当前位置:文档之家› 水库粘土心墙坝填筑质量控制



摘要:粘土心墙坝是水利工程中较常见一种防渗型式,一般粘土心墙两侧采用细砂反滤,过渡料填筑,其它采用砂砾石坝壳填筑,主要优点是右充分利用当地的天然建筑材料,筑坝材料来源直接、方便,能够就地取材,材料运输成本低,另外心墙坝防渗效果好,适应地基变形能力强。同时在粘土心墙堆石坝填筑施工中, 通过不断对施工技术措施的优化, 合理配置资源, 严格控制各施工工艺, 从而使得施工质量更加符合设计及规范的要求。


Abstract: the clay core wall dam water project is more common in a kind of seepage control type, general clay core wall by the fine sand filter on both sides, transition filling materials, and other the dam filling the gravel shell, the main advantage is the right to make full use of the local natural building materials, building materials, convenient source directly, can use local materials, materials transportation cost low, another dam seepage control core wall, good effect, strong ability to adapt to the deformation of foundation. At the same time in the clay core wall of rockfill dam filling construction, through continuous construction technical measures to optimize, and reasonable allocation of resources, strictly control the construction process and to make construction quality more in line with the design and the requirement of the specifications.

Keywords: reservoir; The clay core wall; Quality control

中图分类号:O213.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:


1 工艺特点

1.1 粘土自然含水量难以符合要求,土料制备是关键工序。

1.2 采用先砂后土法施工,心墙土料和两侧的反滤料采用“犬齿交错”法上升,既要保证心墙土料铺设厚度及断面尺寸,也要保证反滤料的铺设质量。

1.3 大坝采用分层填筑碾压,分层的厚度由心墙料的铺设厚度确定,一

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