当前位置:文档之家› 3英语专业毕业论文目录范例


Contents(三号Times New Roman字体,居中,粗体;不加页眉、页码) (空一行, 小四号, 单倍行距; 正文英文均用Times New Roman,中文用宋体)

Abstract(小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗) (1)

1. Introduction(小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗) (1)

2. The symbolic meanings of colors (2)

2.1 White — the symbol of Tess’ purity, innocence and vulnerability(四号) (2)

2.2 Black — the symbol of death, evil and threatening force(破折号以“—”为规范) (3)

2.3 Red — the vigor and life in Tess and outside force crushing her (4)

3. The symbolic meanings of objects (6)

3.1Rose and Strawberry foreshadowing Tess’ early ruin (6)

3.2Lords and Ladies indicating Tess’ future predicament (7)

3.3 The horse —the incarnation of Tess (7)

3.4 The bird —the reflection of Tess mental states and physical condition (8)

4. The symbolic meanings of places (9)

4.1The Vale of Blakemore showing sadness of Tess’ fate (9)

4.2 The Vale of Froom — the place where the beautiful tale is broken (10)

4.3Flintcomb-Ash — Tess reaching her lowest point of life (10)

4.4Sandbourne — Alec’s physical death and Tess’ spiritual death (11)

4.5Stonehenge — the place of sacrifice (12)

5. Conclusion (12)

Acknowledgements(小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗) (15)

简析《德伯家的苔丝》中意象的象征中文摘要、关键词 (16)

(题目小四号宋体中文摘要、关键词五号,不空格;“……”及页面小四号Times New Roman,不加粗。页面对齐。)


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