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高考英语 完形填空抓分练习题(12)

高考英语 完形填空抓分练习题(12)
高考英语 完形填空抓分练习题(12)



This is a story about five brothers who live in peace in a village. They are orphans and they live by running the rice field1from their parents. The rice field is far from their home, so they have to go to the field before sunrise.

They have 2to let the youngest brother stay at home to take care of their 3. The youngest is very happy about the4. Every day when his elder brothers come home, they find the house clean, tidy and5. Foods and drink s have been 6on the table, and their beds are7 and all the dirty8have been washed.

But one of the older brothers is9of the youngest, so he says to the other boys that the job of the 10 is too easy and that he should also go to the field. And the others agree to his suggestion. 11 now when they come home they find that their home is12, and that the table is13, they realize that their youngest brother has played a very important role, and they have underestimated his14to the home.

15what can we get from this story? Never underestimate people who work behind the 16, who is “useless” in your house. Maybe your grandpa or grandma who is 17there every day; maybe the servant who seems lazy. Unconsciously we may say arrogantly (傲慢地) to these people, “You are18! ” If we really do this kind of thing, one day we will find that we have lost the best people in our life. Learn to see the importance of their presence, and imagine what would happen if they disappeared from your life. Each one of us is equipped with19talent and only 20 cooperation can we make the most of all our lives.

1.A.boughtB. inheritedC. takenD. rented

2.A.agreedB. thoughtC. plannedD. said

3.A.houseB. lifeC. cattleD. children

4.A.planB. jobC. decisionD. house

5.A.comfortableB. LargeC. emptyD. warm

6.A.servedB. madeC. cookedD. bought

7.A.preparedB. cleanedC. driedD. made

8.A.clothesB. dishesC. floorsD. cars

9. A. satisfiedB. jealousC. accustomedD. conscious

10.A.youngestB. oldestC. othersD. brothers

11.A.SoB. ButC. ThereforeD. However

12.A.in orderB. in placeC. in fashionD. in a mess

13.A.crowdedB. emptyC. wideD. smooth

14.A.workB. contributionC. mindD. heart

15. A. ButB. SoC. AndD. Therefore

16.A.tablesB. wallsC. scenesD. others

17.A.sittingB. cleaningC. workingD. cooking

18. A. importantB. uselessC. usefulD. necessary

19.A.excellentB. someC. littleD. unique

20.A.withB. byC. inD. on








4.【解析】选C。前面提到大家一致同意小弟弟留下来,这是大家的决定,故选decision。5.【解析】选A。这里说弟弟把家里收拾得干净舒适。comfortable 与clean和tidy相照应。6.【解析】选A。本句意为:吃的和喝的都已经摆在桌子上……。serve服务,上菜,符合文意。其他三项均不符合语境。

7.【解析】选D。make the bed铺床。


9. 【解析】选B。从后文知其中一位哥哥说小弟弟的工作太容易,可见这位哥哥嫉妒他的工作。satisfied满意的;jealous羡慕的,嫉妒的;accustomed习惯的;conscious清醒的,






12.【解析】选D。由上下文可知,此处应选D。in a mess“一团糟”;in order“井然有序”;in place“在适当的位置”;in fashion“流行中”。



15. 【解析】选B。这里是总结上文,意思是:那么我们从这个故事中能得到什么启示呢?故




17.【解析】选A。由上文中who is “useless”in your house可知,此处描述的是被认为


18.【解析】选B。从前文的who is “useless” in your house可知,这里说:我们或许会




I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a 1 education. If they can 2 it, they can 3 send them to the best universities. But they must not feel guilty if they can’t. If the children really want to go, they’ll find a 4 . There are plenty of loans (贷款) and scholarships for the bright and 5 ones who can’t afford to pay.

When children grow up and want to 6 , their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the 7 to baby-sit their grandchildren. If they want

to do it, it must be considered a 8 not an obligation (责任,义务).

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal 9 . A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly 10 to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so 11 , so afraid of failing that he (or she) won’t try at all. Of course they should be 12 corrected when they do wrong, but it’s often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves 13 . All our parents should do is to trust them, respect them, tolerate (宽容) them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand 14 . When criticisms (批评) are really needed, they should be 15 with praises, with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

Parents owe their children a set of solid values around 16 to build their lives. This means teaching them to 17 the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by 18 . A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have 19 laughing and loving.

No child asks to be 20 . If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

1. A. college B. formal C. usual D. foreign

2. A. find B. get C. afford D. receive

3. A. gradually B. certainly C. hardly D. finally

4. A. supply B. help C. hand D. way

5. A. handsome B. honest C. eager D. wealthy

6. A. get married B. get a job C. go abroad D. live alone

7. A. time B. right C. duty D. energy

8. A. favor B. pleasure C. habit D. service

9. A. worth B. affair C. belief D. respect

10. A. brought B. compared C. forced D. taken

11. A. unsure B. unusual C. unknown D. unfair

12. A. properly B. gently C. nearly D. possibly

13. A. now and then B. in time C. at once D. right now

14. A. failure B. honor C. progress D. test

15. A. mixed B. satisfied C. shared D. balanced

16. A. it B. which C. whom D. what

17. A. consider B. refuse C. respect D. know

18. A. example B. time C. word D. deed

19. A. pleasure B. difficulty C. fun D. freedom

20. A. praised B. alone C. born D. poor


1~5 ACBDC 6~10 ACAAB

11~15 AABAD 16~20 BCDBC


Volunteering is often so meaningful to people who try it that they

are inspired to share their experiences with others. Read the personal

1 below to see how people who volunteer, are people

2 you.

I’ve been singing and3 poetry for four years. I’ve 4 since I was

eight. I 5 to sing for my mother’s friends, and then I sta rted singing

for charity galas(义演) 6 by church groups, women’s clubs, the Lions

Club, and stuff like that.

I have three books of poetry and songs. A fourth is in 7. I 8 all of the money from the books to children’s charities. Money from my first book went to a school for deaf and blind kids in Great Falls, Montana, and to the Lions Club. They did a 9 called Sight First to help the blind. Money from the second book went to Home on the Range, a 10 for abused children and to the Feed,the Children Fund for orphans in Bosnia.

I 11 people at a local nursing home. I 12 the women’s hair and they ask me to come by on Sundays and perform for them. I also sing for homebound hospice(临终安养院)

13. I visit them and sing for them. I guess that’s what’s really 14 to me, when

I sing to someone who is 15, someone who is really sick, and who isn’t 16 of much of what’s happening, 17 when I’ve done these there’s a smile on that person’s face.

I find that everyone needs love, everyone can give love, and that love is 18 everyone wants. Love is a 19 of giving. You change when you get older, but love is 20. Love is the same when you are 7, 13, or 102.

1. A. feelingsB. talesC. reflectionsD. actions

2. A. likeB. forC. toD. with

3. A. writingB. recitingC. learningD. performing

4. A. attemptedB. volunteeredC. succeededD. managed

5. A. hatedB. preferredC. usedD. stopped

6. A. put onB. put offC. put upD. put down

7. A. placeB. useC. practiceD. production

8. A. makeB. donateC. earnD. collect

9. A. warB. fightC. battleD. campaign

10. A. shelterB. roomC. houseD. factory

11. A. findB. seeC. visitD. notice

12. A. sellB. doC. playD. make

13. A. visitorsB. patientsC. companionsD. volunteers

14. A. fulfillingB. amusingC. excitingD. embarrassing

15. A. anxiousB. eagerC. worriedD. dying

16. A. afraidB. tiredC. awareD. fond

17. A. soB. andC. butD. otherwise

18. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where

19. A. collectionB. chain

C. combination

D. union

20. A. endlessB. temporary

C. contemporary

D. ageless






5.【解析】选C。此处文意为“我”由过去给母亲的朋友唱歌,慢慢地转向给别人或其他组织或团体唱歌。used to do表示“过去习惯/常常”。

6.【解析】选A。charity gala表示“义演”,从搭配角度考虑,此处使用put on(上演)。

7.【解析】选D。四个选项均可与in搭配,从意义上看使用production。in production表示“在生产中”,意即还未出版。in place在位;in practice在实践中;in use在使用中。




11.【解析】选C。从13空后面的一句 I visit them and sing for them. 可以推断此处使用visit。

12.【解析】选B。do one’s hair表示“梳头,整理头发”。


14.【解析】选A。fulfilling表示“让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的;有成就感的”。根据后面的I’ve done these there’s a smil e on that person’s face知,作者对自己做的事情感到很满意,故fulfilling符合语境。





19.【解析】选B。根据前面的 I find that everyone needs love, everyone can give love 可知,此处表示作者把love比喻成一个“链条”,总有人不断地付出爱,这种方式会持续下去。

20.【解析】选D。endless无休止的,无穷尽的;temporary临时的,暂时的;contemporary 当代的,同时代的;ageless青春永驻的,永恒的。根据前面的 You change when you get older 可以推知,此处文意为随着时间推移爱是永恒的,所以选D。

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