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1.He ran as fast as a horse,the wind in his hair.他跑得像马一样快,头发在风中飞扬。
2.I stood on the porch,dumb,expectant。我呆呆地站在门口,满怀着希望。
3.She collapsd in a wail of laughter。她尖叫一声,整个瘫到地方。
4.He is known as a marker of many enemies。他名声不好,树敌甚多。
5.Girls are likely to be their weight watcher。女生都很在意自己的体重。
6.Full 3 Months Unconditional Service Guaranteed。三个月无条件免费维修。
7.The early spring of England is still full of climatic irregularity。英伦的春天,天气变幻莫测。
8.He shook his head in feigned disbelief。他故意摇摇头,假装不相信。
9。She entered society at sixteen。她16岁进入社交界。
10.He tried to force and then trick his memory into recall。他绞尽脑汁又思前想后回忆整个过程。
11.Some drugs have to be taken with food,others on an empty stomach。有些药要饭后吃,有些空腹吃。
12.In fact I was to organize my father’s tools,my mother’s kitchenutensils,and my sister’sboyfriends。我不仅排放老爸的工具,还收拾老妈的厨具,连姐姐的约会也是我操办。
12.He worked his way through college。他靠打工挣学费上完了大学。
13.I am glad to play ball with you。我很高兴和你合作。
14.They are as thick as thieves。他们非常亲密、情同手足。
15.She is above personal grudges。她不计较个人恩怨。
16.His eyes looked bloodshot for sleepless nights。由于好几个晚上没有合眼,他的眼睛都充血了。
17.That bee gave him a nasty sting。那只蜜蜂狠狠地蛰了他一下。
18.My admiration for her grew more。我对他越来越敬佩。
19.Almost all the teachers are tough markers here。这里的老师打分都很严格。
20.Ten to one he will finish the work in time。十之八九他会按时完成该工作。
2.I am a very nervous flier。我怕坐飞机。
3.Her beauty really sends me。她的美貌令我欣喜不已。
4.I would not sweeten my request with an apology。要求就是要求,我不想先说一些道歉的话讨好。
5.After months of experiment he wasn’t much closer than before he began。经过几个月的实验,他并没有取得任何进展。
6.The mountain behind the farm made the sun climb a long way to show itself。农场东边的山很高,太阳要爬得很高,在农场才能看得见。
7.The boat sank off the coast。船在离海岸不远处沉没了。
8.There was no joke on his face。他脸上一点也看不出玩笑的意思。
9.He took the news with a grain of salt。他对这个消息半信半疑。
10.Just to keep easy-to-reach profit。坐收近水楼台之利。
11.Rain or shine,he is busy all the year round。他每天风里来,雨里来,一年到头忙忙碌碌。
12.She found her tough with difficult for several minutes。她有好几分钟说不出话来。
13.A gentleman

uses his tongue,not his fits。君子动口不动手。
14.This is a good piece of work。这活干得漂亮。
15.To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the eggs。某种程度上说,这已成了先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。
16.The place enjoys a temperate climate with well-marked seasons with plenty of rainfall and sunshine。这里气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛,日照充足。
17.He has someone behind him。有人给他撑腰。
18.The workers put in a demand for higher wages.工人们要求增加工资。

Are Tweens growing up too fast?今日的少年是否过早老成?
How help protect childhood for your preteen?如何留住你孩子的少年时
By Susan Spicer
I remember one shopping expedition with my then-10-year-old daughter when I was taken aback 【surprised and disconcerted】by what was (on offer)in her size。尝记某次与我岁满垂髻的女儿采购,她买的减价衣服令我大惊失色The teeny-tiny belly tops and tight,low-cut jeans,in fashion at the time,just seemed too pro’vocative for a girl her age时下流行的少年露脐装,低腰的牛仔裤,其挑逗意味不适合她这年龄的女生。“But,Mom,”Annie said,“everyone’s wearing them!”但是老妈,大伙都这么穿。
Kids grow up so fast,we often say我们都说孩子太早熟。But these days,you can’t help but wonder if they’re growing up too fast但当前,你唯有沉思。And it’s not just girls男生也如此。It can feel like 10 is the new 15 whether you’re shopping for T-shirts or buying that CD your son wants for Christmas你给他们买T恤或CD过圣诞时就感觉到十岁相当于十五了。Explicit talk about sex,profanity and violent images are part of music and movies pitched to increasingly younger kids“性”致侃侃,通篇脏话,充满暴力画面音乐,电影不断投向愈发幼小的(心灵)孩童。You’d like to somehow maintain your child’s interest in playing capture the flag for a little while longer,but it can seem like MTV or the latest episode of Gossip Girl has more appeal。你想给孩子多保留一点对积木和夺旗游戏的热情,似乎要让位于MTV和最新的《绯闻少女》剧集了。
Is it possible-or even desirable-to protect(childhood)for our kids?值得为孩子保留一份童趣。
Yes,says Christopher sturdy,a Toronto parents educator(多伦多)家长教育者持肯定态度。“Childhood establishes the foundation for the value system kids will carry forward into adult life and parents are the most influential models for that。”“童年是树立今后人生道德准则的基石,父母是他们最有影响力的榜样。”
But it can be difficult但谈何容易。According to the website of the Media Awareness Network《媒业意识网报》的资料显示,“marketers are discovering there’s m

oney to be made by treating tweens(whom they define as kids eight to 12)like teenagers。“市场人员发现把少年当青少年对待也能带来收益That’s a problem,they say,because it exposes young kids to “(potentially) unhealthy messages about body image形体形象,sexuality,relationships and violence。”这就是问题所在,他们坦言,(因为)这令少年面对“(任何)超出其年龄的形体观,性暗示,成人关系以及暴力。”
In addition to pressures from outside,tweens don’t want to think of themselves as kids。除去外界的(影响),少年也不愿意接受“未成年”的看法。And peers become important and influential于是,同辈(反而)显得有重要影响力。“You’r going to lose some control over what your kids are exposed to around this age,”同龄人交流会妨碍父母教导孩子says Barrie,Ont。,psychologist and parenting writer Peter Marshall。安大略省Barrie的心理学家兼家庭教育作家说“but don’t (give up)。You still have quite a bit of influence。”但也不用(气馁)。父母在某些方面还是有影响力的。”
Here are some ways to put on the brakes in the race to adulthood:以下就是应对过早成熟几招
Spend time together多花时间相处Is there a passion you can share with your child?可否有与孩子相处的热情?Where it’s rock climbing or combing through vintage stores looking for funky fashions,是否与他去攀爬或淘遍旧货的“珍宝”kids benefit from emotional connection with their parents。父母的呵护有益孩子(成长)。They’ll also appreciate the fact that you support their interests。他们也乐于见到你肯定他们的爱好。Sturdy encourages families to make sure there’s time for movie nights family dinners。Sturdy鼓励全家适时团聚共赏佳片家宴。
Encourage unstructured play尽量条理清楚“We organize kids too much,”says Marshall。“The days of going to the park with your friends and organizing your own games are fading fast我们定的规矩太多。会友还要前后计划周全会令此行索然无味。Leave them to their own devices and kids will be kids-goofy,playful kids。”给孩子自己行事,才能凸显童趣的单纯和欢乐。
Share your values分享成人的观点 As mass media become more important for this age group and kids are making their own choices about what they view大众媒体越发影响少年生活,令孩子也要在事实面前抉择,it’s vital that parents talk with their children about what they’re seeing and hearing。所以父母与孩子探讨见闻很关键“If your daughter wants to watch“Friends”because it’s funny,let her know where you stand on the issue of casual sex,”says Marshall。“如果女儿喜欢看搞笑的‘老友记’,就应该告诉她父母如何看待(逢场作性)。”
“Kids evaluate what they see in te

rms of their (home environment),which is the most important determinant of their behavior,”(家教)是孩子衡量见闻最具决定性的因素。says Marshall。“Those who do act out what they see in media are usually doing so because of what they’re exposed to at home。”那些依照媒体宣传而作的行为更多源于家庭的潜移默化。
Set limits设置底限There will be times when you just have to say no。父母总有拒绝的时候“I don’t care that Grand Theft Auto(a video game involving rape and other forms of violence)isn’t likely to influence my kid’s behavior,”我害怕《侠盗猎车手》这类有性侵犯和暴力影响我的孩子,says Marshall。“I’m not going to let him play it because I want to make a moral statement。”我要表明我的道德观,不会给他玩这游戏。If you’re going to ban a game or a movie,do some research and provide an alternative your child will enjoy。如果你不想孩子接触某个游戏或影片,要多作点功课给他一个同样乐趣的替代。
Finally,one more hint from Sturdy:“Don’t even think about starting a sentence with‘When I was a kid……’That just confirms to your offspring that you are,in fact,a dinosaur。”最后,Sturdy给了个建议,“千万别总说‘我小的时候……’类的口头禅,那会令孩子认为你落伍于时代。”
Protecting your kids online让孩子健康上网
The computer and the Internet can be wonderful sources of facts and fun whether your child is researching a school project or experimenting with a filmmakeing program无论孩子是完成校内作业还是自作影视节目,电脑和互联网都会是资料与乐趣的源泉。The danger,says parent educator Christopher Sturdy,is that kids are less active because they’re spending,on average,the equivalent of three to five years in front of a screen between the ages of three and 17。这位家长教育者说,平均每个孩子会在17岁前花上3到5年泡在屏幕前,危害则源于他们较少参与。
Supervision is key监管是关键。According to psychologist Peter Marshall,research has shown that “the majority of children have seen hard-core pornography by the end of public school and usually report that they found it disturbing。”心理学家说,研究表明多数孩子课后见到赤裸裸的色情场景都不喜欢。
How can we control what our kids encourter online?那我们如何掌控孩子的浏览内容?Filters can be helpful,but Marshall says they’re not foolproof and they don’t replace supervision and setting rules about appropriate sites and sharing personal information。过滤工具很重要,但专家说,这些都不是智能的,无法替代监管,设置相宜网站以及个人资料共享。“Use the same skills you use in the physical environment,”把现实的手段也用上,says Marshall。That means talking about safety and makin

g sure you know where they are。这涉及安全问题,会令你对浏览内容了如指掌。
Tween:Also tweeny。a youngest between 10 and 12 years of age,considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager。
Preteener:a boy or girl under the age 13,esp。one between the age of 9and 12。
Parent educator:have the unique task of educating diverse groups of parents about a multitude of topics,each related to understand their child’s development and building the parents’skills。Often,parent educator must create their own programs and research hundreds of resources to compile the right combination of topic modules to fit their needs。
Body image:is a term which may refer to a person’s perception of his or her own physical appearance,or the interpretation of the body by the brain。Body image can be described as how individuals see themselves when looking in a mirror,or when picturing themselves in their mind,and their ideas about their body,such as height,shape,and weight and age。
Funky:overcome with great fear,terrified。
Goofy:Slang ridiculous,silly,wacky,nutty,a goofy little hat。

Disneyland accommodates reilgious headscarf requirement
Chicago woman wins rights to wear'hijab in front of theme park guests
Every Muslim-American daughter raised on Disneyland dreams of becoming a princess.每个美籍穆族女生从小都有成为迪斯尼公主的梦想。But when that litle girl grows up and gets a job at Disneyland,the headscarf pre'scribed规定的,法定的for Musilm women could persent a problem.但长大后在迪斯尼乐园谋职时,穆族的头巾就会给她带来麻烦。
At least that was the case for Noor Abdallah,22,of Mundelein,至少对Mundelein市22岁的Noor Abdallah是这样,who reached an agreement this week with Disneyland Resort to wear a blue 'beret atop a company-designed heascarf when selling tickets in a resort旅游点的,度假的box office乐园售票处。她刚和乐园管理层达成协议,在乐园售票点戴公司定制的头巾时可以佩上一顶蓝色的贝雷帽。
"Walt Disney Parks and Resorts has a long history of accommodating a variety of religious requests from cast(sort;kinds;style)members of all faiths,with more than 200 accommodations made over the last three years,"Disneyland Resort spokeswoman Suzi Brown said.“迪斯尼乐园有包含不同信仰员工的宗教需求的传统,过去三年里我们定下了200多件相关条例。”
But a lawyer for the Councll on American-Islamic Relations美国-伊斯兰关系委员会contends(to struggle in opposition)Abdallah is the fourth woman to challeng

e the theme park's policies this year.但美国-伊斯兰关系委员会的一名律师抗议说,Abdallah却是今年第四个敢挑战主题公园条例的女生。
Abdallah was recruited by Disney on the University of Illinois'Chicago campus earlier this year她是今年早期在芝加哥的伊利诺斯大学内受聘于迪斯尼公园的。After online and telephone interviews,the psychology major said she was selected for a fall秋季internship.经历网上面试、电话问询后,她就受聘为秋季见习生。
But after moving across the country to California for orientation(an introdution,as to guide one in adjusting to new surroundings,employment,activity,or the like)last mouths,上月辗转来到加州培训后she said,managers balked at her hijab and assigned her to a more secluded(withdraw from involving little humsn or social activity)stockroom while (even though;although)costume designers came up with a more suitable headscaft.哪怕服装师拿出了更适宜(工作环境)的头巾,经理就不许她戴头巾,还指派她去面客机会少的仓储室工作。Managers told her that likely would take the entirety(the state of being entire;completeness)of her internship,she said她说,经理明示(禁令)见习期内都有效。
"It broke my heart a little,"said Abdallah,who grew up revering Belle from"Beauty and Beast"and Ariel in "The Little 'Mermaid.'"“真有点心酸,”她说,自小就崇拜“美女与野兽”中的美女Belle,以及“小美人鱼”的人鱼Ariel。
"Like any little girl,I like all the princesses."“和别的小女生一样。我也喜欢(片中)公主”
But Abdallah is pleased wuth the solution."I'd really hate to see another person(lose the magic behind the Disney characters."she said.但她对决定还满意,“我也不喜欢见到人(由此)失去对迪斯尼角色的热情。”
Ameena Qazi,a lawyer for CAIR,said the civil rights group is urging Disney to intergrate the religious requirement into its dress code.美国-伊斯兰关系委员会的律师说,人权组织正敦促迪斯尼据此完善其(宗教着装规定条例)After all,Disney's own Muslim princess,Jasmine,even wore a headscaft occasionally in the movie"Aladdin."无论如何,迪斯尼的穆族公主Jasmine(阿拉丁中的女主角)也偶尔在影片中戴上头巾。
"We dream of being princesses someday too,"Qazi said."When we go to Disney as employees,we don't feel any differently.But to tell us who we are might scare away customers,that's really a job.……It's kind of kkilling two visions(a vivid,imaginative conception or anticipation)at once."“我们都梦想成为公主:在迪斯尼上班不想被人以有色眼镜看待。要说我们会吓跑游客,确实很伤心;这下把两个梦想都击碎了。”



Han sanping is a big fan of actor Will Smith.After entertaining Smith in Beijing two years ago,the chairman of China Film Group found a different way to keep up with Smith's filmmaking efforts.State-run China Film contributed$5million to help finance a remake of The Karate Kid,produced by Smith and starring his son Jaden.Han's mogul turn was a hit.The film,distributed by Sony's Colunmbia Pictures,grossed more than$356 million in worldwide ticket sales and wa a huge hit in China.

For Hollywood,always a dream factory by other people's money,the People's Republic of China offers huge potential as both a funding source and a market.On Sept.26,Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment,a Hong Kong-based film company,paid $25million for a 3.3 percent stake in Legendary Pictrues,the maker of such hits as The Dark Knight and Inception.Meanwhile,China's new class of millionaire entrepreneurs is financing locally made films.Hollywood executivves are even taking meetings with Chinese toy companies eager to take their creations to the big screen.
"It's a largely untapped market,"says Hallren,managing partner at Los Angeles-based financial advisory firm Clear Scope Partners."There appears to be great promise there and a tremendous amount of capital. Smith to how those in search of capital once focused on the Middle East,the same dynamic seems to be occurring with China."
"中国基本是个尚未开发的市场,”洛杉矶金融咨询公司(Clear Scope Partners)董事合伙人克拉克。霍尔伦说。“那里前景一片光明,资本也极其充足。中东地区曾是好莱坞寻求资金来源的重点,而现在中国正在引起人们的注意。”
The dealmaking to date has been more a tickle than a waterfall.Chinese investors weighed bids for Miramax and debt-plagued Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer when those studios were put up for sale in the past year,but they didn't bite,says attorney Schuyler M.Moore.a partner at Strook&Stroock&Lavan in Los Angeles.Their activity may picls up,however,as Chinese officials become more comfortable with the ways of Hollywood.
"Chinese investors are very sophisticated and have been contemplating the kinds of investments they want to make,"says Charles"Skip"Paul,a longtime Hollywood executive and a seni

or adviser to investment bank Centerview Partners.Paul negotiated the 1986 agreement with the Chinese government that opened the country to limited imports of foreign-made films.He also advised Orange Sky in its Legendary deal and travels to China erevy six weeks to meet with potential investors.
The Chinese government hopes to use its inverstments to gain the technical and creative konwhow the country needs to aggressively build its film industry.In the next three to four years the number of screens in China will increase to about 13000 from 8000 today,according to John P.Willmers,chief executive officer of Ballantyne Strong(BTW),which makes digital movie equipment.The U.S has about 39000 screens.China is the largest non-U.S market for Imax's(IMAX)big-screen theaters,with 37 built and an additional 59 schedualed to be added by 2013.In 10 year,sanys Imax CEO Richard L.Gelfond,China may be the largest exhibition market in the world.
中国政府希望通过投资来获取技术知识及创意理念,目前国家正需要这些知识理念来积极建设自己的电影工业。数字电影器材公司首席执行官约翰P威尔莫称,未来三四年中,中国的屏幕总数将会由现在的8千块增加到1万3千块。中国是除美国以外最大的IMAX穹幕影院市场,目前已建好37块穹幕 ,2013年前还将新增59块,IMAX首席执行官理查德L格尔福特表示,中国在十年之内可能成为世界上最大的放映市场。
"They want to be market leaders in producing films,"says Doug Belgrad,president of Coulumbia Pictures,which makde The Karate Kid mostly in Beijing.The Chinese are using their financial relationships to get teaching moments whenever they can.The Colunbia crew,for instance,showed the local Chinese production team how to more quickly upload film from daily shoots to be viewed online,says Belgrad.
That level of involvement sets Chinese inverstors apart from others who have come to Hollywood offering cash,says Clear Sccope's Hallren."I don't this is will be the next case of intelligent people investing money in unintelligent ways."Hallren says.

What China possesses already is plenty of capital for the right project.Sheng Boyu,a 30-year-old real estate developer,put up $50million to help finance Double Lives,a film about a modern-day treasure hunt starring Pierce Brosnan being filmed in China."There is money if you know how to navigate the landscape,"sanys Dan Mintz,CEO of Beijing-based Dynamic Marketing Group,which distributes and markets American- and Chinese-made fims in China.Mintz says he raised $100million in China,"and we could go higher"to invest in films made or distributed there.
The obstacle for outsiders,he says, is that the government favors Chinese-made movies and continues to impose a limit of 20 foreign films a year that can be shown in the country.With invertors who are Chinese,some films can reach the market wuthout counting as part of the 20-slot quota,And there may be other benefits:When Minz released The Founding of a Republic,a film his company financed with China Film Group,he said the government ordered rival film out oh many mainland theaters.
China's potential has sent dealmakers descending on Beijing.Goldman Sachs(GS)is advising the Chinese Investment Corp.sovereign fund on film investments,according to two knowledgeable Hollywood financiers.Deutsche Bank(DB)has stepped up its efforts in China to fouces more on entertainment deals as well,says Brian.C Mulligan,vice-chairman of Deustsche Bank Securities' media and telecommunications practice in Los Angeles,which advised Lengendary in the Orange Sky deal.

Still,investing in Hollywood hasn't always turned out well for those writing the check."some will benefit from smart and knowledgeable advisers,"says Smir Malin,founder of New Year-based private equity firm Qualia Capital and former CEO of film studio Artisan Entertainment."Others will be taken on an endless merry-go-round of Hollywood premieres and empty financial returns."
The bottom line:Hollywood is looking to China for money to help produce films.The Chinese want those relationships to bolster their own movie industr
With Eva Woo

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