当前位置:文档之家› 英语短语翻译


1 Somali pirates


2 security measures


3 human shields


4 a form of mental torture


5 bring effective diplomatic pressure


6 a Thai-flagged fishing boat


7 to pay the multi-million-dollar ransom


8 a public relation doyenne


9 one-man show


10 one of the most overwhelmingly enjoyable experiences I’ve ever had 我曾有过的最令人开心的经历之一

11 sb. plays a guest role on the show


13 have no intention of retiring


12 regardless of the color of their skin


14 regardless of which god in their prayers


15 the inalienable right


16 pro-lifer


17 home-schooler


18 to fight until the last breath


19 despite those disadvantages


20 well-organized yes loosely affiliated groups of activists


21 gay marriage


22 anti-abortion rights activists


23 to spread the message on Facebook


24 home-schooled children


25 the problem of cyberbullying


26 employees at the family-violence centre


27 to take an annual fitness test


28 to fail the test three times in a row


29 to face pay cuts


30 morbidly obese


31 the biggest examination of its type


32 the existing pay system


33 every able-bodied officer


34 The recommendations have gone back to the government to be digested and decided on.


35 Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity


36 Nobel Prize-winning physicist


37 Associated Press (AP)


38 a telephone interview


39 the latest results


40 in the realm of science fiction


41 According to Einstein, neutrios are supposed to travel at the same speed as light --- 299,792 kilometers per second.


42 public image


43 death squad


44 the disintegration of the country


45 to provide enough details to back up claims


46 humanitarian aid


47 international condemnation


48 Logic says this strategy should work.


49 It still remains a work in progress.


50 enhance the promise of success


51 a third-party representative 第三方的代表

52 seek professional help 寻找专业帮助

53 approval rate 获批率;申请通过率

54 sudden death from an aneurysm 突然死于动脉瘤

55 mistype words in her rush 她在匆忙之间打错了字

56 anti-Israel protest 反以抗议

57 declare bankruptcy 宣告破产

58 best-known product 最著名的产品

59 fee-based educational services 收费的教育服务

60 a tenured professor 终身教授

61 separate fact from fiction 将事实与虚构区别开来

62 the “wisdom of the crowd”大众的智慧

63 The entire point of education is to develop the ability to think critically --- to sift through the data and draw the right conclusions. 教育的意义在于批判性思维的培养,即通过筛选资料得出正确的结论。

64 in such an image-saturated world 在这个充满图像的世界

65 a southern Chinese fishing village 一个中国南方的渔村

66 fast-developing China 快速发展的中国

67 mourn sb. in sadness 沉痛悼念…

68 propaganda department 宣传部门

69 local authorities 地方当局

70 higher officials 高官

71 to-do list 要做之事的清单

72 What’s your take?你有何看法?

73 a make-believe life 一个虚构的生活

74 silent protesters 无言的抗议者

75 to capture media attention 吸引媒体的关注

76 a horse-drawn cart 马车

77 anti-anxiety dedications/meds/drugs 缓解焦虑的药物

78 an accidental alcohol poisoning 一次意外的酒精中毒

79 two years prior 两年以前

80 old enough to know better 年纪大得足可以有更好的了解

81 Middle age just hit me in the face. 人到中年。

82 offer me his seat/ give up his seat for me 给我让座

83 the shortest surgical wait time 最短的等待手术时间

84 neighboring states 邻国

85 These things didn’t happen by accident. 这些事情不是偶然发生的。

86 global economic uncertainty 全球经济的不确定性

87 take action 采取行动

88 Sacrifices will be made. 一定会有牺牲的。

89 the price and benefits of fame 名声带来的代价和好处

90 I wouldn’t be so insincere as to say I don’t care. 我要是说不在乎那就有些不真诚了。

91 at a certain age 打了人生的某个阶段

92 realize your own limitations 意识到你的有所不能

93 on the material level 在物质层面

94 my yet-unused map 我那张还没有用过的地图

95 over the last decade 在过去的十年里

96 build a reputation for doing sth. 为…建立声誉

97 a state-of-the-art recording studio 最先进的录音间

98 My mom and dad are the reason I am who I am today. 是我爸妈让我成了今天的这个样子。

99 burst into laughter 大笑起来

100 If you can laugh at yourself, they’re bound to like you even more. 如果你能自嘲,他们一定会更喜欢你的。

101 some emotional trauma 一些感情创伤

102 For the best tweeters, brevity can be the soul of wit. 对最佳推友来说,言简意赅是智慧的灵魂。

103 Yell louder so that nobody ignores us. 大声疾呼,这样别人就不会忽视我们。

104 couple’s desire for a child 夫妇想要个孩子的愿望

105 Lemme know. (口语)跟我吱一声

106 to digest sb’s offer 考虑某人的提出的帮忙

107 a rat-life animal 一种像老鼠一样的动物

108 invasive species 入侵性物种

109 be doomed to failure 注定失败

110 evidence-based strategy 以证据为基础的策略

111 a cashless society 无现金社会

112 He calls cash the oxygen of crime. 他把现金称之为犯罪的最大推手。

113 Twitter is an online social-media site. 推特是一个社交媒体网站。

114 face to face with a polar bear 和北极熊面对面

115 the unwelcome visitor 不速之客

116 have never had an experience like that 从未有过像那样的经历

117 non-life-threatening injuries 伤势没有危及生命

118 tablet PC 平板电脑

119 a moral dilemma 一个道德上的两难困境

120 in the post-Jobs era 在后乔布斯时代

121 third-party agent 第三方代理人

122 a die-hard fan 死硬派粉丝

123 a lengthy drought 长时间的旱灾

124 wow factor 引人惊呼的因素

125 a strong sense of self-esteem 强烈的自尊感

126 endless sadness 无尽的悲伤

127 fight back tears 止住泪水

128 That’s the first time it’s happened. 出现这种情况,这是第一次。

129 three weeks earlier than normal 比平常早了三种

130 in mid-April 在四月中旬

131 in the age of email, Twitter, Facebook and smartphones 在电邮、推特、脸书和智能手机充斥的时代

132 handwritten letter 手写的书信

133 a group of youthful individuals 一群年轻人

134 I’d been out of touch with a friend for ages. 我跟一个朋友失去联系已经多年了。135 The project is the brain child of sb. 这个项目是某人的点子。

136 zip up your favourite pair of shorts 把你最爱的那条短裤的拉链拉上

137 develop a few extra rolls and jiggles during the long winter months 漫长的冬日过后,又长膘了

138 get a wee bit frightened 有一点儿害怕

139 get harder to ignore the signs of winter hibernation 冬眠后的结果无法掩饰

140 a first-time renter 第一次租用的人

141 to make late payments 迟交费用

142 credit history 信用历史

143 rental payments 租金

144 a not-for-profit organization 一个非营利组织

145 worth repeating 值得重复

146 on the brink of collapse 在崩溃的边缘

147 avoid ability-grouping 避免按能力把人分成三六九等

148 full-day kindergarten 全日托儿所

149 age differences 年龄差异

150 at weekly family gathering 在每周一次的家庭聚会上

151 leading voices 主导的声音

152 a foster home 寄养家庭

153 wear the Islamic full-face veil戴着伊斯兰妇女遮面的纱巾

154 die in a hail of bullets 身中数弹而亡

155 break box-office record 创票房纪录

156 the ruins of the ancient 古代遗址

157 first-timers 第一次来(做的)人

158 within arm’s reach 伸手可及

159 a return on investment 投资回报

160 modest-budget project 低预算的项目

161 a modest profit 获利不大

162 triple-digit gain 三位数获利

163 a satisfied grin 一个满意的笑容

164 willfully blind 故意地视而不见

165 a kid of guy-next-door 邻家真实可信的男孩

166 phony gems 假宝石

167 Many unanswered questions remain. 仍有许多问题尚未答复。

168 act on instinct 凭本能行事

169 grocery money 过日子的钱

170 on the advice of her son 听了她儿子的忠告

171 The wheels of justice often turn very slowly. 正义的审判总是来得很慢。

172 a mother of three 三个孩子的母亲

173 help troubled boys from turning into violent men 帮助问题男孩长大不成为暴徒

174 spray bullets into a restaurant 向餐馆扫射

175 have an unauthorized gun 非法拥有枪支

176 an unpaid gambling 一笔未付的赌债

177 the temple-turned-clinic 由寺庙改建成的诊所

178 in a neighboring hall 在相邻的大厅里

179 follow their instincts 按本能行事

180 an easy-to-reach location 容易到的地方

181 Is bigger always better? 更大总是更好吗?

182 His job was downsized. 他被裁员了。

183 on a very regular basis 定期地

184 with lack of police resources 由于缺少警力

185 Newspaper readership is up. 读报人数在增加。

186 to file for bankruptcy protection 申请破产保护

187 What a difference two months can make? 两个月会有什么变化?

188 sb. be shown the door 让…走人

189 develop a passion for hockey 对冰球的热爱

190 through the many ups and recent downs 经历了过去的辉煌和近来的低谷

191 the overlap of the two 两者的兼容部分

192 his friend of 10 years 他的一位相交了十年的朋友

193 the think tank 智囊

194 There was never lack of ambition --- as a young man. 作为一名年轻人,他从不缺乏志向。195 a multi-day trip 数日的旅行

196 blossoming smartphone market 繁荣的智能手机市场

197 Even good enough won’t be sufficient. 甚至足够好也是不够的。

198 migrant workers 农民工

199 Hukou system, system of household registration 户籍制

200 unemployment benefits 失业救济

201 transgender model 变性模特

202 how to combat rising cost of gasoline 如何应对油价的上涨

203 low-income earners 低收入者

204 tech-savvy kids 对科技很灵光的孩子

205 an up-and-coming star 一颗新星

206 the print version 纸版

207 an e-edition 电子版

208 a digital format 数字版

209 an electronic edition of a magazine 一本杂志的电子版

210 buy a magazine at a newsstand 在报摊上买杂志

211 a loss of interest in magazines 对杂志失去兴趣

212 seventy percent of over-65s 65岁以上的70%

213 three-quarters of respondents 受访者的四分之三

214 a landmark study 一个标志性的研究

215 in the retail market place 在零售业市场

216 share his insights from 40 years of practice in the field 分享他在该领域40年的经验

217 have a lifelong passion and interest in human behavior 对人类行为有终身的热情和兴趣

218 If you get the first years right, you can do so much to prepare for a healthy life. 如果前几年做得好,那么可以为将来的健康生活做准备。

219 amidst the stress of life 在生活的压力中

220 in a time of toxic stress 在有害的压力来袭时

221 The child’s physiology is directly affected by the parents’emotional state. 孩子的生理直接受父母的情感状态影响。

222 make informed decision in raising children 在教育孩子方面做出周全的选择

223 like-minded parents 心思相同的父母们

224 in today’s fast-paced world 在今天快速节奏的世界中

225 with so many thing influencing our kids影响我们孩子的东西很多

226 apologize for his disappointing performance 为他令人失望的表现而道歉

227 struck down that rumor 粉碎了那个谣言

228 massive job cuts 大批裁员

229 more than double its original estimates 比原先估计的两倍还多

230 That problem is industry-wide. 那个问题是产业/行业性的。

231 eliminate a fast-growing rival 除掉一个快速发展的对手

232 blow a potential sale 使可能成交的生意告吹

233 Another opportunity slides away. 另一个机会溜走了。

234 the salesperson as an assistant buyer rather than a product pusher 促销人员是一个助理买家而不是产品卖家

235 Cheap implies poor quality, minimum features, or stingy buyer. “便宜”一词暗示质量次、功能少、买家抠。

236 Changing “price”to “investment”appeals to the customer’s sense of value and implies a longer-term benefit rather than short-term savings. 把“价格”改为“投资”会让顾客有价值感,并暗示长期的受益而非短期的省钱。

237 Prospects want the most features for the smallest investment. 顾客想要的是物美价廉。238 to narrow the conversation to the key issue 将谈话内容聚焦关键点

239 create genuinely collaborative relationship rather than a confrontational or manipulative one 创造真诚合作的关系而不是相互对立、操纵的关系

240 to make the best informed decision possible 使完全知情后再作决策成为可能

241 offer genuine assistance and informed service to their valued customers 为有价值的顾客提供真诚的帮助和周全的服务

242 to shut down Internet 关闭互联网;断网

243 to turn off the oil wells 关闭油井

244 a ceasefire and withdrawal of armies 停火并撤军

245 to feel a sense of urgency 紧迫感

246 the live harvesting of human organs without anesthetic 活体摘除人体器官247 tread on thin ice 如履薄冰

248 a release valve 一个释放压力的阀门

249 with the dust from the collapse beginning to settle随着尘埃落定

250 a series of initiatives to attract foreign investment 一系列举措吸引外资251 play no small role 作用不容小视

252 find work in their fields of expertise 在他们的专业领域找到工作253 a faint-hope hearing 一个希望渺茫的听证会

254 at lower thresholds 很低的门槛

255 in a carefully worded release 在一份措辞谨慎的声明中

256 allow a 30-day comment period 允许一个为期30天的评价期/公示期257 disclose known defects 对于已知的缺点隐而不说

258 read the customer satisfaction ratings 看一下顾客满意度

259 miss the strict time limits 错过严格的时间界限

260 go back to the bargaining/negotiating table 回到谈判桌

261 be better than expected 比预期要好

262 badly run companies 经营不善的公司

263 for a variety of reasons 出于多种原因

264 yes to berries, no to salt 多吃浆果,少吃盐

265 provide context 提供上下文

266 professional insights 专业性的洞见

267 personal gossip 个人主观看法

268 to assuage doubters 为了打消怀疑者的顾虑

269 serve a year in jail 监狱服刑一年

270 look for food with less packaging 找那些包装较少的食物

271 wake up in a cold sweat 醒时一身冷汗

272 refrain from food and drink 不吃不喝

273 from sunrise to sunset 从日出到日落

274 strict control over members 对人员严格控制

275 The smaller …the heftier the price. …越小,价钱越高。

276 to eat a wide variety of foods of different colors 吃各种颜色的食物277 attain profit margins of 30 percent 获利百分之三十

278 Let some people get rich first.让一部分人先富起来。

279 Let everyone get rich. 共同富裕。

280 come into focus 成为焦点

281 by drilling into the details of his life 通过调查他生活的细节

282 the thirst people have for education 人们对教育的渴望

283 for security reasons 由于安全的原因

284 rights lawyer 维权律师

285 This recommendation has no basis in fact. 这一建议没有事实基础。286 reach a do-or-die moment 到了一个生死关头

287 characterize it as fight for future generation 把它看作是为了下一代的斗争

288 It’s a big sacrifice to make. 这是一个很大的牺牲。

289 anxiety-ridden man 忧心忡忡的人

290 this time last year 去年这个时候

291 law-abiding citizens 遵纪守法的公民

292 a maximum jail sentence of two years 最多被判刑两年

293 carbon-monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒

294 Mental health awareness week kids off today. 心理健康宣传周今天开始。

295 with Mental Health Awareness Week kicking off today 随着心理健康宣传周今天的开始296 a visible ailment 一个可见的病痛

297 if this sounds like you 如果这听起来像是在说你

298 Don’t peek! 不许偷看!

299 internalize their emotions 内化/消解他们的情绪

300 every stream of society 社会的各个方面

301 caption contest 看图写标题比赛

302 the vast majority of people 绝大多数人

303 pride themselves on being fair-minded, compassionate and charitable 他们以公平、富有同情心和乐于助人而引以为傲

304 Idiot drivers believe rules were meant for everyone else but them. 白痴司机总是以为规则都是给别人订的

305 take the most simplistic action 采取最简单的行动

306 taxpayer’s hard-earned bucks 纳税人辛苦赚来的钱

307 Canada is a country of immigrants. 加拿大是一个移民国家。

308 in celebration of the birth of his daughter 庆祝他女儿的出生

309 a lot of fine-dining places 许多享受美食的地方

310 a positive step forward 积极向前迈了一步

311 a car-choked downtown 汽车拥堵的市中心

312 top tips for traveling solo 单人旅行须知

313 put a strategy into action 把战略付诸实施

314 risk tolerance 对风险的容忍

315 beneath the radar of the media 在媒体的密切关注下

316 to fight such deep-seated prejudice 为了向根深蒂固的偏见开战

317 What goes up will probably come down? 有升就有降

318 in daily lives 在日常生活中

319 roughly the size of a doubles tennis court 大约和一个双打网球场地一般大

320 have a different set of responsibilities 有不同的责任

321 people of (no) faith (没)有信仰的人们

322 Tsinghua University, China’s Harvard 清华大学,中国的哈佛

323 never too early多早都不算早

324 interact with other at work in person, by phone and by email 职场与人当面,通过电话,电邮交流

325 Opportunity knocks. 机会临到时

326 turn that dream job into reality 把梦想的工作变成现实

327 the tip of the iceberg 冰上一角

328 take strong measures to do 采取严厉的措施

329 healthy stomach leads to health mind 健康的胃口产生健康的思想

330 to freeze teachers’wages 冻结教师的工资

331 as summer comes to a close 随着夏天的逝去

332 put them at a competitive disadvantage 使他们处于竞争不利的地位

333 be met with shrugs 遭到冷遇

334 take nothing for granted 别把什么事都视为理所当然

335 get redefined 重新定义

336 have ripple effects 具有连环效应

337 pour oil on fire 火上浇油

338 then leading official 当时的主要领导

339 Let the food speak for itself. 让饭菜本身说好坏

340 There’s no middle ground for sb. 对某人来说没有中间道路(非好即坏)

341 snap judgment 初始印象的快速判断

342 would rather fail than be mediocre 宁肯失败也不甘平庸

343 the passing of time 时间的流逝

344 the merits of ebikes 电动自行车的好处

345 a minimum-wage earner 一个挣最低工资的人

346 get two days off in a row 连续休两天

347 feel the effects of separation 感受到分开的结果

348 face higher risk 面临更大的风险

349 live in less walkable neighborhoods 生活在较少空地的小区

350 the last of the yellow leaves were dancing on the trees 树上最后的几片黄叶在风中起舞351 seem more vivid than the real thing 似乎比实物还栩栩如生

352 time to get growing 成长壮大的时候

353 Thank you for the gift of trust you’ve given me. 谢谢你对我的信任

354 You matter to yourself. 你对你自己负责。

355 There are many others experiencing this, too. 还有许多别人也经历着这些。

356 There are different paths to your goal. 实现目标有不同的路径。

357 a rare allergic reaction 罕见的过敏反应

358 an eventful life 丰富多彩的生活

359 to a certain extent 在某种程度上

360 at a certain point in time 在时间的某个点上

361 second failure at it 第二次失败

362 have a full and satisfying life 拥有充实,满意的生活

363 a poor communicator in person 不善与人面对面交流的人

364 have deep roots in ones’past 沉溺在过去无法自拔

365 start working on it 开始做吧

366 to lower the toilet seat 把坐便的盖儿放下来

367 the first step to achieving a better future 赢得美好未来的第一步

368 an arty eye for fashion 对时尚的艺术眼光

369 pillar of the family 家庭支柱

370 never set foot in Canada 从未来过加拿大

371 China’s popular Twitter-like Sina Weibo 中国深受欢迎的仿推特的新浪微博

372 seem to be in discomfort 似乎有些不适

373 a once-a-decade transition 十年一次的交接

374 set boundaries with sb. 立定界限

375 an exclusive relationship with sb. 关系专一

376 on a temporary work visa 持有临时工作签证

377 overcome jealousy of his past 克服对他过去的嫉妒

378 The cons outweigh the pros. 弊大于利。

379 Everyone has a right to their own choices, for their own reasons. 每个人都有权根据自己的情况自主选择。

380 value education above all 视教育高于一切

381 prioritize your tasks对要做的事情排出先后顺序

382 a key link in that chain 整个事情中的重要环节

383 build a better future 构建美好的未来

384 in a relaxed atmosphere 在轻松的氛围中

385 a hot-button issue 热点问题

386 It’s time to stop and smell the roses. 停下脚步,享受生活

387 tear gas 催泪瓦斯

388 It’s hard to assure a happy future based only on financial success. 光有钱并不能保障未来的幸福。

389 stay within budget 不超预算

390 short-term thinking 短期思维,不计长远的考虑

391 in the 21st century 在二十一世纪

392 a yawning chasm 裂痕

393 in the first quarter of the 20th century 二十世纪的前二十五年

394 focus on the future 聚焦未来

395 The present was merely a prelude. 现在只是一个序曲。

396 lose faith in the future 对未来失去信心

397 the comforts of familiarity 熟悉带来的舒适

398 reach greater platitudes of achievement 取得更大的进步

399 do long-term planning 做长期的计划

400 on a very short-term planning horizon 只考虑短期计划

401 a life full of struggle 充满挣扎的一生

402 live-hate relationship with unhealthy food 对不健康食品的爱恨交加

403 do a risk benefit analysis 进行风险收益分析

404 I did absolutely nothing wrong. 我压根就没做错什么。

405 blind spot 盲点

406 How much testing is too much? 多少检测时太多的检测?

407 affordable romance 可支付得起的浪漫

408 century-old wall 百年之久的墙

409 Marriage fell apart. 婚姻破裂了。

410 a mockery of its name 对其名字的嘲讽

411 to your heart’s and eyes’content 让你心满意足,大饱眼福

412 everyone’s concern 大家都关心的话题

413 people of all ages 各个年龄段的人

414 work on contract 签订合同的工作

415 Nothing is being done about it. 对此无计可施。

416 greater use of school-employer partnerships 广泛使用学校与雇主之间的合作伙伴关系417 more higher-skilled, higher-wage jobs 更高技能,高收入的工作

418 One size doesn’t fit all. 一个尺寸不适合所有人。

419 better safe than sorry. 安全第一,防患未然

420 tearful goodbye to sb. 含泪诀别

421 Chinese paramilitary policemen 中国武警

422 a weekend escape 周末出逃,远离工作

423 disappointing results 令人失望的结果

424 Canada’s sluggish economy 加拿大疲软的经济

425 potential job cuts 潜在的裁员

426 an ill-advised idea 馊主意

427 propose a straightforward-sounding solution 提供直接的解决方案

428 from school-aged children to otherwise-bored seniors 从学龄儿童到老人

429 offer extended shopping hours 延长营业时间

430 take no steps to reduce its effects 没有采取措施减少其影响

431 to market their products to young people 将其产品定位于年轻人

432 quality staff 高素质人员

433 a service-based company 提供服务的公司

434 want of qualified people 对合格人员的需求

435 to train from scratch 从头培训

436 in the early days 在早些时候

437 hiring processes 雇用过程

438 in the talent marketplace 在人才市场

439 feel excessive stress 感到相当的压力

440 abilities not being fully utilized 能力围城充分施展

441 Where’s it written? 在哪儿写着呢?

442 as a result of China’s one-child policy introduced in 1978 由于中国在1978年实行独生子女政策

443 “silver tsunami”“银色海啸”,指中国老龄化问题

444 fit healthy habits into your schedule 将健康习惯纳入你的计划当中

445 my boyfriend of six years 交往六年的男友

446 in our early-to-mid 20s 二十多岁

447 afraid to lose parental approval 害怕得不到父母的同意

448 to cool the contact gradually 逐渐使关系淡下来

449 stay positive 保持积极的态势

450 in my mid-30s 三十四五了

451 made a poor decision 做了一个糟糕的决定

452 try to lighten the load 试着减轻负担

453 more street smart than book smart 有生活中的经验但缺乏书本知识

454 The more people involved, the less isolated you’ll feel. 人越多,你将越不会感到孤独。455 during our time of waiting 在我们等候的时候

456 once you make your choice, either way 一旦你做出选择,无论是哪一个

457 the first step toward debt reduction 减少债务的第一步

458 take an honest look at what you owe 诚实地审视自己的负债状况

459 take the fight to the finish 战斗到底

460 a troubled future 混乱的未来

461 step back from romantic dreams and look at reality 从浪漫的梦境中醒来,面对现实462 She matters most to you. 她对你最重要。

463 a whisker-thin triumph for sb. 以微弱的优势胜出

464 move to next stage 进行到下一个阶段

465 leap in the air 在空中跳跃

466 The service was slow. 服务很慢。(例如,上菜很慢等)

467 to separate fact from fiction 区分事实和虚构

468 her unsatisfactory dining experience 她不满意的就餐经验

469 I’ve never spoken ill of him to them. 我从未对他们说过他的坏话。

470 teach you plain truths 教会你的事实真相

471 is not worth your interest 不值得你发生兴趣

472 a more effective solution 更有效的解决方案

473 lack of transparency 缺少透明度

474 a sea of bicycles 自行车的海洋

475 gain an insight into business 获得做生意的灵感

476 rich in ideas but short on money 点子多,银子少

477 There isn’t really a formula. 没有一定之规。

478 made no move toward intimacy 没有进一步交往的举动

479 Time may prove me wrong but …时间可能会证明我是错的,但是…

480 be clear-eyed about 擦亮双眼

481 a faded sign 一个褪色的标志

482 acts of brutality 残暴的行径

483 try to further the discussion 试图使讨论深入下去

484 an isolated incident 一个孤立的事件

485 possession of a controlled substance 拥有管制物品

486 each situation is circumstantial 每种情况都视场景而定

487 help her advance in her career 帮助她职场进阶

488 enhance your skills and enrich your life 提升你的技能,丰富你的生活

489 an active note-taker 主动记笔记的人

490 University is about more than just grades and books. [networking, leadership skills, socialization and belonging] 大学远非仅仅意味着成绩和课本。[人脉搭建,领导力,社交,归属感]

491 either he commits or you walk away 要么他专注于你,要么你转身而去

492 make your vision a reality 使愿望成为现实

493 find hard-to-find gifts 发现难觅的礼物

494 resist impulse buys 抑制冲动购物

495 at no additional charge 没有另外的收费

496 with the strength of the Canadian dollar 因为加元的坚挺

497 a two-time cheater 骗了两次的人

498 start afresh in a new country 在一个新的国家开始新的生活

499 princeling, the children of party greats 太子党,党内大佬的子女

500 “Well-fed foreigners who have nothing better to do than to point their fingers at us.”(Xi, 2009, Mexico) “总有些外国人吃饱了没事干,对我们指手画脚。”(习近平09年墨西哥)501 ritual girls 礼仪小姐

502 a TV news anchor 电视新闻主播

503 a beverage company worker 一家饮料公司的工人

504 carefully coiffed hair 精心梳理的头发

505 try to resolve the dispute 试图解决争端

506 start discussing key issues 开始讨论关键问题

507 seek resolution to the challenges 寻求应对挑战

508 unbridled enthusiasm 无法抑制的热情

509 You’re not the person for them. 你对他们不合适。

510 to determine a better next move 决定下一步走得更好

511 stand back, and look at the big picture 退后一步,视角更广,看得更清

512 There is no known cause or cure. 患病原因不详,无法治愈

513 lack of consistency 缺乏连贯性

514 an expert in new media 新媒体专家

515 in the first phrase of the study 在研究的第一个阶段

516 the benefits of the technology 技术带来的益处

517 in the eyes of the world 在世人的眼中

518 The country’s fall from the grace. 国家从恩典中坠落

519 the thinking behind such a move 这种行为背后的思维

520 decades behind the most advanced cities in the world 落后于世界最发达城市数十年

521 They say those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. 常言道,忘记过去的人注定会重蹈覆辙。

522 share your most cherished memory 分享你最美的回忆

523 a vast waste of money 大量浪费金钱

524 There’s nowhere to go. 无处可去。

525 a quirky holiday dubbed Singles Day 一个被称为光棍节的奇特节日

526 unattached young people没有对象的年轻人

527 to minimize wait time 减少等候时间

528 from word-of-mouth referrals 口碑

529 for a quick chat 简单聊几句

530 a good network 良好的人脉

531 There’s no simple answer to that.不是一两句话能说清楚。

532 keep lips sealed 沉默不语,三缄其口

533 find it difficult to advance your career 很难提升你的职业发展

534 He is at his wits’end. 他一筹莫展,无计可施

535 a never-ending battle 永无休止的战争

536 easier to prevent pain that to squelch it (literally and figuratively) 预防痛苦比消除痛苦更容易(包括身体上的合心理上的)

537 Where you stat makes a big difference in where you end up. 在何处起步影响到在何处止步。

538 The best reading is rereading. 最好的阅读就是重复阅读。

539 a change as good as a rest 改换一下的益处如同休息

540 Outer order contributes to inner calm. 外在的有序益于内在的平静。

541 the release from guilt 没有负罪感

542 in the span of a happy life 在幸福生活的过程中

543 more important to say sth. than to say the right thing 说点什么比什么都说对更重要

544 devote a lot of effort to sth. 花费精力在某事上

545 have an intense focus on value creation 密切光柱价值创造

546 make a person’s life better rather than make another dollar. 帮人生活变好而不是赚取另外的金钱

547 Provide value to the consumer 向客户提供价值

548 Surround yourself amazing people 置身于奇妙的人群当中

549 Your odds of success will exponentially increase 你成功的机会会呈几何基数增加。

550 Don’t develop a feat about what other people think of you. 别太在意别人怎样看你。551 last-minute surprises 最后一刻的意外

552 a win-win situation, a lose-lose situation 双赢局面,双输境况

553 agree upon boundaries 对边界达成共识

554 Things reached a boiling point. 事情达到沸点。

555 the slim glimmer of hope 一线微弱的希望

556 weave memories of life 面值生活的记忆

557 my never-married sister 我那终身未嫁的妹妹

558 caffeinated energy drink 咖啡因能量饮料

559 calming room (学习等)反省屋;隔离室

560 still have strong feelings for him 仍对他有很强烈的感觉

561 Don’t rush into intimacy. 别急于走得太近。

562 try a full-on, trusting relationship 尝试全面的,信任的关系

563 kill my self-esteem 让我的自尊荡然无存

564 The stark reality is that …显而易见的事实是…

565 It takes two to create such a mess. 这对个状况两人都有错。一个巴掌拍不响。

566 Don’t cling to false hope。不要执著于错误的希望。

567 Your emotions are tospsy-turvy for fear of failure. 你的感情因害怕失败而变得混乱。568 use shopping as a way to cheer themselves up 通过购物让自己振作起来

569 mood-life impulse purchase 改善心情的冲动式购物

570 made an effort to limit impulse spending 努力限制冲动式购物

571 Apple products are a magnet for crime. 苹果产品导致犯罪

572 help kids be healthy inside and out 帮助儿童身心健康

573 dressed to impress 体面着装

574 a lying cheat by nature 说谎成性的骗子

575 without his mother’s knowledge 在他妈妈不知情的情况下

576 to combat extinction 应对灭绝之虞

577 It’s not an easy decision. 这不是一个轻松的决定。

578 speak from real experience 基于真实的经验而说的

579 Without a transition plan, the future ends at childhood. 不想改变的话,未来终结在童年时代。

580 low-cost labor 廉价劳力

581 wear button-down shirt 穿领尖有纽扣的衬衫

582 a status symbol 地位的象征

583 next to impossible 几乎不可能

584 slick, steel-and-glass highrises 光鲜亮丽的玻璃大厦

585 in the past half-decade 在过去的五年中

586 innovate rather than imitate 创新而不是模仿

587 an unheard-of luxury 从未听过的奢侈之事

588 perform repetitive tasks 从事重复性劳动

589 bizarre foods, just eat up or risk offending host 奇怪的食物,吃下去还是得罪主人

590 because of lack of trust 因为缺乏信任

591 The joy of shopping lies in the impulse-buy. 购物的乐趣在于不叫思索地花钱。

592 It catches my eyes and says, “Take me home.”它(陈列的商品)映入眼帘,仿佛在说,“带我回家吧。”

593 have a tenuous grasp on reality 对现实无法掌控

594 Money’s not a problem. 钱不是问题。

595 a purse, one of the most complex purchases known to woman 包包是女人最难买的东西之一

596 greeters, to brighten your day as much as to lighten your wallet (商场的)导购会让你的心情变好,让你的钞票变少

597 It was made for you! (试穿后, 人对你说)绝配!

598 Paying full prices seems wrong. 花正价买东西似乎有些不妥。

599 a sense of urgency 紧迫感

600 Children will be affected negatively by a divorce. 孩子受到父母离婚的负面影响

601 a non-combative, non-confrontational start 平和的,非冲突的开始

602 no place for family violence 家暴无处藏

603 fatal flaw 致命的缺憾

604 a one-party state 一党制国家

605 at breakneck speed 极快的速度

606 My text messages go unanswered for days 我的短信数日没有得到回复。

607 consider you as a friend with benefits 把你当成了能带来好处的朋友

608 have similarities in likes/dislikes 在好/恶上有相似之处

609 a touch of magic 神奇之触摸

610 take a leap of faith 信心之跃

611 upgrade qualifications 提升素质

612 upgrade their skills for careers 提升他们的职业技能

613 to troll the web for ideas 在网上找寻灵感

614 not if but when 不是如果而是何时的问题

615 with her eyes set on being a pediatrician 想当一名儿科医生

616 a four-year wait 四年的等待

617 early intervention therapy 早期介入疗法

618 fired for foul mouth 因污言秽语被炒鱿鱼

619 year-over-year increase 年同比增长

620 It’s all about the first impression. 事关第一印象。

621 a condo intended for comfort rather than appearances. 公寓楼旨在舒适而非外观

622 the crepe 煎饼果子

623 chap chae, Korean noodles, hard to resist 韩国面条,挡不住的诱惑

624 get school work done 做完学校的功课

625 Every step takes you closer to your goal. 每一步都使你离目标近了一些。

626 tend kids’needs 在意孩子的需求

627 experience a life change 经历一个生活的改变

628 be careful, not fearful 小心即可,不必害怕

629 Education is the key factor in being able to manage safely with food allergies. 在应对食物过敏方面,教育是一个关键因素。

630 Stop thinking like a loser! 不要老想着自己是个输家!

631 marry “knight in shining armor”嫁给一个白马王子

632 stop a while and smell the tulips 停下来,闻一闻郁金香

633 plenty to see and do on a limited budget花有限的钱办更多的事

634 fail their responsibilities 他们没有尽到责任

635 a civilized society 一个文明社会

636 put too much stress on academic excellence 过分注重学业

637 less successful students 成绩不太好的学生

638 a deeper look at 深入观察

639 Millennials, the most practical-minded generation 千禧一代,最讲实际的一代人

640 a one-income family 一个人挣钱养家

641 I treated myself to a new tablet. 我犒劳了自己一个新平板电脑。

642 at current spending rates 以目前的花费速度

643 get a rock-solid sleep at night 晚上睡得相当踏实

644 have to make sacrifices to get there 想要达到目的就得做出牺牲

645 depend on your priorities 视你的优先顺序而定

646 Make hay while the sun shines. 未雨绸缪。

647 a well-defined plan 良好的计划

648 stick to the plan 坚持计划

649 Let’s make one thing clear. 让我们先弄清楚一件事。

650 someone I’m not the slightest bit attracted to 我一丁点儿也不喜欢的一个人

651 a one-off indulgence 偶一的放纵,一失足

652 positive reaction to sth 积极应对

653 Be straightforward and clear with your explanation. 你的解释要直截了当,明细清楚。654 drank way too much 喝得太多了

655 a happy coincidence for sth. 对某人来说幸福的意外

656 twitter is poisonous, twitter is wonderous. 推特是毒药,推特真奇妙

657 Stay positive and proactive about your well being. 对你身体现状态度积极。

658 on a tight budget 过紧日子

659 provide the majority of finances 提供主要的资助

660 lovelss marriage 无爱的婚姻

661 a break from routine 从日常的行为中改变一下

662 All these changes are worth trying.所有这些改变值得尝试。

663 get me sneezing and congested 让我打喷嚏和鼻塞

664 boost immunity with folate-rich foods 通过食用富含叶酸的食物提高免疫力

665 shortness of breath 气短

666 desensitize your body to allergy triggers 让身体对过敏源脱敏

667 go easy on the alcohol 有节制地饮酒

668 It’s worth a try. 值得一试。

669 I don’t want it to be over. 我不想让它结束。

670 skin-soothing benefits 让皮肤光滑

671 a focus on a work-life balance 聚焦工作与生活的平衡

672 foster a positive workplace culture 培养积极的职场文化

673 This is an issue that has to be resolved as soon as possible. 这是一个应该尽快解决的问题。674 Don’t blow the holiday budget. 过节花钱别超支。

675 Finally, it’s a done deal. 最后成交,做成了。

676 to reverse gender stereotypes 改变性别固有的刻板印象

677 in times of trouble 困难重重时

678 a gender-neutral approach 一种中性(淡化男女差别)的方法

679 digital addiction 数字化成瘾,依赖

680 prevent the spread of diseases 防止疾病的扩散

681 to brave the cold 冒着严寒

682 inflationary-based price hike 基于通胀的涨价

683 It’s the second year in a row. 连续两年的第二个年头。

684 holiday shoppers 节日期间购物者

685 Don’t be fooled. 别被愚弄了,别犯傻

686 On your mark, get set, go …shopping wild. 各就各位,预备,开始…疯狂购物

687 a volunteer litter-picker 做义工,拾垃圾

688 set realistic expectations 目标现实

689 Giant sinkhole swallows vehicle 大坑吞噬了车辆

690 beat jet lag 倒时差

691 Some say you only have two opinions in life: go big or go home. 有人说,生活中只有两个选择:功成名就或寂寞家中

692 It’s unclear from our account. 你的叙述不够清楚。

693 at a sedentary 12-hour-a-day job 从事一天坐班12小时的工作

694 avoid the “you-shoulds”避免总是说“你应该如何如何”

695 in a very short period 在很多的时间内

696 for the first time in several decades 几十年来第一次

697 I don’t think anybody could have imagined we would be we are today. 我认为没有人能够想象出自己成为今天的样子。

698 It’s unprecedented on many levels. 在很多方面都是前所未有的。

699 Piracy is the norm. 盗版是常态。

700 at a rapid pace 快速地

701 The partnership will grow stronger in time. 合作关系会随着时间而强化的。

702 pay for upkeep支付维修费用

703 Everyone hates the thought of being rejected and hurt. 没有人喜欢被拒绝和受到伤害。704 bona-fide refugees 真正的难民

705 I think of myself as a forgiving person. 我自认为是一个大度的人。

706 a last resort 最后一招

707 It all seems one-sided to me. 死我对我没什么好处。

708 Kids understand more than you think. 孩子比你想的要知道的更多。

709 Not a question of “if”but “when”不是“如果”而是“何时”的问题

710 It’s a 100 percent chance. 百分之一百的机会

711 Sadly, there is not magic bullet. 抱歉,没有灵丹妙药。

712 a tangle of problems 问题千头万绪, 一团乱麻

713 people without jobs and jobs without people 有的人没工作,有的工作没有人

714 in need of a rethink 需要重新考虑

715 face barriers to employment 面对就业的困难

716 a major loss in my life 我生活中的重大损失

717 re-emerged into the public eye 重新出现在公众视线之内

718 in a scenario no one could have envisioned 在没有人预见的情况下

719 Life must have its own plan. 生活一定自有其规。

720 Things just do fall out of the sky and you have to take it with a smile. 厄运从事从天而降,你要微笑面对。

721 An intensive care unit (ICU) 重症监护室

722 Health old age starts in midlife. 健康的老年始于中年。

723 drink only moderate amounts of alcohol 适度饮酒

724 increase the odds of successful aging 增加成功老年生活的概率

725 I have next to nothing. 我几乎一无所有。

726 struggle to make ends meet 努力挣钱维生

727 give yourself a fresh chance 给你自己另一个机会

728 tap into social networks 开发建立社交人脉

729 offer paid training 提供带薪培训

730 ride the morning-rush subway 乘坐早高峰的地铁

731 on a drizzly morning 飘着小雨的早晨

732 connecting with others, in a heart-to-heart relationship 与别人交往,心与心的沟通

733 to connect at the deepest level, turn what you hear into pictures you can see in your mind’s eye 将对方的话在脑中呈现出画面

734 I wanted the pain to stop. 我想让痛苦停止。

735 the Politburo Standing Committee, the apex of power 政治局常委,最高权力机构

736 Cheating is wrong, no matter what. 不管怎样,欺骗都是不对的。

737 make rush decisions 轻易做决定

738 be ready for a responsible plan of action 准备一个负责任的行动计划

739 got more than she asked for 得到比她想要的更多

740 Everything is falling into disorder. 一切都乱了。

741 Technological device is a good servant and a bad master. 科技产品是好仆人,坏主人。742 You’ll be happier with more sleep. 睡得多让你更愉快。

743 a few theories on tear-free onion cutting 关于切洋葱时不流泪的几种理论

744 name withheld by request 根据要求隐去姓名

745 be clear about what you are looking for 清楚自己在找寻什么

746 hold one’s attention 吸引注意力

747 follow in her footsteps 追寻她的脚踪行

748 earn his respect by first learning to value yourself 通过先学会看得起自己赢得他的尊重

749 Let’s cut to the point. 让我们切入正题。

750 “benefits-only”relationship “只讲利益”的关系

751 A good night’s sleep has amazing health-bestowing powers. 良好的夜间睡眠让体力恢复的很好。

752 All dressed up, but where to go? 打扮停当,不知何往?

753 sooner rather than later 宜早不宜迟

754 from you perspective 从我的角度说

755 be worth the wait 值得等待

756 stand the test of time 经受时间的考验

757 create a timeless look 创造一个永不过时的样子

758 Will you be prepared? 你准备好了吗?

759 motivate yourself to make a mark 激发自己产生影响,青史留名

760 Entry level job seekers 入门级的求职者

761 stand out among the crowd 出众

762 do unpaid internships 做无薪的实习生

763 ride an emotional roller-coaster 坐着感情的过山车

764 I have a huge crush on a guy at work. 我在工作中深爱上了一个人。

765 Passion: you give sth. More energy than is required 激情是对某事付出了所需更多的精力

766 Mentor: take a young worker under your wing 导师,将年轻员工放在自己的羽翼下767 a combination of anger, fear, and distrust 愤怒,恐惧与不信任交织在一起

768 to schedule an interview with sth. 安排面试

769 developmental delays 发育性迟缓

770 visibly emotional 外在的情绪化流露

771 not looking for a home that is available but what is suitable 不是在找一个现成的而是适合的居所

772 end up on the street 流落街头

773 fare inspector 检票员

774 A city of contradictions 充满矛盾的城市

775 A city of enormous optimism 城市居民极为乐观

776 the high cost of separation 分手(分开)的高额代价

777 entry-level clerical, retail and blue-collar jobs 入门级的文职,销售和蓝领工作

778 reduce the market value 减少市场价值

779 on an even footing 起点相同

780 return on investment 投资回报收益

781 caught him red-handed with sb. else 抓到了他与别人在一起的现行

782 waste your energy on looking backward 回首往事是在浪费你的精力

783 put a positive face forward 着眼未来

784 to make a good thing is not to rush. 好事多磨

785 give a relationship a second chance 在给一次机会

786 break un unhealthy pattern 不再保持不健康的关系

787 go forward to post-secondary education 中学毕业后继续深造

788 more discussion on the issue 这个问题需要更多讨论

789 make your guests fell extra special 让你的客人感受到特殊的待遇

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