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wordlist 13

emulate 努力赶上,超越imitate 模仿to strive to equal or excel

emulsify 使乳化galaxy 银河,显赫的人to disperse (as an oil) in an emulsion


enact 制定法律to establish by legal and authoritative act

enamel 珐琅a usually opaque vitreous composition applied by fusion to the surface of metal, glass, or pottery

enamored 珍爱的amor-情爱to inflame with love usually used in the passive with of encapsulate 装入胶囊capsule 胶囊to enclose in or as if in a capsule *a pilot encapsulated in the cockpit*

enchant 使迷醉chant 圣歌to influence by or as if by charms and incantation

enclosure 圈地

encomiast 赞美者com-赞美one that praises

encomium 颂词(反)diatribe 辱骂

encompass 包围compass 罗盘,指南针to form a circle about : ENCLOSE

encounter 遭遇1 a : to meet as an adversary or enemy b : to engage in conflict with

2 : to come upon face-to-face

3 : to come upon especially unexpectedly

encroach 侵占couch 沙发crouch 弯腰croching tiger and hiden dragon 卧虎藏龙to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another

encumber 妨碍cucumber 黄瓜1 : WEIGH DOWN, BURDEN

2 : to impede or hamper the function or activity of : HINDER

encyclopedia 百科全书ped-儿童a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically often by subject

endearing 讨人喜欢的to cause to become beloved or admired

endemic 地方性的belonging or native to a particular people or country epidemic 流行的pandemic 全国性的(反)exotic 外来的

endorse 背面签字to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note

endow 捐助to furnish with an income;

endure 忍受to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in : SUFFER

enduring 持续的(反)ephemeral 短暂的LASTING, DURABLE

enervate 使虚弱nerve 神经e-出lacking physical, mental, or moral vigor : ENERV ATED

e-ate 变动词联想—emanate 起源、发源enervate 虚弱的、脆弱的enumerate 列举escalate 上升eradicate 根除

enfeeble 使衰弱feeble 虚弱的(反)invigorate 鼓舞

enfetter 束缚fetter 手铐to bind in fetters : ENCHAIN;fetter 脚镣,束缚

enflame 使激动,愤怒=inflame

engaged 忙碌的the line is engaged 占线engagement 约会involved in activity : OCCUPIED engaging 迷人的tending to draw favorable attention : ATTRACTIVE

engender 产生gender 性别to cause to exist or to develop : PRODUCE

engrave 雕刻gravity 重力to form by incision (as on wood or metal)

engross 全神贯注于gross 总的be engrossed in to take or engage the whole

attention of : occupy completely

engulf 吞噬gulf 大沟golf 高尔夫to flow over and enclose : OVERWHELM

enhance 提高HEIGHTEN, INCREASE; especially : to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness

enjoin 命令to direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition

enlighten 启发to furnish knowledge to : INSTRUCT

enlightening 有启发作用的

enlist 征募to engage (a person) for duty in the armed forces; to secure the support and aid of enliven 使更活跃to give life, action, or spirit to : ANIMATE

enmesh 绊住mesh 网(反)extricate 解脱intricate 复杂的to catch or entangle in or as if in meshes

wordlist 14

enmity 敌意(反)amity 友善的positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will

ennui ['ɑ:nwi:]无聊a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM

enormity暴行,巨大norm正常e-出an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act enormous 巨大的

enrage 激怒rage 狂怒to fill with rage : ANGER

enrapture 使狂喜rupture 爆裂to fill with delight rapture: a state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotion

ensconce 安置ESTABLISH, SETTLE *ensconced in a new job*

ensemble [ɑ:n'sɑ:mbl]全体semble 相同 a group producing a single effect: as a : concerted

music of two or more parts

ensign 舰旗a flag that is flown (as by a ship) as the symbol of nationality and that may also be flown with a distinctive badge added to its design

ensue 继而发生的sue 起诉to strive to attain : PURSUE

ensure 确保to make sure, certain, or safe

entail 需要tail 尾巴(助记)被人抓住尾巴就需要,要求to restrict (property) by limiting the inheritance to the owner's lineal descendants or to a particular class thereof

entangle 使纠缠to wrap or twist together : INTERWEA VE

联想—dangle 悬挂、吊胃口wangle 得到rangle 争吵、吵架tangle 混乱spangle 闪光(助记)口诀:吊胃口,王得到,花争吵,他混乱,专家在前才闪光。

enterprise 公司,进取心prise-拿comprise 构成readiness to engage in daring action : INITIATIVE

enthralling 迷人的to hold spellbound : CHARM

联想—mall 商店街stall 摊位、铺子install 安装hall 大厅gall 胆汁dally 浪费时间spall 碎片a small fragment or chip especially of stone

entice 怂恿to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : TEMPT

entirety[in'tai?ti]整体,全面the state of being entire or complete

entitle 有权(做某事)to furnish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something

entity 实体BEING, EXISTENCE; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence

entrance 使出神,使入迷to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture; trance:delight entrancing 使人入神的

entreat 恳求treat 对待to make an earnest request : PLEAD

entreaty 恳求,哀求

erupt 爆发,喷出rupture 爆裂rupt-断to burst from limits or restraint

escalate 等级的上升to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope escapism 逃避现实habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality or routine

eschew 避开es-向外(反) seek 寻找to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds : SHUN

esophagus [i:'s?f?g?s]食道eso-带phag –吃a muscular tube that in humans to carry food esoteric [es?u'terik]秘传的designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone

espionage 间谍活动the practice of spying or using spies to obtain information

espousal 拥护,支持spouse 配偶a taking up or adopting of a cause or belief

espouse 支持(反)abjure 拒绝

espy 突然看到spy 间谍,发现to catch sight of

essential 本质的,要素of the utmost importance : BASIC, INDISPENSABLE, NECESSARY estimable 值得尊敬的worthy of esteem; capable of being estimated

estranged 疏远的(同)alienated to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness : ALIENA TE

etch 蚀刻efface 擦掉itch 瘙痒to produce (as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface

etching 蚀刻术

eternal 永远的having infinite duration : EVERLASTING

ethereal 太空的ether 天空pantheon 万神殿chrysanthemum 菊花of or relating to the regions beyond the earth

ethic 伦理the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. ethics:伦理学

ethnic 种族的

ethnology 人种学a science that deals with the division of human beings into races and their origin, distribution, relations, and characteristics

ethos 道德风貌the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution

etiquette 礼仪the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life

etymology 语源学the history of a linguistic form

eucalyptus [.ju:k?'lipt?s]桉树

eulogistic 颂扬的

eulogize 称赞a commendatory formal statement or set oration

eulogy 颂词

euphemism 婉言the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may

offend or suggest something unpleasant

euphonious 悦耳的pleasing to the ear eu-好phon-声音cacophony 刺耳的声音euphoria 幸福愉悦感phor-带来a feeling of well-being or elation

evacuate 撤离, 疏散to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area

evade 逃避to slip away pervade 遍及invade 入侵

evanescent[ev?'nes?nt]短暂的tending to vanish like vapor van-空scent 表状态

adolescent 青少年的efflorescent 开花期的the period of life from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age of majority senescent 年迈的(反) perpetual 永久的permanent 持久的continuing or enduring without fundamental or marked change

evaporate 蒸发vapor 水汽to convert into vapor

evasive 回避的tending or intended to evade

even 平的having a horizontal surface : FLAT

evict 驱逐vict-征服to force out : EXPEL (反)harbor 庇护

eviction 驱逐

evince 表明(反)conceal 隐藏to constitute outward evidence of

evocative 唤起的voc-声音evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response evoke 引起to call forth or up

evolve 进化,逐渐形成to produce by natural evolutionary processes

ewe 母羊the female of the sheep especially when mature

ewer 大口水罐a vase-shaped pitcher or jug

exacerbate 加重acerb-苦涩(反)mitigate 减轻to make more violent, bitter, or severe exacting 苛求的to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain

exactitude 极端的正确性the quality or an instance of being exact : EXACTNESS

exaggerate 夸张agger-路stagger 走路左晃右晃to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth : OVERSTATE

exalt 高度赞扬1 : to raise in rank, power, or character

2 : to elevate by praise or in estimation : GLORIFY alt-高altitude 高度altimeter 高度表(反)pillory 嘲笑condemn 谴责

exaltation 得意,高兴


excavate ['eksk?veit]挖掘cav-洞to form a cavity or hole in

exceed 超过to be greater than or superior to

exceptional 特别好的exceptional children 低能儿(反)prosaic 平凡的forming an exception : RARE

excel 善于to be superior to : surpass He excels in painting他擅长绘画。

excise 切除to remove by or as if by excision incise: 雕, 刻-cise:切

excitability 易激动性

exclaim 喊叫to cry out or speak in strong or sudden emotion *exclaimed in delight* exclamation 惊呼

exclude 排斥to prevent or restrict the entrance of

exclusive 孤僻的

excoriate 撕去皮,严厉批评core 核心to wear off the skin of : ABRADE

excrete 排泄to separate and eliminate or discharge (waste) from the blood or tissues or from the active protoplasm

exculpate 开脱culp-罪行to clear from alleged fault or guilt

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