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?606 ?现代中西医结合杂志Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medic

皮下植入式化联合 抑瘤方治疗




[摘要] 探讨微创皮下植入式化疗泵导向给药联合扶正抑瘤方


分为研究组和对照组各3 0例,研究组采用皮下植入式化疗泵导向给药联合扶



甲胎蛋白(A F P)、癌胚抗原(C E A)及白细胞计数情况。研究组近期总

有效率和控制率分别为63. 33%和80.00% ,对照组近期总有效率和控制率分 别为46.67%和60.00%,研究组近期疗效优于对照组(/><0.05)。2组治疗后入??^瓦入水平均显 著降低均<0.05),且研究组均明显低于对照组均<0. 05)。2组治疗后白细胞计数检均较 治疗前有所下降均<0.05),但研究组下降幅度小于对照组<0.05)。研究组不良反应发生 率明显低于对照组(P< 0.0 5)。皮下动脉植入化疗泵导向给药联合扶正抑瘤方治疗结直肠



doi:10.3969/j.issn. 1008 -8849.2019.06.010

[中图分类号]R75.3[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1008 -884(019) 06 -0606 -04 Clinical study of subcutaneous implantable chemottierapy pum p- guided medication com bined

witli Fuzheng Yilin decoction in the treatment of colorectal cancer

K O N G Lixia,K O N G Junw ei,ZH AO Tianchang,W AN G Mei,W AN G X ufen g

(Wu’a n H ospital〇0T raditional C hinese M edicine,Wu’a n056300,Hebei,China)

Abstract:Objective It is to investigate th e clinical efficacy of m in im ally invasiv th erap y pum p-guided m ed ication com bin ed w ith Fuzheng Yiliu decoction o n advanced colorectal cancer.M tien ts w ith advanced colorectal cancer w ere ran d o m ly divided in to stu d y gro u p ad con trol group,30 cases in each group.

T h e stu d y g ro u p w as treated w ith subcutan eous im plantable chem otherapy p u m p - directed m ed ication com bin ed w ith

F uzheng Yiliu decoction.The con trol gro u p w as treated w ith in traven ou s chem otherapy. 21 days a

b o th gro u p s w ere treated for6courses.The sh o rt-term efects an d occurrence of adverse r

statistically analyzed.The tu m o r m arkers alpha-fetoprotein (AFP),carcinoem bry〇nic an tigen (CEA)a n d w h ite b lo od cell cou n t w ere observed before a n d after treatm en t.Results T h e recent to ta l effective ra te a n d con trol ra te of th e stu d y g ro u p

w ere63.33% a n d80.00%,respectively,th ose of th e con trol gro u p w ere46.67% an d60.00%,respectively.T he sh ort-te rm eficacy of th e stu d y gro u p w as better th an th at of th e con trol gro u p(P< 0.05). The levels of AFP an d CEA in th e

tw o gro u p s w ere significantly decreased after treatm en t(P<0. 05),an d th e levels in th e s er th a n th at in th e con trol gro u p(P<0. 05) .T he w h ite b lo od cell cou n ts of th e tw o gro u p s w ere low er th a n th o se b efo re treatm en t(P< 0.05),b u t th e decrease of th e stu d y gro u p w as less th an th at of th e con trol g ro u p(P< 0.05). The inci-dence of adverse reactions in th e stu d y g ro u p w as significantly low er th a n th a t in th e con trol gro u p(P< T h e sh o rt-term efect of su bcutaneous artery im p lan tation chem otherapy-guided m ed ication c coction is significantly b etter th a n in traven ou s chem otherapy in th e treatm en t of colorectal cancer patients,an d can en hance

th e patients im m u n ity a n d reduce th e chem otherapy response.


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