当前位置:文档之家› 《高级英语(一)》课程(课程代码07374)自学考试大纲






I 课程性质与设置目的

















III 有关说明与实施要求



I 课程性质与设置目的






II 课程内容与考核目标




To grasp:

1. the importance of choosing the right word for one‘s purpose

2.the double function of the correct choice of words

3.the abundance of specific words in English for general notions


二.课程内容:Hit the Nail on the Head

I. The purpose and the organization of the text:

1. The passage begins with an analogy to illustrate the similarities between how to drive a nail home and how to

use exact English words. In this way the author dramatizes the importance of choosing the right word for one‘s purpose.

5.Paragraphs 2-4 are devoted to the double function of the correct choice of words;

6.Paragraphs 5-8 are devoted to semantic differences between words of the same root;

7.Paragraph 9 is devoted to wrong choice of words caused by failure to recognize their connotations;

8.Paragraph 10 is devoted to stylistic differences between synonyms;

9.Paragraph 11 is devoted to words of uniquely cultural load;

10.Paragraph 12 is devoted to the abundance of specific words in English for general notions.

11.The passage ends with an emphasis on quality rather than quantity in the mastery of words.

II. Difficult points:

1.How to apply analogy effectively in students‘ essay writing.

2. How to associate the end-weight principle with the understanding of the author‘s purpose.


1. words and phrases of this unit

2.the importance of choosing the right word for one‘s purpose

3.semantic differences between words of the same root

4.the abundance of specific words in English for general notions


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. Hit the nail on the head: to be exactly right (in saying something)

2. drive home the nail: drive the nail into the wood precisely

3. deft blow: effortlessly skillful blows

4. hit the nail on the head: hitting it accurately on the head

5. so with language: This is also true with language

6. scrupulous: painstaking

7. we shall be rewarded by the satisfaction: we shall be satisfied if we can find the right words

8. bad carpentry of language: poor mastery of language

9. rife: common; widespread (of bad things)

10. malapopism: wrong use of a word sounding like the correct one

11.as if the meaning were held against its will: as if the meaning of the word ?imprisoned‘ used by the

journalist here in the sentence were against its original meaning

12. to be alive to: to be sensitive to

13. to disprove: to refute


1. the importance of choosing the right word for one‘s purpose

2.the double function of the correct choice of words

3.semantic differences between words of the same root

4.wrong choice of words caused by failure to recognize their connotations

5.stylistic differences between synonyms

6.words of uniquely cultural load



1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the thesis statement: the Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world

2.the causes and consequences of the pollution in general


二.课程内容:Beware the Dirty Seas

I. The organization of the text:

1. Paras.1-4 introduce the topic

Para.1 is devoted to the thesis statement: The Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world.

Paras.2-4 are devoted to the causes and consequences of the pollution in general.

2. Paras.5-10 are devoted to the first main cause---sewage

Paras.5-7 are devoted to the improper treatment of sewage by many Mediterranean countries. Paras.8-10 are devoted to the consequences, such as

contamination of sea water and fish; greater likelihood of disease

3. Paras.11-13 are devoted to the second main cause—industries, such as

Untreated wastes emitted

From factories along the coast and from factories located far inland

4. Paras.14 and 15 are devoted to other causes of pollution, such as

Pesticides, detergents, fertilizers and oil.

5. Paras.16-20 are devoted to factors that lead to the severity of the case, such as

Narrow and shallow outlet of the Strait of Gibraltar

Weak coastal currents and feeble tides

Long-standing practice of dumping wastes into the sea

Multiplication of pollution and increasing number of tourists

6. Paras.21 and 22 are devoted to the conclusion:

Efforts made to solve the problem

II. key points for comprehension:

1.The association of the evolution of the Mediterranean culture with the development of the western civilization

2. The significance of discussing the pollution of the Mediterranean.


1.words and phrases of this unit;

2.the thesis statement: The Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world

3.the causes and consequences of the pollution in general



识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. slosh: go through water or mud

2 The fading structures of a decaying city are the great mineral mines and hardware shops of the nation: The fading structures of a decaying city are the substitutes for coal and metal goods.

3. they were filthy rich: they were very rich

4. Rationing was introduced to "equalize sacrifice": In order to change the unequal state between the rich and the poor caused by the soaring price of gas, the government carried out the policy of rationing gas of fixed official price

5. with most of what furnace fuel is allowed hoarded for the dawn: because most of the furnace fuel that is given is stored in large amounts for the dawn

6. assign turns to: appoint people to work one after another on

7. creak: make noise as if from a badly oiled door when being opened

8. the dogs must be fought off: the dogs must be kept away with great efforts

8. be directed into: be used for

9. trickle: small, slow, irregular quantity

10. rid the earth of an encumbering menace: free the earth from a threat that is becoming a burden

11. for fear of biting into limited fuel reserves: for fear of consuming limited fuel reserves


1.the thesis statement: The Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world

2.the causes and consequences of the pollution in general



1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the chief personalities of man

2.Einstein‘s chief personalities: modesty, simplicity, etc.

3.description developed by examples

二.课程内容:My Friend, Albert Einstein

I. Key points for discussion:

1. In Hoffmann‘s opinion ―simplicity‖is the best word to describe the essence of Einstein‘s character. The

abstract notion of simplicity is explained by a phrase in the first paragraph. Which is it?

2. From the two anecdotes related in paras.2-4, what impression of Einstein have you got?

3. What, according to the author, is Einstein‘s most outstanding trait as a scientist?

4. Why did Einstein instist on working hard when he was so badly shaken by his wife‘s death?

5. How do you interpret the sentence in para.11: ―To help him, I steered the discussion away from routine

matters into more difficult theoretical problems?

6. What revelation is made through Einstein‘s comment on Beethoven and Mozart‘s works?

II. Difficult sentences for paraphrasing

1. This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secret of his major scientific

discoveries—this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty. (para.1)

2. The intensity and depth of his concentration were fantastic. When battling a recalcitrant problem, he worried

it as an animal worries its prey. (para.9)

3. A dreamy, faraway and yet inward look would come over his face. There was no appearance of concentration,

no furrowing of the brow—only a placid inner communion. (para.10)

4. Each of these assumptions, by itself, was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious. But together they were

in such violent conflict that a lesser man would have dropped one or the other and fled in panic. (para.14)


1.words and phrases of this unit

2.the chief personalities of man

3.Einstein‘s chief personalities: modesty, simplicity, etc.

4.description developed by examples


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. knack: talent

2. as to: as for

3. plead with: continually request

4. was in awe of: had a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder for

5. approaching him: speaking to him (for the first time)

6. working on: conceiving

7. inflection: tone

8. awry: turned towards one side

9. endearing request: request that inspires affection and love from others

10. vestiges: visible traces

11. infant prodigy: child with exceptional talents

12. dullard: mentally dull or stupid person

13. abreast of: side by side with

14. masterwork: masterpiece

15. worked out: produced

16. worried it as an animal worries its prey: never gave it up as an animal chases and bites its prey

17. quaint: strange

18. twirling a lock of: twisting and winding a lock of


1.Einstein‘s chief personalities: modesty, simplicity, etc.

2.description developed by examples


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.the use of transitional words and phrases

二.课程内容:The Invisible Poor

I. Key points for discussion:

1. How do you account for Harrington‘s use in para.2 of the first person singular, which is not found anywhere

else in the passage?

2. What, according to Harrington, has rendered poverty less visible in rural Amercia?

3. How has urban development contributed to the reduced awareness of the existence of the poor?

4. What have mass-production and age to do with the invisibility of poverty?

5. How do you understand the statement ―the poor are politically invisible‖?

6. The passage is an extract from a book written in the early 1960‘s. Do you think things have improved since


II. Difficult sentences for paraphrasing

1. Beauty and myths are perennial masks of poverty. (para.5)

2. This new segregation of poverty is compounded by a well-meaning ignorance. (para.10)


1.words and phrases of this unit

2.the organization of the text

3.the use of transitional words and phrases


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. the invisible poor: the ignored poor

2. perennial reasons: long lasting

3. beaten track: main high way

4. turnpikes: motorways

5. rutted roads: deep narrow tracked roads

6. run-down: dilapidated

7. exempt from: free from

8. quaint inhabitants:

9. across the track: Across the tracks to the poor place

10. hovel: dirty places to live in

11. This process has been magnified with the poor throughout the country.: The process of the existence of social classes becoming difficult to discern has been exaggerated considering the poor throughout the country

12. stylishly: fashionably

13. lurid: shocking

14. dispossessed: the poor (who are deprived of possessions)

15. reservoir: extra supply


1.the organization of the text

2.the use of transitional words and phrases


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.periodical structure and loose structure

二.课程内容:The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part I

I. The organization of the text:

Para.1 is devoted to the introduction of television into American society

Paras.2 – 6 are devoted to positive effects as claimed in the early years when TV was introduced into the average American family, such as

wonderful improvement in the change of children‘s habits

a good means to bring the family together

Paras.7-16 are devoted to negative effects as perceived today. For example,

Paras.7-10 are devoted to the fact that two much time is spent by children on TV-watching;

Paras.11 and 12 are devoted to a general lack of communication within peer groups;

Paras.13 and14 are devoted to a widening gap in the relations between children and their parents;

Paras.15 and 16 are devoted to traditional family concept being challenged and culture changed.

Para.17 is devoted to the conclusion, including

1.the impact on children:

a drastic change in their life and personality; the process that transforms children into people being hindered

2.the impact on family and family life: ever-loosening families

II. Key points for discussion:

1.How the author starts his argument by the metaphorical expression used in the title.

2.How unusual the author views the negative effect as against general assumptions.

How the author paves the way from the beginning for his serious argument.


1.words and phrases of this unit

2.the organization of the text

3.periodical structure and loose structure


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. safe from repossession: free from being taken away by the creditor

2. have sufficient perspective to: have sufficient room for making judgment

3. myopia: shortsightedness

4. wondrous influence: wonderful influence

5. a steady refrain helped to soothe and reassure anxious parents: a regularly repeated claim of the less important role of TV helped to calm and comfort the anxious parents

6. to ameliorate its effects: to improve the effects

7. the advent: the coming; the arrival

8. to assign to television the subsidiary role: to consider television as playing a minor role

9. apologists: people who argue for the defense of a belief

10.equivocal: doubtful; questionable

11. skirmish: a small-scaled fight

12. regimented: strictly organized

13. anything amiss: anything improper

14. on the spur of the moment: without preparation

15.mediating: acting as a peace-maker

16.who are effectively shunted away and rendered un-troublesome: who are kept away so as not to cause any trouble

17. undemanding: leisurely

18.accede to: approve of


1.the organization of the text

2.periodical structure and loose structure


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.narration and argument

二.课程内容:Preparing for College

I. Key points for discussion:

1. From Steffens‘s description of ―the elect‖ in para. 2, what has been revealed about himself?

2. Where can you find Steffens‘s critical comments on the school education he received? Was it at least in part

responsible for his failure to get into university?

3. What is the antecedent of the pronoun ―it‖in the first sentence of para. 6? Apart from referring to its

antecedent, what cohesive function does it perform?

4. How does the man Evelyn Nixon impress you? Support your answer with information from the text.

5. Despite their similar background, the Englishmen who met at the Saturday night gatherings had ―no common

opinion on anything apparently‖ (para. 13). By which sentence in the same paragraph is this fact restated?

6. Why does Steffens say that those wonderful Saturday nights in San Francisco were his preparations for


II. Difficult sentences for paraphrasing

1. When I knocked at he college gates, I was prepared for a college education in some braches; my mind was

hungry enough for the answers to some profound questions to have made me work and develop myself, especially on lines which I know now had no ready answers, only more and even more questions. (para.4)

2. When he read or recited Greek verse the Greeks came to life; romance and language sang songs to me, and I

was inspired to be like him, not a hero nor even a poet, but a Greek scholar, and thus an instrument on which beautiful words might play. (para.6)

3. ―Go to, boy. The world is yours. Nothing id done, nothing is known. The greatest poem isn‘t written, the best

railroad isn‘t built yet, the perfect state hasn‘t been thought of. Everything remains to be done---right, everything.‖ (para.12)


1.words and phrases of this unit

2.the organization of the text

3.narration and argument


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. for the most part: mostly

2. Their own driving motives: What drove them to work hard

3. dazed: so surprised as to be unable to think and feel

4. foreign: strange

5. to this day: even now

6. appeal: attract

7. barest rudiments: the simplest basic parts

8. metaphysics: the study of the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value

9. be crammed for: be prepared by stuffing knowledge hastily

10. lived over: went over pleasantly

11. personify with: express

12. Don't work up any more brawn: Don't develop any more human muscle

13. cram up: learn hastily

14. underline: draw a line under

15. add ours to whip, to lash you on: add our questions to push you on

16. balked: unwilling to do something difficult

17. a maddening lot of: an annoying lot of


1.the organization of the text

2.narration and argument


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.inductive argument

二.课程内容:Grouping the Gifted: Pro

I. The organization of the text:

Paras.1 and 2: author‘s definition of the gifted.

Paras.3 and 4: author‘s idea of grouping the gifted.

Para.5: presenting the basic opposing argument: the fear of creating intellectual snobs, and the fear of producing inferiority among the slow students.

Para.6: refuting the opposing argument by pointing out the erroneous notions held by the opposing party, e.g., the traditionally held definition of the gifted.

Para.7: further refuting the opposing argument by analogies, e.g., gifted grouping in speech, music, etc.

Paras.8 and 9: highlighting the responsibility of the teacher in forming the concept of individual development among students

Para.10:presenting another opposing argument: gifted grouping does not affect achievement much.

Paras.11 and 12: refuting the opposing argument by finding fault with the opponents‘supporting evidence, e.g., grouping pupils according to their IQ scores, which are far from reliable.

Paras.13, and 15: refuting the opposing view by arguing from his first-hand experience.

Para.14: further refuting the opposing idea by pointing out the defect of heterogeneous classrooms.

Para.15: showing his confidence in gifted grouping.

Paras.16, 17 and 18: supporting his argument by citing the result of a successful experiment in grouping pupils according to their different reading ability.

Paras.19 and 20: the conclusion--gifted grouping should be the practical means of developing children towards individual growth.

II. Key point:

Clear definition of the argument is essential to the success of argumentation.


1. words and phrases of this unit

2. the organization of the text

3. inductive argument


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. manifest: show plainly

2. a class is heterogeneously grouped: a class is grouped with students of different interests or abilities

3. at times: occasionally

4. readily grouped the gifted: grouped the gifted easily

5. To the extent of my observation: As far as I have observed

6. form the wrong concept about themselves: fail to understand

7. challenge: test the ability of

8. spark interests: arouse interest in young people

9. along the lines of his interests and abilities: following his interest

10. the fault probably lies with the teachers, parents: probably we should blame the teachers, parents

11. factual detail: detail concerning facts

12. latent interest: potential interest

13. yield some measure of success: provide certain means of success for them

14. frustration: feelings of failure

15. as is too often the case in heterogeneous classrooms: which is often found in heterogeneous classrooms

16. beyond their endurance: more than they could bear


1.author‘s definition of the gifted

2.author‘s idea of grouping the gifted

3.the basic opposing argument

4.inductive argument


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.sentence complexity and rhetorical effect

二.课程内容:Why Nothing Works

I. The organization of the text:

In Para.1 the author starts with a reference to Murphy‘s law, and then he guides his readers to ―the shoddy goods problem”, which he continues to define as a Murphy‘s law effect.

In Para.2 he makes use of ―artifacts used by simple pre-industrial societies‖as an example to illustrate that handmade items may turn out to be very reliable. In this way, he explains his idea that quality can be independent of technology.

In Para.3 he goes on to explain ―the source of quality‖. By using examples, he illustrates his point: it is the social relationship between producer and consumer that actually counts in connection with quality.

In Paras.4 and 5, the author uses the device of contrast to help explaining his argument.

II. Sentence complexity and rhetorical effect:

1a. A single visit to a museum which displays artifacts used by simple pre-industrial societies (S)

is (V) sufficient to dispel the notion that quality is dependent on technology(C). (Para.2)

1b. You (S) can pay(V) a visit(O)to a museum which displays artifacts used by simple pre-industrial societies. Then you (S) will dispel(V) the notion(O) that quality is dependent on technology.

1c. As long as you pay a visit to a museum which displays artifacts used by simple pre-industrial societies, (C) you S will dispel (V) the notion (O) that quality is dependent on technology.

III. Key point:

How the author takes advantage of examples to show his point of view deserves students’ attention both for reading comprehension and their own essay writing.


1.words and phrases of the unit

2.the organization of the text

3.sentence complexity and rhetorical effect


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. attributed to: considered to have been written by

2. Corollaries to: Immediate inferences from

3. shoddy goods: goods made cheaply and badly

4. a decent interval has elapsed: a period of successful performance is over

5. commitment: responsibility; devotion

6. so much the better: it will be even better

7. do the trick: fulfill one's purpose of perfect production

8. reflection: careful thought

9. to dispel the notion: to get rid of the idea that

10. honor the label: respect the label

11. seaworthiness: good condition and fitness

12. uncaring: careless

13. to fashion: to make with hands

14. sentimental and personal bonds: bonds with tender feelings


1.the organization of the text

2.sentence complexity and rhetorical effect


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.the role of news in our life

二.课程内容:Where Is the News Leading Us?

I. The organization of the text:

In Para.1 the author, by referring to the case of a photographer shooting pictures of the gunman, puts forward the question: should a journalist stay cold-blooded and go on reporting while people are being killed?

Para.2 is devoted to the illustration of Option 1 by referring to the photographer making the Indian family rebury its dead and the BBC sound man delaying the execution.

In Para.3 he presents the mentality of those who are in favor of Option 1: a journalist should stay cold-blooded and go on reporting while people are being killed.

Para.4 is devoted to the illustration of Option 2 by referring to some journalist‘s use of different adjectives.

Para.5 is devoted to the illustration of Option 1 by referring to the birdman story.

Para.6 is devoted to the illustration of Option 1 by referring to the practice of a doctor and a lawyer.

Para.7 is devoted to the illustration of Option 2 by referring to an Italian journalist‘s interference with the Tunisian soldier‘s shooting.

Para.8 is devoted to the conclusion: a good journalist should be human.

II. Key point:

The rhetorical effect of the title on the buildup of the writer-reader relationship is the demanding point to students‘critical thinking.


1.words and phrases of the unit

2.the organization of the text

3.the role of news in our life


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. symposium: meeting of discussion

2. anchorman: worker who narrates or coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports

3. scrutinize: examine with great care

4. distortions: reports that twist facts

5. eruptive: shocking and sensational

6. misshapen: badly shaped

7. catastrophes: sudden big calamities

8. ingredient: element

9. any given moment: any specified moment

10. in turn: conversely

11. cynicism: people who prevent progress

12. contrived as an antidote to the disasters: obviously planned as a remedy to counteract the effects of the disasters

13. YMCA: Young Men's Christian Association

14. perspective: aspect

15. legitimately: reasonably

16. literally: exactly

17. inclusion: being included

18. roundup: gathering


1.the organization of the text

2.argument combined with other patterns of development


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.figures of speech and decomposition

二.课程内容:Things:the Throw-Away Society

I. The organization of the text:

Paras.1-3: devoted to the example of the Barbie doll to introduce and illustrate his thesis: man’s relationships with things are increasingly temporary. The thesis is repeatedly illustrated and supported by more examples in the rest of the text.

Paras.4-5: devoted to the psychological impact of the increasing number of man-made things on man.

Para.6: devoted to the difference between two generations in their value judgments, which is shown by means of comparison and contrast.

Para.7: devoted to the throw-away culture in which the younger generation are deep-rooted, which is shown with a long list of throw-away objects for daily use.

Paras.8 and 9: devoted to examples of other industrialized countries, in which the throw-away culture has been fostered gradually since the late 50‘s. U. S. and Sweden are contrasted to show how the latter was transformed into a throw-away society in the late 50‘s.

Paras.10-12: devoted to the example of the introduction of paper clothes products to show people‘s psychological need for throw-away things and the trend to maintain a transient relationships between man and man-made objects.

Para.13: devoted to the conclusion:

The spread of disposability through the society also implies decreased durations in man-thing relationships.

II. Key points:

How the author sees the essence of the spread of disposability through the phenomenon of increasing number of throw-away products deserves further discussion among students, so as to develop their sense of social criticism and social responsibility.


1.words and phrases of the unit

2.the organization of the text

3.figures of speech and decomposition


识记:words and phrases of this unit

1. eminently dress-upable: unusually dressed up in the desirable way

2. twist-and-turn waist: flexible waist

3. iridescent glisten: shining with changing colors

4. staggering vision of a cityscape: breathtaking vision of a landscape of the city

5. We develop relationships with things: Our relationships with things become closer and closer

6. Things affect our sense of continuity or discontinuity: Things affect our understanding of the state of being continuous or not being continuous

7. They play a role in the structure of situations: They play a role in forming situations

8. clutch lingeringly: hold tightly

9. at a rapid clip: at a fast speed

10. inextricably embedded: deeply caught

11. lo and behold: to my surprise

12. clothing stores have sprouted whole departments: clothing stores have established whole departments

13. benignly: in a friendly way

14. complete with brushes: additionally supplied with brushes

15. paper explosion: sudden increase of paper consumption

16. throw-away mentality: throw-away concept


1.the organization of the text

2.figures of speech and decomposition


1. sentence structure and rewriting

2. paragraph proofreading


Paragraph translation from Chinese to English



To grasp:

1.the organization of the text

2.metaphor and synonymous expressions

二.课程内容:Cultivating a Hobby

I. The organization of the text:

The first paragraph is devoted to the notion of worry. In order o explain how a hobby works, he first explains what worry really is.

In Para.2 the author, by means of metaphors, creates an emotional image of hobby. In the sentence ―The seeds must be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed”, ―hobby‖is compared to ―seed‖; ―fitness (of a hobby) to an individual‖is compared to ―good ground‖; and ―the effect (in lessening one‘s worry)‖ is compared to ―fruit‖, so that the reader can have something concrete to look at. This is an effective way to explain such an abstract and complex concept as ―hobby‖.

In Paras.3 and 4 the author makes the first classification of human beings to further explain his idea. He divides human beings into three classes: ―those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and

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