状语)judgement n. 判决;审判;判断 15. express vt. 表达;用快递邮寄出express oneself 表达自己 express thanks/ thoughts 表达感谢/思想express the letter 用快递方式寄出信件 Congratulation n祝贺(复数)congratulate v祝贺congratulate sb. on sth. 向某人祝贺某事 16. rise (rose; risen) vi. 升高;增长;站在;起床n. 上升;上涨;增升;涨工资

Unit 4 Earthquakes高一英语上学期单元易考点精讲讲练+语法专题复习

新版(2019)高一英语期中重点总结 高中英语除了重点词汇短语、知识点和语法的积累,最重要的是建立整个英语的框架结构,将知识点串联。高中英语与初中英语的区别在于;初中重在积累词汇、短语、细节知识点,而高中不仅仅是积累,而更重在将初中所学的词法、句型结构、从句结合起来,在掌握了英语学习的框架之后,要从不断做题之后去总结考试题型。高考的考题形式是需要学生去经过持久练习而总结的。也就说高中不仅要懂得这个知识点,更要知道这个知识点会以什么样的形式来考察,准确的知道考点。 每个单元会补充重要语法 Unit 1 Friendship 名词 Unit 2 English around the world 形容词副词 Unit 3 Travel journal 时态 Unit 4 Earthquakes 被动语态 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 代词

Unit 4 Earthquakes 一、重点讲解 1.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. 在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。 自主探究 burst vi. ( , ) n. eg: Water-pipes . 水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。 搭配 ① burst into + n. = burst out doing sth. 突然···起来 burst into = burst out laughing 放声大笑 burst into =burst out crying 放声大哭 ① burst into \ break into the room 破门而入 ① a burst of anger 一阵发怒 即学即练 The police the room and caught the murder. A. burst into B. entered into C. looked into D. shouted at 2. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 似乎到了世界末日!1).as if = as though 好像,似乎 (1)如果as if 从句表示的事情可能是真实的,通常使用陈述语气。

人教版必修一unit4 earthquakes语法教案

教学过程 一、课堂导入 Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why? 二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课所学的重点单词,短语和句子 词语辨析

1. congratulate / celebrate 2. destroy / ruin / damage / harm 3. rise / raise / lift 4. hurt / injure / wound 词形变化 1. frighten vt. 吓唬;使惊吓f rightened n. 受惊的;受恐吓的 frightening adj.令人恐惧的 2. nation n. 民族;国家;国民national adj. 民族的;国家的 3. suffer v. 受苦; 吃苦头suffering n. 苦难;痛苦sufferer n.受苦者; 受难者 重点单词 1. burst v.&n. 爆裂, 爆发, 突然破裂 2. ruin v.&n. 毁灭,使破产,遗迹,废墟(名词时常用复数) 3. rescue n.&vt. 援救,营救 4. judge n.&v. 法官,鉴赏家,裁判,判断,估计 重点词组 1. right away 立刻,马上 2. at an end 结束,终结 3. instead of 代替,而不 4. tens of thousands of 数以万计的 重点句子 1. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.

高中英语必修一 Unit 4 Earthquakes

2013年教学设计高中英语科 Unit 4 Earthquakes — Warming up & Reading教学设计 一、教学内容简析: 本课的内容是人教版高中英语必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes中的Reading阅读理解部分,包括Warming up, Pre-reading,阅读理解课文A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep和Comprehending内容在内。Warming up部分提供了唐山地震和美国旧金山地震的两幅图片,要求学生描述地震对这两个城市造成的危害并展开讨论。Pre-reading部分提供了地震前兆的图片,让学生了解地震前动物和自然界奇特的异常变化。阅读课文A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep是一篇新闻报道类记叙文,叙述了唐山大地震前夕的“怪现象”、地震造成的损失及震后的救援情况。Comprehending部分设置了些练习,主要是帮助学生更好地理解课文内容,培养学生整体把握文章的能力。 二、学习者分析 本单元的话题是“地震基础知识(basic knowledge about earth quakes)”和“遇到灾难时如何自救以及帮助他人(how to protect oneself and help others in disaster)”。具体涉及地震的成因、预兆、地震造成的损失、地震时的应急救生以及震后的救援等内容,对于高一学生来说要完成这些内容的学习也并非是一件易事。目前,学生上

课以interpersonal的交流为主,而interpretative和presentational形式比重不够均衡。由于文化教学不够重视,学生的跨文化意识不高。此外,学生跨学科学习的意识不够,语言和信息的双向促进关系的认识不足。对于比较策略主要运用在英汉汉英互译的语言层面,未进入文化比较和思维比较。学生的课外语言活动环境不够丰富和重视程度不高,通常以词汇、语法等练习为主,缺乏真实的语言运用。 三、设计理念 本教学设计在新课程教学理念的指导下,力求在培养学生的语言知识、知识技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上发展学生综合运用语言的能力,使学生通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法优化英语学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略。在设计过程中遵循以学生为主体,教师为主导这一教学原则,创设角色扮演情景、激烈讨论提出建议,让学生最大限度地参与教学过程,尊重学生的主体地位,充分发挥学生在学习过程中的主动性、积极性、创造性,使课堂充满活力。从教学需要出发,创设情景,进行情景设问、讨论,激起学生的情感体验,激活学生思维,帮助学生迅速、正确地理解和接受知识,并在学习过程中培养其积极进取的科学的人生观及价值观,较好地落实了三维目标。而三维目标是相辅相成、相互渗透的,所以在情景教学的过程中,知识的落实、能力的培养、情感态度价值观的渗透交融在一起,实现了三维目标的和谐与统一。 四、教学目标:


高中英语(人教版)必修一第四单元教案 Unit 4 Earthquake 一.教学内容分析 本单元话题为"地震",主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。本单元共分八个部分。 Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题"一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害",为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。 Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。 Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。 Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判


必修I---unit 4 I---IV Earthquakes 一、知识点 1.Now imagine there has been a big earthquake. 现在,假设有一次大地震。 “There +be +主语+其它成分”结构中there为引导词,本身无意义,谓语动词按照就近一致原则。其它相似句型还有: There happen to be 碰巧有 There seems/appears to be 好像有 There is likely to be 可能有 There may/might be 也许有 There must be 一定有 There can’t be 不可能有 There is said/reported to be 据说/据报道有 There used to be 曾经有 There is sure/certain to be 一定有 2. happen to. It (so) happened that… Did you hear what happened to David last night? 你听说大卫昨天晚上发生什么事了吗? What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up? 如果彼得和爱丽丝离婚孩子们将怎么办? I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday. 昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。 It so happened that I saw Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday. 昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。 I happened to be out when he called. 他来访时,恰巧我出去了。(= It happened that I was out when he called.) I happened on just the thing I had been looking for. 我偶然发现了我所要找的东西。 3. right away毫不迟疑,立刻 He is ill; you should call in the doctor right away. 他病了, 你应该立即请大夫来。 4. A smelly gas came out of the cracks. 裂缝里冒出臭气。 5. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 农家大院里,鸡甚至猪都紧张得不想吃食。 6. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.但是,这个城市的一百万居民都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。 7. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。 从句表示“(在某人)看来好像;似乎” ①It seems/looks/appears as if/though…看起来好像… ②Sb./Sth. looks as if/though…(不用seem/appear) ③There seems/appears(to be)…(不用look) There appears to have been a mistake. =It appears that there has been a mistake. ④It seems so. =So it seems.看来似乎是这样。 8. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沦落为一片废墟之中。


Unit 4 Earthquakes单元知识点学案 一、重点词汇细解 1.burst vi.(burst,burst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发 【教材原句】In the city, thewater pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. butthe one million peopleof thecity,who thoughtlittleofthese events,were asleep as usualthat night.在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。 【归纳拓展】 burst out迸发;突然发作;突然……起来 burstout crying/singing/laughing突然哭起来/唱起来/笑起来 burst into/in突然闯入;打断 burst into tears/song/laughter/cheers突然哭/唱/笑/欢呼起来 burstwith anger/grief/joy 勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支 at a(one)burst 一阵;一口气;一举;一下 aburstof anger 怒火的迸发 ①He looked as if he wasaboutto burst into tears. 他看上去马上就会泪流满面。 ②The wholeclass burstoutlaughing. 全班的人都突然笑了起来。 完成句子 (1)Hearing the news,she ________________(放声大哭). (2)He________________(闯进房间)withoutknockingat the door. 2.ruinn. 毁坏;毁灭,崩溃(pl.) 废墟,遗迹v. (使)破产,(使)堕落,毁灭 【教材原句】Infifteen terrible seconds a largecitylay inruins.在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。 【归纳拓展】 be/lie in ruins成为废墟;破败不堪


此文档下载后即可编辑 Unit 4Earthquakes 单元规则 本单元的话题是“地震基础知识(basic knowledge about earthquakes)”和“遇到灾难时如何自救以及帮助别人(how to protect oneself and help others in disasters)”。具体涉及地震的成因、预兆、地震造成的损失、地震时的应急救生以及震后的救援等内容。语言知识和语言技能等各项语言活动都是围绕这些话题展开的。 为了围绕话题开展听、说、读、写活动,本单元安排了八个部分:“热身(Warming Up)”“读前(Pre-reading)”“阅读(Reading)”“理解(Comprehending)”“语言学习(Learning about Language)”“语言运用(Using Language)”“小结(Summing Up)”和“学习建议(Learning Tip)”。 “热身(Warming Up)”部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦大地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害?”,为本单元的主题作了“热身活动”。 “读前(Pre-reading)”部分设置了两个开放性的问题,要求学生描述、讨论与地震有关的话题。目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫。学生可通过讨论,参阅有关地震的书籍,并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。 “阅读(Reading)”部分是一篇新闻报道,详细介绍了1976年唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作的情况。文中关于地震的词汇较多,教师可在课前布置学生查找新唐山的中英文资料和与地震相关的词汇;文中还提及了很多孩子失去双亲成为孤儿,矿工在地震中的遭遇,救护人员和解放军官兵不顾自身安危奋力抢险的事迹,灾难无情人有情,感人至深。教师可将这些作为素材,设计多种任务,展开课堂教学活动。另外文中还出现了大量的定语从句,这对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。在阅读教学中教师还可指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关唐山的资料,使学生进一步了解唐山大地震和如今的唐山,形成对比和强烈的震撼,从而更好地了解学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。最后,通过对文章的学习,了解新闻的特点,为后面的写作作准备。重点词汇和语法的学习可结合文章进行,并配以适当的练习。 “理解(Comprehending)”部分包括五个练习:练习1要求连接句子的正确部分;练习2要求列出唐山地震中发生的事情和时间;练习3要求写出文章的段落大意,并概括文章大意;练习4要求学生用自己的话解释文章标题;练习5要求学生就课文某一段落作采访活动。主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解“阅读(Reading)”部分的文章,尤其是练习3更突出了培养学生整体把握文章的能力。 “语言学习(Learning about Language)”部分涉及本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目。词汇部分设计了4个练习:练习1是从阅读材料中为下面的每一项释义找到正确的单词或短语;练习2要求学生从阅读文章中找出尽量多的单词来分类描绘地震;练习3是用课文中的一些单词完成段落;练习4要求完成句子,考查as if的用法。这部分的目的是要求学生在整体把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及使用,注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。语法项目是定语从句,设计了三个练习:练习1要求找出阅读文章中带定语从句的句子;练习2要求用that, which, who和whose填空完成句子、翻译成汉语并作比较;练习3要求通过游戏的形式造句并用定语从句扩展这些句子。该部分主要通过阅读和句型练习帮助学生学习由that, which, who和whose引导的定语从句,培养学生自主学习的能力。 “语言运用(Using Language)”部分分“读和说(Reading and speaking)”、“听力(Listening)”和“读和写作(Reading and writing)”三个步骤:“读和说(Reading and speaking)”训练提供了一

新人教版高中英语必修1Unit4 Earthquakes 同步练习 语法(定语从句)

Unit 4 Earthquakes同步练习——语法(定语从句) I. 把下列句子合并为含有定语从句的复合句 1.The girl is not here. She is going to sing a song. ______________________________________________________________ ___. 2. The school is a big one. The school stands near the river. ______________________________________________________________ ___. 3.Have you answered the letter? You got the letter two weeks ago. ______________________________________________________________ ___. 4. He’ll meet his daughter. He hasn’t seen her for years. ______________________________________________________________ ___. 5.The house is very old. Its windows face south. ______________________________________________________________ ___. II. 用关系代词who, whom, that, which, whose 填空: 1.The earthquake ____ shook the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history. 2.We don’t know the number of people____ lost their homes in the 1906 earthquake. 3.The house ____ they built in 1987 is still very new. 4.The house ____ is built on sand may fall down in an earthquake. 5.Luckily none of the people ____ I know were killed.

人教版英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquake知识点总结详解整理

必修一 Unit 4 Earthquake Section A&B&C

11.burst ?v.(使)爆裂;(使)膨胀;爆发;burst-burst-burst The water pipe cracked and burst. ?n.突发,爆发 ?There was a burst of laughter in the next room.隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 ?v.猛冲;突然出现 ?He burst into the room without knocking.他没敲门就闯进了房间。 【拓展】 ●burst into+名词=burst out doing 突然...起来 ?burst into tears=burst out crying 突然哭起来/ burst into laughter=burst out laughing突然笑起来●burst in闯进 ●be bursting with充满;爆满 ?The roads are bursting with cars.车辆把那些道路挤满了。 ● a burst of (突然)一阵 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d79264446.html,lion百万 【用法】one million一百万several million几百万 a dozen million一千两百万millions of+名词几百万... 【其他数字用法】tens of thousands of...数以万计的... hundreds of thousands of...几十万 【其他表示数字的词】dozen一打(十二) score(二十) 13.event n. (1)事件;(尤指)大事 ●current/the latest events当前事件/最新事件 (2)(体育比赛等的)项目,赛事 ●one of the major sporting events of the year年度重大体育赛事之一 【辨析】 event 重要事件;比赛项目The Asian Games were one of the major sporting events of the year.亚运会是年度重大体育赛事之一。accident 偶然或意外发生的不幸事情Over 70,000 people are seriously injured every year in road accidents.每年在道路事故中受伤的人有七万多。 incident ①小事件或附带事件 ②政治上有影响的事件或事变The incident was noticed in a magazine.这一事件在一份杂志里出现了。 14.think highly/much of sb. 重视,高度评价 think little/nothing of sb.几乎不考虑;对...不重视,忽视 think ill of认为...不好,说...坏话think well of 认为...好,器重 15.as if=as though+句子“好像even if= even though+句子“尽管” 【注意】(1)as if/though引导表语从句: 陈述语气:接近事实 一般过去时:与现在/将来事实相反


高一英语必修一Unit4Earthquakes 知识点讲解和练习课堂讲解 一、知识讲授 1、In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst . (1)爆裂, 爆发, 突然破裂 The red balloon suddenly burst. 那个红色的气球突然爆了。 (2)猛冲;突然出现 He burst into the room without knocking. 【拓展】 burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然大笑 burst into tears = burst out crying 突然大哭 2、It seemed as if the world was at an end! 【短语归纳】与end 搭配的常用短语: come to an end vi.结束(用作谓语) bring/put sth.to an end vt.结束;制止 at the end of 在…尽头(末)(指时间或空间) by the end of 到…末为止(现在完成时连用) by the end of last...(与过去完成时连用) by the end of next...(用于将来完成时) in the end 最后,终于(作状语) on end 连续 to the end 到底 without end 没完没了的 【随堂练习】用at the end of, by the end of 和 in the end 填空。 (1)How many English words have you learned ____________ last term? (2)He became an outstanding doctor ___________. (3)My uncle will fly to China _________ this year. 4.、In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. (1)n. 残垣断壁;废墟(名词时常用复数) The city lay in ruins after years of bombing. (2)v. 毁灭;使破产 The hurricane ruined all the houses here. 【拓展】 be in ruins 呈一片废墟 fall into ruin 变成废墟 come to ruin 毁灭,落空 ruin oneself 自我毁灭 bring sb. to ruin 使毁灭 5、Two -thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. 【辨析】injury ,hurt ,harm 与wound

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