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https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 北京环球时代学校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 2009-09-16

说明:为帮助 2010年英语专业考研的学生在十月报名前准确判断自己的水平,找准专业差距,合理定位目标院校,环球时代 学校特邀请英语专业考研专家研究组参考全国近 100 所高校“基础英语、语言学、英美文学”真题,从实际 出发,在信度、效度、难度和专业性上全面贴近真题的出题形式和出题内容。本套试题难度适中,如需报考重点院校还需进一步深化复习。
Ⅰ.Vocabulary (30 minutes, 30 points)
(1) Directions: There are fifteen incomplete sentences with one word or two words missing in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.
1. People should not take good constitution for granted, for human genetic code is ______ the development of ______.
A. liable to... anomalies
B. predestined for... discomfort
C. predisposed to... disease
D. indicative of... wholesomeness
2. Nobody came to see me while I was out, _______ ?
A. did they B. didn’t they C. did she D. did me
3. Aged just four, Josephine Hawkins is already at ease with her computer and the Internet, _______ clicking her mouse on Disney sites to download images of her favorite characters.
A. confidentially B. confidently C. appreciatively D. conscientiously
4. He never hesitates to make _______ criticisms _______ are considered helpful to others.
A. so …that B. so …as C. such… that D. such…as
5. The policy ______ made, the next problem was how to carry it out.
A. having been B. being C. had been D. was
6. Susan is a devoted daughter, always very _______ to the needs of her old parents.
A. attentive B . observant C. recurrent D. earnest
7. Overall, it is going to become much easier for people to communicate ______the Net.
A. by B. in C. over D. onto
8. The hidden room is _____only through a secret back entrance.
A. obtainable B. achievable C. attainable D. accessible
9 . He was so ______by his work that he did not notice that other employees had already left.
A. prevailed B. predominated C. prescribed D. preoccupied
10. Please ______ yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.
A. restrain B. hinder C. restrict D. prohibit
11. When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on the canvas, shouts and cheers _______ from it.
A. broke up B. broke forth C. broke through D. broke upon
12. When a friend hurts you, your instinct is to protect yourself but that makes it harder to______ up problems.
A. tackle B. patch C. handle D. dispose
13. It is bad manners to _______ other people behind their backs.
A. do up B. do by C. do away with D. do down
14. That _____ the case, we have to make some changes in our plan.
A. is B. was C. being D. has been
15 . Ei

nstein, who worked out his theory of relativity, lived to a _____ old age.
A. ripe B. mature C. perfect D. mellow
16. Jean Wanger’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it _____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
A. is to be analyzed B. has been analyzed
C. be analyzed D. should have been analyzed
17. Looking back at all ______ had happened, he couldn’t help crying.
A. which B. that C. what D. this
18.The clerk in the patent office said to his boss :“ Look , I am not drunk. I’m as _____ as a judge.”
A. sober B. somber C. steady D. clear
19. The motion picture is only a series of still photographs which are ______ and viewed in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.
A. split B. spilt C. spun D. spliced
20.There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently _____ what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.
A. giving B. gave C to give D given
21. As a politician, she has to have the _____ of inspiring confidence in her listeners.
A. fluke B. knack C. frenzy D. venison
22. Vanity is his Achilles' _________ .
A .heel B .ankle C. arm D. leg
23. Bad office planning will ________ both the employee and the employer and affect the performance of their duties.
A. increase B. extend C augment D. stretch
24. A tree squirrel characteristically has long, plume-like tail that helps slow _____whenever it falls from high places.
A. it descends B. its descent C. to descend D. it is descending
25. If you ______ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier.
A. take off B. keep off C. get off D. set off
26. Peter was ______ the football with him but he had forgotten.
A. to have brought B. to bring C. to have been brought D. to be bringing
27. Cynic believe that people who _______ compliments do so in order to be praised twice.
A. bask in B. give out C. gloat over D. shrug off
28. The individual TV viewer invariably sense that he or she is ________ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.
A. everything except B. anything but C. no less than D. nothing more than
29. ________when she started complaining.
A. Not until he arrived B. No sooner had he arrived
C. Hardly had he arrived D. Scarcely did he arrived
30. Someone must have_______ about among my papers, for my drawer is in a mess.
A. rampaged B. rehearsed C. rummaged D. researched
(2) Directions: There are ten sentences in this part with one word or phrase underlined in each sentence. From the four choices given, choose one that best explains or defines the underlined part in each sentence.(10 points)
1. The findings of the two archaeologists threw light on the burial customs of the ancient Egyptians.
A. paid attention to B. gave faith to
C. helped to make clear of D. gained insight into
2. After realizing that their daughter was incurably ill, the Reynolds family cha

nged their minds about euthanasia
A. penalty B. capital sentence C. degradation D. mercy killing
3. A judiciousparent encourages his children to make their own decisions.
A. judicial B. illustrious C. wise D. precarious
4. John boasted that he could finish the job all by himself in no time.
A. very rapidly B. in time C. on time D. at any moment
5. Just as work and educational opportunities for women were limited in the 1800’s, their legal rights were also circumscribed.
A. reserved B. preserved C. perverted D. restricted
Ⅱ. Identify errors in the following sentences and correct them. (20 points)
(1) Mrs. Jackson saw the helicopter raise into the sky.
( 2 ) Nobody besides little John thinks that a trip by bus is exciting.
( 3 ) The Great Wall is the famous tourist site in world.
( 4 ) A severe illness when she was just nineteen months old deprived the well-know writer Joseph Kate both her sight and her hearing.
( 5 ) I regret having left my daughter at home; I should bring her with me.
(6) Football and baseball, which played in the United States today, are basically modifications of games that originated in England.
( 7 ) Much though he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank.
( 8 ) David Singer, my friend’s father, while raised and educated in New York, lived and lectured in Africa most of his life.
(9) I forgot doing it.
(10) This is marvelous, isn’t it?
Ⅲ. Cloze Test(20 points)
Fill in each bland with one suitable word from the four choices
Digital photography is still new enough that most of us have yet to form an opinion about it, __1___ develop a point of view. But this hasn't stopped many film and computer fans from agreeing__2___ the early conventional wisdom about digital cameras-they're neat__3___for your PC, but they're not suitable for everyday picture taking.
The fans are wrong. More than anything else, digital cameras are radically__4__what photography means and what it can be. The venerable medium of photography __5___ we know is beginning to seem out of _6__with the way we live. In our computer and camcorder_7___,saving pictures as digital__8__ and watching them on TV is no less practical-and in many ways more__9__ than fumbling with rolls of film that must be sent off to be__10___.
Paper is also terribly_11__. Pictures that are incorrectly framed, 12 , or lighted are nonetheless committed to film and ultimately processed into prints.
The digital medium changes the 13 . Still images that are 14 digitally can immediately be shown on a computer 15 , a TV screen, or a small liquid crystal display (LCD)built rights into the camera. And since the points of light that__16__an image are saved as a series of digital bits in electronic memory,_17___ being permanently etched onto film, they can be erased, retouched, and transmitted _ 18 .
What's it like to _ 19with one of these digital cameras? It's a little like a first date—exciting, confusin

g and fraught with _ 20 .
1. A.rather than B. more than C. much less D. so as to
2. A. on B with C.to D. by
3. A. attachments B. auxiliaries C. attributes D. counterparts
4. A. reexplaining B. rearranging C. reexposing D. redefining
5. A. though B. if C. as D. unless
6. A rate B. pace C. step D. speed
7. A.environment B. civilization C. community D. culture
8. A files B. documents C.programs D.softwarws
9. A. appealing B. facilitating C.enlightening D. encouraging
10. A converted B. developed C. exposed D. evolved
11. A. unforgiving B. unperceiving
C. unconsidering D. unsympathizing
12. A. aimed B. targeted C. focused D. pointed
13. A. regulations B. rules C. disciplines D. principles
14. A gripped B. seized C. grasped D. captured
15. A. demonstrator B. exhibitor C. monitor D. transmitter
16. A. constitute B. illumine C. penetrate D. dissolve
17. A. in case B. rather than C. as well as D. as though
18. A. on digit B. on cable C. as well as D. as though
19. A. fire B. maneuver C. operate D. shoot
20. A. chances B. probabilities C. opportunities D. possibilities
Ⅳ. Read the following four passages and answer the questions after each passage. (20%, 2 points for each question)
Passage One
Intelligence tests have been involved in the promotion of eugenics, the idea that you could control the human race by selective breeding. Francis Galton---one of the pioneers of intelligence tests-was also a founding member of the Eugenics Society in the UK. The belief that intelligence is biologically determined in the make-up of the brain, and therefore to some extent genetically determined, is widely accepted. But a number of researchers over the years have used this idea to advocate social change. Using intelligence as one of their factors, Hernstein and Murray’s controversial book, The Bell Curve(1994) argued that differences in IQ scored between racial groups reflect innate biological differences.
The Bell Curve is a graph that plots the range of IQ scores of an average population. However, it can be interpreted in many ways, and when the intelligence of the whole human race is in question, the stakes are high. Critics argue that the way intelligence is measured contains a high level of random variation and therefore it’s impossible to generalize it all into one graph. However, belief in the Bell Curve and in the genetic, rather than social, basis for intelligence has unfortunately led to the propagation of many racist ideas. Evidence to suggest social factors are important in ‘ intelligence’ is strong. The US military tested recruits to assign rank and found that black applicants scored lower than whites. However, analysis of the recruits were found to be due to educational differences; black recruits scored very low until the 1950s, when an increase in score corresponded to improved educational standards for all.
In spring 1998, Robert Plomin claimed to have discovered a gene linked with intelligence. More recently, the

Human Genome Project is cautious when approaching areas implying racial differences since research actually shows greater genetic differences within races than between races. However, not all individuals are endowed with the same intelligence and many believe this must have something to do with our genes and the way they interact with the environment. Identical twins are more likely to obtain the same score in an IQ test than twins from two separate eggs that have a different genetic make up.
It is important to remember that genes work by interacting with the environment, so social factors will also influence intelligence. Intelligence tests may be more of an assessment of social factors, such as your educational background. Black children adopted into white middle class families score significantly higher on average than those in working class families-implying a cultural slant to tests. It is impossible to devise questions without some cultural of gender bias; boys tend to do better in spatial tests whereas are believed to have influenced improved IQ scores across the board. Good nutrition means an individual is able to function well both physically and mentally. Although many believe this plays a role in intelligence, it is very difficult to assess.
1. What is the text mainly about?
A. The book of The Bell Curve
B. Factors that determine or influence intelligence
C. IQ intelligence tests
D. Racial difference and racialism
2. According to paragraph 1, it is widely believed that ________ .
A. the human race would be control through different ways of upbringing.
B. intelligence is closely related to genes in some degree.
C. biological differences contribute a lot to different IQ scores between races.
D. eugenics employ IQ tests to promote eugenics.
3. The graph in the book of Bell Curve _______.
A. introduce genetic factors as well as social ones in intelligence
B. is criticized by critics as unscientific and incomprehensive
C. is obviously meant to advocate racist ideas
D. strong evidence used by US military in analyzing recruits
4. Which of the following is untrue according to the text?
A. Racists employ the idea of genetic determination in intelligence to propagate racialism.
B. According to the US military analysis, differences in IQ tests scores are caused by genetic factors.
C. Blacks may be more genetically different between themselves than compared with whites.
D. It is believed by many people that intelligence is related to our genes and their interaction with social factors.
5. According to the author, intelligence tests ________ .
A. can always be impartial
B. evaluate more of the genetic influence rather than social factors
C. may be designed with cultural or gender bias
D. reflect that good nutrition influences intelligence.
Passage Two
Climatic conditions are delicately adjusted to the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. If there were a change in the atmosphere ----- for example, in the relative prop

ortions of atmospheric gases ----- the climate would probably changed also. A slight increase in water vapor, for instance , would increase the heat ------ retaining capacity of the atmosphere and would lead to a rise in global temperatures. In contrast, a large increase in water vapor would increase the thickness and extent of the cloud layer, reducing the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface.
The level of carbon dioxide, CO2 , in the atmosphere has an important effect on climatic change. Most of the Earth’s incoming energy is short-wavelength radiation, which tends to pass through atmospheric CO2 easily. The Earth, however, reradiates much of the received energy as long-wavelength radiation, which CO2 absorbs and then remits toward the Earth. This phenomenon, known as the greenhouse effect, can result in an increase in the surface temperature of a planet. An extreme example of the effect is shown by Venus, a planet covered by heavy clouds composed mostly of CO2 whose surface temperatures have been measured at 430 ℃ . If the CO2 content of the atmosphere is reduced, the temperature falls. According to one respectable theory, if the atmospheric CO2 concentration were halved, the Earth would become completely covered with ice. Another equally respectable theory, however, states that a halving of the CO2 concentration would lead only to a reduction in global temperatures of 3 ℃ .
If, because of an increase in forest fires or volcanic activity, the CO2 content of the atmosphere increased. A warmer climate would be produced. Plant growth, which relies on both the warmth and the availability of CO2 would probably increase. As a consequence, plants would use more and more CO2 . Eventually CO2 levels would diminish and the climate, in turn, would become cooler. With reduced temperatures many plants would die; CO2 would thereby be returned to the atmosphere and gradually the temperature would rise again. Thus, if this process occurred there might be a long-term oscillation in the amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere, with regular temperature in creases and decreases of a set magnitude.
Some climatologists argue that the burning of fossil fuels has raised the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and has caused a global temperature increase of at least 1 ℃ .But a supposed global temperature rise of 1 ℃ may in reality be only several regional temperature increases restricted to areas where there are many meteorological stations and caused simply by shifts in the pattern of atmospheric circulation. Other areas for example the Southern Hemisphere oceanic zone may be experiencing an equivalent temperature decrease that is unrecognized because of the shortage of meteorological recording stations.
6. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?
A. Why are projections of the effects of changes in water vapor levels on the climate so inaccurate?
B. What are the steps in the process that takes place

as CO2 absorbs long-wavelength radiation?
C. How might our understanding of the green house effect be improved if the burning of fossil fuels were decreased?
D . What might cause a series of regular increases and decreases in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?
7. The author is primarily concerned with
A. explaining the effects that the burning of fossil fuels might have on climate
B. illustrating the effects of CO2 on atmospheric radiation
C. discussing effects that changes in the CO2 level in the atmosphere might have on climate
D. challenging hypotheses about the effects of water vapor and CO2 on climate
8. The passage suggests that a large decrease in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would result in
A. at least a slight decrease in global temperatures
B. at the most a slight increase in short-wavelength radiation reaching the Earth
C. a slight long-term increase in global temperatures
D. a large long-term increase in the amount of volcanic activity
9. The author refers to Venus primarily in order to
A. show the inherent weakness of the greenhouse effect theory
B. show that the greenhouse effect works on other planets but not on Earth
C. show the extent to which Earth’s atmosphere differs from that of Venus
D. support the argument that the CO2 level in the atmosphere has a significant effect on climate
10. The passage suggests that if there were a slight global warming at the present time, it would be
A. easy to measure the exact increase in temperature because of the abundance of temperature recording stations throughout the world
B. difficult to measure the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere because of local variations in amounts
C. easy to demonstrate the effects of the warming on the water vapor in the atmosphere
D. difficult to prove that the warming was caused by the burning of fossil fuels
11. The discussion of climate in the passage suggests which of the following conclusions?
Ⅰ . Climate is not perfectly stable, and slight regional temperature variations can be considered a normal feature of the environment.
Ⅱ . We are unable at present to measure global temperature changes precisely
Ⅲ . The most important cause of regional climatic fluctuations is the change in CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
A. Ⅰ only
B. Ⅲ . Only
C. Ⅰ and Ⅱ only
D. Ⅱ and Ⅲ .only
12. All of the following can be found in the author’s discussion of climate Except
A. a statement about the effects of increased volcanic activity on the Earth’s temperatures
B. an indication of the effect of an increase in water vapor in the atmosphere
C. a contrast between two theories about the effects of a lowering of CO2 levels in the atmosphere
D. a generalization of about the efficiency of meteorological recording stations
Passage Three
Americans are probably the most pain-conscious people on the fact of the earth. For years we have had it drummed into us-in print, on radio, over television, in everyday conversation-that

any hint of pain is to be banished as though it were the ultimate evil. As a result we are becoming a nation of pill-grabbers, escalating the slightest ache into a searing ordeal.
We know very little-about pain and what we don't know makes it hurt all the more. Indeed, no form of illiteracy in the United States is so widespread or costly as ignorance about pain-what it is, what causes it, how to deal with it without panic. Almost everyone can rattle off the names of at least a dozen drugs that can deaden pain from every conceivable cause, there is far less knowledge about the fact that about 90 percent of pain is self-limiting, that it is not always an indication of poor health, and that, most frequently, it is the result of tension, stress, worry, idleness, boredom, frustration, suppressed rage, insufficient sleep, overeating, poorly balanced diet, smoking, excessive drinking, inadequate exercise, stale air, or any of the other abuses encountered by the human body in modern society.
The most ignored fact of all about pain is that the best way to eliminate it is to eliminate the abuse: Instead, many people reach almost instinctively for the painkillers-aspirins, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and dozens of other analgesic drugs. Most doctors are profoundly troubled over the extent to which the medical profession today is taking on the trappings of a pain-killing industry. Their offices are overloaded with people who are morbidly but mistakenly convinced that something dreadful is about to happen to them. It is all too evident that the campaign to get people to run to a doctor at the first sign of pain has boomeranged. Physicians find it difficult to give adequate attention to patients genuinely in need of expert diagnosis and treatment because their time is soaked up by people who have nothing wrong with them except a temporary indisposition or a psychogenic ache.
The king of all painkillers, of course, is aspirins. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration permits aspirin to be sold without prescription, but the drug, contrary to popular belief, can be dangerous and, on sustained doses, potentially lethal. Aspirin is self-administered by more people than any other drug in the world. Some people are aspirin-poppers, taking ten or more a-day. What they don't know is that the smallest dose can cause internal bleeding. Even more serious perhaps is the fact that aspirin is antagonistic to collagen, which has a key role in the formation of connective tissue. Since many forms of arthritis involve disintegration of the connective tissue, the steady use of aspirin can actually intensify the underlying arthritic condition.
Given a modicum of respect, people ought to know that nothing is more remarkable about the human body than its recuperative drive instead of addiction to painkiller, which is also what our government should do.
13. The underlined phrase escalating the slightest ache into a searing ordeal (line 4, paragraph) is most probably mentioned t

o denote that _ .
A.American people cannot endure even the tiniest ache because of the abuse of painkillers.
B. American people cannot undergo pain as if it is an ordeal.
C.American people have escalated their ability to endure every kind of pain.
D.American people have grabbed analgesic drugs of the whole nation.
14. According to the 2nd paragraph of the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Illiteracy in the United States is widespread and causes a great deal of pain and hurt.
B. Even the most illiterate people can name a dozen of drugs that can restrain pain.
C. Sometimes pain is the result of many mental factors, such as tension, worry, stress, etc.
D. A person who cannot restrain pain by oneself is often regarded unhealthy.
15. Which of the following statement is true about America or American people?
A. Some American people take overdose of analgesic drugs and become drug addict.
B. American doctors are frustrated by the abuse of painkillers.
C. American physicians cannot give the patients correct diagnosis and treatment.
D.American people go to see doctors once there is a small hint of pain.
16. What does the author think about aspirin?
A . It cannot be bought unless one has the doctor's prescription.
B It can be potentially lethal, but it doesn ′ t hurt the body on sustained does.
C It can cure arthritis besides killing pain.
D It will probably lead to arthritis if it is frequently used.
17. What is the author's attitude toward analgesic drug?
A. Negative. B. Positive. C.Critical D. Prudential.
Ⅴ.Translation (30points)’’
1. Two Chinese-English Translation (30points)
Translate the following passages into Chinese . Give the number of each passage in your answer sheet.
Passage 1
Although a great deal has been said about our increasingly visual age, the changes to our aural landscape have gone relatively unremarked. The image has grown so voracious that any child asked to sum up the century will instantly visualize Einstein’s hair and Hilter’s mustache, mushroom clouds and moon landings; this despite the fact that each of these visual moments has its aural correlative, from the blast over Hiroshima to the high-pitched staccato ravings of the Fiihrer, to Neil Armstrong’s static-ridden “giant leap for mankind”.
Meanwhile the wineglasses had flushed yellow and flushed crimson; had been emptied; had been filled. And thus by degrees was lit, halfway down the spine ,which is the seat of the soul, not that hard little electric light which we call brilliance, as it pops in and out upon our lips, but the more profound, subtle, and subterranean glow, which is the rich yellow flame of rational intercourse. No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.
2.Translate the following passages into English。

Ⅵ. Writing (20 points)
Directions: In this part you should write a composition of no less than 300 words
Language, Literature and life

(1).1. 【 A 】 2. 【 A 】 3. 【 B 】 4. 【 D 】 5. 【 A 】 6. 【 A 】 7 .【 C 】 8. 【 D 】 9. 【 D 】 10. 【 A 】 11. 【 B 】
12. 【 B 】 13. 【 D 】 14 .【 C 】 15. 【 A 】 16. 【 C 】 17. 【 B 】 18. 【 A 】 19. 【 D 】 20. 【 A 】 21 【 B 】
22. 【 A 】 23. 【 D 】 24. 【 B 】 25. 【 B 】 26. 【 A 】 27. 【 D 】 28. 【 D 】 29. 【 C 】 30. 【 C 】
(2)1. 【 C 】 2. 【 D 】 3. 【 C 】 4. 【 A 】 5. 【 D 】
Ⅱ. Identify errors in the following sentences and correct them.
(1) raise 应改为 raising.
(2) besides 改成 but 。
(3) “ in world ”应改为“ in the world ” .
(4)both 之前加 of .
(5) “ should bring ”改为“ should have brought ”
(6) which 改为 as
(7) “ much though ”不合语法习惯,应改为“ much as ”
(8) while 改为 though 。
(9) 把本题改为 I forgot about doing it.
(10) 把“ isn’t this ”改为 “ isn’t it ”。
ⅢCloze Test
1. 【 C 】 2. 【 A 】 3. 【 B 】 4. 【 D 】 5. 【 C 】 6. 【 C 】 7. 【 D 】 8. 【 A 】 9. 【 A 】 10 【 B 】 11 【 A 】 12 【 C 】 13 【 B 】 14 【 D 】 15 【 C 】 16 【 A 】 17 【 B 】 18 【 C 】 19. 【 D 】 20. 【 D 】
Passage 1
1. 【 B 】
2. 【 B 】
3. 【 C 】
Passage 2
4. 【 D 】
5. 【 C 】
6. 【 A 】
7. 【 D 】
8. 【 D 】
9. 【 C 】
10. 【 D 】
Passage Three
13. 【 A 】
14. 【 C 】
15. 【 C 】
16 【 D 】
17 【 D 】
Ⅵ .Writing (略)
(本套试题答案详解见环球时代学校网站 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, )
https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 北京环球时代学校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 2009-06-08

现在距离 2010 年考研时间还有整整 7 个月,参加英语专业考研的考生应该在 6 月和 7 月之间将主要精力集中在基础英语上。对于英语专业考研来说, 90% 的院校基础英语没有指定的参考书,这成了考生们的最大困难,在此,环球时代提醒考生们近两个月必须在掌握共核性知识的基础上,进一步夯实基础,注重积累,并努

首先,培养英语语感,大量的朗读美丽的语篇,读准每个词,反复练习,可从以下几本书下手,如《英语专业考研核心词汇》,《英语专业学习与应试必备美文》 1-2 ,《散文佳作 108 篇》等。第二,现在越来越多的学校注重时势文章的考核,所以同学们可以读一些 News Week, Times, Economist 等等,另外就是多读一些文学方面的书籍。
其次,考英研的同学要注意掌握大量的单词,要注意词汇的深度和广度,注意把易混词、近义词一起消化。阅读理解的出题方式有四选一和 Paraphrase, Short answer 或 Summary 。大家可以做做我们编写的配套教材《 GRE 阅读》等。翻译方面,环球时代专家建议大家要尽量精读张培基的翻译书,注意翻译技巧和通顺规则。写作要多多模仿,背诵经典范文范例一书。另外,考生们在复习时要注意基础英语答题方式和技巧,做到严谨、专业、完美、漂亮,这样在临场时才会有较好的发挥。
从英美文学考试来看,各英语专业院校参考书五花八门,深浅不一、版本不同。有张伯香的《英美文学选读》,吴伟仁的《英国文学史及选读》和《美国文学史及选读》,还有指定刘炳善的《英国文学简史》、常耀信的《美国文学简史》、陈嘉的《英国文学史》、杨岂深的《英国文学选读》等等,但是,不管哪所学校指定哪本参考书,都不关重要的,关键的是,你要从书中真正找到英语专业考研的核心,清晰的复习,来源于多年的经验总结。现在,我们要求同学们应该把你准备报考院校的指定书《英国文学》《美国文学》通读 1-2 遍,找到一根主线,按照年代、找到重要作家、作品,构筑文学框架,这样你就能较轻松地在浩如烟海的文学世界里自由翱翔了。
英语语言学备考是个大问题,很多英语专业的学生在本科学习后还感到无从下手,对于那些跨专业考英研的考生来说更是一头雾水。对于指定用书不像文学五花八门,其中以北京大学胡壮麟老师的《语言学教程》为主,指定本书的学校占到 85% 左右,其余的有外研社

刘润清、文旭老师的《新编语言学教程》,杜诗春的《 应用语言学 》,戴伟栋《简明英语语言学教程》等,还有的学校不指定参考书,环球时代学校专家在这里特别提醒考生,语言学考试的重点还是强调共核性知识。
近年来,英语专业考研翻译方向的报考人数越来越多,每年增长速度很快,原因是翻译的实用性很强,应用范围很广。很多英语专业考研招生院校在命题时,除了在基础英语试卷中出现大篇的翻译题型之外,还在专业课上重点考核,将近 30% 的院校在专业试卷中只考翻译和写作,可见翻译的重要性和决定性。
翻译在考英研的时候总体存在几个方面的问题: 1 、不知道从何入手,不清楚翻译的方法。 2 、语言基本功差,包括汉语言的功底。 3 、综合知识面窄。 4 、英美文化及汉语文化功底肤浅。
针对这些问题解决办法:多听多读多练多做,给大家推荐一些书可以看看。如:《英汉名篇名译》、《高级翻译教程》、《冰心小说散文选(英汉对照)》《古代散文卷(英汉对照) 》《英汉翻译教程》《高级英语(上)(下)》《 Advanced English (I )(II ) 》《英语散文佳作赏析与翻译》《英语翻译教程》等。翻译是专家领进门修行在个人,考生听过老师的方法后,一定要加强自主翻译练习,在练习时要注重应用所学翻译手段,感悟翻译的道理,要以质取胜(少做多想,悟出道理)。
最后,为了给考生提供更专业到位的帮助,即日起环球时代学校开通“ 2010 年英语专业考研专家一对一免费咨询”热线 010-******** 或 3282 ,随时给考生们提供报考、复习、心理等各方面指导。预祝大家 2010 年英语专业考研成功!
https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 考研论坛 月球梦想家 2009-06-01

我是今年考上的,英语专业,准备期间从论坛上得到了很多,写点自己的经验教训,希望能对学弟学妹们有所帮助。 往年的试题就不说了,论坛上有。建议考前一两个月时多练习。 美国文学和英国文学两本书要认真看,建议边看边做笔记,便于复习。 建议选读也看了,考题中

有。我就是没有认真看选读,在专业英语上吃了亏。 另外,文学方面,建议借些教材上提到的名著来看,如果没时间看英文原版可看中文的,有好处。 语言学,认真看教材。题目还是比较基础的。但考的很细。 基础英语,最好的方法是坚持练习,听说读写译,每天抽时间。练习可用专八题。作文比较长,最后要练。建议背背GRE单词。 我的二外是法语,本科学校二外教学水平有限,所以报了暑期辅导班,效果还不错。主要考语法,建议买一本专门的语法书。 世面上针对二外考研难度的练习不多,所以要自己尽量找练习做。 教材是马晓宏的,一定要多读多背,非常有用。建议看完三册。 最后再说一句,都是过来人,知道考研不容易,但决定了就要坚持。祝学弟学妹们梦想成真! 帖子地址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html,/thread-2706347-1-1.html 转载请注明本帖地址。
※ 来源:考研论坛 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html,
https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html, 考研论坛 syusun 2009-08-13

复试已经结束了,有幸没接到二面通知,狂逛了一天京城之后就来写点经验之谈吧。 初试 先说专业课。本人觉得贸大的初试题型比往年更加合理。虽然很多研友反映自己背了很多idioms都没考感觉白花力气了,不过我是比较高兴的,本身就不喜欢死记硬背。当然我确实买了一本习语词典,不过只看了一遍,记住的少之又少。还有最好还是背背单词。本人从9月底开始复习,总共背了两本单词集——专业八级词汇、雅思词汇,一般都是利用零碎的时间来看的,背单词用整块时间去干很不值得。看到过很多研友说王关富老师的《商务英语阅读》很重要,完全同意,我很喜欢里面的图形,和BEC的题型差不多,里面的专业术语一定要记熟。常玉田老师的《翻译》很好,很精深,但是我基本上没坚持看下去,因为里面的内容很多,我准备得比较晚,所以就没那么多时间去细细研究,不过翻译我还是每天都做的。常耀信老师的《英国文学》和《美国文学》我都只看了一遍,感觉写得很精彩,但是个人觉得看一遍就OK了,可以当成小说看。朱永涛老师的《文化入门》很不错,我看了有两边,一遍是像看《文学》一样看,一遍就是早读了,考试的时候大概有十几分。《高级英语》上下册我都是当成精读学的,课后练习都有细做。如果自己有好的精读书的话也可以看别的,但是建议最好还是看看吧。其他的书我似乎没怎么看,但是自己挑了几本比较喜欢的书。李观仪的《新编英语教程》第六七八册都应该精读(相信很多学校都是选择这个版本作为教材的,只要仔细

复习就可以了),特别是课后的练习对于提高应用水平还是很有帮助的。另外推荐一下本人的大学本科老师方笑军出的练习册(和李观仪的教程配套的,但是练习的难度确实很大,非常不错),是对外经济贸易大学出版社出的,书本便宜,只要买五六七册的就可以了,每本不到15元打个折10多元就搞定了。还有另外两本书是我自己当成精读做的,西安交大出版社出版的《高级英语》,特别喜欢这两册书的封面设计,当然里面的内容虽然长但是本人很喜欢。有关练习的书我推荐BEC高级的真题,有好几辑,不过因为条件有限,我只买到2、3辑,题型和王老师的《商务英语阅读》一样,参加国BEC考试的同学应该都知道。雅思的真题也可以做做,比较好。 二外日语 我二外学的是日语,得了80分,自我感觉还不错的。复习很简单,真题很重要。考试的时候我才发现居然就考了上一年考过的选择题,可惜因为没有答案,我干脆就没做,后悔不已。所以强烈要求10年考试的同学好好把真题研究研究,特别是二外的!!日语的话主要以课文为主,当然要不断提高阅读水平。词汇的部分光靠记忆就可以搞定,日语词汇所占比分很大,记好单词,日语过线就没什么问题了。记单词本人有个诀窍可以供大家参考:背后面的总单词表,语法句型的也是,要记得很熟很熟。咱不要求日语流利,但看见了能够理解还是能够做到的。日语口语可以进了学校以后慢慢练。建议最好买一本阅读题做,难度应该大点,日语词典必不可少。我有一本比较好的书可以推荐,但是抱歉,一时想不起书名了,回家查了发出来吧。 政治 政治真的没必要花太多时间。10月1号开始准备就可以,当然前提是你每天都关注时事,而且高中学的马哲什么的至少还有点印象。都说任汝芬的资料好,有道理,但是高教版的大纲解析是必须的,新华出版社的那个版本也不错。政治考得不是很好71分,仅供参考。2000题要有一本,考前模拟题最好能多做,因为前者关系你的基础,后者关系你的考试思路和状态,考试之前一定要好好练习把握时间,否则上考场了可能会慌。有关预测题的问题建议买有名的辅导站出版的,错误会少一点。还有辅导班问题,我不建议,因为觉得完全没用。如果大家觉得需要,我当然也不反对,自己根据实际情况看吧。政治是我资金投入最大的,虽然分数不高,但也觉得值得,至少现在对各种资料的好坏都比较清楚了,而且我相信不投资肯定这么几分都没有。 复试 复试等的时间比较长,但我准备的时间也是比较短的,因为工作的关系。笔试听力部分不难,

因为一直练BEC和雅思的真题听力,感觉还可以。翻译部分时中译英,题目不难,但是翻译这种东西很难讲,大家多练习吧。专业术语好好背,相关的都要记记。写作比较简单,平时练练就没问题。 面试个人觉得挺简单的。只要不要太紧张,就没什么问题,即使你真的很紧张,只要不要表现太明显影响发挥就可以。先阅读一篇短文,我的说话速度本身要比一般人要快一些,所以在念的时候就刻意放慢了速度,途中没有差错,很顺利。Q&A阶段就更简单了,老师问你答,问题和文章有关,另外又问了一些你自己的观点。其实我自己觉得问答部分做得不够理想。老师最后说了句SEE YOU,面试就完全结束了。 接下来就要继续耐心等结果啦。好在贸大比较注重初试成绩,所以我应该还是比较有优势的吧。希望自己能顺利过关,因为我太喜欢贸大啦!喜欢贸大的同学们加油哦,希望我们能成为校友~~~呵呵呵,大家加油! PS:我的情况比较特殊,有关准备时间的问题,大家还是早点确定目标早点开始着手复习。复习的时候不要太勉强自己,不要纠结在投入的时间问题上,多注意效果,不要想你浪费了多少时间,而是应该注重你还有多少时间可以做剩下要做的事情。还有一点重点提示,专业课300分,公共课200分,时间投入上也应该有所区别,不要搞平均主义,靠公共课拉成绩是不现实的,专业课才是关键。最后看看推荐一本励志书《一切皆有可能》,拿破仑希尔基金会出的,个人觉得不错。我觉得在考研复习非一般的状态下必须要有能够让自己规律、行动起来的好书。还有,劳逸结合真的很重要,要学会放松压力。最后祝各位10年参加考试的同学都有愉快的备考经历,都有轻松的考试心态,最后都要美满的考试结果。 帖子地址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html,/thread-2684091-1-1.html 转载请注明本帖地址。
※ 来源:考研论坛 https://www.doczj.com/doc/d93562798.html,

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