当前位置:文档之家› 《大学英语2》2017年秋学期在线作业(一)



一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)


1. In today’s world, some people waste food ________ others haven’t enough.

A. though

B. as

C. when

D. while

满分:5 分

2. When we are going mountain-climbing, we should be careful and avoid ________.

A. taking place

B. taking effect

C. taking part

D. taking risks

满分:5 分

3. The young scientist ________ to have discovered a new planet.

A. suggests

B. claims

C. pursues

D. deals

满分:5 分

4. We ______________your terms carefully but______to say that we cannot accept them.

A. are studying/regret

B. have studied/are regretting

C. have studied/regret

D. have been studying/will regret

满分:5 分

5. If I had remembered _________ the door, the things would not have been stolen.

A. to lock

B. locking

C. to have locked

D. having locked

满分:5 分

6. We the last bus and didn’t have any money for taxi, so we had to walk home.

A. reached

B. lost

C. missed

D. caught

满分:5 分

7. Mark often attempts to escape _________ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A. having been fined

B. to have been fined

C. to be fined

D. being fined

满分:5 分

8. I’ll call you back as soon as I _______.

A. arrived

B. is arriving

C. will arrive

D. arrive

满分:5 分

9. ______ reporter seems like a good profession, I would prefer to be a teacher.

A. Even

B. No matter

C. Although

D. Now that

满分:5 分

10. The thief took away the woman’s wallet without _________.

A. being seen

B. seeing

C. him seeing

D. seeing him

满分:5 分

11. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _________

her to do so.

A. forbid

B. allow

C. follow

D. ask

满分:5 分

12. If I can help , I don’t like working late into the night.

A. so

B. that

C. it

D. them

满分:5 分

13. My brother ______ while he ______ his bicycle and hurt himself.

A. fell; was riding

B. felt; was riding

C. had fallen; rode

D. had fallen; was riding

满分:5 分

14. He thought that _________.

A. the effort doing the job was not worth

B. the effort was not worth in doing the job

C. it was not worth the effort doing the job

D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job

满分:5 分

15. It ______ John and Kate who helped me the other day.

A. be

B. was

C. are

D. were

满分:5 分

16. There are a number of words in the English language which were French in ________.

A. success

B. origin

C. conclusion

D. attitude

满分:5 分

17. I would like to have my car ______. Can I pick it up tomorrow?

A. repaired

B. to repair

C. repair

D. repairing

满分:5 分

18. First draw a line _________the middle of the page. Then write a word in the space above

the line.

A. across

B. over

C. between

D. within

满分:5 分

19. ━What happened to the roses I gave you?━The roses ______ well, but I didn’t water them.

A. would grow

B. would have grown

C. might grow

D. needn’t have grown

满分:5 分

20. ______ of reading, he put down the book and stopped ______.

A. Tired; to watch TV

B. Tiring; to watch TV

C. Tired; watching TV

D. Tiring; watching TV

满分:5 分


1、在括号里填上“〉”“〈”或“=”。 15 × 34 ()15 ÷ 43 78 × 56 ()56 ÷ 78 2、9 ÷()= 0.75 =()小数=()成数=()% 3、有10吨媒,第一次用去15 ,第二次用去15 吨,还剩下()吨媒。 4、把37 、46%和0.45按从大到小的顺序排列起来应为()。 5、用圆规画一个周长为18.84厘米的圆,圆规两脚间的距离应取( )厘米,所画圆的面积是( )平方厘米。 6、()比20米多20%,3吨比()千克少40%。 7、一种商品提价10%后,再降价10%,现价是原价的()%。 8、小丽的妈妈在银行存入8000元,按年利率2%计算,存满三年后,应得本息()元。 9、一项工程,甲、乙合做需10小时完成,甲单独做14小时完成,乙单独做需()小时完成。 10、一种学习机出厂时经检验240台合格,10台不合格,产品的合格率是()。 二、判是非。(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×” ):5% 1、甲数是乙数的80%,那么乙数比甲数多25%。( ) 1、因为 35 = 60%,所以 35 米 = 60%米。( ) 3、圆的周长总是它直径的3倍多一点。 ( ) 4、因为1的倒数是1,所以0的倒数是0。( ) 5、某商品打“八五折”出售,就是降价85%出售() 三、把正确答案的序号填在括号里5% 1、周长相等时,()的面积最大。 ①圆②长方形③正方形 2、把30%的百分号去掉,原来的数就()。 ①扩大100倍②缩小100倍③不变 3、x、y、z是三个非零自然数,且x×65 = y×87 = z×109 ,那么x、y、z按照从大到小的顺序排列应是()。 ① x﹥y﹥z ② z﹥y﹥x ③ y﹥x﹥z ④ y﹥z﹥x 4、下面百分率可能大于100%的是() ①、成活率②、发芽率③、出勤率④、增长率 5、圆的半径扩大3倍,它的周长扩大()倍,它的面积扩大()倍。


浙大远程教育英语第六次 在线作业答案 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 2.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply

D chance 正确答案:B 3.【Unit Six (2)】_____________ these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much. A When B While C Unless D Until 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Six (2)】The president as well as a number of professors ____________ asked to attend the party. A was B were


全品作业本 高中数学 必修4 新课标(RJA) 目录 课时作业 第一章三角函数 1.1 任意角和弧度制 1.1.1 任意角 1.1.2 弧度制 1.2 任意角的三角函数 1.2.1 任意角的三角函数 第1课时任意角的三角函数 第2课时三角函数线及其应用 1.2.2 同角三角函数的基本关系 1.3 三角函数的诱导公式 ?滚动习题(一)[范围1.1?1.3] 1.4 三角函数的图像与性质 1.4.1 正弦函数、余弦函数的图像 1.4.2 正弦函数、余弦函数的性质 1.4.3 正切函数的性质与图像 1.5 函数y=A sin(ωx+φ)的图像 第1课时函数y=A sin(ωx+φ)的图像 第2课时函数y=A sin(ωx+φ)的性质 1.6 三角函数模型的简单应用 ?滚动习题(二)[范围1.1~1.6] 第二章平面向量 2.1 平面向量的实际背景及基本概念 2.1.1 向量的物理背景与概念 2.1.2 向量的几何表示 2.1.3 相等向量与共线向量 2.2 平面向量的线性运算 2.2.1 向量加法运算及其几何意义 2.2.2 向量减法运算及其几何意义 2.2.3 向量数乘运算及其几何意义 2.3 平面向量的基本定理及坐标表示 2.3.1 平面向量基本定理 2.3.2 平面向量的正交分解及坐标表示2.3.3 平面向量的坐标运算 2.3.4 平面向量共线的坐标表示 2.4 平面向屋的数量积 2.4.1 平面向量数量积的物理背景及其含义2.4.2 平面向量数量积的坐标表示、模、夹角

2.5 平面向量应用举例 2.5.1 平面几何中的向量方法 2.5.2 向量在物理中的应用举例 ?滚动习题(三)[范围2.1~2.5] 第三章三角恒等变换 3.1 两角和与差的正弦、余弦和正切公式3.1.1 两角差的余弦公式 3.1.2 两角和与差的正弦、余弦、正切公式3.1.3 二倍角的正弦、余弦、正切公式 ?滚动习题(四)[范围3.1] 3.2 简单的三角恒等变换 第1课时三角函数式的化简与求值 第2课时三角函数公式的应用 ?滚动习题(五)[范围3.1?3.2] 参考答案 综合测评 单元知识测评(一)[第一章]卷1 单元知识测评(二)[第二章] 卷3 单元知识测评(三)[第三章]卷5 模块结业测评(一)卷7 模块结业测评(二)卷9 参考答案卷 提分攻略 (本部分另附单本) 第一章三角函数 1.1 任意角和弧度制 1.1.1 任意角 攻略1 判定角的终边所在象限的方法1.1.2 弧度制 攻略2 弧度制下的扇形问题 1.2 任意角的三角函数 1.2.1 任意角的三角函数 攻略3 三角函数线的巧用 1.2.2 同角三角函数的基本关系 攻略4 “平方关系”的应用方法 1.3 三角函数的诱导公式 攻略5 “诱导公式”的应用方法 攻略6 三角函数的诱导公式面面观 1.4 三角函数的图像与性质 1.4.1 正弦函数、余弦函数的图像 攻略7 含绝对值的三角函数的图像画法及应用1.4.2 正弦函数、余弦函数的性质 攻略8 三角函数性质的综合应用题型1.4.3 正切函数的性质与图像


全品作业本三年级语文 答案 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

全品作业本三年级语文答案 一、看拼音,写词语。(8分) Píng jié gòu xiàn mù shǔjià xí guàn ()()()()( ) ān wèi càn làn duó mù chuǎn qí sù liào ()()() ( ) 二、任何事情都有先后顺序,你会排吗(4分) 1、中学小学大学幼儿园 2、收割耕地管理播种 3、国庆节儿童节劳动节妇女节 4、苹果树树红富士苹果树果树 三、比一比,组词语。(16分) 挺()饮()谎()堆() 蜓()次()慌()准() 挺()吹()荒()谁() 玩()纪()坚()祖() 坏()记()竖()组() 四、把下列词语补充完整。(6分) 山()水()()嘴()舌气喘()() ()调()顺聚()会()同()协() 五、用“静”字组成三个不同的词,再填空,使句子通顺连贯(3分) 静:()()() 1.早晨,同学们纷纷来到学校,()的校园顿时热闹起来。 2.在()的山谷里,想起了悠扬的笛声。 3.做事必须(),才能做到急中生智。 六、选词填空:(4分) 保持支持坚持维持 1、交警叔叔正在紧张地()交通秩序。 2、蜻蜓的尾巴是用来()身体平衡的。 3、我们要( )锻炼身体。 4、在妈妈的()下,我通过了业余电脑升级考试。 七、一字多义,你会选吗(3分) ①看望 ②向前伸出(头或身体)○3做侦查工作的人 1、那个小姑娘向外探着身体。() 2、队友们都去探望受伤的桑兰。() 3、他爸爸是个侦探。() 八、判断下列句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”,并改正。(7分) 1.“兰花欢笑着,翻滚着。”这是个拟人句。()

浙大远程英语作业Unit 9

Unit Nine 1. Writing 你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1. 接到朋友的来信; 2. 你对旅游的安排计划及理由; 3. 表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。 Dear David, I’m glad to know you want to make a tour in China. Now I’m living in Shanghai, and there are so many famous place here. I have made a plan for your visit in Shanghai. First we can go to the Peples’ Square,the most famous place place in Shanghai. Then we can go to Y u Garden, which I think you have heard before. If you have enough time ,you can visit Expo 2010. And you are welcome to stay at my home for several days. I’m looking forward to your coming to Shanghai.I am sure you will like this city. Y ours, Wang Ming 2. Choose the best answer to each of the following items. 1) The university is trying to make more accommodation(住处) ___b____ for the residents. A. afford B. available C. apparently D. approximately 2) The difference between the public and private services is very ___a___ in this country. A. sharp B. difficult C. vast D. wide 3) ____b___ of the two boys has passed the history examination. A. None B. Neither C. Nor D. No 4) We have to put the trip off. It’s too expensive and ____c___ the weather is not fine. A. therefore B. however C. on the other hand D. afterwards 5) John will take a job wherever he can find ___d____. A. any B. that C. some D. one 6) Mary varies her appearances, as well as her hair color, ___a____ on the mood she is in. A. depend B. depending C. hold D. holding 7) We know that sun eclipse will ___a____the weather on the earth. A. influence B. identify C. impress D. locate 8) The difference between the public and private schools is very ___b____ in this area. A. wide B. sharp C. difficult D. loose 9) ____a___ of the boys has passed the test; they’ve got such bad luck. A. Either B. All C. Neither D. No 10) She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ___d____ her. A. hurt B. damage C. harm D. spoil 3.Read the following passages and decide which of the following is the best answer to each of the questions or statements.


第6章实数 6.1 平方根、立方根 1.平方根 第1课时 平方根知识要点分类练 1.“36的平方根是±6”,用数学式子表示为 ( ) A . 366B .366 C .366 D .366【答案】B 2.9的平方根是( ) A .±3 B .13 C .3 D .-3 【答案】A 3.若某正数的一个平方根是- 5,则它的另一个平方根是________.【答案】5 4.求下列各数的平方根: (1)81;(2) 1625 ;(3)124 ;(4)0.49.【答案】(1)81的平方根是±9 (2)1625 的平方根是45(3)124的平方根是32 (4)0.49的平方根是±0.7 5.下列各数没有平方根的是 ( ) A .0 B .|-4| C .-4 D .-(-25) 【答案】C 6.下列说法正确的是( ) A .任何数的平方根都有两个 B .只有正数才有平方根 C .负数的平方根是负数 D .一个非负数的平方根的平方就是它本身 【答案】D 7.平方根等于它本身的数是 ( ) A .-1 B .1 C .0 D .±1 【答案】C 8.若m 和n 是同一个数的平方根,且m ≠n ,则2016()________m n .

【答案】0 规律方法综合练 9.求下列各式中的 x :(1)2425x ;(2)2(1)36x . 【答案】(1)5 2x 或5 2 x (2)x =5或x =-7 10.已知x -1的平方根是±2,3x +y -1的平方根是±4,求3x +5y 的平方根. 【答案】解:由x -1的平方根是±2,3x +y -1的平方根是±4,得14, 3116,x x y 解得 5,2. x y 所以3x +5y =15+10=25. 因为25的平方根为±5,所以3x +5y 的平方根为±5. 拓广探究创新练 11.若a 的两个平方根是方程 3x +2y =2的一组解.(1)求a 的值; (2)求a 的平方根. 【答案】解:(1)因为a 的两个平方根是方程 3x +2y =2的一组解,所以x +y =0,联立322,0,x y x y 解得2,2.x y 所以22 24a x . (2)42a .第2课时 算术平方根知识要点分类练 1.9的算术平方根是( ) A .-3 B .±3 C .3 C .9 【答案】C 2.4的值是( ) A .4 B .2 C .-2 D .±2 【答案】B 3.下列说法错误的是 ( ) A .10是2(10)的算术平方根


英语(2)第1次 您的本次作业分数为:100分题 1. In considering people for jobs, we give ________ to those with some experience. A conference B review C preference D apology 正确答案:C 2.They are preparing for war on a large ________. A bank B size C degree D scale 正确答案:D 3.There was nothing in the letter of ________ importance. A peculiar B necessary C basic D particular 正确答案:D 4.I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children. A easiness B ease C rest D alarm 正确答案:B 5.Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, ________ schools in the south are relatively poor. A which B as C for D while 正确答案:D 6. I really hope to discuss and ________ the problems with you. A explain B explore C experience D export


全品作业本化学答案 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。共25个小题,每小题1分,共25分。) 1. 空气中体积分数约为78%的气体是 A.氧气B.氮气C.氢气D.二氧化碳 2. 决定元素种类的是 A.质子数B.中子数C.核外电子数D.最外层电子数 3. 地壳中含量最多的元素是 A. 铝 B. 硅 C. 氧 D. 铁 4. 下列图标中,属于消防安全标志的是 6. 下列常见的物质中,不属于溶液的是 A. 蒸馏水 B. 矿泉水 C. 碘酒 D. 盐酸 7. 以下对O2、CO2、SO2、MnO2四种物质组成的说法中,正确的是 A. 都含有氧分子 B. 都是氧化物 C. 都含有氧元素 D. 都含有2个氧原子 8. 二氧化钛(TiO2)可制作用于家装的白色涂料,其中Ti的化合价是 A. +1 B. +2 C. +3 D. +4 9. 造成温室效应的主要气体是 A. O2 B. N2 C. H2 D. CO2 10. 下列事实不能用分子观点解释的是 A.柳絮纷飞B.给轮胎打气时气体被压缩 C.花香四溢D.1滴水中大约有1.67×1021个水分子 12. 下列实验操作中,正确的是 A. 倾倒液体 B. 点燃酒精灯 C. 取用固体粉末 D. 过滤 13. 下列清洗方法中,利用乳化原理的是 A. 用自来水洗手 B. 用汽油清洗油污 C. 用盐酸除水垢 D. 用洗涤剂清洗餐具 14.一种氟原子的原子核内有9个质子和10个中子,该原子的核电荷数为 A.7 B.9 C.10 D.19 15. 粗盐提纯的主要操作步骤中,操作顺序正确的是 A. 溶解、过滤、蒸发 B. 过滤、蒸发、溶解 C. 过滤、溶解、蒸发 D. 溶解、蒸发、过滤 16. 下列有关说法正确的是 A. N2表示2个氮分子 B. 镁离子的符号为Mg2+ C. O2中氧元素的化合价为-2价 D. 氯化钙的化学式是CaCl 17. 服务员在餐厅用盖子熄灭酒精火锅,该灭火方法的主要原理是 A. 隔绝空气 B. 清除酒精 C. 降低酒精灯着火点 D. 使酒精的温度降到着火点以下 18. 下列化学方程式中,书写正确的是 A. Mg + O2 MgO B. 4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3 C. 2HgO 2Hg + O2↑ D. CaCO3 CO2 + CaO 19. 低碳减排,从我做起,从身边小事做起。下列不符合“低碳生活”的做法是 A. 拒绝使用一次性筷子 B. 少用或不用一次性纸杯


您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 词汇结构 2.【Unit Six (2)】He is no better at English __________ I am. A as B so C than D lest 正确答案:C 词汇结构 3.【Unit Six (2)】___________________, the less time you have to see them. A The more people you know B More you know people C The more you know people D More people you know 正确答案:A 词汇结构 4.【Unit Six (2)】__________ Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defense. A As B If C Though D So

词汇结构 5.【Unit Six (2)】Kelly loved her husband _____________ he drank too much. A despite that B in spite of C for fear that D now that 正确答案:A 词汇结构 6.【Unit Six (2)】Studies in the US show girls are _____________ better on spoken tasks than boys. A ordinarily B slightly C supply D fashionably 正确答案:B 词汇结构 7.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply D chance 正确答案:B 词汇结构 8.【Unit Six (2)】The reason for all the changes being made ___________ to us yet. A has not explained B do not explain C has not been explained D were not explained


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Four (2)】She didn't know ____________ information had been known by the public. A how much B how many C however D how old 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Four (2)】The weight of the moon is only about ___________ of the earth. A one eighty B one the eighty C one of the eighty D one eightieth 正确答案:D 3.【Unit Four (2)】Why does your brother want a new job ____________ he's already got a very good one? A where B when C which D that 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Four (2)】Canceling the conference will make a very bad ___________. A impression B program

C pressure D imagination 正确答案:A 5.【Unit Four (2)】___________ way shall we go? By the stream(小溪) or through the wood? A Which B what C Whose D How 正确答案:A 6.【Unit Four (2)】Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A seem B seems C seemed D seeming 正确答案:B 7.【Unit Four (2)】We hope that most students will make a _____________ transition (过渡) into college. A rough B real C solid D smooth 正确答案:D


窗体顶端 您的本次作业分数为:94分词汇结构 1.【Unit Two (2)】Within a few hours I noticed a large number of fish __________ at the water surface. A appearing B touching C producing D interpreting 正确答案:A 词汇结构 2.【Unit Two (2)】The rain was ___________ we could hardly move forward. A so heavy that B such a heavy that C such heavy and D so heavy and 正确答案:A 词汇结构 3.【Unit Two (2)】Judged _________ her appearance, she can't be over 30. A in B with C to D by 正确答案:D 词汇结构 4.【Unit Two (2)】He came to Peking University _________ a visiting scholar several years ago. A as B such as C as to

D as well 正确答案:A 词汇结构 5.【Unit Two (2)】There were __________ in some of the distant fields which i thought to be sheep. A lines B dots C pieces D palms 正确答案:B 词汇结构 6.【Unit Two (2)】You will learn that I can be a better friend to you than ________ sent you here. A those people B people C who D those who 正确答案:D 词汇结构 7.【Unit Two (2)】"Not particularly!" he said __________, as though it mattered very little. A actually B magically C lightly D spiritually 正确答案:C 词汇结构 8.【Unit Two (2)】Energy is ____________ makes things work. A what B which C all what


【全品作业本数学答案】全品作业本八上数学答案【全品作业本数学答案】全品作业本八 上数学答案 【全品作业本数学答案】全品作业本八上数学答案 引导语:下面是小编为大家搜集整理的全品作业本八上数学答案,一起来看一下吧! 一、仔细想,认真填。(24分) 1、0.25的倒数是( ),最小质数的倒数是( ),的倒数是( )。 2、“春水春池满,春时春草生。春人饮春酒,春鸟弄春色。”诗中“春”字出现的次数占全诗总字数的( )%。 3、 : 的最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。 4、 = =( ):10 = ( )%=24?( )= ( )(小数) 5、你在教室第( )行,第( )列,用数对表示你的位置是( , )。 6、在0.523 、、 53% 、 0.5 这四个数中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。 7、小明的存钱罐里有5角和1角的硬币共18枚,一共有5元。则5角的硬币有( )枚,1角的硬币有( )枚。 8、下面是我校六年级学生视力情况统计图。 (1)视力正常的有76人,近视的有( )人, 假性近视的有( )人。 (2)假性近视的同学比视力正常的同学少( )人。 (3)视力正常的同学与视力非正常的人数比是( )。

9、我国规定,如果个人月收入在2000元以上,超过2000元的部分就要按5% 的税率缴纳个人所得税。小红的妈妈月(来自:https://www.doczj.com/doc/d22068798.html, 爱作文网:【全品作业本数学答案】全品作业本八上数学答案)收入2360元,她每月应缴纳个人所得税( )元。 10、数学课上,小兰剪了一个面积是9.42平方厘米的圆形纸片,你能猜出她至少要准备( )平方厘米的正方形纸片。 二、火眼金睛辨真伪。(5分) 1、15?(5+ )=15?5+15? =3+75=78。 ( ) 2、一吨煤用去后,又运来,现在的煤还是1吨。( ) 3、两个半径相等的圆,它们的形状和大小都相等。( ) 4、小华体重的与小明体重的相等,小华比小明重。( ) 5、右面两幅图都是轴对称图形。 ( ) 三、快乐A、B、C。(5分) 1、一件商品原价200元,涨价15%后在降价15%,现价( )原价。 A、高于 B、低于 C、等于 D、无法比较 2、爷爷把一根铁丝剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,则( ) A、第一段长 B、第二段长 C、两段一样长 D、无法判断 3、一杯盐水,盐占盐水的,则盐和水的比是( ) A、3:17 B、17:3 C、3:20 D、20:3 4、一个圆形花坛的半径是3米,在花坛一周铺一条宽1米的碎石小路,小路 的面积是( )平方米。 A、28.26 B、50.24 C、15.7 D、21.98 5、去年每千克汽油的价格为5.5元,今年与去年同期相比,汽油价格的涨幅 达到了10%。你对“涨幅”一词的理解是( )。


第一次 您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1. In considering people for jobs, we give ________ to those with some experience. ? A conference ? B review ? C preference ? D apology 2.They are preparing for war on a large ________. ? A bank ? B size ? C degree ? D scale 3.There was nothing in the letter of ________ importance. ? A peculiar ? B necessary ? C basic ? D particular 4.I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children. ? A easiness ? B ease

? C rest ? D alarm 5.Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, ________ schools in the south are relatively poor. ? A which ? B as ? C for ? D while 6. I really hope to discuss and ________ the problems with you. ? A explain ? B explore ? C experience ? D export 7. Can you tell me how many English words ________ since last year? ? A have you learned ? B did you learn ? C you learned ? D you have learned


一、填一填。 1、根据1.56×2.4=3.744,不计算填出结果。 1.56× 2.4=( ) 0.156×24=( ) 2、A÷B=4.6,如果A扩大10倍,B不变,则商是()。 3、西瓜每千克售价m元,买7千克应付()元,28元钱能买()千克西瓜。 4、五⑴班有学生a人,五⑵班的人数是五⑴班的1.2倍。a+1.2a表示( )。 5、把6.3838……用简便方法表示是(),保留两位小数约是()。 6、比x的5倍少1.9的数是()。 7、一个平行四边形的底边是9cm,高是4cm,它的面积是()cm2,和它等底等高的三角形的面积是()cm2。 8、18.6、20.4、34.8、35.2、37这组数据的中位数是()。 9、转动转盘,指针停在黄色区域的可能性是(),如果转动60次,估计大约会有()次指针停在蓝色区域。 10、在○里填上>、<或=。 15.9÷0.3○15.9 6.7×0.4○6.7 a×a○a2 二、请你来当小裁判。 1、方程9x-3x=4.2的解是x=0.7 () 2、一批货物a吨,运走b吨,还剩a-b吨。() 3、观察一个正方体,最多能看到2个面。() 4、如果盒里有8个白球,2个黄球,小明先摸一个,一定是白球。( ) 5、同底等高的两个平行四边形的面积不一定相等。() 6、x一定大于2x。() 三、选一选。 1、一个三角形的面积是s平方厘米,高是2厘米,那么底是()。 A、S÷2 B、2S÷2 C、2S 2、下面各数中,有限小数是()。 A、1.33 B、1.33 C、1.366…… 3、有数字卡片1—7,每次任意抽出一张,抽到单数的可能性是() A、1/7 B、3/7 C、4/7


《英语2》第1次作业A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案 1.On hearing the order to search for a lost child, the policemen ______ at once [1分] out 2.They have all got up, and _______. [1分] has Tom 3.She is proud of herself and hates _______ [1分] laughed at 4.If you have no _________ use for this book, I'll give it to someone else. [1分] 5.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ______ round the earth [1分] circling 6.She is unconscious now, but may ______ at intervals [1分] to 7.The number of the students who can come ______ fifty [1分] 8._______ you have finally answered the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else [1分] B. Now that 9.She is going to call you, _____? [1分] 't she 10.Is this the village ______ you visited last year? [1分] 11.Never _____ such a nice chair [1分] he seen 12.It is not always so easy to tell the true ______ the false. [1分] 13.The man who came to help is a friend of ______ [1分] 14.Reading stories is one of his favorite ______. [1分] 15.The reporter failed to _____ the story. [1分] down 16.He never told us why he was late for last meeting, ______? [1分] he 17.After everyone was seated the chairman _______ to announce the plans. [1分] D. proceeded 18.Cigarette smoking is a major __________ to people's health and may contribute to lung cancer. [1 分] 19.The Industrial Revolution displayed a new ______. [1分] 20.Having been ______ work for nearly three months, the poor fellow has little money left now to buy himself food. [1分] A. out of 21.If we _______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful [1分] 22.Let's ______ the votes. [1分] 23.Everyone knows that water ______ oxygen and hydrogen. [1分] B. is composed of 24.He was talking about the ______ setting up a special committee for the case [1分] B. feasibility 25.It was then that I noted a change ______ the stranger's face. [1分] over 26._______ what he said, he was not even there when the crime was being committed. [1分] to 27.Who _______ will come to the press conference to be held this afternoon? [1分] you suppose 28.We shall consider it lucky to have _______ the accident [1分] 29.The children took their skates and ______ the frozen pond. [1分] for 30.Would you please be ________ to do me a favor and post the letter for me? [1分] kind as 31.The fact that he has been quite frank in admitting his mistakes _______ to his credit. [1分]


、填空:(18%) 1、4.5×0.9的积是( ),保留一位小数是( )。 2、11÷6的商用循环小数表示是( ),精确到十分位是( )。 3、36000平方米=( )公顷 5.402千克=( )千克( )克 2千米7米=( )千米( )小时=2小时45分 4、在○里填上“>”、“<”或“=” 0.78÷0.99○0.78 7.8×1.3○7.8 9.027○9.027 5、根据“一种钢丝0.25米重0.2千克”可以求出( ),列式是( );也可以求出( ),列式是( )。 6、一条马路长a米,已经修了5天,平均每天修b米,还剩( )米没有修。当a=600,b=40时,还剩( )米。 7、小林的平均步长是0.7米,他从家到学校往返一趟走了820步,他家离学校( )米。 8、把一个小数的小数点向右移动两位,得到一个新数,与原数相差44.55,原数是( )。 9、一个直角三角形的三条边分别是6厘米,8厘米和10厘米,这个三角形的面积是( )平方厘米,斜边上的高是( )厘米。 二、判断:(5%) 1、9.94保留整数是10。………………………………………() 2、0.25×0.4÷0.25×0.4的结果是1。…………………………() 3、被除数不变,除数缩小10倍,商也缩小10倍。………………() 4、a÷0.1=a×10 ……………………………… () 5、甲数是a,比乙数的4倍少b,求乙数的式子是4a-b。……() 三、选择:(5%) 1、大于0.1而小于0.2的两位数有( )个。 A、9 B、0 C、无数 D、99 2、一个两位小数精确到十分位是5.0,这个数最小是( )。 A、4.99 B、5.1 C、4.94 D、4.95 3、昙花的寿命最少保持能4小时,小麦开花的时间是昙花寿命的0.02倍,约( )左右。 A、0.8分钟 B、5分钟 C、0.08分钟 D、4分钟 4、a÷b=c……7,若a与b同时缩小10倍,则余数是( )。 A、70 B、7 C、0.7 D、0.07


1.This overcoat cost _______________. What’s more, they are ___________ small for me. A very much;very C much too;too much D very much;too much 词汇与结构2013 2.Never before _________ see such a terrible car accident on the road! A I have B have I C I did 词汇与结构2013 3.John’s father _________ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University. A taught B teaches D is teaching

4. Faber did not want to ______ his life to no purpose. A press B offer C guide 词汇与结构2013 5.The computer system ___________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. B broke out C broke up D broke in 词汇与结构2013 6. In _____________, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice. A common B total D particular

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