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《Unit5 It must belong to Carla.(第一课时)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

《Unit5 It must belong to Carla.(第一课时)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版
《Unit5 It must belong to Carla.(第一课时)》导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

《Unit5 It must belong to Carla.(第一课时)》




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catch the cold

1. Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.

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4. is, b ecause, her, she, worried, of, test

高中英语unit5first aid 教案人教版必修五

I. 单元教学目标 II.目标语言

课程设计与课时分配 Period 1: Warming up Period2: Reading Period 3-4: Language points Period 5-6: Language study & Grammar period 7-8: Using language period 9: Listening and speaking Period 10: Extensive reading and Writing Period I Warming-u p Teaching goals: a.Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid . b.Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations. c. Enable the students to be brave and calm when meeting with accident and know how to give first aid in different situations through discussion. Teaching important and difficult points: Help the students to use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid. a. Key words and expressions: aid, first, aid; fall ill; illness; injury; bleed; sprain; ankle; choke; blood; bloody; burn; essential; organ; layer; poison; ray; treatment; b. Communicating expressions: We/you should/ ought to … Please do… Make sure… You must/have to/ought to… You must never… You ought never to… Teaching aids: A recorder, a projector, and a computer Teaching methods: Brainstorm and discussion (Group work).

三年级英语上册Unit 5 第六课时教案

The sixth period(第六课时) Part B Start to read & Let’s check & Let’s sing ?教学内容与目标 课时教学内容课时教学目标 Start to read ·能够找出并听、说、读、写图片中的字母 ·能够听、说、认读本单元的重点单词,并数出对应单词的个数 Let’s check ·能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并有意识地去听录音,选出正确的图片 ·能够观察图片,朗读单词,完成配对练习 Let’s sing·能够听懂、跟唱歌曲,并能创编新的歌曲 ?教学重点 1. 能够听、说、认读本单元的重点单词。 2. 能够独立完成Let’s check板块的练习。 ?教学难点 能够掌握本单元的核心单词和句型。 ?教学准备 教学课件、课文录音、视频、单词卡片、食物图片、食物等。 ?教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Share the results of the survey. Ask students to share the results of the survey required to be done in last class. 3. Let’s chant. Lead students to chant and do the actions. Step 2: Presentation 1. Find and say. Teaching purpose 复习字母A到T,调动 学生多种感官参与,激发学 生的学习兴趣,为后面的学 习做铺垫。 Teaching purpose 闪现图片,让学生观察 并说出发现的字母,培养学 生的观察能力,吸引学生的 注意力。

高中英语必修五教案:Unit 5 First Aid for Burns

Teaching Plan for Book 5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns Reading by Nie Xiaoping Dec. 4th, 2015 Teaching Goals:ks5uks5uks5u] 1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge. 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of the passage. Key Teaching Points How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. Difficult points 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns. ks5uks5uks5uKS5U] Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Leading-in 1. What is first aid? 2. Do a quiz about First Aid. Step 2 Pre-reading Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask the questions: What has happened? What kind of first aid would her mother perform? Step 3. While-reading 1.Skimming Go through the text and get the main of each part & the passage.ks5uks5uKs5u] 2. Scanning

C++ #pragma code_seg用法

#pragma code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( [ [ { push | pop}, ] [ identifier, ] ] [ "segment-name" [, "segment-class" ] ) 该指令用来指定函数在.obj文件中存放的节,观察OBJ文件可以使用VC自带的dumpbin命令行程序,函数在.obj文件中默认的存放节为.text节,如果code_seg 没有带参数的话,则函数存放在.text节中。 push (可选参数)将一个记录放到内部编译器的堆栈中,可选参数可以为一个标识符或者节名 pop(可选参数)将一个记录从堆栈顶端弹出,该记录可以为一个标识符或者节名identifier(可选参数)当使用push指令时,为压入堆栈的记录指派的一个标识符,当该标识符被删除的时候和其相关的堆栈中的记录将被弹出堆栈 "segment-name" (可选参数)表示函数存放的节名 例如: //默认情况下,函数被存放在.text节中 void func1() {// stored in .text } //将函数存放在.my_data1节中 #pragma code_seg(".my_data1") void func2() {// stored in my_data1 } //r1为标识符,将函数放入.my_data2节中 #pragma code_seg(push, r1, ".my_data2") void func3() {// stored in my_data2 } int main() { } 例如 #pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) 作用是将此部分代码放入分页内存中运行。 #pragma code_seg() 将代码段设置为默认的代码段 #pragma code_seg("INIT") 加载到INIT内存区域中,成功加载后,可以退出内存

人教版pep版五年级英语上册Unit 5 单元教案(全单元6课时)

Unit 5 There is a big bed 第一课时 一、教学内容:A. Let’s try& Let’s talk 二、教学目标 1. 能听、说、认读单词“there”。 2. 能灵活运用There be句型介绍房间内有什么,并用适当的形容词描述房间内的物体。 3. 能完成“Let’s try”部分的听力任务。 4. 激发学生与他人合作、交流的欲望,加强学生对彼此的了解。 三、教学重难点 1. 能听、说、认读单词“there”。 2. 能灵活运用There be句型介绍房间内有什么,并用适当的形容词描述房间内的物体。 四、教学准备 1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、图片。 2. 学生准备画笔和画纸、人物头饰。 五、教学过程 Step1 Warming-up 1. Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. 2. 活动:猜一猜。教师出示六幅卧室图,与学生进行对话,如: T: I have six photos of bedroom. Do you know which one is my bedroom? You can ask me: What’s in your bedroom? Who want to have a try? S1: What’s in your bedroom? T: There is … S2: Oh, the second photo is your bedroom. T: Yes, the second photo is my bedroom. You’re right. Step 2 Presentation 1. Let’s try的学习 (1)先让学生观察图片,然后播放教学录音。播放第一遍录音,学生选出正确的图片,师生一起核对答案。 (2)播放第二次录音时,学生跟读。 2. Let’s talk的学习 (1)教师再次出示自己的卧室图片,让学生同桌用There be句型说一说卧室里面有什么,并对卧室里的物体进行评价,如:S1: There is a water bottle in the bedroom. S2: Oh, it’s nice. S1: There is a photo on the wall. S2: I like the photo. (2)介绍对话情景


常见成语解析及成语故事 换骨夺胎 【注音】huàn gǔ duó tāi 【成语故事】换骨夺胎原是道家传说吃了金丹换去凡骨凡胎后成仙。古代文人借用以前古文的意思用自己的语言去表达,黄庭坚认为这是换骨法,深入研究古文的原意进一步加以刻划形容,这叫夺胎法。也有人说不蹈古人一言一句,用夺胎换骨法可以点铁成金。 【出处】然不易其意而造其语,谓之换骨法;窥入其意而形容之,谓之夺胎法。宋·释惠洪《冷斋夜话·换骨夺胎法》 【解释】比喻诗文活用古人之意,推陈出新。 【用法】作谓语、定语;用于诗文等 【相近词】脱胎换骨、夺胎换骨 【成语举例】他临摹古画有换骨夺胎之妙,当然能够乱真。 提名道姓 【拼音】tí míng dào xìng 【成语故事】王夫人、薛宝钗、林黛玉等在贾母房内聊天,有人汇报史湘云来了,众人迎接,大观园内又多了一位金钗。贾宝玉跑来看史湘云,一见十分快乐,亲热的叫她的名字。王夫人要他不要提名道姓,她们在一起又玩个昏天黑地。 【出处】这里老太太才说这一个,他又来提名道姓的了。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第31回

【释义】提、道:说。直呼别人姓名,对人不够尊敬。 【用法】作谓语、宾语;指直呼别人姓名 【相近词】指名道姓、习题名道姓 【反义词】含沙射影 【成语例句】 ◎你得喝醉哟,不然哪里敢!既醉,则挑鼻子弄眼,没必要提名道姓,而以散文诗冷嘲,继以热骂:头发烫得像鸡窝,能孵小鸡么?曲线美,直线美又几个钱一斤?老子的钱是容易挣得?哼!诸如此类,无须管层次清楚与否,但求气势畅利。 ◎设若要摆,也不应该提名道姓。 随遇而安 【注音】:suí yùér ān 【释义】:随:顺从;遇:遭遇。指能顺应环境,在任何境遇中都能满足。 【出处】:清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》一:“随寓而安,斯真隐矣。”清·文康《儿女英雄传》第24回:“吾生有涯,浩劫无涯,倒莫如随遇而安。” 【用法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语;含褒义;指能顺应环境 【示例】:不过能够~——即有船坐船云云——则比起幻想太多的人们来,可以稍为安稳,能够敷衍下去而已。(鲁迅《两地书》六)【近义词】:与世无争、随俗浮沉

人教精通版六年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 General Revision 2 第五、六课时

人教精通版六年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 General Revision 2 第五、六课时 第五课时 一、教学目标与要求 1. 能听懂会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。 2.能口头、笔头叙述迷路的经历。 二、教学重、难点分析 本课教学重点主要是让学生学会获取对话中的关键信息,培养学生再现情景,体验语言运用的能力。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备课文插图和Mike and Kathy回宾馆的路线图。 2.教师准备一个大旅行箱。 3.学生准备上学路线图。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up) (1) 播放Let’s chant,学生跟说。 (2) 快速反映。教师或学生指令,全体学生做出相应动作。 如:Turn left/ right. Go straight on. Put your book near/ in front of/ behind the desk. 2.预习(Preview) 教师出示一个big empty suitcase, 创设情景:I’m going to take a trip on my holiday. What do I need to prepare? 师生一起完成物品的装箱。 如:sunglass, umbrella, clothes, guidebook, map. 3.新课呈现(Presentation) (1) 学生提到map,教师就提问:Why do I need a map?提示学生:When we visit a new city. We may get lost. So the map is useful. 教师 继续提问:Mike and Sarah got lost today. They had no maps. What could they do?引导学生回答Go to the Police Station and ask for help. (2) 教师板书the Police Station,带读几次后,提出任务:Now here’s


五个字的成语故事分享 导读:本文五个字的成语故事分享,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 售胝足之药 【成语故事】从前有人在市场上卖治脚茧药,在门上挂“供御”的招牌,人们讥笑他不诚实。皇帝知道后,派人传唤他,并把他投入监狱。他遇大赦而回家,就又重操旧业,在招牌上面增加“曾经宣唤”4字,以此来招徕顾客。 【出处】昔人有以胝足之药售于市者,辄揭扁于门曰:‘供御。’《厅史》 【解释】胝:手掌或脚掌上的老茧。指卖狗皮膏药骗人。 【用法】作谓语、宾语;指卖狗皮膏药 覆巢无完卵 【成语故事】东汉末年,北海相孔融反对曹操率50万大军征讨刘备与孙权,御史大夫向来与孔融不合,在曹操面前添油加醋,恶意挑拨。曹操大怒,命人逮捕孔融全家,孔融的孩子无动于衷,也不逃跑,说:“大人,岂见覆巢之下复有完卵乎?” 【出处】大人,岂见覆巢之下复有完卵乎?南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·言语》 【解释】复:翻倒。翻倒的鸟窝里不会有完好的卵。比喻灭门大祸,无一幸免。又比喻整体毁灭,个体也不能幸存。

【用法】作定语、分句;比喻整体毁灭,个体不能幸存 【近义词】覆巢破卵 【成语示列】你是知道覆巢无完卵的结局的。 民以食为天 【成语故事】楚汉相争时期,刘邦与项羽在颖阳一带打仗,由于没有后援,刘邦准备放弃敖山粮仓,找谋士郦食其商量。郦食其认为称王要依赖百姓,百姓又依赖粮食。要想赢得战争,必须占据敖仓,才能稳住军心。刘邦赞同并奋勇作战取得了胜利。 【典故】天:比喻赖以生存的最重要的东西。人民以粮食为自己生活所系。指民食的重要。 【释义】天:比喻赖以生存的最重要的东西。人民以粮食为自己生活所系。指民食的重要。 【用法】作宾语、定语;指粮食的重要性 【近义词】国以粮为本 【成语举例】 ◎民以食为天,吃饱肚子是大别山人祖祖辈辈的梦想:"谁让我们吃饱饭,就选谁当县长。" ◎解放几十年来农业还没有从根本上过关的历史教训和现实状况都告诉我们:国以民为本、民以食为天。 ◎民以食为天,国以农为本,这是我国的基本国情,要实现跨世纪的宏伟目标,解决好农业问题至关重要.


Unit 5 First aid 1.aid n. vt.帮助;援助;资助with the aid of…在……的帮助下 in aid of sth/sb.以支援或帮助某物/某人 be a great aid to s b 对某人有极大的帮助come to one’s aid来帮助某人 first aid急救 aid sb in sth/doing sth 在某方面帮助某人 aid sb to do sth帮助某人做某事 aid sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 (1)We’re collecting money in aid of cancer research. (2)He aided me in business/with money. (3)My professor aided me to continue my study. (4)This new medicine may aid your recovery. (5)A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language. (6)We’re collecting money in aid of cancer research. (7)# (8)He aided me in business/with money. (9)This new dictionary is a great aid to me. (10)He was too busy to come to my aid. (11)They are collecting money in aid of rare-earth research. (12)With the aid of a compass, the traveller can find his direction. (13)Thank you for aiding me in/with the work. 2.fall ill生病;病倒 fall asleep 睡着 fall silent安静下来fall in love with…爱上…… fall to pieces崩溃 fall down摔倒fall behind落后,落在……后fall off质量下降;跌落;减少 fall over倒下;摔倒 (1)She had to stay at home because her son fell ill. (2)? (3)They fell in love with each other at first sight. (4)It took him a long time to fall asleep. (5)Babies often fall down when they learn to walk. (6)His mother has been ill for a month. (7)I must have fallen asleep because it took me a long time to realize that the telephone was ringing. (8)He fell asleep while watching TV. (9)He didn’t want to fall behind others in his studies. (10)Having been working too hard in the last few months, he fell ill suddeny. 3.^ 4.injury n. [c,u]损伤;伤害 do an injury to对……造成伤害 injure vt.伤害;损伤 injured adj. 受伤的; 受损伤的 the injured 伤员;受伤的人 injure强调对身体的伤害,多指在意外事故或天灾中受伤,有时也用于指对精神的伤害。 wound 指战争中刀或枪造成的创伤、伤口。 hurt 指一般的肉体伤害,尤指精神或感情上的伤害。 harm 指精神或肉体上的极大伤害,多用于有生命的东西,也可用于抽象事物、如健康、权利、事业等。 (1)He survived in spite of suffering serious injuries. (2)Your words do an injury to the little girl. (3)After the big earthquake, the injured had no access to the medical rescue immediately. (4)I hope I didn’t hurt her feelings. (5)You must be very strong to be a firefighter, or you might not be able to carry the injured. (6)Peter was wounded in the war. After leaving the army, he was injured by a car, which harmed his job. Shortly afterwards his wife died. He was hurt badly and got mad. (7)The driver of the car received serious injuries to the legs and arms. (8)【 (9)The experience left me with a deep hurt. (10)He had a bullet wound in his chest. (11)Two soldiers died and three others were wounded in the attack.

C++ #pragma预处理命令

#pragma预处理命令 #pragma可以说是C++中最复杂的预处理指令了,下面是最常用的几个#pragma 指令: #pragma comment(lib,"XXX.lib") 表示链接XXX.lib这个库,和在工程设置里写上XXX.lib的效果一样。 #pragma comment(linker,"/ENTRY:main_function") 表示指定链接器选项/ENTRY:main_function #pragma once 表示这个文件只被包含一次 #pragma warning(disable:4705) 表示屏蔽警告4705 C和C++程序的每次执行都支持其所在的主机或操作系统所具有的一些独特的特点。例如,有些程序需要精确控制数据存放的内存区域或控制某个函数接收的参数。#pragma为编译器提供了一种在不同机器和操作系统上编译以保持C和C++完全兼容的方法。#pragma是由机器和相关的操作系统定义的,通常对每个编译器来说是不同的。 如果编译器遇到不认识的pragma指令,将给出警告信息,然后继续编译。Microsoft C and C++ 的编译器可识别以下指令:alloc_text,auto_inline,bss_seg,check_stack,code_seg,comment,component,conform,const_seg,data_seg,deprecated,fenv_access,float_control,fp_contract,function,hdrstop,include_alias,init_seg,inline_depth,inline_recursion,intrinsic,make_public,managed,message,omp,once,optimize,pack,pointers_to_members,pop_macro,push_macro,region, endregion,runtime_checks,section,setlocale,strict_gs_check,unmanaged,vtordisp,warning。其中conform,init_seg, pointers_to_members,vtordisp仅被C++编译器支持。 以下是常用的pragma指令的详细解释。 1.#pragma once。保证所在文件只会被包含一次,它是基于磁盘文件的,而#ifndef 则是基于宏的。

人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit 5第五,六课时教案

人教版小学英语五年级下册Unit 5第五,六课时教案 第五课时 ( A. Let’s spell B. Read and write) 学习目标 1. 能拼读含有字母组合ing和nk的单词。 2. 能理解Read and Write的主要内容,并完成相关的练习题。 教学重难点 1. 能拼读包含字母组合ng 和nk 。 2. 能理解Read and write 部并熟读。 评价任务 1、小组竞赛,快速拼读含有字母组合ing和nk的单词.(检测目标1的达成情况)。 3、同桌合作对话,在班级展示(询问动物正在做什么并回答)(检测目标2的达成情况)。 教学过程 一.复习 1. 复习A .B两部分的单词和talk部分 2. 师生对话 T: Whose pen is that ? S: It’s Mike’s pen . /It’s his . T: Whose pencil is this ? S: It’s my pencil. / It’s mine . T: Are these dogs running ? S: Yes, they are ./ No, they aren’t. T: Is he eating ? S: Yes, he is . / No, he isn’t.(强调划线部分)

二.新课呈现(Presentation) 1学习字母组合 ng 和 nk 的发音 / N / / Nk/ 2. 拼这些单词: long sing ring young think ink trunk pink 3. 给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上) look _______ dance _______ run ________ walk ________ fly _______ 4. 练习 1). 学生读这些单词: like , bear, rabbit, tiger, elephant, monkey , bird , want to be . 2)听录音,完成 Read , write and listen的练习. 三.巩固与拓展 四.家庭作业(Homework ) 1、熟读Read and write 部分。 2. 完成本课《学习与巩固》练习。 板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? ng / N / long sing ring young nk / Nk/ think ink trunk pink look ________ dance ________ run _________ walk ________ fly _________ want to be 教学反思 第六课时 ( B. Let’s check , Let’s wrap it up C. Story time) 学习目标 1. 完成P54相应的练习。 2. 能理解Story time 部分讲述的是什么。


第二十一课时,成语故事(文言文版)阅读 教学目标: 1,了解成语,学习感悟其中的道理 2,积累文言文实词及虚词的用法。 3,掌握文言文常见语法现象。 课堂笔记: 成语故事(文言文版)阅读 引婴投江 有过于江上者,见人方()引婴儿而欲投之江中。婴儿啼。人问其故,曰:“此其父善游!” 其父虽善游,其子岂()遽善游哉?以此任物,亦必悖矣。 刻舟求剑 楚人有涉( )江者,其剑自舟中坠于水。遽( )契其舟,曰:“是( )吾剑之所从坠。”舟止,从其所契者入水求之。 舟已行矣,而剑不行。求剑若此,不亦惑乎!

叶公好龙 叶公好龙,室中雕文( )尽以为龙。于是天龙闻而下之,窥头于牖( ),拖尾于堂。叶公见之,弃而还走( ),失其魂魄,五神无主。 是( )叶公非好龙也,夫似龙而非龙也。 郑人买履 郑人有且置履( )者,先自度( )而置之其坐,至之市而忘操( )之,已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度。”反( )归取之。及反,市罢( ),遂不得履。 人曰:“何不试之以足?”曰:“宁信度,无自信也。” 自相矛盾 楚人有卖盾与矛者,誉( )之曰:“吾盾之坚,物莫能陷( )也。”又誉其矛曰:“吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。”或曰:“以子( )之矛,陷子之盾,何如?”其人弗能应也。 夫不可陷之盾与无不陷之矛,不可同世而立。 守株待兔 宋人有耕者。田中有株。兔走()触株,折颈而死。因释其耒()而守株,冀()复得兔。兔不可得得,而身为宋国笑。 拔苗助长 宋人有悯()其苗之不长而揠()之者,芒芒然()归,谓其人曰:“今日病矣!予助苗长矣。”其子趋()而往视之,苗则槁矣。 天下之不助苗长者()寡矣。助之长者,揠苗者也。非徒()无益,而又害之。 滥()竽充数 齐宣王使人吹竽,必()三百人。南郭处士请为王吹竽。宣王悦之,廪()食以数百人。宣王死,湣王立。好一一听之。处士逃。 涸辙之鲋


Unite 5 First Aid Teaching Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage . Key Teaching Points How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. Difficult points 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. Teaching methods 1). Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 1.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class. 2.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities. https://www.doczj.com/doc/c218388640.html,petition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest Teaching procedures Step1. Lead-in Lead-in by telling the Ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid Step2. Pre-reading Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask them the following questions: What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have? What kind of first aid would you perform? Step3. Fast reading Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions 1. What will the passage be about? 2. What do they tell you about the passage? 3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the purpose of skin ____ the symptoms of burns ____ how we get burns Step4. Detailed reading 1). Tell if the following statements are true or false: 1.Our skin has three layers. 2.We will never get burned by the sun. 3.Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain. 4.Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. 5.Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6.Don’t rub the burns 7.It’s better that you put so me butter or oil on burns. 2). Answer the questions 1.Why should you put cold water on a burn?

#pragma data code ICCAVR的使用

#pragma data:code 在Keil中为了节省数据存储器的空间,通过“code”关键字来定义一个数组或字符串将被存储在程序存储器中: uchar code buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; uchar code string[]="Armoric" ; 而这类代码移值到ICCAVR上时是不能编译通过的。我们可以通过"const" 限定词来实现对存储器的分配: #pragma data:code const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; const unsigned char string[]="Armoric"; #pragma data:data 注意: 《1》使用ICCAVR6.31时,#pragma data :code ;#pragma data:data ; 这些语法时在"data:cod"、"data:data"字符串中间不能加空格,否则编译不能通过。 《2》const 在ICCAVR是一个扩展关键词,它与ANSIC标准有冲突,移值到其它的编译器使用时也需要修改相关的地方。 在ICCAVR中对数组和字符串的五种不同空间分配: const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; //buffer数组被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char string[]="Armoric" ; //stringp字符串被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区中,指向数据存储区中的字符类型数据 const unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向数据存储区中的数据 请问#pragma data:code和#pragma data:data是什么意思? 前者表示:随后的数据将存贮在程序区,即FLASH区,此区只能存贮常量,比如表格之类。


有关后生可畏成语故事及用法 【解释】后生:青年人,后辈;畏:敬畏,佩服。指青年人势必超过前辈,令人敬畏。 后生可畏成语故事及用法 【读音】hòu shēng kě wèi 【解释】后生:青年人,后辈;畏:敬畏,佩服。指青年人势必超过前辈,令人敬畏。 【出处】《论语·子罕》后生可畏,焉知来者之不如也! 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含褒义,称赞年轻人。 【近义词】少年老成、长江后浪推前浪 【反义词】少不更事、乳臭未干 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含褒义,称赞年轻人 故事: 元朝的大臣彻里帖木耳,处理公务精明干练,善于决断。有一年他在浙江任职,正好逢上省城举行科举考试。他目睹了这场考试,从官府到考生都花费了很多钱财,并且免不了有营私舞弊的情况。他暗暗下了决心,待到自己掌握了大权,一定要促使朝廷废除这种制度。后来,他升任相当于副宰相的中书平章政事,便奏告元顺帝,请求废除科举制度。中国科举制度隋唐以来已实行了七百多年,要废除它是一件非常重大的事,在朝中引起了巨大的反响。大师伯颜表示支持,但反对的很多。有位御史坚决反对废除科举制度,他请求顺帝治彻里帖木耳的罪。不料顺帝虽然很昏庸,但对废除科举制度倒是赞成的。所以不但不支持那位御史,反而把他贬到外地去当官。

不久,他命人起草了废除科举制度的诏书,准备颁发下去。书还 未下达,地位略低于平章的参政许有王,又出来反对废除科举制度。 他对伯颜说:“如果废除科举考试制度,世上有才能的人都会怨恨的。”伯颜针锋相对地说:“如果继续实行科举考试制度,世上贪赃 枉法的人还要多。”许有王反驳说:“没有实行科举考试制度的时候,贪赃枉法的人也不是很多吗?”伯颜讽刺他说:“我看中举的人中有用 之材太少,只有你参政一个人能够任用!”许有王不服气,举出很多当 时中举的高官来反驳伯额。伯颜当然不会改变自己的观点,于是两人 争论得非常激烈。第二天,满朝文武被召到祟天门听读皇帝下达的废 除科举制席的诏书,许有王还特地被侮辱性地通知在班首听读。看来,皇帝特意要让这个反对者将诏书听得明白些。许有王心里非常不愿意,但又惧怕得罪皇帝遭到祸害,只好勉强跪在百官前列听读诏书。听读 完诏书后,百官纷纷回府,许有王满脸不高兴地低头走路。 有个名叫普化的御史特地走到他边上,凑着他的耳朵冷嘲热讽他说:“参政,你这下成为过河拆桥的人啦。这话的意思是,你许参政 是靠科举当官的,现在宣读皇上关于废除科举制度诏书,你跪在最前面,似乎是废除科举制度的领头人,就像一个人过了桥后就把桥拆掉 一样。许有王听了又羞又恨,加快步伐离开。之后他借口有病,再也 不上朝了。


Unit 1 Great scientists Teaching aims: 1. Learn some new words and expressions: Words: attend, cure, expert, handle, Phrases: be linked to, be exposed to , be absorbed into, be to blame (for sth) 2. To examine a new scientific idea. 3. Train the students’ reading ability Main points: words and phrases Difficult points: scientific research Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming up 1. Greeting the students 2. Show the Ss pictures of great scientists Step 2. Pre-reading 1.Read the pictures and title of the book and make a prediction about the content of the text. 2. Do the exercises on the answer sheet and let Ss analyze the words and finish Part II Step 3 fast reading. 1. Ask the Ss to put them in order and get their answers. 2. Choose the right answer to the content of the text. Step 4. Reading passage 1. Careful Reading 1) Para.1 Find a problem. What is the problem? John Snow was an doctor in London who Queen Victoria as her personal . He thought about helping ordinary people to cholera. Though the cause and the of it were unknown, he wanted to face the and solve the problem. What caused cholera? 2) Para.2 Make a question: Two theories(ideas): 1. Cholera multiplied in the air. 2. People absorbed it into their bodies with their meals 3) Para.3 Think of a method 1. What happened in 1854? 2. How many people died in 10 days? 3. What did John Snow do at that time? 4) Para.4 Collect results Ask students find out the reasons according to the map. Which house has the largest number of deaths in this map? A. No. 12 B. No.2 C. No.38 D. No. 29 5) Para.5 Analyse the results

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